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F. A. Williams
University of California, San Diego

I. Applications of Combustion
II. Scientific Subdisciplines of Combustion
III. Principles of Combustion
IV. Initiation of Combustion
V. Deflagration
VI. Detonation
VII. Diffusion Flames
VIII. Combustion Instabilities and Extinction
IX. Fuels for Combustion and Flammability Ratings

GLOSSARY Extinction Process in which a combustible system react-

ing at an appreciable rate is brought to a condition in
Adiabatic flame temperature Temperature achieved if which it is reacting at a negligible rate.
all the heat of combustion is used to increase the Flammability limits Limiting values of chemical com-
temperature of the combustion products at constant position or pressure beyond which ignition cannot be
pressure. achieved.
Burning velocity Velocity of propagation of a deflagra- Heat of combustion The energy released when a given
tion. amount of fuel reacts with oxidizer to form spec-
Deflagration Reaction front propagating into a com- ified combustion products at constant pressure and
bustible at a subsonic velocity, in which forward diffu- temperature.
sion raises the temperature to a value at which reaction Ignition Process in which a combustible system reacting
proceeds at an appreciable rate. at a negligible rate is brought to a condition in which it
Detonability limits Limiting values of chemical compo- is reacting at an appreciable rate.
sition or pressure beyond which a combustible system Ignition delay Time interval required for ignition to
cannot be made to experience detonation. occur after beginning the application of an ignition
Detonation Reaction front propagating into a com- stimulus.
bustible at a supersonic velocity, in which a leading Ignition energy Energy that must be supplied to a com-
shock raises the pressure and temperature to high val- bustible system to achieve ignition.
ues at which reaction proceeds at an appreciable rate. Ignition temperature Temperature to which a com-
Diffusion flame Combustion process in which fuel and bustible system must be raised to achieve ignition.
oxidizer diffuse to a reaction layer from opposite sides. Quenching distance For a combustible confined between

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two parallel plates, the minimum distance between the began in the 1770s) led by 1800 to knowledge of the over-
plates below which ignition cannot be achieved. all chemical changes that occur in common combustion
processes and thereby aided in laying the foundations of
modern chemistry.
COMBUSTION is a chemical process that liberates heat. The sciences of chemical kinetics and of molecular
Typically, it involves finite-rate chemistry in fluid flow transport processes did not begin to flourish until the
with heat and mass transfer. The technology of combus- middle of the 19th century. The science of combustion
tion finds application in equipment for heating, for power benefited from these developments, as well as from ear-
production, and for propulsion, as well as in techniques lier advances in thermodynamics and in fluid mechan-
for creating explosions, for destruction of toxic wastes, ics. The experiments on combustion waves by Bunsen
and for mitigating fire hazards. The science of combus- (1866), Berthelot and Vieille (1881), and Mallard and
tion is focused on obtaining fundamental descriptions of le Chatelier (1881, 1883) and the associated theoreti-
combustion phenomena by experimental and mathemat- cal explanations offered by Mikhel’son (1890), Chapman
ical methods. Basic principles of combustion are suffi- (1899), and Jouguet (1905, 1917) led to the establishment
ciently well developed for the subject to be qualified as an of combustion as a scientific discipline early in the 20th
applied science. century. Research in combustion has been growing ever
since and continues to contribute to the understanding of
fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and various as-
pects of chemistry, especially chemical kinetics. In partic-
ular, flames offer laboratory tools for investigating rates
of chemical processes.
A. The Role of Combustion in the Development
of Science and Technology
B. Combustion in Furnaces and Boilers
Use of fires by mankind for warmth and protection and
in connection with food predates recorded history. Al- Furnaces may be classified by type of fuel; gas-fired (e.g.,
though the origins of furnaces are obscure, we know that natural gas, largely methane, CH4 ), liquid-fired (e.g., fuel
they preceded scientific knowledge of combustion, as did oil), or solid-fired (e.g., coal or wood). In typical furnace
the development of pyrotechnic rockets and also of guns designs there is a combustion chamber, either enclosed or
(forged in Germany during the 14th century), which re- open to the air, in which fuel combines with the oxygen,
quire combustion for their construction and operation. Ap- O2 , in air to form combustion products (largely carbon
plications of combustion played an essential role in the dioxide, CO2 , and water, H2 O) and to release heat. The
industrial revolution, beginning with the development of heat can be transferred to a working fluid (e.g., air, water,
the steam engine in the early 17th century. In general, use or steam), which distributes it as required or expands (e.g.,
of the art of combustion for technological advancement against a piston) to produce work. In steam engines, the
has preceded establishment of the corresponding science heat from the furnace is transferred to a boiler in which
of combustion. For example, when Otto built his success- water is converted into steam, the working fluid. There
ful internal combustion engine in 1876, the principles of are many applications of combustion (e.g., in the steel
flame propagation within the device were unknown. Com- industry and in welding) in which a working fluid is not
bustion processes are complicated enough that even today employed: Heat released by combustion is applied directly
trial-and-error plays a prominent role in their technologi- to the object that is to be heated.
cal applications. Design of the combustion chamber is a central aspect
Experience of combustion exerted a dominant influence of furnace design. Objectives are to obtain efficient and
on early but misdirected concepts of matter. During the clean combustion and efficient and trouble-free heat trans-
Middle Ages, fire was thought to be one of the four basic fer. Typically, fuel is metered into the combustion chamber
elements of matter. The phlogiston theory of Stahl, which where it meets air entrained by forced or natural convec-
impeded progress in chemistry during the 18th century, tion. In gas-fired furnaces, fuel jets at the periphery of
relied heavily on observations of effects of combustion. the chamber admit the fuel, possibly premixed with air,
However, combustion also played an important and ben- in flow patterns (often involving swirl) that are designed
eficial role in the establishment of the modern science of to achieve efficient combustion. In oil-fired furnaces,
chemistry. Weight and volume changes produced by com- atomization of the liquid by the fuel injector (atomizer)
bustion were investigated by Jean Ray, Boyle, Hooke, and and liquid-jet penetration are critical aspects in producing
Mayow during the 17th century. Later, the combustion- fine droplets properly distributed in air. Types of solid-
related studies of Lavoisier, Priestley, and Scheele (which fired furnaces may be listed as fixed-bed (in which the
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solid fuel is supported on a grate as it burns), fluidized- completed before expansion begins. Design objectives in-
bed (in which gas flow through the bed of fuel agitates clude achieving high engine efficiency (power produced,
the solid elements of the bed to give them a fluid-like be- divided by the product of the heat of combustion per unit
havior), and pulverized-fuel (in which finely ground solid mass of fuel and the rate of fuel consumption) and low
fuel is transported by a gas stream and injected in much rates of emission of pollutants (oxides of nitrogen, mainly
the same way as the fuels of gas-fired furnaces). Coal–oil nitric oxide, NO; carbon monoxide, CO; unburnt hydro-
or coal–water slurries (solid suspensions in liquids) trans- carbons; odoriferous compounds; and particulate matter).
port coal as a liquid to be burned in furnaces of liquid-fired Among the approaches to achieving these objectives are
design. Thus coal, the world’s most plentiful fuel, can be exhaust-gas recirculation (in which some of the products
used in furnaces of all three basic types. of combustion are mixed into the intake air) and stratified-
charge combustion (in which attempts are made to achieve
tailored, nonuniform distributions of fuel and air through-
C. Combustion in Piston Engines
out the chamber to produce improved combustion char-
The purpose of a piston (or reciprocating) engine, the pro- acteristics). One of many classes of designs employing
duction of power, is achieved through exertion of pressure such approaches is the direct-injection, stratified-charge
on a moving piston by a working fluid. In an external com- engine.
bustion engine (e.g., a steam engine) the working fluid and The combustion principles that apply to piston engines
the fluid in which the combustion occurs are not the same, also apply to rotary engines, in which a suitably designed
whereas in an internal combustion engine they are the rotating element is substituted for the reciprocating piston.
same. The two principal types of internal-combustion pis-
ton engines are spark-ignition engines and compression-
D. Combustion in Gas Turbines
ignition (diesel) engines. Both types operate in a cyclic
and Jet Engines
process in which every cycle involves intake of fuel and air,
compression, ignition, combustion, expansion of the gas In contrast to the cyclic character of reciprocating engines,
against the piston, and exhaust of combustion products. In gas turbines and most jet engines involve continuous flow
the spark-ignition engine, an electrical spark ignites the of fuel and air (an exception is the pulsejet which oper-
combustible mixture. In the diesel engine, autoignition ates on an unsteady gas-dynamic wave-propagation prin-
occurs (without a spark) as a consequence of the temper- ciple). These are internal combustion engines in which
ature and pressure rise associated with compression. In compression, combustion, and expansion occur in sepa-
spark-ignition engines, the fuel and air are often mixed rate sections of the device. The purpose of the gas turbine
prior to intake, although increasing use of direct injection is to produce power, which is extracted by the turbine as
of fuel (after air intake) is being made; in diesel engines the heated working fluid expands through it. The purpose
fuel injection usually occurs during compression of the of the jet engine is to produce thrust, force (associated
air. These engines usually employ liquid fuels, although with the high-velocity exhaust) that can propel a vehicle.
gaseous and solid fuels also can be used; for example, The basic types of jet engines are turbojets and ramjets,
pulverized coal was the fuel in Diesel’s (1892) original the latter being restricted mainly to propulsion at high
design. There is increasing interest in dual-fuel engines, speeds. Turbojets employ the same types of combustion
which employ mainly natural gas, for example, but uti- chambers as gas turbines, while ramjets require different
lize liquid fuel, usually in a diesel mode, for controlled designs because of the higher gas velocities in the cham-
ignition. ber. To augment thrust, turbojets sometimes are equipped
Combustion in internal-combustion reciprocating en- with afterburners, whose combustion chambers resemble
gines involves propagation of flame from the points of those of ramjets.
spark or compression ignition through the rest of the com- In gas turbines and turbojets, fuel (usually liquid) is in-
bustible mixture in the combustion chamber. Since the jected into the combustion chamber through atomizers,
gas in the chamber is in turbulent motion, this process is and air from a compressor is directed toward the fuel
one of turbulent flame propagation. The velocity of prop- through a perforated liner (or can) designed to facilitate
agation and the chamber size affect the time required for stable mixing and combustion in the flow. There may be a
combustion to occur, although for diesel combustion the number of tubular combustion chambers around the shaft
time needed for burnout of remaining fuel pockets, af- that connects the compressor and the turbine, or an annular
ter completion of propagation, also influences the total region around the shaft may be employed as a combustion
combustion time. The combustion time is significant in chamber, with an annular liner inside an annular casing.
engine design, because power production is greatest if Annular designs facilitate combustion by providing larger
combustion begins after compression is completed and is areas and therefore lower gas velocities in the chamber, but
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they present difficulties in flow control (e.g., in achieving hot products of combustion from the combustion cham-
uniformity of temperature at the chamber exit). Can-type ber are expanded through a nozzle to a high velocity for
liners around injectors can be employed in annular cham- producing thrust. By employing oxidizers other than air,
bers to improve control while retaining other advantages rocket engines can achieve higher temperatures of com-
of annular designs. bustion products and greater thrust per unit mass of pro-
In ramjets and afterburners, flames typically are stabi- pellant consumed (called specific impulse) than if air were
lized by bluff bodies (e.g., rods or baffles), ahead of which the oxidizer.
fuel is injected and behind which there is flow separation There are two main types of rockets—solid-propellant
with recirculation zones that anchor flames. The flames and liquid-propellant. In solid-propellant rockets, a com-
spread from the recirculation zones at angles determined bustible solid material—the propellant “grain” (e.g., a
by the turbulent burning velocity. Recirculation for an- mixture of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine, called a
choring flames also can be produced by wall recesses or double-base propellant, or crystals of an oxidizer such
by reverse jets (fuel injected in the upstream direction, as ammonium perchlorate, NH4 ClO4 , dispersed in a ma-
opposite to the direction of the gas flow). The dump com- trix of a hydrocarbon fuel polymer to form a composite
bustor, in which a sudden expansion of the cross-sectional material called a composite propellant)—is contained in
area of the combustion chamber produces flow separa- the combustion chamber. After ignition (e.g., by electrical
tion and recirculation, is an example of a ramjet in which heating or by initiation of a small explosive or pyrotechnic
flames are stabilized by wall recesses. charge), the grain burns at its surface, causing hot gas to is-
Most current jet aircraft engines have air streams that sue into the portion of the chamber not occupied by solid.
bypass the turbojet combustor and turbine and to which The burning rate or regression velocity of the propellant,
fuel often may be added and burnt in ramjet fashion, so that is, the velocity at which the grain surface recedes, is
that these bypass engines possess attributes of both turbo- important in engine design and is a property of the com-
jets and ramjets. For propulsion at high supersonic speeds, bustion process.
the temperature increase associated with deceleration of In liquid-propellant rockets, the combustibles are liq-
air to subsonic velocities can impose unacceptably large uids, which are carried in tanks and injected into the
heat loads on the vehicle, and consideration of combustion combustion chamber through intricate injectors that at-
in supersonic flows therefore becomes attractive. This has omize the fuel and promote mixing. Two types of liquid-
led to designs of supersonic-combustion ramjets in which propellant rockets are (a) monopropellant rockets, which
combustion occurs in a supersonic mixing layer as the employ a single liquid fuel (e.g., hydrazine, N2 H4 ) that is
fuel and air mix. Such “scramjets” are being considered capable by itself of combustion with heat release, and (b)
for propulsion of the aerospace plane, designed to fly from the more common bipropellant rockets, which employ two
Earth to orbit. Detonative-combustion engines, which op- liquids, a fuel and an oxidizer (e.g., cryogenically cooled
erate on principles of standing or traveling detonations, liquid hydrogen, H2 , and fluorine, F2 ), that burn with heat
also have been considered for these types of applications. release when brought into contact with each other. The
One such concept under consideration and experimenta- time required for completion of combustion of the injected
tion is the pulse-detonation engine, consisting of a num- liquids is relevant to the design of liquid-propellant rock-
ber of tubes sequentially filled with a detonable fuel-air ets; this time often is related to droplet burning times.
mixture, having detonations periodically initiated in each The hybrid rocket engine employs a solid-fuel grain in
tube at controlled frequencies to achieve tailored thrust. the combustion chamber and an injected liquid or gaseous
For flight propulsion at hypersonic speeds, it may be im- oxidizer. The regression rate of the grain surface in hybrid
practical to bring air into an internal combustion chamber, rockets depends on the rates of heat and mass transfer in
and therefore concepts of external-burning ramjets have the gas layer adjacent to the surface where the fuel reacts
been explored, in which fuel is injected into the air outside with the oxidizer in the combustion process.
the vehicle, where it ignites and burns, producing thrust
on external surfaces.
F. Relationship of Combustion to Fire
and Explosion Hazards
E. Combustion in Rocket Engines
Deflagration is the intended mode of combustion for
The applications discussed thus far have been concerned nearly all rockets and air-breathing engines. In explosives
with air-breathing engines, in which the oxidizer for the (e.g., trinitrotoluene, TNT) the intended mode is deto-
fuel is the O2 in the air. In rocket engines, the oxidizer nation because the much higher associated pressures en-
instead is carried within the vehicle; this is essential for able greater forces to be applied. Most combustible mix-
propulsion in space. The principle of the rocket is that the tures are capable of detonation, and in most applications,
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detonation (which produces the most damaging type of ex- open chemical systems is the most relevant to combustion.
plosion) must be avoided. Studies of safety in the handling In particular, heats of reaction and chemical equilibria are
of combustible mixtures address problems of preventing of prominent importance. For many combustion purposes,
ignition, pressure buildup, and detonation. Safety stan- use of the thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures is suf-
dards for working with fuels and combustible mixtures ficient, but sometimes nonideality and condensed phases
were developed through investigations of the combustion must be considered—the former in detonation of solid ex-
of these materials. Design of equipment (safety valves, plosives and the latter in droplet burning, for example.
flame arresters, etc.) for safety in combustible handling Heats of combustion of some common fuels, per unit
relies on knowledge of combustion properties. mass of fuel, to form gaseous CO2 and liquid H2 O as
Unwanted fires involve the combustion of fuels in products are given in Table I, along with representative
air. Combustion studies contribute to the development adiabatic flame temperatures for mixtures initially at room
of methods for fire prevention, fire detection, fire haz- temperature (298.15 K). Adiabatic flame temperatures can
ard evaluation, fire damage assessment, and fire suppres- be estimated from heats of combustion by equating the
sion. In particular, investigations of mechanisms for ex- product of an average specific heat at constant pressure
tinction of combustion suggest elements of operation for for combustion products and the difference between the
fire extinguishers, which are employed in fire suppression. adiabatic flame temperature and the initial temperature to
Identification of fire retardant materials is aided by com- the product of the heat of combustion and the fraction
bustion knowledge. Strategies for controlling large fires of the mass of the initial mixture that is fuel. Improved
employ estimates of combustion behavior. In general, calculations of adiabatic flame temperatures account for
much of the field of fire-control research concerns com- chemical equilibria in products (equilibrium dissociation)
bustion research. and usually employ available computer routines. The en-
tries in the last three rows of Table I are average estimates
because of variations in the fuels.
G. Waste Incineration and
Underground Combustion
B. Chemical Kinetics of Combustion
Combustion provides a major method for disposal of waste
materials. It is especially attractive for destruction of haz- In combustion processes, the chemistry proceeds at finite
ardous or toxic wastes, because thorough conversion of rates and generally involves a number of elementary reac-
toxic materials to nonharmful molecules can be achieved tion steps. Two principal aspects of the chemical kinetics
with appropriate incinerator designs. Combustion at high of combustion are the reaction mechanism (the sequence
pressures, above the critical point at which liquid–gas dis- of elementary steps involved) and the rate of each elemen-
tinctions disappear, exhibits promising attributes for some tary step. The relative rates of the steps vary with condi-
of these purposes and therefore is being studied. In other tions, because they depend on the temperature, pressure,
situations, beneficial power production may accompany and composition of the system. Thus, steps that are im-
waste destruction through suitable incinerator design. portant for some conditions become unimportant for oth-
Controlled combustion in underground deposits of coal ers, which leads to changes in mechanisms as conditions
and oil shale has been investigated as a promising means change. The reaction mechanisms are known for many but
for extracting useful fuels and for production of power. not all combustion processes.
On the other hand, uncontrolled underground combustion Reaction mechanisms in combustion often involve
in coal and peat deposits can be difficult to extinguish and chain reactions, in which a reactive intermediate species
can threaten human life and pose severe environmental (such as hydroxyl, OH), called a chain carrier, which is
problems. created in some steps and destroyed in others, accelerates
the overall rate of conversion of fuel to products. During
much of the combustion process these intermediates can
achieve steady-state concentrations (in which their total
rate of creation equals their total rate of destruction), or
they can be involved in reaction steps that attain partial
equilibrium (in which the forward and backward rates of
A. Thermodynamics of Combustion
the step are equal). If steady-state or partial-equilibrium
The first and second laws of thermodynamics are basic to approximations can be verified for a particular combus-
combustion processes. Thermodynamic cycles for produc- tion process, then improved understanding of its chem-
tion of work from heat play roles in evaluating efficiencies ical kinetics is obtained, and simplified descriptions of
of piston engines and gas turbines. The thermodynamics of the overall rate of conversion of fuel to products may be
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TABLE I Selected Heats of Combustion and Flame Temperatures for Various Fuels
Standard heat of Adiabatic flame
combustion at temperature,
Fuel State Formula 298.15 K (kJ/g) Oxidizer Pressure (atm) maximum (K)

