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CODE : LEI 2019




MATRIX NUMBER : 20190933-01-11865




a. Read the assignment question very carefully before you start your planning.
b. Your assignment answers should be 3500 words each EXCLUDING references.
c. Type your answer using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.
d. Tables and figures where provided, should be appropriately titled.
e. All Case Study/Project Papers are strictly for the issuing Lecturer only.
f. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
g. List your references separately in the APPENDIX page using the APA format.



This Assignment Paper consists of printed THREE (3) pages including the front cover.

© Saito University College 1


This is a Case Study Analysis on the Research Paper titled: One More Broken Window: The Impact of the Physical Environment on
Schools Report By: Kate Broadhurst Katy Owen Gemma Keats Emmeline Taylor July 2008. Used with permission from Perpetuity
Research & Consultancy International (PRCI) Ltd

Total : 60 Marks

Read Sections 1, 2, 3 and Case Study 1 of the Research Paper and present the Case Study Analysis, of
Case Study 1 outlined as follows

Question 1
Do a Case Analysis of the abovementioned Case Study, The Analysis outline is as follows:
(i) Abstract/Executive Summary: single paragraph summary including recommendations
(ii) Problem Statement: Overview of key issues arising from case analysis
(iii) Case Analysis: Theory-driven or Problem-driven analysis of case(s) identifying factors and
underlying key issues
(iv) Alternative Solutions: Pros and cons of possible solutions to problems
(v) Recommendations: Detailed description of optimal solution with rationale
(30 Marks)
Question 2
2.1 If the study considered weather or not and to what extent schools should have a role in addressing
the problems, how can this be delivered without adding to the burden to teachers, and senior
leadership team?

2.2 In your opinion, how does “Broken Window” theory, application of CPTED principals and
Environmental Criminology, contribute to the key policy and theoretical framework of the research.

2.3 After reading Summary and Conclusions of Case Study No.1, elaborate on the following: -
a) Did the closing down of the Funfair actually impact the low aspirations of the students?
b) Was there direct evidence to show that “Broken Window syndrome” indeed contributed to the
decline of students’ morale and the school?
(30 Marks)

© Saito University College 2


End of Assignment Questions.

I. Rubrics

Descriptors / Aspects Marks Evident Marks

Allotted (Yes/No) Given

1 Passed up assignment/project paper on time 04

2 Has demonstrated clear writing and reporting skills 04

3 Has accurately identified the relevant data for the 04


4 Has accessed and utilized the information from Notes, 05

Internet and other sources.

5 Has clear summaries for submission 05

6 Has demonstrated achievement of the learning 30


7 Has given relevant references in determined format 08

by 2=

© Saito University College 3


Abstract/executive summary: single paragraph summary including recommendations

This abstract is all about a secondary school located in a town on the coast of England. The school is
difficult to access due to poor transport links. Plus , there is four miles from a major town and
motorway this can take up to 40 minutes in travel time. Moreover , the area doesn’t sit on a through
route to other areas. These are factors limit the number of visitors to the town. The audit revealed that
the school’s ward saw a reduction in total recorded crime , particularly , for violent crime resulting in
injuries , criminal damage , vehicle crime , deliberate fires and calls to the police about anti social
behaviour. The ward had the large number of incidents of juvenile nuisance , it was higher than the
country average. The secondary school is a relatively large mixed comprehensive for pupils aged from
11 to18 years old. It is also specialist sports college. In the year 2006 it was recorded that 12 laptops
stolen and six windows broken. The former funfair site itself is on prime land on the seafront
approximately ten minutes walk from the school .the funfair was closed down for several years.
Therefore , the site was enclosed by blue fencing which had recently been painted over to cover
graffiti. Some of the pupils reported that people trespassed on the land , tried to pull down the
surrounding fence , and also threw stones at it. There were strong feelings about the disused funfair
among those consulted , often this was negative. The funfair was approximately a short walk from the
school and however despite the distance it is still possible that the evidence of decline in the local area
could impact upon the attitudes and behaviour of those in the school. Then the next section explores
the impact that the physical environment surrounding the school.

