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Jerryll Aerhold P.

Worksheet in English for Academic & Professional Purposes
(Week 3: Summarizing Academic Text)
Give Me The Gist!

Title: A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi)

A Silent Voice is a Japanese anime movie about a woman
named Shouko Nishimiya, a mute and deaf person and
Shoya Ishida, her bully in their younger days that turns out
fall in love with her when they got older. It is a
heartbreaking, slice of life movie that will definitely make
the watcher’s cry. The scenes in the show is common and
relatable yet the flow of the mood is complex and heartfelt
that touches the viewer’s soul.

a. I found the task challenging and fun, because I racked up my memory, trying to visualize
what happened in the movie I watched, even though I watched it more than a year ago.
b. Writing skills, to express the movie and the memory I have of it by the use of words.
Recollection skills as well, I remembered the tiny to large details that happened in the
movie I watched.
The Core Values!
a. Topic sentence – Social media is one of the best ways to share news nowadays.
Main Idea – Social Media
b. Topic sentence – Safety tips are another enormous thing spreading through social media.
Main Idea – Safety tips
c. Topic sentence – People are more inclined to listen when one of these figures speaks out
or shares a message through social media.
Main Idea – People listen to public figures

In Other Words!

k 1. I don’t drink wine. (Dracula) a. Your idea of what looks nice may be
g 2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. different from mine.
i 3. I shall return. (McArthur) b. Don’t expect things from our country.
a 4. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Instead, work on behalf of your country.
(Plato) c. Don’t tell secrets because someone could
d 5. Slow and steady wins the race. (AESOP) get hurt.
e 6. He can’t see the forest for the trees. d. Be patient and work hard and you will
f 7. Do unto others as you would have them succeed. Those who take shortcuts typically
do to you. (Bible, Luke 6:31) don’t do well.
m 8. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try e. He is caught up in the details that he
again. (Hickson) doesn’t understand the situation as a whole.
b 9. Ask not what your country can do for f. Treat people like you want to be treated.
you – Ask what you can do for your country. g. You should eat healthy food. If you do,
(Kennedy) you’ll probably live a longer and healthier
J 10. A penny saved is a penny earned. life.
(Franklin) h. Be careful who you associate with because
they may be a bad result.
i. I’ll be back.
j. Save money and the money you save will
serve and reflect on your good character.
k. I only drink blood.
l. Everybody makes mistakes.
m. If you do something once and don’t do
well, don’t give up. Keep trying.

Version 2.0
Original Material Paraphrased Version Good/Bad Justification
1. Technology can
Governments need to
improve the quality
plan carefully for the it was just
of life and
future as technology rearranged; no terms
governments need to Bad
can improve the were changed and the
plan carefully for the
quality of life. text wasn’t shortened.
future (Turnbull,
(Turnbull, 2015
2. The first Chinese Chinese immigrants
immigrants The to Australia in the
Different meaningful
Australia arrived in mid-19th century
terms were used to
1848 as shepherds, initially found Good
define what
land clearers and employment in the
general farmhands. rural sector. (Irwin,
(Irwin, 2001, p.8) 2001, p.8)
3. Rapunzel had
beautiful long hair
that shone like gold.
When she heard the
Lots of details were
voice of the witch she Rapunzel's long
excluded, and the
would undo the blonde hair was used
paraphrased version
fashioning of the as a rope ladder so
Bad isn’t precise because
upper window, she in the witch could
only the witch was
unbind the plaits of get in and out of the
able to get in and out
her hair, and let it tower. (Grimm, 1995)
of the high tower.
down twenty ells
below, and the witch
would climb up by it.
(Grimm, 1995)
The statement seems
4. Adverts are a Advertising is an
complete because the
major part of important feature of Good
main idea is written
everyday life. daily life.
5. BRAZIL'S There is an Bad The paraphrased text
AMAZON abundance of plant is longer than the
JUNGLE IS ALIVE and animal life in the original and it didn’t
WITH MILLIONS amazon rainforest in really get
OF PLANTS AND brazil. However, it is summarized
ANIMALS PIECES. decreasing in size due
BUT THE JUNGLE to loggers were
IS SHRINKING . sawing down trees
LOGGERS CUT for wood products.
DOWN TREES (better lesson, 2011)
LESSON, 2011)

As a whole!
Bullying: What it is and what to do about it?
1. Bullying means to be mean to another kid again and again. Bullying can take many
forms. It can be teasing, threatening to hurt someone, telling lies about someone, not
including others in order to make them feel bad, or it can be actually yelling at or Hitting
someone. Bullying can also take place over through text messages or emails, or by
posting rumors on sites like Facebook, passing around embarrassing pictures or videos.