Carbon Solid (graphite) C 32.8 — — —

Hydrogen Gas H2 141.8 Air 1 2400
O2 1 3080
Carbon monoxide Gas CO 10.1 Air 1 2400
Methane Gas CH4 55.0 Air 1 2220
Air 20 2270
O2 1 3030
O2 20 3460
Ethane Gas C2 H6 51.9 Air 1 2240
Ethene Gas C2 H4 50.3 Air 1 2370
Acetylene Gas C2 H2 48.2 Air 1 2600
O2 1 3410
Propane Gas C3 H8 50.4 Air 1 2260
Heptane Liquid C7 H16 48.4 Air 1 2290
Dodecane Liquid C12 H26 47.7 Air 1 2300
Benzene Liquid C6 H6 41.8 Air 1 2370
Methanol Liquid CH3 OH 22.7 — — —
Fuel oil Liquid — 42–47 Air 1 2300
Coal Solid — 20–36 Air 1 2200
Wood Solid — 19–23 Air 1 2100

developed. Therefore, methods for identifying and veri- CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2 O. (2)
fying these approximations in combustion are continually
evolving. The resulting descriptions are now called re- Some elements in the mechanism of reaction (2) are
duced chemical-kinetic mechanisms.
CH4 + O2 → CH3 + H + O2 (3)
When reaction mechanisms are not fully known, but
measurements of overall rates of fuel destruction or of → OH + O
H + O2 ← (4)
heat release can be made, then empirical, one-step, over-
CH4 + OH → CH3 + H2 O (5)
all, reaction-rate expressions can be obtained. In terms of
the fuel concentration f (g/cm3 ), the oxidizer concentra- CH3 + O → CH2 O + H (6)
tion g (g/cm3 ), pressure p (atm), and temperature T (K),
CH2 O + OH → HCO + H2 O (7)
the empirical rate w (g/cm3 sec) of the reactant mixture
conversion often can be written as HCO + O2 → H + CO + O2 (8)
w = A f l g m p n e−E/RT , (1) CO + OH → CO2 + H (9)

