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Combustion and

Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois, United States
Purdue University Calumet
Hammond, Indiana, United States

carbon fuel and an oxidant. Combustion generates

1. Introduction significant amounts of light, heat, and/or mechanical
2. Combustion Elements work. Furnaces and combustors have been developed
3. Thermochemistry to generate electricity and manufacture tools and
4. Hydrodynamics and Mixing equipment. Combustion engines have enabled trans-
5. Chemical Reactions portation in every region of Earth and even into
space. In recent years, concerns over energy avail-
6. Radiation Heat Transfer
ability and the environmental impacts of combustion
7. Tools for Combustion Analysis
processes have attracted more and more attention.
8. Pollution Control Techniques To use energy resources efficiently and responsibly
9. Concluding Remarks has become a main goal of many societies. To achieve
this goal, knowledge of combustion science has to be
learned and applied.
adiabatic flame temperature The highest flame temperature
that is achievable under the condition of no external 1. INTRODUCTION
heat transfer.
combustion The burning of fuel and oxidant to produce Combustion includes thermal, hydrodynamic, and
heat and/or work. chemical processes. Combustion starts with the
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Computer program mixing of fuel and oxidant, and sometimes in the
for calculating fluid dynamics properties of a flow. presence of additional compounds or catalysts. The
diffusive flame Separate fuel and oxidant inlets before
fuel/oxidant mixture can be ignited with a heat
burning takes place.
source; chemical reactions between fuel and oxidant
flammability Combustion reaction criteria.
gasification Incomplete fuel-rich combustion that pro- then take place and the heat released from the
duces CO and/or H2. reactions makes the process self-sustaining. Instabil-
ignition Initial conditions for sustained combustion. ity may occur, inhibiting or strengthening combus-
tion. Combustion products include heat, light,
chemical species, pollutants, mechanical work, and
Much solar energy is stored in hydrocarbons. Early plasma. Sometimes, a low-grade fuel, e.g., coal,
humans, seeking protection and comfort, learned to biomass, and coke, can be partially burned to
convert hydrocarbon energy to fire to survive. produce a higher grade fuel, e.g., methane. The
Combustion, the most important form of energy partial burning process is called gasification. Various
conversion, is a chemical reaction between a hydro- combustion systems, e.g., furnaces, combustors,
boilers, reactors, and engines, have been developed
Deceased. to utilize combustion heat, chemical species, and

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 1. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 595
596 Combustion and Thermochemistry

Heat Furnace
Solid, liquid, combustor
or gas fuel Heat boiler

Mixing Ignition Pollutants

Chemical Reactors
Gasification species

Other species Light

nitrogen, etc.

Combustion Work Engines

Flame instability

FIGURE 1 Typical combustion processes.