© Saito University College 4


Problem the statement: Overview of key issues arising from case analysis

This abstract is all about the arguments among the pupils about the funfair. Some of people say that the
funfair were effect the pupils. But some people saying that there is nothing between the character of
students and the funfair.
Since November 2002 PRCI has been working with the NASUWT to better understand the issues of
violence, indiscipline and anti social behaviour in schools. Then, the effectiveness of behaviour
improvement programmes, the impact of violence and indiscipline on new and recently qualified
teachers and mist recently the impact if gangs on schools. If the respect action plan didn’t plan a way
of improve the behaviour and attendance in schools, which included parenting orders for the carers of
those misbehave in schools. Next, the government plans for the next ten years to make England the
best place in the world for children and young people to grow up. This research is timely within the
context of increasing pressure on the schools become the heart of their local community and also
environmental criminology focuses on explaining the spatial distribution of offences and offenders.
The broken window theory are developing body of knowledge to explore how an area can fall into
decline and informed the notion of a fear avoidance cycle. The Chicago School developed one of the
first theories to explore the spatial pattern of offending and the physical environmental, such as the
design of the streetscape order to reduce the crime occur in the area.

(iii) Case Analysis: Theory-driven or Problem-driven analysis of case(s) identifying factors and
underlying key issues

The broken window theory is the concept that each problem that goes unattended in a given
environment affects people attitude toward that environment and leads to more problem. As a corollary
to the theory, when an environment is well-tended and problem dealt with as they arise, that also
affects attitude and leads to continued good management and maintance. As this theory the broken
window theory and fear avoidance cycles Wilson and Kelling published their article ‘Broken
Windows’. The police and neighborhood safety in 1982 to wide acclaim. This article presents the
arguments th.t more serious crimes evolve form minor infractions such as litter dropping, graffiti and
vandalism. In this theory, we can say that the broken window theory are more to safe the environment
and secure the public form the crime occur. This feeling encourage minor anti social behaviour which
eventually becomes the norm leading t ever worsening behaviour and to minor crimes, which in turn
lead to ever more serious offences and a gradual deterioration of the whole area. This quality of life
© Saito University College 5

such as anti social behaviour, were a major of residents feeling of unease. The broken window theory
and fear avoidance cycles demonstrated the importance of not only designing the environment to
reduce the opportunities for crime but also its management which lead to its addition to CPTED to
become CPTEDM. The management aspect focuses on the importance of maintaining the physical
environment to stop failing into disrepair by replacing broken windows, removing graffiti, regular
litter collection. There are clear benefits of the broken windows theory and fear avoidance cycles, they
provide practitioners with an easy to understand method to tackle crime. They also encourage agencies
outside the criminal justice arena such as local authorities to be responsible for and take a lead role in
addressing crime.

© Saito University College 6


Alternative Solutions: Pros and cons of possible solutions to problems

Based on this case study, the key issues were mentioned above with some alternative solutions to
overcome these problems. The solutions may help to improve to solve the problem occurred
among pupils around the school. But, there may be some will have some advantages and
disadvantages which is mentioned as pros and cons of possible solutions to problems.

The first pros is students may know the value of knowledge or the important of knowledge.
Students didn’t know the value of knowledge. By this solution , students may know the importance
of studies and make their future brighter and make their life easier. Example , if the class was quite
interesting , then there will be a 100% attendance for the particular subjects or all the subjects.
Next pros is the behaviour of the students might be changed by this. By conducting some
campaigns , students might know the effect of having some bad behaviours like vandalisme , bunk
classes and many more. Example of , the worst behaviours can give a biggest effect in their life. By
this solutions they might be a changed among the students behaviour. Following that , students
need a peaceful environment to studies without any threats and noisiness. The environment will
grow up some students by mentally. If the school placed in an wider area , there will silence
without any threats by turning the students focus. The place may help students to change their
mental and physical. There might be some changes in their studies. There are some pros on the
alternative solutions. Not only that , they might be some cons of possible solutions to problems.
According to that , if there is no campaign to make them realize about their behaviour, then there
will be no changes in their behaviour.

The worst the behaviour will be. The will get into worst and the behaviour will not change and
they repeatedly make the same mistakes again and again. Next is , lack of knowledge is the main
cons possible solutions to problems. Students might don’t know the value of knowledge till others
to make them realize. If there is lack of knowledge , there might be changes in their studies. The
bad the results will be. They don’t know they are putting their future into trouble.
The last cons is , students most of the time spend their time outside. So the atmosphere have to be
peaceful and non violent area. If the area of the school place in a bad area , students will follow the
actions that doing by them. Example of , if the students saw someone was doing vandalisme , then
the students also will try to do that. If they saw some students bunking class, following them , the
students will follow what they are doing.
© Saito University College 7