where R (8.31 J/mol K) is the universal gas constant, and → O + H2

H + OH ← (10)
the overall activation energy E, pressure exponent n, re- → H2 O + H
H2 + OH ← (11)
action orders l and m, and prefactor A are constants. Typ-
ically, 40 kJ/mol ≤ E ≤ 200 kJ/mol, 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, 0 ≤ l ≤ 2, → H2 O + O
2OH ← (12)
and 0 ≤ m ≤ 2, although values outside these ranges can H + 2O2 → HO2 + O2 (13)
occur. The exponential factor in Eq. (1) is called the
Arrhenius factor, and the rate expression is said to be an Here H, OH, and O are some of the chain carriers, and
Arrhenius expression, because Arrhenius employed the reaction (4) is an example of chain branching in which the
exponential form in early work (1899). number of carriers is increased. Reactions (4) and (10)–
An example of a reaction for which Eq. (1) sometimes (13) also occur in H2 oxidation. During portions of the
can be used is the oxidation of methane, whose overall combustion history, steady-state approximations (e.g., for
reaction is HCO) and partial-equilibrium approximations [e.g., for
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reaction (11)] may apply. The former would enable reac- fluxes of chemical species, heat, and momentum, as well
tions (7) and (8) to be replaced by as the transport equations that relate the fluxes to the gra-
dients of concentration, temperature, and velocity, can be
CH2 O + OH → H2 O + H + CO, (14)
obtained from the kinetic theory of gases and experiment
the rate being that of (7). The establishment of Eq. (14) for ideal gas mixtures. Although the coefficients differ by
is an example of a step toward derivation of reduced as much as a factor of 10 for different species under dif-
chemical-kinetic mechanisms. Derivation of Eq. (1) from ferent conditions, and although small differences some-
the detailed mechanism and from the rates of each step times are important in combustion processes, it may be
by simplification of this type has not been attained for re- assumed as a rough approximation that all molecular and
action (2), although a four-step reduced mechanism has thermal diffusivities, as well as the kinematic viscosity,
become quite successful for methane flames. There has vary inversely with pressure and at atmospheric pressure
been significant recent advancement in reduced chemistry are about 0.1 cm2 /sec at room temperature and 1 cm2 /sec
for combustion, including the chemistry of production of near flame temperatures. The ratio of the kinematic viscos-
pollutants such as NO in flames. A further objective in ity to the thermal diffusivity (the Prandtl number) and the
the chemical kinetics of combustion is to obtain unknown ratios of the thermal diffusivity to diffusion coefficients
rates of elementary steps from measurement and theory. of various species (Lewis numbers) are relevant numbers
near unity in reacting mixtures of ideal gases.
Turbulent transport processes are important in turbu-
C. Fluid Mechanics of Combustion
lent combustion, and sometimes turbulent transport co-
Fluids can be treated as continua for nearly all purposes in efficients can be used. The values of these coefficients
combustion; an exception occurs in structures of gaseous depend on the turbulence levels and generally are much
detonations that begin with shocks so strong that the ki- larger than the molecular values just given.
netic theory of gases is needed to describe them. The con- Many combustion processes in both laminar and turbu-
servation equations of fluid mechanics describe combus- lent flows occur at high Reynolds numbers (large ratios of
tion processes. In addition to the usual equations for con- intertial to viscous forces) as a consequence of high ve-
servation of mass, momentum, and energy, equations for locities. Under these conditions, the boundary-layer the-
conservation of chemical species are needed in combus- ory of fluid mechanics often applies. That is, viscous and
tion. Rates of chemical reactions [e.g., Eq. (1)] appear in transport effects are important only in thin layers of the
these last equations. For most purposes, mixtures of ideal fluid, called boundary layers. The theory of heat and mass
gases can be considered and treated as Newtonian fluids, transfer across boundary layers therefore is relevant to
so that the Navier–Stokes equations apply (augmented by many combustion problems. Bases for describing chem-
chemistry). For some purposes (e.g., in spray combustion) ically reacting boundary layers in ideal gas mixtures are
conservation equations for multiphase flows must be con- available. Transfer theory provides a general framework
sidered. The fluid mechanics of turbulence is relevant to in which transport processes at all Reynolds numbers can
turbulent combustion. However, there are many laminar be described, without restriction to ideal gas mixtures, and
combustion processes in which the complexities of turbu- both with and without combustion. Transfer theory thus
lence do not arise. finds applications in combustion.
A distinguishing characteristic of the fluid mechanics
of combustion is the decrease in the density of the fluid
that is associated mainly with the temperature increase
produced by the heat release. Density changes of a factor of
five are typical and introduce flow effects (e.g., strong gas
A. Self-Accelerating Character of Combustion
expansion) that are not commonly encountered in other
areas of fluid mechanics. A distinguishing attribute of many combustion processes
that gives them a qualitative difference from other chemi-
cal rate processes is the tendency for the combustion rate
D. Transport Phenomena in Combustion
to increase as the combustion proceeds. In chemistry, this
Molecular diffusion, heat conduction, and viscosity play property often is called autocatalysis. There are two causes
important roles in many combustion processes. For exam- for the progressive increase in the rate of combustion.
ple, interdiffusion of fuel and oxidizer often must precede One is chain branching, exemplified in reaction (4). Since
chemical heat release. The transport coefficients (diffu- the combustion rate increases as the concentrations of
sion coefficients, thermal conductivity, and coefficient of chain carriers increase, branching can accelerate the pro-
viscosity) that are multiplied by the gradients to obtain the cess. The other is the increase in rate with temperature,
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seen in the exponential factor in Eq. (1). Since combus- constituents in composite solid propellants burn in diffu-
tion is exothermic (releases heat), the temperature tends sion flames, but the oxidizer NH4 ClO4 behaves as a mono-
to increase as the process proceeds, and therefore the propellant and decomposes first in a premixed flame. In
rate increases. The self-acceleratory character of the re- this example, the collection of diffusion flames at the pro-
action introduces features such as explosions, categorized pellant surface can be viewed as a substructure of the over-
as branched-chain explosions, if chain branching domi- all propellant deflagration (a premixed-combustion con-
nates, or thermal explosions, if the increase in rate with cept); thus there are three successive levels—premixed,
temperature dominates. diffusion, and premixed—each at a larger scale than its
predecessor. Finally, in nonhomogeneous gas mixtures
of fuel and oxidizer there may be variations in the fuel–
B. Premixed Combustion oxidizer ratio, which give rise to separate regions of pre-
mixed flames and diffusion flames or to partially premixed
In many respects, the most fundamental principle in the
diffusion flames (if the mixing is insufficient to support
study of combustion is the need to distinguish between
purely premixed flames). Despite the complexities of fuel
two basically different arrangements of fuel; premixed
arrangement that can occur in heterogeneous mixtures, the
and nonpremixed, also called homogeneous and heteroge-
two extreme concepts of diffusion flames and premixed
neous. Premixed systems are those in which the fuel and
combustion remain helpful principles in bringing order to
oxidizer are intimately mixed before combustion begins.
descriptions of the combustion processes.
An example of premixed combustion is the flame cone of a
Bunsen burner, in which gaseous fuel is thoroughly mixed
with air at the base of the burner tube that holds the flame at
its upper exit. Fuels that burn without additional oxidizers, IV. INITIATION OF COMBUSTION
such as monopropellants and many explosives, are intrin-
sically premixed. Premixed combustion can proceed in A. Critical Conditions for Ignition
transient processes nearly homogeneously throughout the
Premixed combustibles that are not reacting rapidly al-
entire system or in waves (deflagrations and detonations);
ways are metastable in that they react at small but nonzero
thin fronts that propagate into the unburnt combustibles.
rates. Often (e.g., for CH4 –air mixtures at room temper-
Thus, self-acceleratory phenomena and combustion waves
ature) the rates are so small that in hundreds of years the
are characteristics of premixed combustion.
extent of reactant depletion would not be detectable. Ig-
nition is the process by which these mixtures, reacting
at negligible rates, are caused to begin to react rapidly.
C. Combustion in Heterogeneous Mixtures
In combustion there are many situations in which nec-
The opposite extreme from premixed combustion is com- essary conditions for achieving ignition can be defined
bustion in systems in which the fuel and oxidizer are sepa- accurately. When they exist, these critical conditions can
rated initially and mix as they burn—for example, a wood readily be identified in the graph of rates of heat release and
fire. Most liquid and solid fuels that require an oxidizer of heat loss shown in Fig. 1. If the dependence of the rate of
burn in this nonpremixed (initially unmixed) fashion, as heat loss on temperature is sufficiently strong, because the
do gaseous fuels in many applications (e.g., in industrial system has a large thermal conductivity or a large surface-
flares). In these combustion processes, the chemical heat to-volume ratio (small dimensions), then there is only one
release occurs in a flame into which fuel and oxidizer are intersection giving a balance of rates of generation and
transported from opposite sides. Diffusion is essential to loss at a low (negligible) rate of heat release. At lower
this type of combustion; fuel and oxidizer diffuse into the conductivities (larger systems), there are three intersec-
reaction zone while heat and reaction products diffuse out. tions, the middle one being an unstable balance. The loss
Therefore, these flames are called diffusion flames. The line on which a critical ignition condition is identified cor-
processes tend to be nonexplosive and nonpropagating be- responds to a system size above which the only balance is
cause the heat-release rates are limited by diffusion rates. the high-temperature intersection with a rapid rate of heat
There are combustion processes in heterogeneous mix- release. Ignition can be achieved by external stimuli when
tures that possess diffusion-flame substructures while ex- the high-rate intersection exists. It occurs spontaneously
hibiting premixed-combustion behavior at larger scales; without external stimuli (spontaneous combustion) when
examples are combustion waves in fuel sprays or dust sus- the only balance is the high-rate balance. The spontaneous
pensions (e.g., pulverized coal) in air. There also are dif- process occurs when the system is big enough for the loss
fusion flames with premixed-flame substructures. For ex- rate to depend sufficiently weakly on the temperature of
ample, under appropriate conditions the fuel and oxidizer the system.
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Combustion 323

C. Ignition Energies and Ignition Temperatures

Conditions for achieving ignition by application of ther-
mal stimuli can be expressed as ignition energies if the
rates of application are rapid or as ignition temperatures
(variously called spontaneous ignition temperatures or au-
toignition temperatures) if the rates of application are slow.
In the former case, all the energy applied may contribute
to ignition, while in the latter, some of it is lost, and steady
conditions are approached in which the applied rate equals
the loss rate. There are several methods of ignition; expo-
sure to a sufficiently hot surface, to hot inert gas, to a small
flame (a pilot), to an electrically heated wire, to a radiant
energy source, to an explosive charge, or to an electrical
spark discharge. Ignition criteria for the last two can be ex-
pressed best in terms of ignition energy and for the first two
in terms of ignition temperature; the others fall in between.
FIGURE 1 Schematic dependences of rates of heat release and
of heat loss on temperature, illustrating criticality.
The energy that must be supplied to a system to achieve
ignition usually exceeds the ignition energy because of
losses; for example, in spark ignition the electrical en-
ergy that must be supplied to the spark (the spark-ignition
B. Concept of Thermal Runaway
energy) exceeds the ignition energy because of heat con-
In the limit of no heat loss (adiabatic systems), there are duction to the electrodes and energy carried away in the
no intersections in Fig. 1, and the slow combustion causes gas by shocks. Ignition energies and ignition temperatures
the temperature to increase with time. The consequent in- for a few fuels in air at atmospheric pressure are given in
crease in the rate of heat release often leads eventually to a Table II. Values of these quantities can vary appreciably
rapid rate of temperature increase, called thermal runaway, with chemical composition and experimental conditions;
many examples of which have been seen in experiment. minimum values appear in Table II. Among practical fu-
Mathematical theories for ignition and for thermal explo- els, ignition temperatures tend to be around 700 K for coal
sion may employ asymptotic methods in which the rate of and 600 K for newspaper, dry wood, and gasoline.
temperature increase, at the time of ignition, approaches Representative dependences of the spontaneous ig-
(but does not reach) infinity. Also, thermal runaway is of- nition temperature on pressure are provided by the
ten characteristic of ignitions (when they occur) in systems explosion-limit curves shown in Fig. 2. If in a given ex-
with heat loss. periment, ignition is identified with a constant value of w

TABLE II Ignition and Flammability Properties of Selected Fuels in Air

Lower flammability Upper flammability Maximum
Minimum Spontaneous limit (% by volume limit (% by volume Minimum burning
ignition ignition of gaseous fuel of gaseous fuel quenching velocity
Fuel energy (mJ) temperature (K) in mixture) in mixture) distance (cm) (cm/sec)

H2 0.02 850 4 75 0.06 300

CO — 900 12 74 — 45
CH4 0.29 810 5 15 0.21 44
C2 H6 0.24 790 3 12 0.18 47
C2 H4 0.09 760 2.7 36 0.12 78
C2 H2 0.03 580 2.5 100 0.07 160
C3 H8 0.24 730 2.1 9.5 0.18 45
C7 H16 0.24 500 1.1 6.7 0.18 42
C12 H26 — 480 0.6 — 0.18 40
C6 H6 0.21 840 1.3 8 0.18 47
CH3 OH 0.14 660 6.7 36 0.15 54
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324 Combustion

many as six cool flames were observed, but different fuels

can exhibit more or less; cool-flame phenomena have also
been seen in CO oxidation. Since the temperature rise in
a cool flame is small, chemical kinetics are believed to
be responsible for the phenomena. Chain carriers can be
produced and then consumed by products at a later stage
in the mechanism before ignition develops. Cool flames
have been suggested to be relevant to knock (explosion
ahead of the flame) in spark-ignition engines; antiknock
compounds may suppress cool flames. It has also been
suggested that they are responsible for the will-o’-the-
wisp—fleeting blue lights occasionally seen in swamps
at night—although ordinary blue methane flames in air
(from the CH4 released by decay in the bog) may provide
a better explanation.