work. Figure 1 shows a flow diagram of typical natural gas, methane, and propane. The oxidant
combustion processes. is mostly oxygen but may include F2O, F2O2, NF3,
Advanced measurement/control devices have been ClF3, ClF3, ClO3F, O3, and N2F4 in some rocket
traditionally used as tools for analysis of combustion applications. The fuel and the oxidant can also
systems. The analysis can lead to lower energy use be formed as a monopropellant in rocket applica-
and lower pollutant emissions by a system. In recent tions. Catalysts are sometimes used to enhance com-
years, the computational analyses, including compu- bustion.
ter models of kinetics and fluid dynamics, have been Inert species are not directly involved in the
used as an added tool for combustion analysis. The combustion process, but at high temperatures these
focus here is to assess the overall process of analyzing species can be dissociated or ionized. These species
a combustion system. include the nitrogen in the air and the ash in coal.
A computational combustion analysis starts with Major combustion products include CO2 and H2O.
the identification of the participating elements and Because these species can emit and absolve radiation
their thermochemical properties and relations. This energy, they are regarded as greenhouse gases that
is followed by derivation of the governing equations are related to the global warming issue. Many
and development of the required phenomenological intermediate species, such as OH, CO, CH, are
models, including turbulent mixing, droplet evapora- present during combustion. Combustion products
tion, particle devolatization, radiation heat transfer, also include some minor species, i.e., NOx, SOx,
and interfacial interactions. Then, the governing unburnt hydrocarbons (UHCs), and soot. These
equations are solved numerically on a computer. species are regarded as pollutants. NOx and SOx
The results are validated with experimental data. are believed to cause acid rain, UHCs play a role in
Thus, the validated computer code can be used to smog, and soot chemicals, including polynuclear
evaluate the combustion system and to control aromatics, may be carcinogenic.
combustion products. In a combustion reaction, there can be so many
combustion elements that it is impossible to ana-
lyze them all. Therefore, many combustion elements
are lumped into one category for the convenience
2. COMBUSTION ELEMENTS of analysis. For example, coal consists of thousands
of hydrocarbons, but in most coal combustion
The elements (or species) involved in a combustion analyses, the hydrocarbons are grouped into four
process include reactants, inert and intermediate categories: moisture, volatiles, char, and ash. The
species, products, and catalysts. Reactants generally moisture is water, the volatiles represent all of
include a fuel and an oxidant. Fuel can be in solid, the hydrocarbons that can be vaporized during
liquid, or gas phase. Solid fuels include coal and combustion, the char includes all hydrocarbons
biomass. Liquid fuels include hydrogen, gasoline, that cannot be vaporized, and the ash is inert
diesel, kerosene, and jet fuels. Gas fuels include material, mostly metals.
Combustion and Thermochemistry 597

3. THERMOCHEMISTRY (C2H6) becomes a lumped species C1.1H4.2. Its

molecular weight is 17.1 kg/mol, calculated by adding
Assume that Reaction (1) represents a combustion 90% of 16 kg/mol (molecular mass of methane) and
reaction of I lumped reactants and J lumped products: 10% of 30 kg/mol (molecular mass of ethane).
Similarly, other properties of the lumped species can
ni Reactants- nj Products: ð1Þ be obtained from those of the chemical species.
i¼1 j¼1

In the reaction, the ni values on the reactant side and 3.2 Chemical Equilibrium
nj values on the product side are called the stoichio- At constant temperature and pressure, a combustion
metric coefficients. The coefficients can be on a molar reaction such as Reaction (1) will reach an equili-
or a mass basis. On a molar basis, the unit is moles; brium state. The equilibrium constant Kp is defined as
on a mass basis, the unit is kilograms. Y nj Y nij
A computational combustion analysis calculates Kp ¼ Pj = Pi ð2Þ
the heat, work, and/or species generated from a j¼p i¼r

