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February 12 2022 | | No 73705
£2.50 £1.75 to subscribers
(based on 7 Day Print Pack)

The art Eat!

we fell
Easy dishes
Recipe from the hot
pullout new restaurant

in love to

Cai Moran | Matthew
Parris | Robert Crampton

Britons told

How to have
to get out children
The expert
guide for
of Ukraine
Russia could invade in days, warn Americans

Larisa Brown Moscow

Catherine Philp
that the Russians had “no intention” of
invading Ukraine.
Boris Johnson voiced fears yesterday
Diplomatic Correspondent
Steven Swinford, Henry Zeffman for the security of Europe during a call
with world leaders, including Biden.
British citizens have been told to leave The meeting with other Nato allies
Ukraine immediately as the United was said to be “deeply sobering”, with
States warned that Russia could invade ministers expecting Russia to invade
the country within days. Ukraine in a matter of days. “Next week
Last night the Foreign Office told is the working assumption,” one gov-
people to get out of Ukraine “while ernment source said. During the call
commercial means are available”. Biden was said to be explicit about the
President Biden urged Americans to fact that an invasion was imminent. He
do the same on Thursday, saying that suggested Putin would use a false pre-
“things could get crazy very quickly”. text to justify the invasion of Ukraine.
Biden’s national security adviser, Antony Blinken, the US secretary of
Jake Sullivan, said the US had “reason state, said that “we continue to see very
to believe” that Russia could invade troubling signs of Russian escalation,
Ukraine “any day now” and before the including new forces arriving at the
end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing Ukrainian border”. Speaking in Can-
next week. berra, Australia, he added: “We’re in a
The Kremlin response was immedi- window when an invasion could begin
ate and angry. “The hysteria of the at any time and, to be clear, that in-
White House is more indicative than cludes during the Olympics.” The
ever,” Maria Zakharova, the foreign Olympic Games are scheduled to end
ministry spokeswoman, said. “The on February 20.
Anglo-Saxons need a war. At any cost. Sullivan denied that Washington had
Provocations, misinformation and
threats are a favourite method of solv-
concluded that Putin had decided to in-
vade, only that his forces were ready to.
ing their own problems.”
The Foreign Office changed its
“We are not saying that . . . a final deci-
sion has been taken by Putin,” he said.
advice shortly after Ben Wallace, the
defence secretary, flew out of Moscow
“Our view that military action could
occur any day now, and could occur
to an epic
after hours of talks with senior Kremlin
figures, including General Valery
before the end of the Olympics, is only
growing in terms of its robustness. weekend
Gerasimov, chief of the general staff. “If a Russian attack on Ukraine pro-
Thousands of Britons are believed to be ceeds, it is likely to begin with aerial
in the country. bombing and missile attacks that could
Wallace warned that Vladimir Putin obviously kill civilians.”
would not survive as Russian president Most Britons in Ukraine, who num-
if he invaded Ukraine. ber in the low thousands, have dual
At a press conference with his Rus- nationality or have strong family ties
sian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, and
Gerasimov, Wallace said he was told
and are unlikely to leave. Biden has
Continued on page 2, col 3
New face of the Tories The red wall MP Dehenna Davison, 28, tells Janice Turner
that Boris Johnson is a “rock-star politician” but he needs to get a grip. Magazine
y(7HB7E2*OTSNQN( |||+z!.
2 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Today’s highlights Police hand questionnaire to

8.05am Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former foreign secretary,
discusses the Ukraine crisis
8.45am Azeem Rafiq, former cricketer, on the ECB’s
response to the Yorkshire racism row
Johnson on parties at No 10
12pm Michael Schur, creator of The Good Place, Steven Swinford Political Editor during a difficult time for the Met, with designed to bolster his position — have
on his book How to be Perfect Oliver Wright Dame Cressida having been pressured had conversations with his rivals for the
into announcing her resignation after a leadership. One minister said that they
3.05pm Derren Brown, right, talks about Boris Johnson has received a question- series of scandals. A No 10 spokes- expected Truss, the foreign secretary,
his return to the stage naire from detectives investigating woman said: “We can confirm the to put tax cuts at the centre of her cam-
Midnight The Right Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, lockdown-breaching parties in prime minister has received a question- paign should Johnson fall.
Britain’s first black female bishop Downing Street. naire from the Metropolitan Police. He The prime minister will appoint a
A Downing Street spokesman con- will respond as required.” lawyer, paid for by himself, as he seeks
firmed that the prime minister is one of Johnson believes he would survive a to justify his attendance at the events.
50 people in No 10 who are being ques- confidence vote among Tory MPs, his He is expected to focus on the fact
DAB RADIO l ONLINE l SMART SPEAKER l APP tioned by the police. allies have insisted, even if he is fined by that Downing Street is both the prime
Johnson attended six of the events. police for breaking lockdown rules. minister’s workplace and his home. The
They included a “bring your own “He rightly considers himself a dem- Covid rules at the time made it an
booze” garden party, a gathering to cel- ocratically elected prime minister on a offence to be outside your home with-
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N ebrate his 56th birthday in the cabinet huge mandate,” one Downing Street out a reasonable excuse.
room and an alleged party in his flat to figure said. “He serves at the will of the Lawyers have pointed out that
celebrate the departure of Dominic people. Conservative MPs have a large Johnson could technically argue that
Hitman killed Met chief in Spain provides Cummings, his former adviser. He also stake in that.” he did not breach the rules by attending
attended three other leaving parties. Another source said that Johnson’s Downing Street parties because he did
drug gangster payoff row half-term boost The questionnaires have “formal team were confident that Tory MPs not leave his home. However, the
A hitman at the centre Dame Cressida Dick Families looking for a legal status” and those receiving them would think twice before voting against defence will not apply to claims that a
of a bloody feud and Sadiq Khan were half-term break abroad will be required to answer truthfully. him in a confidence motion because of party was held in his flat above No 11
between international engulfed in a row over were given a boost The letters include a formal caution. the lack of an obvious successor. “If you Downing Street to celebrate the depar-
drug gangs shot dead a the size of her payoff after Spain dropped its Johnson and other recipients of the look at Rishi [Sunak] he looks like a ture of Dominic Cummings on
rival in front of his wife after he forced her to requirement for over- letters will have seven days to respond diminished person,” one ally said. “If November 13, 2020. That was said to
and child. Anis Hemissi resign as commissioner 12s to be double-jabbed to provide an “account and explana- you look at Liz [Truss] she just looks have been organised by his wife and
was found guilty of of the Metropolitan before being allowed tion” of their involvement. If detectives faintly opportunist. So then where do featured Abba songs which were heard
murder. Page 5 Police. Pages 10-11 to enter. Pages 18-19 consider that there is no “reasonable you go after that?” around the building. A spokesman for
excuse” a fixed penalty notice of up to The Times has been told that some the prime minister’s wife called the
£200 will be issued. key members of Johnson’s praetorian claim “total nonsense”.
Gay law clash of Gove’s cladding Clubs request The questionnaire was dispatched guard — the whipping operation Party scandal lies, pages 14-15
rising politicians threat ‘unlawful’ drug searches
A bill in Florida to
limit school discussion
of gender identity has
Michael Gove is
acting “unlawfully” in
Football clubs have
asked the police to
conduct drug searches
Labour withdraws whip Trans row MP
led to a face-off
between two rising
stars of US politics —
housebuilders over the
cladding crisis, one of
the leading figures in
at their grounds after
The Times highlighted
the scale of Class A after alleged racial slur says defection
Ron DeSantis and Pete
Buttigieg. Page 41
the sector has told the
government. Page 47
drug abuse by fans at
matches. Sport, pullout George Grylls Political Reporter Chinese spy,” Dyer said. “Coyle made a
is tempting
remark suggesting Gardiner was being
Sir Keir Starmer has removed the paid by ‘Fu Manchu’ . . . it had been well Henry Zeffman Associate Political Editor
COMMENT 25 REGISTER 78 TV & RADIO Labour whip from an MP accused of reported who had been giving Gardiner
MONEY 57 CROSSWORD 83 SATURDAY REVIEW using a racist slur against a British- money, and so there was no need to A Labour MP has said she found it
Chinese journalist in a Commons bar. refer to a 20th-century trope of a “tempting” to defect to the Conserva-
FOLLOW US Neil Coyle, the MP for Southwark, Chinese supervillain. tive Party over disagreements about
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes allegedly made remarks about the eth- “I gently pushed back at Coyle about transgender rights.
nicity and appearance of Henry Dyer, a this. He asked me if . . . I was being over- Rosie Duffield, MP for Canterbury,
reporter at Business Insider. Labour has sensitive, before saying that he would said there was not a “huge difference”
WEEKEND SATURDAY REVIEW SPORT suspended the whip and opened an in- apologise if he had said something bad between Sir Keir Starmer and Jeremy
vestigation into Coyle, who apologised and it wasn’t just me being sensitive, Corbyn in supporting her during
for his “insensitive comments”. which I believe was insincere.” disputes with activists on the issue.
Dyer accused Coyle of describing his Dyer said he was British-Chinese, he Last year Duffield said she felt unable
appearance by citing the recent case of said, and Coyle said “he could tell ‘from to attend Labour’s annual conference
an MP with links to a Chinese agent. how you look like you’ve been giving after feeling unwelcome. Duffield, who
Days later Coyle was suspended from renminbi to Barry Gardiner’ ”. denies being transphobic, believes
all bars on the parliamentary estate After “uncomfortable” encounters there should be protected spaces that
after two incidents in the Strangers’ with Coyle the following day, Dyer are not open to those born male.
Bar. On January 31, he allegedly yelled contacted Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the “Senior colleagues” in the Conserva-
expletives at a Labour aide and told a Speaker, who had Coyle suspended tive Party had been “supportive”, Duff-
Tory MP who tried to calm the situa- from all bars on the estate. ield told The Daily Telegraph. “They’ve
HAPPY DAYS DARK MATERIAL ON THIN ICE tion to “f*** off and lose some weight”, A Labour spokesman said: “The been nice . . . they have factions as well,
How to help your A new film reveals Russian skating The Mail on Sunday reported. Labour Party expects the highest but don’t hate each other in the way that
child become shocking insights star, 15, failed drug On February 1, Dyer said, he had standards of behaviour . . . the chief we do in some of our branches. But how
less anxious into Charlie Chaplin test last year been talking with fellow journalists whip has now suspended the whip from do I square Brexit [or] immigration?
when Coyle approached him and they Neil Coyle pending an investigation.” There are issues that I can’t really imag-
PAGES 2-3 PAGE 10 PAGES 1, 15
chatted about restaurants in his consti- Coyle told The Sun: “I’m very sorry ine agreeing with the Tories on.”
tuency. “The topic eventually moved to for my insensitive comments, have A Labour spokesman said: “Keir
Barry Gardiner, the Labour MP who apologised to everyone involved and Starmer and the party continue to offer
THE WEATHER © TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED, 2022. had received funding from a suspected will be co-operating fully.” her our full support.”
Published in print and all other derivative
formats by Times Newspapers Ltd, 1
London Bridge St, London, SE1 9GF, continued from page 1 should Russia make the devastating assess the situation as it develops, in
telephone 020 7782 5000. Printed by: Brtitons told to leave Ukraine and destructive decision to invade line with the duty of care we have to-
Newsprinters (Broxbourne) Ltd, Ukraine.” wards our staff and in close consulta-
Great Cambridge Rd, Waltham Cross, announced military plans to fly Ameri- World leaders agreed that if Putin tion and co-ordination with the EU
30 EN8 8DY; Newsprinters (Knowsley) Ltd, cans into Poland, fearing a repeat of the pulled back there was another way to member states,” Peter Stano, the Euro-
6 37 Kitling Rd, Prescot, Merseyside, L34 9HN; chaos surrounding the evacuation from progress, and they promised to increase pean Commission foreign affairs
Newsprinters (Eurocentral) Ltd, Afghanistan last August. diplomatic efforts in the coming days. spokesman, said.
Byramsmuir Road, Holytown, Motherwell, British troops from 16 Air Assault Russia has sailed six warships into the Washington has warned Moscow of
ML1 1NP; Associated Printing (Carn) Ltd,
7 Brigade, based in Colchester, are on 24 Black Sea and added more military unprecedented sanctions if its tanks
Morton 2 Esky Drive, Carn Industial Estate,
6 hours’ notice to move and it is under- equipment to Belarus, leading US offi- enter Ukraine, in particular promising
Portadown, BT63 5YY; KP Services, La Rue
Martel, La Rue des Pres Trading Estate, St
stood that they could be sent in to evac- cials to believe that the crisis appeared an end to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipe-
Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7QR. For permission to
uate British citizens from the country if to be reaching a critical point. Biden line from Russia to Europe.
copy articles or headlines for internal necessary. After a video call between issued a warning to Americans on A Foreign Office spokesman said:
information purposes contact Newspaper Johnson and world leaders, a No 10 Thursday, telling NBC: “American citi- “The safety and security of British
Licensing Agency at PO Box 101, Tunbridge spokesman said: “The prime minister zens should leave, should leave now.” nationals is our top priority, which is
Showers or longer spells of rain for Wells, TN1 1WX, tel 01892 525274, e-mail told the group that he feared for the Ukraine, which has frequently why we have updated our travel advice.
much of the country. Brighter in the For all other reproduction security of Europe in the current played down warnings from the US, We urge British nationals in Ukraine to
southeast. Full forecast, page 77 and licensing inquiries contact Licensing circumstances. He impressed the need dismissed the order as “nothing new”. leave now via commercial means while
Department, 1 London Bridge St, London, for Nato allies to make it absolutely The EU’s response was also sceptical, they remain available.”
If a section of your Times is missing, please call 020-7711 1525 or e-mail SE1 9GF, telephone 020 7711 7888, clear that there will be a heavy package announcing that it would not be pulling Ukraine crisis, pages 6-7 and we will send it to you, subject to availability.
e-mail of economic sanctions ready to go out its diplomats. “We continue to Kyiv rues giving up warheads, page 40
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 3


Did chef cook up CV’s tastiest bits? GUARDIAN/EYEVINE

Simon Martin has won

Manchester its first
Michelin star since 1977
but faces claims about
his past, writes Tom Ball
Simon Martin’s reputation preceded
him. When the chef arrived in Man-
chester in 2018, he used his impressive
CV, which included stints working in
some of the world’s most famous
kitchens, to market his new restaurant.
Mana, the restaurant Martin went on
to create, won Manchester its first
Michelin star since 1977, offering what
the guide’s inspectors called “exciting
modern dishes with Nordic influences”.
But the reputation that laid the foun-
dations for Mana is now under scrutiny.
One of the pillars of Martin’s CV was
the claim that he had worked for
Gordon Ramsay at the celebrity i l d langoustine
Notable dishes include l ngoustine tail
chef’s three Michelin-starred flagship with cured egg yolk and spruce and yak-
restaurant in west London. However, a itori eel glazed with yeast.
source told The Times: “There is no Martin is understood to stand by his
record of Simon Martin working at Res- statement that he worked at Restaurant
taurant Gordon Ramsay and the chef de Gordon Ramsay and maintains that he
patron, who has been at the restaurant can prove it. Last night Mana declined
for 11 years, has no knowledge of him to provide any such proof, saying: “We
being part of the restaurant business.” would hope that Mana’s customers
Martin, 31, has also been quoted judge us on our incredible food, not in-
suggesting that he knew Ramsay, 55, correct and groundless speculation
personally. In an interview in October about the earlier career of a
2019, shortly after winning his Michelin highly talented member of
star, he was reported to have told the our team. If this speculation
Manchester Evening News that he is a genuine concern for our
thought Ramsay would be an “absolute customers, we would be
arsehole” before going to work for him. happy to set the record
But “he turned out not to be an arsehole straight on this topic with
at all, but actually a very supportive guy them before, during or after
who wanted the highest standards for Simon Martin at Mana, where dishes like his salt-aged duck have won praise. Links to Gordon Ramsay are under scrutiny their meals at our restau-
everyone who worked in his kitchen,” rant.”
Martin was quoted as saying. Martin is also un-
The chef has also said that he worked A pinch of spice derstood to
for Ramsay at Maze, his restaurant in maintain that
Melbourne. A local news article from Gordon Ramsay, 55, the upon his arrest the case customer who wanted to for heavily he has never
July 2011, celebrating Martin’s early volatile star of programmes was thrown out. Seven use its phone. Fellow chef embellishing his claimed to
success, said that he was about to go to such as Hell’s Kitchen, has years later it emerged he Stephen Terry recalled that CV. His fictions know Ramsay
Australia to take up a position at the res- had more than his fair share was outsourcing his when White refused, the included the personally and
taurant. Maze closed the next month of controversies. In 2002, restaurant’s meals to an off- customer threw a punch claim that he that he was mis-
because it had become “unsustainable”. he was found allegedly site vendor to be frozen and and a fight broke out. “It had baked quoted.
The other cornerstone of Martin’s driving his BMW the wrong then reheated on site, at a was like something out of a the wedding He is also un-
reputation concerns his work at Noma, way down a one-way road mark up of 500 per cent. western,” said Terry. cake for the derstood to deny
perhaps the most famous restaurant in in the West End. He failed a While working at his Robert Irvine, 56, a Prince of ever claiming to
the world. This too has been questioned. breathalyser test but as the Harvey’s restaurant Marco British chef who has hosted Wales and have worked at No-
The Mill, a publication in Manchester, arresting officers failed to Pierre White, 60, became several cookery shows in Princess ma for more than
said last week that Martin’s account of offer Ramsay a blood test embroiled in a fight with a the US, apologised in 2008 Diana. 17 months, where
his employment history did not match he was initially a
that of the restaurant in Copenhagen. chef de partie
Martin, who was born in Warrington said that he was hired in August 2016, mitted to The Mill that “we used my of Ancoats in the northeast before being
and grew up in Shropshire, was reported after a few months as a trainee, and left background and CV to market Mana”, of Manchester, was immedi- promoted.
to have told The Mill that he had worked ten months later, totalling a bit more of which he is both chef and owner. ately fêted. Coming next, Brain
for Noma for three years, a claim he is than a year of work. “We are not sure Upon opening its doors in October The restaurant serves a set Surgery With
said to have made in other interviews. why it would be reported he was with us 2018, Mana, which is nestled among the menu of about 14 courses, Brooklyn, Giles
However, a spokeswoman for Noma for three,” she said. Martin himself ad- converted cotton mills and quiet canals priced at £185 per person. Coren, page 26

Talking in class . . . That’s a hundred lines, Cleopatra

Jack Blackburn lists, trade records and school work. to the pupils of today. “There are lists of the ostraca written in the popular
More than 100 of the latter looked of months, numbers, arithmetic Demotic script of the time, there were
Making pupils write lines has long been suspiciously familiar to those who have problems, grammar exercises,” said also examples in Greek and the more
acher s
a staple of the school teacher’s experien of detention.
experience Professor Christopher Leitz, who con- ancient Hieratic script, as well as hiero-
punitive arsenal. Now there ere “A three-digit number ducted the excavation. Other items are glyphic and Coptic writings.
is evidence that the prac- c- of ostraca also contain more idiosyncratic, including a “bird Ostraca were widely used in ancient
tice dates back more than wr
writing exercises that the alphabet” where each letter was as- Egypt — writers used a reed or hol-
2,000 years. te
team classifies as signed a bird whose name began with lowed-out stick dipped in ink to make
A recently excavated p
punishment,” said the that letter. their marks. The size of the hoard is
cache of 18,000 ancient U
University of Tübingen Alongside the written examples, immense, comparable only to some
Egyptian notebooks has in Germany, whose other ostraca feature drawings depict- found near the Valley of the Kings.
revealed a fascinating re
researchers carried out ing shapes, humans and gods, as well Egyptologists from Tübingen have
insight into the day-to- the archaeological dig. as birds such as swallows and animals been excavating for nearly two
day life of people in the time “The shards are inscribed
“The such as scorpions. decades, with the support of the
of Ptolemy XII, father of t
with the same one or two The discoveries were made in the Egyptian ministry for tourism and
Cleopatra, who reigned in the 1st character each time, both on the
characters ancient settlement of Athribis, 200 antiquities.
century BC. front and back
back.”” kilometres north of Luxor, and suggest Their original intent was to uncover a
These ostraca — pieces of limestone Repetitive writing as punishment it was a thriving, multicultural town. temple built on the site by Ptolemy XII.
pottery used as an alternative to papy- was not the only discovery from this Pottery shards featured examples of At the very least, it was multilingual. That project has been successful and
rus — featured examples of shopping ancient school that would be familiar school work familiar to Bart Simpson While the team discovered 80 per cent the temple is open to the public.
4 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Quintagram® No 1237
Solve all five clues using each
letter underneath once only
1 Centre, core (5)

2 Small area (5)

3 Writing eschewing verse forms (5)

4 Penguin species (7)

5 Prince song and film (6,4)

Solutions See page 83
Cryptic clues every day online

Veg couple fight charge

A couple are fighting planners
after being sent a £469 bill for
failing to seek permission to grow
vegetables in their garden. Lee
and Kirstie Lawes turned part
of the lawn at their home in
Deeping St James, Lincolnshire,
into raised beds during the
pandemic. South Kesteven
council says the patch is classed
as open space, meaning they
needed to change its use, though
the couple say they have checked
Flying furballs Three panting pomeranians were caught in mid bound in woodland outside Bournemouth, Dorset, by Daniel Sheridan, an amateur photographer deeds showing that the ground
is part of their property.

Cost-of-living crisis puts £160 Lassa fever death

A person has died from lassa
fever in Britain after a family who
had visited west Africa brought
the virus into the country for

green levy on the backburner the first time in more than a

decade. The UK Health Security
Agency said that two other
family members had been
infected with the haemorrhagic
Oliver Wright Policy Editor secretary, to rebalance the cost of these The move to delay changes to the discount on bills this October to ease illness, similar to ebola, and one
levies and move them from electricity levy has dismayed climate campaigners the cost of rising wholesale energy was still receiving hospital care.
Ministers have shelved plans to put a to gas bills. It has been put on hold who said it was critical to encourage the prices. Households will then repay the
£160-a-year green levy on gas bills until because of the rises in wholesale gas transition away from gas to electricity. £200 in £40 a year instalments begin- Gang armourer jailed
the energy price rise crisis ends. prices that will increase consumer bills “It’s understandable that the govern- ning in April 2023 under Sunak’s plan.
Under net zero plans announced last by 50 per cent this autumn. ment doesn’t want to load more cost on Lewis, the founder of MoneySaving- An Iraq war veteran has been
autumn ministers committed the gov- A government source said ministers to gas bills at this time, but paying, said that it was far from jailed for 20 years by Manchester
ernment to shifting the burden of were committed to the plan but it would legacy green levies out of general taxa- clear that wholesale energy costs would crown court for drug offences
investing in renewable energy from be delayed due to the volatility in the tion would be an even better way of pro- be falling by the time customers had to and acting as an armourer for an
electricity bills to gas bills. energy markets. They said the switch viding some cushion for families facing pay back the money. international gang. Roy Evans,
Nearly 23 per cent of the cost of was always intended to be gradual and energy bill increases,” Doug Parr, This would leave people in a “lose- 34, a former lance-corporal, was
household electricity is made up of given the high price of electricity this policy director at Greenpeace UK, said. lose situation” with “far higher bills arrested in connection with a
green taxes, including part-funding in- should lead to a reduction on levies as “The only route out of this fossil fuel than and an additional levy on top”. drug shipment worth £3.4 million,
vestment in renewable generation and renewable companies paid back some of price crisis is to make our homes clean- Lewis’s website pointed out that and police found guns in the
paying energy companies to subsidise the subsidies they get under the govern- er and greener. The government should some people would be left repaying the home he shared with his partner
energy efficiency improvement in ment’s contract for difference system. commit to bring forward stronger £200 levy, without benefiting from the and her children in Stockport.
poorer households. They added that another option financial incentives to electrify heating discount in bills in October.
Last year these charges added £162 to would be to remove green levies com- through heat pumps.” It pointed to teenagers, who might be ‘End home abortion’
the average electricity bill of £707. pletely from energy bills and place the Separately, Martin Lewis, the con- living at home in October, but who
In contrast the energy regulator cost of state investment in renewable sumer finance expert, has accused min- would subsequently be leaving to go to Laws allowing “pills by post”
Ofgem said that environmental and generation on to general taxation. isters of taking a “worrying gamble” university or to find a place of their own. abortions to be carried out at
social charges make up 1.86 per cent of This is likely to be opposed by the with people’s finances over the govern- The website also conducted polling home should be scrapped, the
a gas bill or £10.23 on a £550 annual bill. Treasury, however, as it would still fur- ment’s energy bill loan scheme. by YouGov that found 57 per cent of Church of England has said. New
A decision was due to be taken this ther limit Rishi Sunak’s room to Under plans unveiled by the chancel- people who paid energy bills would pre- rules, which apply to the first ten
year by Kwasi Kwarteng, the business announce tax cuts before an election. lor last week customers will get a £200 fer not to join the scheme. weeks of pregnancy, were put in
place in March 2020 as a Covid

Soaring gas prices will make heat pump the cheaper choice measure to reduce travel and
infection risk during the
pandemic. Ministers must now
decide whether to extend them.
Emily Gosden Energy Editor The cost of using a gas boiler will jump heat from the atmosphere, amplify it differential so that a unit of electricity
to £841 a year while running a heat and pump it into the house. At present will be just under four times the price of Walking dementia clue
Low-carbon heat pumps will be cheap- pump will rise to £833, making it the they are more costly than a boiler both a unit of gas.
er to run than gas boilers for the first cheaper option for the first time, to install — up to £10,000, compared Greg Jackson, chief executive of People who walk slowly and
time from April as the cost of gas soars, according to analysis by Octopus with about £3,000 — and to run. Octopus Energy, said: “The gas crisis struggle to remember things are
according to new analysis. Energy. Heat pumps are more efficient than has pushed electricity costs up too, but twice as likely to get dementia, a
A typical household would spend Heat pumps are seen as crucial for gas boilers, using 3,000 kilowatt hours despite the huge tax distortions we are study suggests. Researchers from
£464 a year on burning gas for heating Britain to decarbonise its heating. of electricity to heat an average home now seeing heat pumps becoming the University of Edinburgh said
and hot water at today’s prices while About 80 per cent of homes burn gas, a for a year, compared with 12,000 kilo- cheaper to run.” walking speed should form part
using an electric-powered heat pump polluting fossil fuel that causes climate watt hours of gas for a boiler. Government and industry are work- of clinical examinations to spot
would cost £589 a year. change. Octopus Energy, Britain’s However, the cost of a kilowatt hour ing to reduce the cost of installing heat signs of motor cognitive risk.
However, gas prices are set to rise fourth-biggest household energy sup- of electricity is now more than five pumps which Octopus said meant by Donncha Mullin, from the
more steeply than electricity when the plier, is a proponent of heat pumps. times higher than that for gas. The April it would be able to install a pump university, said: “It is quick, cheap,
energy price cap is raised from April 1. The devices use electricity to draw change to the price cap will reduce the for a similar price to a gas boiler. and easy to check for MCR.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 5

The dangers of virtual
reality games can
include reaching into
a ceiling fan, tumbling
into a television
screen and crashing
into children and
household pets

units were sold
around the world last
year. Aviva
highlighted one claim
in which a client
threw a VR handset
in his TV when a
zombie jumped out
a him. Several
customers had
reported falling
head-first into their
television sets.
repo t d O
reported. One German
G Liam Gallagher, the
even broke his neck. former Oasis
An online forum frontman, said last
Mishaps mean called “VR to ER” on
Reddit has more than
week that he fell into
his fridge while

real pain for 80,000 members, with

many posting videos of
mishaps while playing.
playing a game with
his headset on.
He told Absolute
virtual gamers Several show players
accidentally punching
or kicking their pets.
Radio: “I’ve leant on
the counter to have a
little chat with a dude

irtual crash into TV sets, trip Aviva said home and I’ve stacked it.
reality (VR) over their coffee tables contents insurance Nearly smashed my
headsets and smash ornaments claims involving VR face in. I’ve ended up
may be while engrossed in headsets rose by more in the fridge.” He
bringing their alternate reality. than 30 per cent last added that he had
users too close to the Most of the year. It added that the given up the games.
cold, hard truth incidents are minor average VR-related Kelly Whittington,
(Andrew Ellson but some people have claim was £650, with of Aviva, said: “These
writes). Aviva, the seriously injured TV sets the most devices can be a great
insurance company, themselves. Cracked damaged item. source of fun but we’d
reports that claims for kneecaps, dislocated The International encourage people to
accidental damage shoulders and cut Data Corporation said be mindful of their
have surged as gamers hands have been that nearly 8 million surroundings.”

Kickboxer shot dead rival gangster

John Simpson Crime Correspondent London in the weeks and days before
Behind the story the shooting, which had been carefully
A hitman at the centre of a bloody “tit- planned for up to six months.

for-tat” feud between international n the Malmo importations of drugs via his friend Naief Adawi, served kingpin Daniel Estevan Pino-Munizaga, 35, was
drug gangs shot dead a rival in front of underworld, the Sweden’s ports, faced a who had also moved to Petrovski, who was acquitted of murder but instead found
his wife and child in an upmarket gangs are known growing threat from a Battersea. Minutes after locked in a war with guilty of an alternative charge of man-
London neighbourhood. as The Boxer and group led by Amir Beqiri was shot dead , she Mekky, 24. Mekky is also slaughter.
Anis Hemissi, a former professional The Alliance. On Mekky, known as The made a phone call to involved in cocaine and Tobias Andersson, 32, and Bawer
kickboxer, faces life in jail after shoot- Christmas Eve 2019, their Boxer. The Malmo Adawi. “Maybe cannabis trafficking, and Karaer, 23, also from Sweden, were
ing Flamur Beqiri, 36, eight times in bloody feud reached a initiative to shut them someone’s coming for you was arrested in Dubai in acquitted of both charges.
Battersea, west London, on Christmas quiet west London street down is called Operation as well,” she told him. 2020. Clifford Rollox, 31, from Islington,
Eve in 2019. (John Simpson writes). Snake, because detectives Beqiri’s friend had Violence — including north London, and a Dutch national,
Hemissi, 24, travelled to London and Flamur Beqiri, a say the criminals “slither already survived one kidnap and murder — Claude Isaac Castor, 31, from Sint
posed as a street cleaner, disguising leading light in The away when police pursue attempt on his life, when escalated from 2018, and Maarten in the Caribbean, were found
himself further with a latex mask, sun- Alliance, bought the them”. gunmen opened fire as he by the following summer, guilty of perverting the course of justice
glasses, high-vis work clothes, a litter property in his wife’s Fifteen members of left his Malmo apartment Adawi and Beqiri had after being hired locally to clean up the
picker and black bin bag as he reconnoi- name in 2017 for The Alliance are on trial in August 2019, carrying become targets. It also flat where the killers had stayed.
tred the area around his target’s home £1.7 million to try to in Sweden after police his newborn baby emerged that Mekky’s They were seen removing a large
in a meticulously planned murder. create distance from the intercepted an alleged daughter. As Adawi ran men had not been suitcase on Christmas Day, but police
He had told the jury that his trip to violence threatening his attempt to take out The away, his partner, Karolin Beqiri’s only enemy: were on the scene before they could fin-
the UK was to watch “Netflix and chill” young family at home. Boxer and his associates, Hakim, 31, was shot police intelligence ish the job and evidence re-
with a woman he had met online. Despite installing top- with a price on each of multiple times and killed. suggests he was in covered included a
Yesterday he was found guilty of quality CCTV, he was their heads. The court heard that dispute with, or in ripped-up flight ticket
murder and possession of a firearm shot dead on the doorstep Beqiri’s glamorous Adawi, who was jailed for debt to, criminal stub bearing Hemissi’s
after a two-month trial at the Old in front of his wife and wife, Debora Krasniqi, eight years in Denmark associates, name.
Bailey. child. His gang, appeared aware of the in 2010 for a £7 million including Albanian Karaer’s cousin,
It can now be revealed that Hemissi responsible for massive threat to her husband and robbery, and Beqiri gangs. Ahmet Karaer,
had been a suspect in the murder of a suspected of helping
man shot dead near his own father’s to finance, plan
home in Malmo but was never charged. Anis Hemissi Cernobbio, by Lake Como, Italy, and ganised crime and organise
Beqiri was an Albanian-born Swed- faces life in jail she told the Grace Ormonde Wedding groups”. the murder, is
ish criminal living in London. His sister after being Style magazine they “fell deeply in love” She added: “It is wanted by
was married to a Manchester United convicted of at the wedding of his sister, Misse. an international police,
footballer and starred in The Real killing Flamur Beqiri’s wife was with him holding assassination having dis-
Housewives of Cheshire. Beqiri in front of hands with one of their young children which required appeared after
He had claimed to be running a his wife Debora when Hemissi, again wearing a latex meticulous plan- being deported
record label in the UK but Swedish in west London mask, fired ten shots from a pistol, hit- ning and involved from Egypt,
organised crime police knew him to be ting Beqiri with eight bullets from be- a group of orga- where he was
among the most feared gangsters in the hind him. nised criminals re- held for drug
country. The choice of date — Christmas Eve cruiting a team to smuggling.
A leading member of a drug gang, His sister, Misse Beqiri, is the former — was to maximise the devastation, it is carry out this shock- Mrs Justice
Beqiri fled Malmo for Britain with his wife of the ex-Manchester United goal- believed. ing and brutal Cheema-Grubb
family and a fellow gang member amid keeper Anders Lindegaard and starred Louise Attrill, senior Crown Prosecu- murder.” will sentence
intensifying violence. His gangland ri- in The Real Housewives of Cheshire for tion Service prosecutor, said yesterday The court was told those found
vals sent Hemissi to the UK to track two seasons. that the murder was part of “a tit-for-tat that three other Swedes guilty next
him down and kill him. Beqiri married Debora Krasniqi in rivalry between two very significant or- had also flown to Friday.
6 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

News Ukraine crisis

Invasion could begin any time

Henry Zeffman mistic. “What we are saying is we have
a sufficient level of concern based on Rukla
Associate Political Editor
what we are seeing from the ground
Alistair Dawber Washington
and what our intelligence analysts have
Aliide Naylor Druskininkai
Tom Parfitt Moscow picked up, that we are sending this clear
message,” he said. “We believe any
A Russian invasion of Ukraine would American in Ukraine should leave as It is estimated that Reinforced by
begin with bombing and missile attacks soon as possible, but in any event, with- 1,700 troops Shchuchyn Minsk
that could indiscriminately kill civil- in the next 24 to 48 hours. The risk is Russia has deployed Or
yszz (US
Orzysz (US-led
from US 82nd 10
1,000 Nato Grodno
ians, the US warned yesterday as west- now high enough.” Airborne
ern rhetoric hardened. Sullivan refused to identify specific about 137,000 troops)
Division Baranovichi Osipovichi
Jake Sullivan, national security intelligence behind the time frame. He troops near the
adviser to President Biden, said that said: “President Biden will not put the 100 Royal Obuz-Lesnovsky
America had “reason to believe” Russia lives of our men and women in uniform Ukraine border Engineers
could invade Ukraine “any day now”. at risk to send them into a war zone to
He did not think that President Putin rescue people who could have left.” Yelsk
a w
had made a final decision to mount a Sullivan praised the strength of the 30,0
full invasion and insisted that a diplo- Nato alliance ranged against Russia.
matic path was still possible but said he “Nato has been strengthened,” he said. Russian troop numbers Estimated number
was delivering “an urgent message “The alliance is more cohesive, more POLAND of troops deployed
because we are in an urgent situation”. purposeful, more dynamic than any 10,000 in Belarus
General Mark Milley, chairman of time in recent memory.” 5,000
the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke by Sullivan also said that China
telephone yesterday with his Russian appeared to be giving “a wink and a nod, Polish
s border
1,000 3500 Royal Kyiv
counterpart, General Valery Gerasim- or a green light, to a Russian invasion”.
ov, the Pentagon said, although details He added: “China will ultimately Marines
ne to be
of the exchange were kept private. come to suffer consequences as a result Tanks sent
Biden will call Putin today, according of that in the eyes of the rest of the Nato
N ato training
to the Russian leader’s press secretary, world, most notably in the eyes of our missions
m s in Ukraine
Dmitry Peskov. “The American side European partners and allies. — 200
0 US National
Nat l
has indeed requested a conversation “We do not believe that China can Armoured vehicles
d and
n 100
with President Putin, and tomorrow compensate Russia for the economic SLOVAKIA
AKIA British
iti troops
evening, Moscow time, a conversation losses that would be sustained in the
Missile launchers
of the two presidents is planned,” Pes- event of an invasion due to sanctions
kov said. He confirmed that Putin and export controls and the like.”
would also speak to President Macron The adviser’s intervention came after Jet fighters
of France today. Biden held a virtual meeting with Boris Other military activity
Despite the last ditch diplomacy, the Johnson and the leaders of Germany, B
US is urging Americans in Ukraine to Italy, Canada, France, Poland and Transnistria
Nato member
get out as soon as possible. Sullivan said Romania, along with presidents of the
an invasion “could begin at any time”, European Commission and Council Nato battlegroup HUNGARY
even before the Beijing Winter Olym- and the secretary-general of Nato. MOLDOVA
pics finishes at the end of next week. The warnings came as Russia began Nato jet fighters to be sent
Reports had suggested that Putin its largest joint exercise with Belarus in Craiova (1,000
would wait until after the Games to decades. About 30,000 soldiers, sup- Nato warships to be sent US ttroops
rroops se
sent Odessa
O essa
avoid antagonising President Xi. ported by ballistic missiles, air defence from Vilsek)
om Vilse
Officials said that the US will send a systems and combat aircraft, began
further 3,000 troops to Poland. They Operation Allied Resolve near the bor- CROATIA
said that the soldiers would not come der with Lithuania. The reverberations
from forces already in Europe but from from the drills rattled empty glasses
the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort across table tops in Druskininkai, a spa
Bragg, North Carolina. In a sombre, town about eight miles from the border.
briefing, Sullivan described how a Rus- “Russia and Belarus’s military inte- B ch
Bu charrest
sian invasion was “likely to begin with gration is complete,” Arvydas Anusau-
aerial bombing and missile attacks that skas, Lithuania’s defence minister, said.
could obviously kill civilians without Rochan Consulting, a defence ana-
regard to their nationality”. lysis firm based in Gdansk, Poland, has
He added: “A subsequent ground in- said that the troop movements in Bela-
vasion would involve the onslaught of a rus appear to be concentrated towards
massive force, with virtually no notice.” the southern border with Ukraine. BU
Sullivan said that a “possible line of One possibility is that the Russian
attack” was a “rapid assault on the city forces may remain in Belarus after the
of Kyiv”, Ukraine’s capital. war game ends on February 20.
While insisting that diplomacy was Ukraine diplomacy, letters, page 28
still possible, Sullivan’s tone was pessi- Kyiv rues giving up warheads, page 40

Send troops now to deter Russian aggression, ambassador urges

Catherine Philp anywhere,” he said. “If he is stopped in choice but to put his trust in diplomacy humiliating her on purpose, these are are actually surprised how sensitive
Diplomatic Correspondent Ukraine, you won’t have to fight any- to ease the crisis but doubted how effec- dirty tricks.” He said he would welcome you are to this build-up because we’ve
where. By doing this [now], you can tive the stream of visitors to Moscow a visit to Moscow by Boris Johnson as a been living through it all these years,”
Britain should send troops to Ukraine avoid sending your soldiers to defend had been in changing Putin’s mind. “I show of support for Ukraine. “He is Prystaiko said.
to deter an invasion so that it never has your allies the next day.” have been watching closely what is quite cleverly sending secretaries first On reports of some 130,000 Russian
to fight the Russian army on Nato soil, Prystaiko described that argument as happening there and how most leaders to see if there’s any room for better soldiers on Ukraine’s borders, he said:
the Ukrainian ambassador has told the “politically correct” answer he gives visiting have been humiliated to some diplomacy at the highest level, which is “Sometimes they even have more . . . So
The Times. to the question of British troops being extent by Russian counterparts, espe- a wise thing to do,” he said. “I would in Ukraine it’s not like we lost our sensi-
Vadym Prystaiko was speaking as sent to Ukraine, which he says cially Liz Truss.” recommend it, because regardless of tivity and our skin is thicker.
1,000 more British troops were put on government figures in London He was referring to the foreign the humiliation you get in Russia, it will “We just believe that it is dangerous,
standby for deployment to the Baltic have begged him not to speak secretary’s encounter with Sergey be helping Ukraine.” but this is day-to-day life for us. And
states where hundreds of soldiers have about “because it will scare the Lavrov, her Russian counterpart, He urged Britain to dial down the when people start pulling out the per-
already been sent in a show of unity British public”. who dismissed their conversations rhetoric about a looming Russian inva- sonnel from their embassies, this cre-
with Nato allies. However, he admitted “if our as “like a mute person speaking to sion, warning that it was causing inves- ates additional panic for Ukrainians.”
The deployment is intended to illus- nation is under full-scale a deaf person”. tors to flee and helping Putin to desta- Instead of waiting for an invasion
trate Nato’s readiness to defend its east- attack and people have “I am pretty sure that Liz bilise Ukraine “without firing a shot”. before sanctioning Russia, Prystaiko
ern allies under its Article 5 mutual been killed and knew what sort of treatment Prystaiko said talk of an “imminent” urged Britain to publish a list of sanc-
defence clause if President Putin seeks bombarded, Chechnya she could expect in Moscow invasion was particularly damaging in tions targets immediately to demon-
to test the West’s resolve as Russian style, I will have no sor- and she went there,” Prys- Ukraine, where the closest equivalent strate to Moscow what it would cost.
troops threaten Ukraine. row, I will have nothing to taiko said. “That is quite a translation is “inevitable”. “We do not “The prophylactic is better than the
Prystaiko, a former Ukrainian stop me knocking at every courageous act on the part see invasion as inevitable,” he said. treatments,” he said. “List the sanctions,
foreign minister, argued that British door and telling your of a politician. He was “That means it can’t be stopped.” say we’re not pulling the switch but
troops could be better used as an early people, we have to survive, Washington agreed last week to stop we’re showing you that that’s the list.
deterrence to Putin on Ukrainian soil. please send everything you Vadym Prystaiko said using the word “imminent” but it is still One soldier crosses and the sanctions
“You might not have even to fight in can, tell everybody you can”. British troops could be regularly rolling off the tongues of are immediately introduced. This is a
Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Romania or Prystaiko said he had no an early deterrent British leaders. “We tell people that we hybrid approach. This will work.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 7


with missile attacks, US warns

Source: Janes. Updated Feb 2022


Unecha ov
Dovry Voronezh


region LUHANSK
U KRA INE Volgograd

Ben Wallace, the defence secretary, with his counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, flanked
area by Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, chief of the defence staff, and Valery Gerasimov,
ET chief of Russia’s general staff, in front of a painting in Moscow showing
R n-Don
n Montgomery, Eisenhower and their Russian and French allies in Berlin in 1945

nk Mariupol
Number of battalion
tactical groups
Britain offers fighting
14 100
talk and a pointed gift
In transit
AZOV SEA 100 miles
erne 83
darr matic activity already this week,
Larisa Brown Defence Editor, Moscow
a including a visit by Liz Truss, the for-
Opuk Vladimir Putin would not survive as eign secretary, and President Macron
Sevastopol Russian president if he invaded of France to Russia, all of which have so
Jan 26 Now Needed for
full-scale Ukraine, Ben Wallace said last night far failed to lead to a breakthrough on
B L AC K S E A invasion after crunch talks with key Kremlin the crisis near Ukraine’s border.
figures in Moscow. In opening remarks during a bilateral
On the first visit by a defence secre- meeting at the Russian defence minis-
tary to Russia in more than two try in Moscow earlier in the day, the
decades, Wallace said such a move Russian defence minister said that the
would have “long-term consequences” level of co-operation with Britain was
for Russia’s position in the western “almost zero” and warned it was about
world and would lead to regime change. to cross into the “negative side” as he
It would result in “long-term isola- questioned why the UK had sent
tion” and have such a significant eco- special forces to Ukraine.
nomic impact that it “would be hard to Shoigu said the two nations shared a
see how the government who commit- “common brotherhood”. Urging the

Ukrainian defies ban on Seizing assets ted this would be able to survive in the
long term with its people”, he said in his
strongest remarks yet concerning the
UK to stop supplying weapons to
Ukraine, he said: “I would like to see the
reason why the UK is sending special

Olympic political protest ‘won’t hurt future of Russia.