FIGURE 2 Schematic representation of explosion limits in a

pressure–temperature diagram for C3 H8 –O2 mixtures having 50% D. Ignition Delay Time
fuel (solid curves) and for H2 –O2 mixtures having 67% fuel
(dashed curve). Once conditions for ignition are established, there is a time
delay prior to thermal runaway. The delay is controlled by
the chemical kinetics, although in various applications,
in Eq. (1), then the explosion limit in Fig. 2 should show such as in spark-ignition engines, fluid mechanics also
a gradual increase in temperature with decreasing pres- may play a role in the delay. The ignition delay is rele-
sure. This behavior, characteristic of thermal explosions, vant in the design of many types of combustion engines.
is seen to apply at the higher pressures for both examples The delay depends on the temperature–time history of the
shown. At very low pressures there is a similar behavior, reactant mixture. At constant temperature the delay often
but anomalies occur at pressures between about 0.1 and can be expressed as ρ/w, where ρ (g/cm3 ) is the density
0.5 atm in these examples. of the initial reactant mixture and w possesses a form like
For H2 in O2 there is an explosion peninsula, its point Eq. (1). The delay is seen to decrease as the temperature
having an ignition temperature below 700 K at a pres- increases.
sure somewhat below 0.1 atm. Peninsulas of this kind are Results of this kind can be used to estimate ignition
found for other fuels as well (e.g., for wet CO in O2 ) temperatures by assigning the delay a reasonable value for
and are explained by the branched-chain character of the the experiment to be performed. Because of the Arrhenius
explosion. Chain carriers can be removed more rapidly, form, the ignition temperature is not a precisely defined
thereby reducing the rate, either by recombination steps quantity but depends on the time scale of the experiment.
involving collision of three molecules [e.g., reaction (13)] Ignition would occur even at room temperature if the time
if the pressure is high or by diffusion to the wall of the were long enough. Typical overall activation energies are
vessel containing the mixture (where they can be lost large enough that the ignition temperature depends only
by recombination) if the pressure is low. At intermediate weakly on the time scale; restricting attention to the wide
pressures, corresponding to the tip of the peninsula, both range of time scales encountered in practice may still lead
of these carrier-loss mechanisms are relatively inefficient, to relatively small variations in the ignition temperature.
and the mixture is prone to spontaneous combustion. Ac- The ignition delay in adiabatic homogeneous systems is
cording to this explanation, the limit curve should depend called the adiabatic thermal explosion time.
on the size of the vessel, on the wall material, and so on; In ignition by deposition of radiant energy, for example,
experimentally, it does, and variations of ignition temper- the ignition delay depends on the incident radiant energy
ature (at a given pressure) of more than 100 K are not flux. At low fluxes, the delay is long, and ignition can be
uncommon. characterized in terms of the critical flux (or power) needed
A different type of anomaly is observed for hydrocarbon for ignition; the energy required approaches infinity. At
oxidation and is exemplified by the propane results shown high fluxes the delay is short, and the critical energy for
in Fig. 2. In the region identified as cool flames, a few blue ignition is useful instead; the power approaches infinity. At
flames are observed to propagate sequentially through the intermediate fluxes, a critical relationship between power
reactant mixture in the vessel without causing ignition or and energy must be satisfied to achieve ignition, with both
explosion. For the reactant mixture in this example, as power and energy exceeding their minimum requirements.
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E. Flammability Limits and are useful only if the dependence on the configuration is
Quenching Distances not too great. This condition usually is satisfied because
differences in the UFL for upward or downward propa-
In gas mixtures of fuel and oxidizer, it has been found gation in closed or open tubes seldom exceed a few per-
experimentally that ignition cannot be achieved if the fuel cent; changes in the LFL seldom reach a factor of two.
or oxidizer concentration is too low. The critical concen- In addition, when tubes greater than 5 cm in diameter are
tration of either fuel or oxidizer, below which ignition is employed, the widening of the limits is found to be com-
impossible, is the flammability limit of the mixture. These parably small. One reason for selecting 5 cm is that when
limits can be expressed as minimum and maximum fuel smaller diameters are employed, the flammable range be-
percentages, between which the fuel percentage must lie gins to narrow appreciably. If the tube diameter is too
for the mixture to be combustible. The minimum percent- small, then combustion cannot be achieved at any fuel per-
age is called the lower flammability limit (LFL) and the centage. The critical diameter below which combustion is
maximum is the upper flammability limit (UFL). Flamma- impossible is the quenching diameter of the mixture.
bility limits for a few fuels in air at atmospheric pressure If a deflagration propagating through a gas meets a
and room temperature are listed in Table II. If the intent tubular restriction with a diameter less than the quench-
is to burn the mixture, then it is necessary to keep the ing diameter, then combustion fails to penetrate into the
fuel percentage between the LFL and the UFL. To handle tube. Similarly, if the deflagration encounters parallel
mixtures safely, without the possibility of combustion oc- plates whose separation is less than a critical value (the
curring, the fuel percentage should be kept below the LFL quenching distance), then combustion fails to proceed be-
or above the UFL. For example, in partially filled gasoline tween the plates. Experimentally, the quenching diame-
tanks of automobiles, the fuel percentage in the air above ter is about 20–50% greater than the quenching distance.
the liquid is above the UFL (which is about 6%). Quenching distances for a few fuels in air at atmospheric
The LFL and the UFL vary with pressure and tempera- pressure and room temperature are given in Table II. The
ture and normally tend to approach each other as either of values listed are those for the fuel percentage that gives the
these quantities is decreased. Thus, as the pressure is re- minimum value; the quenching distance increases signif-
duced, the LFL and UFL converge and meet each other at icantly as the fuel percentage departs from the optimum.
a critical pressure, the minimum pressure limit of flamma- There is a corresponding dependence of the ignition en-
bility. At pressures below this critical value, the mixture ergy on the fuel percentage. Values of quenching diame-
does not burn at any fuel percentage. The pressure limit of ters are employed in designs of flame arresters in which
flammability for any given mixture depends on tempera- fine grids are placed in gas lines to prevent flames from
ture; an indication of this dependence is shown in Fig. 2 propagating through them.
for the C3 H8 –O2 mixture, where it is seen to lie well below Flammability limits and quenching distances are man-
the explosion-limit curve. Between the flammability limit ifestations of the same general phenomena and are asso-
and the explosion limit the mixture can be ignited by an ciated with heat loss and with the strong dependence of
external stimulus but does not ignite spontaneously. heat-release rates on temperature. Because of this strong
A standard apparatus in which the LFL and UFL are dependence, rates of heat loss that are only roughly 10%
measured is a vertical glass tube 5 cm in diameter and of the rate of heat release can cause extinction of a de-
100 cm in length, with its ends either closed or open to flagration. Qualitatively, it is as if a system at an upper
the atmosphere. The tube is filled with the gas mixture, intersection (see Fig. 1) were subjected to heat-loss lines
and a strong spark is discharged either at the top or at the with slopes that gradually increase until a tangency condi-
bottom of the tube. According to one criterion, the mixture tion corresponding to the dashed line is reached, beyond
is judged to be flammable if a flame propagates to the other which only a slow-reaction intersection is possible. (How-
end of the tube. The results of the experiment depend on ever, the figure is not quite applicable because it excludes
whether the tube is open or closed and on whether the the energy used in raising the temperature of the mixture
spark is at the top (downward propagation) or at the bottom as it burns.)
(upward propagation). The limits usually are the widest for Since it is the ratio of the rate of heat loss to the rate
upward propagation in a closed tube. The limits usually of heat release that is of significance in extinction, reduc-
reported are the widest because the results are used most tion of the rate of heat release is an alternative way to
often in connection with safety. extinguish deflagrations. This can be achieved by adding
Since the limits depend on the experiment, they are flame extinguishants to the combustible to reduce the rate
properties not only of the gas mixture but also of the con- by reducing the flame temperature (through dilution, for
figuartion of the system. Limits generally widen as the instance, by addition of water or of an inert gas) or by slow-
size of the gas container increases. Tabulations of limits ing the chemical kinetics at a constant flame temperature
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326 Combustion

(through chemical inhibition, for instance, by addition of

materials such as bromine-containing species that com-
bine with chain carriers to reduce their concentrations in
the reaction zone). An extreme version of slowing the
chemical kinetics can arise if a change in conditions pro-
duces a somewhat abrupt change in the kinetic mechanism
to one that releases heat at a much slower rate. An example
of this may be found in H2 –O2 combustion, in which the
influence of nonreactive HO2 as a sink for chain carriers
through reactions such as Eq. (13) is known to become
dominant at temperatures below about 900 K.
Approximate correlations between quenching distances
and minimum ignition energies have been developed. It
can be stated that to ignite a combustible, an amount of en-
ergy must be deposited locally that is roughly sufficient to
FIGURE 3 Schematic locus of burnt-gas states for combustion
raise the temperature to the adiabatic flame temperature in
a disk-shaped volume of diameter equal to the quenching
diameter and of thickness equal to the deflagration thick-
ness. This ignition criterion can be expressed solely in deflagrations corresponding to the tangency at the lower
terms of either quenching diameter or deflagration thick- Chapman–Jouguet point. The two dashed lines in Fig. 3
ness by using the result that the quenching diameter gener- illustrate representative intermediate conditions, and each
ally is between 20 and 60 times the deflagration thickness has two intersections, corresponding to weak and strong
(essentially because heat-loss rates that are roughly 10% waves, as indicated in the figure. The waves encountered
of heat-release rates cause extinction, as indicated earlier). in combustion are weak (in fact, nearly isobaric) deflagra-
The basis of the ignition-energy criterion is that if it is not tions and strong or often Chapman–Jouguet detonations.
satisfied, then heat loss to the cool combustible surround- As the heat of combustion is increased, the separation be-
ing the ignition point causes extinction after the energy tween the initial state and the Hugoniot increases. Some
deposition. additional properties of these waves are summarized in
Table III, where the subscripts + and − refer to upper and
lower Chapman–Jouguet conditions, respectively, and the
subscripts 1, max, and min identify additional constants
determined by the initial state of the mixture. Initiation
A. Establishment of Laminar Flames
of combustion typically produces a deflagration that later
When mass, momentum, and energy conservation equa- may undergo a transition to a detonation.
tions are written for planar, steady, adiabatic combustion A common way to initiate a deflagration (also called a
waves through which reactants are converted to products, laminar or turbulent flame depending on whether the flow
it is found that a one-parameter family of waves may ex- is laminar or turbulent) is to discharge a spark inside a tube
ist. The possiblilities are conveniently illustrated in the containing a combustible mixture. A planar deflagration
pressure–volume diagram shown in Fig. 3. In the ini- may develop and travel at a nearly constant speed (burning
tial combustible, the pressure is p0 and the volume per velocity) for a distance roughly between 2 and 50 tube
unit mass is v0 ; corresponding quantities in the burnt gas diameters from the spark. A spherical chamber can be
are p∞ and v∞ . The locus of burnt-gas states is called used with the spark at the center to initiate a spherical
the Hugoniot curve, and the negative of the slope of the flame. For experimental investigations of deflagrations, it
straight line connecting the burnt state to the initial state is helpful to have a stationary rather than a propagating
is proportional to the square of the propagation velocity flame in the laboratory. This can be achieved by use of
of the wave. Therefore, the slope must be negative; this
divides the Hugoniot curve into two distinct branches, the 1. A Bunsen burner
upper and the lower. Detonations have final states on 2. A slot burner (Bunsen-type burner with an elongated
the upper branch and deflagrations on the lower branch. rectangular outlet to produce nearly planar,
There is a minimum propagation velocity for detonations two-dimensional flow)
corresponding to the tangency at the upper Chapman– 3. A flat-flame burner (in which the combustible is
Jouguet point, and a maximum propagation velocity for passed through a cooled, porous flat plate, and a
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TABLE III Summary of Types of Combustion Waves and Their Properties

