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DesrPerupencor our i-aerpse seeder aren Rp KGS gD Ae Duregonnsng Grysoorrrsscir w sire Be na es) Lg GRD ey Ae pugs Dros KB - 35.4% Dah ogy, O75 wo Congurs Feiss oop 95158, wi Poriisensng ol vari Bai fens Quirapsirxenars Son 548,000 Garg. vavirés et_sir, aSlousrrus uted Gesroirapacd Cerin 8237 atst Cary. pps8G, PMBorpNgionnsoher oy gt sdicuon deed 2H BEn cir eram *2047-deascir YBusrsnas 2 csumrdea'ds Basemasy root Glog donrnct HERI GRRSTDST srewmn) LTT Romi. Ling ni Gassin Qmsien._G Laur sr BUA td Guster oy BloRes Ug GI Qibw ut Dguirdss Csmamner PB ermiBeypsy aucpib? 97 Resr a Tums sores oro CursCar 9x auriinpiran Horo, Noor Crono Debs pr Purdgordonsci WupApsi! THAKerBa. quGiDUNG opABH Le pulrd Govnig. opus ony UL Neb, DSI eh. evr” std Basrrag CL srrels soi orsrreiysne'n Dud IG so 2U THINGSSIMOS. igi srsineisensuled 19 SsuD A sirenpu srsvs1 1 SD, GarsmavauiTuin'n oso 2 (5a gLD' sTSATLIDSavevITLb STS CLpsvovsns? 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PNP emer Apes 100 a . oe ‘Go pose ota atte 500 | 10% . i Gon ) PNP GLidasiressr 1000 15% | srusrd, Gmph56) 2500 [ 25% 5000 35% . amilafer 1% sey win 10000 55% ae + PNPP smile aumii@dung Uédsd HELI Ss (Physica) smuMeir toby ays cir oy PNP @ Sni@ gcrprd aypdsiudsingi. PNP emir GL ndsescirsener sPienapB% PNP onion QLM aniG MRS https:l/ poe worgifuys LausiruSsseomd | Lagu game erdg: 044 6102 2070 Elks Gunpiyds sce: Sin ysaiGasomiGures SMG nespcrd wpe gumuUbiseces 2 CUCL Q. aypsel Lanier uso Lilaiggsmer Coins wget gyccut Aerie qaismriemeni uysgi yfigi@ensin@, Serer yoga Ceduuorg sinodsiubans. 91 96 ASenbuns wiGo, MS uams Gn uniy pore Bentiées, wae GaiObe GaiirGb, Et uch 2022 - 23 LL esBO aGsons eporsens Gaereflenisen Gerius cums UL Ogos Dem rbs umK Shang wiper, spGLITE L1ix Fhe Fog) sus sos Fraser SHeTIUGU ong. ARS aur Og rs Purad sore uGid Egsraw oucyaurris oy Dewhcy, epsinn tid anavrsin® BOBGena Gi BUsDSv srs Deus Fehr gsarso7 Cup ox ours Dahcny a4Rw0r ai 5cr M3. ADEE OUGtd IITAIRI-R GSB B55 2 sirar 3 Odigsrenss Fu SB iomrcnypsseud wiry mire apiaysncir Suoror ot Dirurirciy sar Mistrey ours (6) Gig 14 AGS URGE THOS Liters ssuesisa GCousterig wines wimRoMOTeY LaTirIGLTeb. : Bu Poss QsBurromay 9 wwaurrsoud yaseré Qrodiermiamaruln 9B aha) ecrorgy. civmrir_yes acto sono dgy geopacier saris Peru seam 5ahaaayib 08 | presruid Bere | 13.2.2022 " N29 Linde THONG eH <2 GTOCTOLENTEATEOT LINBICICGH GDS AT..2 LmGE siogsuesr unimraude, Dios UL Ga yd Se cuslsnoresr a yore. aga Cuiflgns @erse. Cogyid, syne cugoumds Parser on @ oc Sosmtd Dregs Buy rot g wt s5sD0, YP awuwrdssd LE Ag cr As ~psBuncren Gps Qdrorsnses UITTés (py Dog. ews ses L1. Gio F revisor py. cyssir TDS Heiress. Aaires ants BuPesr oy aod soir) y ato Burs wot, yA a Kamen UBayssor, 4 1d Par ueyscir oad Gausmrrsin emits Qsmpergy cumiomssrasr DB Runa oudGHed GH sero UGA wenpupsoms RAG maTrA FOHIG SMBH ITD QDarPsscren Hi. Grog, comin, Borer Asner Gi Lud, 52) gancvimpony cord, 19.261 od SHS 50, g7TFA whgid BwduTd BPuap Ag we Aer ged xarerid GegusBuysirargy. Aas oie 1g gO rod aren o1Supssd Csiupd PUSH apwrd epapoousrosr gaiiied MPent elelr_mwry GUTH. 202. DD Rata auis® oy56r 19 U1 od prewmrwUss95 orn sOrudair @ croc