combustion process, which includes the combustion in which the Pi values are partial pressures of the
reaction, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. Thermo- reactants (r) and products (p). The equilibrium
dynamic and chemical (thermochemical) properties constants of many combustion reactions have been
of the combustion elements are needed to calculate determined and are tabulated in most combustion
the heat, work, and species. The thermochemical textbooks.
properties most often used in a combustion analysis A combustion process generally consists of many
include temperature, pressure, density, enthalpy, reactions. The equilibrium species concentrations
specific heat, viscosity, diffusivity, thermal conduc- can be calculated from the equilibrium constants
tivity, Gibbs free energy, molecular weight, species and the initial species concentrations. Bittker and
concentration, heat of combustion, latent heat, and Scullin developed a general chemical kinetics com-
equilibrium constant. puter (GCKP) program to perform equilibrium
calculations of hydrogen/air combustion and many
other combustion processes.
3.1 Equations of State
The thermochemical properties of a combustion
3.3 Adiabatic Flame Temperature
species can be obtained by direct measurements or
theoretical calculation. These properties are not all Combustion of a fuel produces heat. When all of the
independent. Thermodynamic properties of a com- heat is used to heat the products, without heat
bustion species are generally functions of tempera- transfer from external sources, the final temperature
ture and pressure. In most practical applications, is called the adiabatic flame temperature. The
these properties can be expressed in terms of temperature can be determined by balancing the
temperature only. Sometimes, even constant property heat of combustion, the heat of dissociation, and the
values are used. Most properties of a combustion total enthalpy of the combustion products. At a
species have been determined and tabulated in tables combustion temperature higher than 2000 K, a small
and other references produced by the joint inter- portion of the combustion products CO2 and H2O
agency (Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force) commit- dissociates into intermediate species, such as CO, O,
tee, JANNAF (formerly JANAF, before NASA was and OH, and the dissociation uses up a significant
included). Properties of a mixture are determined by amount of the heat of combustion. Thus, the energy
adding the properties of its components according to balance equation needs to be solved in conjunction
their concentrations. The partial pressure of a with the equilibrium calculation to obtain an
component is defined as the total pressure times its adiabatic flame temperature. Assuming the initial
molar concentration. temperature and pressure are under standard condi-
Other than direct measurement, the thermochemi- tions, the adiabatic flame temperature of a methane/
cal properties of members of a grouped (‘‘lumped’’) air mixture is about 2200 K. Chang and Rhee
combustion element (or species) can be obtained by developed a set of empirical formulations that can
adding the properties of its major constituents be used to estimate adiabatic flame temperature of
according to their proportion. For example, a fuel lean fuel/air mixtures. The adiabatic flame tempera-
composed of 90% methane (CH4) and 10% ethane ture is an important thermochemical property in a
598 Combustion and Thermochemistry

combustion analysis because it is the upper bound of rate needs to be calculated from combustion kinetics,
the temperature. radiation heat flux needs to be solved from a radiative
transport equation, and the last term needs to be
determined from an interfacial interactions model.
4.2 Turbulent Mixing
A fuel and an oxidant must mix to react. The mixing
process is a part of flow dynamics. Gas phase mixing Diffusive flames, commonly used in a furnace or a
is mainly due to turbulence; liquid injection in combustor, are mostly turbulent. Turbulence is under-
droplet sprays is commonly used to enhance the stood to be the small eddies that enhance mixing and
mixing between liquid droplets and gas, and some combustion, but understanding the physics of the
solid fuels are pulverized to increase the mixing turbulence is still far from complete. An enclosure
between the particles and gas. type of the ke turbulence model is commonly used
for combustion analysis. The model expresses the
turbulent viscosity mt in terms of two turbulent
4.1 Governing Equations parameters, kinetic energy k and dissipation rate e,
Combustion generates heat, work, and product me ¼ m þ mt ¼ m þ Cm rk2 =e;
species. In a computational combustion analysis,
in which Cm is an empirical constant.
heat is calculated from the temperature and velocity;
Lauder and Spalding proposed two additional
work is calculated from pressure and density; and the
transport equations to solve for these two turbulent
species are calculated from concentrations and
parameters. Turbulent diffusivities for the enthalpy
velocities. The governing equations of these proper-
and species equations are also expressed in terms of
ties are derived from fundamental thermodynamic,
the turbulent viscosity with a scaling factor. In a
hydrodynamic, and chemistry principles. The deriva-
multiphase flow, solid particles or liquid droplets
tion can be on a fixed mass basis or a control volume
tend to inhibit eddy motion and reduce turbulent
basis. In the following discussion, a control volume
diffusion and the adjustment of the turbulent
approach is used.
viscosity is needed. In addition, statistical turbulence
The principles of mass, species, and momentum
models are used to describe the turbulence mixing
conservation are used to determine pressure, con-
effects. In this approach, probability density func-
centration, and velocity. The first law of thermo-
tions are chosen to represent the fluctuation of the
dynamics (or conservation of energy) is used to
flow properties. Large eddy and direct numerical
determine temperature. The equation of state is used
simulations have been introduced with the hope of
to determine density. In deriving the governing
improving the description of turbulent flow.
equations, many derived properties are created. For
example, enthalpy is used in the energy equation and
specific heat is used in the caloric equations of state. 4.3 Liquid Spray and
Equation (3) is a typical energy equation derived on a Droplet Vaporization
Cartesian coordinate system:
Liquid fuel can be burned in pools or sprays. The
X 3  
@ m @h burning processes start with the vaporization of the
rui h þ e ¼ Scomb þ Srad þ Sint ; ð3Þ liquid fuel. Next, the fuel vapor is mixed with
@xi sh @xi
oxygen. Finally, the combustion reaction takes place.
in which xi is a coordinate, r is density, ui is velocity The pool burning is mostly fire. Because of limited
components, h is enthalpy, me is effective viscosity, sh contact area, the mixing of fuel vapor and oxygen is
is a turbulent scale factor for the enthalpy, Scomb is the poor. Therefore, combustion is mostly fuel rich and a
combustion heat release rate, Srad is net radiation heat lot of smoke is produced. A fuel injector breaks up
flux, and Sint is heat transfer from the liquid or solid the liquid into tiny droplets and the high pressure
phase. Effective diffusivity is used in the momentum, makes droplets penetrate deep into the gas flow.
energy, and species equations. It is the sum of both Empirical models have been developed to describe the
laminar and turbulent diffusivities. The source terms droplet size and number distributions off the tip of an
of the governing equations need to be determined injector. The penetration enhances the mixing of the
from various models. In the energy equation (3), there fuel and the oxygen and the high ratio of surface area
are three source terms. The combustion heat release to volume speeds up the evaporation process.
Combustion and Thermochemistry 599