Pressure Volume
Section in ratio ratio Propagation Burnt-gas Mach
Fig. 3 p = ( p∞ / p0 ) v = (v ∞ /v 0 ) Mach number M 0 number M ∞ Remarks

Strong detonations Line A–B p+ < p < ∞ vmin < v < v+ M0+ < M0 < ∞ M∞ < 1 Seldom observed;
(vmin > 0) requires special
Upper Point B p = p+ v = v+ M0 = M0+ M∞ = 1 Usually observed for
Chapman– ( p+ > 1) (v+ < 1) (M0+ > 1) waves propagating
Jouguet point in tubes
Weak detonations Line B–C p1 < p < p+ v+ < v < 1 M0+ < M0 < ∞ M∞ > 1 Seldom observed;
( p1 > 1) requires very
special gas
Weak deflagrations Line D–E p− < p < 1 v1 < v < v− 0 < M0 < M0− M∞ < 1 Often observed;
(v1 > 1) p ≈ 1 in most
Lower Point E p = p− v = v− M0 = M0− M∞ = 1 Not observed
Chapman– ( p− < 1) (v− > 1) (M0− < 1)
Jouguet point
Strong deflagrations Line E–F 0 < p < p− v− < v < vmax M0 min < M0 < Mo− M∞ > 1 Not observed;
(vmax < ∞) (M0 min > 0) forbidden by
cosiderations of
wave structure

flame is ignited and stabilized in a planar, below its initial value. In the figure the fuel concentration
one-dimensional configuration adjacent to the plate) is represented in terms of its mass fraction, the mass of
4. A stagnation-flow burner (in which counterflowing fuel per unit mass of mixture. Although the fuel is flowing
streams of reactants and products or inerts from toward this reaction zone, it enters it mainly by diffusion
opposed ducts serve to stabilize a planar flame in a rather than by convection, because the concentration gra-
flow with strain, which is said to stretch the flame) dient is appreciable but the level is small (roughly 10% of
the initial concentration). Temperature and velocity both
When the flame is stationary, the velocity of the com- increase, typically by a factor of 5 to 8, and they are near
bustible entering the flame (or the normal component their maximum values in the reaction zone. The portion
of velocity in non-one-dimensional configurations) is the
burning velocity. Many measurements of burning veloci-
ties and of temperature and composition profiles through
laminar deflagrations have been made with stationary

B. Structures of Laminar Flames

A representative flame structure is illustrated in the upper
part of Fig. 4. Pressure decreases with distance through the
flame (see also Fig. 3) but the fractional change is very
small (of the order of the square of the Mach number of
propagation), typically 10−6 to 10−3 , and it has been ex-
aggerated in Fig. 4 for illustration. The rate of heat release
and the rate of fuel consumption [w in Eq. (1)] follow
approximately the same curve, which peaks sharply near
the burnt-gas end of the flame. Most of the reaction occurs FIGURE 4 Schematic illustration of representative structures of
near this peak, where the fuel concentration is significantly planar deflagrations and detonations.
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328 Combustion

of the flame ahead of the reaction time typically is thicker

than the reaction zone and often involves convection and
diffusion, with little reaction. Thus, there is approximately
a two-zone structure, a preheat zone in which heat con-
duction increases the temperature until the w of Eq. (1)
becomes appreciable, followed by a reaction zone. It is
because of this two-zone character that the deflagration
propagates at a well-defined burning velocity.
Variations in this structure may occur in different
flames. Chain carriers may be produced mainly on the
hot side and diffuse forward to react and produce appre-
ciable heat release in the preheat zone. Calculations of
flame structures with detailed chemical kinetics show that
various chemical species and reactions appear and then
disappear in different parts of the flame. Study of defla-
gration structure is a continuing research topic which has
experienced appreciable advancement in recent years. FIGURE 5 Dependence of the burning velocity on the equiva-
The overall thickness δ of the deflagration can be esti- lence ratio for four hydrocarbon fuels in air at standard conditions.
mated (e.g., by dimensional analysis) as

δ = αρ/w, (15)
if all the fuel were to burn to CO2 and H2 O, as in reaction
where α (cm2 /sec) is the thermal diffusivity. The defi- (2), for example, there would be no fuel or O2 remaining
nition of a thickness is somewhat arbitrary because of in the products.] Maximum burning velocities for vari-
the continuous variation in properties. Since most of the ous fuels (in air at atmospheric pressure and initially at
thickness often is occupied by the preheat zone, definitions room temperature) are listed in Table II; minimum values
based on the half-width of the peak of w tend to underesti- occur at the flammability limits and tend to be around 5
mate thicknesses defined in terms of temperature changes. or 10 cm/sec. The maximum value occurs near stoichio-
Thicknesses based on temperature changes tend to be pro- metric conditions (an equivalence ratio φ of unity). The
portional to p −n/2 [see Eq. (1)]. That is, they decrease as flame temperature is a maximum very near stoichiome-
pressure increases, and at atmospheric pressure they have try [exactly at stoichiometry if reaction (2), for example,
values in the range of 10−2 to 10−1 cm. is an exact representation of the overall process], but V
often achieves its maximum somewhat farther from sto-
ichiometry (usually at fuel-rich conditions, φ > 1, rather
C. Laminar Burning Velocities
than fuel-lean conditions), because of differing diffusivi-
Unlike ignition temperatures, laminar burning velocities ties for different chemical species and variations in chem-
have more well-defined values. They can be estimated ical kinetics with φ.
(again by dimensional analysis) as Values of burning velocities measured by different tech-
 niques typically differ from each other by a few percent.
V = αw/ρ, (16)
Techniques include observations of both propagating and
where V denotes the burning velocity. From Eq. (1) it is stationary flames. Rough values of burning velocities can
seen that their dependence on the flame temperature is be obtained from pressure–time histories in closed cham-
strong (through the Arrhenius factor). Since values of n bers if the flame shape can be estimated. In the soap-
typically are near 2, their dependence on pressure (propor- bubble method, the combustible is contained in an essen-
tional to p n/2−1 ) is weak; they may increase or decrease tially constant-pressure spherical bubble and ignited by
slowly as the pressure is increased. The dependence on a spark at the center; the burning velocity is calculated
flame temperature causes them to increase as the initial from the observed rate of expansion of the spherical flame
temperature of the combustible increases and to depend by subtracting the expansion associated with the density
strongly on the composition of the combustible mixture. decrease across the flame. Use of Bunsen and slot burn-
The composition dependence for a few hydrocarbon fuels ers involves small uncertainties in calculating the normal
(in air at atmospheric pressure and initially at room tem- component of gas velocity from the observed flame shape
perature) is shown in Fig. 5, where the equivalence ratio is and the measured combustible flow rate to the burner. Flat-
defined as the ratio of the initial fuel concentration to that flame burners can stabilize flames over a range of burn-
required for a stoichiometric mixture. [In such a mixture, ing velocities, because as the fuel flow rate is decreased,
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Combustion 329