QsmParygecarisair apart 2 Karr oy Slapaid Geib. Bes Gah rod prom woop apsgwe vvkatan com UGE sheng, BBerir syoopuTo 14 ge Lusso LITO B@Htd yrds Lisore'n pollicis 2425087 ti. Deo rsd By TIT Oaavadem ins ytd. Giogyytd Laswmt' 15 KaireniTaoAHaYL, LYpaoS BAS Bupsd one yIDasenenujid Hi Gagsir a upsowurrer gi Una Sonor urgenisnswrs DawaiDpoir Pew Pcisengsuyed sroser (ype pir. Brogyth, Darrow rey SHUI NMG, HOO LA ETL_D Hsitoa cs Gols Gd BLangsmasssnar 37H HRs ster aBirurininy Bavaius Bonsuier, 2022 ws Dur LLBQy.d anpamis QeevaieriisaMeir Gy smosv ig sheng Bled PISGL om & Gornars Pirowusss, eyaugend QrovaPesrivangnyenirea ei oot_ Js Asn tbs Qyemaagy agiwoax ADS0TK PrewmwaIsgsirarg. o1(Gourrus Ga avaliesriisaiesr a1oniteR 2022 9B ageing a 27 spIR Gus Vopos1 2023-0 PD STIG. AGL TST tg. Cissus 0.9% jars 101-0 DM esgssirar gy. Asie, pagers Qrovoien kissalatr alent SP 2022-1 HD qatonig cb 41 4509.00 NGH55), 2023-<0 oH 5T pg c1Lsso_wed USK eryoS BDsASRW Giron gy. 2023-tb BB ysinGSarer 7% tpausers Qemaiisrtd 2020-c Gr5bs v.34 sv. +b Bang. sry Horensucth B)rsinG worise5 13.2.2022| sprommud Slave | 09 16836 cei Plenauié citer Beorsflene unio speungy Ssaasgis AencroniuGio. uldgt SoLdéerey yswLoms SGHS Gmsluw srovsFled 18190 - 18300 stony Ploncveow UfesrAimshasron amiiyscon eGanaGid son ah ijunpssoomid. aurtSsotUW@, G75 wish Garg uira Brewed BS Found, GIRtay, QUITE ue Darargy onT ETT BP gy Busongipssres Pers HON] BL Qiersg gor Brrgyto, 2024 LL Deng 6b QuoTs 217 Orcvaomiusafes cuerirrA 46 EpAIARGTA asirer PonouPsr, posers Qeevasorris soher uoritsA 5D Qopcuigy TPs. Oeovoy Duidup Burson sid aut ngicironey. 919 Resr Dworrss5 ane § citrine Asameriuschcd posers Qreaosriisaticr uitizehiny Pre beak Pediat DazAAzuTH sRahaann Oororgy QarGrrerrayas 2% Croker Oy; ingen MST ses yer pagans Gravadenrtisatesr Luring 12 - 13% arair®p Horaicrgrasr HESS! app) Gare) anmuinnyeirongy. adem 2. uf l§iny lewis Geared 90 L_ievrr BOSS IIL. ahs womrde grad Garam ead —soraies srpptb siretarigy " 7 . Limits Fanrenas GlsirsisrG Sia JosT Hb wWppId DansgHEr BgTOM a $ YSU ouch Berroa MOBS anh Gompewy phe Bi UCL. Dangsgyacir base oucgioiTa SIH 30% ou ih Bp PAG Uo WHUIG wir casa Lit! Dgge tg 60 ao ar rigs aan joc pest. 2023-t gyainG G)R.sraveded 3, sautéed oypledinyscr 20 wing oreiry yar aed FAD) ADSTHBU ViGsA Dg obs) uMBevdirnohes Garrscvacif KGa Hoo crorGar, HMysei sw ctw af or wignd Li epi. inden bis “UTELYss” — ADBHener pup ay-Hawid, evry. aBoAcnyjsonor 917% gf) 1G, Port 370 HAY aura apahursgyou 217 LiL 1291_uPovT" a ane srremsNe wr CC unin, Rapa son rs SHH 55 DQISBUpr Me, PB Lipprsgony ore, — pw cironaw. W22-6 6.9 FHaTR, actor PencuFsr, 2023-50 6.4 a, = - " "I Bear og F HOH Fp R ys coir ( 5 Pircvoru Tex n” Geinan sy. SB ASO Fhe OID 11 5H. GUM RSD G vse rove n” Goinon ib Gonetan ce area) UL Lan ont §5% Upy ae entbgy us 55 OPEL ued Dewbsreyed, Keene : QesrDeson, HANG. Grain Gin Gunrssi0g tou 19 cir aml yc bus Y aod <—~—_ POTS AL ag) GuTsR Heopay Darisgsoxr. 