Liquid fuel vaporizes in two modes. At low engine combustion is autoignition and gasoline
temperature, vaporization occurs due to the diffusion engine combustion is ignited by a spark. At an
of mass. At a temperature higher than the boiling ignition temperature, the combustion reactions gen-
point, the liquid boils and the vaporization rate is erate heat and the heat is lost to the surroundings by
controlled by the heat transfer rate from the conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.
surroundings to the liquid. In most combustion If the heat generation is larger than the heat loss, the
systems, the heat transfer is convective. Empirical combustion reactions are sustained.
correlations have been developed to calculate the There are mixture ratios of fuel and oxidant that
interfacial heat transfer rate from other flow proper- the combustion will not sustain after the ignition
ties, such as, velocity, conductivity, and viscosity. source is removed. For premixed laminar flame,
Liquid droplets are generally treated in a Lagran- there exist flammability limits that are frequently
gian or an Eulerian approach. The Lagrangian defined as percentage fuel by volume in the mixture.
approach takes one droplet at a time. It traces the The lower limit is the leanest mixture that will allow
motion of a single droplet in the flow and takes the steady flame, and the upper limit represents the
average effect of all the droplets. Zhou and Yao also richest mixture. Flammability limits in both air and
included the group effects on the spray dynamics. oxygen are found in the literature. For example,
The Eulerian approach treats a group of droplets as a the lower flammability limit of methane is about 5%
continuum. Governing equations are derived for by volume.
each droplet group for solving the flow field.
5.2 Combustion Reactions
4.4 Devolatization of Solid Fuel
Assume that fuel is a hydrocarbon CmH4n. The
Pulverized coal is used in many utility boilers. Due to combustion of the fuel and oxygen is shown in
the small particle size, pulverized coal can be Eq. (4):
transported pneumatically. Coal particles contain k
four major components: moisture, volatiles, char, Cm H4n þ ðm þ nÞO2 - mCO2 þ 2nH2 O: ð4Þ
and ash. When heated, the moisture is dried and the
volatiles are devolatized. The volatile vapor mixes The extent of reaction, x, is defined as the molar
with oxygen and the mixture burns. The char left on concentration of the consumed fuel. For each mole of
the particles is burned with oxygen when contacted. x consumed, the sum (m þ n) moles of oxygen is
The drying and devolatilization processes are con- consumed and m moles of CO2 and 2n moles of H2O
trolled by the heat transfer from the gas to the are produced. The reaction rate dx/dt of the
particles. Similar to the liquid vaporization, the heat combustion reaction can be expressed in an Arrhe-
transfer is convective. Empirical correlations are used nius formulation:
to determine the interfacial heat transfer rate. Similar dx d 1 d
Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches can be applied ¼  ½Cm H4n  ¼  ½O2 
dt dt m þ n dt
for particles.
1 d 1 d
¼ ½CO2  ¼ ½H2 O; ð5aÞ
m dt 2n dt
¼ k30 expðE=RTÞ½Cm H4n ½O2 ðmþnÞ ; ð5bÞ
The mixture of fuel and oxidant is burned in
chemical reactions. A combustion reaction is the in which [ ] represents molar concentration of a
effective collisions of reactants (and catalyst), break- species, t is reaction time, k0 is a preexponential
ing the chemical bonds of the reactants, forming the constant, E is an activation energy, and R is the
products, and releasing heat. Three types of reactions universal gas constant. The preexponential constant
are significant in a combustion analysis: ignition, and the activation energy are empirical constants
heat release, and pollutant formation. extracted from experimental data. Thus, the species
consumption/generation rates can be obtained from
Eqs. (5a) and (5b) and the heat release rate becomes
5.1 Ignition and Flammability
dqcomb =dt ¼ ðdx=dtÞHo ; ð6Þ
Fuel and oxidant can be self-ignited (autoignition) or
by an external heat source. For example, diesel in which Ho is the heat of combustion.
600 Combustion and Thermochemistry