the flame moves closer to the burner, causing the rate of as the intensity of the turbulence increases. Although the
heat loss to the burner to increase and therefore the flame mechanisms of turbulent flame propagation are not well
temperature to decrease, and thus maintaining a balance understood, there exist many ideas on the subject and vari-
between the flow velocity and the burning velocity; the ous methods for estimating turbulent burning velocities. A
flow velocity above which the flame no longer can be sta- fact that has been established is that there is more than one
bilized by the burner and travels away with the flow (i.e., regime of turbulent flame propagation. Regimes can be
the velocity at which flame blowoff occurs) corresponds to distinguished on the basis of two dimensionless numbers,
nearly adiabatic conditions and therefore is comparable to a Reynolds number that is characteristic of the turbulence
the burning velocities found with the other experimen- and a Damköhler number that is characteristic of the chem-
tal techniques. In stagnation-flow burners, flame stretch istry. The latter, the ratio of a flow time to a chemical time,
generally modifies the burning velocity, and values to be first introduced by Damköhler in 1936, is of paramount
compared with results of other methods can be obtained by importance in combustion and may be defined as
extrapolation to low rates of strain. Recent most reliable
D = τ V /δ, (17)
results for CH4 , obtained by a variant of this last method,
are approximately 10% below those of Table II and Fig. 5. where τ is a flow time, and δ and V are given by Eqs. (15)
and (16). For use in turbulent combustion, the flow time τ
may be taken as the ratio of the size of the largest turbulent
D. Laminar Flames in Nonuniform Flows
eddies to an intensity defined as the average value of
In nonuniform flows, flame stretch affects the internal the magnitude of the turbulent velocity fluctuation (the
structure of the flame and can change the flame temper- difference between the local instantaneous velocity and
ature from its normal adiabatic value by modifying rela- the mean velocity). With this definition, two limiting
tive diffusion rates of heat and various chemical species. regimes of turbulent flame propagation are those of large
Small differences in Lewis numbers can cause large dif- and small values of D.
ferences in the influence of stretch on burning velocities, At sufficiently large Damköhler numbers, laminar
because of the strong dependence of the burning velocity flames are thin compared with all scales of turbulence, and
on the flame temperature. For deflagrations stabilized at turbulent flames consist of wrinkled laminar flames—the
the exit of a duct, the boundary layer at the duct wall is reaction-sheet regime. At sufficiently small Damköhler
a region of strain and therefore stretches the flame that is numbers, laminar flames are thick compared with all
anchored there. The consequent flame-structure modifica- scales of turbulence and therefore cannot exist in the tur-
tions usually are not of great significance in determining bulent flow; turbulent combustion occurs in the manner
the conditions for blowoff (the average exit flow velocity in which reactions occur in well-stirred chemical reactors
above which the flame is blown away) or flashback (the in the chemical industry—the distributed-reaction regime.
average exit flow velocity below which the flame propa- At sufficiently large turbulence Reynolds numbers, there
gates into the duct); these conditions can be estimated by may well exist additional (currently unknown) regimes of
evaluating the flow velocity and burning velocity at a dis- turbulent flame propagation at intermediate Damköhler
tance from the wall that is equal to the quenching distance numbers, between those corresponding to the reaction-
(since flame propagation at scales less than the quenching sheet and the distributed-reaction regimes. Methods for
distance generally does not occur). Flame-structure mod- estimating turbulent burning velocities are most well de-
ifications by stretch can, however, be significant for defla- veloped for the reaction-sheet regime; here the ratio of the
grations away from the walls. For combustible mixtures in turbulent burning velocity to the laminar burning velocity
which stretch tends to reduce the flame temperature (e.g., is seen geometrically to be the ratio of the wrinkled flame
those having thermal diffusivities exceeding the average area to the cross-sectional area of the turbulent flame and
reactant diffusivities, such as in fuel-rich H2 –air flames or depends on the intensity U of the turbulence, but not on its
fuel-lean C3 H8 –air flames), abrupt flame extinction can scale. A rough formula for the turbulent burning velocity,
be produced by stretch alone. In the opposite case (e.g., often used, is U + V , for the reaction-sheet regime.
for fuel-lean H2 –air flames or fuel-rich C3 H8 –air flames), Many practical turbulent-combustion processes—for
heat loss is needed for abrupt extinction of single planar example, those in spark-ignition engines—are widely be-
stretched flames. lieved to occur in the reaction-sheet regime. At high tur-
bulence intensities (large values of U/V ), these flames
involve many reaction sheets and pockets of unburnt gas
E. Turbulent Flame Propagation
that have been cut off by the wrinkled laminar flame
In most practical combustion chambers, flames are turbu- propagation. At low intensities (small U/V ), only single
lent. The burning velocity generally is observed to increase sheets occur, which are slightly wrinkled. If D becomes
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too small, then the previously indicated influences of flow passing into the combustible ahead of it, compressing
nonuniformities on laminar-flame structure arise; and un- the mixture and consequently raising its temperature. The
der appropriate conditions, there are local extinctions of temperature increase can be great enough at positions of
the wrinkled flames, causing holes to develop in the reac- shock convergence to generate local explosions that de-
tion sheets. velop into new propagating deflagrations moving outward
from points that are often located at walls. From these igni-
tion sites, deflagrations travel in both directions along the
F. Heterogeneous Deflagrations tube, increasing the overall rate of pressure-wave gener-
Combustion waves in fuel sprays, earlier identified as ation. Eventually, pressures in excess of final detonation
premixed-combustion processes with diffusion-flame sub- pressures develop, and a detonation propagates through
structures, provide examples of heterogeneous deflagra- the rest of the combustible in the tube.
tions. Since the droplets in heterogeneous spray deflagra- This sequence is favored by confinement, because the
tions burn as diffusion flames, Eq. (1) cannot be used in walls reflect the pressure waves back into the combustible.
Eqs. (15) and (16) to obtain the thickness of the heteroge- Openings allow relief by transmitting pressure waves
neous deflagration and its burning velocity. Instead, w may to the surroundings of the system. In open combustible
be estimated as the product of the number of droplets per clouds, transition to detonation is rare, although it can oc-
unit volume and the burning rate (mass per unit time) of cur in sufficiently reactive combustibles. The transition
a droplet. The resulting burning velocity decreases (and time in the open appreciably exceeds that in an enclosure.
deflagration thickness increases) as the droplet size in- In general, the greater the degree of partial confinement
creases, if the equivalence ratio is held fixed (i.e., if the the sooner detonation develops. In this respect, confined
droplets are made large by combining the same amount of combustibles are more hazardous than combustibles open
fuel into a smaller number of droplets). In sprays of suf- to the atmosphere.
ficiently small droplets, the evaporation time of a droplet
is short compared with the passage time (δ/V ) through B. Detonation Velocities
a gaseous deflagration. The combustion process thus be-
comes essentially the same as that which has been de- Planar detonations differ from planar deflagrations in that,
scribed for gaseous fuels [so Eq. (1) again can be used, in a reference frame in which the combustible gas ahead
for example]. For typical hydrocarbon fuels in air at atmo- of the wave is at rest, the gaseous products just behind
spheric pressure and room temperature, this homogeneous the wave are moving toward the combustible. Since this
mechanism occurs at initial droplet diameters below about reference frame is the laboratory frame for detonations
10 µm and therefore requires finely atomized sprays. With traveling in closed tubes, for example, a region of gas
coarser atomization, deflagration thicknesses greater than expansion must develop in the product gas between the
10−1 cm are not uncommon. detonation and the end wall. This expansion generates ex-
pansion waves that tend to reduce the pressure just behind
the detonation. Therefore, strong detonations are weak-
ened by the expansion, and their burnt-gas state tends to
approach the upper Chapman–Jouguet point (see Fig. 3).
Since M∞ > 1 for weak detonations (see Table III), the
A. Transition from Deflagration to Detonation
expansion waves cannot overtake them or affect them; in
Deflagrations propagating along tubes for distances fact weak detonations do not occur in combustion for rea-
greater than roughly 50 tube diameters often experience sons associated with their structures. Thus, detonations in
a transition to detonation. The transition tends to occur tubes evolve toward Chapman–Jouguet waves and are ob-
sooner in tubes closed at one or both ends than in open served to propagate at the Chapman–Jouguet velocity C.
tubes. The process of transition is not instantaneous and At the large values of heat release, representative of most
usually not one dimensional; often it is preceded by a pe- detonations, this velocity can be approximated as
riod of turbulent flame propagation. The expansion of the 
C = 2(γ 2 − 1)Q, (18)
gas on its passage through the deflagration leads to gas
motion in the direction of propagation, as the combustion where γ is the specific-heat ratio (a number typically be-
products are brought to rest at the walls, and to associ- tween 1.2 and 1.3) and Q is the heat released per unit mass
ated increased pressures in the burnt gas. These higher of mixture (expressed in units of velocity squared).
pressures give rise to pressure waves that propagate at An approximation to the C of Eq. (18) can be shown to
sound velocities or greater in the direction of motion of be [2γ∞ (γ∞ + 1)T∞ R/W∞ ]1/2 , where the subscript again
the deflagration, quickly overtaking the deflagration and identifies the fully burnt gas, W (g/mol) is the average
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molecular weight of the gas, and R (here 8310 g m2 / example, and decrease with increasing pressure, in pro-
sec2 mol K) has been defined earlier. In this form, the portion to p 1−n . For gas mixtures initially at room tem-
dependence of C on the final temperature and molecular perature and atmospheric pressure, thicknesses ranging
weight is clearer. Values of C for detonable gas mixtures roughly from 10−3 to 1 cm are representative.
initially at room temperature and atmospheric pressure Since transport properties are unimportant behind the
typically lie between 1000 and 4000 m/sec; for stoichio- leading shock, accurate calculations of detonation struc-
metric H2 –O2 mixtures the value is about 2830 m/sec and tures with detailed chemical kinetics can be made compar-
for stoichiometric CH4 –O2 mixtures about 2500 m/sec. atively easily. It is often found that there is a relatively long
Thus, representative detonation velocities are on the order induction period of nearly constant temperature, followed
of 1000 times representative deflagration velocities. by a period of rapid heat release, as suggested by the w
The boundary layer at the wall of a tube decreases curve in Fig. 4 which, for clarity of presentation, is shown
the velocity of propagation of a detonation along the with a much longer jump across the initial shock, and a
tube through non-one-dimensional interaction with the correspondingly smaller increase thereafter, than is typi-
wave; the decrease varies inversely as the tube diame- cal in real gaseous detonations. The properties just behind
ter. Decreases in detonation velocities also may be as- the leading shock and in the burnt gas far downstream can
sociated with incomplete combustion, since decreasing be calculated even more simply, because they do not de-
Q decreases C [see Eq. (18)]; there have been observa- pend on the reaction rates. The pressures are of the greatest
tions of unusually low-velocity detonations that must in- practical interest from the viewpoint of producing dam-
volve incomplete combustion. There also are overdriven age. There is a pressure peak behind the leading shock;
detonations in tubes that propagate at velocities greater thereafter, the pressure decreases toward its final value.
than C; these are strong detonations (initiated by a strong In the notation of Table III, the peak pressure is approxi-
shock wave) that have not had time to decay to Chapman– mately p0 M02 2γ /(γ + 1) at sufficiently large heat release
Jouguet waves. In addition, standing detonations (station- and approximately twice the final pressure, which itself
ary in the laboratory frame) have been produced in highly may typically be 20 times the initial pressure. Ordinary
supersonic flows of combustible gas mixtures; these too walls cannot withstand these pressures.
are strong detonations, in that the component of gas ve-
locity normal to the wave exceeds C. D. Transverse Structures of Detonations
Most planar detonations are unstable to both planar and
C. Structures of Planar Detonations
nonplanar disturbances by a mechanism involving the
The lower part of Fig. 4 illustrates detonation structure. propagation of pressure waves through the reaction zone.
A strong shock wave at the front of the detonation in- The instability is strongest for nonplanar disturbances
creases the pressure and temperature and initiates chem- and leads to a three-dimensional structure of propagat-
ical heat release, which thereafter proceeds to deplete ing detonations that involves incident, transmitted, and
the fuel, in reactions that are essentially uninfluenced by reflected shock waves, with the reactions occurring be-
molecular transport (because of the high velocities pre- hind the transmitted and (possibly) incident shocks. The
vailing everywhere). This structure was found indepen- triple point, where the three shocks meet, is the point
dently by Zel’dovich (1940), von Neumann (1942), and of highest pressure. Detonations in tubes consist of cells
Döring (1943). The thickness of the shock (through which with boundaries defined by moving triple points. The one-
all properties except the mass fractions of the chemical dimensional structure and propagation velocity represent
species change abruptly) is only a few molecular mean an average over a large number of cells.
free paths and has been expanded greatly in the figure for The cells can be seen by placing a smoked foil on the
purposes of illustration. The thickness of the detonation inner wall of a tube and then passing a detonation through
therefore is controlled by the rates of the chemical reac- a detonable mixture in the tube; afterward, the trajectories
tions behind the shock and is approximately equal to the of the triple points are visible in the smoke layer on the foil
length l of the reaction zone, which is roughly as writings on the wall. The cell spacing can be defined as
the distance between the intersections of triple points. The
l = (ρ/w)C(γ − 1)/(γ + 1) (19)
spacing is about 10 to 30 times the thickness l of Eq. (19).
since the velocity behind the strong leading shock is In round tubes near detonability limits, spinning modes
C(γ − 1)/(γ + 1). Here, the reaction time ρ/w, with w are seen (spinning detonations), in which a triple point
given by Eq. (1), is to be evaluated at the pressures and follows a helical path along the wall. Strong detonations
temperatures prevailing behind the leading shock. Detona- that are far from the Chapman–Jouguet conditions do not
tion thicknesses vary strongly with equivalence ratios, for exhibit cellular structures.
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E. Direct Initiation, Transmission, Detonability strength of a wall that provides the confinement relevant
Limits, and Failure of Detonations to failure. If the mass per unit area of the wall is greater
than roughly l times the initial density of the combustible,
In addition to developing from deflagrations, detonations
then the detonation will behave as if it were confined. Thin
can be initiated directly by rapidly depositing a sufficient
plastic sheets, totally incapable of withstanding detonation
amount of energy in the combustible—for instance, from
pressures or of contributing to the development of a deto-
an explosive charge that is large enough. There are highly
nation, nevertheless can cause a gaseous detonation, once
sensitive liquid and solid explosives in which direct initi-
established, to propagate as if it were under confinement.
ation can be produced relatively easily by a shock; their
susceptibility to initiation is measured by impact tests in
standard configurations to provide sensitivity ratings of the F. Heterogeneous Detonations
materials. Although there is an initial period of adjustment Detonations can occur not only in homogeneous gaseous,
with direct initiation, deflagrations are not involved. The liquid, or solid explosives, but also in heterogeneous mix-
criterion for achieving direct initiation by instantaneous tures such as fuel sprays in air, suspensions of aluminum
deposition of energy is that the energy deposited be suf- powder or coal dust in air, and composite solid propel-
ficient to maintain a shock as strong as the leading shock lants. Chemical reaction mechanisms in these detonations
of the Chapman–Jouguet detonation for a time as long as involve vaporization or heterogeneous reactions at fuel
the chemical reaction time in the detonation. There are surfaces. The length l of the reaction zone therefore tends
simplified descriptions of histories of blast waves (strong to be longer than for homogeneous detonations and, al-
shocks) that have been used successfully with this crite- though Eq. (19) would still apply, Eq. (1) cannot be used
rion to calculate the minimum initiator energies required. in it. Explosions in grain elevators have involved heteroge-
A detonation traveling in a tube can be transmitted to neous detonations in grain–air mixtures. Since detonations
an unconfined combustible at an open end of the tube if are the most damaging kinds of explosions, evaluation of
certain conditions are satisfied. It is found that transmis- detonation hazards is essential in safety considerations
sion will occur if the tube diameter exceeds 13 cell sizes whenever combustibles are employed.
(i.e., about 200l).
There are combustible mixtures that can experience de-
flagration but not detonation. Thus, for example, a deton- VII. DIFFUSION FLAMES
ability limit curve could be drawn in Fig. 2 slightly above
the flammability limit curve. The two limit curves often A. Experimental Configurations
are found to be close together. There is no evident funda- of Diffusion Flames
mental reason for this, because the processes controlling In diffusion flames, two types of feed streams can be iden-
the two limits are very different; even the chemical kinetics tified; fuel streams and oxidizer streams. A common con-
usually differ in deflagrations and detonations, the former, figuration is a fuel jet issuing into a quiescent oxidizing
for example, not requiring initiation chemistry in which gas or into a co-flowing oxidizer stream in a duct, as stud-
chain carriers are produced from stable molecules because ied by Burke and Schumann (1928). Flat diffusion flames
the carriers can diffuse in the hot reaction zone to start can be established in counterflowing streams of fuel and
the combustion. Detonability limits involve gas-dynamics oxidizer, with the flame oriented normal to the axis of the
processes that cool the combustible behind the leading streams. The counterflow configuration is useful for sci-
shock before the chemical reactions are completed. They entific investigation not only because the flame is flat, but
therefore are related to processes of failure of detonations. also because there is no region of quenching (where fuel
Detonations will fail to propagate through a com- and oxidizer meet each other without reacting), which oc-
bustible mixture in a tube if the tube diameter is less than curs at the tube exit in co-flow configurations, for example.
a critical value related to l. Similarly, a cylinder of solid
explosive cannot be detonated if its diameter is less than
B. Structures of Laminar Diffusion Flames
a critical value, the failure diameter. Failure occurs more
readily in the absence of confinement, because lateral ex- In diffusion flames, there are regions on each side of the
pansion (with consequent cooling) of the gas behind the reaction zone that involve diffusion of reactants without
leading shock is then facilitated. In the open, a combustible reaction. The reaction zone may be approximated as a
layer of thickness roughly less than l cannot be detonated. thin sheet with no fuel on one side and no oxidizer on the
This critical thickness depends on the properties of the gas other. Concentrations of both of these reactants are ap-
outside the layer. Because of the short passage time of the proximated as zero at the sheet, and the sheet location is
reaction zone in a detonation, it is the inertia rather than the determined by the requirement that the fuel and oxidizer
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tration occur when residence times are made short enough