16836 ordsry Pencouler BED erie QoudunD scirar Gsm_Penos win DROQL God mPAsaUL Goro pagers Arn BH8UTS Ssamad gs Meier wppid ygBPicd wurde Runs OS® MSIroriiGtd. us eye Gareniratr, 21-51 emo, PAWEL, aA, HDF Brenay, —G)SM_SasTOv Ly sivi_gvH QeHHgI SriS®, gy, Qwod, Aguas Rus guonpscir Liar GRU sraSsBPed 18190-18300 Moyle Tet TBHEUTARRATD NGS Herzen — ToT Pemovsou! UABITBOUSD Lrrivonanhed, Dire Ue Oe. IB GUBias ores Mopars — Hie aumTUisLufKenen © (HST areal Gurigrs Giana. Giogyed. a7 Rex augers Gud stow eI B\icsnirsasavetb, Qasgarcr or iniGwui FP Osos apwrgors Ozvoieriussir Osis cumincnyeomtd 2sirorex. pidlsficr: Clays eucesrsir 10| pprevrund een | 13.2.2022 ‘kata com w5s¢ Asya DAR Mew Caio? gran Agia D @ owrund aferor wppid Garren ysrad dust. Banca bs erhuiren apenpiie IAS) UpsND Qairarger eps Puisgiand! ering sysrensvser Paps Renu yetremcwier jr sBeo. ppo8e BUPU Gourrsir_t Buyseraucd Aucsint! Griaurs Qucept spolen'siwsshut, “QsDurrale 1990-1 gorge OG GOUUGBST gsinG sarah Gravy 24,000 GurUT® Voss. vewmahsoin yy ci Garpnd srTehuTH® 10% awitbss 2020-60 @Bror4psBrest Qrav0} 4.28000 IBaNgysit0n $1. Qibs BonovrasrD snr aihisa Ip s5o8H Glairargsy es souF Ula oGagrorucin a ip.d0 giles Siycaz geietmoowtud FiO FLO 15% GUCGLOITESTI (GSAS! a. O85 srvs se Bison. BTUSBod DH oucpiorrooribd sped rao op QLUNAL 0%, SHILA GOTOH HEB LISI GsaHed Psuorrsoytb, DSS) soir Reaper. 9 a, (pact BUSIHacr, sHHsDH sv5g slD ngge Os Apo Personas OTUeusssir epouib rare huses pdvov axcpLorrosts Ram_agto” crenmir. @mpuu goreh wel aa AD >demgod 1 aucpiotois Qup BRTSDR QHaNit stoiovara) upsaeH Osun ong ie i and crenRy Casirahis 2.of.atiriosmfusn, MeN aceroanne YsRusgiond “PUGanGeufen BZeradsGapu Gigi wpe. GHSs BsciraAIs UB mds DysHoc SPVESSI TS Upped Bsustb 20% avong Austin Pyssit ¢Bapro musi, “uigieuts, Pwr wa a s_O aso Derisuscomed HSA norte gH BL SDr yp DS UASsv wiynd yard wpempaier ToC EY aNGLOTOND Rom Hg srompsrcr FSB YSSO Oedwark” cory LTrsAmriracr. geo 53 (SB OU ey GHCUM avr. emt siGuingus 987 gyarafed suggeeresid BG sroré andro apiygwirgy. Baise Bos PapsAuier ofyCun uBenas anit ies hutp/bttly.injliwU409KO6IY= ° vkalan com 13.22022| presi Beier | 11 Soy eeu uch 2022-23 WIMAAGHVEOTD TMM, WIM CHALAGVEOTID gTLOMMMID? aiifeune aera sallgut gure afl Asie bss wndpgrb ul Gage gd Or LLAlldden.0, cBleosrertdl 2uiioy, eugionen GeoHpA4 Cuncinparppo Oy BOSST oHMd gop craflus desir HH) snitdg QuGid saunddssan augdlpriast, cenGar, auflé sguencecr Li Gea ged erSiuimi Goren QuGsASTHy. GumgerngTT SB we Guosdorrreccd a paIDeurey soMpLITed Quungen STI Horadgnd guns GSI srsinousan; Bupa Blow souls, 2022-23-r BB op sia giro LL Gepe grdexcd Oars’ Gr Aare, arta uprseur Bar Qypiiy, Bus Borenarernaye Qerarrenin, anguoremts alenaat® auiray, us LiswrsiarrT THDSB Tp. UsdBoxp) sourreves ag Gps, Mey Qereg BB! DDH! Tio GGG ot GPS BVT ure a QimaBor. HRs std Gasmpie' np err.eeroafuarair Brie fs Vi Ot. YBSTH or BED sisitgy TBirwmir goer. 185 Wound, BB upprsegony, ours Lpprdigenp, Gor Kenw Bessy Cuureiry Toure eHLd YT HI Qrioigow. Qing.; orPrruireny asin, wowrcsir WS RUSTE WSU UG goo. HS Gigah i-th BoB grad Dewigar PBuso.ns ert Girios Fpsnamoe. wort Qi 1 Qersrqirasr, Qusiwssir, peer DQ. creirgd, IPSS WDSAHSH ror Quircpen rsa Te Ayden BirwrMsrcmyu ui Bgpe rearpnb Qanciresrinir. on a cirentouhed Qyig Lu Gan’ winepsssrrew 55, uTGaARvamid Dos wee gpd S5DGS@DS), uTGsOscemd gromdob SbDUHSDNS) sreinany oMeurrsses vairsasovrrb. sroLLewiy, Curd Ganss 2022-23 LA @)ept”ty.dd acinar tcouotny, Cursgarses SOM sTT bs IDS Saiomth QF QSssiiuly. GSROS. eL st omliys DLL Kimepdars Out ss GH-y-T-uWe 4.0% BB egS8O Gaius LL eirarrgy. 