Wallace flew into Moscow yesterday
with Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the
forces to Ukraine and until what time
[they] will be there.” The British gov-
ernment does not confirm or deny the

Tom Parfitt Moscow

Putin’s friends’ head of the armed forces, and Lieuten-
ant General Ralph Wooddisse,
deployment of special forces.
Radakin warned that an invasion of
commander of the UK field army, for an Ukraine would be a “tragic mistake”.
An athlete has staged the first political Kieran Gair intense afternoon of negotiations. Before the meeting, Wallace, a
protest of the Winter Olympics in At a press conference after more than former Scots Guard, said he planned to
Beijing, holding up a sign reading “no One of the Tory party’s most generous two hours of talks with his Russian remind Shoigu of historical ties. “The
war in Ukraine”. donors has criticised the government’s counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, and Scots and the Russians go back hun-
Vladyslav Heraskevych, a Ukrainian plan to sanction assets held in Britain General Valery Gerasimov, the chief of dreds of years,” he explained, adding
competitor in the skeleton bobsled, by President Putin’s inner circle. the general staff, Wallace said he had that he had brought Shoigu, a collector
showed the sign briefly to television Alexander Temerko, who was born been told that the Russians had “no of swords, a gift of Glenfiddich whisky
cameras after completing a run. The in Ukraine and has given £1.6 million to intention” of invading Ukraine. and a Scots Guards sword from the time
words were printed on a piece of paper the Conservatives since he became a Shoigu and Gerasimov are consid- of George VI “when the Soviet Union
with the colours of the Ukrainian flag. British citizen in 2011, said that legis- ered key figures in Putin’s inner circle and Britain fought side by side against
“It’s my position. Like any normal Vladyslav Heraskevych held up his lation allowing the confiscation of as- and among three Russians who are the Nazis”.
people, I don’t want war,” Heraskevych, country’s flag with a message on it sets from Putin’s supporters would not most likely to influence him, Wallace Radakin brought Gerasimov a print
23, said after he finished competing, counter Kremlin aggression. “We need believes. Wallace said they had a “con- of a drawing of his birthplace in the
according to the Associated Press. “I or other areas”. China said this month to stop our country acting like a finan- structive and frank” discussion and 1600s from the naval historical branch
want peace in my country and I want that protests at its Winter Olympic cial pumping house,” he told Times relations had gone from “zero” before in Portsmouth and a crest cast from the
peace in the world. It’s my position, so I venues or on the medal stand could Radio. “That means blocking any Rus- the talks to “above zero” afterwards. original steel of the masts of HMS
fight for that. I fight for peace.” violate Chinese law as well. It was seen sian company that is state-controlled “We will keep trying, the inter- Belfast after their replacement in 2010.
Rule 50 of the Olympic charter states as a means of intimidating athletes who or has state capital invested in it from national community is trying very The new masts were a gift from the
that “no kind of demonstration or polit- might protest over the country’s mass any financial facility in the UK, includ- hard,” said Wallace, adding that more Russian people in recognition of the
ical, religious or racial propaganda is persecution of Uighur Muslims. ing any listing on the stock exchange.” talks were expected next week. ship’s role in the Arctic convoys.
permitted in any Olympic sites, venues Winter Olympics, Sport, pullout Saturday interview, pages 36-37 The visit followed a flurry of diplo- My Week, Liz Truss, pages 38-39
8 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


America for the winter sa an American

he saw
The only (Kieran Gair writes).
The bird was spotted
rob in Britain was
about ten years ago
way was on Tuesday in a cul-de-
sac in Eastbourne. Nick
in Devon. He said:
“I the last thing
Bond, who was part of a y are expecting,
Sussex for group of twitchers who
travelled there, said it
something like that
th time of the year.
rare bird was very rare to see the
species in Britain, “let
It really does inject
something special
alone Sussex”. He added: into your routine.”

irdwatchers are “They do migrate in The American robin
flocking to a large numbers in usually migrates from
quiet East America so this one has Canad to Guatemala.
Sussex street to gotten lost en route.” fir recorded
The first
catch a glimpse David Campbell, the Birdwatchers were out in sightin in Britain was in
of an American robin county recorder for the force in Eastbourne to Devon in 1952. There
that was probably blown Sussex Ornithological photograph an American have since been 28
off course while Society, told Sussex robin believed to have sightings, with the last in
migrating to South World that the last time been blown off course Devon in 2018.

Raab ditches solar

contract linked
to Uighur slavery
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor The report, by Sheffield Hallam Uni-
versity, found that 42 per cent of the
Dominic Raab last night ripped up a Jinko Solar’s ingots and wafers — cru-
multimillion-pound contract to install cial parts in panels — are produced by
solar panels on dozens of prisons and its factories in Xinjiang province.
courts after The Times revealed they The research found that Jinko’s oper-
contained parts made by a firm that ations are linked to forced labour in
uses forced labour camps in China. the province, where millions of indige-
The government has repeatedly con- nous Uighur and Kazakh citizens are
demned China over its treatment of held in what the Chinese government
Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province calls “surplus labour” and “labour
and has imposed sanctions in response transfer” programmes.
to its human rights abuses. It also has a site in an industrial park
But research by Labour, shared with that hosts a high-security prison and
The Times, has found that crucial parts Uighur internment camp, which other
for panels procured by the government companies in the park are known to
are suspected of having been made in have used for forced labour.
mandatory work camps in Xinjiang. The Labour Party is calling on the
It raises the possibility of the Minis- British government to follow the US in
try of Defence having to reinstall panels banning imports that have been manu-
and halt further planned installations. factured in, or contain parts produced
The Ministry of Justice signed a in, Xinjiang province. President Biden
three-year contract in December 2020 signed a bill in December as part of
with Engie, a French renewable and Washington’s efforts to punish China
utility company, to fit solar panels on 17 over its abuse of Uighur Muslims.
prisons and 90 courts. A landmark re- Afzal Kahn, the shadow justice min-
port on global solar supply chains last ister, who has campaigned for the ban,
year listed Engie as one of the compa- said it was “utterly reprehensible” that a
nies that sources components from the UK government department had
Chinese firm Jinko Solar. become “tainted” with forced labour.
He said: “Time and again this
government has dragged its feet on
Behind the story holding China to account for its egre-
gious human rights abuses, and now we

olar panels are one of the find it has spent £12 million on solar
many products from panels tainted with forced Uighur
Xinjiang found to have labour.”
been made by forced A spokesman for the justice ministry
Uighur labour, both in said: “We will never tolerate the use of
giant internment camps run by forced labour – in the absence of cate-
Beijing and in factories gorical assurances about the supply
(Catherine Philp writes). chain, we will cancel this contract im-
Xinjiang produces almost half mediately.
the world’s supply of polysilicon, “The UK has led international action
which is extracted from quartz to hold China to account at the UN, im-
mined in the province. It is also posed sanctions against senior officials
home to a vast cotton industry and introduced robust domestic meas-
and accounts for a fifth of global ures in respect of supply chains.”
supply. Researchers have found Jinko did not respond to a request for
Uighur forced labour in both the comment but has previously said it con-
textile factories and the fields — demns the use of forced labour and that
a grim echo of the Atlantic slave research does not “demonstrate forced
trade in which Africans were labour in our facilities”.
transported to pick cotton. The Chinese authorities have also
The US has banned all cotton denied claims that factories producing
imports from Xinjiang. Britain the materials are made under coercion.
has imposed due diligence guides An Engie spokesperson said: “The
on the textile industry to try to group and all subsidiary companies
prevent products made by Uighur firmly condemn forced labour and any
slaves reaching UK markets. violation of human rights. Engie has set
Beijing claims that the purpose up a purchasing management system
of its “re-education camps” in that aims to control and reduce ethical
Xinjiang has been fulfilled and risks. Our purchasing policy
all those held have “graduated”. targets forced labour in its paragraph
on ethics and social responsibility.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 9


Brace! Brace! The nanny’s in cattle class

Jonathan Ames Legal Editor and the way we were treated was ner said that the cabin crew declined to off. He alleged that the crew asked the standard protocol to escort passengers
appalling and in contrast to over 15 allow the nanny to sit in a spare seat in pilot not to fly any of the family and so who had been taken off a flight. He was
The stress of flying with two toddlers in years of pleasant experiences on BA business class between him and the the aircraft returned to the terminal not interviewed by police and there is
tow will be familiar to many parents. flights as a regular customer,” he said. children’s mother. and two police officers escorted them to no suggestion of a criminal offence.
The frustration of finding that their Banner accused the airline of over- “Rather than apologise, the BA cabin the non-departure side. The family took a flight with easyJet
nanny is unable to claim her business selling a flight from London to Turin in crew were incredibly rude when we “It was particularly appalling and to Turin from Gatwick the next day.
class seat will be less familiar. Italy. He was travelling with his child- asked if the nanny could either sit in the distressing for BA to refuse even to let They returned from Turin on a BA
A high-flying QC was ren, aged one and four, their spare seat next to us or at least come the two children fly with either their flight because of a lack of suitable alter-
escorted off a British Airways mother and the nanny. He and help with the kids,” Banner said. He mother or the nanny,” Banner said. He native options — “and the cabin crew
flight from Heathrow to Italy said he had booked business- claimed that one of the cabin crew said added that this “demonstrates with on that flight were welcoming and
last week by police after he class tickets for all of them at “You wish” in response to his request. absolute clarity the vindictiveness of charming”, Banner said. He added that
complained that staff had a total fare of about £1,250. “They also repeatedly refused to the cabin crew’s attitude. The children BA had apologised to him over the
downgraded the family Only after they boarded the offer an explanation for why she could found the process of leaving the plane incident and refunded the fare in
nanny to economy class. flight did it emerge that not use the spare seat next to us, and they had just boarded confusing and vouchers.
Charles Banner, a plan- the nanny had been were openly expressing amusement at upsetting”. The airline claimed that Banner had
ning law specialist, said downgraded. Ban- the situation,” he said. Banner said the action by the BA been “disruptive” and that there had
that he was considering Banner said that when he told the crew “was a gross over-reaction to our been no spare seat in business class. It
legal action against BA. Charles Banner crew he would complain, they con- understandable upset at how we had added: “We do not tolerate disruptive
“It was a very upsetting and his family had tacted the pilot and stopped the air- been treated”. He said that the police behaviour and the safety of our custom-
event for all of the family to leave the flight craft, which had begun to taxi for take- were polite and pointed out that it was ers and crew is our top priority.”


Taliban free Tim Exley, left, and Joe

Brindley pause during their
Teenage pupils
former BBC ascent of Ben Nevis, right;
Rebecca Coles, below, took
the dramatic photograph
gripped by gods
journalist and monsters
held in Kabul of mythology
David Brown Nicola Woolcock Education Editor
A British former BBC journalist taken Children prefer Virgil to Shakespeare
captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan because tales from the Classics remind
was freed last night. them of computer games, a Cambridge
Andrew North, once a South Asia university study suggests.
correspondent for the BBC, was The study’s author says pupils who
released by the militant group along study Virgil at school find it much more
with a second unnamed journalist. engaging than other “prestigious” liter-
North, who has been working for the ature such as the works of the Bard.
United Nations, was abducted on It proposes that schools could
Monday. At least four other British one user commentedmented that expand ancient literature’s use in the
men, whose families have asked that “the chap stood near the wider curriculum to explore its appeal
they are not identified, have been edge AND leaning back beyond pupils who are studying Latin.
detained since last month. is giving me major The results came from a study with
North, who lives in New York, was anxiety!” three groups of 16-year-olds taking Lat-
working as an independent journalist The three are all in GCSE at state schools.
with the UN when he was detained. An experienced climbers. Dr Frances Foster, from Cambridge’s
Irish colleague and three Afghan assist- Macallister, 40, originally faculty of education, conducted the
ants were taken the previous day. from Dublin, and his study. “Research suggests younger
The Wall Street Journal quoted a English companions, who readers can’t get enough of mythology,”
member of a Taliban intelligence unit are in their 20s, all live in she said. “The appeal seems to be the
in Kabul saying that “several foreign Chamonix, France, and combination of monsters, weird fan-
nationals” had been arrested. are training for the tasy stuff, and action — basically what
The United Nations High Commis- British Mountain Guides you would find in a lot of computer
sioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said: qualification to be able to games.”
“We are relieved to confirm the release teach in the Alps. Almost all pupils in the study claimed
of the two journalists on assignment The trio had started they enjoyed aspects of Virgil’s epic,
with UNHCR, and the Afghan nation- hiking up from the car Aenied — especially the fast-paced
als working with them.” park at 7.30am before action and mythological themes —
North, who worked for the BBC in starting their ascent, even though they had mixed feelings
Washington, South Asia and Iraq until using a 60m rope, ice about other poetry studied at school.
2015, wrote on his website about meet- axes and crampons, The research is reported in a newly
ing Taliban leaders: “The group once getting back down via an published collection of essays, The
dubbed ‘Islamic Maoists’ has not been easier route by 5.30pm. Aeneid and the Modern World. Foster’s
as ruthless as many feared — so far.” They were on the ledge work explores how young people
A Taliban spokesman said last night for an hour to 90 perceive the ancient world and its liter-
that the detained UN journalists had minutes, discussing their ature. She said: “If you’re a 15-year-old
been identified and released. training while trying studying the Aeneid, what you’re
Meanwhile, friends of a second Brit- to stay warm. “It actually studying is a tiny segment of
ish man who has been held have plead- was a about -5C one book. It’s rather like watching part
ed for his release, saying they believe he eve
even without of an episode in a television series with-
may be being held “in error”. th
the wind out ever seeing the rest.
Peter Jouvenal, a British-German breathtaking photograph up a ch
chill factor,” “If we can establish that other stu-
dual national, has been held since early
December. Jouvenal, of Woodhall Spa,
Cigarette published in The Times
on Thursday showed two
by rope to
said. Many
dents enjoy it as much as this research
group did, it might be worth exploring
Lincolnshire, went to Afghanistan to
discuss investments in the mining in-
break helps tiny figures against a wall
of snow and ice,
smoke on
the 2m-
on Twitter
noted how
whether literature from the ancient
world can be made more widely avail-
dustry and for “family reasons”.
David Loyn, a former BBC corre-
climbers apparently stranded. But
that initial impression
wide ledge.
The photoo
relaxed they
ook with
able, not least to the majority of child-
ren who never learn Latin.”
spondent, is helping Jouvenal’s friends
secure his release. Loyn said it was ur-
stay cool could not have been
further from the truth.
of them
standing nextxt to
several saying
hey migh
might as well
About 12,000 pupils in England take
an ancient language to GCSE, mostly at

gent as Jouvenal suffers from high hen two The two climbers were Gargoyle Wall, with a have been waiting
waiti for a selective or independent schools. Most
blood pressure and needs medication. climbers Joe Brindley and Tim 500ft drop below them, bus. Macallister said: “At of those take Latin and can study
Diplomatic sources said it was not were Exley, with a third friend, was taken on Friday last one point I did see extracts from one book of the Aeneid.
clear why the Britons were seized, but spotted Rhys Macallister, out of week by Rebecca Coles, another lad below us who Foster carried out a close analysis of
that they could be caught up in internal on a tiny shot a few feet away 41, a mountaineering was guiding a woman up three GCSE Latin groups at state com-
disputes in the Taliban, with one side ledge on Ben Nevis’s around the corner, and instructor, from near the having a cigarette, so I prehensive schools.
wanting to follow Iran’s lead in using north cliff face, with no they were so in control of top of number 3 gully, shouted down ‘I wouldn’t All but one pupil claimed to enjoy at
foreign hostages as leverage. rope in sight, they the situation that close to the summit of the mind a cigarette’. least something about the Aeneid but
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: appeared to be in urgent Macallister even 1,345m mountain. “He said ‘I’ll fire you up just 39 per cent said they liked studying
“We are providing support to the fami- need of rescue (Ross persuaded a group of After Coles shared the one’, so I roped down a poetry in English lessons, while most
lies of a number of British men who Kaniuk writes). The climbers below to send photograph on Twitter, dry bag for it.” were ambivalent and 16 per cent active-
have been detained in Afghanistan.” ly disliked poetry.
10 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

News Police

Mayor in row
over size of
Met chief’s
exit payoff
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor the Met to account, and it is absolutely
Fiona Hamilton, John Simpson right that he ensures it has the right
leadership to command the trust and
Dame Cressida Dick and Sadiq Khan confidence of Londoners, which is so
were engulfed in a row over the size of crucial to policing by consent.”
her payoff last night, with claims that David Lammy, the shadow foreign
she could receive more than £400,000 secretary and a close ally of Khan, said:
after he forced her to resign. “Priti Patel and her team seem more
The Metropolitan Police commis- concerned with squabbling about the
sioner is expected to stay on for two process of Cressida Dick’s resignation
months to oversee the investigation than the vitally important issue of re-
into Downing Street parties. That will storing trust and confidence in the Met.”
avoid her replacement being tarnished MPs, and relatives of victims affected
by its conclusion, which could decide by scandals that dogged Dick’s time in
Boris Johnson’s fate as prime minister. office, said Khan should either resist
Priti Patel, the home secretary, is ex- offering Dick a payoff or fund it himself.
pected to appoint an interim commis- Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former
sioner while an “open and competitive” Conservative Party leader, said Khan
recruitment process is launched. had erred by failing to inform the Home
Last night the mayor was trying to Office that he was withdrawing support
avoid having to hand Dick a payoff that from Dick. “He should have consulted
could exceed £400,000. She is paid a the Home Office first — there are rea-
salary of about £230,000 and signed a sons you need to get your ducks in a
contract in September to serve a two- row. They would have checked her con-
year extension to her original contract, tract. But he’s forced her out and she
which was due to expire in April. Both may now have a case for constructive
the Met and City Hall refused to com- dismissal thanks to the mayor. If they
ment on claims that Dick is entitled to end up having to pay out huge sums of
be paid the full salary she would have money, he’ll be the one to blame.”
received had she remained in post until Harvey Proctor, the former Conserv-
April 2024. This would mirror the situa- ative MP who was falsely branded a
tion with Sir Ian Blair, who received a serial child killer by the paedophile Carl
£300,000 payout after being forced out “Nick” Beech as part of the Met’s
as Met commissioner in 2008 by John- botched Operation Midland, said that
son, who was then mayor of London. Khan should be personally responsible
Experts said Dick will also have a pen- for the payoff. He said: “Sadiq Khan has
sion pot in excess of £100,000 a year. messed this up and he should be per-
Dick’s sudden departure leaves polic- sonally responsible out of his personal
ing in turmoil, with the three most im- purse for the £460,000 that his mess
portant jobs all vacant. Patel is also re- has caused. She should not have been
cruiting a director-general of the given an extension to her contract.”
National Crime Agency and of Her Alistair Carmichael, the Liberal
Majesty’s Chief Inspectorate of Con- Democrats’ home affairs spokesman,
stabulary. Some leading candidates for said: “Most taxpayers would want to see
the Met commissioner post are at the money spent on rebuilding the Met,
final interview stage for the other jobs. rather than rewarding those responsi-
Khan’s treatment of Dick is said to be ble for its problems.”
deterring some police leaders from Last night Patel said that the challen-
applying for the job. Five months ago he ges facing the new commissioner were
wanted to give her a three-year exten- “stark and could not be more sobering”.
sion. On Thursday he forced her out. In a statement, the home secretary said
One chief constable said: “Senior Dick’s replacement must demonstrate
leaders in policing who would other- “strong and decisive” leadership to rid Dame Cressida Dick appeared in good spirits on her way to work yesterday. Her sudden resignation has led to a dispute with
wise have wanted to go for the job are the force of sexism, racism and institu-
looking at what happened and how
Sadiq has threatened Cressida and say-
ing, ‘I can’t work with him’.”
Another senior policing leader said
tional corruption. The first task would
be to “restore public confidence” in
Britain’s biggest police force, she said.
The Home Office said the recruit-
Candidates offer a thin blue line-up
that good candidates could be put off by ment process would be carried out as Fiona Hamilton Surrey, lost out to Dick when she was “Lynne’s health would not be a block.
the treacherous politics intertwined quickly as possible but that the priority Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor appointed in 2017. Cooke and Sawyer She is looking at next steps but would
with the role. “Given what has hap- was to select the “best person”. It has are in the running to be Her Majesty’s need a lot of encouragement to be per-
pened and the brutal public way in ruled out a replacement from abroad. Four middle-aged white men from Chief Inspector of Constabulary. There suaded to apply.” Home Office sources
which she has been forced out, how Johnson is keen to distance himself outside the Metropolitan Police have are few female candidates unless Dame said that Patel liked and respected her.
does a new person lead the Met?” they from the appointment to avoid sugges- emerged as early frontrunners to Other possible contenders include
said. “How do you maintain the confi- tions he is influencing the leader of the replace Dame Cressida Dick. Mark Rowley lost Graham McNulty, a Met deputy assist-
dence of the force, the public and the force investigating the No 10 parties. Priti Patel wants Dick’s successor to out on the top job ant commissioner who has impressed
politicians? It’s an impossible task.” The interim commissioner is likely to be an outsider who can shake up the to Dick in 2017 Patel with his handling of county lines
A minister accused Khan of “using be Sir Stephen House, Dick’s deputy, Met’s culture, and plans to look at can- drug rings — though sources said the
the Met commissioner role as a political according to Home Office sources. An didates across the policing spectrum. top job would be a big leap. Assistant
football” to disguise his own failings as ardent supporter of stop and search de- The early frontrunners are consid- Commissioner Neil Basu has fallen out
mayor. The minister said: “If you were spite conflict with London’s black com- ered to be Sir Mark Rowley, the former of favour with No 10 and is shortlisted
someone who is towards the top of your munity, he is not expected to be consid- head of anti-terrorism; Andy Cooke, for the NCA’s director-general position.
force and who thinks they’ve got six, ered as a permanent replacement. the former Merseyside chief who is a Lynne Owens, the former head of the Martin Hewitt, the head of the National
seven years left of their career, it would Additional reporting by Laurence watchdog inspector; Shaun Sawyer, the National Crime Agency and former Police Chiefs’ Council, has always been
be a brave move to gamble it on falling Sleator and Ross Kaniuk chief of Devon and Cornwall; and Steve Surrey chief, throws her hat in the ring. considered reliable and uncontrover-
out with the mayor of London.” Tough act to follow, letters, page 29 Kavanagh, the former Essex chief seen She stepped back from public life last sial. Iain Livingstone, the chief of Police
A source close to Khan defended his The job has become all but impossible, as having done a good job at Interpol. year after a cancer diagnosis but has Scotland, is seen as having turned
decision, saying: “Sadiq’s job is to hold leading article, page 30 Rowley, the respected former chief of fully recovered. A friend told The Times: around his force after a difficult start.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 11


Dick left aides to tell Khan

he’d forced her out of a job
Fiona Hamilton Crime Editor considering the matter on Wednesday Times she had been poorly treated after
when he gave a radio interview in which 40 years of public service. “I understand
When Dame Cressida Dick decided to he warned that Dick had “days or the politics . . . it’s within [Khan’s] gift as
leave the Metropolitan Police before weeks” to convince him she was the a democratically elected official,” they
she was sacked, she did not tell the right person to sort out the Met. said. “But the handling of it, and the lack
politician who wielded the knife. It was her defiant interview the next of respect for someone of the commis-
Instead it was senior officials at the day that appears to have been the final sioner’s position, is hard to swallow.”
force who relayed news of Dick’s move straw. Dick said she had “absolutely no Yet others said she had failed to deliv-
to Sadiq Khan’s aides on Thursday aft- intention” of resigning and insisted she er since taking charge of the Met in 2017
ernoon, according to City Hall sources. was doing a good job and was deter- and declaring that her priority was to
The Times understands that Dick has mined to root out any individuals who tackle London’s violent crime epidemic.
not yet spoken personally to Khan, were sexist, racist or homophobic. She leaves with teenage homicides at a
underlining the deterioration in their In a swipe at the mayor, she noted record high. In later years she was
relationship and raising questions that he had supported Patel’s decision to defensive when the force was accused of
about whether a smooth handover is extend her contract to April 2024 and institutional racism and corruption.
possible at Britain’s biggest police force. added: “I sat at a meeting with them just The scandal over the Couzens case was
In contrast, Dick rang Priti Patel, the three weeks ago at which the mayor the beginning of the end.
home secretary responsible for her said he had never had more confidence Another chief constable said: “Every
reappointment last year, telling her she in the Met’s ability to deliver.” commissioner goes through being
felt she had “no choice” but to resign. Within hours she was gone, after threatened with the sack, and most of
The writing was on the wall ten days Khan’s officials made clear to Dick’s them end up resigning against their
ago, when Khan hauled Dick into his allies that he no longer had confidence own will. You know it with that job — it’s
office for a crunch meeting, putting her in her. One senior policing source said: inevitable, a tough gig for everybody.
“on notice” over the latest Met scandal “It seemed inevitable after her radio But Cress got more defensive as the
involving sexism, racism and homo- interview. That was like sticking two issues racked up against her.”
phobia at Charing Cross police station. fingers up to the mayor. He may have Her departure prompted a war of
By Friday last week, Dick, 61, had put felt it forced his hand.” words between the mayor and the
together a detailed report for him on There is also speculation that Khan, home secretary, who was said to have
how she planned to rid the force of its who has been mayor since 2016, acted been blindsided by Khan’s decision to
toxic culture and restore public confi- knowing that news about the Met withdraw support. City Hall denied
dence and trust. She placed great reli- would only get worse in the coming keeping Patel in the dark. The home
ance on her appointment of Baroness months. The force is braced for more secretary will now have to scramble to
Casey of Blackstock, who is reviewing sexual misconduct revelations, critical find a strong leader who can bring about
the force’s culture and standards after reviews into how it failed to stop Cou- real change. Detection rates for crimes
an outpouring of claims of misogyny zens, 48, when he was reported for inde- such as burglary are at historic lows.
and misconduct since PC Wayne Cou- cent exposure, and a watchdog report Dick’s departure has led to a debate
zens abducted, raped and murdered into the unsolved 1987 murder of the about whether the Met is simply too big
Sarah Everard last March. private investigator Daniel Morgan, to be properly governed. However, the
Dick is also believed to have pointed which has already resulted in force fiercely guards its national re-
to an anti-corruption drive to root out claims of institutional corruption. sponsibilities such as anti-terro-
rogue officers, a new management The source said: “Khan knows rism and organised crime. A senior
policy of speaking personally to all offi- there’s lots more shit down the policing leader said: “The Met
cers about standards of behaviour, and a line. He’s getting ahead of it by needs a lot of work. There are ter-
renewed strategy to target perpetrators getting rid of [Dick].” rible cultural issues. But it’s also too
of violence against women and girls. The manner of Dick’s ousting, big, it’s in the constant spotlight.
There is a “root and branch review” of after months of public castiga- Add to that the fact that
the diplomatic protection group, with tion by Khan, has left her there’s a Tory govern-
which Couzens was deployed, as well as close colleagues ag- ment and a Labour
an urgent review of all present investi- grieved. Many of the mayor, it’s very tricky.
gations into allegations of sexual mis- rank and file, who Policing is a really diffi-
conduct and domestic abuse against were highly suppor- cult job now with all the
Met police officers and staff. The force is tive of Dick because vulnerabilities and
also randomly screening officers who they felt she had their mental health issues
have been accused in the past decade of back, are angered too. that officers have to
sexual misconduct or domestic abuse. There is also a back- tackle. People talk
It was not enough for Khan, who lash from female offi- with rose-tinted
wanted to be assured of radical change. cers, who note the glasses about the
Revelations that officers at Charing irony of the first fe- leaders of old, but
Cross had joked about rape, domestic male leader, who also they weren’t under
violence and killing black children had happens to be gay, the constant
reminded Khan, 51, of the bad old days being forced out over social media spot-
of policing when he grew up in the 1970s a misogyny scandal. light. It’s a poi-
and 1980s. A source said: “He does not A source who knows soned chalice.”
want to go back to that. Trust and confi- Dick well told The We should only
dence is paramount. He just didn’t feel say sorry when
that her plan was good enough.” Sadiq Khan lost faith we mean it, Matthew
Sadiq Khan over her payoff, as well as between the mayor and the Home Office Khan gave the impression he was in the commissioner Parris, page 25

Too big not to fail: next leader will pick up a poisoned chalice
Analysis swords, however, there compassion and her Dick suggested that “Given what has pinnacle of policing. to deal with complex
is always an abundance intelligence. The rank such incidents were far happened and the brutal And there’s public duty.” vulnerabilities in victims,

eading the of candidates who think and file loved her from the norm. public way in which she Patel needs to find a a deluge of mental
Metropolitan they will be the one to because she went in to Her defiance in a has been forced out, strong leader who can health cases, and
Police is like make the job work. bat for them. radio interview on how does a new person bring about real change, regularly pick up the
being When Dame Cressida That defensiveness Thursday, arguing that lead the Met?” one while tackling big crime slack for other agencies.
England Dick was appointed in was ingrained as a Met she was doing enough to senior source asked. challenges. Teenage This is combined with a
manager — no shortage 2017, she was “lifer”. But it also helped fix the toxic culture, was “How do you maintain killings are at a high, criminal justice system
of armchair critics, determined to change to bring her down. As the final straw for Sadiq the confidence of the and detection rates for clogged with backlogs,
abuse from all the narrative, and many the Met was battered by Khan, mayor of London. force, the public and the crimes such as burglary staffing and budget cuts,
directions, and a very believed she could do it. claims of institutional The swiftness of the politicians? It’s an are at historic lows. and ebbing public
good chance it will end Widely considered the racism and corruption, execution, and the way impossible task.” There are questions confidence.
in ignominy (Fiona brightest officer of her Dick backed her people Dick had been publicly One chief constable about whether the Met The turbulence at the
Hamilton writes). generation, Dick was to the hilt and denied castigated for months by said: “It’s an absolutely is simply too big. But Met presents an
Despite a long history liked by senior that problems were Khan and by Priti Patel, poisoned chalice. there is a wider question opportunity to clarify
of commissioners who colleagues and widespread. As it was the home secretary, may Nonetheless there will about what the police the role of the police,
have been ousted and politicians for her calm engulfed in allegations give potential successors be plenty of people are for. Every day chief before it becomes a
forced to fall on their but resolute manner, her of misogyny and sexism, pause for thought. applying for it. It’s the constables are expected simply impossible job.
12 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Oxford settled dean

row to save millions
Andrew Billen More money would go on “ongoing”
data protection, privacy, defamation,
The Oxford college that agreed to pay general governance, legal advice and
its dean nearly £1.2 million to quit had PR. These fees were about £100,000 a
been told that continuing its four-year month. The body was made aware of
dispute with him could have cost a fur- the “reputational damage” if there were
ther £6.8 million. no settlement, although the settlement
Last Friday, at an emergency meet- itself would also have “considerable ad-
ing, Christ Church settled its dispute verse PR consequences”. Dons were
with the Very Rev Martyn Percy. The also warned of “strong indications” that
deal — dropping all further legal and the commission would use its powers if
internal proceedings — was signed off
by a large majority of dons.
the college did not settle.
The college was also wary that stu-
I pair rock out in
Some, however, damned it as “moral-
ly repugnant” on the grounds it would
dents would object to the idea of “pay-
ing off an alleged sex offender”. Percy’s bid for Olympic glory
preclude a woman from pursuing a allies are angered by the term. Last

claim that Percy had stroked her hair in May, Dame Sarah Asplin, investigating usic from almost 30 years would
the college cathedral 16 months ago. as the president of Church of England Swan Lake be a “dream come true”
The governing body, under scrutiny tribunals, concluded that the dean’s or Carmen but entertaining
from the Charity Commission over its reported conduct “was not overtly is a audiences around the
use of charitable funds and facing pres- sexual”. She did not proceed to a disci- familiar world with their
sure from the university’s chancellor plinary tribunal. The police had previ- soundtrack when the “boundary breaking”
Lord Patten of Barnes, had little choice, ously declined to pursue the matter. world’s top skaters take routine in Beijing today
however, when the implications of con- The woman accepted an undisclosed to the ice (Katie is what drives them.
tinuing were spelt out. The academics payment from the college, reluctantly Gibbons writes). The “It’s quite different
were told the dispute could have con- accepting it was “my word against his”. rock band Kiss are more and hasn’t really been
tinued for three more years with mount- She said in a statement: “I know what I to the taste of Britain’s done before in the figure
ing costs and big payouts to the dean. experienced and I want to ensure no Lilah Fear and Lewis skating world. That’s
A tribunal into the hair-stroking other student or member of staff has to Gibson, however. really what we love to do
claim would have cost up to £780,000 in go through the ordeal that I have.” The dancers hope their — try to kind of push
lawyers’ fees and £115,200 for the hear- Percy’s supporters are pushing for a Olympic performance the boundaries and take
ing. A “medical board” to determine leaving service for Percy in Christ and its music will be a something that’s a little
Percy’s mental competence to stay in Church Cathedral. This seems unlikely. breath of fresh air for nostalgic and make it
office would have cost up to £270,000. Christ Church said: “The dean does fans of the sport. fresh and make it ours,”
Percy was also pursuing an employ- not officially leave until April 26. Until Bringing home the said Gibson, 27, who has
ment tribunal claim. Fighting it would then the dean has agreed to withdraw first medal for British been inspired in his
have cost up to £815,000. Percy might from his duties including attendance at Olympic ice skating for choice of career by
have received £500,000 had he won. events. We do not comment on costs.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 13


Lilah Fear and Lewis Gibson

hope to end a medal
drought in the event and
match the achievements
we can feed off of each
other’s energy and
connect and, and
remind each other even
Lord of the blings: Jackson
of Torvill and Dean, below

Jayne Torvill and

Christopher Dean.
Fear, 22, and Gibson
throughout the
programme to just stay
present and in the
moment,” Fear said.
Starting with the Kiss-
tops entertainment rich list
were paired during inspired rhythm dance, David Sanderson Arts Correspondent in the top five, for example, largely
training in 2016 and they will move to their Star performers through the sale of branded goods. Tay-
soon began making free dance to music Back catalogues, cheap cartoons, lor Swift, at 25 on the list, is thought to
waves with crowd- from Elton John’s score trainers and champagne helped the 1 Sir Peter Jackson ........ $580 million have earned $52 million before tax,
pleasing routines that to The Lion King. world’s leading entertainers to double 2 Bruce Springsteen ..... $435 million mostly from re-recording albums that
drew on 1970s disco “We have a little their collective wealth last year. 3 Jay-Z ................................... $340 million are a decade old.
influences. Having remix in there and a The film director Sir Peter Jackson 4 Dwayne “The Rock” Other musicians to cash in on their
finished seventh at last little bit of a different topped the annual Forbes list of the Johnson ................................ $270 million back catalogues include members of
year’s world flavour, just to really put highest paid entertainers, with pre-tax 5 Kanye West ..................... $235 million the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mötley Crüe
championships ips that Lila
Lilah and earnings of $580 million in 2021 — 6 Trey Parker and Matt and the Beach Boys, and the former
they are Lewis feel on largely through selling part of his visual Stone ....................................... $210 million Fleetwood Mac guitarist and song-
Britain’s bestt s
it,” said effects company. 7 Paul Simon ..................... $200 million writer Lindsey Buckingham.
hope in the Gib
Gibson. He was followed by Bruce Spring- 8 Tyler Perry ....................... $165 million Jackson’s sale of part of Weta Digital
event since During a steen, who reportedly netted $500 9 Ryan Tedder .................. $160 million last year put him at the top of this year’s
Torvill and G
Games million from Sony for rights to songs 10 Bob Dylan ...................... $130 million list and, according to the analysis,
Dean won cl
clouded by and recordings covering his five-dec- Source: Forbes makes him only the third person to be-
a bronze in cl
claims of ade career come a billionaire from making films.
Norway in bu
bullying and Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and Neil The other two are George Lucas, the
1994. That onl
online Young also feature in the top 25 after Order. The creators and producer of creator of the Star Wars franchise, and
followed the trolli of
trolling capitalising on the investment world’s Friends — Marta Kauffman, David Steven Spielberg.
gold a decadede athlete he and
athletes, present infatuation with music publish- Crane and Kevin Bright respectively — The actress Reese Witherspoon is
earlier at thee 1984 Fear set aside
Fear asi time ing and recording rights. Dylan sold and Law & Order franchise holder the highest-paid woman on the list,
mpics in
Winter Olympics to unwind by rreading or rights to his recorded music for a re- Dick Wolf all make appearances on in 12th position, having received a
Sarajevo. binge-watching TV ported $150 million last year, having the business magazine’s list this reported $20 million for 10 epi-
Born in the US to shows and are thankful sold his publishing catalogue for year. sodes of The Morning Show
Canadian parents, Fear for their coaching $400 million the year before. The top 25 received a collective and having sold part of her
moved to London at the support. “We’re lucky to There are also appearances for Trey $4.4 billion before tax, according stake in her production com-
age of two and took up have an amazing Parker and Matt Stone, creators of the to Forbes, which is double the $2.2 pany Hello Sunshine. She
skating at five. coaching team who are cartoon South Park, who signed a billion taken by the top 25 in earned a reported $115
Since meeting Gibson all in Beijing, which is $900 million six-year deal with Para- 2020. It said the vast major- million before tax.
at Alexandra Palace great. They’re just so mount last year to create new episodes ity of the 25 had made
training rink in London, supportive and really and spin-off films. their millions without Sir Peter Jackson
she has forged a bond care about us as humans Competition between streaming ser- “creating anything new”. is the third
with him on and off the more than just athletes.” vices and their desire for “content” to The musicians Jay-Z person to
ice. “Having each other Winter Olympics reports, lure subscribers also led to multimil- and Kanye West and become a
is very helpful because Sport pullout lion-dollar deals for rights to hit televi- film star Dwayne “The billionaire from
sion shows such as Friends and Law & Rock” Johnson appear film-making
14 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

News Politics

Party scandal lies at every turn

The PM is determined a parking fine. “He genuinely thinks he’s
innocent and in many ways he is,” an
One minister said that Truss would run
on the slogan: “Axe the Rishi tax.”
to fight on but events, ally said. “Everybody says ‘He’s in
charge of No 10 so he is totally responsi-
In the meantime Johnson has moved,
as allies put it, to “reboot” his No 10
and rivals, may overtake ble.’ He would have no clue of what was operation after the departures of his
him, Steven Swinford going on in the outer reaches of No 10.”
His fate, however, will not be in his
chief of staff, his director of communi-
cations and his principal private
and Oliver Wright write hands. Should he receive a fixed penalty
notice, the whips charged with saving
The most eye-catching appointment
his premiership believe it is almost was that of Guto Harri, the former BBC
As Boris Johnson stood surrounded by inevitable that rebel Tory MPs will journalist who managed Johnson’s
tanks at the home of the 1st Warsaw reach the 54 letters of no confidence communications during his first term as
Armoured brigade in Poland on they need to trigger a confidence vote. London mayor. Friends of both said that
Thursday, he began to betray signs of Johnson is said to see weakness in his Harri was approached because he was
exasperation. rivals. Neither Rishi Sunak, the chancel- seen as someone close enough to John-
The prime minister had flown there lor, nor Liz Truss, the foreign secretary, son to offer him frank advice. “He and
to welcome 350 British troops and warn are ready to run for the leadership. Nor Boris have had a love-hate relationship
Russia that invading Ukraine would do they want to when the economic pic- for a long time,” one ally who has known
have “catastrophic” consequences. ture is so perilous. “If you look at Rishi them for years said. “But fundamentally
Instead he was bombarded with ques- he looks like a diminished person,” one it’s love and Guto is pretty streetwise.”
tions about the No 10 lockdown parties ally said. “If you look at Liz she just looks Some have questioned that. On his
that threaten to end his premiership. faintly opportunist. So then where do first day in office Harri gave an inter-
How worried is he? Did he mislead par- you go after that?” Referring to Jeremy view to the Welsh language news web-
liament? Hunt, the former health secretary who site Golwg360 in which he revealed that
In No 10 he and his closest allies are lost out in the last leadership contest, Johnson sang the disco classic I Will Sur-
war-gaming the next weeks, which are the ally said: “Hunt is no more going to vive as they discussed his strategy to stay
likely to be the most dangerous of his win an election now than in 2019.” on. “He’s not a complete clown but he’s
premiership. In all scenarios, including The Times, however, has been told a very likeable character,” he added.
if the police fine him for breaking the Other appointments have gone more
law, Johnson is determined to fight on. smoothly. Samantha Jones, a former
“He considers himself a democrati- nurse and NHS executive who confess-
cally elected prime minister with a es to a love of Machiavelli, is to take up
huge mandate,” one ally said. “He is not the role as permanent secretary in
going to walk off stage. The party stuff No 10 with a remit to review the
is yet to be put to any sort of accurate structures and improve its operation.
electorate test. He is an enormous dem- The final piece of the jigsaw is the
ocrat. He has been elected, he serves at appointment for a new role as “gate-
the will of the people. It’s a fact for him.” keeper” to the prime minister who will
Another ally put it more succinctly control his diary, his timetable and in
and contentiously. “Do you want the the words of one friend “keep him on the
Metropolitan Police deciding who the straight and narrow”. On Thursday
prime minister is? They have to be very Samantha Cohen, a former private sec-
certain [before issuing a fine].” retary to the Queen, agreed to take on
Last night No10 confirmed that police the role and is expected to start in April.
have issued Johnson with a question- The police inquiry rumbles on even Yesterday Steve Barclay, the prime
naire asking for his account, a prelude to as new staff, such as Guto Harri, arrive minister’s new chief of staff, held a meet-
a fixed penalty notice. His lawyers, ing with special advisers in the Cabinet
whom he will pay for, will argue that No that key members of Johnson’s praetori- Office. Those present had to stand
10 is both his home and his workplace, an guard have had conversations with during the meeting, which lasted about
and that as a result many coronavi- his rivals. “The cat is out of the bag, 30 minutes, rather than sitting with
rus rules, which were based on the the race has started behind closed refreshments as under his predecessor
principle of people being away from doors,” an ally said. “It’s a question Dan Rosenfield. “It wasn’t crazy like
home without a reasonable excuse, of when.” Dom [Cummings] and it wasn’t blokey
did not apply to him. Johnson, they say, will remain in like Dan,” an adviser said. “He was just
Should Johnson avoid a fixed danger until the summer recess. quite nice and pleasant.”
penalty the strategy is There are three potential trigger Barclay discussed his desire for great-
simple. He will argue that points. The first falls in the next er digitalisation in government, and

