Textbook: Art Klett Topic: The Zoo Keeper Lesson Plan Teaching Techniques: Exercises Time of The Lesson: 50 Minutes

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Form: 2B

No of students: 26 students

Textbook: Art Klett  

Topic: The zoo keeper

                                                            LESSON PLAN

Teaching techniques: exercises

Time of the lesson: 50 minutes

Interactions/organizing types:

T-Ss; Ss-T/individual work

Materials: Worksheet, CD


1.The National Curriculum for the secondary school

2. Bianca Popa Peter Lewis Jones Herbert Puchta  Comunicare in limba engleza,clasa a2a

Anticipated problems:

The students may still have problems understanding the requested tasks stated in the test
due to the lacks of knowledge of the English language.


·         To develop listening skills

·         To develop Ss writing skills


·         To revise vocabulary related to animals

·         Food vocabulary (to feed animals)

·         To spell words

Class description

Pupils in this primary class are between 8 and 9 years old. They are in the second year of
English; they are familiar with English vocabulary and spelling words.

By the end of the lesson:

·         Ss will be able to use their knowledge of the English grammar to solve exercises

Complete different tasks (fill in empty spaces with spelling exercises)


Warm -up

Interaction : T-Ss; Ss-T

Timing 1minute

The teacher greets the Ss, checks attendance and makes sure that the conditions are proper
for the lesson to begin.

Lead-in Speaking

Interaction : T-Ss;

Timing 3minutes

The teacher tells the Ss that they are going to have a test and gives them the worksheets
with the subjects.

Activity 1 Reading

Interaction : T-Ss

Timing 7 minutes

The teacher tells the Ss that they have to read the text and answer the 3 sentences
with Yes or No to demonstrate the understanding of the text.

Activity 2 Listening and writing

Interaction : T-Ss;

Timing 15 minutes

At exercise 2, pupils listen to the cd and answer the post listening questions.

Activity 3 Writing

The teacher tells the pupils to draw their  favourite animal.

Then, the  teacher tells the pupils that they have to name the favourite animal and answer
what it likes and it doesn’t like.

Timing 13 minutes

Interaction : T-Ss

Activity 4 Writing

Interaction : T-Ss

Timing  10minutes

The teacher tells the pupils to find the animals and write them down.


Timing  1minute


Interaction T-ss; Ss-T

At the end of the class, the teacher gathers the tests. The next class, she will bring the marks.

Interpretarea testului (ce rezultat am obținut?)

In elaborarea testului au fost luate in calcul instrumente de evaluare itemi ( subiecte care
contin: itemi de completare, de alegere si cu raspuns scurt, desenare)

Exercitiul 1

 S -1 enunt corecte

B- 2 enunturi corecte

FB - 3 enunturi corecte

Exercitiul 2

S -2 enunturi corecte

B- 3 enunturi corecte

FB – 4 enunturi corecte

Exercitiul 3

S -1 enunt corect

B-2 enunturi corecte

FB – 3 enunturi corecte

Exercitiul 4

S -2-3-enunturi corecte

B- 4-5-6 raspunsuri corecte

FB –-6-7- 8 raspunsuri corecte

23 elevi , 3 absenti




  Media B

Masuri de remediere( ce decid pe mai departe, pe baza a ceea ce am aflat la


·         Exercitii de spelling

·         Realizarea a cat mai multor activitati didactice la clasa mai simple care sa ii implice si
pe copii mai slabi pentru a le capta atentia si a-i motiva sa se implice la orele de engleza

·         Fise de lucru suplimentare pentru cei care nu stapanesc materia

Puncte tari

Unii elevi aplica correct:

·         Toate cunostintele dobandite, deseneaza corect

·         Sunt capabili sa aplice informatiile asimilate (spelling, food vocabulary)

·         Demonstreaza ca poate numi :animalele si cifrele fara greseli de ortografie

·         Dau dovada de interes in invatarea unei limbi straine

Puncte slabe:

·         Nu sunt capabili sa aplice informatiile asimilate

·         Greseli de ortografie

·         Lipsa competentelor gramaticale

·         Nu dau dovada de interes in invatarea unei limbi straine 

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