2. being bullied makes kids feel different , powerless, and popular and alone. It can be
difficult to stand up for yourself when you are being bullied. The bully seems more
powerful than you are. Being bullied can lead to feeling sick or having problems at
school. It can even lead some kids to want to be a bully themselves.

3. There are a lot of reasons why kids bully other kids. Some wants to copy their friends,
some think that being a bully will make them respected by other kids or make them
popular. Sometimes bullies think that they are better than their victim, and so they bully
other kids to prove it.

4. no matter what the reasons behind it, or what form it takes, bullying is wrong. Bullies use
power to hurt people. Bullies might use physical strength. They might use popularity or
being smart. Or they may use secrets that they know about to hurt other kids. And
bullying isn't just bad for the kid being bullied. It's bad for the bullies too. Kids who are
bullies grow up to have problems like using alcohol and drugs, getting into fights, and
dropping out of school.

5. You may not know what to do if you witness bullying. it may make you feel depressed or
worried. You may not feel safe. These feelings may make you want to join in the
bullying, or be silent, so as not to get bullied yourself. Or maybe the bullying makes you
so angry did you stand up to the bully yourself. The best, and the safest thing to do is
always to bring the bullying to the attention of an adult, who will put a stop to it.

Paragraph 1: Bullying is an act of being mean to another person which takes different kinds of
unpleasant forms.
Paragraph 2: Being bullied leads to the victim having different kinds of problems.
Paragraph 3: Bullies have a lot of reasons as to why they perform the act of violence to other
Paragraph 4: Bullying is wrong, whatever reason you might have.
Paragraph 5. If you encounter bullying, report it to the elders because they know what to do.
Sum it Up!

Original Text Summary

whether you are a student, professional, Whatever your current position in life may
or writer, using another person’s idea be, using ideas of different people without
without giving credit is serious matter. their consent or without acknowledgement
Ideas of other writers are like original is a heinous crime. Original works are
inventions, they are considered protected by Copyright law's as long as
intellectual property, and their protected the source is verified and published in
by Copyright loss period almost all forms different materials. Plagiarism occurs
of expression fall under Copyright whenever you use the published works of
protection as long as they are recorded in people without giving proper
some way such as a book, newspaper, acknowledgement. You must avoid
magazine or simply a computer file. In committing the crime by citing the source
other words, if you turn in someone else’s of the idea or by using the proper marks to
work as your own , copy words or ideas identify that it is another person's thoughts
(Grimm, 1995) from someone without and opinions.
acknowledging the source, failed to put
quotation in quotation marks, give
incorrect information about the source of
quotation and copy the major ideas of the
source to make up your own work are
dead giveaways that you are committing
the crime. Plagiarism can be avoided if
you acknowledge certain materials
borrowed and provide the readers with
information about the source

There are different techniques in summarizing academic texts. Paraphrasing is when you
restate or reword the text by using simpler yet meaningful words that still implies the
thoughts of the original material. You should also grasp the central idea so you’ll know
what topic the other supporting ideas are revolving at. Finding the topic sentence is
necessary because the other sentences will define or relate to the topic sentence.
Highlighting important articles helps the reader draw their attention to the important
information, giving an effective way of picking out and reviewing the main points later

Reflection: Complete Me!

- What I learned is about summarization of academic texts, the steps on how to summarize
effectively, the characteristics of a good summary and techniques on how to summarize
- What I would most like to know is how to improve my summarization skills, and make
my works more meaningful and precise, all the while being short and tidy.
- What I need to do now is study hard to improve my knowledge regarding the subject at
hand, research and compare different ways of summary and how they are unique to each
Jerryll Aerhold P. Melo
Worksheet in English for Academic & Professional Purposes
(Week 3: Summarizing Academic Text)
Think about it!
- The illustration depicts a format of an essay. After the introduction, the thesis statement
will be written next. It’ll describe the focus/points of the essay you will write. Beneath
the thesis statement, there are three body paragraphs, and each paragraph will discuss a
topic that was mentioned by the thesis statement, elaborating it further and giving out
major and minor details.