Zac Pack tugging

he has personally been fortnight as the police decide whe- told advisers that he was concerned
exonerated by the police ther he should receive a fixed about their wellbeing, saying his door
investigation, regardless penalty notice. The second would always be open. He made no
of the findings of Sue comes shortly after, when the mention of what one of those present
Gray, the senior civil ser- Gray report is published in described as the “ridiculously large
vant who has investigated
Downing Street parties. If
he is issued with a fixed
penalty notice, however, all
bets are off.
full. The third is the local elec-
tions in May, when totemic
Tory councils are predicted to
fall. One minister said that they
expected Truss to put tax cuts at
elephant in the room” — the parties
scandal. Another said: “If it was meant
to signal a reset it didn’t feel like a reset.”
For ministers the scandal is proving
almost impossible to escape. Dominic
strings at heart
Allies say that he will
not “do a David Cameron”
and resign. He is said to be
“absolutely determined”
to stay. One minister com-
the centre of her campaign
should Johnson go. She was one
of three ministers who argued in
cabinet against raising national
insurance. Sunak reluctantly
Raab, the justice secretary, was greeted
by a prison governor at a jail in south
Wales on Thursday with a joke: “There
are no Christmas parties here.”
Raab appeared distinctly unamused.
of government
pared the fixed penalty
notice to a speeding ticket or
backed the increase because it
was preferable to borrowing.
Additional reporting: Henry Zeffman and
Matt Dathan
As Lord Goldsmith humans? And did any of this have the
prime minister’s backing?
and Carrie Johnson As ever with Johnsonian drama, the

Duncan Smith: A fine could finish PM face closer scrutiny,

James Heale unpicks
truth is elusive, but one minister
seems closer to it than others. A
parliamentary investigation
unearthed an email from the
Steven Swinford Political Editor on as prime minister he said: “That’s a
decision made by my colleagues but I
They have to be very certain [before
issuing a fine].” a nexus of power ministerial team of Lord Goldsmith of
Richmond Park, within the Foreign
Boris Johnson will find it “very tough” think it would be very tough for anyone The comments led to criticism from Office, declaring that Boris Johnson
to remain in office if he is issued with a to remain after that. If you’ve set the senior Tory MPs. Sir Bob Neill, the Who let the dogs out? That’s the had “authorised” the animal
fixed penalty notice for breaking laws, and you break them and the police chairman of the Commons justice subject of a Whitehall investigation evacuation. Goldsmith continues to
lockdown rules, a former leader of the decide you have broken them . . . and select committee, said: “It is completely into the Afghanistan debacle. When deny responsibility. But it fits with
Conservative Party has said. then there’s the unredacted [Sue Gray] inappropriate to suggest there the Taliban took Kabul, an messages from Trudy Harrison MP,
Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the MP for report — the two things will come should be any special treatment for estimated 1,200 people who the prime minister’s parliamentary
Chingford &Woodford Green, told the together.” anyone involved in these inquiries. qualified for evacuation to the UK private secretary at the time, offering
i newspaper that the prime minister’s No 10 was forced to distance itself Any suggestion of political pressure had to be left behind. Yet on August round-the-clock advice to those
position would become untenable if he yesterday from a senior ally of the on the police is completely repre- 28, waiting Afghan families were left leading the animal-rescue mission. So
was found to have broken the law. He prime minister who told The Times hensible.” helpless on the ground as 173 cats what does Goldsmith know? And
also highlighted that the full unredac- that police would need to be careful A No 10 spokesman said: “This gov- and dogs were escorted past them what, if anything, does this tell us
ted report by Sue Gray, a senior civil before issuing the prime minister ernment has always backed the police into the airport and off to safety. about the Johnson operation?
servant who has investigated Downing with any punishment. The ally said: and fully respects their complete The big question: on whose The affair also raises questions
Street parties, was still to come. “Do you want the Metropolitan Police independence to carry out inquiries authority were animals put ahead of about the role of Carrie Johnson, the
Asked whether Johnson could stay deciding who the prime minister is? without fear or favour.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 15


in Johnson’s political labyrinth EVENING STANDARD/EYEVINE

Zac Goldsmith canvasses with activists

including Carrie Symonds, far left, in
Richmond, southwest London, in 2017.
Paul “Pen” Farthing, below, was given
permission to fly animals out of Kabul
Tory donor
Johnson’s focus. Goldsmith’s fellow
peer Lord Frost suggested last week
pulls plug
that No 10 is in hock to a “woke”
green lobby. The prime minister,
who runs his administration as a
on funding
series of competing courts, has been
happy to indulge such a faction. But Henry Zeffman Associate Political Editor
now, mired in scandal, he may be
forced to engage in bloodletting. One of Boris Johnson’s biggest donors
Some in Johnson’s party want an has withdrawn funding from the
overhaul on policy, with net-zero Conservative Party, complaining that
initiatives sidelined until cost-of- there is “no sense of direction” from the
living pressures are lifted. government.
For Goldsmith, the trade-off is They told The Times they would not
false — “vote blue, go green” was back the prime minister with any more
never just a slogan for him. The money because they felt “let down”.
peer’s belief in conservation is The donor, who did not want to be
sincere, hereditary and central to his named, has given more than £1 million
political mission. His tycoon father to the party. They said that they had
Jimmy nurtured his interest with a “withdrawn my funding in total frustra-
copy of Ancient Futures, a classic tion”. They were “diametrically op-
text on the dangers of globalisation. posed” to the “ confused and misin-
Zac recalled: “He scribbled in the formed” white paper presented by
cover, ‘This will change your life’. Michael Gove, the levelling-up secre-
And it did.” In the words of the tary, last week.
activist Derek Wall: “Green politics The donor said that planning and
in Britain is branded with the housing policy, also overseen by Gove,
Goldsmith logo and fertilised by had “gone from being not fit for purpose
Goldsmith seed funds.” Zac’s uncle to almost impossible because of this
Teddy helped found The Ecologist, government’s constant change of
which Zac went on to edit, and the direction”.
People Party, a forerunner to the Earlier this week, a former Conserva-
modern Greens. Environmentalism tive donor said that Johnson was “past
and Euroscepticism were the two the point of no return” and urged him to
causes of Jimmy Goldsmith in his quit. While the donor who spoke to The
final years, and both were taken up Times believed that the Downing Street
by Zac with relish. parties saga had been “blown out of
For the past half-century, the proportion”, John Armitage, a financier
fortunes of the Goldsmiths have who has given the Conservatives more
been linked to both the Aspinall and than £3 million, told the BBC he had
Birley clans. These three fabulously found the issue “tremendously upset-
wealthy families have long been
influential in the Conservative Party,
with shared interests in animal red box
welfare and greenery. Goldsmith’s For the best analysis
half-brother Robin Birley owns
5 Hertford Street, a fashionable and commentary on
political hangout. Until recently, Zac the political landscape
served as a trustee of the Aspinall
Foundation, a conservation charity.
prime minister’s wife. Her friend secure a place in parliament. But with that of Goldsmith, a fellow Old Its head of communications is ting”. Armitage, 62, said: “Politicians
Dominic Dyer, an animal welfare Goldsmith always had his own, green Etonian whom he has known since Carrie Johnson. should go into politics to do good for
campaigner, was involved in the agenda. Soon after taking his seat, he childhood. Elliot’s parents were best Ben Goldsmith has served on the their country. I feel that if you lose
Afghan pet rescue and boasted at the hired an ambitious young woman to friends with Lady Annabel Goldsmith; board of his Defra since 2018, having moral authority . . . and you betray a
time he had “no doubt that Carrie was help him forge his path: Carrie the boys started prep school together. turned the moribund Conservative sense of not really caring, you should
in on this as well”. It was instantly Symonds, now Mrs Johnson. Boris himself boasts “a longstanding Environment Network into a leave. I find the lack of honour inherent
denied. It was an incendiary claim, His decision to resign as a Tory MP personal friendship” with Zac, who let powerhouse over the past decade. Its in modern politics distressing.” Though
suggesting that Mrs Johnson was part and stand as an independent in the Johnson family stay free of charge ideas become Tory policy with he has donated £500,000 to the Con-
of a powerful but informal group protest against the expansion of at his £25,000-a-week holiday home striking speed. About 120 MPs and servatives since Johnson became
quietly shaping Tory policy and (in Heathrow was controversial among in Marbella in October — just peers are involved in the caucus, and leader, Armitage has also donated
this case) military strategy. It’s too Tories. But not with Carrie. She ran rewards for the man who gave him his it has something of a revolving door smaller sums to the Labour Party.
ludicrous to be true. Isn’t it? his 2017 re-election campaign, and peerage and first ministerial job. As with Defra, where two of its alumni Johnny Leavesley, 52, another big
Zac Goldsmith occupies his own among those out leafletting were her with so much in Goldsmith’s life, the now work as special advisers. Conservative donor, said that “drift,
stratum in the Tory hierarchy. He is friends and future power-brokers ties are ancestral: his uncle Teddy was There is a last piece in this green administrative sclerosis and poor
extremely rich (he is probably worth Henry Newman and Josh Grimstone. a friend to and fellow machinery. When the pet rescue was product delivery” were taking hold in
more than half the cabinet members As so often in politics, the friendship eco-enthusiast of activated, Dyer boasted — perhaps Johnson’s government. The cabinet, he
put together) and when he lost his circle moved upwards together. Johnson’s father, unwisely — about the involvement said, was “too large and composed of
Richmond Park seat to the Liberal Newman became a senior adviser at Stanley. of a group of Tory activists. “Carrie too many mediocrities”.
Democrats in the 2019 election, he No 10; Grimstone is Michael Gove’s Many on the Johnson took the message forward, Leavesley, who has given the
was quickly ennobled, and shifted his right-hand man. right fear that the not just through me but through the Conservatives more than £200,000,
brief to the Lords. He is a minister not There is something of a “Zac Pack” environmental Conservative Animal Welfare wrote in The Daily Telegraph: “If he does
just at the Foreign Office but at the at the heart of government. agenda clouds Foundation,” he said. Its patrons not grip the day-to-day delivery of
Department for Environment, Food Goldsmith’s former council leader, include both Zac Goldsmith and Mrs government it will not matter whether
and Rural Affairs, where he helps Nick True, serves alongside him in Johnson — as well as the he survives scandals because the cumu-
shape environmental policy and the Lords, while Lord True’s omnipresent Stanley Johnson. lative effect will be loss of trust with
pursues his high-regulation agenda. daughter Sophia works in No 10 Was this group capable of giving a those who lent him their votes.”
To some free-trade ministers, he (as does her fiancé, Declan helping hand to the team behind the Gove’s levelling-up white paper
forms part of a protectionist “axis of Lyons). Then there’s Ben Elliot, Afghan pet rescue? Absolutely. Did included 12 “missions” to make people
evil”. He’d call it standards. the impeccably connected they? That’s a question for the happier and to help them live longer.
Goldsmith, 47, is the original nephew of the Duchess of inquiry. Goldsmith, for his part, has They include pledges to reduce the gap
vote-blue, go-green Tory; a Cornwall and incumbent Tory said that he did not speak to the in life expectancy between the richest
millionaire who saw conservatism and party co-chairman. When the prime minister about the affair. But and poorest areas, to end illiteracy and
environmentalism as bedfellows long prime minister’s wife wanted he wouldn’t need to. He has far innumeracy in children leaving
before David Cameron championed some expensive new wallpaper to better connections. primary school and to tackle serious
the idea. Animal welfare has always redecorate No 10, the establishment This article first appeared in The violence and neighbourhood crime.
been part of his conservationist fixer was there to help. Spectator. A government source said: “Level-
package. Cameron helped him to win Elliot has spoken in the past about Improve welfare for fish — they have ling up is the government’s central mis-
his home constituency in 2010 and how his life has been “intertwined” feelings too, page 22 sion and what we were elected to [do]. It
is a moral and economic imperative.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 17


TV version of doctor’s memoirs has difficult birth

Lucy Bannerman raw and messy and gritty and crazy — people who are working in it are going GP. “I didn’t find the programme funny, anced and intricate comedy drama
everything that a junior doctor experi- to begin to use humour to deflect from just traumatic,” she said. “I under- populated by fully drawn, complex
Critics may have raved about This Is ences when they step on to a ward.” their difficult feelings. I’ve spoken to a stand that the harsh and at times characters. The series is a fictional
Going to Hurt, the television adaptation Some mothers said that it was too lot of midwives over the past ten years, dehumanising portrayal of drama informed by Kay’s first-hand
based on Adam Kay’s memoir about life close to home, however. They claimed and they say it’s very difficult to carry women receiving maternity experiences of his time as an obs and
as a junior doctor at the sharp end of that the “condescending” attitude of on being caring when you’re under all care is very, very challenging for gynae doctor, offering an unflinch-
maternity healthcare. the lead protagonist reminded them of that pressure, you’re overworked and viewers, especially women. There ing and honest portrayal of life on
The response has been less rapturous the traumatic experiences of childbirth. you can see people suffering and can’t were elements that attempted these wards.
among mothers, however. Many view- Anita Singh, a critic for The Daily help. It would be progress if this were a comedic effect but I “Great effort was taken
ers praised the series, starring Ben Telegraph, said that anyone who had programme saying, ‘This is wrong, don’t think that they to approach the subject
Whishaw, for its dark humour and un- had a traumatic birth should “avoid it what can we do to change it?’, but it’s were funny.” and characters with
flinching portrayal of NHS maternity like the plague”. The Royal College of celebrating it as a joke.” A spokesman for sensitivity, respect
services. But midwives and women said Obstetricians and Gynaecologists A female doctor, who wanted to the series said: “This Is and honesty.”
that the male doctor’s wisecracks as his shared details of pregnancy loss and be- remain anonymous, said that the first Going To Hurt is a nu- Lesley Thomas,
patients faced life-or-death situations reavement charities on its Twitter feed episode had left her in tears because it Notebook, page 25
were “misogynistic” and “unfunny”. yesterday. It urged anyone who found reminded her of her four years in Ben Whishaw as a doctor Review, Ben Dowell,
Kay’s memoir, published in 2017, was the subject upsetting to seek support London hospitals before becoming a in This is Going to Hurt Saturday Review
inspired by his six years as a junior doc- from Tommy’s, Sands UK or Cruse, the
tor in the obstetrics and gynaecology bereavement charity.
departments of London hospitals. It Milli Hill, an author and founder of
has sold more than 1.5 million copies, the Positive Birth Movement, said that
been translated into 37 languages, and the lead character’s attitude towards
won awards as book of the year. A women in his care was “nasty”. She said:
seven-episode series was launched on “Kay doesn’t realise that what he is ex-
the BBC last Tuesday. posing is that paternalistic, misogynis-
Lucy Forbes, the director, said that tic attitude where women are objects in
she was keen to keep the portrayal of an the background and the doctors are the
overstretched maternity ward as real as celebrity lifesavers. In his defence, the
possible. She said: “I wanted it to feel system does dehumanise people and

TMS | @timesdiary

was a happy ending for the

Gaukeward contestant: “He made £250 from
It’ll Be Alright on the Night.”
squad lives on hats off to all that
Lord Hacking made a nostalgic
It’s been 2½ years since David return to the House of Lords this
Gauke was a Conservative MP and week after 22 years away. Thrown
the former justice secretary isn’t out with most of the hereditary
even a party member any more peers in 1999, he has come back
but news travels slowly in the tea via a by-election. In his second
room. Gauke received three text maiden speech, 50 years after his
messages recently from a “senior first, he reflected that back then
and prominent” Tory backbencher the few women peers “felt they
urging him to sign a legislative were in a state of undress unless
amendment. Finally, he replied they came into the House with a
pointing out that he would need to hat”. Now all has changed. “It is
be an MP to do so. “Sorry,” came somewhat of a disappointment for
the reply. “Keep thinking you are me to find a lot of very welcome
here.” Gauke refuses to name this peeresses but no hats at all.”
clueless member in his New
Statesman column but says it isn’t A reader on a bus in Penge
Sir Graham Brady, the chairman overheard an old man telling his
and head sorting office of the 1922 friend that “it’s that bleeding Pugin
Committee. “Had it been him I what’s caused all the trouble”. My
might have kept quiet and dropped reader’s ears pricked up at this since
him a note requesting a vote of he is a fan of Victorian architecture.
no confidence,” Gauke says. “How’s that then?” the mate replied.
“Well, he’s sent all his troops to the
It’s time to privatise space, says the border,” the first said.
Adam Smith Institute, which in a
new policy paper argues inter alia soldier’s bon mot
(if not inter aliens) that people There’s a lovely scene in Jane
should be allowed to buy and sell Ridley’s new book on George V in
plots on the moon. As Will Tanner, which she describes a doll’s house
director of the think-tank Onward, made for the royals by Edwin
remarked: some people can take Lutyens. Two tiny pillowcases on
blue-sky thinking too far. the bed were embroidered MG and
GM, which Lutyens told Queen
mr malaprop’s payoff Mary stood for “May George?” and
The fall of Cressida Dick led “George May”, adding that this
Richard Osman to recall how the showed “lazy majesty”. “Lèse-
chief copper almost got his majesté,” the Queen, below, replied,
teatime quiz show cancelled. A few but Lutyens, who loved puns, said:
years ago a contestant was asked “No, lazy: the king’s in bed.” Ripley
to name the first female head of added that the Queen loved to
the Metropolitan Police and correct people’s French. Visiting a
replied “Caressa Dick”. war hospital, she asked a soldier
Alexander Armstrong, the where he had been. “Wipers,” he
unflappable host, asked if said. “Ypres,” she quickly replied.
he would like to repeat his The conversation continued like
answer, while his sidekick this, Tommy saying “Wipers” and
Osman struggled to control the Queen unable to stop herself
his laughter, and the man saying “Ypres”. As she left,
nodded and confidently the soldier was heard telling
repeated: “Caressa a nurse: “It’s a pity the
Dick.” It was not, alas, poor dear had hiccups.”
a master stroke but
Osman says there patrick kidd
18 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

News Coronavirus

Half-term boost as Spain drops

ban on unvaccinated teenagers
Ben Clatworthy Covid travel restrictions on arrivals
The national picture into the UK were eased this morning.
Transport Correspondent
Double-jabbed passengers are no
Spain has dropped its strict vaccine How many people have Covid-19? How many have died? longer required to take a lateral flow
rules for teenagers in a late boost for There were 58,899 new cases reported Yesterday there were 193 deaths reported, test on day two in the country, which
yesterday, bringing the total to 18,220,515 bringing the total number of deaths in the
half-term holidays. or 272.8 for every 1,000 people past seven days to 1,368. The rolling
will save the average family of four
From Monday, unvaccinated teen- average number of daily deaths is 195.4, about £100.
agers and those who have had a single 28.7% decrease from seven days ago Airports are braced for their busiest
(based on seven-day moving average)
down from 252.3 a day a week ago
dose will be able to enter the country Deaths
two weeks since the start of the pan-
with proof of a negative PCR test taken Daily cases 200,000 demic, with millions of Britons due to
National Seven-day
y 1,500
within 72 hours of arrival. At present R number 150,000 average jet off on half-term breaks.
over-12s must be double-jabbed to Seven-day 0.8 to 1.0 1,000
Manchester Airports Group, which
enter to country. Half-term started average 100,000 operates Manchester, London Stansted
yesterday for some and will begin next 50,000 500 and East Midlands airports, is expect-
Friday for others, depending on where 0
ing almost 1.5 million passengers in the
you live. Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 0 next two weeks.
The new rules apply to arrivals from 2021 2022 Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 2022 Gatwick is preparing for 186,000 pas-
outside the European Union. Officials sengers in the next week and 90,000
said the decision had been taken How many are in hospital? How does 2021 compare? are expected at Luton. Eurostar said
because of the complex and differing There are 12,753 patients in hospital being There were 12,401 deaths from all causes that more than 125,000 people were
treated. 430 patients are on ventilators. An recorded in England and Wales in the week
rules for teenage vaccination around additional 1,395 patients have been
booked to travel over the school holi-
to January 28, of which the coronavirus
the world. admitted, down 11.4 per cent in seven days accounted for 11.2 per cent. The number of days.
The country has recently tightened to Feb 7 when this data was last updated weekly deaths was 1,269 lower than the Grant Shapps, the transport secre-
its border rules for over-18s, stipulating five-year average for the same time of year tary, said: “The UK has eased inter-
that anyone who received a second Hospital admissions national travel measures for Covid-19
dose more than 270 days ago must have Seven-day 20,000 and now has one of the most free-
average 4,000 2020/21
received a booster. 15,000 flowing borders in the world sending a
Spain is the UK’s most popular holi- 3,000 clear message that we are open for
day destination: more than 18 million 2,000 business.
Britons visited in 2019, according to 1,000 5,000 “As our travel sector rapidly recovers,
government figures. The move was Five-year average and we accelerate towards a future
welcomed by the UK travel industry, 0 0 where we want travel to remain open
which has been lobbying the Spanish Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 2022 Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan 2022 for good, these rule changes coming
government to relax the rules. ahead of half term are good news for
Reyes Maroto, Spain’s minister for Top tips for travel families, businesses and the travel
trade, industry and tourism, said: “We sector.”
are committed to making travel to 6 Double-check your French vaccine pass are (PLF), found on Anyone arriving in the UK is still
Spain a safe and easy experience for our destination’s entry rules. especially complicated, Beware of scam forms required to complete a passenger
visitors, especially for families travel- Many countries have and change again on that charge. Children locator form, which will be simplified in
ling with children. We hope that with tweaked requirements February 15. The latest under 18 are exempt the coming days to make it more user-
these changes, many families will in the past couple of information is on from all travel tests, friendly.
choose Spain to enjoy safe and memo- weeks. The best place It irrespective of vaccines. Abta, the travel trade association,
rable holidays together.” to start is the Foreign is also worth uploading 6 Unvaccinated arrivals said: “Testing has been one of the
Steve Heapy, chief executive of Jet2, Office website ( your NHS vaccine pass must still present a biggest barriers to travel, so it’s hugely
the UK’s second-biggest tour operator, but it is worth checking to the French “Tous Anti negative test taken welcome that the process of travelling
said: “This is very welcome news for against the country’s Covid” app. within the two days abroad is now much cheaper and easier
families who want nothing more than tourist office website. 6 Although double- before departure to the for millions of UK holidaymakers.”
to holiday in their favourite Spanish 6 Beware of booster jabbed people arriving UK. A PCR on or before Sean Doyle, chief executive of British
destinations. We are pleased to see the rules and what you in the UK no longer day two in the UK is Airways, said he hoped “other coun-
Spanish government taking positive need to enter bars, need a negative test, required along with the tries will soon catch up with the UK’s
action to welcome more arrivals from restaurants and cultural you must complete the PLF, although there is pragmatic approach”.
the UK and we know that this will lead sites. The rules for the Passenger Locator Form no need to quarantine. The best Easter trips to book now,
to an increase in bookings.” Travel, pages 44-46, Weekend Tahra Ahmed gestures to supporters,

Modellers defend scenarios that were not predictions

Human behaviour in followed Medley around the internet,
a rebuke to his prognostications, Predicted deaths
if people are carrying umbrellas it is
less likely to rain.
the face of a pandemic which is especially annoying because
they weren’t prognostications at all.
Estimated daily
4,000 The problem was judged
intractable. “In our models we just
Covid-19 deaths in
made mathematics It is more than a rebuke to the England by Imperial presumed that people would carry on
modellers. This pandemic began with doing the same thing,” Medley says,
an uncertain science, an announcement from Imperial
modelling group.
Modellers assumed
“and that decision-makers would have
College, with a study that predicted to take that into account.”
writes Tom Whipple 500,000 deaths if we did nothing. We
there would be no
lockdown Data extracted from an image
of a chart using a tool called Mark Woolhouse, from the
locked down and never tested the WebPlotDigitizer and won't University of Edinburgh, thinks this
match the actual underlying
“When I say they were not prediction. data with complete accuracy was a modelling mistake, which led to
predictions,” says Graham Medley, “I This time, in the face of what the Source: SPI-M-O
policy mistakes. “If your baseline
mean they were not predictions.” public at least saw as dire predictions, assumption is that the only driver of
Medley is a professor of infectious we didn’t lock down, and the changes in human behaviour are
disease modelling at the London apocalypse never came. The Actual deaths interventions, then it’s quite obvious
School of Hygiene and Tropical unspoken, and sometimes spoken, Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun you are bound to overestimate the
Medicine (LSHTM). These days he implication is clear: are we all fools? 2020 2021 impact of those interventions.”
chairs the government’s Covid-19 At the start of December all we What slows the pandemic is people
modelling committee. And, more than knew was that Omicron was annoyed by the judgment of the initial models assumed Omicron was cutting contacts. We now know that a
at any time in the pandemic, he and spreading fast. A decision needed to graphs published by The Spectator. as severe as Delta, when it was milder. lot of the reduction in contacts comes
his colleagues have been under fire. be made. Amid this uncertainty “They presume that because we have They assumed the time to get through voluntary change. If we don’t
For the past two months, every day, Medley’s job was to present the a graph with 5,000 hospitalisations a infected was the same, when it was factor in that key component, then
a graph has been updated, showing government with plausible scenarios. day on it, we think they should lock shorter. The biggest reason was us. critics of Sage modelling argue the
actual daily deaths and hospital He doesn’t show the scenarios that down. That logic isn’t right.” The models did not consider how modelling itself becomes an
admissions versus those presented in are flat, because why would he? The government saw the we would react to the spread of unfalsifiable hypothetical.
December as possible future “It’s much better for us to say, ‘If X, projections and began giving booster Omicron and to modelling itself. How, though, could it have been
scenarios. The graph of the reality — Y and Z, then you’re looking at 5,000 jabs to a million people a day. This “We realised early on that the done differently? At this stage, it is
the present toll — is reassuringly flat. hospitalisations a day.’ We are intervention changed projections. It is models are a kind of intervention,” probably worth understanding how a
The graph of the alternative realities showing the extent of the possible, not, though, the only reason reality Medley says. “They have the potential model works. In January 2021 James
is rather less so. not the actual.” undershot the models. Sometimes in to change people’s behaviour.” Ward, a mathematician, opened a
By now, we should be recovering This is what Medley says he means modelling you get lucky and your As Adam Kucharski, another spreadsheet. He had never modelled a
from a wave to rival, or even exceed, when he says he does not make mistakes offset each other. Here, they modeller, puts it, it’s like being a disease before but he knew the
that seen last winter. This graph has predictions, and is also why he is pulled in the same direction. The weather forecaster and knowing that principles of SIR modelling. A model
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 19


Don’t ditch Covid

survey, urge experts
Tom Whipple Science Editor
How Britain compares
Scrapping Britain’s main Covid surveil-
Percentage of population who have
lance survey would be “incredibly received at least one vaccine dose
counterproductive” and a “flat-out (total doses administered in brackets)
terrible decision”, scientists have said.
UAE 99.0% (23.8m) People
The government is reported to be vaccinated
considering scaling back or axing the Portugal 94.6% (22.2m) in UK
unique infection survey, run by the First dose
Office for National Statistics, which Malta 90.4% (1.2m) 52.5m
regularly tests more than 100,000 Second
Spain 87.7% (91.3m) 48.7m
people to provide an unbiased estimate
of the prevalence in the UK of the coro- 85.3% (79.5m) Daily
Prison for navirus. It has been praised by the
World Health Organisation, and the
(Feb 10)
84.9% (51.9m) First dose
conspiracist leader of Germany’s pandemic re-
sponse has said he based much of his
strategy on its findings.
83.6% (131.5m) Second
80.0% (138.7m)
Dominic Kennedy Yesterday the i newspaper reported UK 77.2% (138.9m) (Feb 10)
Investigations Editor concerns that funding for the survey 34,203
Figures as of 6pm yesterday Source: Our
would not be renewed when it runs out World in Data (latest figures available) Total
A prominent anti-lockdown in April. The ONS has said that as far as and Note: Selected countries. 37.7m
activist was jailed for 11 it knows no decision has been made
months yesterday after an Dominic Cummings, the former the survey after the pandemic, but
investigation by The Times Downing Street adviser, said there follow up with those involved to track
showed she proclaimed that should be no question of it being the long-term effects of the virus.
victims of the Grenfell dropped. “Abandoning the ONS ran- There were 58,899 cases of Covid-19
Tower fire were “burnt alive dom sample survey we set up spring reported in the UK yesterday, the
in a Jewish sacrifice”. 2020, a global standard setter, is so government said.
Tahra Ahmed, 51, from stupid,” he tweeted. “Obviously it’s Boris Johnson’s announcement that
Tottenham, north London, Tory policy ‘to save money’. Failing to self-isolation rules in England may end
was told by a judge at the prepare for pandemics also ‘saved early “ambushed” devolved govern-
Old Bailey that she posted money’, then cost 100s of billions.” ments and his own scientific advisers,
“venom” on Facebook Unlike community testing, the ONS the Welsh economy minister has said.
intending to stir up racial survey is not self-selecting, so it picks Asked yesterday why the UK and
hatred at a time of anger up people who would not get tested or Welsh governments were not working
and distress at the lives lost who do not know they are infected. more closely to change Covid rules to-
and questions about who Adam Kucharski, from the London gether, Vaughan Gething said: “We can
was to blame. School of Hygiene and Tropical Medi- hardly align and work more closely to-
The comment blaming cine, said during a period of “uncertain- gether when we are ambushed by sur-
Jews for the fire was made ty about the future of Covid . . . [it’s] cru- prise changes.” He said Johnson’s an-
in June 2017, four days after cial to have good information on what’s nouncement “took many people by sur-
the blaze in west London happening. Poor situational awareness prise”, adding: “There’s normally advice
that killed 72 people. leads to an ineffective response.” from Sage, now Sage themselves were
She was also convicted at Professor Danny Altmann, from Im- surprised. The real question is, why is
her trial in January of perial College London, said: “Our ONS England doing this on their own?”
stirring racial hatred over data has been the envy of the world. We The UK Health Security Agency
another post referring to get so much from it . . . So incredibly confirmed yesterday that it was investi-
Jews as being “behind ritual counterproductive to axe it.” gating an unspecified number of infec-
torture”, for which she was Rupert Beale, from the Francis Crick tions from “Deltacron”, a hybrid of Del-
jailed for six months, to run Institute, said that scrapping the survey ta and Omicron that likely emerged in
concurrently. would be a “flat-out terrible decision”. someone infected with both at the same
The survey employs more than 2,000 time. So far, the agency did not believe
people, who visit the same households the new variant was cause for concern,
who are members of the anti-lockdown group Freedom Festival, outside the Old Bailey where she was jailed yesterday regularly. The ONS plans to scale back or that its numbers were increasing.

is three columns. The first is

“Susceptible”: people who can catch it.
The second is “Infected”: people who
remember as the start of the
pandemic — as the prediction that
pushed the country into lockdown.
Macron puts World update
Global cases Global deaths Deaths per million population
can pass it on. The third is
“Recovered”: people who can’t catch
it. Modelling is about how fast S
Except none of that happened.
Ferguson’s team announced they
had presented a paper that estimated
foot down 406,048,662
Most new cases
5,789,706 Rank
1 Peru
Jan 31, 2021
1,234 (16)
moves to I moves to R.
The real value of a model is when it
points you towards something
if the country continued with its
present mitigation policy, a quarter of
a million would die. The paper added
over test 1
Bosnia & Herz.
counterintuitive. The January wave
was an example of this. Modellers had
predicted its arrival in the summer, at
that if somehow we instead did
absolutely nothing — including no
behavioural changes in the face of
at Kremlin 4
N. Macedonia
a time when many of those who are mass death — half a million could 6 Japan 99,604
france 7 Czech Rep 3,517 1,523 (5)
today most critical of their work were die. At the time, Professor Lockdown 7 Turkey 98,602
claiming the pandemic was over. was reviled for a different reason; the President Macron refused a Russian 8 Netherlands 86,799 8 Croatia 3,490 1,225 (17)
Ward’s model told him something modellers were viewed as having Covid test before meeting President 9 Italy 76,195 9 Slovakia 3,304 836 (37)
else counterintuitive. Despite the advocated herd immunity. Putin this week, the Kremlin said. A 10 UK 58,899 10 Romania 3,183 949 (31)
vaccination campaign, alongside the The truth is the modelling was not French source told the BBC that the
Countries reporting most deaths 11 Brazil 2,994 1,048 (24)
largest wave of infections, there was a the primary reason we locked down. health protocol was “unacceptable”.
potential for an “exit wave”. The final Speak to people in government at the It had been reported that French 1 US 915,434 14 Poland 2,840 982.4 (29)
wave was not as sharp as scenarios time and they say there were two officials did not want Moscow to 2 Brazil 636,338 15 US 2,766 1,309 (11)
suggested. Critics argue this shows we factors. The first was that they had obtain the president’s DNA. 3 India 507,177 18 Moldova 2,694 851 (34)
should have lifted all restrictions watched, aghast, what was happening 4 Russia 331,300
19 Colombia 2,684 1,047 (25)
sooner, before “Freedom Day”. in the hospitals of northern Italy. The canada 5 Mexico 310,627
Even so Medley considers this second was that the fatality rate for The premier of Ontario declared a 21 Belgium 2,551 1,833 (3)
6 Peru 207,536
period one of the victories of the UK had been calculated as 0.5-1 state of emergency as lorry drivers 7 UK 159,351 24 Ukraine 2,491 519 (56)
modelling. They identified that per cent. You don’t need a model to continued their occupation of the 8 Italy 150,221 25 Italy 2,485 1,460 (6)
because of Delta the final step needed calculate what that means: you need capital and blockade at the busiest 9 Indonesia 26 Mexico 2,409 1,214 (18)
to be delayed to get second doses into the back of an envelope. US border crossing. Doug Ford
10 Colombia 136,583 28 UK 2,347 1,555 (4)
arms. Ward adds: “Modelling is It is still worth reading the original called the protests “illegal and
Data supplied by Johns Hopkins University. US data fluctuates because of irregular reporting by different states.
mathematics surrounded by humans, Imperial modelling. It makes a punishable” but said that he would Figures as of 6pm yesterday. Sources: UK government, Our World in Data, selected countries
which makes for uncertainty.” prediction of what the next two years soon end Covid restrictions and
On March 16, 2020, Professor Neil would look like if the UK decided to vaccine passports, a key demand of the coronavirus vaccination italy
Ferguson told us that without suppress the virus, instituting the protesters. programme in the spring and that Nightclubs reopened last night and a
lockdown, 500,000 people would die. lockdowns in surges. It predicted there was no reason to administer a requirement to wear masks outside
That bold statement by the man who 30,000 to 120,000 deaths so, 170,000 denmark booster dose to children or a fourth was dropped. The legal obligation to
would become known as Professor deaths on, it seems the doomsday The health authorities said that they shot to residents who were at risk of wear a mask indoors is scheduled to
Lockdown is what so many in Britain modelling was overly optimistic. were considering “winding down” severe Covid. expire at the end of next month.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 21


Oscar hopeful
children’s ‘make believe’ play, but I think
that creativity was always there. Her
imagination was always working.” At
Ursuline Secondary School in Tipper-
ary, where Buckley boarded from the
age of 12, teachers remember a deter-

who lost talent

mined girl whose first love was music.
She played the piano, harp and clarinet.
“Sister Bernadette would always say
if Jessie was missing in action over in
the boarding school, you could find her
in the music practise area” — often
early in the mornings before lessons

contest but had begun, said Mary Butler, the head

teacher who cast Buckley in her first
musical: Chess. Every year, she would
play the male lead in the annual school
productions, such as West Side Story.
“I think, secretly, I knew it was going

found stardom to happen someday,” Butler said. “She

had that star quality from the off. The
minute you heard her, you knew you
had something special on your hands.
“[Performing] is her heart and soul.
When she opens her mouth and sings,
Family and friends of Wild Rose to her Shakespearean roles
on stage — that several media outlets
you could just die. When you have the
talent and you add to that a huge work
Jessie Buckley say she claimed her as British when the nomi-
nations were announced.
ethic, that is just beautiful together.
“She’s only got better and better. She
always shone despite an She tried out for Nancy days after has learnt from every experience and
early television setback, having applied unsuccessfully to do a
course in musical theatre at Guildford
there’s no arrogance. She is still Jessie.”
Butler praised Buckley’s mum and
School of Acting. dad, Tim, a bar manager who loves
Lucy Bannerman writes This week, her mother, a harpist and poetry and playing the fiddle, for keep-
vocal coach who still teaches at the ing their daughter grounded. “They are
Marina Cassidy remembers her all-girls boarding school in Co Tipper- thrilled, as we all are, but they don’t lose
daughter’s crushing disappointment ary where Buckley starred in her first the plot, you know?”
when she lost the BBC talent show stage productions, received a call from After missing out on the role of
looking for the next “Nancy” to star in her daughter, saying she had been nom- Nancy, Buckley turned down the con-
a West End revival of Oliver! inated for an Oscar for best supporting solation prize of understudy and did a
The Irish teenager had made it to the actress, alongside Dame Judi Dench six-month stint as a jazz singer in Anna-
final two, having impressed Andrew and Kirsten Dunst. bel’s, the Mayfair nightclub. She made
Lloyd Webber, but lost the public vote. Buckley, who is on stage in London her West End debut the following year,
“You’re not Nancy but you’re an starring as Sally Bowles in Cabaret with in A Little Night Music, having never
amazing star,” the host, Graham Nor- Eddie Redmayne, was nominated for formally trained as an actor.
ton, told Jessie Buckley, from her role as a younger version of Olivia Maureen Lipman, her co-star,
Co Kerry, as she walked off stage to be Colman’s character in The Lost Daugh- recalled a “ sweet, funny and clubbable”
consoled by her family. The winner, ter. “She was in the street somewhere teenager. “She had a difficult part that
Jodie Prenger, went on to a successful and kept saying, ‘Mum, I just can’t be- went to heights only a pipistrelle bat
career in musical theatre. lieve it!’,” Cassidy said. could reach. I was very impressed with
Fourteen years later, the runner-up There hasn’t been a proper family her fortitude and stamina and the way
from I’d Do Anything has been celebration yet, she she didn’t crumble, like some others
nominated for her first Oscar. might have. She had confidence.”
Losing that contest was “the best The cast would go to a private
thing” that could have happened members’ club where Buckley would
to Buckley, according to her sing at the piano. “Her version of
mother. Stormy Weather was the best I’d ever
“Absolutely,” Cassidy said. heard, it used to reduce me to rubble.”
“She had just turned 18, so of Lipman said it was a canny move on
course it was a huge disappoint- Buckley’s part to go to drama school
ment, but . . . I never thought it after that initial success. “She could
would have been the best thing Jessie Buckley is nominated for best supporting actress for her role in The have easily taken the path [into musical
ever to win because it would Lost Daughter, below, after early disappointment in a BBC talent show in 2008 theatre] but she’s such a bright girl. She
have been too much too soon. was all instinct but she didn’t have the
That little knock of rejection was a
added. Instead, Cassidy celebrated her youngest sister is still at school. technique and she knew it, so she took
helpful in some way. It gave her a taste “by
“b doing music therapy with three Since news of the nomination, her the decision to go back to Rada. She has
of the reality of the business.” lovely patients” at the hospital
lo family have been sharing snaps of the more than earned her appreciation.”
If she had started out as a reality-TV where she also works, but admit-
w girl who used to “stage” productions at Buckley’s star has risen ever since.
winner, “she could have always been te to being so distracted, “I
ted home from the age of five, directing her Lipman said she expected her to take
known as Nancy. So I think things ccouldn’t remember which ward I siblings and dressing up in her mother’s Oscars night in her stride. “She is not
happen for a reason.” w
was meant to be at”. skirts. “She was constantly getting her going to be frightened of being put in a
Buckley, 32, was born in Killarney, Buckley is the eldest of five. Her siblings to dress up,” Cassidy said. room with Meryl Streep and Tom
southwest Ireland, although so convin- b
brother is a mountain guide in “She’d put her brother behind the cur- Hanks.”
cing are her accents — from playing a F
France. One sister is a nurse, the tain and he could only come out when Not winning first time around can be
Glaswegian single mother in the film other an engineering graduate, while she said. We probably just saw it as for the best, leading article, page 29

Rikki Neave suspect ‘had abused boy’ Buck House fizz? Queen’s
David Brown tioned again in October 2015 he told
police that he had walked to Wellend
threw a stone at a starling, killing it. She
went on: “It was only a little bird. He laid
jubilee bubbly is £39 a pop
The suspected murderer of Rikki primary school with Rikki most days. it out and spread its wings on its back.”
Neave sexually assaulted one of the He said that he could not recall speak- He then put it in his pocket, she added. Lianne Kolirin having “enticing aromas of rich and
schoolboy’s friends, throttled a teenage ing to his police or mother about the Watson had lived at another child- honeyed citrus fruit, white peach and
girlfriend during sex and had an inter- alleged sexual assault and had not seen ren’s home in March, Cambridgeshire, It is, one might say, a sparkling wine fit hints of sweet spices”. The Royal Col-
est in dead birds, a court has been told. Watson, of no fixed address, “for years”. between November 1994 and August for a queen. lection suggests that the tipple can be
James Watson was 13 when he alle- Yesterday Watson’s former girlfriend 1995. Jean Larkin, its manager, said that To commemorate the Platinum Jubi- enjoyed as an aperitif and pairs particu-
gedly strangled Rikki, six, and posed told the court that they had met at a “magazines related to children and lee, the Royal Collection Trust has re- larly well with mature English cheddar.
him naked in woods near his home in children’s home aged 14. He would take toddlers, babies, in clothing — under- leased a special-edition £39 blend of “It also complements British seafood,
Peterborough in November 1994. Now a “survival kit” including a knife when wear mostly”, were found under his bed, chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot meun- such as crab, langoustines or classic fish
43, he denies murder. they went into woods for sex four or five as well as a “dismembered” pheasant. ier, made from hand-picked fruit grown and chips, making the wine a perfect
Rikki’s friend, who lived on the same times. She said: “When James got The Old Bailey has been told that on vineyards in Kent and West Sussex. addition to Platinum Jubilee celebra-
Welland estate, told his mother that in excited towards the end, at the end part, Watson had a “grotesque interest” in The label design is inspired by tions this summer,” the trust added.
April 1993 Watson had touched his gen- he would have his hands on my neck child murder and was the last person the gold embroidery on the Queen’s British hand-cut champagne flutes
itals and asked him to touch his before and leave marks on my throat, more seen with Rikki. In the original police Robe of Estate, worn on her Coronation are also on sale on the Royal Collection
ordering him “not to tell anybody”, the than once.” investigation he was ruled out as a sus- Day in 1953. A EIIR cypher is surround- website. Costing £120 a pair, the glasses
court heard. Watson denied touching She said this had had a “profound pect because of a “fundamental error”, ed by golden olive leaves and ears of are engraved and come in a satin-lined
the boy and after being questioned by effect” and that he became “more the jury has heard. The prosecution say wheat to symbolise peace and plenty. gift box. Other specially commissioned
police was told the matter would not be forceful” as time went on. She said that that his DNA was found on Rikki’s Gold in colour, the luxury 12 per cent items include a silk scarf (£195), a tea
taken further but would be recorded. she had thought he was “trying to stran- clothes, which had been put in a bin. abv English Sparkling Wine Platinum towel (£9.95) and, as the indispensable
When the alleged victim was ques- gle” her. She also said that Watson once The trial continues. Jubilee Release 2022 is described as sign of our times, hand sanitiser (£3.95).
22 2GM
M Saturday
atu February 12 2022 | the times

particularly out of awards season too. performing colours.
character for the Insta- The BBD (boring Her team has “heavily
Bright young things set, who are typically
more peacock than
black dress) reigned
supreme at the
invested in it for
spring/summer 2022”.
go back to black raven. They spend
fashion week vying for
Brits. Adele wore
two over the course
“Despite summer
attention in look-at-me of the night. In LA, traditionally leaning

n the pre- shows last month, outfits. In fact, since on the same towards brighter
Instagram era, head-to-toe inky influencers started evening, Jodie tones, this season
fashion editors outfits lined the streets appearing on the front Comer wore a black there was a decided
wore so much of Paris. Nearly every row, subtle subdued lace top and shift and we’re
black that they VIP attending the Brit looks had become all trousers to promote banking on full black
were nicknamed “the awards on Tuesday but extinct on it — the fourth season of looks,” she adds.
crows”. This spring, evening wore the until now. Killing Eve. Online searches
they are coming home shade. Buyers at high- They are flocking At the luxury for black dresses are
to roost (Hannah end boutiques have back to black boutique Browns up 14 per cent this
Rogers writes). stocked their shelves monochrome: a trend Fashion, Heather week, according to
On the red carpet, with coal-hued pieces already big on the Gramston, head the global shopping
front row and designer for spring and online catwalk at Balenciaga, womenswear platform Lyst. Those
store rails, one colour shopping searches for Celine and Chanel. buyer, says that for black suits have
is dominating right black are on the rise. The red carpet is off black is one of increased 26 per cent.
now: black. At couture The look is to a gothic start this its top- At John Lewis the
trend has spread into
its beauty department:
sales of black
eyeshadow and nail
polish are up 169 per
cent and 435 per
cent respectively on
last year.
Might we be in for a
Dark times: long, goth summer?
Gitta Banko, left, Don’t worry too much
Diane Batoukina — there’s still time for
and Scarlett something else to catch
Gartmann-Reus on by the solstice.