2,000 BiB Qgrenevay.tes TuBsvBou DLL mseHb, 20,000 Dib Agronevaysy OpOerran Dim se7b HOWL UL Osreren. BuTéGaIT Sg, Frenevesir Cureiry BLLcissr GrwduGsgrargser epould QuTGaMTsTT BL_ang somassir S/S org srerigt_ct Bus Gorsnavawrinny sonariyt bss sioonsaRe 2cRaUmsEHLb. Biogytb, Cerrdiegour 5) Ponciesrss osrud Scurry ROT Hoops 1g Fro worDpb. 13.2.2022| spremmui Glare | 13 “aueapas sea Spain sinfleMiyss eapracucr, Qungemgs Sie ‘ULOgi ge apdssonen seins, i msende wsshiied eurGeupedsés Qyon@G opus einen. genpy, “Slfer ures? GaelsG: Qromrag, HSert AsnPlogius sLewdYysenor ar yeu agama aupélacn. Aer unc’ AaoMSO Ewsohiiemisé unimardgnd, Gs Foul, aPOFG~O sniggid ApLinen (erBenGLunGb. HsSusneAed sppsGYOOU Ungierds 2B cribs ALL HBEses EpeeILTET YsSOsmns Ar O55 urenOsc egdurs Dea srivicr ailpnads Gensqi ainsiGoron oppteye ants wry Lriésond. eapai_rorisesse Ogi sealeoren UeeNs £0 pears Seapvicaménafiussd Coonaiec euiprigid «xLeowliysoner Gingyid PeBinyscr Qesofundlusroron Oyen Geusiig sees Ce Geol acing ind Qoiscugsparon suniscayscr = gained. Cemasafe GuLGsrer Slpjaontiseefien eusntédl aeCongd sefl5Li egones eullé seyIenseener AGP agra aflerus Gempsgaercine GTS Ocab augionem’d m_Gusuissr wpupargyion AwpuGa vsimes. Dade Coe Dengyia gener POUASGO sbdumsnTisesid, sony Gr aAiSlionen sHlarciv.ig, auflsonenssesnetr auflé smssenael uslons, able HoOcmaGsg umgsrengrs Des HRSG eso eeunGoo HH si Bosdings. 4% aendlp spore eugid 2022-28-15 petra eaiGaung, (worn Masse OA ons Bess Gane?" eon B88 Pecnannenesluidd . Berne, GaiCaungy aBfons Gupjausparen siberian 8 So (pi_uyb? euflé sguenssseoen 1 eps ungsir, Cosnessn giasidengpid 50 Cousin W@ading). ecinenwGe exgworen fl Adigriseners Gompasornid. 216) 10sec wu einigs evonosoLiGund pgs ermssisogsnes Gaisimgu Hose sCungi 6.9 sgelldlgione esrongy. Uppragenn Boose 64 sgsidlgins onaxsgisrongs, Usd cenushereCa gyudiOsmen Selsey 20, wiapenDGudornid ewdiGsss Comeuien HS -yesrmd RSD Guugu uTBSRCL grsomsahcd Apis Qorn!. SHOTS Hiooags QSorrd a Rent_dGlb. Porson STS SIs Notes cighcioy dsb appa abpiensgionn jaurtussair Gysouired Lisvesr syomt_uytd. eireny amnsarsgieop.. SrtusH SDpmak GODUUsHET HL, Home Gyo KHSDH Qersin Geo ais asia Garahed ewer urTencaiitac LIMNSMLIToDL aaron oro LeBougy YuUpAssnor CopnroinG auppsgs yowirer, Be BST LeDDLiLy Figs Fourasscir Pair Qjrwzre, 14| pprowound Deon | 13.2.2022 Quhw syorefe Lwés0f tb Qscy Garvan. 5B cpapargn srrirhiis Benavurissscit IMULILIBHETEDr upusdAewerb Garp Hwerwaevora. Qos Panovuder, oH Bw wnby Thurs, Fires OawaiZ GU UBerH BLA WoT p PSA oir e5t an.01s Ronan BD Upapaignh yond BLL aHaisac ws _Heirargy. vvkatan com DQser epord Doirsr7 cursos ss Bison svoritSPussor_ws urns stor gy). Gui #1155 Hopy ld aUpsr Con py 5 ony srt Gro, Cwwis gimp Mastusysoror Biv Lirsemgs Be cissin, ADRS Gu.8% Domi aypareb Bw masir, pHasir Gissvori'ny BLLwasdr Cursrpady ae soM suites DD payrhD Qruinscs UL Grong). Qissd Dwar OWL 21D Grom maveins5s FTRZHwOTH Lcrarsr. Bsorrd Guia smirks Aysouesrincir adie s 2 HUSBusranrr cin, Spirals 2 puSsSurenitsct weve) cisveit ooL_aurissir. BL Quorensgiep Urgwiar sysnor ange AID