(e.g., by increasing the exit velocity in the oxidizer duct).
Extinction occurs at a critical residence time τ , which can
be defined in terms of a minimum Damköhler number,
D = τ w/ρ, (20)
where τ can be estimated as the separation between the
fuel and oxidizer ducts divided by the exit velocity.

C. Droplet Burning
A spherical fuel droplet in a quiescent, ambient oxidizing
gas burns by vaporization and diffusion of the fuel to a
spherical reaction sheet surrounding the droplet. The di-
ameter of the reaction sheet, typically 10 times the droplet
diameter, is determined by the requirement that the re-
actants diffuse into it in stoichiometric proportions; it in-
creases as the ratio of inert to oxidizer in the ambient gas is
increased. The radial profiles of temperature and species
FIGURE 6 Schematic illustration of the structure of a laminar concentrations as functions of the distance from the sur-
diffusion flame of C7 H16 in an O2 –N2 mixture.
face of the droplet are like those shown in Fig. 6. The re-
action sheet is sensitive to nonspherical motion of the gas
diffuse into it in stoichiometric proportions. Figure 6 is and therefore is distorted appreciably by forced or natural
a sketch in which the sheet can be imagined to be in the convection (i.e., by droplet motion or buoyancy). In many
middle (at 3 mm); this figure also illustrates some addi- diesel and liquid-propellant rocket engines, pressures ex-
tional attributes of hydrocarbon–air diffusion-flame struc- ceed the critical point of the fuel (the pressure above which
ture. Pressure is not shown in Fig. 6 because pressures the distinction between liquid and gas disappears); the dif-
remain nearly constant throughout diffusion flames. fusion flame then involves fuel diffusion without vapor-
Figure 6 pertains to a counterflow experiment with a ization, as if the fuel were gaseous. In multicomponent
liquid heptane pool below a nitrogen–oxygen duct. The fuels, the less volatile constituents tend to accumulate at
distance is the height above the vaporizing surface of the droplet surface, and the internal temperature can rise
the fuel. The inert (nitrogen) diffuses to the fuel surface above the vaporization or nucleation temperature, leading
against convection without reacting. Product concentra- to a sudden disruption of the droplet, with rapid dispersion
tions and especially temperature peak sharply at the blue and burning of the fine mist that is thereby produced.
reaction sheet where the heat is liberated and products are The burning rate of a droplet (its rate of mass loss) is
produced. The blue color is chemiluminescent radiation controlled by the rate of heat transfer to the liquid, usu-
emitted from electronically excited molecules in the reac- ally by heat conduction from the flame. Since the ratio
tion. In these hydrocarbon flames, some CO also is pro- of the flame diameter to the droplet diameter remains ap-
duced at the reaction sheet and is oxidized more slowly proximately constant with time, this rate is proportional to
in a broader O2 -rich region. On the fuel side at elevated the droplet diameter. Therefore, the square of the droplet
temperatures, the hydrocarbon fuels pyrolyze (react under diameter decreases linearly with time; the constant of pro-
increased temperature to form many other hydrocarbons, portionality in this relationship, the evaporation constant
represented in the figure by just one of the important ones, K , is found to be
C2 H2 ). Thus, a mixture of hydrocarbon fuels, in fact, is K = 8α(ρg /ρl ) ln(l + B), (21)
oxidized in the reaction zone even if the original fuel is where α again is the thermal diffusivity of the gas, ρg /ρl
pure. If residence times are long enough at elevated tem- is the ratio of densities of the gas and the liquid, and B
peratures on the fuel side, then the pyrolysis results in the is the transfer number. The transfer number is the ratio
formation and growth of soot particles (carbon-rich parti- of the impetus for mass transfer to the resistance to mass
cles about 1–100 nm in size that give the flame a yellow transfer, and for droplet burning it is
color), which also may be oxidized in the reaction zone.
The figure shows a small amount of O2 penetrating the B = [qY + c p (T∞ − Tl )]/L , (22)
flame and reaching cool fuel regions where temperatures where q is the heat released in combustion per unit mass
are too low for it to react. Small amounts of reactant pene- of oxidizer consumed, Y is the mass fraction of oxidizer in
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the ambient gas, c p is the specific heat at constant pressure E. Combustion in Laminar
for the gas, T∞ is the ambient temperature, Tl is the liq- and Turbulent Fuel Jets
uid surface temperature, and L is the energy required for
The flame height is of practical interest in the combustion
vaporization per unit mass of fuel. Here, Tl can be approx-
of gaseous jets of fuel in oxidizing atmospheres. Also of
imated as the boiling temperature of the liquid (generally
concern in safety, for example, is the rate of radiant energy
it is slightly less), and if internal liquid heating and radi-
emission from the flame. There are correlations (based on
ant energy loss are neglected, L can be approximated as
experiment and on theory) between energy emission rates
the thermodynamic heat of vaporization of the fuel at its
and flame heights. Flame heights and shapes usually are
boiling point. Typical values of B are around 10 and of K
defined from visual observations but in more scientific
around 10−2 cm2 /sec.
studies are related to the positions at which the mixture
is stoichiometric. Flame heights defined in different ways
typically differ by amounts on the order of 10%, although
D. Burning of Solid Fuel Particles differences between average and maximum heights in tur-
Spherical fuel particles can burn with diffusion flames bulent situations can exceed a factor of 2. Figure 7 is a
by mechanisms related to those of droplet burning. Often schematic illustration of the dependence of the average
(e.g., for carbon under many conditions) the combustion flame height on the exit velocity of the fuel jet; the num-
occurs on the surface of the solid fuel particle. An alterna- bers would apply roughly to a CH4 jet issuing from a tube
tive to Eq. (22), often useful in solid-particle combustion, 0.5 cm in diameter into air at atmospheric pressure and
is room temperature.
At low exit velocities, the diffusion flame is laminar,
B = (vY + X )/(1 − X ), (23) and its height increases in proportion to the exit velocity
where v is the stoichiometric ratio of mass of fuel to mass u. Theory and experiment agree in showing the laminar
of oxidizer and X is the mass fraction of fuel in the gas height to be proportional to ud 2 /α, where d is the exit di-
at the particle surface. For a fuel such as carbon, that nor- ameter. Buoyancy can play an important role, and it causes
mally does not vaporize, X is zero. Aluminum and magne- departures from this type of dependence if the exit is not
sium are examples of fuels that vaporize during combus- round. Transition to turbulence begins at exit velocities
tion. The combustion products of solid fuels, especially of above a critical value, and the portion of the flame that is
metals, often tend to be solids or liquids. Condensation of turbulent then rapidly increases with u. The dashed line in
reaction products then occurs in the combustion process, Fig. 7 marks the lower boundary of the turbulent portion.
and a number of different combustion mechanisms are ob- The height of the turbulent flame is independent of u and
served, depending on whether condensation occurs at the proportional to d, as predicted if the molecular diffusivity
fuel surface, in a gas-phase flame, or in the oxidizing gas α is replaced by a turbulend diffusivity proportional to ud.
relatively far from the particle. The relative volatility of The base of the flame is observed to be lifted abruptly to
the fuel and its oxide has an important influence in affect- an appreciable distance above the jet exit when u exceeds
ing which ones of the possible combustion mechanisms another critical value. This value depends somewhat on
will develop. the exit geometry of the jet, and depending on the fuel and

FIGURE 7 Schematic illustration of flame height for open-jet diffusion flames, showing laminar and turbulent regimes,
liftoff velocity, liftoff height, and blowoff velocity.
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oxidizer it may occur in the laminar or turbulent regime. have been observed for flames propagating in large vented
The liftoff is caused by extinction of the diffusion flame in enclosures. By increasing the flame area, they increase the
the region of high rates of strain at the base of the flame. At overall burning rate and contribute to the transition to tur-
greater heights, the rate of strain is less because the jet has bulent combustion within the enclosure. Diffusion flames
spread, and the flame again can begin. The height at which on ceilings have been observed to develop buoyant con-
the lifted flame begins—the liftoff height—increases ap- vection cells; similar phenomena can be expected for pre-
proximately linearly with u. At a large enough exit veloc- mixed flames on large burners pointed downward. Flames
ity, the liftoff height is nearly equal to the flame height, with low burning velocities propagating upward in nar-
and blowoff of a roughly spherical flame occurs at a row tubes develop an elongated nose, like that of a large
third critical exit velocity; the blowoff velocity. If u ex- air bubble moving upward in a liquid in a narrow√tube,
ceeds the blowoff velocity, then a diffusion flame cannot and travel at the same buoyant velocity, about 0.3 dG,
be stabiiized by the jet. These phenomena are partially where d is the tube diameter and G is the acceleration of
understood. gravity (about 1000 cm/sec2 at the Earth’s surface).
At somewhat smaller scales, deflagrations can be dom-
F. Flame Spread Through inated by the hydrodynamic instability, which was dis-
Heterogeneous Fuels covered independently in theoretical analyses by Darrieus
(1938) and Landau (1944). Because of the density differ-
In many accidental fires, for example, diffusion flames ences across the flame, approximated as a discontinuity
spread through arrays of solid or liquid fuels. The process propagating at a constant burning velocity, there is an in-
of flame spread usually involves heating the nonburning viscid, nonacoustic, hydrodynamic instability in the ab-
fuel to a temperature at which it begins to give off com- sence of body forces that causes transverse disturbances
bustible gas that can participate in the combustion process. to grow at a rate inversely proportional to the wavelength.
A spread velocity can be defined as the velocity at which The mechanism of this instability, which is present for ev-
this heating front moves through the fuel array and can ery deflagration, is well understood, but its consequences
be estimated from the heat flux imparted by the combus- when the amplitude of the disturbance becomes large are
tion and the energy required to bring the virgin fuel into still under investigation. The instability appears to lead not
participation. Many different physical phenomena can be to turbulence but to a steady, nonplanar structure having
involved in flame spread (radiation, conduction, convec- a corrugated flame shape. The somewhat perplexing fact
tion, buoyancy, surface tension, etc.). Spread phenomena that these nonplanar waves are not often seen must be at-
are important not only in unwanted fires but also in pro- tributable to the stabilizing influences of buoyancy (or of
cesses designed to produce desirable results, such as the container walls) at large scales and of the third potential
in situ combustion of coal or oil shale underground in fuel source of instability—diffusive–thermal effects—at small
recovery. scales.
Differences in diffusivities of reactants and heat
(diffusive–thermal effects) can be responsible for the in-
stability of planar deflagrations at scales comparable to
the flame thickness δ. Since a protuberance of the reaction
zone toward the reactants constitutes a source for heat and
A. Stability of Laminar Deflagrations
a sink for reactants, reactant diffusivities in excess of heat
Planar laminar deflagrations are subject to a number of diffusivities (that is, Lewis numbers less than unity) in-
types of instabilities. These instabilities sometimes lead crease the flame temperature and therefore the burning ve-
to turbulence, but more often produce nonplanar propa- locity at the protuberance, thus providing instability. Con-
gating laminar flames, which can be regular or chaotic. versely, Lewis numbers greater than unity tend to stabilize
The instabilities may be ordered from those of greatest the flame against nonplanar disturbances. For Lewis num-
importance at the largest scales to those having major in- bers less than unity, the combination of diffusive–thermal
fluences at the smallest scales. and hydrodynamic instabilities leads to cellular flames,
At large scales, the body force associated with buoyancy observed, for example, for fuel-lean H2 –air flames. These
is a dominant instability for upward-propagating flames; are flames rounded toward the fresh combustible that have
the low-density burnt gas below provides an unstable con- cusps pointing toward the burnt products. Cell sizes de-
figuration. Buoyancy contributes a stabilizing influence to pend on the Lewis numbers. Related diffusive–thermal in-
planar flames propagating downward. Accelerating flames stabilities rarely occur for diffusion flames but sometimes
experience an effective body force that is destabilizing; it are observed, with their physical mechanisms having been
is stabilizing for decelerating flames. Buoyant instabilities clarified recently.
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B. Extinction of Laminar Combustion served in many types of combusation chambers. Solid-