5.2.1 Gasification Reactions 5.3.2 NOx Kinetics

Gasification is an incomplete combustion of the fuel. NOx is formed by combustion in the presence of
In a fuel-rich combustion, the intermediate species nitrogen. There are three types of NOx formation:
such as CO becomes a major product species. If thermal, prompt, and fuel. Thermal NOx is formed
water is added to the reaction, hydrogen is also in high-temperature reactions, prompt NOx comes
produced. Because both CO and H2 can be burnt from reactions with intermediate species, and fuel
later with oxygen and can release heat, the gasifica- NOx comes from the nitrogen in the fuel, e.g., coal.
tion has been used to convert low-grade fuels, such The Gas Research Institute (GRI) has compiled a
as, coal and biomass, to a higher grade gaseous fuel, long list (over 300) of reactions related to NOx
CO and H2. The gasification process is now also used formation. However, lumped reduce mechanisms
to convert diesel or gasoline fuel to hydrogen for with many less reactions are used in practice.
fuel-cell applications.
5.3.3 SOx Formation
5.2.2 Heterogeneous Reactions Many coals contain significant amount of sulfur. The
Heterogeneous reactions include char burning with sulfur reacts with oxygen during combustion and
oxygen and gaseous reactions on catalyst surfaces. produces SOx. Sulfur is also contained in many
Char burning is regarded as similar to a combustion lubricants. In diesel combustion, SO is formed and
reaction. Empirical constants are extracted from becomes a major source of soot particle nucleation.
experimental data. The catalytic reaction is generally
treated as a third-body reaction and an Arrhenius
formula is used for analysis. 6. RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER

At combustion temperature, radiation is an impor-

5.3 Pollution Reactions
tant if not dominating mode of heat transfer. In a
In addition to the major heat release reaction, many combustion process, radiatively participating species
intermediate species are produced in numerous include soot and gaseous species such as CO2 and
combustion reactions. Pitz and Wesbrook have H2O. Heat is emitted, absorbed, and scattered in
compiled hundreds of combustion reactions and the waves of various wavelengths. Assuming the scatter-
list is still growing. Some of the intermediate species ing effect in the combustion flow is negligible, the
attract more public attention because they are radiative heat transfer becomes the balance of
pollutants. Pollution is defined as the contamination emissive and absorption powers. For each wave-
of the environment. All matter emitted from combus- length, local net radiation heat power is obtained by
tion chambers that alters or disturbs the natural integrating the absorption of the incoming radiation
equilibrium of the environment must be considered from all other locations and subtracting the emitted
as a pollutant. Pollutants of concern include parti- power. A radiative transport equation is obtained by
cular matter, the sulfur oxides, unburned and integrating the net radiation heat power over all
partially burned hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, wavelengths, Eq. (8):
carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Z NI R 00 00
qr ðx; y; zÞ ¼ k0l e0bl ðT 0 Þe k dl dv0
5.3.1 Soot Kinetics 0

Soot is formed in the fuel-rich region of a combustion

flow. Because soot is a strong contributor to the  kl ebl ðTÞ dl; ð8Þ
radiation heat transfer, a soot model is needed to
calculate soot concentration for the radiation heat in which l is wavelength, k is volume absorptivity, l
transfer calculation. The following simplified soot is optical length, v is a control volume, and ebl(T) is
model assumes that soot (st) is generated in the fuel- the blackbody radiation function. The spectral
rich flame by the cracking of the fuel and is burnt up volumetric absorptivities of these media must be
by oxygen. The soot formation/oxidation rate is determined from gas and soot radiation models.
expressed as
6.1 Gas Radiation Model
dfst =dt ¼ AO2 ffu expðE2 =RTÞ
The H2O species has five strong radiation bands,
 AO3 fst fox T 1=2 expðE3 =RTÞ: ð7Þ centered at wavelengths of 1.38, 1.87, 2.7, 6.3, and
Combustion and Thermochemistry 601

20 mm, and the CO2 species has six bands, at 2.0, major species flow calculation. Free from the
2.7, 4.3, 9.4, 10.4, and 15 mm. A wideband model interactions of the pressure and velocity fluctuations,
was introduced to calculate total band absorptance the calculation of the partially decoupled subspecies
of these species. For each band, species concentra- transport equations becomes very stable numerically.
tions, pressure, and temperature are used to deter- Chang and colleagues developed an advanced
mine a set of semiempirical parameters: the methodology to solve the radiative transfer equation
integrated band intensity, the bandwidth parameter, (RTE) in a Cartesian coordinate system. The
and the line width parameter. A semiempirical methodology guarantees the integrity of the energy
correlation is then used to calculate the total band balance between emitting and absorbing powers. The
absorptance from these parameters. RTE solution routine divides the radiation heat flux
into many bands of wavelength. The blackbody
radiation function can be discretized in the wave-
6.2 Soot Radiation Model
length domain by using a closed form solution. For
If the scattering is negligible, the Rayleigh-limit each wavelength band, a calculation is performed to
expression of the soot volume absorptance ksl can balance the emitted and absorbed energy. For each
be used: node in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) grid
36n2 kðp=lÞfv system, energy emitted is calculated. This emitted
ksl ¼ : ð9Þ energy is then traced along the optical paths of all
½n2 ð1 þ k2 Þ þ 22 þ 4n4 k2
angles. The energy absorbed in every node (including
Soot volume absorptance is proportional to the soot the wall surface node) is calculated and added to the
volume fraction fv and inversely proportional to the absorption energy of the initial node.
wavelength. The optical refraction indices, n and k,
are weak functions of wavelength that can be derived
from classical electromagnetic theory.
7.2 Kinetics Calculations
Many schemes have been proposed for the number of
equations and reaction rates that may be used to
7. TOOLS FOR simulate combustion reactions. One of examples is
COMBUSTION ANALYSIS the GCKP program developed at the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Measurement and testing have long been the ways to Another example is the CHEMKIN program, a
analyze and evaluate combustion systems. However, widely used general-purpose package for solving
computational software has now become an addi- chemical kinetics problems. CHEMKIN was devel-
tional tool for combustion analysis. oped at Sandia National Labs and provides a flexible
and powerful tool for incorporating complex chemi-
cal kinetics into simulations of fluid dynamics. The
7.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics
latest version includes capabilities for treating multi-
Combustion flow calculations adopt a control fluid plasma systems that are not in thermal
volume approach to convert the governing equations equilibrium. These features allow researchers to
to algebraic equations on a staggered, discretized describe chemistry systems that are characterized
grid system. The algebraic equations are solved by more than one temperature, in which reactions
iteratively with proper boundary conditions. Exit may depend on temperatures associated with differ-
flow conditions have a strong impact on the ent species; i.e., reactions may be driven by collisions
convergence of the calculation. Because most flows with electrons, ions, or charge-neutral species.
are not fully developed, the exit flow conditions that Both thermodynamic and kinetic databases are
satisfy global mass balance appear to improve needed for the kinetics calculations. The GRI-Mech
numerical convergence the most. combustion model is a widely used database of
The major species flow calculation uses Patankar’s detailed chemical kinetic data. The latest version is
SIMPLER computational scheme to solve the pres- an optimized mechanism designed to model natural
sure-linked momentum equations. A major species gas combustion, including NO formation and reburn
flow calculation is considered to have converged if chemistry, containing 325 reactions and 53 species. It
the local and global mass balances are smaller than a provides sound basic kinetics and also furnishes the
set of predetermined criteria. The subspecies flow is best combined modeling predictability of basic
solved using the flow properties calculated from the combustion properties.
602 Combustion and Thermochemistry