Improve welfare
for fish — they
have feelings too
Ben Webster Environment Editor dropped on the floor and left to die. The
company said the treatment of the fish
Farmed fish should have the same legal was unacceptable and it operated under
protection as other farmed animals, “the best industry standards available”.
according to an animal welfare group The foundation’s report refers to the
backed by the prime minister’s wife. findings of the government’s Farm
The Conservative Animal Welfare Animal Welfare Committee, which said
Foundation, which has Carrie Johnson in a 2014 opinion on fish welfare that “at
as a patron, says fish deserve to be treat- least some species, including trout,
ed with the same care as cows, pigs, have a sensory experience of pain” as
sheep and other livestock because they well as “a degree of sentience”.
experience stress and pain. Studies have shown that fish feel pain
The foundation is focusing on im- and change their behaviour to avoid it.
proving fish welfare during slaughter In one study, goldfish were given an
because that is where the biggest differ- electric shock in an area of a tank where
ences in protection lie. they received food. They avoided that
Slaughterhouses for land animals are area for three days before hunger over-
required to have a vet on site and must came their fear.
have CCTV in all areas where animals The foundation report says: “The UK
are handled, stunned and killed, with government is failing aquatic animals,
footage stored for independent inspec- dismally. Combined with a complete
tion. Such legal requirements do not lack of regulatory oversight of farmed
apply to fish slaughter facilities, which fish abattoirs, the billion-pound aqua-
are not subject to routine welfare in- culture industry is being left to monitor
spections by public bodies. itself in the eyes of the law.
The UK industry, which rears up to “This leaves these already vulnerable
80 million fish a year, has instead animals entirely exposed to the whims
adopted voluntary codes of practice. of an industry that wishes only to mon-
A report by the foundation cites evi- etise and commodify these creatures.”
dence of abuses of fish revealed last It calls for unannounced welfare
year by The Times. Fish reared by the inspections of fish slaughterhouses and
Scottish Salmon Company, which sup- says they should be required to install
plied Waitrose and the Co-op, were left CCTV, with footage reviewed by public
to suffocate on the floor, repeatedly bodies.
clubbed and had their gills cut while Chris Platt, co-founder, said: “The
still conscious. UK has been at the forefront of
A stunning machine at the firm’s progress in implementing some of the
plant at Arnish on the Isle of Lewis fail- highest animal welfare standards in the
ed to render them unconscious and world. However, aquatic animals have
workers used their fingers to tear the been excluded from much of this
gills and struggled to keep up with the legislation.
volume of fish wriggling on the unit. “With the government including fish
The Scottish Salmon Company said in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill,
that the footage from late 2019 did “not it feels only right that they should be
in any way represent” its operations. afforded the same legal protections as
Fish were thrown and kicked as they other farmed animals.”
writhed on the ground in 2020 at Test The Department for Environment,
Valley Trout Farming in Hampshire, Food and Rural Affairs said that it was
which supplied the Ritz and Harrods. considering “detailed protections for
Fish deemed unprofitable were the welfare of farmed fish”.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 23

Take a stand in ‘bonkers’ gender debates, Blair tells Starmer
Alice Thomson, Henry Zeffman ‘We don’t like all this stuff that is being Blair, 68, said that there should be to me, ‘Don’t go there, Dad. There are people were among the most “margina-
shoved at us’. They don’t want a situa- equal rights for trans people. “But equal feelings and there are facts, but right lised and abused” communities. Sajid
Sir Tony Blair has urged the Labour tion where women can’t talk about rights doesn’t mean you can’t use the now feelings are more important.’ ” Javid, the health secretary, accused him
Party to “go right into” the argument being women. phrase ‘pregnant woman’,” he said. “If Starmer has occasionally been em- of a “total denial of scientific fact”.
about transgender rights. “I have this conversation quite often you went to Sedgefield and had that broiled in battles within his party over The Queen appointed Blair at the
In an interview with The Times he with Labour people and I know that conversation, they would think you how to approach trans rights. start of the year to the Order of the
has urged Sir Keir Starmer to take a their inclination is to walk round this were bonkers.” Asked last year whether it was trans- Garter, the highest order of chivalry,
stand, saying that refusing to use the issue but I am telling you to go right into Blair was the MP for Sedgefield, in phobic to say that only women had a after a 14-year wait. Nevertheless, he
phrase “pregnant woman” is “bonkers”. it and resolve it in a way that makes Co Durham, from 1983 to 2007. cervix, he replied: “It is something that told The Times to “still call me Tony”.
“The polls might say voters don’t it absolutely clear where you stand. The former prime minister said that shouldn’t be said. It’s not right.” Labour must choose between feelings
care,” he said. “But if you dig a little That is how to shut down the Tories his son Leo, 21, had urged him to avoid He called for “a mature, respectful and facts, Janice Turner, page 27
deeper, what they are really saying is on it.” the debate. He said: “Leo always says debate” and said that transgender Blair interview, Magazine, pages 8-15


University ‘too The co-ordinates of

Ernest Shackleton’s
Endurance were
noted after it sank on
November 21, 1915

scared of trans
lobby to defend
its students’
Will Humphries Sanchez at the Centre for Gender and
Southwest Correspondent Violence Research, has faced disciplin-
ary action. The court was told this week
A PhD student who is suing Bristol that the university dropped the case
University for failing to protect her after the trans student organised pro-
from abuse and intimidation by trans testers to disrupt the hearings.
activists has said the institution is too The trans student, who has posted
scared to condemn their behaviour. online about “punching terfs” — the
Raquel Rosario-Sanchez, 32, a femi- acronym for trans-exclusionary radical
nist writer, campaigner and academic, feminists — has since been employed
specialises in the study of male violence by the university as a teacher. Rosario-
against women. Soon after starting her Sanchez said this was a “tacit
doctorate, in February 2018, she was endorsement for their behaviour”.
branded “transphobic” by activists. “I found the process dystopian and
They said her crime was to hold femi- humiliating,” Rosario-Sanchez said. “I
nist meetings that opposed allowing was being cross examined by a barrister
men who identify as women into about chairing a feminist meeting and
female-only spaces, such as changing for holding feminist views.”
rooms and domestic violence refuges. Rosario-Sanchez, from the Domini- ust
exploration. Today, just share the best
“At no point did anyone at the uni-
versity speak to me about how to pro-
can Republic, suffered a mental col-
lapse in 2019 and said she was unable to
Hunt for as it is poised to yield
its secrets, there may
information so they
can make their own
tect myself throughout all this,”
Rosario-Sanchez told The Times.
complete her thesis.
The court has been told that Tracy
Endurance be new twist in the
Endurance tale.
The wooden
She agreed that the university was
scared to anger trans activists. “But I
Brunnock, the university’s equality,
diversity and inclusion manager, wrote
threatens The latest quest
to find the ship,
is at 3,000m
(9,800ft) in an area
don’t understand why they can’t see an email to senior managers saying that
disciplinary action against the trans to go cold Endurance22, may
be in danger of
by two
Rosario-Sanchez is student was risking their good relation- being sunk before it m
metres of moving

suing Bristol for ship with LGBTQ+ groups in the city. or 306 days the has begun. It has set pa ice. Analysis,
failing to protect Dr Emma Williams, 49, former head Endurance was sail from Cape Town re
relying on modern
her from activists of the Centre for Gender and Violence stuck in the ice of without the latest an more accurate
Research, told The Times she resigned what Sir Ernest data on where the astr
astronomical data,
from the university “in part because Shackleton ship was lost in 1915, indic
indicates the search
this has been going on for four years”. described as “the worst according to a new plan submitted by the
Williams, who at one point super- portion of the worst sea academic paper shared ed Endura
Endurance22 team may
they have a duty to protect all students vised Rosario-Sanchez and the trans in the world” (Jane with The Times. need to be shifted several
equally,” she said. “I don’t understand student, said: “They [the university] Flanagan writes). The authors, two off kilomet
kilometres east.
why they feel they need to acquiesce allowed the disciplinary process to be Eventually, even as a whom produced work k b
It is based on papers
and bend down to one group in parti- sabotaged. All we want to do is have a steam yacht designed already adopted by found by Mearns in the
cular. It just doesn’t make any sense. conversation [about gender issues] . . . so with thickened timbers to Endurance22, were wrong place. “It is not up archives of the Scott
“The reason why I got involved in we can come up with solutions.” endure the Antarctic, it anxious their findings to us to tell Endurance22 Polar Research Institute
this debate was that I was witnessing A Bristol University official said: could take no more. reach the team before it where to look,” David in Cambridge and written
the normalisation of violence in the “Given the ongoing court case, we can- On Sunday, November begins searching, next Mearns, one of the in 1919 by Reginald
public sphere. The language used by not comment further. All concerns 21, 1915, the Endurance week. The fear is that authors of the paper, said. James, a physicist on the
trans activists is not normal. Intimidat- about harassment or bullying are taken was consigned to the they could search in the “All we want to do is Endurance, who carried
ing and abusing people you disagree seriously and action taken in accord- depths. “At 5pm she went out the occultations and
with is not normal. I felt like I had a duty ance with our university policies.” down by the head,” Apr-May 1916 first hinted at an error.
to stand up to it.” 6 Twenty LGBT rights organisations, Shackleton wrote. His Shackleton and five Endurance22, which
She was initially targeted for chairing including Stonewall, have asked the navigators, reliant on a Aug 1916 crew row and sail to plans to use two drones to
Remaining crew
a meeting of the campaign group UN to revoke the status of the Equality lunar tracking technique is rescued and
South Georgia scour the seabed,
Woman’s Place UK (WPUK) titled “A and Human Rights Commission over called “occultation” for taken to Chile Elephant
launched from a South
Woman’s Place is Speaking Out”. The its stance on trans rights, arguing that it the accuracy of their START: Dec 5, African icebreaker, the
Island 1914 South
hearing at the Bristol civil justice centre lacks independence from government. equipment, would later Georgia Island. SA Agulhas II, is en route
was told that trans-rights activists They said the EHRC’s “recent state- fix the ship’s last position Search to the target area.
500 miles Crew area Endurance
repeatedly protested against her on ments on GRA [Gender Recognition — 68°39’30’’S, drift sets sail Robin Stuart, a
campus and claimed she was “spread- Act] reform in Scotland, and the con- 52°26’30’’W. co-author with Mearns
ing hate about trans people”. version therapy ban in England and And at the bottom of Weddell and Lars Bergman, said:
Nov 21, 1915
Before one meeting, a trans activist Wales . . . are in stark contrast to inter- the Weddell Sea it has Sea Jan 18, 1915 “The new analysis of the
posted online: “Please go to [the WPUK national human rights standards”. remained, an elusive holy sinks Endurance data is convincing and
Ship stuck in ice
event] armed with a dozen eggs and The EHRC said: ““We take all deci- grail for historians drifts
relevant for anyone
your finest collection of obscenities.” sions impartially, based on evidence seeking insight into the ANTARCTICA Planned route seeking to better plot the
Only one of the activists, a trans PhD and the law. Our independence is guar- “golden age” of polar South Pole position of the ship.”
student who worked with Rosario- anteed in statute.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 25

Coming next, Brain

Surgery With Brooklyn
Giles Coren
Page 26
We should only say sorry when we mean it
Every time something goes wrong there are howls for apologies but the weasel words that follow only make things worse
one kind of “sorry” masquerades as another way of saying sorry, but not apology for thoughtlessness, coupled
Matthew another. I’ll take as examples four on one’s own account. Here the with a regret that other people won’t
Parris cases, four types of saying sorry. speaker dresses up an apology as see things straight.
Let’s start with Gillian Keegan, a personal, but on closer inspection I do not, in fact, think Johnson the
junior health minister, who was shifts responsibility on to underlings. worst kind of offender because with
listening to three fathers whose Note Boris Johnson’s recent apology him it’s all so transparent: like a little
daughters had killed themselves to the Queen “for misjudgments that boy who stole his sister’s Bounty bar

lton John was wrong. Sorry when she was told she’d tested were made, and for which I take full but, commanded by mum to say that
seems to be the easiest positive for Covid. She informed the responsibility”. Using the passive word “sorry”, won’t. Smoother
word. Our era has got itself men, and carried on. Here are her voice (misjudgments “were made” operators are less easily detected. All
all tangled up in the apology own words on Twitter on Wednesday. rather than “I misjudged”), the prime trade on the loose and shiftable
industry as accusers scream “I should have immediately ended minister adds that he “takes full meaning of words; and if we’re to
for expressions of remorse while the the meeting and on reflection this responsibility”. Here (perversely) the
accused ransack the English
language for ways of saying sorry
was an error of judgment on my part.
I fully recognise the importance of
word “full” weakens the word
“responsibility”. We associate this
Politicians manage to
without conceding that anything was
their fault. The public, meanwhile,
following the letter and spirit of the
policies, so want to be upfront about
formulation with apologies made by
a dutiful boss. “I must take full
sound humble without
are mightily confused: what does
“I’m sorry” even mean, when the
what happened and to apologise for
the mistake I made.”
responsibility” is easier to say than “I
am responsible”. Mr Johnson’s
actually admitting guilt
apologiser is simultaneously claiming I’d call this the Apology Absolute. spokesman explained that his master keep fresh and stinging the
not to be involved or at fault? Can It’s the purest form of contrition and “recognised that No 10 should take vocabulary of real remorse, we must
you apologise on behalf of somebody involves the acceptance of personal responsibility for the things we did”. stop demanding apologies every time
else, and if so, when? culpability. You may have noticed Note the “we”. something has gone wrong, and stop
Dame Cressida Dick, an honest and that Keegan’s tweet ended the matter, And now for the Apology overusing apology as a way of
brave commander in an impossible and the story died. Having done Relocative. This slippery use of Sadiq Khan saw off Dame Cressida Dick slithering out of awkward situations
job, has been casually felled by a arguably the wrong thing, she did the “sorry” is beloved of leaders in every but has shown no contrition himself when the real need is for explanation
weak, cowardly mayor looking for field: essentially “I’m sorry that you’re rather than professions of regret.
other people to blame. She made an
easy target. The former commissioner
Johnson is transparent upset”. So the apologiser’s mistake was
in not realising how he might offend.
were things, he says, that “we” did
not get right. Defending the use of
Slack use of the language of
remorse allows politicians to sound
of the Metropolitan Police had
apologised for her force’s failure to
but smoother operators At its worst, such sorries sneakily
regret how oversensitive other people
the garden because of “the role of
fresh air” he avoids the word “party”
humble without actually admitting
guilt; and to imply blame without
stop a police officer murdering a
woman walking alone; apologised for
are less easily detected can be. Priti Patel, found to have
bullied her staff, issued a curious
and explains how he’d “implicitly”
believed the gathering was a work
having to demonstrate
instrumentality. As director of public
her officers photographing corpses right thing. One respects her for it. non-apology: “I’m here to give an event. He never confesses that this prosecutions, Sir Keir Starmer was
and sharing images on WhatsApp; Next comes the Apology Historic. unreserved apology today and I am belief was wrong — but “with probably unwise to apologise on
and apologised for police You may remember Australia’s sorry if I have upset people in any hindsight I should have sent behalf of the whole Crown
incompetence in missing a serial killer “National Sorry Day” to the way whatsoever.” But she never says everyone back inside”. Prosecution Service for failings in
of young gay men. In none of these continent’s Aboriginal population for she did wrong, only that hurting The use of “with hindsight” is the Jimmy Savile affair. The apology
cases was she personally involved. their ancestors’ treatment at the people “was never my intention”. She important here. It’s the time- gave Boris Johnson his pretext for a
Sadiq Khan, however, was personally hands of white settlers and subsequent adds that her work is “deeply honoured exculpatory “if I’d known dirty shin-kick. We should say sorry
involved in evaluating, hiring and (but long-gone) governments. An challenging”, perhaps suggesting her then what I know now”. He knows less often in public life, and mean it
retaining Dick, but for this you may apology on behalf of dead people is staff should have realised that. now that though (he says) the event when we do.
be sure he will not be apologising. relatively easy to make, especially if In a Commons statement about a may have been technically legal,
Should either of them be unaccompanied by any serious offer Downing Street garden party for there are “millions and millions of
“apologising” at all? What’s going on of atonement; but the gesture is not staff, the PM begins, “I want to people who simply would not see it red box
with this word? entirely empty. If we’re to feel pride apologise”, then launches into an that way”. In other words they’re For the best analysis
Let me try to disentangle threads in our forebears’ achievement we extended disquisition on ordinary wrong but they’re unaware of it, and
because the same word can carry may also feel shame for their error. people’s sorrows during lockdown, had he guessed their reaction he
and commentary on
importantly different meanings, and Now for the Apology Institutional. and how this may look to some (“I would have behaved differently. You the political landscape
we’re all too easily bamboozled when Like the Apology Historic, this is know the rage they feel . . .”). There can catch here a cautious half-

Lesley Thomas Notebook

And just like tasking coat/towel things — is
enough to put me off. Why must
the “dippers” talk about it so
in play. No idea. We’d paused in a
quiet little bay in the middle of a
long hike and carrying a soggy
sea “sea swimming” though. What is
wrong with these people?
your fellow “gals”, should you not
have a special someone to suck
spaghetti with. I’m sure the marketing
This definitely hurts
that, I was much? And don’t get me started costume for miles seemed person who came up with this notion

on the Facebook posts. “Minus impractical. veryone’s raving about the TV to sell more chocolate is considered a
3! 5am!” Oh, do shut it, love. It all happened so fast. I was adaptation of Adam Kay’s genius in their world of sub-Spice

in the sea Naturists, obviously, have the

most laughably flaunty
pastime, but that’s
outnumbered by hardy, free-
spirited German friends —
Germans would always
junior-doctor memoir This is
Going to Hurt. The graphic scenes in
the obs and gynae department have
Girls slogan feminism. The rest of us
must do what we can to make it stop.
Keep it brief
stark naked pretty retro. rather be naked from created something of a maternal

With these long- what I’ve seen — divide, though. Most mums I know watched A Number, a fantastic two-
held uncharitable and somehow are crying watching the show — but hander at the Old Vic starring

don’t like to get involved in prejudices in keeping a bikini there are two types of tears. Half are Paapa Essiedu and Lennie James
hobbies for show-offs. The idea of mind, I can’t on seemed more wailing with laughter at the recently. My amateur review: yeah
a book club makes me queasy. As fully explain why exhibitionist than incompetence, chaos and dialogue in brilliant, the real critics are right about
a dear friend always says, “No, we I found myself butt not wearing one at the “brats and twats” ward. The rest these wonderful performances. I loved
don’t need to talk about Kevin.” naked in the cold sea all. As one of my fellow of us — crash caesarean sisters, it for one further reason. What a gift it
Besides, I am confident my mates last week screaming like ramblers pointed out: “I those with memories of soul- is to discover a show that is only an
will volunteer great book a girl: “Woohoo! Freeeeezing! don’t see what the fuss is scarringly difficult deliveries — are hour long with no interval. Makes
recommendations without the need to So exhilarating! Hee heeee!” about. Everyone’s either reliving long-buried birth trauma. you want to punch the air. No stuffing
show me their new kitchen extension. Maybe I was excitedly got one, or seen one.” Still, I cannot stop watching. your face with dry-roasted peanuts
Swimming in cold water, something overwhelmed at being on a Gosh it was a blast of to stop the stomach rumbles because
the midlife women I know have fallen non-UK beach (Ibiza — I bliss, with a long tail of Me and my gals 6.30 is too early to eat and 10 is too

for one by one, is another tribal know, but still, 14 degrees invigoration for the rest of ve noticed a creeping acceptance late. And the night is so young! You
activity I struggle with. The uniform is chilly) last week for the the afternoon. Possibly, I’ll of “galentine”. This word, concept can be in bed by 9.30.
alone — bobble hats with swimming first time since 2019. do it again. Possibly. I’ll and, of course, hashtag relates to
cozzies and those daft, giant multi- Maybe hormones were never call swimming in the the celebration of February 14 with Lesley Thomas is Weekend editor
26 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Coming next, Brain Surgery With Brooklyn

After his culinary miracle with loaves and fish, Beckham Jr can teach us car servicing, plumbing and how to be PM
mushy peas . . .” I mean, yummy, or Instagram followers. Well, he can’t happened by of a Sunday lunch time.
Giles what? Sure, it seems the Brookster cook at all. He’s just a little Turkish But the “store cupboard essentials”
Coren has got a bit confused about the butcher who throws salt in a funny section at the front always featured a
difference between “loaf” and “slice”, way. He’s not even handsome. And walk-in larder the size of an
but who doesn’t? That’s just arcane he’s probably the most successful aeroplane hangar with a billion spice
trade terminology. He’s not claiming cook on the planet. jars, lemon trees, confit goose
to be Savoy-trained here. It’s just The throwing is in fact key. When quarters packed in marble amphoras

rooklyn Beckham has been good, honest home-cooking. And, the late (lovely) TV executive Pat . . . and recipes that required not only
mocked around the world yes, he does seem to be unclear Llewellyn was inventing Jamie Oliver an arsenal of preposterous gadgets,
this week for embarking on about the difference between “fish” and Gordon Ramsay in the early but assumed that such bare building
a career as a celebrity chef and “chips”, celebrating how he puts 2000s, she grasped that the future of blocks of the dish as a “simple demi-
without being able to cook. his half-eaten fish in “with the fish”. food television was all about sex and glace” or “basic beurre blanc” didn’t
Each eight-minute episode of Cookin’ But it is clear to one and all that by machismo. In Jamie’s case that even need explaining. Too good at
With Brooklyn was reported by the “fish”, that second time, he means meant, bish, bosh, lovely jubbly, cooking, you see. Totally lacking the
New York Post to have cost $100,000 “chips”. It is all there in the context. lobbing in this and that, having a Beckmeister’s common touch. It’s
and required a production team of You can’t ask for passion, great laugh with his mates and riding his why Sophie Dahl got her own
62 people, to help the heir to the flavours AND crystalline clarity in scooter (while also, of course, being a cookery show, and Paris Hilton and,
Beckham millions create such items the recipe writing. He’s Brooklyn natural, instinctive cook) and in last year, along with a cookery book,
as cheesy pasta and a fish and chip Beckham, not George Orwell. Gordon’s case it meant saying “f***” James May off Top Gear.
sandwich. Although, to be fair, they At least he isn’t “going on a a lot and taking his shirt off (when I I guess it is all part of the Michael
do not say how many of the 62 were journey”, you know? He’s not off up worked with Pat and Gordon on The Gove thing about us being “tired of
focused exclusively on coming up the Irrawaddy in a coracle, cooking his F-Word, Gordon’s shirtless moment experts”. And what is true of cooks
with the show’s title. I’m guessing at take on the traditional Ohn No Khao Brooklyn Beckham has the makings of was written into every script). and economists is no doubt true of
least 40. Swe in a makeshift bamboo wok and a chef: no qualifications, lots of tattoos Nobody wanted stupid poncey many other things, too. Instead of
The problem with involving 62 pretending to speak Burmese. He’s not recipes, Pat insisted, they wanted hot Monty Don and his impossible
people in the making of a sandwich, delving into his past and claiming to some half-eaten fish between them”. blokes who made it look easy, expectations, for example, why not
though, is that even with all the be cooking his way out of grief for his People are asking what because it basically is easy. Anyone let Brooklyn Beckham loose on our
buttering and folding and putting on “qualifications” Brooklyn Beckham can cook a meal, just like anyone can gardens: “I love to just water a rock
a plate, there will still be a couple of
dozen left over to go squealing to the
Nowadays, even the has for being a chef. But he’s got all
of them. Well, both of them: no
take a photo, which is why Brooklyn
has also done reasonably well as a
from time to time and watch it
slowly turn into a beautiful tree”?
papers about how the star needed a
cheat sheet of authentic phrases to
chefs who can cook education and a lot of tattoos. That’s
all they’re looking for in the fancy
professional photographer. His only
failure to date has been when he
Let’s have Brooklyn and his
handsome, well-connected, not-too-
make him sound like a chef, such as
“parboil” and “whisk”, and to say snide
pretend that they can’t restaurants now, big lads with tats to
throw meat around a charcoal grill
tried to be a footballer, because you
do actually have to be good at that to
bothered-with-the-details kind teach
us to paint and drive and play the
things to gossip columnists, like “he is long-dead boring mum or something, and do selfies with the punters. Put get anywhere. saxophone. Let’s have sweet guys
to cooking what Posh was to singing”. like every second chef you meet him at the helm of a chain of east In fact, nowadays, even the chefs with tats who know nothing about
But I think it’s all terribly unfair these days. I’ve lost count of the London “low-and-slow” barbecue who can cook pretend they can’t. I anything teach us how to service our
and mean. I think Brooklyn’s sea number of times I’ve been sitting in joints and I’ll give him 9/10 in The interviewed one every week on my car and plumb in a toilet, set a broken
bream and hash brown sarnie, for the Fat Duck or somewhere, poking Times every day of the week, purely Times Radio show in 2021, invariably limb and do basic ophthalmological
example, which he says is “inspired” at a water buffalo bisque frozen into for fear of looking out of touch. about their latest cookbook, surgery. And, honestly, seriously, how
by his special way with leftover fish the shape of a fob watch and melted No chefs can really cook now, inevitably (because of lockdown) much worse at running the country
and chips, sounds delicious. over a live rabbit that’s meant to anyway. I don’t know if you’ve heard called “[First Name of Chef]: At could the Beckmeister really be than
“I eat half the fish,” he explains in represent the mathematical of Salt Bae, the multimillionaire Home” which always attempted to the man currently in charge, who at
the video. “And then I, like, mess it impossibility of cold fusion, and chef/prop of the Nusr-Et steakhouse pass off its author as a jolly amateur, the very least ought to boot up the
all up and put it in two loaves of thought, “what I wouldn’t give now chain, with his $1,000 steaks whipping up “easy kitchen suppers” first few, introductory episodes of
bread with the fish, vinegar, salt, for two simple loaves of bread with wrapped in gold leaf and 43 million on the hoof, whenever 48 pals Governin’ With Brooklyn . . .

Melissa Harrison Nature Notebook

Abundance more to come, for they had broken
from a larger herd, and in a small
unkempt triangle of land by a
at a rate of 30 per cent a year. Culling
decreased during the pandemic, partly
due to restrictions on movement and
from the sucking water rose banked
shelves of shifting pebbles, the
highest embroidered with sea kale

of deer tumbledown barn grazed no fewer

than 23 fallows including three
mature bucks with impressive antlers,
partly because demand for wild
venison is largely dependent on the
restaurant trade. It’s believed that the
and marram, marking the transition
from shore to land. As the sky
dimmed, the North Sea turned iron

offers food below, a couple of younger males and

several of this year’s fawns.
Because they tend to remain out of
population, already a source of
concern to conservationists for well
over a decade, has since ballooned.
grey and floodlights illuminated the
vast bulk of the power station, with
its unearthly white reactor dome.

for thought sight during the day, few people realise

quite how many deer there are in this
country — more now than at any
Fallows are Britain’s most common
deer species and as I watched them
graze, two prickets offering their
We’d been examining an old ship’s
timber cast ashore by the waves, and
at first I thought what we glimpsed in

suppose the wind must have been time since the last Ice Age and in small antlers to one another the gathering dusk was another. But
in my favour, even if my bright truth, more than many areas can playfully, I contemplated the fact as we drew closer it resolved into the
yellow coat didn’t quite blend in comfortably support. Their browsing that one of the best ways to protect Grey seals are impressive creatures, bullet bulk of a grey seal, unmarked
with my surroundings. And of habits damage the understorey of our countryside, and the declining almost as solid as the trunk of a tree and only recently dead. What an
course, it was dusk: one of the woods, as well as young hedgerows — species it supports, may be to eat impressive creature it was, gathered
best times of day to see wildlife. especially in winter when there more of this abundant, low-fat and neighbour believes the bangs at the back as though it were a long
Even so, the 15 isn’t much else to eat — and in free-range wild food. actually alert flocks to the presence balloon, stippled like the trunk of a
minutes I spent some places make it more of food, and knowing how adaptable plane tree and almost as solid, its
standing in the difficult for fast-declining birds Bird scarers misfire birds can be, she may well be right. front flippers tipped with curved

lee of a wet like nightingales and willow tits t’s the time of year when, in many Meanwhile my poor dog bolts on black nails, its teeth, behind full
hedgerow felt like to breed. Without wolves, lynx arable areas, gas-powered bird walks and shivers in fear indoors, whiskers, as white and sharp as a dog’s.
a great gift. and bears to harry them, deer often scarers once again start up their horse riders must somehow keep in “This mailbox is full,” chirped a
I’d crossed a field linger in one place rather than being deafening fusillade. These plastic mind each gas gun’s often-moving recorded message from the Cetacean
along a wavering path constantly on the move, intensifying cannon commonly emit three huge position, and we villagers endure Strandings Investigation Programme,
tramped down into the their effect on their surroundings, and booms every half-hour or so from month after month of artillery fire. before the line went dead. No matter:
rich brown furrows left by with no dawn till dusk, the aim being to deter the tide was coming in and would
the plough. Emerging from natural rapacious flocks of birds, particularly Death on the tideline soon take the seal anyway, floating its

a small copse I’d spotted a predators wood pigeons, from vulnerable crops he light was fading when my body out to somewhere unknowable
cluster of four dark-coated except man, like oilseed rape and legumes. That friend and I turned and began as behind us, darkness fell.
deer watching me from the herds, these crops need protecting isn’t in making our way back along the
far hedgerow, heads up, ears unless dispute, but having stood and watched beach towards the car park at The Stubborn Light of Things: A Nature
swivelling; after a moment they’d properly the birds in question it seems to me Sizewell. The tideline was striated Diary is out in paperback now
turned and melted away, and I managed, the scarers do very little: rooks seem with long bands of shingle that the
walked on, counting myself lucky can barely to budge, while wood pigeons sea had sorted by size, and they
to have seen them. But there was increase simply rise, circle and land again. My made for heavy trudging; further @M_Z_Harrison
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 27


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Starmer can’t keep hiding in the gender wars

Feminist Labour members who face a Maoist inquisition over their ‘lack of remorse’ finally have an ally in Tony Blair
and character were raked over in a Starmer’s ostrich position of Yet, when cornered, Labour come up increasingly on the
Janice three-hour-long appeal. She won but, pretending no conflict exists, while politicians sputter. Asked if only doorstep and a new network of
Turner as she says, “the process is the hoping it will go away. Labour’s women have cervixes, Starmer said it grassroots groups will ensure it’s high
punishment”. current policy, to support both was “something that shouldn’t be on any election agenda.
Labour women like Laura know gender self-ID and single-sex spaces, said, it is not right”. He has never The Conservatives, under whose
the risks of expressing views on the is as blurrily incoherent as its publicly supported the Labour MP watch Stonewall guidance secretly
toxic gender debate. A long-serving disastrous Brexit stance. If any male Rosie Duffield, giving succour to her captured institutions, are rapidly
@victoriapeckham councillor in the northwest who can be granted a female birth obsessive bullies. David Lammy rebalancing rights. In the House of
questioned why a party form asks certificate, how does that work called feminists who oppose self-ID Lords this week, Tory peers spoke

hen Keir Starmer “do you identify as a woman” rather in practice for, say, a women’s “dinosaurs, hoarding their rights”. against “Annex B”, NHS guidance
was guest speaker at than an applicant’s sex was dragged hospital ward? Lisa Nandy, who, like every which states that patients should
Laura’s constituency into a disciplinary “change of Questions like this alarm Labour leadership candidate except Starmer always (regardless of physical
Labour Party dinner circumstance” interview which could feminists, many with backgrounds in signed a pledge to have gender- transition) be treated according to
he warmly praised have triggered deselection. Another, victim support or child safeguarding. critical feminists expelled from the gender identity, in contravention of a
her work with female crime victims, who tweeted “sex is immutable”, was Yet raising them reveals wrongthink party, has said child rapists who pledge for single-sex wards.
which he recalled from his time as bombarded with complaints to her identify as women should be housed Liz Truss can confidently answer
director of public prosecutions. Laura
was now CLP chairwoman, a
council monitoring officer which led
to her losing her cabinet role.
This is no longer fought in women’s prisons.
A rabid internal intolerance was
the question “what is a woman?”,
which flummoxes most Labour MPs.
doorstep stalwart who in 2018 almost
won a Lib Dem-held council seat.
They, and other local politicians I
spoke to, are terrified of being
on the fringes but in the illustrated only last week when the
Difficult Women author Helen Lewis
Many senior Labour figures privately
agree with feminist concerns but few
Yet applying to stand again in May,
Laura was flatly rejected. The
identified for fear of internal hearings.
The views they express are wholly
High Court and NHS was asked by LGBT Labour to
speak at a meeting celebrating
dare speak out. Only Wes Streeting
has shown the heir-to-Blair emotional
candidate selection panel cited her legal, yet these lifelong feminists feel which may be punished. Maureen Colquhoun, the first openly and political nous to say “women
tweets in support of JK Rowling and bullied, silenced and driven from the How long can Starmer stay silent lesbian MP. But since Lewis has have felt like they’re being told to be
questioning the fairness of male- party they’ve served for decades. when every news bulletin reports written (mildly and thoughtfully) quiet” and that policy details must be
bodied participation in women’s On hearing Tony Blair’s views on hand-to-hand combat between against self-ID, trans activists openly hammered out.
sports. Its report noted that Laura this debate (in The Times magazine sex-based rights and gender demanded she was disinvited, and Blair says his son Leo, 21, has told
had “explicitly stated there might be today) their response is utter relief. identity? This is no longer fought on the meeting was cancelled. him to keep out of the gender wars,
a trade-off” between trans equality “They [voters] don’t want a situation the fringes but in the High Court, This absolutist stance, as Blair because “there are feelings and there
and women’s rights, was “not open to where women can’t talk about being the NHS, university campuses, notes, will only alienate voters. are facts, but right now feelings are
changing her views” and, most women,” Blair says. “I have this Olympic committees, government “Equal rights doesn’t mean you can’t more important”. Yet soon Labour
Maoist of all, “she did not show conversation quite often with Labour departments. Stonewall plans to take use the phrase ‘pregnant woman’,” he will have to choose between the
any remorse”. people and I know their inclination its claim that the Equality and says. “If you went to Sedgefield and feelings-based demands of LGBT
For a longstanding member who’d is to walk round this issue, but I am Human Rights Commission is had that conversation, they would activists and biological facts which
given Labour so much energy and telling you to go right into it and politically biased (now that it’s no think you were bonkers.” Issues such are central to women’s rights. Labour
time, this was devastating. Laura resolve it in a way that makes it longer chaired by an ex-Stonewall as the erasure of words like “mother”, can shut down members like Laura
almost quit the party. Instead, after absolutely clear where you stand.” CEO) to the United Nations. “maternity” and “breastfeeding”, or with Maoist tribunals, but it won’t
four fretful months, her views, career This is an obvious rebuke to Neutrality is no longer an option. removal of women-only facilities, win without women’s trust.
28 V2 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

The tough act of following Cressida Dick Nuclear fusion

Sir, With reference to the article
Sir, You report Dame Cressida Dick’s Sir, Lesser people than Dame Sir, It is delusional to think that “Oxford hotspot hits 150,00,000C”
decision to resign given the mayor’s Cressida Dick would have promised simply changing the person at the top (Feb 10), while working as a young
“lack of confidence in her” (Feb 11), their political master the impossible of a large organisation like the Met scientific assistant more than 60 years
apparently prompted by publicity within an unreasonable timescale can change its ingrained culture in ago in the vacuum group at Services
given to the scandal at Charing Cross simply to keep their job. That she the short timescales allowed by Electronics Research Laboratory
police station. This occured three offered instead the achievable is a political appointments. Sir John (Royal Navy Scientific Service), I was
years ago and it is inconceivable that credit to her, to her professionalism Harvey-Jones, the chairman of ICI in asked to find and cure a vacuum leak
Lifting restrictions the mayor was not fully briefed on the and to her care for London. She the 1980s, was of the opinion that real in Harwell’s prototype toroid for
incident and subsequent disciplinary leaves with her head held high and, and lasting cultural change could only fusion research.
Sir, Tim Spector and other scientists proceedings. That being the case, his significantly, the support of her be achieved in a large organisation in A scientist from Harwell collected
have been quoted as criticising the sudden doubts about Dick’s ability officers. A very hard act to follow. a reasonable timescale by replacing at the repaired chamber and said to me
government decision to lift Covid represents the worst form of political Simon Walsh least one third of senior and middle “Useful sustained energy from D-T
restrictions based on politics rather opportunism by someone desperate Barrister and former chairman of the managers, particularly those who fusion is 30 years away. And always
than science or data (“Releasing the to shift attention from his own City of London Police Authority have grown up in the organisation. If will be.” Right twice over, so far.
infected could be ‘very stupid’, say failings. Whatever the many faults at Temple, London EC4 the new leader is to succeed where A five-second burst of energy from
experts”, Feb 11). Of course this the Met, the commissioner’s final act others have failed, they are going to the great-grandchild of the device I
decision needs to be political. The stands in contrast to those of this Sir, Cressida Dick was put in an have to make some tough decisions. repaired then shows that a lot of
impact of restrictions is not limited to self-serving self-publicist. impossible position and left with no Gordon Lethbridge money and expertise has been spent
Covid: they have far-reaching effects Jim Howard alternative but to resign. This should Sherborne, Dorset on a technology that is unlikely to
on the economy and health of the Ret’d Met chief superintendent not detract from her achievements. produce a solution to our power-
nation, leading to economic hardship, Bishopsteignton, Devon There has always been racism, Sir, There is a striking contrast in the generation needs. The problems
delay in medical treatments and poor mysogyny and corruption in the Met apparent accountability of the remain too great. An American
provision of education and social Sir, I served under eight Met Police and it seems that the extent of commissioner of the Metropolitan colleague stated years later: “It may
services. Furthermore, they distract commissioners during my police it has only fully broken through Police and the prime minister. not be useful but it keeps scientists off
from the massive challenges posed by career. Only a couple seemed to during her watch and can now no The Rev Andrew McLuskey the streets and out of the bars.”
climate change, poverty and global remember that they were still longer be brushed aside. Perhaps it Ashford, Middx Robert Sunderland
health, to mention just a few. We can carrying a warrant card and were was because there was a woman at Little Wymondley, Herts
argue about how to assess the relative therefore still constables and not the top that the mysogynists felt they Sir, From a distance the departure of
importance of these competing media celebrities or politicians. had carte blanche to act as they have Cressida Dick looks suspiciously like
priorities but it is the government’s
job to make decisions based on a
Cressida Dick was a copper, and I’m
sorry to see her leave.
and thus reveal themselves. For this
we should thank her.
another woman resigning because of
dreadful men.
Helpful farmers
bigger picture, not on the basis of Richard Hill Met Police ret’d Julian Fonseca Amanda Baker Sir, I have the greatest respect for our
advice from a single pressure group of Pirton, Hitchin, Herts Llanvetherine, Abergavenny Edinburgh farmers, and can sympathise with
scientists, however knowledgeable their views on a minority of visitors
and well intentioned they may be. (Letters, Feb 11). Loutish behaviour,
Benny Chain (“Scathing Major suggests the PM only obvious distinction that littering and out-of-control dogs must
Professor of computational Ukraine diplomacy must go if fined”, Feb 11). He should remained between barristers and be condemned by all who love our
immunology, University College have given his backing to the prime solicitors was the wig itself. countryside. However, as a walker of
London Sir, In discussing the possible minister, his government and the Ronald Thwaites QC over 30 years’ experience I can attest
“Finlandisation” of Ukraine, your wider Nato efforts to respond to the Esher, Surrey that a lot trespassing is unintentional
leading article (“Kyiv’s Cause”, Feb 11) threats from Russia. The British and a result of poor waymarking.
Tears of Eden correctly states that it would public can vote Johnson out of power Many is the time I have had to closely

Sir, I doubt that on November 4, 1956,

unacceptable for great powers to
enforce such a policy on Ukraine. In
within the next three years, if they so
desire. Not so for the Russian public
Ecclesiastical law scrutinise — often with a magnifying
glass — my maps to follow the right
Anthony Eden “broke down in tears his brilliant book The Ambassadors, with regard to Putin who has been in Sir, As a churchwarden, Christopher of way across farmland, particularly
as he accused his colleagues of Sir Robert Cooper explains that power for 22 years, and counting. Purvis (letter, Feb 8) should be careful where features such as walls and
deserting him before departing Finland’s neutrality was not “enforced” Nigel Ward what he wishes for when complaining hedges have been removed, and
upstairs to compose himself” (“Aides by great powers but was decided by Sheffield about the faculty jurisdiction that passing through farmyards is often
Decamp”, leading article, Feb 5). A Finland itself, against the wishes of grants the established Church of fraught with difficulty, with signage
cabinet meeting was held that day. the Soviet Union, which wanted a England ecclesiastical exemption from absent. Some enlightened landowners
Several ministers voiced doubts about
the imminent British military
military alliance. It was the ability of
the two Finnish negotiators, Paasikivi
Discarding wigs the greater bureaucracy of civil
planning law. It is administered by
provide helpful daubs of yellow paint
on gateposts, and one farmer near me
landings at Suez. The PM took Lord and Mannerheim, plus the respect Sir, Generations of female barristers diocesan advisory committees of has nailed yellow plastic lids on
Salisbury, Harold Macmillan and Rab Finland had earned from Stalin by its must sympathise with Michael experts who understand both historic wooden stakes to show the way. It
Butler aside, telling them that “if they brave resistance to the Soviet invasion Etienne (“Court wigs culturally church buildings and the purposes for would be beneficial if such practice
wouldn’t go on [supporting him] he of 1939, which secured more than insensitive, say black lawyers”, Feb 11). which they are used. Parishes would became more widespread.
would have to resign. Rab said if he “nominal” independence in 1948. Putting a wig on top of “a hairstyle” otherwise be at the mercy of council Ian G Dare
did resign no one else could form a The moral of the tale is that it is up can be guaranteed to ruin it. It is a planning committees and conservation Wirksworth, Derbyshire
government”, as Clarissa Eden to Ukraine to determine the conditions practical not a cultural problem. Only officers with little experience of church
recorded in her diary. After that Eden of its coexistence with Russia. They Betty Boothroyd got it right when she culture. It might prove harder to obtain
was given overwhelming backing.
Melodrama (though without the
are the two leading actors in this
drama; all the rest are bit players.
became Speaker of the Commons; she
dispensed with the wig, historically
consent for alterations to churches if
they were no longer in diocesan
Grave issues
tears) was injected into these events Lord Skidelsky worn by the holder of that office and ownership. Some local authorities have Sir, Your report (“Gravedigger’s tunnel
by Butler in his memoirs. He stated House of Lords it never came back. I believe that the been notably reluctant to permit the vision solves burial plot mix-up”,
that Eden adjourned the meeting “to wig would have been discarded in removal of bells from redundant Feb 10) reminded me of a similar
go upstairs and consider his position”. Sir, Whatever misgivings Sir John courts years ago had it not been for churches for use elsewhere. burial error, also in Lincolnshire,
Eden challenged Butler’s version, Major has about Boris Johnson, the solicitors attaining higher rights of Brian Harris which required a court judgment in
which was not supported by any of timing of his speech was appalling audience across all courts and the Lerwick, Shetland 1989. A grave space reserved for the
the others present. petitioner next to the grave of her late
Lord Lexden husband had been used for another
Conservative Party historian
BOLSHEVISM suppression of private trade, and the
breakdown of transport have hugely
facts are indisputable that the curse
of Bolshevism is both the cause of
burial. Judge Michael Goodman
decided that the petitioner’s legal

Corrections and AND intensified the effects of the drought

in the Volga area. Typhus completes
the disaster and the chief hindrance
to relief. Nothing can be done except
right to be buried in the reserved
space should be respected and he
clarifications FAMINE the work that starvation has begun,
and the state of transport is such
to concentrate in one area and save
at best a few. Meanwhile the authors
authorised an exhumation, but only
after an adjournment to enable the
that communication can barely be of this calamity are invited to discuss parties to discuss a suggestion, put to
6 We reported that in 2019 the maintained between this charnel- with Western statesmen at Genoa the petitioner in cross-examination,
International Criminal Court had from the times february 12, 1922 house and the outside world. A train the reconstruction of Europe. To that she might be buried in a vacant
issued a non-binding opinion on the on its way from Tashkent to Moscow allow them to sit on equal terms plot at the foot of her husband’s grave.
separation of the Chagos islands from We call attention to the statement in was three weeks late when it arrived with the Western Powers is surely This proved not acceptable, Goodman
Mauritius (World, Feb 9). In fact the another column from Sir Benjamin at Samara, and 25 people had died of the last indignity that could be being told “that her husband had
opinion came from the International Robertson, an expert in Indian typhus or starvation on the way and inflicted on a great nation now never bullied her or trampled on her
Court of Justice. famine relief who has just visited the been thrown out of the train. Sir prostrate. While thousands are dying in life and that she did not like the
Volga famine area in Russia. The Benjamin does not tell the worst. He horribly, it is intolerable that idea of being under his feet”.
The Times takes distress was infinitely greater than refers to the children who have gone European Powers should engage in David Lamming
complaints anything he had seen in India. A wild in deserted villages and are friendly negotiations with that Boxford, Suffolk
about editorial population of 15 or 16 millions is picked up not knowing their names. implacable force whose continued
content seriously. We are committed to seriously affected, and half as many He says nothing of the dead that lie existence will plunge Russia into yet
abiding by the Independent Press
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules
more in a minor degree. The country
is absolutely denuded of grain,
about in villages and near stations,
or of the well-attested cases of
deeper ruin. Help must be given, and
that speedily, but there must be no
Just a delusion
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of mainly by requisitioning. In India, bodies being filched by night to be illusions as to the terrible extent and Sir, Deborah Ross asks what is the
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or when famine occurs, relief is devoured by desperate survivors. He the menacing cause of the calamity. opposite of “impostor syndrome”
clarifications should be sent by email to provided through private trade from speaks of what came under his own (Times2, Feb 10) How about or by post to regions where the crop is good. In observation. His concern is with “delusions of competence”?
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge Russia, Bolshevist requisitioning, the relief and not with causes, but the Ros Cooper
Street, London SE1 9GF Amersham, Bucks
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 29

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: Protests over the cost-of-living crisis are
held in Parliament Square and cities across
Britain; Wales v Scotland in the Six Nations.