propellant and liquid-propellant rocket motors have been
Extinction has been seen to be associated with heat loss.
found to be especially prone to acoustic combustion insta-
In cellular flames, extinction occurs sooner at the cusps
bilities; testing for the instability has become an integral
because of the lower flame temperatures there, induced
part of motor development programs. The instabilities are
by the diffusive–thermal effects. After cusp extinction,
detrimental in that they can lead to excessively high rates
the nonburning gas there provides a heat sink for the re-
of heat transfer and unacceptably high average chamber
maining nose of the flame. As flammability limits are ap-
pressures through the growth of the amplitudes of the os-
proached through dilution of lean H2 –air flames, an in-
cillations into nonlinear ranges. Methods of providing en-
creasing fraction of the gas in the cusp regions remains
hanced damping for attenuating the oscillations have been
unburnt. Very near the limit ( just prior to nose extinction),
fingers of flames wander through the combustible, leav-
ing most of it unburnt. This phenomenon is not observed
when diffusive–thermal effects are stabilizing. E. System Instabilities in
Combustion Equipment
There is a wide variety of instabilities that involve in-
C. Inherent Oscillations of Burning Solids teractions between different parts of combustion devices.
Combustibles with Lewis numbers sufficiently greater Processes occurring in intakes and exhausts as well as
than unity are stable to transverse disturbances but unsta- in the combustion chamber can be important. Acoustic
ble to time-dependent planar disturbances. These planar wave propagation in one or more of these components
instabilities are seen most readily for solid combustibles, may or may not be relevant. In addition to examples of
especially those with solid combustion products, because occurrences in industrial furnaces, there are examples of
diffusion coefficients in solids are so small that their “chugging” in liquid-propellant rocket motors (a pressure-
Lewis numbers are large. The instabilities develop into coupled interaction between the flow rate in the propellant
finite-amplitude, pulsating propagation of the deflagra- feed lines and the combustion in the chamber) and of low-
tion, in which there are relatively long quiet periods some- frequency oscillations in solid-propellant rocket motors
what resembling autoignition broken by short periods of that involve a pressure-coupled resonance between the gas
rapid propagation during which the combustible heated flowing into the chamber by combustion and that flowing
in the quiet period is consumed. If mild, the pulsations out through the nozzle. Consideration of potential system
are periodic; reactions with relatively large overall acti- instabilities is an essential aspect of design.
vation energies in systems with large Lewis numbers can
produce large-amplitude, chaotic pulsating combustion.
Some periodic “chuffing” instabilities in solid-propellant IX. FUELS FOR COMBUSTION
combustion may be caused by the pulsating mechanism. AND FLAMMABILITY RATINGS
Some solid combustible cylinders with large enough di-
ameters are more likely to experience spinning modes A. Combustible Materials
of deflagration (in which the leading and hottest reac- The three primary sources for the principal fuels currently
tion front propagates along a helical path) than planar used in combustion are coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
pulsations. Classified by age from oldest to youngest, coals fall under
four main ranks—anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous,
and lignite—with the heat of combustion generally de-
D. Acoustic Instabilities in
creasing in the order cited. Petroleum is mainly a mixture
Combustion Chambers
of hydrocarbons with average molecular weights ranging
Oscillatory combustion inside chambers containing com- from very high values (giving high viscosities) for heavy
bustibles can be produced by the response of the combus- crude oil to lower values for light crude oil. The princi-
tion to acoustic waves. If, on the average, an increased rate pal combustible constituent of natural gas is CH4 , which
of heat addition occurs in phase with the pressure increases is present in volume percentages ranging from roughly
of acoustic waves, then amplification of the sound by the 70 to nearly 100 in different supplies. Refinement of these
combustion results. This criteria was known to Rayleigh natural fuels is most important for petroleum and provides
(1878) and explains many observations of singing and vi- liquid fuels ranging from fuel oils to gasoline.
brating flames reported by Higgins (1777), Tyndall (1867), Numerous other materials serve as combustibles in var-
and others. Amplification of acoustic waves by combus- ious applications. Although some of them occur in nature,
tion is responsible for the combustion instabilities ob- many are formulated especially for specific uses. Most
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Combustion 337

materials not intended for use in combustion nevertheless els converted to soot (perhaps 3%) were well known. Al-
can burn, either as fuels or as oxidizers, if conditions are though global warming often is accepted as a fact and is
favorable; essentially the only materials that cannot burn attributed to human activities largely involving the use of
are combustion products in their most stable states and the combustion, the only incontrovertible conclusion that can
noble gases. Steel and aluminum are examples of materi- be drawn from environmental studies is that mankind is
als that are not commonly considered to be combustible responsible for the gradual increase of CO2 concentra-
but that burn with great heat release after ignition in hot, tion in the atomosphere. Since CO2 buildup is likely to be
high-pressure O2 . detrimental, investigations have begun on technological
means for removing CO2 from combustion exhausts and
suitably sequestering it, an apparently great challenge in
B. Hazard Assessments
view of the large fraction of the products that is CO2 , but
There are many facets to the assessment of combustion one which, perhaps surprisingly, appears to possess a vari-
hazards. In fire ratings, for example, attention is given to ety of different solutions that potentially are economically
ignition, fire spread, rate of heat release, smoke produc- viable.
tion, oxygen depletion, and production of toxic products. Best estimates of environmental effects are employed
Numerous standard tests of combustible materials are em- to establish regulations on permissible combustion emis-
ployed in evaluating these various aspects of flammability sions from stationary and mobile power plants and on
and combustion. Increased use of synthetic materials that open burning. Studies of emissions involving sulfur and
are not based on cellulose complicates the task of evalu- its oxides, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydro-
ation, because wider ranges of combustion behavior are carbons, particulates (such as soot), and complex gaseous
encountered. Combustion histories depend not only on species that produce noticeable odors and may be toxic
the combustible materials, but also on the environments in low concentrations have led to improved knowledge
and configurations in which these materials are arranged. of the chemistry of these compounds in combustion pro-
Increasing attention is being paid to the roles of the con- cesses and of the regions in combustion chambers where
figurations in combustion hazards. Safe handling of fuels they are produced and survive. The constraints that have
necessitates consideration of the entire range of fire and been placed on some of these emissions have significantly
explosion hazards, from deflagration and diffusion flames affected fuel economy and fuel selection. For example, it
to detonation. Transportation of liquefied natural gas in has become expensive to design furnances for use of high-
large volumes is an example of an operation that has re- sulfur coals and fuel oils, and in piston-engine design there
ceived considerable study from the viewpoint of hazard is a trade-off between efficiency of combustion and NO
assessment. That combustion hazards can arise in rela- production. Consideration of these facts along with the
tively unexpected situations is exemplified by the inci- previously discussed use of combustion in waste disposal
dent (Three-Mile Island, 1979) in which the reaction of and incineration of toxic materials demonstrates that there
hot metal with water liberated H2 , which mixed with air, are many aspects of the interactions between combustion
ignited, and burned inside the containment vessel of a and environmental problems.
nuclear reactor, producing a significant pressure rise that
threatened loss of containment. Combustion of carbon in
D. Availability of Fuels
the nuclear reactor, possibly accompanied by H2 deto-
nation, was a major contributor to the Chernobyl (1986) The energy available in coal reserves, largely in the United
disaster. These examples illustrate how challenging the States, the Russia, and China, appreciably exceeds the en-
assessment of combustion hazards can be. ergy available in reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Oil
shale is a relatively untapped source of liquid fuel (shale
oil), which is comparable in abundance to petroleum. With
C. Environmental Constraints
dwindling petroleum supplies, increasing attention is be-
Concern about the detrimental effects of combustion on ing given to the development of alternative liquid fuels
the environment has exerted significant influences on both derived from coal and from oil shale. A number of pro-
the technology and the science of combustion. Making re- cesses for obtaining liquid fuels from these sources have
alistic estimates of environmental effects can be difficult. long been available, but for economic reasons have en-
For example, the extent of cooling of the Earth’s atmo- joyed relatively little improvement or application. Renew-
sphere through high-altitude interaction of sunlight with able resources in vegetation (mainly wood) account for
the soot particles that might be transported there from roughly only 5% of the energy being used and provide
fires ignited in a nuclear war (“nuclear winter”) would marginal prospects for becoming major contributors, al-
be challenging to assess, even if the percentages of fu- though under special circumstances they can be important
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338 Combustion

sources of liquid fuels (alcohols). Liquid fuels are so ad- REACTIVITY • FIRE DYNAMICS • FLUID DYNAMICS • GAS-
vantageous in many applications (notably in mobile power TURBINE POWER PLANTS • INTERNAL COMBUSTION EN-
plants) that there are incentives to maximize their avail- GINES • JET AND GAS TURBINE ENGINES • LIQUID ROCKET
ability. Gaseous fuels also possess advantages, such as PROPELLANTS • MARINE ENGINES • SOLID PROPELLANTS
the ease of distribution and lack of ash. Coal gasification
is a viable process for production of a fuel alternative to
natural gas. The future of exotic schemes for widespread BIBLIOGRAPHY
usage of other fuels (e.g., H2 ) in combustion, for example,
in conjunction with fuel cells, depends on economic and Glassman, I. (1996). “Combustion,” 3rd ed., Academic Press, San Diego.
Lewis, B., and von Elbe, G. (1987). “Combustion, Flames and Explosion
technological developments, as well as, in the long run,
of Gases,” 3rd ed., Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
on future scientific advance. Liñán, A., and Williams, F. A. (1993). “Fundamental Aspects of Com-
bustion,” Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
Peters, N. (1999). “Turbulent Combustion,” Cambridge Univ. Press,
Strehlow, R. A. (1984). “Combustion Fundamentals,” McGraw-Hill,
New York.
AEROSOLS • CHEMICAL KINETICS, EXPERIMENTATION • Williams, F. A. (1985). “Combustion Theory,” 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley,

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