7.3 Measurements The principle of combustion modification is

widely used in NOx emission control. Modifying
Measurements of flame properties can be made by
burner configuration or operation conditions can
the insertion of probes into a flame, by optical
change distributions of temperature, oxygen, and
methods applied to emissions from the flames, or by
nitrogen to reduce the formation of NOx. Such
laser probing. The techniques for probing in flames
techniques include using low excess air, staged
include temperature measurement by thermocouples,
combustion, low NOx burners, water injection,
velocity measurement by pressure impact probes and oxyfuel combustion, exhaust gas recirculation
particle-tracking photography, and species concen-
(EGR), and reburn. These techniques can be eco-
tration measurements using suction probes followed
nomical and effective. However, in some applica-
by gas analysis.
tions, combustion system modification alone is
The optical methods for making measurements in
unable to reduce pollutant emission levels below
flames include interferometry, schlieren, and photo-
legislated standards, and postcombustion treatment
graphic methods. All of the probing methods may
may be required.
cause some form of disturbance to the fluid flow, heat
To reduce SO2 emissions, fluidized bed combus-
transfer, and species concentrations. Optical methods tion, in which limestone particles are used as bed
provide information that is integrated over the optical
materials, is an alternative way to burn coal. Another
length of the measurement and the spatial resolution
combustion modification alternative for SO2 reduc-
is poor. Lasers provide noninvasive probing of flames
tion that is in the demonstration stage is the combi-
and high spatial resolution of measurements. The
ned-cycle power plant.
measurement of temperature and species concentra-
tion in flames can be carried out by laser spectro-
scopy. Laser anemometers are widely used to measure
8.2 Postcombustion Treatment
velocity components, turbulent characteristics, and
particle size in flames. Various advanced combustion Postcombustion treatment involves installation of
sensors have been developed with the potential to pollution control devices downstream of the com-
enable direct measurement of key combustion para- bustor. For example, selective noncatalytic reduction
meters for improved combustion control. (SNCR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
processes are widely used for NOx reduction. These
techniques involve a nitrogen-containing additive,
8. POLLUTION CONTROL either ammonia, urea, or cyanuric acid, that is
TECHNIQUES injected and mixed with flue gases to effect chemical
reduction of NO to N2, without or with the aid of a
Control of pollutant emissions is a major factor in catalyst. Other postcombustion treatment techniques
the design of modern combustion systems. Pollution utilize wet or dry limestone scrubbers and spray
control techniques can be mainly classified as two dryers to reduce SO2 emissions; cyclones, electro-
types. One involves process modification to prevent static precipitators (ESPs), filters, and scrubbers for
or reduce the formation of pollutant emissions. The particle removal; or three-way catalytic converters
other is postcombustion treatment to remove or for the control of NOx, CO, and hydrocarbon (HC)
destroy pollutants from combustion before being emissions from automobiles.
emitted into the ambient air. To stabilize and ultimately reduce concentrations
of the greenhouse gas CO2, carbon sequestration
(carbon capture, separation, and storage or reuse) is
8.1 Process Modification a major potential effective tool for reducing carbon
emissions from fossil fuel combustion.
The techniques to modify combustion for reducing
pollutant emissions include fuel changes and com-
bustion modifications. Switching vehicles from gaso-
line to compressed natural gas, propane, or ethanol 9. CONCLUDING REMARKS
can reduce vehicular air pollutant emissions. Adding
oxygenated compounds to motor fuels can change This article is intended to guide a reader through the
the combustion reaction to lower CO emissions overall process of analyzing a combustion system,
significantly. Using low-sulfur fuels can reduce sulfur especially using the newly added computational
dioxides emissions. tools, and to advocate the good use of combustion
Combustion and Thermochemistry 603