Birthdays today
Dame Norma Major,
pictured, writer,
Chequers: the prime
minister’s country house
Metropolitan Mess
and its history (1996), 80;
Darren Aronofsky, film Cressida Dick had to go, given the tide of scandals, but being Met commissioner has
director, Black Swan
(2010), 53; David Aukin, become a near-impossible job. Wide-ranging reform of policing is needed
theatre and film producer, Endgame (2009),
80; Steve Backley, athlete, world record In the end, she had to go. Dame Cressida Dick was vealed that officers at Charing Cross police sta- report by ordering a delay in publication of most
holder for javelin (1990, 1992), 53; Joe Don a dedicated, lifelong policewoman, popular with tion had joked about rape, killing black children of the detail.
Baker, actor, the James Bond film series her colleagues and determined to push through and domestic violence. It is an appalling record. The political context in which the commission-
(1987, 1995, 1997), 86; Judy Blume, writer, Are the reforms needed to change the toxic culture of That said, finding a successor to Dame Cressida er operates adds to the pressures of the job. The
You There God? It’s Me, Margaret (1970), 84; the Metropolitan Police. But the scandals were will not be easy, which is why her contract had Met is both the police force for greater London
Josh Brolin, actor, Milk (2008), 54; Lord too many, the responses too lame and the image been controversially extended five months ago. and a national agency for dealing with terrorism,
(Alex) Carlile of Berriew, Freedom of of the country’s biggest police force too tarnished The reality is that being Met commissioner has serious crime and fraud, as well as a reserve force
Information commissioner, 74; Lord to repair without drastic and immediate action. become a near-impossible job, which partly ex- called in to help smaller police forces over-
(Stephen) Carter of Barnes, chief executive, The commissioner insisted she would remain in plains why the past four incumbents have similar- whelmed by a big local crime. As a result the com-
Informa, 58; Annette Crosbie, actress, One her post to tackle the myriad challenges. Sadiq ly left under a cloud. The new commissioner’s top missioner must be both a local and a national
Foot in the Grave (1990-2000), 88; Sir Khan, the mayor of London, was unconvinced. priority must be to end a culture of macho banter figure and is accountable to both the home secre-
Howard Davies, chairman, Natwest Group, He responded to the anger across the capital and in a force of some 33,000 officers that too often tary and the mayor of London. That threatens to
71; Matthew Elliott, chief executive, Vote the calls for her resignation. The showdown was has manifest itself in misogyny, racism and homo- turn any controversy concerning the Met into a
Leave (2015-16), 44; Costa-Gavras, film set for Thursday afternoon but, insisting she had phobia. The new commissioner will also have to trial of political strength. Indeed, Priti Patel, the
director, Z (1969), 89; “Prince” Naseem no choice, she quit before being sacked. Mr Khan end the confusion over priorities that gives too home secretary, has insinuated that Mr Khan was
Hamed, boxer, world featherweight acted within his rights. And he was right. much attention to tweets causing presumed playing politics in forcing Dame Cressida out. He
champion (1995-2000), 48; Michael Dame Cressida had lost public confidence. In offence and too little to old-fashioned burglary in turn is fighting accusations that as mayor he is
McDonald, musician, Doobie Brothers, 70; the past year alone, the police have been dis- and a surge in knife crime. He or she will also have personally to blame for rising crime.
Jon Prichard, chief executive, Institution of graced by the failure to stop PC Wayne Couzens to deal with past and previous corruption. What is needed is a commission on policing
Chemical Engineers, 58; Jim Renwick, rugby before he raped and murdered Sarah Everard. A That task is made harder by the increasing throughout Britain that can clarify the dual role.
player, Scotland (1972-84), 70; Christina vigil for her was then broken up with unnecessary politicisation of the Met. This intrusion of police It should also examine how best to reform the
Ricci, actress, The Addams Family (1991), 42; force. Police officers photographed the bodies of work into national politics has been made country’s 43 police forces to meet the demands of
Sir Nicholas Soames, Conservative MP for two murdered sisters and shared the images. An painfully clear by the Met’s belated decision to 21st-century law enforcement. But the Met can-
Mid Sussex (1997-2019), 74; Gundappa independent panel found the force to be institu- investigate the parties and shenanigans in not wait for this. Better to appoint an interim com-
Viswanath, cricketer, India (1969-83), 73. tionally corrupt. Blunders and latent homopho- Downing Street during lockdown. It has faced missioner, preferably one familiar with London
bia allowed Stephen Port to continue murdering weeks of criticism, first for not stepping in earlier policing and able to win acceptance and trust, and
young gay men. And only last week it was re- and then for allegedly “stitching up” Sue Gray’s then extend the search. Time for a clean sweep.
Birthdays tomorrow
Hugh Dennis, pictured,
comedian and actor,
Outnumbered (2007-16),
60; Michael
Growing Problems
Attenborough, artistic
director, Almeida Strong GDP growth in 2021 masks the looming spectre of stagflation
Theatre, London
(2002-13), 72; Dame Vera A vindication of sorts for Boris Johnson. Britain is cost-of-living squeeze in more than 70 years, with Against this backdrop, Mr Johnson would be
Baird QC, victims’ commissioner for indeed the fastest-growing economy in the G7, as real post-tax incomes forecast to fall by 2 per cent advised to dial down the boasting. He should focus
England and Wales, 72; Stockard Channing, the prime minister has repeatedly claimed. Or at this year. Households face the triple whammy of instead on coming up with a comprehensive plan
actress, Grease (1978), 78; Joyce DiDonato, least it was in 2021, according to the latest data the highest tax burden since the 1970s, inflation to reboot Britain’s growth model. The key chal-
mezzo-soprano, 53; Lord (Ian) Duncan of from the Office for National Statistics.The British that is forecast to hit 7.5 per cent this year driven by lenge is to rekindle investment, which has flat-
Springbank, chairman, The National Forest, economy grew by 7.5 per cent in the year to soaring energy prices, and the higher interest rates lined since the Brexit referendum, despite the
49; Baroness (Shreela) Flather, the first December, the strongest domestic growth since needed to tame it. The result is growth that is fore- introduction in last year’s budget of a two-year
Asian woman to be awarded a peerage the Second World War. Even the Omicron variant cast to slow to 3.75 per cent this year, below that of 130 per cent corporation tax “super-deduction”
(1990), 88; Peter Gabriel, singer-songwriter, dented the recovery less than feared, with GDP most G7 countries, and then fall to a mere 1.25 per for investment in physical assets. Last week’s level-
Genesis (1966-75), 72; Sir Peter Gross, falling by only 0.2 per cent in December, well cent in 2023 and 1 per cent the year after. ling-up white paper contained some useful ideas
judicial commissioner, 70; Dr DG Hessayon, below forecasts of a contraction of 0.6 per cent. As David Smith noted in his column in Wednes- but nothing that would lead anyone to upgrade
gardening author, the Expert Guides, 94; Nonetheless, this rapid bounceback needs to be day’s paper, that will not feel like a growing eco- their growth forecasts. Meanwhile a government
Peter Hook, bassist, Joy Division and New seen in the context of what was the deepest reces- nomy for most people, nor will such low growth be paper on the benefits of Brexit was notable for the
Order, 66; Beate Klarsfeld, war crimes sion of any G7 country the previous year when the good enough to fund the growing demands on the lack of any detailed plans to use Britain’s new regu-
investigator, 83; Ann Limb, chairwoman, economy slumped by 9.4 per cent. Indeed, GDP state as demographic pressures intensify. The risk latory freedoms. Instead ministers are asking the
City and Guilds of London Institute, 69; ended the year 0.4 per cent below its pre-pandem- is that in an economy that is already close to full public to send in their own ideas for deregulation.
Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer and ic peak, whereas all other major economies had employment and where there are record numbers That is not good enough. The high-wage, high-
deputy chairwoman, telecom company recovered their lost ground well before the end of of job vacancies, workers will ignore the advice of growth economy promised by Mr Johnson risks
Huawei, 50; Kim Novak, actress, Vertigo last year. Meanwhile the latest trade data, also Andrew Bailey, the Bank of England governor, to becoming a high-tax, slow-growth economy, held
(1958), 89; Rachel Reeves, Labour MP for published yesterday, shows imports and exports moderate their wage demands and instead push back by new trade barriers whose most visible
Leeds West, shadow chancellor of the still below 2018 levels, despite a rebound in 2021. for inflation-busting pay rises. That would all but manifestation is the queue of lorries now stuck in
exchequer, 43; Prof Sir Simon Schama, The economic outlook appears less promising guarantee a return to Seventies-style stagflation, the Kent countryside. Unblocking Britain’s
historian and broadcaster, 77; Jerry Springer, the further one looks ahead. The Bank of England forcing the Bank into further growth-sapping faltering supply side will require more than
US talk-show host, 78 ; Donald Sumpter, warned last week that Britons face the deepest interest rate rises to cool demand. boosterism and the use of misleading statistics.
actor, In the Heart of the Sea (2015), 79;
David Tremlett, sculptor, 77; Anna Watkins,
rower, Olympic gold medallist (2012), 39;
Robbie Williams, singer, 48.
Second Best
On this day
Not winning first time around can be a good outcome
In 1916 the first issue of The Wipers Times,
a satirical trench newspaper, was printed by Jessie Buckley, the Irish actress who has been It is noteworthy how many singing stars first Some people are late developers. Some draw
British soldiers. nominated for an Oscar, was previously best came to public attention on The X Factor but did motivation from a desire to prove their early
known for losing a television talent show. not win. Olly Murs, Rebecca Ferguson and Cher critics wrong. Some need to find their niche:
Fourteen years ago, aged 18, she made it to the Lloyd are now more successful than many of the Stacey Solomon turned out to be a more gifted TV
The last word final two hopefuls in I’d Do Anything, the winner of erstwhile rivals who beat them. Susan Boyle did presenter than she was a vocalist. Peaking too
which would be cast as Nancy in the West End not win Britain’s Got Talent. JK Rowling’s first Har- soon or too young can often bring more sadness
“If you ever saw a policeman with a club in his revival of Oliver! Andrew Lloyd Webber favoured ry Potter manuscript was turned down by 12 pub- than happiness in the long run.
hand, I want to ask you, did you ever see that her, the public vote did not. lishers. Aged 14, Steven Gerrard, who would earn There is a virtue, even a nobility, in losing and
policeman club a millionaire? But it is ‘Get out Buckley was devastated. And yet she learned 114 caps for England, was turned down by the FA coming back for more. Richard Nixon lost in 1960
of here, damn you, go on to jail, damn you,’ if the truth of the words of Thomas Edison, the school of excellence. Yesterday our sports pages and came back to win in 1968 and 1972. Although,
it is a working man.” Mary Harris “Mother” inventor, familiar to every entrepreneur, motiva- profiled Ollie Chessum, the rugby player who may with the 50th anniversary of the career-ending
Jones, US labour organiser, speech in tional speaker and sports coach: “I have not failed. make his England debut tomorrow, despite having Watergate break-in due this summer, it might be
Princeton, West Virginia, August 15, 1920 I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” been rejected by a lower-tier club not so long ago. best not to stretch his particular example too far.
30 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Write to Feedback by emailing

Comment or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Stamping out any

servant at 10 Downing Street. “He Much ado about thanks the subject of the first sentence is not
had been on night duty,” she writes, “one” but “pupils”, or rather a

“and was up early and starting work eter Galloway wrote from East fraction of all the pupils, and we’re
when Sir Edward Ford, assistant Preston, West Sussex, about a not talking about “one” but “one-in-
private secretary to the King, arrived leading article last Saturday. eight” of them. We could, indeed,

disrespect about asking to see the prime minister.

Winston Churchill was still in bed,
sitting up and reading the papers.
Ford stood at the foot of his bed and
said, ‘Sir, I have grave news. The
“You eloquently thundered the case
for celebrating Her Majesty’s jubilee
and then, with reference to her life of
service, you added, ‘For that life
being so long, much thanks’. I
have expressed this as an eighth or
12.5 per cent, ie not a single sick
child, but lots of them.
If we think about it, which of these
sounds better — “One in eight pupils

the King’s death King died during the night.’

“After a minute’s silence, Churchill
turned to my father and said, ‘Well,
my boy, you had better get on with
whatever’s necessary’.”
appreciate that it’s difficult to
imagine a single ‘thank’, as the word
is only ever used in the plural. In
that case, should we not refer to
‘many’ thanks?”
was off school. They were going
down like flies” or “One in eight
pupils were off school. They were
going down like flies”?
We prefer the latter.
immediately said, ‘That’ll mean new In those days you didn’t break Yes, of course, he’s right,
Rose stamps’. He was cuffed by the head news like this on the telephone, so technically speaking, although this Naming the day
for his pains and told not to be Oates set off round Whitehall and wasn’t actually about singulars or addy McEvoy wrote from
Feedback disrespectful.” Westminster to call on the people plurals. It was simply a leader writer March, Cambridgeshire,
Several people were struck by the who had to be informed. He began succumbing to a stylistic flourish. recently to suggest that sport
supplement’s archaic punctuation. “It with the Speaker of the House of The watchman Francisco’s “For this writers were increasingly confusing
was a surprise to this 75-year-old,” Commons and the lord chancellor, relief much thanks” in Hamlet Act I, “in the ascendant”, ie, on the way up,
@timesfeedback Andrew Edmond wrote from then the leader of the opposition and scene 1, is right up there with “It is a with “in the ascendancy”, ie on top
Southampton, “to see to-day and former prime minister, Clement truth universally acknowledged” and already. He’s probably right.

onday’s supplement of to-morrow treated as hyphenated Attlee, who had to be called out of a “Reader, I married him” as one of the Then on Wednesday we discussed
facsimile pages words. When did this stop?” meeting to see him. “Thinking about most commonly used, or — let’s not a potential royal house move “when
commemorating the Good question. The change seems it all later,” Mrs Wright says, “he was beat around the bush — overused of Charles ascends to the throne”. The
death of George VI and to have gone unannounced but by amazed that no one asked questions literary allusions. Rev Dr Brian Curnew of London N11
the Queen’s accession diligent research I’ve pinned it down or said what did he, a junior civil wondered if “ascends” was quite the
prompted many readers to recall to April 16, 1960 — roughly 20 years servant, think he was doing, ordering Play the percentages word we intended.

where and how they heard the news. after most people stopped using it. important people about. By the time ike Warren of Heversham, “It could be a fair description,
You have to feel sorry for this online No doubt the letters editor of the day he got back to No 10 someone had Cumbria, raised another because a throne is generally a step
commenter: “It was my seventh was besieged by outraged readers contacted the foreign secretary, who question about plurals. “In or two up, on a podium. But doesn’t
birthday. Very excited at breakfast bemoaning the change, American had to tell the princess, now Queen, Wednesday’s article about the its common use actually involve
and looking forward to a special influences and the end of civilisation in Kenya. Then the news was importance of teachers you said, confusion with another and similar
family supper. At school we had as they knew it, but as far as I can released to the BBC and broadcast to ‘One in eight pupils were off school’ sounding word, viz accede? We refer
prayers and solemn hymns. No see no complaints were published. the nation at 11 o’clock. and later, ‘two in five heads are to Her Majesty’s accession, not
celebrations that year.” My favourite Catherine Wright was only four “I suppose my father came home planning to retire’ (my italics). While ascension, and no one says that
recollection was that of Bill Thomas: when the King died, but she has sent that night,” she says. “I have no the latter is correct, surely the February 6 is Ascension Day.”
“I was told on the football pitch by us an account of the day’s events as recollection. Coronation Day was a former is not?” I take his point. Even for a
the headmaster of my prep school. experienced by her father, Peter different matter, though. I spent that This is something we’re commonly monarch of the realm that would
Pacy, one of the dimmer boys, Oates, who was then a junior civil day at 10 Downing Street myself.” asked about, and here is the thinking: seem a little presumptuous.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 31


f you want to get ahead, get a Morocco, dangling corks in Oz, party
hat. And if you’ve got a really big
hat, that suggests you are
hat in the cabinet room.
A trawl of her Instagrim shows her
Oi, Lavrov, under David Cameron now in charge
of foreign policy? The hair and heir
of Thatcher, really?
Brexit opportunities and government
efficiency. Or BOGEY. A job not to
be sniffed at.
struggling to stay in the race and
have some catching up to do.
Of course Liz Truss was going to
sporting a pilot’s crash hat on an
aircraft carrier, a hard hat on
Glasgow’s docks and in April 2019 a
it’s our job Has she really reinvented herself to
emerge as a leadership frontrunner,
or has she just hung around long
Yet when Sergey Lavrov, the
unfriendly face of Russia since the
days when Truss was merely worrying
wear a big furry hat in Russia. While
Boris Johnson was reaching for Jimmy
Savile as part of a dead cat strategy (if
tin helmet while visiting Oliver
Cromwell’s house. The Lib Dem-
turned-Tory, Remainer-turned-
to make enough? Truss is the longest
continuously serving member of
cabinet, an unbroken record which is
about where her pears came from,
called her “deaf” and “selfish”, I
couldn’t help thinking: “Oi, back off.
something goes wrong, change the
subject by throwing a dead cat on the
Leaver posted that she was once with
the Roundheads, “until they started
ludicrous Liz worth celebrating in the way I
might marvel at my dog
Don’t take the mick out of our foreign
secretary. That’s our job.” And at least
table, so your critics now think you’re
a rule-breaking liar AND a
psychopath), Truss was wandering
banning fun”. She added the hashtag
#thelaughingcavalier, just three
months before they elected him
look foolish, squeezing out a long, continuous
record-breaker. Weirdly
impressive but ultimately
we won’t end up in the gulag for doing
it. And the only shots will be the ones
for her photo album. I’d take the deaf
around Moscow with a black cat atop
her noggin that could have been drop-
kicked there by Kurt Zouma. If the big
Tory leader.
Exactly four years ago this week,
in one of her first Insta posts, she
not yours pointless and actually enough
to make you feel a bit sick.
Since she was put in
person over the death person.
There goes our Liz, striding
through Red Square. No need to pop
furry thing had been any taller she wore a facemask before it was cool, Matt Chorley charge of Brexit we’ve seen in to see embalmed Lenin when she’s
could get a job blowing her own posing in a carpenter’s workshop the illegal suspension of got her own permanently pickled
trumpet in the Coldstream Guards. with the message: “Learning how to customs checks, the leader at home. Speaking of which,
Never mind that it was actually 2C put together a cabinet”. And she has resignation of the first Boris Johnson did his own bit for
and everyone else was bareheaded, been eyeing the top job ever since. Listen to Matt Chorley minister and Jacob “British diplomacy too this week, declaring at
Truss knows it’s important to wear How though? Someone barely every Monday to Friday, fish are happier” Rees-Mogg Nato: “Our intelligence, I’m afraid to
location-appropriate headgear. Fez in trusted to outline cheese policy 10am to 1pm being named minister for say, remains grim”. He’s not wrong.

The Blue Boy is back where he belongs

A century after the nation mourned its departure, Gainsborough’s portrait of youthful charm and confidence returns
England, in a day or two, forever. He painting The Times echoed the grief
Ben received us dressed in a beautiful of war: “We asked him not to forget
Macintyre blue satin suit.” Sir Charles Holmes, us, or cease to love us.”
then director of the National Gallery, But the lack of a specific identity
scribbled on the reverse of the made the young man in blue
painting: “Au revoir”. infinitely adaptable: few images in
And now The Blue Boy is indeed history have been so widely
@benmacintyre1 back, on display at the National reproduced and for such a variety of
Gallery until May, for the first time cultural purposes.

hen Thomas in 100 years. He stands, hand on hip, Marlene Dietrich was
Gainsborough’s The direct of gaze, gorgeous and photographed in an androgynous
Blue Boy departed for confident, but also enigmatic. Blue Boy costume, and Shirley
America exactly a Because an enduring mystery Temple appeared as Gainsborough’s
century ago, the surrounds the boy: no one knows for boy in the 1935 movie Curly Top. The
cultural community of Britain went sure who he really was. Blue Boy has featured in Laurel and
into mourning, led by this The most widely accepted theory Hardy, the films The Naked Gun,
newspaper. is that the sitter was Jonathan Buttall Batman and Joker, as well as the
“One or two of us had tears in our (1752–1805), the son of a wealthy comic strip Dennis the Menace. In
eyes,” The Times reported, following hardware merchant and friend of the Django Unchained, Quentin
the sale of the portrait to an Gainsborough family. Certainly the Tarantino clad his principal
American railroad tycoon. “Perhaps painting was owned by Buttall until character, a freed slave, in blue silk.
it was because some of the lovely he filed for bankruptcy in 1796 and The image became an icon of gay
youth of our country seemed to be sold it. But if, as believed, the portrait liberation. Robert Rauschenberg
going with him, some of the grace of was painted in 1770, then Buttall decided to become an artist on
the old time, when men and women would already have been 18 years old seeing the portrait.
wore those gorgeous clothes, and and the boy in the painting appears The boy was nobody in particular,
were untroubled by the many self- to be younger. and therefore everybody. The
questionings of our generations; More recent scholarship suggests mystery surrounding his identity was
something of the courtly grace and he may be Gainsborough Dupont, intentional. The image was never
the serene carriage of a people who the artist’s nephew, apprentice and intended to portray a person but
knew themselves a great people and the only assistant he ever took on. rather an idea. It was, in many ways,
were not ashamed to own it.” Dupont was two years younger than an advertisement, a fancy display
Gainsborough’s portrait of a youth Buttall and lived with the painting to entice buyers and
clad in shimmering blue satin had Gainsboroughs. It would have been patrons, and therefore deliberately
been bought by the Californian easy to dress him up in blue fabric left nameless. Gainsborough had a
magnate Henry E Huntington for and get him to pose for the portrait. portrait business in Bath when he
$728,000 ($11.3 million today), The Gainsborough family dog painted it but he aspired to move to
then the highest price paid for originally appeared in the corner London as a court painter, where his
a painting. To many in Britain, of the canvas, before being work might attract the attention of
the sale symbolised a shift of painted out. the new and increasingly wealthy
cultural power, with brash new Thomas’s sister Mary ran a metropolitan elite.
American money milliner’s shop next door and Painted in the sumptuous style of
snapping up the may have furnished the Van Dyck’s cavaliers, complete with
artistic treasures of feathered hat held in his ribboned shoes and lacy collar, the
the Old World. right hand. The few boy is an image of upward social
Cole Porter surviving pictures of mobility, a commoner with a young
caught the moment in Gainsborough Dupont aristocrat’s poise, an 18th-century
Blue Boy Blues: “A silver reveal a young man emblem of confidence clad in 17th-
dollar took me and my with delicate features century sartorial bling.
collar/ To show the slow similar to the Blue It is also an artistic tour de force,
cowboys just how boys/ In Boy. Wearing shimmering satin and a look of self-confidence, The Blue Boy has been Gainsborough’s virtuoso
England used to be dressed But it is quite imitated by many, including Tarantino’s Django Unchained, left, with Jamie Foxx demonstration that when it came
. . .” possible that the to depicting youth and beauty in oil
More than 90,000 people adolescent was his name will probably never be manhood being taken away for ever. he was the equal of Van Dyck
crammed into the farewell someone else known for sure. The very anonymity Two years earlier, an unnamed himself.
exhibition of 1922, as if entirely: of the sitter reinforced the painting’s body had been returned from the And so The Blue Boy gazes down
attending a wake. The Gainsborough nostalgic power in 1922. Britain had battlefields of France and laid to rest once more from the walls of the
Times was there on the day never identified lost a generation of young men in in Westminster Abbey in the Tomb National Gallery: unmistakable,
it was taken down: “We the sitter in his the First World War, and to many of the Unknown Warrior. The name unafraid, untroubled by the passing
have been to say ‘goodbye’ Portrait of a Young the fresh-faced figure represented of the departing Blue Boy was also years and above all, unnamed,
to a boy who is leaving Gentleman either, and doomed youth, a boy on the cusp of unknown, and in its eulogy to the exactly as Gainsborough intended.
32 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


weekend essay

Many voters detest

Macron but he’ll
get a second chance
He was the outsider who came to power promising a whirlwind of reform.
Five years on, despite showing scorn for society’s losers and breaking a string
of promises, the president can thank the failings of his far-right and left-wing
rivals for leaving him poised for re-election, says Charles Bremner

mmanuel Macron was in his element this hard for someone reporting his fifth Élysée campaign
week. After days consulting fellow leaders in to avoid clichés about French paradoxes to explain the
Washington, Berlin, Brussels and London, the quirks of the elected monarchy of the Fifth Republic,
French president flew to Moscow to bend the created for Charles de Gaulle six decades ago.
ear of Vladimir Putin over Ukraine. Starting at The provincial schoolboy whose teacher, Brigitte
a monumentally long white Kremlin table yards apart Trogneux, 24 years his senior, became his wife and
from Putin, Macron spent five hours debating with the mentor, is a control freak who has run the most
Russian president, holding his own as self-appointed secretive, top-down presidency since de Gaulle.
mediator for the western world. “He was almost Protected by a small, mainly male, staff he remains an
torturing me,” Putin said after emerging past midnight enigma. Even close aides say he keeps his thoughts to
from his marathon with the loquacious Frenchman. himself and the older mentors who drop in with advice
Putin yielded almost nothing in public but Macron say they do not know which way he will turn. Unlike
claimed he had won an assurance of de-escalation and his chattier predecessors Nicolas Sarkozy and François
dashed off to Kyiv to consult President Zelensky. Hollande, Macron does not hobnob with journalists, a
Whether Macron’s two-day shuttle eased the East- tribe he dislikes. His own MPs, all recruits to La
West stand-off, it certainly helped at home as he seeks République en Marche, the party he founded in 2016,
re-election. A devotee of theatre, Macron delights in complain he does not listen to them.
striding the stage, especially now as he casts himself The yellow vest uprising Macron has transgressed more than his predecessors,
above the scrum scrapping to eject him from the Élysée has added some lines to arguing with the public, occasionally insulting people
Palace in April. Macron is unpopular, with less than Macron’s youthful brow and appearing in unpresidential clothes.
40 per cent of voters approving of his H relishes confrontation with
performance, but even his critics concede b
bystanders, a trait that led to a slap in the
admiration for the energy of the man f
face from a young monarchist in the
who in 2017 became France’s youngest s
southeast last June. He has performed
ruler since Napoleon Bonaparte. o hip web videos and once on a low-
on macronisme in the way that le gaullisme, le
The 44-year-old president has visibly c
class TV chat show, and he has mitterrandisme and le sarkozysme were well
matured, a few lines now marking his a
addressed his citizens more on understood. In the 1960s de Gaulle embodied the
face, but after four years of battering by t
television than any predecessor. grandeur of a reviving postwar nation, Mitterrand in
the yellow-vest insurrection, months of His apogee was a confessional TV the 1980s and early 1990s projected a left-wing version
anti-reform public sector strikes and s
session in December when he disserted of that plus a devotion to Europe, and Sarkozy stood
then the pandemic, he remains armed f two hours about himself in a way
for for a blokeish self-sufficiency that is fondly
with the extraordinary self-confidence u
unthinkable for mundane prime remembered by conservatives a decade after he lost
that propelled him into office. m
ministers in parliamentary power.
On the verge of declaring his d
democracies. He claimed success but Recent attempts have described la pensée macroniste
candidacy, Macron has reason to be a
admitted that a failure to heed the as realism, pragmatism, egoism, enlightenment and
confident. The charm and chutzpah u
unhappiness of struggling wage- “emancipation of the individual”. For the left and the
that landed the little-known economy e
earners had alienated people and disgruntled lower classes of la France périphérique who
minister in the Élysée has faded since helped trigg
trigger th
the violent gilets jaunes uprising that back Le Pen and the yellow vests, Macron is a liberal
events punctured his promises of French began in the provinces and knocked his presidency off “president of the rich”, a tag which stuck from the
renaissance. But though the national mood is bleak, course for six months from November 2018. He start. For the mainstream right, Macron remains the

the economy is thriving, thanks to “whatever-it-takes” regretted harsh words such as talking about France’s figure groomed by his original father-figure from the
handouts, and Macron is credited with sound handling deplorables as “people who are nothing” and telling an Deuxième Gauche, the old reformist left headed by the
of the later phase of the pandemic, with compulsory unemployed man to “cross the road and you’ll find a late Michel Rocard. They see him as profligate and
vaccine passes and schools and businesses kept open. No French job”. “I think that with certain of my words, I wounded feeble on law and order and immigration.
French voters are notoriously fickle but barring a people . . . ” Though supposed to show humility, To some extent he is all of these because, under
real upset in the final weeks, none of Macron’s rivals leader has Macron’s performance came over as arrogant, not least pressure from the protesters and the pandemic, the
appear to wield enough clout to knock him off the
Élysée throne. Of the top three contenders, only one, inspired the for hijacking TF1, the most popular television channel,
for almost a whole evening. Opponents mocked it as a
book-loving former haut fonctionnaire who spent four
years as a merchant banker has swung from promoter of
Valérie Pécresse of the conservative mainstream
Republican Party, has a plausible chance of unseating
hatred Macron cross between electioneering and psychotherapy.
Macron will not be pinned down. He still abides by
a “start-up” nation to champion of a traditional French
caring state that is supposed to guarantee security
him if she reaches the second round run-off, but she
has lost momentum after a strong start in December.
draws since the “at the same time” catchphrase he deployed in
2017, ensuring ambiguity that lets him appeal to both
behind the walls of a protective European Union. The
man derided as a “free-exchange globalist” turned
Marine Le Pen is running in second place, but for all
her efforts to detoxify her far-right National Rally she
Louis XVI, the the centre-left and centre-right. He has raided the
mainstream parties from either side: his two prime
quickly into champion of “economic sovereignism”, a
shield for the EU from unfair global trade practices.
is still deemed a threat to democracy by just over half
the country. The level of rejection is even higher for
king who was ministers, Édouard Philippe and Jean Castex, came
from the Republicans, while the Socialists provided
We are a long way from the overthrow of the cosy and
sclerotic state that Macron set out in Révolution, his
Éric Zemmour, the more intellectual but sulphurous
polemicist who made a splash when he leapt into the
guillotined Jean-Yves Le Drian, his veteran foreign minister, and
several other ministers.
2016 manifesto which promised disruption to build a
“fair, effective, entrepreneurial France in which
race in the autumn hoping to repeat Macron’s after the 1789 In a country where the executive head of state is everyone chooses their life and lives from their work”.
outsider’s feat of 2017. supposed to be a charismatic father figure with The reforms came quickly in the early Macron
Macron is full of contradictions, which makes it revolution inspiring doctrines, no one has been able to define le years. The red tape that chokes the labour market was
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 33


Emmanuel Macron at a minority, he remains less unpopular than all outgoing

Bastille Day military presidents since Jacques Chirac in 2002. An
parade in 2019, left, unchanging quarter of the electorate says it will back
discussing the Ukraine him in the first round, the same level as in 2017, and a
crisis with President Putin, majority have told pollsters for months they prefer
above, and celebrating his him to any opponent in the run-off. Few outside the
election win in 2017 with urban professional classes love the enigmatic young
his wife, Brigitte, below
president with the know-all air but he is credited with
getting the job done. That comes not just from reading
polls; I hear it in the mainly lower-income village
where I live between Chartres and Paris.
Macron has in a way been helped by the pandemic.
The emergency enabled him to shelve his biggest
reform, a remake of the labyrinthine retirement
system, after it had stirred up months of public sector
strikes and protests. Public opinion, fiercely attached
to a system of 42 pension regimes and retirement at
62, turned against the scheme to create a single
system. That illustrated the truth of a 2017 claim
Macron made in a speech to his first grand
parliamentary session in Versailles: “France is not a
country that rreforms.”

fter a rough first few months of
Covid, with a shortage of masks
and government confusion,
Macron gained support for his
firm management, imposing
some of Europe’s strictest confinement
rules. He later risked ignoring expert
advice and kept life fairly normal. Instead
o “rebuilding France” as he loftily
pledged in 2017, he has ended up
vaccinating France. It has worked, with 80
pe cent inoculated, despite resistance
from an antivaccination fringe that rejects
compulsory vaccine passes as dictatorship.
The president who promised to cut deficits
lightened, housing tax and most of the wealth tax générale — the widespread anger — across the and trim the bloated state has poured tens of
were ended, business levies were eased and the lower reaches of France. These are the “diesel el billions into
billions in aiding businesses and keeping the
behemoth SNCF railways was converted to a drivers and cigarette smokers” as a minister called economy afloat.
economy afl Growth was 6.5 per cent last year,
commercial state enterprise after weeks of strikes. them, who feel left out of the new society of high tech above the euro
eurozone average, and unemployment is at
Macron also imposed a new regal style, with pomp- and climate policies promoted by Macron and nd backed its lowest for a decade, albeit still at a chronically high
filled ceremony at Versailles and other royal palaces, by his urban, university-educated admirers. The anger 8 per cent
cent. The cost has been a leap in debt to 116 per

intended to reinstate national grandeur after the rages on, showing how Macron has failed in his 2017 cent of GDP, far beyond the EU limits. The
unseemly presidency of Hollande, his former boss, promise to unite the country in a new consensus after modernising president who promised a vigorous, leaner
with his soap opera love life and debilitating revolt in decades of periodic civil strife. It is manifested by the state is ending his term with more civil servants than
his own socialist administration. intention expressed by over 40 per cent who say they French voters when he began. As Pierre-Antoine Delhommais wrote
Despite resistance to reforms, Macron did not suffer will vote in April for the far-right or far-left “anti- in Le Point: “The candidate Macron promised ‘a society
the swift slump in popularity that has hit all new system” contenders, led by Le Pen, the working class are notoriously freed of straitjackets and obstructions’. Five years later
presidents since 1974. That year, the newly elected
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing faced the onset of the
nationalist, Zemmour, the metropolitan doom-monger,
and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the radical left and fickle but, it seems to be more than ever their prisoner.”
On top of that, the data contradicts Macron’s claims
slowdown that has ever since afflicted France with
chronic high unemployment. For decades France has
nationalist France Unbowed party. In the French
version of the polarisation and intolerance that has
barring a real that lower-income France has benefited most from a
rise in spending power. Worry about declining real
absorbed la crise into the mental landscape, feeding a
sense of decline despite prosperity and a quality of life
emerged across the western world, one in four people
would be happy for the army to run the country and
upset, none of income is the top issue for voters, above law and order,
immigration, and Islamism, the stock-in-trade of the
that much of the world envies.
In late 2018 the clumsy imposition of fuel carbon
two in five would welcome an unelected “strongman”
as leader, according to a January poll. Another showed
Macron’s rivals three challengers who are all on Macron’s right.
The president’s response is to ask for more time to
taxes along with an 80km/h speed limit on rural roads
combined with Macron’s scorn for society’s losers to
that four in ten said they “understand” why people
sometimes physically assault MPs.
appear to wield finish the job he was doing before the pandemic hit. In
his December confessional he said he was “hurt by the
ignite the uprising of the yellow vests, a grassroots
movement of low-income workers. The mutiny, which
No French leader has inspired the hatred Macron
draws since Louis XVI, the king who was overthrown
enough clout unbearable inequalities” that still afflict the country. “I
arrived in office with a form of vitality, a determination
drew in anarchists and turned into Saturday rampages and guillotined after the 1789 revolution, according to to knock him to shake things up, determination not to give in to
in Paris and other cities, was marked by hatred for a new book by two veteran commentators, Nicolas conformism. I remain indignant over the system, over
Macron and his stylish wife. Mock guillotines were set Domenach and Maurice Szafran. “Sarkozy suffered off the throne bureaucracy.” But things will be different now, he
up and dummies of their heads were paraded on pikes striking rejection. François Hollande faced nasty said, because “I have gained the conviction that you
as mobs tried to storm the Élysée and parliament. mockery. De Gaulle was heckled and threatened with can move nothing if you are not imbued with respect
Macron was initially stunned by the intensity of a death but we have never seen such a combination of for everyone”.
revolt that followed an ancient pattern of popular unhappiness, anger and violence aimed at the head of France has dumped its governments and presidents
insurrection. He went some way to defusing the anger state and also at institutions like the police, the in most elections since 1974 and only two out of six
with €17 billion of concessions and by throwing gendarmerie and firefighters,” Domenach said. heads of state have been re-elected since de Gaulle in
himself into town meetings around the country, where Amid such anger and bitterness, how could Macron 1969. If he wins a new chance on April 24, Macron will
he tried to renew contact, taking questions from the be on course for re-election? The short answer is that again have defied tradition.
public for hours at a time. he is credited with doing an acceptable job and faces
The movement laid bare the depth of la colère flawed opponents. Though held in contempt by a Charles Bremner is Paris correspondent
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 35


Detective who caught killer

sceptical of latest confession
Mario Ledwith centre of attention and to be relevant
Behind the story and important again.”
The detective who caught Levi Bellfield Russell, 45, and her daughters Megan

has said that the serial killer’s alleged olin Sutton has a reputation and Josie, then aged nine, were
confession to the murders of Lin as the person who most attacked as they walked along a coun-
Russell and her six-year-old daughter acutely understands Levi try lane. Josie survived.
Megan in 1996 should be treated with Bellfield’s motives (Mario Sutton said that his force had briefly
“an immense amount of caution”. Ledwith writes). The former looked into the killings in 2008 during
Colin Sutton, who secured three con- Metropolitan Police detective a national sweep for cases that bore
victions against the killer including the chief inspector is among several hallmarks of Bellfield’s tactics. A con-
murder of the schoolgirl Milly Dowler, experts in crime who have urged nection was quickly ruled out.
cautioned that Bellfield, below, was caution over his latest confession. In the new statement that emerged
primarily motivated by self-interest. Six years ago the Met reviewed last week, Bellfield, who now uses the
The former Metropolitan Police in- dozens of confessions by Bellfield. name Yusuf Rahim after converting to
vestigator was speaking after Bellfield None could be corroborated. The Islam, apologised to Stone and the Rus-
used a four-page statement to express admission to the Russell murders sell family for his “heinous acts”.
his apologies for allegedly killing the is also contradicted by his former Stone’s solicitor Paul Bacon said that
Russells. The document has now been partner Jo Collings, who told the the detail in the statement, and Bell-
passed to a watchdog by lawyers acting police the pair were in London. field’s contrition at the end of it, had
for Michael Stone, 61, who has spent Peter Squires, a professor in convinced him “that he’s undoubtedly
more than two decades in jail ail after criminolo at Brighton
criminology the person responsible”.
twice being found guilty of the Univer
University, said that The Criminal Cases Review Com-
hammer attack near the he Bell
Bellfield, left, had mission (CCRC), which can send cases
village of Chillenden, Kent. “
a “track record back to the Court of Appeal if a wrong-
Stone’s legal team have of admitting to ful conviction is suspected, has con-
repeatedly pleaded his in- th
things which firmed that it has received the new, un-
nocence and blamed Bell- d not
do signed testimony.
field, 53, who has previous- m
materialise”. Sutton is convinced Bellfield com-
ly hinted at involvement mitted crimes for which he has yet to be
while stopping short of a full convicted, but added: “I’m sceptical
admission. and misery. It’s diffi- about lots of things but I am very scepti-
Sutton questioned the timing t put your finger
cult to cal about anything Levi Bellfield says.”
of the confession and suggested wha actually moti-
on what A CCRC spokesman said: “Once the
that Bellfield could be driven by the op- vates him to do it. But he gets review of all material is complete, the
portunity “to make the news again”. i ” id in
an idea i hi
his h d th
head that it will either be CCRC will then determine whether
Sutton said: “We can’t quite be sure good for him or that it will maybe even there is a real possibility that the
what his motivations are but he does cause pain to others. There is a narcis- Court of Appeal will quash Mr Stone’s High jinks A production of Don Quixote by Birmingham Royal Ballet is being
like to stir the pot and cause confusion sism that makes him want to be the conviction.” performed in Southampton today as part of a national tour ending on March 19
36 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