anprigd S110, uiTaraors imarsurtgnd eursxgtn Byer Osram aGscr Binet Cursrpai mds Gaia sv BD Qs158G QeuisuscnsGoinoncw. Qsorrd 5 Quaowsgonp aot e Dw oasis ror Qurgerssir GHyjaroorris AiernaysrASG 30% aufl.. ARLG rare vissasmB5 Sor Aeiagn, sewsiugn sep sidorae Boowle, ANIC neseAses ger semgs ang SuBldroner scruns Oss ugg ape AgmMayriOsAUGSADS wSHw girenmisid. ARLE reper BWI Leon’ Gum_somor, Gavsion nor aod GpULSHd Deossoriscr De sayron Qpirsoond. AMIGLnavenA eperd Hoos arusgs6 30% afl AHDSa0UL Oone AsaC yond unisstUOApg. of inerGe AAGCLrencHA acid abp, Qpdsi> 2 cior Bonoriiier ayeiononsslen AD OY senigy uesly eomuseos Qeimpd. Cognis, SAGCLe uh gq ShqdaU@d Beuugid ung ea. ) QFG 0B QuPuI® sayonaacr sy HaP sac Heirons Boone. Qi dard wig Awrenud gern Qgmiplad aumiun pron QieKe5ud. Q-sasrrrat> janay aumricicipaemt 2 (hanreLd. ULE BIOD THIET S Hoo HHT Oo Heat 2 HISD YamriReARTS Hag rors DeRaea ios Oh 95h: 5 Os! aimininysdr Bab. Bes TB re Usp POwsire_ 2 sirafi 1 Hi x PAFHUIGL epwsor HPued 60 +5oAPHib wong nD aL @wrer PHysascoitrs Lisvenoo1_uytb. 2022-6 aren aap I * . SN Giogyn, Guorrsnessv, Qowwb snip Ueourm aPaAyscr UL Opi ye 4) BD & HO oir on owt 2onpnegGaGu QoaupSer ausPe variesaMia Broo Goveirsin, emirgir 2cirafie Burcu 2 Bi umeskisaher using. Qscrepswrd ecirgr@ RyorssrsisoPssr aenré® ETS Bur Sid. uTHiSMeILy Soop ENTS Oanrsir Ysraaed QnrgPeous sopsx Qs) 2 zeiura Base. Cauctnsingyeop AarrruisHag Goopssui_7 ysrs aPenovsous Cory. uins onpsigasisTs 0.2.97 at_F1d Bag. PHSED Qed Oorargy. Cingyid AR, Gargysnw0i1 LUNTREHsG WTDYTH cteinGemis Pegs cogud Prysrosiuscsssci 2 IIdDHS pr Russygloued 2s aww sBub sro AeA Ako Osirorgy. Cured, Cover mair goopula Agsrperp_uPDucor usar wiped BAe sLemwciyscvor Cwibudss Bc wssir aAGssNULOdrorer, LBrréracr apo aevrrrus fadamer worciug) wpb Menorércmenons 13.2.2022| sprommund Slaven | 15 “fetoLamey supiuen ues ul get!” scilrCait ACs rmapr scr, DrAws Csmpler ai mwotien lsc sino senoveuit “Bip UCGeg¢ged Gungieuron Guftued Gungemgry a4 SeiysCe QuGburcreoowns MD HGUpp cree. afl snips Aagwmesfle Gufs siorohled ionpscdacn agin Dedonod. gaiGaine aiGiepid aif AA gsm wndpmiscom oHiuriiugnd sflurengsres Devons) LY apeimgGoGu HAUG uppriesnp 6.9% sendy sonia HesAng.. Deng BeinGid UMpuiig 4% cendly singed Garsin® as Cusimgugs iosdlud. HS Henedrcous soflersisied rari SyéaGar oul AidigrisaAled Cuil wonngcda0mm 2173 CodGancrenAdrened. sOS5OS augyrsesatled Caucin@ioneansd cul AAgrisatied wndprisener sisliviniéseonib. sing Hed GurGemsMsss amMidhaes Comaumer Bane Casors amiss srasiieo one wseOss sSeors Bo ening Agneoe AIL nied, agienaasr, (geese S@|oMW Lodrenedgwter afi5..9 suri Adlesid Bosses spG.ngy 9.2% cron ojorede> 2B DanGrrem (pepmours EpRayse LrenssEs Hedy. Blig.i6l evsmiés Camevamitijssnar R(GATs eid gi sgiensssr, srosc Desert Dengudsmi saOsornss sgyionsi sin@ssnsGa: sbssFs ascended) gimp BEND’ Ap ieee 1A ir \ausagucirongy. 