Classify Me!

Might incite some people to
It should be
1 Violent video games commit violent acts.
made illegal
Reduces opportunities for social
Can be
and recreational time and takes
2 After school-job harmful to
valuable time away from
Should be Legalization would eliminate the
3 Marijuana
legalized black market for that drug.
Benefits are needed to prevent
Welfare benefits for single Should not hunger and poverty among our
mothers be eliminated country’s helpless citizens -
Limiting the number of cars
Can be allowed to drive on city streets
5 Problem of Pollution
alleviated and creating more efficient
public transportations system.

Write Your Own!

Writing Prompt: Should Department of Education have imposed academic freeze?

Imposing academic Freeze The Department of Education Not everyone has access to
should have imposed the needed learning materials
academic freeze
Students might experience
difficulties because lessons
aren’t taught hands on

Students are vulnerable to

mental health issues so
pressure and stress of the
work might lead to


Because of the pandemic that our country is currently facing, the Department of Education
should have imposed Academic freeze because even if the learners are willing not everyone
has access to the needed learning materials. Students might also face difficulty because lessons
aren’t taught hands on and they are vulnerable to mental health problems and the stress and
pressure might lead to depression.

Where do I belong?

Read a book ride a bike climb a tree

Outdoor activities indoor activities play baseball
Play cards bake cookies
Swim build a model

Indoor activities Outdoor activities

Read a book Swim

Play cards Ride a bike
Bake cookies Climb a tree
Build a model Play basketball

Put me in order!
Thesis Statement: Cellphones are found almost everywhere because it has lots of amazing
features like keeping us connected with people, giving us entertainment, and aiding us with our
education and studies.
Main Idea(#1)
- Cellphones keeps us connected with people.
- Cellphones have text and call features that lets you message your friends and family that
is far away.
- Cellphones enable us to access social media sites that lets us share our thoughts, photos
and experiences so that other people would know what we’re going through.
- Cellphones lets you conduct videocalls and chats in apps like skype or messenger, which
lets us see the faces of the people we’re talking too, a benefit right now especially since
we’re under quarantine and can’t go out to meet friends and acquaintances.
Main Idea(#2)
- Cellphones gives us entertainment.
- Mobile games are downloadable in cellphones and you can pick what game you want to
play, keeping you busy and entertained.
- You can watch different kinds of videos in platforms like youtube, ranging from food, to
cartoons, to vlogs and such.
- You can use your phone to listen to your favorite music while working or studying,
keeping you relaxed and composed.
Main Idea(#3)
- Cellphones Aides us with our education and studies.
Supporting details:
- Cellphones lets us browse our topic to the internet, giving us lots of related information
that we can use.
- Cellphones have school apps like calculator, photoblocc that can scan text, and brainly
that can help in answers that’ll lessen our workload.
- Cellphones can be used to watch slideshow, power point presentations etc. you can also
use it to open document and pdf files that are needed for your lessons.
A thesis statement is the one that organizes the idea of an essay, keeping the reader stay focused
on topic. Outlining is sorting the ideas of an essay into minor, or major details and organizing the
properly. Alphanumeric outlining makes use of Roman and Hindu Arabic numbers as well as
uppercase and lowercase letter, while. the decimal system makes use of symbols that looks like
the same numbers. There are three types of outline based on the structure: topic outlines which
have words and phrases, sentence outlines which have sentences as entries, and paragraph
outlines that has sentences as entries, and have topic sentences that contains the main ideas of the
Reflection: Complete Me!
- What I learned is that a thesis statement has a large role in every essay and that outlining
is essential to differentiate major and minor details as well as organizing them into
- What I would most like to know is how to create a proper thesis statement and the right
way to determine if the details I had outlined are major or minor.
- What I need to do now is study and browse about the topic at hand to improve my skills
and knowledge about thesis statement and outlining. I’ll browse the net and find some
guideline on how to write and structure effectively.

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