News Saturday interview

‘Britain has a stark choice: protect

The Ukrainian-born billionaire and Tory donor machine, he can get whoever he
wants. But what I can do is live my life
Ukrainian-born Temerko makes at
party fundraisers, including the
Alexander Temerko tells Tom Newton Dunn with dignity. So I am not afraid.”
While he may not have a team of
£90,000 he once paid for a bust of
David Cameron, which he then
how best to deal with his foe in the Kremlin heavies protecting him, it has surely donated to the Carlton Club.
not escaped Temerko that his close Politics has been one of Temerko’s

or one of the richest former 55-year-old energy tycoon doesn’t affiliation to the Conservative Party businesses all his adult life. After
Soviet bloc businessmen in even have a bodyguard, despite being for a decade might offer him some moving to Moscow aged 17 to study
the UK, Alexander Temerko one of President Putin’s fiercest critics protection from foreign despots prone engineering, he joined Boris Yeltsin’s
doesn’t act much like an since fleeing Russia in 2004. to revenge assassinations. The former team and, when the Soviet Union
oligarch. There is no “What’s the point? If it’s my time, oil boss is one of the Tories’ biggest collapsed, held a number of roles in
sprawling country estate, because he it’s my time,” he argues when we donors, handing over almost the Russian defence ministry, where
has “no time” to buy one. His speak in his suite of offices in Pall £1.6 million since gaining British he helped to rebuild the shattered
penthouse flat is in Westminster, not Mall. “Putin is a machine, and I am citizenship in 2011. Much of it has military. He went on to become
Knightsbridge or Mayfair. The only human. You cannot stop a come via lavish auction bids that the deputy chairman of the Russian oil
company Yukos and led it after the
arrest of his “friend”, Mikhail
Khodorkovsky, who was its boss and
Russia’s richest man and had crossed
Putin, the new president. Fraud
charges were laid against Temerko
himself, which he has always insisted
were trumped up and political. To
escape Khodorkovsky’s fate — eight
years in a Siberian prison — he fled to
London and has never gone back.
He has been on first name terms
with three Tory prime ministers, and
photos of him with Boris Johnson and
Theresa May decorate his office. Yet
none of that stops him from criticising
the government when he disagrees
with it. One significant area is on the
Russian state’s billions, which, despite
the Ukraine crisis, are still swirling
around the City of London and
continuing to get a blue-chip polish.
Temerko is impassioned about the
parlous state his motherland is in,
with more than 100,000 Russian
troops massed on its borders. While
he applauds Boris Johnson’s tough
line on the Kremlin’s aggression, he is
vitriolic about how the prime minister
is “strong on rhetoric but very, very
poor on implementation”.
In an effort to increase pressure on
Putin, Liz Truss, the foreign secretary,
set out legislation on Thursday to
allow the confiscation of any assets in
the UK of anyone close to him.
Temerko says the move is “very nice
to say politically” but he is not
convinced that many of Putin’s inner
circle have been stupid enough to
leave much of their fortune lying
around in London. It is also “a trifle”.
He has an alternative that he says
would really hurt the oligarchy. “We
need to stop our country acting like a
financial pumping house, stop it from
being a market that makes Putin’s Alexander Temerko at his offices in
cronies, Putin’s elite, richer and
richer,” he argues. “That means you weak. You are not strong, so he
blocking any Russian company that is won’t negotiate with you for
state-controlled or has state capital anything.”
invested in it from any financial The language Putin understands is
facility in the UK, including any “only force”, which is why he believes
listing on the stock exchange. If I was that it is crucial for Nato to keep
in the government, that’s what I arming and training Ukraine’s
would be doing.” military. “The stronger Ukraine is and
Raising his voice, he insists: “We the more it can demonstrate military
have a choice. We either protect and technical support, the more
democracy or we protect Russian difficult it will be to make that final
money. That is what would help the decision.” If there is war, “it will be
Ukraine, and the UK economy as very difficult and bloody” because all
well.” He would not stop there, and Ukranians will fight, imbued with “a
has one of Britain’s biggest companies moral spirit”.
in his sights. “We need to talk about

BP and why it is a shareholder in he consequences for the
Rosneft, which is under sanction and European continent would
run by a close friend of Putin? It is the also be “absolutely
biggest investor in Russia but I’m not catastrophic”, with a tidal
sure if even your newspaper will be wave of refugees heading
brave enough to talk about this.” west. “What we’ve seen from Syria or
On the Ukraine crisis itself, Libya could be very small in
Temerko does not believe Putin has comparison to the ocean of emigrants
decided whether to invade. Instead, which will flood into Europe. It’s very
his guess is that he will continue dangerous for you in Europe too.”
toying with the West for a while, Russian policy is not the only beef
probably “until the summer”. to see Temerko has with the government.
what concessions he can win from His green energy company Aquind is
Nato and the European Union. mounting a legal challenge to the
But offering Putin a deal would be a business secretary’s decision to block
disaster, he says. “If you tried to find a permission for it to build a £1.2 billion
compromise with him, he considers energy cable to connect Britain with
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 37


Russian money . . . or democracy’ TIMES PHOTOGRAPHER RICHARD POHLE

that. No. I support the party because I
Alexander believe it’s more pro-business today
Viktorovich Temerko than the Lib Dems or the Labour
Party. I don’t do it because I want
Born September 9, 1966, in Soviet influence, but because I live in this
Ukraine country and I am a citizen. I want the
Education Moscow Institute of best for it”.
Electronic Machine Building He has even flirted with the idea of
running for high office himself one
Career Began his career in Russia in day, and covets the idea of being
1991, quickly moving to the defence London mayor once he has finished in
ministry. In 2000 he switched to the business, which he insists isn’t yet. “I
energy sector as deputy chairman believe London needs a businessman
of Yukos Oil Company. In 2004 he like a Bloomberg, or a Trump, though
came to the UK, leaving Yukos a I’m no fan of Trump. But London
year later. In 2008, he became today needs someone with business
director of the OGN Group. He has drive. I know my limitations, but I
been a supporter of the believe I’ll be better than Sadiq Khan.”
Conservative Party since 2012. In Temerko supported Jeremy Hunt
2016 he became the director of the during the 2019 Tory leadership
energy company Aquind. campaign, refusing to back his
Family Lives in London. Has a son, “friend” Boris because of the threat he
Vladimir Temerko posed in terms of a no-deal Brexit,
even going so far at the time as
to dub the choice between the
France. The 148-mile power line candidates as “populism against
between Portsmouth and Normandy professionalism”.
could supply electricity from the

French grid to 5 per cent of British ut he still does not want
homes but critics argue that it could Johnson to resign over the
compromise energy security. No 10 parties scandal. A
Temerko says it is “with the new leadership contest
lawyers” and is uncomfortable with “would be very expensive for
going further. As someone who also the country” when there are so many
sits on the advisory council of the big problems to solve, he argues, from
centre-right think tank the Institute Ukraine to inflation. “It’s absolutely
of Economic Affairs, he is “not happy” wrong behaviour, but Boris has
with the range of tax rises being apologised many times, so for me it’s
enforced by Rishi Sunak. enough.”
He explains: “I am no Brexiteer. I But what if Johnson is deemed by
was a Remainer. But the biggest the Metropolitan Police investigation
advantage to Brexit is the chance to to have broken the law by going to
make our country very attractive the Downing Street parties, and
to investment. That means a receives a fixed-penalty notice?
predictable tax policy, not Can you really have a law
spontaneous and chaotic and breaker as the chief law maker?
spasmodic. It’s absolutely wrong, Temerko pauses. “It’s a very
for business and for the difficult question. But it
economy.” would be Boris’s decision,
So is that why he donates not my decision. I don’t
so much to the party? To feel I have a moral
have influence on policy, right to judge him.
like how much tax his Everybody makes
companies should pay? mistakes, you and me,
He is well aware of the all of us. None of us
charge, levelled not just are angels.”
against him but a series
of rich Russian expat Listen to the full
donors, but argues: “If interview on Times
you look at what’s Radio’s T&G
happening, I’m not sure programme, from 10am
Pall Mall. He used to work in the Russian defence ministry but he fled to London after the rise of Vladimir Putin, right if I am so very successful in on Sunday
38 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


My Week Liz Truss*

Monday separatists in the Dumbass region.
We’ve got a busy week ahead. My top “Donbas region,” he says.
geopolitical adviser in the Foreign “That’s what I said,” I say.
Office says that Russia is a growing “Look,” he says. “Just be careful.
threat. With everything you do. It’s Russia.
“Actually,” I tell him, “it’s “It’s a surveillance state. There will
pronounced ‘Rishi’.” be cameras on you at all times.”
My adviser says he means the “I should bloody hope so,” I say.
country. The one next to Ukraine “We’re paying that photographer a
that’s amassing all the troops that I’m fortune.”
visiting later this week. He says it’s
vital I prepare. Tuesday
“I am completely prepared,” I tell Thinking about what he said, I decide
him. “Have you not seen my hat?” I should probably have a quick chat
“It’s just,” he says, “there was that with my predecessor, Dominic Raab.
slip last week. Where you got the So I corner him in a Downing Street
Baltic Sea and the Black Sea mixed corridor.
up. And we’re worried you might “What can you tell me about
make Britain look a bit silly.” Moscow?” I ask him.
“But the hat?” I say. “I’ve definitely heard of it,” he
“Even with the hat,” he says. says.
Then I tell him that I’ve been “See, people sneer at us,” I
reading my briefing notes say, “but we’re actually all
anyway, and I completely over this stuff.”
understand the situation with I’m distracted, though,

Space debris hints at habitable planet Solar winds

send Northern
— and only 688 trillion miles away Lights south

Kaya Burgess Science Reporter to a vast size to become a red giant would be boiled away, but a white illions of tons of
before expelling its outer layers in a dwarf’s habitable zone is closer as it ultra-hot plasma
Astronomers have discovered what planetary nebula. It was thought that gives off less light and heat. were ejected from the
could be a planet in the habitable zone only planets at a considerable distance Any planets orbiting the star during sun this week and
of a dead star. could survive. It is now thought, how- its lifetime would probably have been carried into view on
A planet similar in size to the rocky ever, that new planets could form from “swept clear” by its death. “Thus any solar winds that hurtled towards
planets of our own solar system may be the debris around a white dwarf. planet that can potentially host water the Earth at speeds in excess of
orbiting a white dwarf in the Milky Way Researchers at University College and hence, life, would be a recent devel- 250 kilometres a second (Rhys
about 117 light years from Earth, an London (UCL) found a ring of debris opment,” the society said. “The area Blakely writes).
“exciting and unexpected” discovery. around a white dwarf called WD1054- would be habitable for at least two bil- As a result, sky gazers in Britain
The zone of its orbit is likely to have 226 in our galaxy which, they believe, is lion years, including at least one billion might have caught a glimpse of the
been habitable for a billion years and to held in place by a planet. The white A planet in the white dwarf’s habitable years into the future.” Northern Lights — a sight that will
remain so for another billion. dwarf is about 117 light years — or 688 zone could have liquid water Professor Jay Farihi, an astrophysi- become more frequent in UK
A white dwarf is a star that has trillion miles — from Earth. cist at UCL and lead author of the study, skies, scientists believe.
exhausted its hydrogen fuel and shed The Royal Astronomical Society found that the light dipped as 65 evenly published in Monthly Notices of the Our nearest star is constantly
its outer layers. They are usually not said: “A ring of planetary debris . . . has spaced comet-like clouds of debris Royal Astronomical Society, said: “The emitting a stream of charged
much larger than a planet, but are far been observed orbiting close to a white passed in front of the star, orbiting possibility of a major planet in the particles towards Earth, known as
denser. Most stars, including the Sun, dwarf star, hinting at a nearby planet in every 25 hours. The even spacing sug- habitable zone is exciting . . . However, it the solar winds. Occasionally, a
are destined for this fate. the habitable zone where water and gested a planet nearby whose gravity is important to keep in mind that more solar flare — an intense eruption
In 2020, a Jupiter-like gas giant plan- thus life could exist.” was holding them in that pattern. evidence is necessary to confirm the of electromagnetic radiation —
et was discovered orbiting a white Researchers observed the light from The planet is likely to be orbiting presence of a planet. will produce a surge of charged
dwarf, surprising astronomers who had the white dwarf over 18 nights using a within 1.5 million miles of the white “Since our Sun will become a white plasma, or coronal mass ejection.
thought that the death of a star would high-speed camera at the La Silla Ob- dwarf, less than a 50th of the distance dwarf in a few billion years, our study The Northern Lights, or aurora
destroy any nearby planets. servatory in Chile and Nasa’s Transit- from the Earth to the Sun. No life could provides a glimpse into the future of our borealis, usually associated with
When a star like the Sun dies, it swells ing Exoplanet Survey Satellite. They survive so close to the Sun as all water own solar system.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 39

when Jacob Rees-Mogg walks past. those two KGB guys went all the way triumphantly. “Oh God,” says the
Because I need to speak to him about
his new job as Minister for Brexit
there just to see a cathedral.
“OK, but only if there’s time,” I say,
Then we stand up, and Lavrov says
‘Queen’s bed’ got a blanket
Opportunities. “after we get a photo of me next to I’m going the wrong way.
“Is this about cheese?” says Jacob.
“Yes,” I say. Because we currently
Moscow’s cathedral.” “The lady is not for turning,” I tell
him, haughtily.
refusal from Biden’s mother
import two thirds of it. And it’s a Thursday “Suit yourself,” he says, “but that
disgrace. And so now I am in Moscow, meeting door’s the toilet.” Laurence Sleator mother hated the English. His parents
“There’s more to my job,” says with the foreign minister Sergey were Irish and she had written several
Jacob, “than cheese.” Lavrov. Friday Joe Biden’s Irish mother went to sleep poems about her hatred of the English.
“Is there, though?” I say, “So,” he asks me. “What have you Back home. Debriefing in No 10. The on the floor rather than use a bed in He went off to find them and returned
doubtfully. come to say?” new comms guy Guto Harri is here, which the Queen was said to have slept, with hundreds of poems describing
This is confusing. I haven’t come but he’s had a bad week so the PM is according to a new book. how God must smite the English and
Wednesday here to say things. making him stand in the corner. Irish ancestry has always been an rain blood on our heads.”
“But seriously,” says my FCO adviser. “This is like a conversation with a “So I trust you made our position integral part of the president’s identity, Pritchett said Biden told her that
“What are you going to say to the mute and deaf person,” says Lavrov. plain,” says the PM, “over the drummed into him by his mother, while his mother, who died in 2010, was
Russians to make them back down?” “Why are you here, then?” Dumbass region.” Catherine Finnegan, whose family on a trip to Britain, it had been revealed
I tell him I’ll show them that “Because the hat would look silly,” I “It’s not called that,” says Harri, to emigrated from Co Louth. But Finne- to her that the Queen had stayed in
picture of me on the tank looking like explain, “in Pimlico.” the wall, but we ignore him. gan, known as Jean, always held a the same hotel, and possibly in the same
Margaret Thatcher. Then Lavrov asks me whether Then I say there was a small certain antipathy towards the English. room and bed. “She was so appalled
“Please don’t,” he says. Britain recognises Russian incident with me not recognising The British screenwriter Georgia that she slept on the floor all night
“Good point,” I say. sovereignty over Rostov and places, but Boris says he wouldn’t Pritchett recalled in her autobiography rather than risk sleeping on a bed that
“They’ll already have Voronezh, and I give him an Iron have recognised them, either, so that she met Biden in the White House the Queen had slept on,” Pritchett said
seen it.” Lady stare and say never, because his never mind. And then he says that the while undertaking research for the she was told.
Then he says that, expansionism must be resisted. important thing is to keep a united political comedy Veep, about a fictional Biden’s lineage can be traced back to
Ukraine aside, I Although then the ambassador front. US vice-president. Biden served two the Blewitts of Co Mayo in the west of
should also mention whispers in my ear that we do, “Agreed,” says Harri. “Russia is a terms as vice-president under Barack Ireland and the Finnegans of Co Louth
the Salisbury actually, and I’m probably thinking of growing threat.” Obama. on the Cooley Peninsula. It is thought
poisonings. Just to Donetsk and Luhansk. “It’s pronounced ‘Rishi’,” I correct Pritchett wrote that she had wanted that both families fled during the
remind them that “Oh whatever,” I snap. “It’s all just him. to ask Biden about foreign policy after famine in the mid-19th century,
we don’t for a Russian names.” “You bloody bet it is,” says Boris. his recent return from Ukraine. “He eventually settling in Scranton,
moment believe “Exactly!” says Lavrov, *according to Hugo Rifkind changed the subject to how much his Pennsylvania.


the north, are expected to be seen

more often and further south as we
move into a more turbulent season
of “space weather”, scientists say.
Our planet’s magnetic field,
which is created by the churning of
liquid iron far beneath our feet,
will deflect much of it away.
However, this barrier is not perfect
and is weaker towards the Earth’s
magnetic poles.
When a barrage of solar
particles penetrates the field, they
collide with molecules in the
Earth’s upper atmosphere, which
produces the Northern Lights:
stretches of vivid green, pink, red,
yellow, blue and violet.
For several years the sun has
been quiet and sent relatively few
big pulses of plasma and radiation
in our direction. More recently
there have been signs that it is
rising from its slumber.
Best spots to watch “The solar cycle [about 11 years]
is just kicking off,” said Professor
Hadrian’s Wall The aurora has the park is part of the Dark Skies Sandra Chapman, director of the
been seen over Sycamore Gap. project, with measures to limit Centre for Fusion, Space and
Shetland The further north you light pollution for a superior view. Astrophysics at the University of
are, the better your chances. Brecon Beacons The lights are Warwick. “I think the fact that we
Cairngorms National Park The seen in Brecon, an International have seen X-class flares, which are
Glenlivet and Tomintoul area of Dark Sky Reserve, periodically. the biggest ones, indicates that the
sun has switched on.”
40 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Giving up warheads Eckardt Heukamp
stands in the way
of the RWE
company’s open-
cast mine and the
Bagger 288 digger

has left us weak, says

Kyiv cold war general

Ukraine stands at the

mercy of Russia thanks
to a 1994 nuclear
agreement, old
soldiers tell
Anthony Loyd
The general still mourns his long-lost
nukes. Leaking pipes have dampened
the office walls and ceilings in the Sovi-
et Strategic Missile Forces Veterans’
Office in Kyiv, causing pictures of his
missile arsenal to bubble and bend.
He walked through rooms of faded
nuclear glory, touching pieces of
“Satan” intercontinental ballistic mis-
sile engines, tritium boosters and frag- The command silo at Pobuzke, where decommissioned missiles are on display
ments of SS-24 “Scalpel” rocket launch
systems, all that is left of Ukraine’s Situated in the bleak windswept
nuclear missile stockpile, once the third wilderness of the steppes, part of the silo
largest in the world. Workmen have site is now a museum.
begun to box them, taking them away A huge antenna on the surface was
into storage in preparation for closing angled northward so that in the event of
the office for good. nuclear war, any surviving launch
“I knew deep in my soul that we teams emerging from the silo, disorient-
should never have given them away,” he ed in a sunless, ash-covered world
said, caressing vestiges of machinery where compasses no longer worked,
that could have destroyed America could tell which way the planet faced.
many times over, then turning to point The Budapest Memorandum was
at obsolete maps of Ukraine scattered applauded in its time as a check against
with red flags marking missile silos. “If Major General such visions of Armageddon. Its viola-
we still had our nuclear weapons now, Mykola Filatov tion has caused alarm among nuclear
we would have our respect and security, says the deterrent experts across the world, who fear the
and be free of Russian aggression.” should never have Ukraine crisis may now destabilise
Major General Mykola Filatov, been surrendered non-proliferation efforts elsewhere.
formerly commander of the 46th “Iran and North Korea will look at
Missile Division, is not alone in his Ukraine, and see another example in
sorrow. As Ukraine braces itself against which commitments attached to giving
Russian military pressure, the loss of its the underground nuclear command silo up nuclear weapons were not fulfilled,”
arsenal is rued across the nation and at Pobuzke in central Ukraine, the last said David Albright, the physicist and
abroad. such facility in the country, his veterans nuclear proliferation expert who found-
The country handed over or reflected on their nuclear heyday with ed the Institute for Science and Inter-
destroyed its missiles as part of the 1994 cold recall. national Security in Washington.
Budapest Memorandum signed by the “Ukraine would still have Crimea and “Those thinking of acquiring nuclear

Murdered priest’s
UK, US, and Russia in a deal supposed the Donbas if we had held onto our weapons will be even keener to have
to guarantee its safety from attack. Its rockets,” said a former colonel and them if their neighbours already do so.
disarmament was heralded as a beacon launch operator of the 46th Missile Di- The Ukraine crisis makes it unclear if
of hope for reductions of stockpiles vision, known only by his first name giving up nuclear weapons is in your
across the world. Today, with more than Gennady, who had spent six years country’s interests, and it increases the
100,000 Russian troops gathered near
Ukraine’s borders, bereft of deterrent
and facing invasion by a nuclear power,
that hope is dead.
“The lesson of Budapest is clear,” said
underground in silos. “Our rockets were
our power. Budapest has left us weak.”
Gennady, now 60, had been one of six
working on the bottom two floors of the
12-floor command silo. Strapped in
motivation of other countries to get
hold of nuclear weapons.”
Albright queried whether Ukraine
would have been able to maintain its
arsenal in any case without Russian
sister has no hate
Filatov, 72, who until the deal was signed
controlled 86 missile silos and more
than 700 of the 1,700 nuclear warheads
that remained in Ukraine after the
break-up of the Soviet Union. “Don’t
seats at the nuclear button console 45
metres below ground, two men had dual
control to hit the button in the event of
orders to launch a nuclear attack.
A third man sat at a communications
However, Filatov insisted that he
could have done so indefinitely. As for
pressing the button, “if that order came,
we would not have even thought about
for terrorist killers
disarm!” desk in the three-metre-wide room, it,” he said. “We’d do it. We were taught France nection with the attack in the church in
The Budapest Memorandum is now while on the floor below them three to do it, prepared to do it, ready to do it. Saint-Etienne-de-Rouvray near Rouen,
Adam Sage Armentières
referenced by all sides in the gathering others slept in a tiny space between Deep inside we recognised it would be the 81-year-old retired hairdresser
conflict. Signed in Hungary on Decem- alternating shifts. the world’s end, the end of light. But we After her 85-year-old brother was spoke of the bond she had forged with
ber 5, 1994, it guaranteed that Ukraine The button operators’ chairs had ash- believed we would protect our stabbed to death by Islamists in the the mother of Adel Kermiche, one of the
would be safeguarded from nuclear trays in the arms so that they could fatherland.” He paused, looking around church where he served as a priest, two terrorists who killed Father Hamel
attack or territorial violation in return smoke while turning the world to dust. his office in Kyiv for the last time. “The Roseline Hamel could have been before being shot dead by police.
for getting rid of its nuclear weapons. “We tried not to think about the day balance of mutually assured destruc- forgiven for seeking vengeance. She feels no animosity, she says,
Yet the deal contained no enforce- we would press the button, or of our tion does work,” he said, eyes glinting, Sitting on a sofa in her small red-brick adding that she had decided to get to
ment measures and never became a families above ground,” Gennady said, gazing at a picture of Atlas holding the house in Armentières in northern know Kermiche’s mother so that “we
recognised international treaty backed “but we were specially trained and for Earth. “Without a nuclear Atlas, the France, she expressed very different could handle our pain together”. Her
by western military commitment. sure we would have launched if world would disappear.” sentiments. In an interview before the message is in stark contrast to the viru-
At Filatov’s former headquarters in ordered.” Kyiv’s cause, letter, page 28 start of a trial in Paris next week in con- lent debates overshadowing the presi-
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 41

Frisbee golf bug Hitler as you’ve never

bites Americans seen him before
Page 44 Page 45


Last farmer digs in Presidential

against advance of rising stars
German coal giant square off
ate last year into a corner,” he
ruling parties
said. Heukamp’s
determination has
over gay law
sat down to turned him into a
hammer out national hero in United States
their policies on the Germany and beyond.
David Charter Washington
challenges facing the Greta Thunberg, 18,
country (Oliver visited his farm six Two rising stars of US politics are facing
Moody writes). months ago. off over a Florida bill to limit school
They pondered over Since 2012 discussion of gender identity and
China, Russia, the Heukamp has turned sexual orientation that could prove to
future of Europe and down numerous offers be the first of many battles between
the destiny of a village from RWE, arguing them for the White House.
with a single resident. that the money was In the red corner is Ron DeSantis, 43,
Lützerath, a dozen not enough to make the Florida governor seen as an heir to
miles from the border up for the loss of his Donald Trump and perhaps even a rival
with the Netherlands, life’s work. for the next Republican nomination.
has become the “I’ve got a large In the blue corner is Pete Buttigieg,
climate movement’s meadow with trees,” 40, a former city mayor whose break-
Alamo as a lone he said. “Why should through performance in the 2020
farmer stands against I lose out just so that Democratic primary campaign earned
an open-cast mine. the company can him a seat in President Biden’s cabinet
Eckardt Heukamp’s benefit?” Soon, as transportation secretary.
family have worked however, he may lose Both are seen as standard bearers for
the fields here for four his battle. A court in the next generation of their party’s
generations. He has Münster is to rule in leadership and this week saw initial
spent his life in the weeks whether he is skirmishes in what could become the
farmhouse and has no legally bound to sell most significant personal rivalry in
intention of moving. the farm to RWE. American politics.
RWE, the energy The verdict could The issue that brought them into
company, has other inflame climate conflict and gave America a flavour of a
plans. For more than politics. Green potential future presidential contest
a decade it has been politicians in charge between them is the Parental Rights in
buying up and of the energy and Education Bill which is making its way
demolishing villages environment through the Florida legislature.
around its Garzweiler ministries want to Backed by DeSantis, the bill declares
coalmining complex, shut down the coal that “a school district may not encour-
home of the Bagger industry by 2030. age classroom discussion about sexual
288 excavator, one of Kathrin Henneberger, orientation or gender identity in pri-
the biggest land 34, a Green MP in the mary grade levels or in a manner that is
vehicles ever built. nearby city of not age-appropriate or developmental-
Thousands of Mönchengladbach, ly appropriate for students”. Its critics
residents have moved. said that this made have labelled it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”
Yet Heukamp, 57, has the Garzweiler mine and see it as part of a right-wing “cul-
stayed put even as the out of date. ture wars” agenda which seeks to moti-
Bagger 288 Garzweiler
churchyard where his For now, Heukamp
open-cast mine
Bucket wheel excavator parents are buried is safe. Under German
Cologne was flattened. He law no clearance can
Length: 225 metres
Height: 96 metres GERMANY rescued their be carried out after
FRANCE tombstone before the February. Yet he is
Nelson’s Column diggers moved in. still troubled.
London bus
to scale “At some point you “Of course you
to scale say to yourself that it think about it,” he
can’t keep going on said. “I don’t really
like this, being driven have a Plan B yet.”
Ron DeSantis and Pete Buttigieg may
be rivals for the White House in 2024

dential election campaign in a country fought back with his thin arms and his my brother a martyr like an animal have been killed in 2017. Hamel said that vate the party’s base at the expense of
beset by racial and religious divisions. thin legs but when he was on the being taken to the abattoir.” she hoped the defendants would be con- the LGBTQ community.
Hamel made it clear that she wanted ground, he was pulled around like a sack It was only after his funeral service in victed and jailed. “But they must get a Buttigieg, who is gay and recently
nothing to do with the far-right politi- of potatoes.” Before dying the priest is Rouen Cathedral, attended by govern- sentence that helps these young people became the adoptive father of twins
cians standing on anti-Islam platforms, said to have declared: “Go away, Satan.” ment ministers, bishops and thousands who have their lives before them . . . to with his husband Chasten, 32, led an
as has the Diocese of Rouen. It said it An 86-year-old parishioner was also of mourners, that Hamel began to rediscover reason and to get away from attack on the bill in an unusual move by
“regrets the political instrumentalisa- stabbed but survived. Police were realise the resonance of her brother’s those who manipulate them with bad the White House.
tion” of Father Hamel’s death after sup- alerted by a nun who managed to flee. death at the altar. “We ended up by talk to the point of turning them into ka- Labelling it “dangerous”, he told
porters of Éric Zemmour, the hardline An elite unit shot dead Kermiche and understanding that my brother had mikazes,” she said. It was with a similar CNN: “It tells youth who are different,
pundit running for the presidency, used Petitjean outside the church. “That day become a universal brother.” absence of hate that she contacted or whose families are different, that
the priest’s photograph online to back was a shock which has no name for all Three French men will appear in Kermiche’s mother after spending the there’s something wrong with them.
his claims that Muslims were a threat to our family,” said Hamel, a widow with Paris criminal court in connection with first months after the murder thinking And I do think that contributes to the
France. Hamel said: “When I give four children. “I cannot describe his death on Monday. Farid Khelil “I need a reason to keep going and to shocking levels of suicidal thoughts and
evidence [in court], there is no question what we felt when we learnt 36, Yassine Sebaihia, 27, and Jean- have my brother’s strength of faith”. suicide attempts in LGBTQ youth.”
of condemning the Muslim community, about this terror attack . . . this Philippe Steven Jean-Louis, 25, “The solution I found was to ask my- Polling regularly shows both men
not at all, at all, at all.” crime against the body of my are accused of knowing about Ker- self who could suffer more than me,” she among the favourites with their party
It would wrong to underestimate the brother, a priest in his church miche and Petitjean’s plan and of said. “And little by little I put myself in for the next presidential nomination if
impact of his murder, either on Hamel’s praying for peace and celebrating encouraging them to carry it out. the place of the parents of this young Trump and Biden are not running.
family or on French society, however. the passion of Christ. For a They deny the charge of partici- man who had become an assassin. And Despite ideological differences they
Six days after an Islamist had killed 86 long time it was incom- pating in a terrorist organisa- I thought, ‘What if it was my son who have striking similarities: both attend-
people in Nice in July 2016, Adel Kermi- prehensible that this tion. A fourth defendant, had taken the wrong path to the point of ed Harvard, Buttigieg as an undergrad-
che and Abdel Malik Petitjean, both 19, could happen, making Rachid Kassim, also becoming an assassin? How great would uate and DeSantis for law school; and
burst into Father Hamel’s church as he French, will be tried in his my pain have been?’ It can happen in any both joined prestigious fraternities:
held a morning service for a congrega- Roseline Hamel, 81, absence for allegedly in- family. You only need a teenager when Delta Kappa Epsilon for DeSantis, the
tion of five. His sister recalled: “His body has befriended the stigating the attack they are seeking a path between child- same as five presidents including both
was stabbed ten times with a knife mother of one of the from Syria where he hood and adulthood to come across bad Bushes, while Buttigieg was in Phi Beta
before his throat was slit. He was pushed two Islamists who had joined Islamic friends for all the education you have Kappa which boasts 17 presidents,
and shoved and forced to kneel. He stabbed her brother State. He is thought to given them to be forgotten in an instant.” including Carter and Clinton.
42 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Australia foils Work 9 to 5 for Dolly

and get a free degree
Beijing plot to United States Dolly Parton’s
theme park is offering to pay full
tuition fees for employees who
influence poll want to go to university. The
Grow U pilot programme was
announced by Herschend
Australia Enterprises, which owns the
Dollywood theme park alongside
Bernard Lagan Sydney
Parton, 76, and will apply to
Australia’s security agencies have workers at each of its 25
foiled a plot by Chinese spies to attractions in the US. Wes Ramey,
bankroll potential opposition candi- a spokesman for Dollywood, told
dates in the country’s forthcoming The Washington Post: “She’s very
general election. supportive of the employees
The head of the Australian Secur- learning and continuing to grow
ity Intelligence Organisation gave a themselves.” Big companies such
sparse outline of the attempt at its as Best Buy and Chipotle provide
annual threat assessment briefing. up to $5,000 a year in tuition
He said a wealthy “puppeteer” who costs as employers react to a
had strong links to foreign intelli- competitive labour market.
gence agencies was trying to ensure
the election of certain candidates. Businessman’s trial for
While Mike Burgess, the agency’s
director-general, declined to reveal £650m embezzlement
details of the foreign power Angola An Angolan businessman
involved, The Australian newspaper who is married to a former
reported that it involved attempts by deputy minister has gone on trial
Chinese spies to subvert the opposi- in a £650 million embezzlement
tion Labor Party. scandal. Carlos Manuel de Sao
The plot was trying to influence Vicente denies fraudulently
the party to select potential MPs obtaining shares of the AAA
who could be sympathetic to China, Seguros insurance company and
which has been in a long dispute with other charges. The case has also
Australia during the pandemic. The That was close A young Adélie penguin escaped a leopard seal by hoping on to a boat carring tourists on an Antarctic led to legal action being taken in
election is due in May at the latest. expedition. Vladimir Seliverstov, 50, from Russia, captured the moment and watched the bird jump back onto an iceberg Switzerland, where he is accused
of banking the money. (AFP)

Learn to be nice Iranian ‘plot to murder

Israeli arms boss’ foiled
Turkey Spies have foiled a plot by
Iran to kill an Israeli-Turkish

to your children, businessman involved in the

defence industry, a newspaper has
reported. The pro-government
Sabah daily said that an “Iranian

tiger mums told assassination team” aimed to kill

Yair Geller, who worked in
aviation. The plot was said to be
in retaliation for the killing in
2020 of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the
China more than 2,000 parents since last Iranian nuclear scientist. (AFP)
Didi Tang Beijing
Xu Ming, 42, a mother of three, Inquiry into church sex
They are known as China’s “tiger became concerned when her five-
mums” — domineering and ruth- year-old son’s teacher said he was abuse finds 52 cases
lessly competitive mothers willing to quick to lose his temper. She told the Spain A report has identified
push their children to be the best in South China Morning Post that after 52 cases of alleged sexual abuse
everything. doing the course she was “better able of minors by more than 31
Now, after decades of domination, to accept his emotions, be more suspects in Catholic institutions
the tigers are slowly being declawed. patient and provide a calming envi- since 1948. The investigation by
Parents are signing up to “parent- ronment”. the regional government of
child” classes in record numbers as A 2020 report on the mental Navarre and the Public University
they become more aware of the cost health of China’s elementary and of Navarre was one of the
of forcing children to the limit, said secondary schoolchildren found country’s first into church abuses
Zhang Yiyun, a Shanghai-based that 15-year-old pupils, while and its findings, described as the
psychologist. performing better academically tip of the iceberg, will be handed
“It’s been an obvious trend in the than the global average, were less to local prosecutors. (Reuters)
past two years that parents are happy. Xiang Xianming, a professor
tuning in to their children’s mental at Nanjing Normal University who Junta strongman made
health,” said Zhang, who offers an led the study, said it was more impor-
eight-week course for those keen to tant for parents to nurture children’s Burkina Faso president
better understand and empower souls than “tutor their homework”. Burkina Faso The leader of
their children. He said academic pressure was Burkina Faso’s junta has been
“In the past, parents were worried one of the main reasons for child- declared president, the country’s
when their children were tardy with ren’s mental health problems. constitutional council said.
homework, now they want to know Zhu Yongxin, a political adviser, Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri
if their children are mentally also criticised excessively high Sandaogo Damiba will be
healthy,” she told The Times. academic expectations. inaugurated on Wednesday, but
She credited Beijing’s recent “The demands by parents on his term will be backdated to
ban on “crammers” — private children is to get high scores, January 24, when his troops
after-school tutors employed go to a good school, find a overthrew the elected government
to push children in their good job and earn a good of Roch Kabore, now under house
studies — with the shift in income,” Zhu said. “But the arrest in Ouagadougou (AP).
parental attitudes. “They highest purpose of educa-
can slow down and that tion is to teach students Botanist pays price for
voice has grown louder,” to learn happiness, to
Zhang said. “Parents enjoy learning, to failed kimilsungias crop
now want to know if happily interact with North Korea A botanist has been
their children have a others.” sentenced to six months’ forced
sound character Sun Yunxiao, an labour after he failed to grow a
and whether they education expert, crop of flowers named after Kim
are happy.” said: “If you accom- Jong-il in time to celebrate the
Her course, pany your child- late dictator’s birthday. The man,
which costs about ren, set a good in his 50s, was ordered to produce
£500, has attracted example, find their red kimilsungias out of season for
passions, respect February 16, the “Day of the
Zhang Yiyun urges them and support Shining Star”, the Daily NK said.
parents to focus on them, you will be a good He blamed a shortage of firewood
children’s happiness parent.” to heat his greenhouses.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 43


Social media glitz masked ‘crimes My emotional

support pig is
of the bitcoin Bonnie and Clyde’ part of family,
says divorcé
United States Joshua Thurston
Hugh Tomlinson Washington
After divorce and the death of his
As the FBI rifled through her Wall mother, Wyverne Flatt needed
Street apartment, Heather Morgan someone to turn to. Ellie, a knee-high
pleaded to be allowed to find her cat. Vietnamese potbellied pig, was that
While under a bed, she made a grab for someone.
a phone and hit the lock button. “Law Officials in Canajoharie in New York
enforcement had to wrest the phone state, however, reject his claim that
from her hands,” prosecutors said. Ellie is an “emotional support animal”.
Under the bed, agents found 50 elec- A planning officer notified Flatt, 54,
tronic devices, dozens of sim cards, that he was harbouring a farm animal
$40,000 in cash and a sponge bag illegally in October 2019 during a visit
labelled “burner phones”. All of these about a building permit.
items are now evidence against Morgan Six months later the pig, which
and her husband Ilya Lichtenstein, weighs nearly eight stone, was still trot-
dubbed the “Bonnie and Clyde of the ting around Flatt’s property and he was
Crypto Age”, who appeared this week formally notified that he was violating
in a federal court charged with launder- planning rules, a misdemeanour that
ing billions of dollars in stolen bitcoin, could result in a criminal trial.
in what authorities claim is the biggest “I could never dream of giving away
financial seizure in US history. Their somebody who’s part of my family,” said
story, prosecutors say, appears to be Flatt, who has owned the pig since 2018
“from the pages of a spy novel”. when she was “about as big as a shoe”.
Lichtenstein, 34, and Morgan, 31, “She’s more intelligent than my dogs.
were styled as successful tech entrepre- She can kind of home in on you when
neurs. Lichtenstein, a Russian-Ameri- you’re feeling bad because she’ll want to
can nicknamed “Dutch”, had invested
in Silicon Valley startups. He dabbled as Ellie, the potbellied
an “occasional magician”. pig, is “intelligent
Morgan had launched her first busi- and comforting”
ness in her early twenties and lived all
over the world, was a self-styled “bad
boss lady”. Beyond her business in “cold
email” — unsolicited communications
— she was a goofy amateur rapper,
going by the alter ego, Razzlekhan. come in and snuggle with you.” Several
Her videos showed her swaggering neighbours have signed affidavits stat-
around Wall Street in a golden jacket. ing they have no problem with Ellie.
“Come real far but I don’t know where However, a lawyer for the village
I’m headin’. I’m the motherf***ing wrote that Ellie was a potential public
crocodile of Wall Street,” she said. health hazard and argued if “every
But they were hiding a huge secret, citizen were to openly scoff at the
prosecutors said. Since 2017 they had village zoning codes . . . we would live in
been trying to launder 119,754 bitcoin a lawless society”.
hacked from the Hong Kong crypto- Flatt’s lawyer argues Ellie falls under
currency exchange Bitfinex in 2016. federal housing guidance that states
This week, they were worth $4.5 billion. municipalities should provide a
The couple have not “reasonable accommodation” when a
been charged for the person can demonstrate an animal
hack, and it is still provides emotional support for a
unclear how they Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan styled themselves as entrepreneurs, and she as disability-related need. Flatt carries a
accessed the funds. a sometime rapper, but prosecutors say they were laundering £4.5 billion of bitcoin laminated card that states the pig is a
Investigators believe “registered emotional support animal”,
Lichtenstein and Mor- to cash out at least $2.9 million. They before the pandemic. But just before the although the village lawyer said this
gan siphoned cash via bought gold and non-fungible tokens arrest, agents decrypted a file on Lich- was obtained online for a fee with no
a web of bank ac- (NFTs) moving into the 75 Wall tenstein’s cloud storage account and formal legal process. A note stating
counts opened Street building, where one-bed found keys to 2,000 virtual currency Ellie helped Flatt to stop taking medi-
with false names. units start at about $1 million. addresses. More than $3.6 billion of the cation from a nurse is also in dispute.
Thousands of In 2019 the couple visited stolen bitcoin was seized using the keys. In 2019, another family in upstate
tiny transactions Ukraine, where investigators believe The couple’s lawyers said Morgan New York were barred from keeping
were used to move they contacted criminals about fake was an unwitting bystander to the their potbellied pig, Pork Chop, despite
the money, investiga- passports. Officials say they were con- alleged crimes, for which they face up claiming it was an emotional support
tors said. They were able sidering fleeing to Russia or Ukraine to 25 years in jail if convicted. animal for their daughter-in-law.