2019-20 eusniédl seierBsnengs. edie, esteron, 5 gonaend Bain@id cues SES HONsEHd umshaeo. oslo 16, ULGEgLgS eidecvsnd.) gIMDse Camb. ge Aa suIALiyscr Oessngd ApSsond. chiseid deh geopse bp dor Deronor. ascared, GanGrussn As wasiquleseoigi a WBamOsrongs. piste, oPslaflegisnongs. gil aunsdysysle> USE GON HAGESIgw isin, sslsAs sess ng). s6id.ig, UGH oSleAMldygicnongy.” Z Ireiry Lang donascir Bet wes He gtd, BRB Glonsworcn ys Bu rirswerpcd abodrssr Pwuphh srow sIBirviai sao. iL mnessir eypanid seuomir 9 avis aloreemuRsir cren_ouniracn sronds DsMahiacun Gerona. Hirsi BO Lws6ir os gH ULFSDH Rusmuiscir wH wderins, Garona g1onm Firs Ryrovcwriseenid arent Ramus BpynoR® cinsawoievestd wm@sAasdoomd snomppid? solpurrescir, sibuorgrmitecir. sites Hayarosris HeHbHTEH IHS oul 1 5 5oAD-A DOOM yisy 7 5;50HB\sr01-555 16| pprovrund ein | 13.2.2022 Gowda n! Qeirorgy. 250076, BoP pciit cugpiorrem aurh aii Fait, 2 Ararat praMes srp5aHS womppeph Bibs ur De 4.60 Qarain ora vena AHemvan auiray, anquores Sop Curapapore Quegibuurcireme WOHH0 wiry stomp craflus wsescin BB si ps Qugn sancvramnd F5BS5 ang@pmitacr. croaBor, auf Fayonaecir, anGLoron oh 25 oumtbuy & writ ggy56) Guten poor vvkatan com UL Og ye IDiumidacs Bee eee ones 7 augpioron cuflues siren womrpmio..7 gunn Bin rie Ausgy. aB.sroiv.g. acme ait aAR5mKoAayid Guu aCe phentspereds Lomiprieen stgjayin Getic “Obs ul @gcya Adena. Qserrc Penovairh BeAlpuit cugionen auf eAleoés, aéearby vpgb afé samsido abs wndpwi Bedood. iperitg, eugpioren afl aiqtue ede eunbdy awita), Leseiseb BCuireiry abhor unDaysohod by Birasosnor umicysor srumcnut ene Gisvoviriosd iapaengil @ OO ei sins Bums gh. Agsmiding. Cogs, 80 . ecrfli «55 ahs egies (ps apna coer Lond Geutin sSicrener. Suess QanBoreaa sresBoo Opto ails somées greed Aouicang QHGSsyOWF FHDISS Bienpsated ap B_a@wrrenuisd Beopujla gong. Qa Gorena users Gurgt Buaag ages Qoars sousse BouT® anraer Renda er Gsmar (Baise Reroute, siasss yaad Gel ama Uppre gop TpuLrgne BoonusGepu ansertisonor 2 pu5H) Gaius ywiTs Hero 2sin_mergy. Das Homauder, Q55 gioomuderr & oir Bow hp 5 GH HTH af tb, Opqeauy soad(56a) Werayid UDR ye Faro aaer Deore crocs usvCou; UniypRanen «15D gonnes, Bia nsvo8sOayrs ores oy fahcyessir org heb augaiisvency. ° Marisgcnomracir, urmburra euii® poni_yupenpacir BurcipaniGes GiuPur waytrcmonds QarrainG axeptb. GALL & aT AWe UWSTUTO Rs supid MDA UN FSD ouvir Deromsssroo Gzsonoruyto 24:55i7 YPIRUsgIOKIPl GNYPH1OAD0 sro Hy ofto’r row saad (pairenarsH IBRD 301. < YK DT: HSBOD, Frys we Gane cd oo pisses Qa gcd — Guha ovmnn crgsaytd Qevovrraht’ 1 name, Qunegou gir Ours, AHS — t_onqsisnssenon aordgoRbsdonsg ws HULrkiascir Lavy ost AS DarGiy gqHoAsscun Oeirorg) aTapas song. 18g5510Uub, ye Nib. gems, Qos UL ggg Aas oGid s1GeHNnyasir st}se000 ua yd Gurgsgieny Anturs Qusstanbd #0, sone OsweduGssyd ANRIGIFG THES HH MssPrsisr soupher Gaus) QesMygs rsd PHFGBDtH BPAHSIIL — opr epeg wingy. Dibpatenst3eo untih ofa BnigiBurned aileron. 1g)0 Quieres, syumsry ounitdonssoir Aerator Pov pwamioit Reis wD oP wd Penna omwd Pur oscir syonordsongupo Hyd SITMATU IAYSIUGSSUN —-— usc GAS auPov souswid Qerayy GousisrGub cron 1B, Qeotupgrsd mpc Gsirengre — ysoameuResr Bousin Baer. e viata com 13.2.2022| spremmund Slaven | 17 BLUTCHOMTNY Aweurlsene 2021-22 BIUITH ENedED; 2 evoTEMIDHD Aredeu! Biss oPemader ssnnopp seafiiy, S1qCLEr_upp poIéensen Hlengidingy, oiSlsene unis Gencdercilerenco. .syonnsd, ©sinemw UOSSHUOHELNg 54g) Cunixsondoid yds Gym sueles SoIoG UPSUMKG. wens one s4Hiensuns Bes Crncnreysonon Barer wHLnZP Bus Gurgorngrmo, Der argyarm Benavsoms