analyses to convert combustion processes for cleaner Glassman, I. (1977). ‘‘Combustion.’’ Academic Press, San Diego.
and more efficient energy production. Kee, R. J., Rupley, F. M., Meeks, E., and Miller, J. A. (1996).
‘‘CHEMKIN-III: A Fortran Chemical Kinetics Package for the
Analysis of Gasphase Chemical and Plasma Kinetics,’’ Rep.
SAND96-8216. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA.
SEE ALSO THE Lauder, B. E., and Spalding, D. B. (1974). The numerical
FOLLOWING ARTICLES computation of turbulent flows. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech.
Eng. 3, 269–289.
Acid Deposition and Energy Use Greenhouse Gas Patankar, S. V. (1980). ‘‘Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow.’’
Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.
Emissions from Energy Systems, Comparison and
Pitz, W. J., and Westbrokk, C. K. (1986). Chemical kinetics of the
Overview Heat Transfer Temperature and Its high pressure oxidation of n-butane and its relation to engine
Measurement knock. Combust. Flame 63, 113–133.
Smith, G. P., Golden, D. M., Frenklach, M., Moriarty, N. W.,
Further Reading Eiteneer, B., Goldenberg, M., Bowman, C. T., Hanson, R. K.,
Song, S., Gardiner, W. C., Jr., Lissianski, V. V., and Qin, Z.
Bittker, D. A., and Scullin, V. J. (1972). ‘‘General Chemical
(2002). GRI-Mech 3.0. Available on the Internet at http://
Kinetics Computer Program for Static and Flow Reactions, with
Application to Combustion and Shock-tube Kinetics,’’ NASA
Stull, D. R., and Prophet, H. (1971). ‘‘JANAF Thermochemical
TN D-6586. NASA, Washington, D.C.
Chang, S. L., and Rhee, K. T. (1983). Adiabatic flame temperature Tables,’’ 2nd ed., NSRDS-NBS 37. U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
estimates of lean fuel/air mixtures. Combust. Sci. Technol. 35, National Reference Standard Data System-National Bureau of
203–206. Standards, Washington, D.C.
Chang, S. L., Golchert, B., and Petrick, M. (2000). Numerical Turns, S. R. (2000). ‘‘An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts
analysis of CFD-coupled radiation heat transfer in a glass and Applications.’’ McGraw Hill, New York.
furnace, No. 12084. Proc. 34th Natl. Heat Transfer Conf., Zhou, Q., and Yao, S. C. (1992). Group modeling of impacting
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. spray dynamics. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 35, 121–129.

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