Foot-selfie helicopter trips face chop Earhart’s $80,000 flying cap kept
Will Pavia Foot-selfie thrill
seekers hang
city and the helicopter companies com-
promised, reducing flights to 30,000 a
locked in cupboard for 90 years
With balmy weather predicted, a their feet and year and banning them on Sunday. Keiran Southern Los Angeles told her son that as a schoolgirl in 1929
helicopter sightseeing company put out legs out of “For a year it was quieter,” Elstein she visited an airport in Cleveland,
a call to people who wanted to photo- helicopters and said. “Then FlyNYON, based out of A leather flying cap once worn by the Ohio, to see Earhart, who had just fin-
graph their feet dangling over Manhat- record the Kearny, New Jersey, started offering American aviator Amelia Earhart is ished third in an all-female national air
tan. “Get Your Perfect Shoe Selfie This moment for these doors-off tourist flights.” Because expected to fetch at least $80,000 after race, the Powder Puff Derby.
Weekend!” declared FlyNYON, whose social media their helicopters were flying from New lying in a family’s cupboard for The pilot was mobbed when she
helicopters fly without doors, allowing Jersey, they were not subject to the more than 90 years. landed and afterwards a boy
passengers to stick their feet into the Central Park. “They fly 200ft to 300ft terms of the 2016 deal, she said. Anthony Twiggs, a 67- 7- who was said to have taken a
void to capture a picture of them skim- over my building,” she said. In Central About the same time a helicopter year-old retired photo-- liki
liking to Brookhart pulled
ming the rooftops. Park when “jogging round the reservoir company called Blade began commut- grapher from Minnesota, he
her aside and handed over
Satisfied customers post footage on there are often three or four helicopters er flights from Manhattan to New inherited the cap from his th cap, saying he had
Instagram, frequently describing it as hovering around”. York’s airports, and to the Hamptons. mother 20 years ago and pi
picked it off the ground in
the fulfilment of a long-held ambition. Elstein, 55, a lawyer and yoga teacher, Elstein said commuter flights made has been able to prove her th
the mêlée. Brookhart
Less enamoured of the flights are the is chairwoman of Stop the Chop, a pro- up at least 15,000 a year on top of the story that Earhart had d sto
stored it in an unsealed plas-
tens of thousands of people below. test group that was founded in 2014, to tourist trips. It is harder to count the worn it in 1929. She achievedd b
tic bag, only rarely recount-
In 2019 there were 3,000 complaints protest against traffic at the helicopter flights from New Jersey. But analysis of global fame after becoming ing ing the
ing th story to her four child-
about the helicopters. Last year New ports in Manhattan, from which there flight tracking app data one Sunday in the first woman to fly solo across Now experts have concluded
ren. Now,
York fielded 26,000 calls about noise. are 60,000 flights a year. Legislation July found that a third of 157 helicopters sappeared in
the Atlantic in 1932, but disappeared it is legitimate and it is being sold online
Melissa Elstein lives beneath a busy was introduced in 2015 that threatened in the air were FlyNYON flights from the Pacific in 1937 aged 39 while trying by Heritage Auctions in the US in a sale
flight path from the Hudson River to the industry and the following year the New Jersey, The New York Times said. to fly around the world. Ellie Brookhart ending on February 26.
44 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Haven for addicts

spills onto streets
of San Francisco
United States America’s drug crisis. Officials said that
in its first fortnight the centre recorded
Keiran Southern San Francisco
3,197 visits, including return visits, and
A short distance from the headquarters made 1,010 referrals for treatment or
of technology giants on Market Street in shelter.
San Francisco, Pauline Wise left a city- One addict said that getting drugs on
run drug addiction centre after smoking the street was “easier than going to
fentanyl, a powerful opioid. Starbucks for a cup of coffee”.
Wise, 42, said that destitute men and Justin Chatwin, 38, another user, said
women were inside injecting heroin, that the project helped addicts.
smoking crack and crystal meth as “Having a safe place where you are not
commuters walked past. under scrutiny is a good idea,” he said.
“If you’re not used to it, it might be a “What it is right now is an experiment
shock,” she said. “You will see people and I’m OK with that.”
using. You’ll see people shooting up.” Chatwin said he had seen staff at the
The $9 million Linkage Center, centre save an addict who overdosed.
which opened last month in the city’s Anna Pope-Castro, 43, was openly
Tenderloin district, has been designed smoking fentanyl while people walked
as a supervised refuge for those strug- past. She recently became addicted to
gling with drug and mental health the opioid because fentanyl was half the
problems, to prevent overdoses and price of the heroin she had been using.
She praised the centre. “It doesn’t get
any better than shower, meals and a
safe place to do drugs where the cops
can’t come in,” Pope-Castro said. “Instead passion oozes back into the mists of A professional disc golfer
Following the announcement in
November that for the first time
US sponsors from every core.”
Disc golf insiders have
time . . . or at least to the
mid-1970s when “Steady”
takes aim in St Louis,
Missouri, hoping to emulate
100,000 people had died in a year from
drugs, the Biden administration was
throw big marvelled and cheered at
his meteoric rise. The
Ed Headrick, the toy
inventor, created the Disc
the success of Ricky
Wysocki, below, the sport’s
pressed to do more to fight fentanyl.
In December, Breed, 47, San Francis-
money at little-known sport now
has in Wysocki a
Golf Pole Hole, a
forerunner of the baskets
first million dollar athlete

co’s first black woman mayor, declared

a public emergency in Tenderloin and
frisbee golf professional athlete
earning more than
now used in
the sport.
with an apology. “Sorry,
but this turns out to be

Anna Pope-Castro and a friend. She is sought extra police funding. But Mich- he obscure sport $1 million a year There are impossible to answer,” he
pleased to have “a safe place to do ael Shellenberger, the author of San of disc golf has under a contract with some in the said.
drugs where the cops can’t come in” Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities, emerged into a frisbee community, “There are many
said that families of drug addicts had the spotlight to manufacturer. He however, who argue historical accounts of
connect them with healthcare and welcomed the centre but compared its hail a master of has earned that the sport has people playing golf with a
housing services in an area long blight- supervised drug use policy to “handing frisbee throwing (Will more than an even longer flying disc, some of which
ed by crime and homelessness. More a loaded gun to a suicidal person”. Pavia writes). $500,000 in history. They pre-date the advent of the
than 1,360 people have died from acci- He wrote online: “The city is carrying Ricky Wysocki, 28, prize money claim that its plastic flying discs by
dental drug overdoses in San Francisco out a bizarre medical experiment from Arizona, is driving and the origins lie beyond many years. Each
in the past two years — almost double whereby addicts are given everything crowds wild as they watch accolades of the the reach of the account was an isolated
the number of Covid-related deaths. they need to maintain their addiction him navigate courses that Professional most dedicated instance of recreational
London Breed, the Democratic — cash, hot meals, shelter — in ex- wind through trees and Disc Golf disc golf historians. disc golf play and none of
mayor, has been accused of condoning change for . . . almost nothing. Voters over water hazards Association, Jim Palmeri, the participants knew of
illegal drug abuse as a “bizarre medical have found themselves in the strange towards “greens”. The which has another pioneer anyone else playing disc
experiment”. Journalists are barred position of paying for fentanyl, meth hole is a basket strung made him its of disc golf and a golf.”
from the centre but addicts leaving the and crack use on public property.” with chains that catch a player of the member of the Every player now
site said this week that they were freely A member of the city’s Department well-aimed plastic disc. year four sport’s hall of knows of Wysocki, who
able to use drugs there under the super- of Emergency Management denied “Ricky Wysocki doesn’t times. The fame, is said to have told ESPN: “It progressed
vision of outreach workers. that it condoned drug abuse, saying: sweat,” Ken Klavon, the association responded to an from ‘Hey this is fun!’ to
Many users are hooked on fentanyl, “This site is about getting people con- disc golf reporter, said on traces the inquiry about the ‘Hey, I’m going to
the synthetic opioid up to 100 times nected with support, long-term ser- the sports website ESPN. sport’s origins beginnings of disc golf dedicate my life to this.’ ”
stronger than morphine that is fuelling vices and treatment.”

We’re going to need a bigger screen: digital art expands

said. “He was very excited by this Then a method was developed for can get a massive 98in flat screen for talking minimum $100,000,” he
Will idea because it would be somewhat “minting” digital works using “non- $14,000, which is not crazy if said. “If you are living in a
refreshing. You won’t have any fungible tokens” or NFTs — making someone is buying a hundred $20 million home, spending
Pavia object to manage.” them into unique objects, connected thousand dollar piece,” he said. $150,000 is not a lot of money. But
But as the 1,024 pieces in Cosmic to an entry in a digital ledger. If you’re thinking of getting one, it’s a different audience.”
Reef were unveiled online his wife Suddenly it became possible to own for your new NFT, Sacks advises you If you worry that wall-sized video
found herself fielding questions a digital image or a video as one keep it apart from your TV set. “The screens will make your dining room
from prospective buyers, wondering might an oil painting. As interest in screen on your wall should become resemble Piccadilly Circus, you can
new york how to put one on their wall. At his NFTs exploded last year, and an a destination for your art,” he said. also use a projector to display your
gallery in Brooklyn, Villareal has an artist known as Beeple sold a digital To flick from the Ten O’clock News NFT, “if you have a big space and

he New York artist Leo enormous screen, 50ft wide and 10ft piece called Everydays: the First to your NFT would do “a disservice you can also control the light”, Sacks
Villareal makes light high, on which he displays the pieces 5000 Days for $69 million at to the art”, he said. He advises that said. “I have a collector now in New
sculptures that stretch but it was not necessarily the sort of Christies, Sacks began hearing from you mount your screen vertically, in York who is trying to figure out how
along walls and ceilings or thing that everyone could fit in their a new generation of art collectors. portrait mode, to avoid the to do this in his backyard, which is
beneath the arches of living rooms. Some were cryptocurrency temptation of using it to watch complicated because the projector
Waterloo Bridge. Some will fit in Steven Sacks, an old hand when it enthusiasts; NFTs use the same Match of the Day. itself has to be weather-proof and
your lounge, some take up most of a comes to digital art, was getting the blockchain technology that The next level for the really vermin-proof.”
museum. same question. Sacks founded undergirds digital currencies such serious (and seriously wealthy) NFT It must be a nice house. “He has
His latest collection, Cosmic Reef, Bitforms gallery in New York in as ethereum. But as the movement fan would be “a video wall option” an incredible home in Manhattan,”
was meant to be simpler. He wanted 2001, focusing on “new media art”, took hold, “real collectors started to which is “architecturally integrated Sacks said. “One of the top three I
to make a “purely digital work that some of which had to be viewed on a come out of the woodwork”, he said. into your home”, he said. He has have been in.” The artwork could
would live on a computer, that screen. Getting a large one was And they wanted to know how to developed relationships with a few only be displayed in the evening.
would not necessarily have a prohibitively expensive in 2001. “I display what they bought. companies that do this, effectively “But it’s still cool to have a dinner
manifestation as a physical object,” had a fairly small audience that was As it happened, screens had producing custom-made screens party and have an amazing artwork
his wife, Yvonne Force Villareal, buying this work,” he said. become a lot cheaper, he said. “You that cover an entire wall. “We are going on in the background,” he said.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 45


How to save an Italian town: sell homes for €1

Italy after an earthquake in 1968, but officials ones around Italy. The Italian govern- used to feeling unwelcome in countries
hoped that the winding alleys of the an- ment is ploughing a billion euros into like Russia, where I have worked on
Tom Kington Sambuca
cient Arab quarter, the beaches and better internet and services for more human rights,” she said. “So I am enjoy-
Standing in the sun outside Sambuca’s mountain hikes would lure buyers. than 200 struggling regions. ing the warmth of the welcome here.”
16th century church, the deputy mayor Nothing prepared them for the The one euro scheme shows mayors Pietro Motisi, 39, who moved in to
listed the changes since his town 110,000 email inquiries and phone calls are fighting chronic depopulation with- produce leather, said the Arab control
started selling houses for a euro. from around the world. Due to demand, out waiting for handouts. Strolling from the 9th to the 11th centuries left a
“There is a new estate agent, restau- the council’s 32 houses were auctioned down Sambuca’s main street, Cacioppo trace. “When the Arabs ruled here they
rant, café and food shop, while two rather than being sold for a euro, fetch- pointed to small houses. “That’s Belgi- brought an idea of co-existence that
ceramic workshops have opened,” ing an average of €4,000 each. But that um,” he said. “That one’s America.” makes the locals welcoming,” he said.
Giuseppe Cacioppo said. “And there’s failed to satisfy demand. He entered a derelict looking proper- Giovanni Gulotta, 61, a council work-
the €20 million we think people will “Another 140 houses have been sold ty where Brigitte Dufour, a Canadian er, said that he was happy the world was
spend doing up their new homes.” by private owners, bringing in €2.8 mil- human rights lawyer, was studying Lorraine Bracco promoted the town of coming. “They get to drink and eat well.
It has been three years since Sambu- lion,” Cacioppo said. “Another 200 cracked pots under a fragile roof. Sambuca in a reality television show And they pay taxes which is essential
ca, a hilltop town south of Palermo in could yet be sold.” “I think I can install a roof terrace for a town with fewer residents.”
west Sicily, announced that it was sell- Lorraine Bracco, the actress who with a view over the hills,” Dufour, 58, potential. All I need are plumbers and Cacioppo said that above all he val-
ing empty houses cheap to reverse starred in The Sopranos, made a reality said. She bought the house for €5,800 builders.” She has three years to repair ued the pride locals once again felt
years of emigration that reduced the television show about her house in after placing bids from Brussels. the house, a condition for the sale. about Sambuca. He added: “The most
population from 9,000 to about 5,000. Sambuca that gave the town’s scheme “I hadn’t seen the house,” she said. Dufour said that she enjoyed the important thing is that they have fallen
Many of the homes needed repair the highest profile of about 60 similar “But now I am totally reassured by its sense of community in the town. “I am back in love with their own town.”


The colourised picture of
Hitler’s parade compared
Photographs with the original black and
white photograph taken by
that portray a person in the crowd

Hitler in his German soldier had a

camera,” Van
true colours Wassenhove told the
Flemish broadcaster

colour picture VRT. “This is why there
of Hitler are so many photos like
being driven these in private
through the collections. Often they
Belgian city of remained unknown.”
Ghent has been released Bostyn said that he
after being transformed spoke to surviving
from the original black witnesses and scoured
and white (Bruno archives before adding
Waterfield writes). the colour to the black
Hitler raises his arm to and white photographs.
his troops while Erich “I look at the contrast
Kempka, his SS driver, for his face,” he said. “It
sits sternly at the wheel. is sometimes difficult to
The Nazi dictator’s trip do skin colour, there is
to Belgium on June 1 an element of artistic
1940 as the invasion of freedom. I know Hitler
France continued was a was not purple but there
personal date can be a bit of guessing.”
with destiny. In Flanders at Ypres,
After Ghent, he Hitler marched through
went to the fields the Menin Gate, a
of Flanders where memorial to the British
he had been and Commonwealth
decorated with his soldiers who died there.
first Iron Cross in The trip was intended
1914, an event he pictures were also collaboration with the and two fighter aircraft as propaganda to lay the
described as his released on social Nazis.” planes patrolling the ghosts of German defeat
happiest day. media with real The Vlaamsch skies, Hitler had landed in 1918. Another picture
The rare picture, reluctance because Nationaal Verbond, the at Evere airfield outside from 1941 shows Flemish
part of a private of the shadow still Flemish nationalist Brussels where the Nato children returning to
Belgian collection, cast by the Nazis. party, worked with the headquarters now stand. their families in Ghent
was colourised by “I was afraid of Nazis between 1940 and The pictures, mostly after holidays in
Korneel Bostyn, a Instagram banning 1944, deporting Jews to taken by members of the Germany.
graphic designer in me,” he told The Nazi death camps. Wehrmacht, come from The station is draped
Antwerp. Bostyn Times. “The Flemish Before parading the collection of Sander in swastikas and a Nazi
said that other movement had through Ghent with a Van Wassenhove. officer addresses the
Second World War involvement in convoy of 12 staff cars “Virtually every crowd.

Koala bears put on endangered list Video call honey trap victims
Australia population pressures, particularly in
southeast Queensland and southwest
than 61,000 koalas, according to a study
by the World Wide Fund for Nature.
paying up to hide their shame
Bernard Lagan Sydney
Sydney, have eaten into their habitat. The federal government is seeking India investigating team, it was “a man using
Koalas have been officially classed as It is estimated that one third of the agreement from Australia’s states and a Chinese mobile that can convert a
Amrit Dhillon Delhi
endangered in parts of Australia, their koalas in New South Wales, about territories for a national koala recovery male voice into a female and vice versa,
numbers devastated by more intense 10,000 animals, perished in the 2019-20 plan, costing A$50 million (£26.3 mil- It began with a friend request on Face- and change your voice to sound like any
bush fires, land clearing and predators. black summer bushfires and the prece- lion). The government, however, has book. After a while, the former minister age — a teenager, a 40-year-old or
They have been listed as vulnerable ding drought. Queens- approved the clearing of about 100 sq in Gujarat began texting the woman older”. The video of a woman undress-
since 2012 but, without stronger protec- land’s koala popula- miles of koala habitat since who had sought him out. One day she ing would have been pre-recorded.
tion, are at risk of disappearing. tion has fallen by the species was declared started a video call and took off her The incident was one of a growing
Australia’s environment minister, about 50 per cent in vulnerable. clothes, persuading him to undress too. number of online honey traps that the
Sussan Ley, said that the marsupials the past decade. A 2020 parliamentary Hours later he received images of authorities say is an epidemic. Dheeraj
were facing a higher risk of extinction The fires decimated inquiry warned that koa- himself posing nude along with a de- Kumar, Delhi joint police commission-
as a result of “prolonged drought, the an area ten times the las could become extinct mand for 600,000 rupees (£6,000). er, said his team had arrested gangsters
black summer bushfires and the cumu- size of Wales, killing or by 2050 if urgent measures Failure to pay, the woman warned, running a racket in which 200 victims
lative impacts of disease, urbanisation displacing nearly three bil- were not taken. would result in the images being sent to — businessmen, doctors, lawyers, poli-
and habitat loss over the past 20 years”. lion animals, including more Basha Stasak, from the his wife, children, parents and friends. ticians — were blackmailed over a year.
The endangered classification Australian Conservation What the politician did not know was “They pay up because of the shame of
applies to the bulk of the remaining Land clearing, predators Foundation, said the sit- that the person he was talking to most being exposed, the loss of face,” Kumar
koalas that live in eucalypt forests along such as dogs and fires uation was “embarrass- of the time was not a woman. According said. “There’s no guessing how many
Australia’s populous east coast. Human are a threat to koalas ing” for the country. to Inspector Anil Sharma, part of the haven’t come forward.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 47

world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,661.02 (-11.38) 34,738.06 (-503.53) $1,840.71 (+1.32) $ $93.23 (+0.89) $ $1.3596 (-0.0044) $ €1.1925 (+0.0053) ¤
8,000 38,000 2,000 100 1.400 1.225

7,500 36,000 1,800 90 1.350 1.200

7,000 34,000 1,600 80 1.300 1.175

6,500 32,000 1,400 70 1.250 1.150

Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8 Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8 Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8 Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8 Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8 Jan 13 21 31 Feb 8

Costa urges PM and City bigwigs to twist Arm into London listing
Louisa Clarence-Smith technology success story to have amid widespread scrutiny from regula- global companies and of the prime the FTSE 100. He dismissed arguments
emerged in Britain in recent decades. tors over competition concerns. It is minister’s stated ambition to secure that the Nasdaq offers a deeper pool of
Ken Costa, the veteran investment Founded in 1990, it is a global leader in feared that a flotation could be delayed Britain’s status as a technology super- capital, higher valuations of technology
banker, has called on Boris Johnson to chip design and processors based on its by a legal dispute with the head of its power by 2030. companies and a more sophisticated
lead a taskforce of the City’s great and patents run virtually every smartphone Chinese joint venture, but an Arm Costa believes that the UK Infra- analyst community. “It is simply not
good to convince Arm to list in London. on the planet. spokesman said the company was “con- structure Bank and sovereign wealth true that you will get a greater rating on
He wants the prime minister to The former London-listed company fident a resolution will be reached”. funds such as Saudi Arabia’s Public Nasdaq than you will in London,” he
co-ordinate with the London Stock was sold to SoftBank, the Japanese Costa, 72, a former chairman of Investment Fund could act as corner- said. “The analysts are global analysts
Exchange, bankers and technology technology investor, for £24 billion in Lazard who is now co-chairman of stone investors in a London float. He and they don’t only follow US stock. It
founders to present a credible alter- 2016. SoftBank said this week that it Alvarium, a London-based investment expects Arm to achieve a listing valua- is great that Nasdaq has a great domes-
native to listing the Cambridge-based was planning to float Arm in the next advisory business, said that securing tion of about $40 billion, or about tic US pool, but if you’ve got a global
chip designer on the Nasdaq exchange. year after a deal to sell it to Nvidia, the Arm was a “crucial test” of London’s £30 billion, which would make it the company, and Arm is a standout UK
Arm is considered to be the biggest American chip company, fell apart role as the dominant capital market for biggest listed technology company on global company.”


Gove threats
are unlawful,
say builders
Bosses fight back against cladding crisis penalties
Alistair Osborne, Tom Howard declining to do what they have no legal
Louisa Clarence-Smith obligation to do and is proposing to
penalise them by . . . using powers con-
Michael Gove is acting “unlawfully” in ferred for different purposes”.
threatening housebuilders over the Since becoming housing secretary
cladding crisis, a leading player in the last September, Gove has begun a
sector has told the government. clampdown on housebuilders and
Persimmon has taken legal advice others in the cladding supply chain in
from Lord Pannick QC over whether the wake of 2017’s Grenfell Tower
the housing secretary is breaking the tragedy, in which 72 people died. In the
law with his demands that builders pay autumn budget, housebuilders were hit
towards a £4 billion fund to fix fire-safe- with a 4 per cent profit tax to raise
ty problems or be shut out of the prop- £2 billion. This was on top of funds that
erty market. Other housebuilders are many, including Persimmon, Taylor
also threatening legal action, with the Wimpey, Bellway and Barratt Develop-
Home Builders Federation sending a ments, have set aside to rectify fire-
letter to Gove’s department this week. safety issues in properties that they Net gains The value of Scottish salmon exports has risen by 36 per cent thanks to growth in its largest markets. Sales
Dean Finch, chief executive of built of 11 metres or taller. Gove has overseas generated £614 million last year, a rise of £136 million on 2020 and just short of the record £618 million in 2019
Persimmon, wrote to Richard Good- since demanded they chip in to a fur-
man, director-general of safer and ther £4 billion fund.
greener buildings at the Department
for Levelling Up, Housing & Communi-
ties, detailing the “serious implications
of the proposed policy” for the com-
A week ago, Goodman caused con-
sternation across the sector when he
wrote to builders warning them that
they must make open-ended payments
Suitors given deadline for Boots bids
pany “and other developers”. towards this “remediation fund”, Ashley Armstrong Retail Editor 1849 as a shop in Nottingham selling overlaps in their consumer bases, the
Informing him that Persimmon had including covering the costs where a herbal remedies. It now has 2,200 shops supermarket was unwilling to risk
engaged a leading QC, Finch said: “Per- developer can no longer be traced or Prospective bidders for Boots have and 550 opticians employing about having another deal torpedoed by the
simmon has been advised that it would has gone bust. He said those that were been given until the end of the month to 51,000 people. Walgreens, the Amer- competition watchdog after its merger
be unlawful for the secretary of state to “unwilling to meet” such commitments lodge first-round bids in a £7 billion ican retailer, acquired it in two stages in with Asda was rejected.
implement his suggested sanctions of would no longer “enjoy the benefits” of auction for the health and beauty the early 2010s after Stefano Pessina, The billionaire Issa brothers and
imposing penalties on developers who government support or services. chain. 80, the Italian billionaire, engineered a TDR Capital, who bought Asda last
decline to enter into the proposed Peter Truscott, the boss of Crest With interested parties including the series of deals. year and own the EG Group petrol fore-
agreement, for example by calling-in Nicholson, said Goodman’s letter was new owners of Asda and a clutch of the A Walgreens Boots Alliance spokes- courts business, are taking a close inter-
planning applications, removal of the equivalent of saying “we’d like you world’s largest private equity firms, it is man said that since the takeover the US est in the process and are expected to
developers from the Help to Buy to hand over your bank account to us understood that Sebastian James, the parent had invested £2.8 billion in the make a bid, according to sources.
scheme and the proposed ban from each year, tell you how much we’re Boots UK chief executive, has been company, including £300 million re- Sources said that the frontrunners
competing for future contracts with going to extract and then tell you when meeting prospective bidders alongside cently in online and store refurbish- were still considered to be Bain and
Homes England. we’re going to stop. Is that OK?” advisers at Goldman Sachs this week. ments. However, it also has taken hun- CVC, who have formed an early part-
“To paraphrase his clear advice, Lord Finch declined to make any com- They have been touting the opportun- dreds of millions of pounds in dividends nership that includes Dominic Murphy,
Pannick has said these sanctions would, ment. But his letter pointed out that ity for Boots to offer more health from the British business. the private equity boss who previously
if implemented, be unlawful primarily Persimmon was “one of the first major services, including vaccinations, and an Senior sources said that despite spec- orchestrated KKR’s takeover of Boots
because the secretary of state is threat- developers to commit that leaseholders improving range of beauty brands. ulation that J Sainsbury would be inter- and continues to have a seat on the
ening to penalise the developers for Continued on page 48, col 5 Boots was founded by John Boot in ested in Boots, largely because of the Walgreens Boots Alliance board.
48 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Need to know
Michael Gove is acting
“unlawfully” in threatening
housebuilders over the cladding
Public sector v private equity
crisis, a leading player in the
sector has told the government.
A company owned by Guy Hands’ Terra Firma
Persimmon has taken legal advice
over whether the housing minister
is in a multibillion-pound showdown with the
is breaking the law with demands Ministry of Defence, reports Dominic O’Connell
builders pay into a £4 billion fund
to fix fire-safety problems. Page 47 A short walk from the Battle of Britain with. Hands left Nomura in 2001 and
Bunker in Uxbridge — the route, Terra Firma, his investment firm,

Prospective bidders for Boots naturally enough, takes you round bought Annington from Nomura in
have been given until the end Dowding Park, named after one of the 2012.
of the month to lodge first- key Royal Air Force commanders in The rationale for the deal was
round bids in a £7 billion auction that crucial aerial war — you come to straightforward. Many of the houses
for the health and beauty chain. Grays Road, a street of empty, rundown were in poor condition and the MoD
Sebastian James, the Boots UK houses that has become central to one did not want to devote large amounts of
chief executive, has been meeting of the Ministry of Defence’s biggest time, money and effort to managing the
bidders alongside advisers at modern-day struggles. estate and improving it. Instead, it
Goldman Sachs this week. Page 47 In this fight, the sides are armed not would make money by selling the
with Hurricanes or Messerschmitts, properties — tens of thousands of

Ken Costa, the veteran but with lawyers. Ministers have begun homes spread around barracks and
investment banker, has called an assault that they believe eventually bases nationwide — and would rent
on Boris Johnson to lead a will reverse one of the most controver- them back. Portillo was under pressure
taskforce of the City’s great and sial and costly privatisations ever un- to sign. There were leaks that the Trea-
good to convince Arm to list in dertaken by the government — the sale sury was prepared to cut weapons
London. Costa is calling on the of the MoD’s married quarters, 55,000 budgets if the privatisation wasn’t
prime minister to co-ordinate with homes initially, to property investors. completed. He told the Commons: “If
the stock exchange, bankers, and The opening skirmishes have been we do not proceed with the sale . . . we
tech founders to present a credible fierce, with the ministry accused of act- would condemn a large number of
alternative to listing the chip ing in bad faith, wasting public money service families to go on living in poor
designer on Nasdaq. Page 47 and letting down services personnel by conditions.”
leaving homes in an appalling condi- Annington clinched the deal after

Ministers have begun a legal tion. The MoD says that its deal with agreeing to scrap a re-
battle to reverse one of the Annington Homes, the owner, has left location clause, giving
most costly and controversial it billions of pounds out of pocket and it up the right to move
privatisations ever undertaken — is determined to get better value for forces families if it
the sale of the MoD’s married money, even if that means using the wanted to redevelop a
quarters to property investors. courts to unpick the sale. Annington particular estate. It
has threatened its own legal action and took on the owner-

A boss of the company that has given the MoD a deadline of this ship of the houses for
had responsibility for the Tuesday to back down. 200 years, with the
failed Woodford Equity The 1996 deal was one of the last ministry paying rent
Income Fund has stepped down as spasms of the privatisation programme at a discount to
the Financial Conduct Authority of Sir John Major’s government. It market rates, 58 per
prepares to publish its report into came in the same year that Railtrack, cent off for the first
the scandal. Christopher the doomed successor to British Rail, 25 years, with a re-
Addenbrooke resigned as director was sold to the private sector in a listing negotiation of the
of Link Fund Solutions on on the London Stock Exchange. There discount set for
February 2 after 15 years. was considerable opposition. Unions, 2021. Crucially, the
the armed forces and even Conser- ministry retained

The economy expanded by 7.5 vative backbenchers were stridently the responsibility
per cent last year to achieve opposed to MoD houses having private to pay for the
its fastest level of growth since owners. Nevertheless, Michael Portillo, houses’ upkeep.
the Second World War, clawing the defence secretary, pressed ahead, What the archi-
back most of 2020’s dramatic 9.4 signing off a £1.6 billion sale and lease- tion had not fore-
tects of the privatisation
per cent collapse in output. Britain back agreement with Annington, then seen was the rapid increase in the value
is on track to be the G7’s fastest- owned by Nomura, the Japanese bank, of the estate. Annington has been the MoD had conducted the initial of many of the properties, on MoD
growing economy in 2021. Page 50 with significant investment from something of a goldmine for its inves- negotiations and its handling of the bases in the south of England, in-
BlackRock, Hambros and Royal Bank tors, paying hefty dividends from loans contract since. When assessing how creased as much as fivefold.

Cities in the Netherlands have of Scotland. secured against the steady flow of MoD much the homes might increase in The audit office calculated that, in
started to take action against Annington’s chairman was Sir rental payments, with the bonus of value, ministry officials and advisers the first 21 years of the contract alone,
distribution hubs for on- Thomas “Tommy” Macpherson, a windfalls from the redevelopment of had been extremely cautious, assuming the government had lost between
demand grocerty deliveries after highly decorated Second World War properties surplus to military require- rises of 1 per cent a year. They also sold £2.2 billion and £4.2 billion. Annington
complaints that they are causing a hero dubbed the “kilted killer,” but the ments. Although about 15,000 homes just when house prices had fallen had made annual returns of 13.4 per
nuisance. Amsterdam and driving force was a little-known have been handed over to Annington, sharply. The combination, the audit cent, not the 9.7 per cent assumed when
Rotterdam put a one-year freeze Nomura banker called Guy Hands. The the annual rent bill has risen from office found, implied that “they thought the deal was done. And the promise of
on new dark stores and other underbidder was a consortium led by £111 million to about £180 million. house prices would never return to improved-quality accommodation had
cities may follow suit. Page 51 Peter Beckwith, the property tycoon A 2018 National Audit office inquiry their then long-term trend”. In reality, not been kept: “The department has not
and father of socialite Tamara Beck- was scathing in its assessment of how house prices rose sharply and the value properly carried out its retained man-

Genius Sports, the British
data group, has taken a huge
gamble that its statistical
licensing deals covering hundreds
of leagues and organisations will Invasion fears drive up price of oil Gove threats
pay returns as online gambling
takes off in the US and punters
and media groups look for
Robert Miller higher than they were at the start of the
year high and traders braced them-
selves for the Federal Reserve to start
information. Page 52 Oil prices hit their highest settle value
in nearly eight years last night after a
Wall Street’s stock markets turned
negative after the White House warning
raising interest rates from their near-
zero level as soon as next month and to say builders
Heathrow said that it had senior White House adviser warned about an imminent Russian invasion of increase them four or five more times
handled 2.59 million that there were signs of Russian escala- Ukraine. Investors sold shares and by the end of this year.

passengers in January, but had tion at the Ukraine border and that an The technology-biased Nasdaq bore Continued from page 47
lost another expected 700,000 invasion could take place during the the brunt of the sell-off and by the close in any multistorey building we con-
because of cancelled travel plans Winter Olympic Games. last night was down 394.49 points, or structed would not have to pay to have
due to Covid restrictions , on top Jake Sullivan, a US national security 2.8 per cent, at 13,791.15, bringing its cladding removed or safety issues rem-
of the 600,000 no-shows that it adviser, said: “We are in the window weekly fall to 2.2 per cent and leaving edied”, setting aside £75 million to tack-
recorded in December. Page 53 when an invasion could begin at any Rise in price of Brent crude yesterday the index 11.9 per cent lower since the le such problems. He wrote that from
time.” start of the year. April the company also would be pay-

10 Andrew Harrison, the

former Carphone
Warehouse boss, is an
investor as well as chairman of an
online estate agent called Strike,
Fears about the security of energy
supplies pushed the price of Brent crude,
the international benchmark, up by
3.3 per cent, or $3.30, to $94.44 a barrel
in New York last night, its biggest one-
sought safer havens such as US Treasur-
ies, where benchmark ten-year notes
rose 0.021 percentage points to yield
1.9649 per cent, the second highest this
The S&P 500, seen as a barometer on
the corporate health of the world’s larg-
est economy, closed down 85.44 points,
1.9 per cent, at 4,418.64, for a weekly
drop of 1.8 per cent. It is down 7.3 per cent
ing “around £40 million a year” from
the new tax, or “potentially” about a
fifth of all contributions. That was “des-
pite accounting for less than 1 per cent
of multistorey buildings constructed”.
and believes that it is going to day dollar gain in more than two months year. Gold was in demand, too, rising since the turn of the year. The Dow Finch emphasised that the company
transform the world of selling and oil’s highest settle value since $4.60 to $1,840.80, giving it a weekly Jones industrial average fell 503.53 was “willing to engage in further dis-
houses — for one very good September 2014. gain of 1.9 per cent. points, or 1.4 per cent, to 34,738.06, giv- cussions”, but added: “Given we have
reason: it’s free. Page 55 Oil prices have risen by 3.5 per cent so American markets have endured a ing it a weekly drop of 1 per cent and a already pledged to pay to fix buildings
far this month and are 21.4 per cent volatile week as US inflation hit a 40- loss of 4.4 per cent since January 1. we constructed and are paying the sig-
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GM 49


in battle over military homes ‘Pay £13.5m

fines back to

Michael Portillo,
The ministry wanted the whole estate
back. “If the cost of recovering full
when he was
defence secretary,
pressed ahead with
ownership of the units from Annington
is less than the present value of MoD’s
liabilities, such a transaction is likely to
the sale of the represent good value for money,” Quin
military housing said. Patrick Hosking Financial Editor
estate to Guy Hands, Annington was furious. “We are gen-
left, but the state of uinely shocked that UK Government The professional body for accountants
many of those Investments is acting in this way, and is has been urged by its members to hand
homes has drawn seeking without notice to tear up a over £13.5 million of fines that it
fury from all sides long-standing agreement, which sends scooped as a result of the Silentnight
a dreadful signal to businesses which pension fund scandal.
rely upon the good word and good faith Some members of the Institute for
of government,” Baroness Liddell of Chartered Accountants in England and
Coatdyke, the former Labour politician Wales have called on the body to think
who chairs Annington, scolded in a again, saying that it had a moral duty to
letter to Ben Wallace, the defence sec- pass on the fines, while the reputational
retary. hit to the profession was terrible.
In a conference call with investors, Nick Sherrard, a former Coopers and
the company said it was confident that Lybrand (now part of PwC) partner and
it could see off the MoD in court. a fellow of the institute, spoke for many
Enfranchisement laws did not apply to who contacted The Times when he said,
the deal, in its opinion, and in any event “The morality and the optics of
the ministry could be in breach of its collecting a multimillion-pound fine
“public law” duties — in essence, the and then pocketing the proceeds are
government would be wrongly break- dreadful.”
ing a contract. He contrasted the institute’s decision
Annington also went on the attack, to hang on to the fines with the conduct
releasing photos showing the shocking of West Ham United, the football club,
state of some of the MoD houses. The which this week fined Kurt Zouma for
crumbling homes in Grays Road were kicking his cat but passed on the pro-
one of the star exhibits. The 87 proper- ceeds to the Royal Society for the Pre-
ties have been empty since 1996, yet the vention of Cruelty to Animals. “The
MoD has paid Annington £10 million in ICAEW should follow suit,” he said.
rent. Other pictures showed homes in David Haydon, 70, a life member of
Kent with mould and even plants the institute who has worked for
growing over damp interiors. “It is a Coopers, Thomson McLintock (now
matter of profound regret that the part of KPMG) and Grant Thornton,
[MoD] does not take its obligation to expressed similar regret: “The excess
ensure good upkeep seriously; the state [above ICAEW’s costs] should go to the
of the properties in which our service Silentnight pensioners, not into the
personnel are expected to live is often coffers of the institute. We’re not short
unacceptable.” of money. There’s a moral imperative
As well as a stick, there was a carrot. here, regardless of what the law says.”
Liddell said that Annington would set Other members have threatened to
up a £105 million fund to refurbish the resign from the institute in protest, call-
estate, but only if the MoD withdrew ing the episode “shameful,” “shocking”
the enfranchisement action. She gave and “very disappointing.”
the ministry two weeks to accept the Eleven years ago KMPG helped to
offer. The deadline expires on Tuesday. push Silentnight, the mattress com-
In an interview with Times Radio, pany that was its client, into insolvency
Liddell said the government should not to help another client, the private
be considering spending billions buying equity group HIG, to buy its operations
agement responsibilities for the estate UK Government Investments, a Trea- house near RAF Cranwell in Lincoln- the estate, which has been valued at just on the cheap, shorn of the pension
and . . . the estate has been receiving the sury-owned company that looks after shire. It would use “enfranchisement” under £8 billion. “It would be a strange liabilities. The 1,200 cheated pension
minimum acceptable level of mainte- big state investments. The deal was laws, legal rights that give leaseholders time to be doing it after the house price fund members face cuts to their prom-
nance.” struck on December 15, with the rental the ability to buy back freeholds from inflation we have had. It is clear we are ised pensions of 30 per cent as their
The NAO urged the ministry to get discount going down from 58 per cent their owners. It was a Trojan horse. One at or near the top of the market,” she scheme is likely to go into the industry
its act together for the renegotiation of to 49.6 per cent, meaning that Anning- month later, Jeremy Quin, the defence said. She also confirmed that Terra Fir- lifeboat, the Pension Protection Fund.
the rental discount due last year. “Many ton eventually would receive another procurement minister, came clean on ma had shelved plans to sell Annington. KMPG and David Costley-Wood, one
billions of pounds are at stake, and were £30 million a year. The new discount the ministry’s real intentions in a state- The MoD said it was considering of its partners, were fined £13.5 million
the department not to be ready when would apply for 30 years. ment to Parliament. The MoD would the offer, but it is unclear whether there by the Financial Reporting Council last
detailed negotiations start it could The following day, however, there “explore the exercise of its statutory will be a response this week. Sources year. However, under the Accountancy
sacrifice very significant public value.” was a sudden twist. The MoD served leasehold enfranchisement rights to close to Annington said the company Scheme the fines were passed on to the
In the end, the talks were led for the notice on Annington that it wanted to buy out Annington’s interest in the wanted to give the ministry every op- institute.
government not by the MoD but by take back ownership of one property, a homes and gain full ownership rights”. portunity to “engage” with the proposal. The institute has expressed sympathy,
but argues that the Accountancy
Scheme was never intended to operate
nificant levy on top, we need to be able
to explain to our shareholders both the
legal, commercial and equitable basis
for making additional contributions.”
Link director quits ahead of report as a compensation avenue for victims of
accountancy misconduct. It denies that
the money is “a windfall”. The institute
confirmed that it had received “feed-
Other housebuilders are similarly Ali Hussain Chief Money Reporter its authorised corporate director with Investment platforms, notably Har- back” over the affair, adding that there
aggrieved. Matthew Pratt, chief execu- overall responsibility for the fund, in- greaves Lansdown, helped it to grow to was no evidence of members refusing to
tive of Redrow, said: “We pay our taxes A boss of the company that had overall cluding ensuring that it was managed in more than £10 billion at its peak. pay their fees in protest. Some ICAEW
in the UK and we’re going to pay sub- responsibility for the failed Woodford accordance with its stated aims and did However, Neil Woodford, the fund’s members have told The Times that they
stantial taxes. It’s difficult for us to say Equity Income Fund has stepped down. not take on too much risk. once-lauded manager, made high-risk plan to refuse to pay the annual sub-
we should be paying for foreign inves- Christopher Addenbrooke resigned as Addenbrooke presided over two bets that failed. Investors launched scription, which is £400 for a full
tors who have come over here and done director of Link Fund Solutions on other scandals during his tenure as the legal action against Link. member.
the buildings and closed up shop.” February 2 after 15 years. boss of Link Fund Solutions, previously In December the FCA said that it had The institute, which has 157,000
James Thomson, chief executive of The announcement on the Compa- known as Capita Financial Managers. all key evidence for its investigation. members and has a regulatory function
Gleeson, said: “I run a public company nies House website yesterday comes as The company was also authorised cor- Last month Mel Stride, chairman of the as well as being a trade association, is
on behalf of all stakeholders. I can’t be the Financial Conduct Authority pre- porate director for the Arch Cru fund, Treasury select committee, wrote to it unusual in being able to profit from the
making large, multimillion-pound pares to publish its long-awaited report which was suspended in 2009. The to “ensure that this investigation and misconduct of its members.
voluntary contributions.” into the Woodford fund scandal that company paid £32 million to investors any regulatory action which follows is While the £13.5 million could help the
Lord Pannick is one of Britain’s lead- shook the investment world. as part of a settlement in 2012. In 2017, resourced to ensure as swift as possible pension scheme to stay independent, it
ing advocates. He acted for Gina Miller The fund was frozen and then shut at about the time Capita changed its a conclusion”. is thought much more likely that it
in the Supreme Court in September down by Link, without consulting in- name to Link, the City watchdog or- Justin Modray, of Candid Financial would still have to enter the lifeboat
2019 when it unanimously held that the vestors, in 2019 after poor performance. dered it to pay £66 million to investors Advice, said: “The timing of this move scheme. In that case, other traditional
prime minister had unlawfully pro- The fund is being dissolved and money over its role in the mis-selling of a high- by Christopher Addenbrooke will raise pension schemes would foot the bill
rogued Parliament. is being handed back to savers, who are risk scheme called the Connaught some eyebrows, given how long he has through the annual levy that they pay
A spokesman for Gove’s department expected to have lost about £1 billion. Income Fund Guaranteed. been at the company and so soon to the PPF. The Pensions and Lifetime
said: “We expect industry to pay to fix The regulator launched an inquiry The Woodford fund eclipses the before the FCA report into the Wood- Savings Association, which represents
unsafe buildings — nothing is off the into the failure of the fund. This will in- other two in scale. It was one of Britain’s ford scandal is published.” Link Fund pension schemes, said it was important
table.” clude the role of Link Fund Solutions, most popular investment products. Solutions declined to comment. that levies were kept to a minimum.
550 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Economy grows at fastest rate since war

Arthi Nachiappan
Economics Correspondent GDP growth since 1941
The economy expanded by 7.5 per cent %
last year to achieve its fastest level of
growth since the Second World War, 8
clawing back most of 2020’s dramatic
9.4 per cent collapse in output.
Britain is on track to be the fastest- 6
growing economy in the G7 in 2021,
after it experienced the worst annual
decline in the bloc the previous year. 4
However, the emergence of the
Omicron variant of Covid-19 put a dent
in the recovery, with a 0.2 per cent fall in 2
GDP recorded in December, figures
from the Office for National Statistics
showed. Economists had predicted a
decline of 0.6 per cent. 0
The contraction at the end of the
year, when Plan B restrictions were
implemented to curb infections, pulled -2
down recovery in the fourth quarter to
0.4 per cent below pre-pandemic levels.
GDP increased by 1 per cent in the last -4
three months of the year.
The fall was driven by consumers’
caution in the face of the new variant. As -6
people stayed at home, output recorded
by restaurants and hotels fell by 9.2 per
cent in December compared with the
previous month. Spending on arts and -8
entertainment fell by 4.4 per cent, while
the retail sector contracted by 3.2 per Source: Bank of England/ONS
cent. -10
The drop in expenditure outweighed
the 2.4 per cent rise in activity in the 1941 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
healthcare sector and a 2 per cent
expansion in the construction sector. rates to 0.5 per cent last Thursday in its
“This meant the level of monthly first back-to-back rate rise since 2004 Analysis
GDP went from being 0.2 per cent above in an attempt to get a grip on soaring

the pre-pandemic February 2020 peak prices. Officials said that inflation, t may be tempting to be several percentage course of the pandemic, calculates the output of
in November to being in line with it in which is already at 5.4 per cent, would celebrate the fastest points below the UK. surpassing pre-Covid the education and health
December, although we had thought the peak higher than the 5 per cent it pre- pace of growth in Yet yearly growth levels of output by the sectors means that
hit from the initial Omicron wave would dicted in November, when a simultane- 81 years, but the figures do not take into end of last year. Output in growth data for the UK is
be bigger,” Paul Dales, at Capital Econo- ous rise in energy prices, minimum context behind the account the starting Britain remained 0.4 per not entirely comparable
mics, the consultancy, said. wages and national insurance contri- figures tells a more point: Britain was hit cent below pre-pandemic with that of other
Suren Thiru, head of economics at butions comes into effect on April 1. complicated story worst by the pandemic, levels in the final quarter countries. As a result, the
the British Chambers of Commerce, The Bank’s inflation target is 2 per cent. (Arthi Nachiappan with the economy of last year, although UK figures show a more
said: “Although 2021 was a record year Dales said growth was expected to writes). contracting by a record output in December severe contraction in
for the UK economy, this more reflects have dropped in the first half of January Britain is technically 9.4 per cent in 2020, so matched levels recorded 2020 and a
data distortions caused by the compari- as people had to isolate, but activity the fastest-growing there was more room to in February 2020. The disproportionately high
son with the historic collapse in activity picked up in the second half. “With country in the G7 block rebound. America UK is about one quarter rate of growth in 2021
in 2020 than the reality on the ground.” inflation soaring, we doubt this will pre- of advanced economies. recorded a decline of behind France in terms of compared with other
Strong demand for workers and vent the Bank of England from raising The United States and 3.4 per cent, while the recovering its pre- economies.
limited supply pushed up vacancies to a interest rates from 0.50 per cent to France, the second and economy of France pandemic level of output, Darren Morgan,
record of more than 1.2 million in the 1.25 per cent this year and perhaps to third fastest-growing contracted by 8 per cent according to Fabrice director of economic
three months to December. Unemploy- 2 per cent next year,” he said. members of the bloc, that year. Montagne, chief UK and statistics at the ONS,
ment levels are close to historic lows at The trade deficit in goods and ser- grew by 5.7 per cent and If we consider the past senior European thinks that, all things
4.1 per cent and the number of vacan- vices narrowed by £200 million to 7 per cent, respectively, two years as an exercise economist at Barclays, considered, the UK is
cies is almost equal to the number of £12.8 billion in the last three months of last year. Canada and not in growth but in the investment bank. performing “in the
jobless people for the first time since 2021. Imports increased by 8.4 per cent Japan have not yet recovery, the US and National differences in middle of the pack” when
comparable data was recorded more in 2021 and exports rose by 4.9 per cent published their full-year France have grown more the way that the Office compared with other G7
than 20 years ago. compared with 2020, but both remain data, but are expected to than the UK over the for National Statistics countries.
The Bank of England raised interest lower than pre-pandemic levels.