GprsR Borcsuortss pest Bp: wissen 297 Reir LomAuscoed arrgsomesru sires I SBusTusiirencis Desires 113 Lee TQTSTT comtsF Aue UpsRunw rer Dumeyen rg opuiroupBssoo35 2021-22, Lx Loire allousrixescir, 911 oysnosn 5 Sapon Deneve ony~Dy Bu QB% Garean'nn Osiror THySOarsr or dEHS, . Quer Bisitayacir 7% 2 h GPCUITH, Tae Drove sit pew. pyieB) Bevarrih sgyar wes Bi 26 ETD shane By 14 opp Fiuss aden Buss coro QnsequDuyed MADIAG FU FOTU YRIR GIST wing 5 ‘i a i Bzanai Ginavirainsovanusa opi LosurTeteremLnckey .2/B3 psu youd WILL Bi; openPR unk a GUILIN Bist, DSCSRUIAL oui ADLY 1531. gosNusir Lennom ioe Bai ib, » 15D art ean sreHoACiy aco ‘goMiny Lids PIB UGSsw-ssw pois Lissoon gs Si gsrares Per pagers Qroapscr Px), AD #1 Gd B_ SETH HU Ouorewci sweNesir AgnisaieinD pr pgow. 18| pprowmrund eon | 13.2.2022 Lig 24 Purg51, 18 anus Buns” 1_csth crore 93% Upased sarenossrufti, 70% B)rssert_ib Saleem Uji SHIA QrgysD4 Garcia Ger OSM. DBI HG TKS From HT. Lromralderdson5U OLiTpisssu0t19 6 1. burr DA-6, Howi Gaunt Ronovr GHUIG oroior 5% Quwhag: Guides Bones gus @ sraier, Qi on QovdmsDer Dessay eornks Luingsicre. QlonarGuicrarrBuo 2 siren uraBar, acmennies, Onckminr a Barr Qoss omuicnjacr ooimG. yore, Gem tag DerovarusGRp ‘sores pasir’ pibemn “Dram seus Rebrpss? QiBuns Qeancyenrr gs 75Bein (GDP aus ite D 2021-22-6 9.2 F5ARAZTH Giopdbcrovrred; Boron natrgenp 3.9%, Aginpledsyany 1.8%, Barons genp 82% oiomirFH Glu creir Ans MRKOS. F155 ysiryg.c GampPsrsreny 7, Creasgicop 84% senars soirt ow. sbCurg, GarCrrorrydey mpbosu aenté® orien Goi gy sreingy Qos oPsos Osncousy ory. srotgy Osha vvkatan com Sosa ailsvens0. 2021-2: 2: MpsobGascir 15% Da M ned aU MpsSGacr G)sirewapta & iyeAisdaned sreit ian 3 Gus sin. GAH. Punoren LysitaMaRarmid (-2°1orsnex 8) pudhoartsens widAygsy. QaGarenreie 264560 (2020) Mig Guenevere QungarngnTs fener eB pIGsaMed civOruRedr (10.88) Dok ABIt (8.2%) ay Ru soush nrc AGLBTS USAGI rH Qui Buses esrHour TT eb 73% Mpsh wci_gy. surg) Four wiGBw 2.3% amMtFA ‘anc ISHS. Qlbs Hensrued, 2023-daror FowitnTe, ewAer Ds IDH oomireA Qi Busrraher (7.29) Qupsgib; Panmaher aranrsD 52% gan Bar Q\emsGtD urevaren Epagenrepiss) QuGsAsrdy srEsBeo Qpssaivaar, Gomme ecru UB sm ype UiTB, ordgoneu Bui. eng OM Deron Gsm ragrsar GsMApss. Bus Borsnso ayrruistny ‘eit, Uooypws amused, Hy ouswis Aorouss is woe oRusrrutr acs Ouighsnd, wish Gus Paro Brgrerts Lewis srsa argajBio ITETEOTE Qmlwnis) Siro 9 aici Q5sirL1_ofevencr. Dis Donaude, 27 Poir Quregant STF Zploupldons srsoir 219.) Lauded 9117 euoMireh SS somiiysner apsronusa DS arsirgy YRucSevsnev. 2ps5ir7LObD som, "yu wiM plo. Daien eco DLiregengT Alii VIen55B GSAVZ. ypaans Aims Qe Tevavaierenc. Barred, p sires Mane wsi HSS LGiBLTE 4g) QUTSCE TDD SIS DsTL_wFAMPS 5 2oivonwoemu acirarug. IIBURRS Glb wsmirsgoresr sp Hssonsusira Qa Qos@Popare porprs Qos DwsGwb. uTasraderens0, yPsoonuler ‘pi lsonw ac Gwiurontd, svaOrGagtd wW®ips Asn Gow? ° 13.2.2022| sprommuid Slaven | 19 LOW, F EAD SLOT. LNHALigED <¢ MILAM HEoOMagD 7 maneteke) 86 Suciner (ps0 Ges Csin} CoimjaCingy Lhe 6 wHsib, Qeuxdrdinenen wid uniéemce, sys ausimge 3 sysin®, 5 8 ein ®, 10 sein augiononé GeusdosnDaeronayb eeu Bi WBygFrones Busco’ apaob: CNS vas eva aumind Qevraumrics Glass Grd. ae Susi amind