Recommendations: Detailed description of optimal solution with rationale

An initial scoping study to inform a national plan to develop a comprehensive research programme on
violence and indiscipline in schools within the UK has led to ongoing research for the organisation
looking at the effectiveness of behaviour improvement programmes , the impact of violence and
indiscipline on new and recently qualified teachers and most recently the impact of gangs on schools.
Next is committed to an improvement in behaviour and attendance in all schools and the role of the
school in the wider arena of community safety is increasing.
The steer report places sole responsibility on improving pupils learning and behaviour through the
actions of schools and the work of teachers in schools , despite the fact that children spend much time
of their waking hours outside school.
In January 2006 the government launched Respect , a campaign to encourage a range of partners to
work to create a society in which respect for one another is valued. In particular ,the respect actions
explains how the government aims to improve behaviour and attendance in schools , which included
parenting orders for the carers of those who misbehaves in schools and those who excluded from the
school. The broken windows theory published in the 1980’s drew on a developing body of knowledge
to explore how an area can fall into decline and informed the nation of a fear avoidance cycle.
The work Chicago School in the 1940’s is recognised as offering the significant contribution to
environmental criminology. The Chicago School developed one of the first theories to explore. This
theory was one of the major drivers for crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) , this
focuses on changing aspects of the physical environment , such as the design of the streetscape in order
to limit the opportunities for crime.

© Saito University College 8


Question 2

2.1 If the study considered weather or not and to what extent schools should have a role in addressing
the problems, how can this be delivered without adding to the burden to teachers, and senior
leadership team?

As a leadership team , my suggestion would be prepared a school bus which pick them and drop them
in front of the school. Bus that prepare will pick up and drop off on time. There will be no time to
hanging out after school finish. We can also motivate each other in school to solve our own problem
and student are more confident with their studies and moreover. Next, give counselling to student that
are doing naughty thing in school , the counselling teacher must explore a good lessons to student,
which the student can gain knowledge about the studies or arrangement of the student life in future.

© Saito University College 9


2.2 In your opinion, how does “Broken Window” theory, application of CPTED principals and
Environmental Criminology, contribute to the key policy and theoretical framework of the

The basis of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is that proper design and
effective use of the built environment can reduce the incidence and fear of crime. This in turn leads to
improvements in the quality of life. In contrast to the approach of addressing crime concerns by
implementing visually affronting security or target hardening measures such as locks, hard barriers,
security gates, security patrols. CPTED promotes high quality and visually pleasing solutions as first
responses that aim to enhance the legitimate use of space. CPTED can be applied without interfering
with the normal use of the space. It is easy to apply and can be economical to implement, especially if
it is done early at the planning and design stages of a project.

There are five main principle in CPTED that are Natural surveillance, Natural Asses
Control,Territorial Reinforcement, Activity support and Maintenance. For example the broken
windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting of urban disorder and vandalism,
increasing crime and anti-social behavior. In short, when we see things broken or dilapidated, it is
perceived that no one cares or is looking after it with any sense of ownership; thus, it is okay to further
cause damage or violate the area or community without repercussions. This theory is also applied to
people. When a person appears broken such as an addict, prostitute, homeless, it is believed no one
cares about them, so they, too, are violated without trouble or repercussion. Crime is more likely to
occur in communities with less care, less cleanliness, and less orderliness. The theory states that
maintaining and monitoring environments to prevent small crimes such as graffiti, trespassing,
disorderly behavior, criminal damage, theft, and public drinking helps to create an atmosphere of order
and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening.

© Saito University College 10



a) did the closing down of the funfair actually impact the low aspirations of the students?
b) was there direct evidence to show that “broken window syndrome” indeed contributed to
the decline of students’ morale and the school?

a) Yes, because this may damage the schools children future and there study, some of the pupils are
also argued that the rundown nature of the physical environment encourages young people to carry out
minor disorder such as graffiti and vandalism. This is exactly the phenomenon which is described by
the broken windows theory. The funfair was in a spiral of decline, there was small amount of
vandalism and some reported graffiti. Moreover the neighbourhood management team and the new
teacher the findings may have been different. This leaves the question of whether a school, situated in
an area experiencing the broken windows syndrome, would be affected and if so how.

b) Broken window syndrome is a kind of addiction. Example of play syndrome , sleeping syndrome
and can be list out which can be addicted. Indeed it seems that the same may also be true at the school.
The introduction of a new head teacher and tighter management seems to be addressing some of the
issues present in the school. Indeed the reduction in theft is clear evidence of that security measures
have been introduced in the school , however it was also perceived to be due to the fact the area is
improving in general. It seems that at the time of the research there was little evidence of a broken
windows syndrome.

© Saito University College 11

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