Gempur aysiTous), x5 Days Bewsix1_mos Coss apsBusors 04 BLS TOY aNCGUOT en Deans HG WIS HH Buys srousd Susi Bi bene § Bray Getting creirigy Dupserausd Sus Carrey —9j! wpb en gorprs JupsDngy. Duzssousr Susi Br igs ee SL IG HO agnor GsrucDpoir MELLO UID UBYIFADSA saGvrov. Qwisrgnd, oHAID . §storanb craiareray sraoTs Qo%sBpg cteriigys rest Busiron Sh HGS Carey QeumudCursy sos D AswaDyerer wii Od umnirdaroed, 915 dvisiory it % AsinG, 8 Asin, 10 yoinG aupworersé QrucbunGsssnorujtd 55 Gauci Lb. SC LaBouyy sad striated oc cust Amcu irs Qusedrs119 GF Ry gy tomer, 8) UEBOny LIKE HBOS HIpHA air (OAC. Sousaim Hissar) LopDNd any IRS THD Qnsarixonars (wor AusinGasr) sorohssiF AP pci sd Deus 1g 54g! eT, 27 KYL. His G avdmisraMen LIT IDS Qwssionss siDSarogyb, sb-my ghysDenGurgy orga IDS CUHTOTSESUYLd DISD pissy) Andy why Lies dussin Goer Apeny Quscvyyssomngud. 20| presruid Geren | 13.2.2022 uy, esas sueiont. 2. Qeoray sSldlgriesir yge sous) Auscir BU sale Qerovey ail escb (Expense Ratio) eretray poingy Qycssigu- Mygéeors usin. Br _SBeir Pirowrasss FL awIld, TOs s Bayi, 21gya1ov% Qercveyscir, Pusat CuComapirssir 2 cra. LosAuronirssir sium wihpnd oer bir Deavoysscir srovovrin Briss Gliese Garovoy ARLADUDT HGH. IUGAog. Gye Sr pmo Siu Qonee Ppevens, Holisticinvestmentin, AAs Gurgisrs 0.5% apps 25% QOsgGb. sor Aros Osey IgGs cuir asayt Linh (bg 00 i SL ADaor Hayle. Hse. GDI Susi 9. DanPsgarGud Honors Sees ay AAS QuMu aay 4 PO BU HT red goin Rigs erreurs 2 KG Bioad axcguorrostt Bog) C50 GHsu sroors SGSSTe sien cuainGasi, FOSSIS ser Eonar aernprd AMAA «usinGsct, Geir sro gone cooler, re usin asi USSG coTAMEUTS! HVSSog Spiyse aiGls oumiiiny Scronov. AanGsgianGgAngy. ser Arava ARgib 2% croix ByBirgy GRA aM GR ysinDS 18 cuegroremid Beon_c13) Baw arGoTEnB.o. QaiBuurainy Glenaute Qe oRS1d UDG Quiigras sma@arcrords Groanievensd. OG Feo y Busi. yoinGag 7% upd 8% ANGUETOMD QaIDIAYSH. 1g 00 Dravay IRHud 2% reviled, GEOL MoM FumAarerass HoRunc. sroavstb, Arana IAS 2% Curse Har aicgoremtd 5% apse Carp Ason Kk GONDRGIAAD.. ouepuerromt gana), Arex] AAG Dard cro Ryin sD oh drseswg ops GaroiBug De axgionend wppnd Gmpamen Oe; ARGd / Be Qraey RGD 2 cron darscin aweMer Aeitiougy vaso Qupweue. 3. sbengulen Heneouidys seironw PO Sussésry sir wt_sbg5 sro oucpuorroare oP aprninbsy Boro Sx isisroo_g Gasroy reso 1g Sassi Quvhoubu_5 HD eho, ot Susin_ Qeprewe gyn, J ihoogulir LG. ARe 22| ppresruid Bere | 13.2.2022 esingowrioire, iy. ry cose i ron spsaous Aapsenr i Oaaill or 21a) Gutsiny Bare Apss Busia Gsoiler esr(pib ssopuytb. srs Gar, FST. BAY FOYPRGHLD srrovisnaie oroiv.g.) aps foo Pipicsesrue Qe BAAR cujousy wind ROSH (pH co BuopOl-arrair aig pad axgiortamssangs Birt GTRID HD DP sRIH pry jt. 4. cousin CoGerggisatiar Gewsoun® 2G Aysmar Luo DU. BBeir cuepiorremtd orssr1195) 165 Auicitom Pica Regd Busia CwGergens seri PUES PUGH FT GB GS Angi. oh Busisry.csr Ganiys, Carole yur wpaps ue ge chongutesr oxip Qysadgiig THU AeucouGssc, crbiegscir Srey, ou1g aRjub corns Forty yRwoupenpy sour BunpOansir® ocgAonr. BIT omar ww IT ou Oe Asritig 9G Busia Pptursé Oruvuc@® axe Rings srooNed,2y35 8 19H0r19.657 GuBengnir Aycusrewaurr win Dsorowurreraut gpauir. vvkatan com

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