Redcentric finance chief misled market City braces for half-point

Louisa Clarence-Smith Redcentric’s cash position by £13.1 mil-
lion and £12.2 million, respectively. The
demerger of Redstone’s managed
services business and the acquisition of
rate rise in coming months
A former chief financial officer of company then mis-stated its net debt InTechnology Managed Services. It
Redcentric has been found guilty of position by the same amount and when provides network, cloud and colla- Financial markets expect the Bank of while the majority backed a 0.25 per
making false and misleading state- the true position was revealed, share- boration services to private and public England’s monetary policy committee cent rise to 0.5 per cent. This came after
ments to the market. holders suffered immediate losses to sector bodies. to raise interest rates by an unprece- a 0.15 per cent rise in December, the first
Timothy Coleman, 57, who left the the value of their shares. The company was forced to hand its dented half a percentage point at its back-to-back rate increase since 2004.
Aim-listed IT services provider in 2016, Fraser Fisher, 51, former chief execu- shareholders £11.4 million in compen- March or May meeting, and to make a Two-year government bond yields,
falsified key accounting records to tive of Redcentric, who had also been sation in 2020 after being censured by quarter-point rise at the other, accord- which are sensitive to speculation
inflate the cash position and used the accused by the Financial Conduct the City regulator for overstating its ing to pricing yesterday. about Bank rate decisions, climbed by
false figures to assure key investors Authority of making false or mis- profits and cash reserves in 2016. The central bank has raised rates around five basis points yesterday to a
about Redcentric’s financial position, leading statements, was acquitted by Croft has already been sentenced to only in quarter-point increments since peak of 1.414 per cent, their highest level
persuading them not to reduce their the jury of all charges. three years’ imprisonment, and was it gained operational independence in since 2011.
investment in the company, Southwark Coleman and Croft were found to ordered to pay £120,346.70. Coleman is 1997, but markets are now pricing in a The Bank has said that it will stop re-
crown court was told. have taken steps to prevent the dishon- due to be sentenced on March 3. 98 per cent chance of a total 75 basis investing the proceeds of gilts that
Coleman conspired with Estelle esty being discovered, with Croft giving Mark Steward, executive director of points of tightening by May’s meeting. mature from its £875 billion quan-
Croft, 49, a former finance director at auditors falsified bank statements. enforcement and market oversight at Only a few weeks ago financial titative easing stockpile, placing extra
Redcentric, who has pleaded guilty to When the issue began to be discovered, the UK’s financial regulator, said: markets did not expect rates to reach pressure on gilt yields. It reiterated last
charges of making false statements and Coleman suggested to a member of the “While Redcentric has done the right 1.25 per cent until the end of 2022 and a week that it would consider selling gilts
false accounting and of making false Redcentric board that the mis-stated thing in compensating affected little over a year ago, before inflation once its Bank Rate reaches at least 1 per
statements to PwC, Redcentric’s position could be washed through a shareholders, this case shows the FCA surged, markets expected the MPC to cent.
auditor. potential new acquisition. The FCA has will bring criminal cases against cut rates below zero and into negative On Thursday, stronger US inflation
Redcentric issued false and mis- estimated losses to affected share- company directors and other officers territory. data than had been expected prompted
leading unaudited interim results in holders, to which the mis-statements and will hold them personally to At February’s meeting, four of the investors to bet more heavily on a half-
November 2015 and full-year results in contributed, of about £43 million. account when their conduct damages Bank’s nine policymakers voted for percentage-point move by the US
June 2016. The accounts overstated Redcentric was created in 2013 via a UK markets.” 0.5 per cent, a 50 basis-point increase, Federal Reserve next month.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 51


Dominic O’Connell Cities crack

down on
To make the British rail industry great, ‘blight’ of

put its trains and tracks back together dark stores
Times Business Reporter
Fans of gradual return to strict central control
cringeworthy with civil servants calling the shots. The new generation of fast grocery
government social The wild-child phase probably delivery services such as Getir and
media should direct reached its height under the late Sir Gorillas may be providing convenience
themselves to the Alastair Morton, who as chairman of for consumers, but in the Netherlands
Twitter account of Grant Shapps. the Strategic Rail Authority they are increasingly seen as a blight on
There they will find a side-splitting encouraged some extravagant plans. neighbourhoods.
skit where the transport secretary For example GNER, part of the now- Authorities in the country have
pretends to be having a conversation defunct Sea Containers group, started to take action against hundreds
on his mobile from the end of a planned to spend £4.5 billion tearing of so-called “dark stores” — distribu-
railway platform. down and rebuilding Clapham tion hubs for on-demand groceries
He has started a competition, he Junction, at the same time boring a where workers zip in and out on scoot-
says, to find a new home for Great new tunnel under London to take ers, prompting complaints that they are
British Railways, the body that commuter trains heading for Waterloo causing disruption and are a nuisance.
eventually will take over the running up into north London instead. Amsterdam and Rotterdam have put
of the entire network. An unseen man Strangely, the plan never became a one-year freeze on new dark stores
beside him interjects with eulogies to reality. and other cities may follow suit in
great railway towns: Crewe, York, Roger Ford, the technical editor of moves similar to those faced in Europe
Doncaster. Just some trainspotter, Modern Railways, the most astute (and by Uber, the ride-hailing service, and
Shapps says. Surprise! The camera acerbic) of railway commentators, Airbnb, the short-rental company.
pulls back to reveal that it is in fact dismisses the 30-year plan as a “total The proliferation of dark stores
Michael Portillo, the former waste of time”, pointing out that even accelerated during the lockdowns of
Conservative transport minister now the basics of Great British Railways the past two years, but they look set to
better known as host of the television are not yet known and are unlikely to remain a fixture across Europe, despite
programme Great British Railway become clear until next year. the easing of pandemic restrictions.
Journeys. The reality is that we are in for Marieke van Doorninck, 55, deputy
Once you have dried the tears of more of what we have now. Great mayor of Amsterdam, said: “The busi-
laughter, it is worth remembering that British Railways is likely to be, despite ness model of these companies is that
this joking around masks what is an protestations to the contrary, simply a they want to deliver groceries in ten
important moment for the future of rebooted version of Network Rail. minutes; that means they need to be
the railways. Covid-19 completely Private train companies will continue based in neighbourhoods, exactly the
shattered the industry’s finances and as they are now, running the railway place where they also cause nuisance.
fare revenue all but vanished to a pre-written script, with fares, This is not something that is happening
overnight. The train franchise timetables, budgets and rolling stock specially in Amsterdam, this is happen-
agreements in operation at the start of controlled from above. HS2 is already ing in most big cities.”
the pandemic have been torn up and April. Franchise managers are sector. At the same time, the a big commitment from the Treasury Complaints over noise have been
thrown away. This is an astonishing scratching their heads over how they government is drawing up a 30-year so there is unlikely to be extra money made by residents in London, notably
development. Franchises were the can meet the savings target. Service plan and has been asking everyone to to lure commuters back on to trains. in Islington, as well as in Berlin’s Kreuz-
cornerstone of the railway: long-term levels are already reduced and some submit ideas. The consultation closed Here is one small suggestion for berg district. In Paris, the unmarked
contracts that big transport companies rail experts are warning of much last week and it was clear that Shapps. For three decades the debate stores have been called a blight and
fought fiercely to win, spending tens of bigger cuts to come, perhaps with ministers were in the mood for some about the railways has been calls have been made for them to seek
millions of pounds to construct the whole routes closed and train fleets blue-sky thinking. The plan is to dominated by the role of the private licences as warehouses or face fines.
best possible bid, knowing that failure mothballed. That might be alarmist, change the “culture”, get staff to “think sector — in short, whether the Locals complain of restocking and de-
would leave them sitting on the but it is an unhappy coincidence that like customers, both passengers and industry should be renationalised. In livery going on 24 hours a day, while
sidelines for years. All that striving, all just as passenger numbers are starting freight, and put them first”, and to truth, that has already happened and scooters racing to deliver groceries are
those carefully laid plans, were blown to revive and managers should be have a “can-do, not can’t do” mindset. state control has been reasserted. accused of being traffic hazards.
away by the coronavirus. gearing up for the fight to tempt Begging bowls were not required. “Any There still remains, however, a Van Doorninck suggested delivery
Trains have been kept running only commuters back from their cars, there responses that focus solely on requests separation of responsibility between companies may have to move to
through huge government subsidy. In are likely to be fewer trains. Rising for new investments or enhancements the management of rolling stock and locations where ten-minute deliveries
the 12 months to the end of March passenger numbers do not necessarily will not be considered.” the management of stations, rails and might not be possible, even out of town.
2021, the industry’s total income was fix the industry’s financial problems: All this has been greeted by railway signalling, a division established at The three largest fast-grocery com-
£20.7 billion. Of that, £16.9 billion came commuter railways, in particular, rely managers with a heavy sigh. There privatisation. It is time to get rid of it panies in Amsterdam — Gorillas, Flink

straight from the government. Fare on season-ticket sales, a big slug of have been umpteen strategic plans for and to recreate British Rail, great or and Getir — all pointed to the many
revenue, which normally brings in upfront money that is not likely to the railways since privatisation in the not. It doesn’t really matter if it is a customers satisfied with their services
£9 billion a year, fell to £1.8 billion. The return thanks to employers’ adoption late 1990s. One I spoke to, a contact government organisation or a private and said they wanted to work with city
companies running the train of hybrid working. from a long period spent as a transport one, or one body or a series of regional officials to resolve the problems.
franchises have by and large stayed in This short-term challenge is correspondent, remarked drily that he railways. An efficient railway requires Their fears of a hit on wafer-thin
place, but they are now just puppets, complicated by longer-term questions had spent his entire career dealing decent trains and margins are not hard to understand.
doing no more or less than they are about the industry’s structure. There with one great leap forward after well-maintained Each of the three companies last year
told by the Department for Transport. are frantic preparations to create another. The general direction of track. They should raised over $1 billion to expand. Goril-
The subsidy flood is about to abate. Great British Railways, Shapps’s new travel has been Big Bang in reverse. In be managed las, founded in Berlin in 2020, said it
The department (I suspect, in reality, fat controller organisation that will the early years post-privatisation, together. was “surprised and disappointed” by
the Treasury) has told train operators specify nearly every aspect of services there was an explosion of possibilities the bans. It is thought to have more
to expect cuts of at least 10 per cent but will not actually manage trains, a and train companies were prodded to Dominic O’Connell is business than 180 stores in Europe, employing
for the financial year that starts in task still delegated to the private think big. Ever since there has been a presenter for Times Radio 2,000 people in Amsterdam alone.
552 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Genius is bowled over by potential

The British data group by “thought I was rather strange”, the
Texan businessman told CNBC. Per-
more than 100 million Americans now
live in places where such betting is legal.
Angeles Rams, but an equally fierce
clash involves rival digital gambling
is at the heart of a haps they didn’t appreciate that he was
scrambling to place a string of bets
McIngvale, 71, in Texas, doesn’t. A
90-minute drive to Louisiana, where
operators. The likes of Flutter Enter-
tainment’s FanDuel, BetMGM, owned
gambling industry worth $4.5 million on the Cincinnati punters have been able to place bets by Entain and MGM Resorts, and
chasing a huge jackpot, Bengals winning tomorrow’s Super
online since last month, beats the flight
to Colorado that he had been taking
DraftKings, the US-listed market
leader, are digging deep to attract as
writes Callum Jones His mobile wager has been declared
the single biggest in history, another
each time he fancied a flutter.
This year’s Super Bowl in Los Ange-
many users as possible and as quickly as
they can.
record as regulated sports betting les is deemed a watershed moment. The A marketing blitz, spearheaded by
Jim McIngvale, a furniture salesman sweeps across the United States. Less American Gaming Association, which celebrities including Ben Affleck and
known as “Mattress Mack”, concedes than four years after the Supreme represents the gambling industry, esti- Jamie Foxx, makes it almost impossible
that he looked a bit odd when he walked Court called time on a law that effec- mates that 31.4 million people nation- to escape the knowledge that your state
into a Louisiana store and started tap- tively banned the practice, paving the wide plan to place $7.6 billion of bets. has just opened up. The arrival of
ping away on his smartphone. Passers- way for liberalisation, state by state, The Bengals will take on the Los regulated betting in markets like New
York is drawing activity from the
“What’s really happening is a tran-
sition from illegal betting to legal
betting,” Steve Bornstein, a veteran
sports media executive and former boss
of the ESPN cable network, said. “Now
it’s just easier and more prevalent and
legal, and so it’s coming out of the dark
into the light.”
Bornstein, 69, is monitoring
developments closely as president of
the North American division of Genius
Sports. The British data group has
statistical licensing deals covering
hundreds of leagues and organisations,
including an exclusive six-year distri-
bution partnership with the National
Football League that, according to
Sports Business Journal, costs it
$120 million in cash and stock annually.
The company harvests and sells this
data to interested parties, enabling
sports betting platforms to offer wagers
in real time on everything from how
many touchdowns will be scored by a
player to which team will kick the
game’s longest punt.
As the big sports betting groups fight
for supremacy, Genius is serving them
all. “We’re Switzerland,” Bornstein said.
“We’re ubiquitously distributed and
want to be everybody’s good friend in Gambling on American sports events
this matter.”
The London-based company was co- to have been missed by the market, too.
founded two decades ago as BetGenius Its shares have slumped by almost two
by Mark Locke, its chief executive. In thirds since its listing in New York last
essence, it acts as a statistical middle spring. Its market value is $1.3 billion.
man between sports events and the Genius is in the midst of an “educa-
gambling and media groups, although tion process”, teaching investors “the
Bornstein argued: “I think you’re miss- metrics that show that it’s growing and
ing the broader implication.” The “real healthy and which ones should you pay
trick” of Genius is not collecting data, attention to. This is a new business and
but using it to change how sport is so it’s not surprising we have to explain
covered and followed. “It’s the future of how to view it.”
distribution, it’s the future of consump- One metric that appeared to spook
tion and it’s the future of media.” the market in November was a
This “broader implication” appears quarterly net loss that widened from

Tate & Lyle price pledge

keeps its investors sweet
Ashley Armstrong Retail Editor estimates about higher corn costs. Uni-
lever, the maker of Marmite and Mag-
Successfully renegotiating contracts to nums, has said that it faces £3.5 billion
offset price increases means that of extra inflationary costs this year.
inflationary pressures will not blow Tate & Lyle traces its roots to 1859,
Tate & Lyle off course, the food ingre- when Henry Tate went into partner-
dients business said yesterday. ship with John Wright, a Liverpool-
Nick Hampton, 54, its chief execu- based sugar refiner. They brought
tive, said that the company was enter- sugar cubes to Britain in 1879. Over the
ing 2022 in a strong position. “Our new next century the company expanded
business pipeline in food and beverage and diversified into corn starch, before
solutions is healthy and in both our formulating sucralose, a no-calorie
businesses we have renewed 2022 sweetener, in 1976. In 2010 it sold the
calendar year customer contracts that last of its sugar business and now it
offset inflation,” he said. focuses on producing natural sugar
The news was greeted warmly in the alternatives and starches that add fibre
City, with shares in Tate & Lyle jumping or reduce salt and sugar to products. It
by 65p, or 9.5 per cent, to 756p. Mirco has 4,200 staff in 30 countries.
Badocco, an analyst at Bank of Amer- It recorded an 18 per cent rise in con-
ica, said that after several warnings tinuing operations for the three months
about cost pressures and inflation from to the end of December, with its food
rival companies, Tate & Lyle’s update and business solutions growing by
was very reassuring. Last week Ingre- 19 per cent, helped by higher prices,
dion, an American peer, missed market acquisitions and new products.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 53


of America’s betting market Vaping helps

BAT fire up

Behind the story £2bn shares

egulated sports betting
is exploding in the
world’s largest
economy (Callum Alex Ralph
Jones writes). The
number of Americans placing a British American Tobacco is to make a
digital wager on the Super Bowl share buyback of as much as £2 billion
is expected to surge by 70 per as the maker of Dunhill and Lucky
cent to 12.9 million this year. Strike cigarettes continues to generate
Gambling businesses looking on vast amounts of cash and after it re-
eagerly from the other side of the duced losses in its e-cigarettes business
Atlantic are jostling to get in on for the first time last year.
the action. In full-year results published yester-
“This isn’t slowing down at all,” day, BAT said that it continued to
Adam Greenblatt, chief executive expect about £40 billion of free cash-
of BetMGM, one of the leading flow over the next five years, leading it
players in the nascent industry, to approve the share repurchase pro-
said last autumn. His business — gramme this year and to increase its
one of America’s leading sports dividend by 1 per cent to 217.8p per
betting operators — is a lucrative share.
joint venture between Entain, the Revenue rose by 6.9 per cent to
FTSE 100 group behind £25.7 billion last year, on an adjusted
Ladbrokes and Coral, and MGM basis and at a constant currency level,
Resorts, the Las Vegas-based with sales from new categories, includ-
casino group. ing its Vuse e-cigarette and glo heat-
Entain’s transatlantic success not-burn brands, rising by 50.9 per cent
has prompted two ultimately ill- to more than £2 billion. BAT added
fated takeover bids; first from 4.8 million new non-combustible pro-
MGM, its partner, and then duct consumers, taking the total to
DraftKings, a rival. Though it 18.3 million, and losses in new catego-
batted away such interest, ries fell by 9 per cent, or almost
William Hill, another British £100 million.
bookmaker making hay in the Non-combustible products account
United States, accepted a for 12 per cent of group revenues, up
£2.9 billion takeover offer from from 4 per cent in 2017. With losses from
Caesars Entertainment, the new categories having peaked, they
owner of Caesars Palace, in 2020. remain on course to turn a profit by 2025
William Hill’s American revenue and to hit a £5 billion revenue target.
increased by 32 per cent to The target has been pushed back pre-
£167.3 million that year, with local viously from 2022, but under Jack
adjusted operating profits Bowles, 58, its chief executive, BAT has
advancing from £1 million in 2019 refocused on its accelerating growth. It
to £12.4 million in 2020. moved to reduce the number of is
Flutter Entertainment, the brands in 2019 after Bowles was ap-
such as the Super Bowl is becoming legal, state by state, and Genius Sports provides the data to help punters with bets London-listed, Dublin-based pointed as part of a shake-up of the new

operator behind Paddy Power
$1.8 million to $70 million. Heavy ciently without Genius, he argued. It said. “The next iteration are these data and Betfair, also has a significant
investment in technology, data and forecast that annual revenue would companies that are making the gami- American unit. In a few short
streaming rights today would build a grow from $340 million this year, with fication that much more compelling.” years it has built up FanDuel
strong, prosperous business tomorrow, almost two thirds coming from its bet- Genius is positioning itself as an from a fantasy sports operator
it said — a bet that failed to muster ting division, to at least $430 million essential element of media and gam- into one of the country’s largest Group revenues from non-combustible
much enthusiasm. next. Adjusted earnings are set to climb bling companies’ efforts to “gamify” — online gambling businesses. products, up from 4 per cent in 2017
Last month Genius sought to from $15 million to above $40 million. persuading fans to stick around by Sportech, another betting Source: British American Tobacco
engineer something of a reset, hosting a Such forecasts have yet to feed through building a sense of competition and in- group, is getting involved from its
virtual investor day. Locke, 42, to the share price, which was flat yester- teractivity into broadcasts and plat- American base in Connecticut. It categories. The company has invested
described his company as “the key link” day afternoon at $6.07. forms and, ultimately, generating more already offers online, call centre heavily and it increased spending by
between sports leagues and the betting Bornstein is undeterred. “The money. Sport’s data-powered revolu- and retail betting in the state and £496 million last year as it aims for
groups, media outlets, advertisers and American landscape was traditionally tion may be in its infancy, but Genius says it is “actively pursuing” 50 million consumers of non-combus-
fans that follow them. It’s “difficult to broadcast networks, and then cable maintains that digging deep to establish more opportunities. tible products by 2030.
imagine” the industry operating effi- companies came along like ESPN,” he a central role for the future is a good bet. BAT, which is based in London and is
valued at about £75 billion, has been
investing in new brands as sales of

Heathrow loses a quarter of passengers combustible tobacco come under

pressure from tighter regulation and
increased awareness of the health risks.

The group still generates most of its
Robert Lea Industrial Editor to the year.” He said that the ending of money from cigarettes and it has been
South Terminal to reopen in-bound testing and isolation restric- offsetting falling volumes with price
Heathrow lost a quarter of its expected tions from today offered a “ray of hope”, rises. Cigarette volumes were “broadly
passengers last month because of the
short-lived travel restrictions imposed
by governments in reaction to the
Gatwick is to reopen its South
Terminal in time for Easter (Robert
Lea writes). The airline recession
but added: “The Omicron hangover
proves demand remains fragile and at
risk to new variants of concern. The
Email briefing flat” compared with 2020, at 637 billion
sticks. Growth in South Africa as the
market recovered from lockdowns and
spread of the Omicron coronavirus during the pandemic led the airport government needs to set out a playbook Get up to speed in five minutes a ban of sales in part of 2020 was offset
variant. to close half its capacity and to rely for managing future variants that al- Get the best of the morning’s by declines, including in Iran, after the
Britain’s largest airport said that it solely on its North Terminal lows travel and trade to keep flowing.” sale of the group’s operations in the
had handled 2.59 million passengers in operation, but with British Airways Different markets are recovering at results, deals, profit warnings and country in August, and the United
January, but had lost another expected due to restart operations, Wizz Air varying rates. Passengers on domestic sackings and the latest from the States. The sale of its business in Iran
700,000 because of cancelled travel to begin expanding at the airport services are already at more than half led to non-cash costs of £358 million.
plans, on top of the 600,000 no-shows and easyJet putting in more pre-pandemic levels. Passengers to the markets by 8am. Also get BAT disclosed about two years ago
that it had recorded in December. services, Gatwick said it planned to European Union and the United States, lunchtime analysis of the that the US Department of Justice and
Heathrow, the hub on the western have its South Terminal open by the however, are still down by about 60 per the Office of Foreign Assets Control, an
fringes of London that has lost £3 bil- end of March. “We can now look cent and the number of travellers to and breaking news and what’s enforcement agency that is part of the
lion over the course of the pandemic, forward to once again operating a from Asia-Pacific is still off by nearly moving markets, currencies and Treasury department, were investi-
said that it would operate at a little over busy Gatwick this summer and 75 per cent. gating “suspicions of breach of sanc-
half its 80 million capacity this year, as beyond,” Stewart Wingate, the This week Tui, Europe’s biggest commodities at 12.30pm. Direct tions”. It is not clear which country or
it recovers from Covid-19 travel restric- airport’s chief executive, said. travel group, reported a surge in sum- by email from the Business countries the regulators are focusing on.
tions. That is more than double the mer bookings. It said that by the end of Bowles declined to comment on the
19.4 million that went through its ter- January 3.5 million customers had Editor, Richard Fletcher investigation or whether it was related
minals in 2021. strong demand for outbound summer booked a trip for this summer — 72 per to the sale of operations of Iran. He said
It said that its outcome for January holidays can offset a weaker start”. cent of the level of the summer Subscribers only that BAT reviewed its businesses regu-
was 56 per cent down on pre-pandemic John Holland-Kaye, chief executive of 2019 at the same point — but new larly as a “responsible company”.
levels, but that it would catch up of Heathrow, said: “After a tough bookings were now above 100 per cent Sign up at Shares in BAT closed up 99½p, or
later in the year “on the basis that Christmas, this has been a weak start of summer 2019. 3 per cent, at £33.68½.
554 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Business Markets

Antofagasta gets warm words of Banking advisers are

ditched by Unilever
Unilever has parted ways with
the financial advisers that

reassurance over Chile reception

orchestrated its disastrous
£50 billion tilt for Glaxo-
SmithKline’s consumer unit. The
company had been working with
Deutsche Bank and Centerview
Partners on its approach for a
value since last May’s peak, whereas near indigenous lands, but division that three weeks ago
those of its rivals have barely moved. Antofagasta would be “relatively Alan Jope, Unilever’s chief
Barclays thinks it is “very unlikely” unaffected” by those proposals, executive, claimed would be a
Tom Howard Market report that Chile’s lawmakers will follow Barclays added. “strong strategic fit”. It is
through and take control of the The group’s Zaldivar mine is the understood that both were still
country’s mines, “given the only one at risk if it were to lose its enlisted until Thursday, when

arclays’ analysts talked leg-up to Antofagasta. All of the importance of private sector water licence, but it accounts for only Jope, 57, declared that
down the prospect of the company’s mines are in the South investment to Chile’s economy”. 3 per cent of Antofagasta’s value, transformational mergers and
Chilean government American country and its shares have There is potential for the making it “relatively immaterial”. deals were “off the agenda” after
nationalising the country’s horribly underperformed its peers. government to scrap companies’ None of its mines sit near indigenous shareholders had been
copper mines, which gave a The stock has lost about a third of its water licences and to limit mining lands. Even assuming that Zaldivar “unambiguous there was no
has to close in two years’ time, appetite”. “While they supported
Barclays still makes a case to buy management’s view . . . it was too
Antofagasta shares — an about-turn much, at the wrong time,” Jope
on its previous position, which said last week. The debacle,
advised clients to avoid the stock. The which wiped £1 billion off the
reassurance on nationalisation gave a stock market value of Unilever.
lift to the shares, which rose 22p, or Shares in the group closed up
1.6 per cent, to £13.66½. 135½p, or 3.6 per cent, at £39.14½.
Antofagasta was one of the better
performers on a day that started deep Good Energy sees off
in the red before improving as the
session wore on. The FTSE 100 edged challenge to chairman
11.38 points, or 0.2 per cent, to An attempt by Ecotricity to oust
7,661.02, wrapping up its best week of the chairman of Good Energy, its
the year after, having gained 144.62 rival green energy supplier, has
points, or 1.9 per cent, since the failed. Ecotricity, the biggest
opening bell on Monday. The more shareholder in Good Energy,
UK-biased FTSE 250 also enjoyed its requisitioned a general meeting
biggest weekly rise of the year despite seeking to block the company
sliding 159.04 points, or 0.7 per cent, from selling its wind and solar
to 22,048.71 on the day. Over the farm assets and to remove Will
week, the mid-caps put on 336.67 Whitehorn as its chairman. The
points or 1.6 per cent. meeting went ahead yesterday
Tate & Lyle, the maker of food despite Good Energy already
ingredients, was the standout riser having completed a deal to offload
among London’s bigger companies. Its the wind and solar assets. Both
motions failed, with 58 per cent of
shareholders that voted rejecting
Wall Street report the motion to remove Whitehorn.
Good Energy said if Ecotricity’s
Warnings for British and American votes were excluded, only 6 per
citizens to leave Ukraine stoked a cent of other investors who voted
jittery market already fretting about had backed the motion. Nigel
US interest rate rises. The Dow Jones Pocklington, Good Energy’s chief
industrial average fell 503.53 points, executive, said: “Again our
or 1.4 per cent, to 34,738.06, taking it shareholders have dismissed the
down 1 per cent on the week. disruptive actions of one
shareholder and competitor.”

shares improved 65¾p, or 9.5 per cent, Finance chief stands

to 756p after a bullish trading update.
Unilever, the consumer goods down after accident
powerhouse behind brands such as The chief financial officer of
Dove and Domestos, put on 135½p, or Britain’s second largest operator
3.6 per cent, to £39.14½ having of private hospitals has stepped
recently pledged to take big takeovers aside temporarily after a cycling
“off the agenda” in the wake of its accident. Spire Healthcare said
failed £50 billion tilt at that Jitesh Sodha, 54, was in a
GlaxoSmithKline’s consumer division. “serious condition” after the
The prospect of higher interest incident, but was recovering well
rates in the United States knocked in hospital. The group has
technology companies and investors. promoted Harbant Samra, its
Tech stocks, whose best years financial controller, to cover for
generally are yet to come, are Sodha. Samra will report to
particularly sensitive to rate rises, Justin Ash, the chief executive.
which reduce a company’s future “Jitesh may be absent for some
cashflow. Trustpilot, the online time, but we anticipate he will
review site, dropped 6½p, or 4.1 per fully resume his responsibilities
cent, to 156p and Baillie Gifford US in due course,” Ash, 57, said. “Our
Growth Trust, a big investor in Tesla management team and senior
and Amazon, shed 6½p, or 2.6 per leadership will continue to
cent, to 239½p. discharge Jitesh’s responsibilities
Thungela Resources jumped 52¼p, in his absence.” Sodha is a non-
or 9.9 per cent, to 579½p after the executive director at PZ Cussons,
coalminer, which was spun out of the which said he was taking a
giant Anglo American last year, “medical leave of absence”.
swung to a profit in 2021 on the back Shares in Spire Healthcare rose
of surging coal prices. by 1 per cent, or 2½p, to 242½p.

The day’s biggest movers

Company Change
Tate & Lyle Bullish trading update 9.5%
Unilever M&A pledge “de-risks investment case”, say analysts 3.6%
British American Tobacco Raises dividend and unveils £2 billion buyback 3.0%
Evraz Volatility amid Russia tensions 3.0%
PZ Cussons Turnaround “entering final stage”, Panmure Gordon predicts 3.0%
Trustpilot Technology stocks caught out by rate rise speculation -4.1%
Petropavlovsk Down a fifth already this year -4.5%
Oxford BioMedica Stock at an 18-month low -4.6%
Reach Ends four-day winning streak -4.6%
Wizz Air Profit-taking after recent run higher -5.1%
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 55

The Manifesto Business

Providing estate agency for free? That’s

enough to put a smile on anyone’s face

Patrick Hosking meets entrepreneur behind Direct Line and

esure, took part in an £11 million
the former boss of capital-raising last July, as well as
Toscafund and Channel 4 Ventures,
Carphone Warehouse and again in December, when
now striking fear into a another £8 million was raised.
Yet there are plenty of sceptics, too.
competitive market Russell Quirk, the founder of Emoov,
a rival online estate agency chain,
blasted the Strike team as “deluded”

ndrew Harrison dazzles in a video blog last week, attacking
with some of the whitest, the business model as ridiculous and
straightest teeth I have one that demeaned the estate agency
ever seen on a 51-year-old business. The brand was “terrible”,
Englishman. “I’ve had with its connotations of Arthur
three and a half hours in the dentist’s Scargill, he told Christopher Watkin,
chair this morning. Don’t worry,” he the property blogger. Quirk also
says of his snow-white gnashers, “they questioned how Strike would fare if
will calm down a bit.” there was a crackdown on referral
This isn’t vanity. It’s work. Harrison, fees paid by mortgage firms and
the former Carphone Warehouse solicitors to estate agents.
boss, has been road-testing one of his Harrison fires back: “Russell knows
latest ventures, a teeth whitening and about online estate agents not
straightening service. He’s just bought making money as he ran his own and
a dental practice in Marylebone, it went bust [Emoov failed in 2018 but
central London, and renamed it was recapitalised and continues to
Smiles and Smiles. Forget tooth decay trade]. We have lots of people across
and fillings. This is the Zoom age and the industry with a vested interest in
it’s all about composite bonding and rubbishing us as we are exposing the
“smile transformation”. truth and disrupting their model.”
After 23 years in senior roles in the According to Harrison, the
Carphone, then Dixons Carphone company is on course to break even
group, Harrison largely baled out of by the middle of this year. Won’t it be
the listed world in 2018 to work as a on a cash-guzzling advertising
partner in Freston Ventures, the treadmill for years? “We’re investing
private equity business of Sir Charles behind a brand that we think is going
Dunstone, his former boss. Now he to be a big one. We’re prepared to
helps to oversee a string of start-ups make big bets.” He believes that Strike
financed by Freston, including the can take 10 per cent of the overall
Five Guys burger chain, ME+EM market.
fashion shops and a platform that Haven’t we been here before with
connects motorists with mechanics Purplebricks? That company had high
called hopes of taking a bulldozer to the
But the subject today is perhaps the traditional estate agency market, but
most potentially spectacular of those its share price today is just 20p, far
businesses, an online estate agent from its peak of 500p in 2017, as it
called Strike. Harrison is an investor Andrew Harrison is overseeing start-ups from dentistry to fashion, but the most rewarding may be Strike, the estate agent failed to meet expectations. “I like
as well as its chairman and believes Purplebricks and what they have

that it is going to transform the world knew we were on to something.” The done, but I don’t think their
of selling houses — for one very good did on UK high streets formula was rolled out to Manchester proposition is customer-centric
and astonishing reason: it’s free. appear on Fifth Avenue and Liverpool, then Newcastle and enough. We’ve got 16,000 Trustpilot
Strike customers can use the What does leadership Sunderland and to the Midlands last reviews at an average of 4.7. We sell
company to sell their homes and not mean to you? summer. Last month Harrison houses faster than anyone else and
pay a penny in fees. They get most of Taking risk, making completed the jigsaw, opening in we sell houses for more than other
the normal estate agency services, Who is your mentor? tough decisions and Age: 51 London and the southeast and people.”
such as valuation, photos, floorplans, John Gildersleeve was taking people with you Education: Rainford declaring Strike a nationwide brand. Harrison (not be confused with
a “For Sale” board and the placing of my chairman at Does money motivate High School, Leeds With a team of only 80 local Andy Harrison of easyJet and
details on portals such as Rightmove Carphone Warehouse you? University (BA in property experts on the ground, that Whitbread fame) continues to have a
and Zoopla. Strike also says that it for many years and he Yes. My Dad was management studies) might be exaggerating things a bit, non-executive role in the listed world.
provides support when negotiating shaped me (as much as window cleaner and we Career: 1993-95: but there’s no doubting the initial He is the senior independent director
offers. Users have to conduct viewings he could) into being a didn’t have much, so I Bridgwater Business appeal of the business to homeowners and remuneration committee
themselves. The business makes its CEO and has been a learnt that life is better Analysis; 1995-2018: keen to dodge the £3,000 or so they chairman at Ocado. He was
money by offering optional add-ons, wonderful support with it than without Carphone Warehouse, might pay to a traditional agent. “Our personally on the receiving end of
such as mortgage-broking, Which person do you What is your favourite Best Buy Europe and number of valuations and listings has shareholder revolts over the eye-
conveyancing and surveying and not most admire? television programme? Dixons Carphone, doubled in the last month. The last catching pay packets of Tim Steiner,
just to the vendor but to the potential My friend and business I watch TV with my where he was deputy four weeks have been quite a the grocery deliveries outfit’s chief
buyers, too. Of the pure estate agency partner Sir Charles teenage boys who want chief executive; 2018- whirlwind.” About 60 per cent of executive, when 19.7 per cent of
fees still paid by the vast majority of Dunstone. He just has to watch football or present: partner, vendors go on to buy some paid-for investors voted against his re-election
vendors, there are none. the most amazing documentaries and Freston Ventures services, while Strike makes around in 2020 and 23 per cent in 2021.
Strike originally was called intuition about business mostly football Management, including half to two thirds of its revenues from He insists he would never go back
Housesimple and was one of half a What was the most documentaries chairman of Strike and the potential buyers: each house to a full-time role in the listed world.
dozen digital platforms that started to important event in How do you relax?; typically is viewed by ten to eleven of He misses the multimillion-pound
chip away at traditional estate agency your working life? I am working hard with 2016-present: senior them. “All of those people are negotiations of big business — like
ten years ago. The biggest of these Taking Carphone a coach to try and sort independent director, prospective customers for any haggling with Apple and Samsung —
was Purplebricks, which disrupted the Warehouse to and my tennis. It may keep Ocado. services that are to do with house- and the leadership role — he was
conventional branch on every high cracking the US. It felt him going in to his Interests: Skiing, tennis, moving, be that conveyancing, responsible for 42,000 people at
street model by offering to sell for a great to see what we retirement! music mortgage advice or surveys, removals, Dixons Carphone at one point — but
fixed price of £798 then, now £999 or electricity, broadband. We’ve got thinks private equity is more fun and
more. relationships with gyms, online more flexible. The chauffeur-driven
Housesimple was a bit of a me-too entering a new territory Foxtons, his count ourselves as being the cleverest supermarkets.” limo has been replaced by an electric
business, though. According to old shop, would scrap fees for the first people in business, but we do The estate agency market remains Fiat 500. His wife is Tristia Harrison,
Harrison, “it had got to a reasonable three months to establish itself locally. understand the emotive power of free.” fairly fragmented and Strike says it who runs TalkTalk, the broadband
size but its proposition wasn’t clear “Boards breed boards,” was the motto. Housesimple started to change has overtaken much better-known business spun out of Carphone and
enough and distinct enough to That harnessing of the power of free pricing a couple of years ago, brands such as Savills, Foxtons, recently taken private by Dunstone.
continue as it was”. He wanted to do chimed with Harrison’s own beginning in Yorkshire, and renamed Knight Frank and Barnard Marcus in “Both of us working at that level and
something dramatically different that experience at Carphone, when he itself Strike 18 months ago. In terms of terms of share of listings. That’s with intensity was probably not that great.
“meant we didn’t have to spend tens managed for the first time to reduce vendor wins, it has never looked back. brand recognition of only 6 per cent. It works better for us and gives us a
and tens of millions on marketing”. the price of handsets to zero for those “In the space of five weeks, we went to The business model was enticing lot more flexibility as a family.”
Sam Mitchell, his newly appointed signing up to a contract. “It was such a become the No 1 brand of estate enough to attract the interest of Something, no doubt, that gives him
chief executive, recalled how when powerful message to people. We don’t agency by listings in Yorkshire. We outside investors. Sir Peter Wood, the plenty of reasons to smile.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 57

Meet our

Pages 60-61

How to make the energy giants

pay the extra £700 on your bill
Bills are going up
for many but you can
‘We tried to
cover that cost if cut our use,
you choose the right but the smart
funds, says Ali Hussain meter was
too dumb’

ome of the energy giants are
making billions of pounds of

profits, just as many average n energy firm put a
household bills are rising by smart meter on a
£700 a year. farm in a remote
But there is a way to get some of these hamlet even though it did
bumper profits to help offset the soar- not have the phone signal it
ing costs of heating your house — al- needed to work (David
though it’s a bit risky and you’ll need to Byers writes).
have some spare cash. Chas Brooke and Rachel
On Tuesday BP reported profits of Hebditch, who live on the
£9.45 billion in 2021, its highest in eight farm with 300 alpacas,
years. The announcement came days asked Octopus Energy to
after Shell said its profits were £14.2 bil- install the meter so they
lion last year, up from £3.47 billion the could switch to the Octopus
year before. Go tariff which is cheaper if
Households are braced for a series of you use energy off-peak.
bill rises after the government agreed to They planned to charge
increase the cap on the price that their electric car at night to
energy suppliers can charge customers save money.
on their standard variable tariffs. This The meter that was
will take the average annual household installed could not give the
bill to almost £2,000. The cap is re- readings that would tell
viewed twice a year to take into account Octopus when they used
fluctuations in wholesale gas and elec- energy at cheaper times
tricity prices, which have quadrupled in because it was an old type
the past year. that relies on a phone
While some domestic energy suppli- signal. Newer meters can
ers have struggled to make profits send data to suppliers even
because they cannot charge more than if there is no phone signal
the cap, firms that refine and deliver because they have their
wholesale energy to domestic suppliers own secure data network. meters will have Chas Brook and Rachel said. After The Times The couple, who are in
have been some of the biggest benefici- “The question is why technological fixes installed Hebditch wanted to get a called, the company their seventies, will now be
aries of what is a global energy crisis. Octopus chose to put this this month so that they can cheaper rate at nights, so upgraded the meter. “One moved onto the Octopus
BP and Shell are expected to increase in, knowing our location,” work anywhere. they could charge their car of our senior operations Go tariff.
their dividends from an already re- said Chas. Chas and Rachel’s energy managers has been working “We will however
spectable 4 per cent (ish) a year. Smart Energy GB, the bills are £70 a month on asked for the smart meter hard to connect it to the continue to proactively
An investor buying £9,000 worth of government body their fixed dual fuel deal, that it might not work data network, it took monitor Mr Brooke’s
BP shares and the same amount of responsible for installing which ends this month. properly. “We explained several attempts but has situation individually to do
Shell stock (£18,000 total) should get smart meters in all homes Octopus Energy said it that given his location, this now been successful,” a our best to reconnect him if
about £700 income over the next year, by June 2025 says all older had warned Chas when he couldn’t be guaranteed,” he spokesman said. the signal does drop again.”
according to Steve Clayton, the head of
equity funds at the investment plat-
form Hargreaves Lansdown. The in- Gas, reduced and then stopped divi- Bear in mind that there will be char- Grid, but also Tesco and the consumer-
come would also be less than the A portfolio to beat the rise dend payments altogether in 2020. It is ges levied by whichever platform you brands firm Unilever. You will need to
annual £2,000 dividend allowance, so Sum in- Annual expected to resume them this year. choose to invest through and more fees invest about £15,000 to get £700 in-
would be tax-free even if the shares Company
vested income “In reality it wouldn’t be wise to rely if you use an adviser. come.
were held outside an Isa. on investments in five energy and utili- Another option is income-focused For those who don’t want exposure to
If you did not want to invest such a BP £3,400 £130.90 ties shares to meet expected increases funds. These tend to invest in large, stock market volatility, a corporate
large sum, you could pick a company National Grid £3,400 £156.40 in bills over the coming months,” said blue-chip firms that have bond fund would be an alter-
with a high dividend but a relatively low Jason Hollands of BestInvest. “Such a growing dividends. native. A bond is essentially
share price. A good example is the Shell £3,400 £115.60 narrow approach towards energy “This way you get an a debt issued by a com-

London-based commodity trading and SSE £3,400 £179.52 shares also carries some political risk as active manager looking pany or government
mining company Glencore, which ana- there have been calls for a windfall tax.” to produce dividend and is considered less
lysts forecast will pay dividends of 31.1p Centrica £3,400 £117.30 A low-cost and probably less risky and capital growth,” risky than shares.
a share this year. It is trading at about Total £17,000 £699.72 option would be to invest in a basket of said Laith Khalaf Bondholders are paid
420p and has risen more than 230 per Source: Bestinvest
shares through an index tracker, such from the investment before shareholders if
cent since March 2020. You would need as the iShares Core FTSE 100 ex- platform AJ Bell. “It’s a company fails.
to invest about £9,453 to get a dividend change traded fund (ETF). This tracks important not just to Shell’s 2021 A good option, ac-
income of £700 a year. £3,400 each in BP, Shell, Centrica, the performance of Britain’s largest 100 get a decent yield here profits — a cording to Hollands, is
By contrast, Shell is expected to pay National Grid and SSE — so a total of companies so that your risk would be and now, but to try and £10.7 billion the TwentyFour
74p per share this year, but each share £17,000 — could generate about £700 in spread across a much wider range of get a growing income on rise on 2020 Dynamic Bond fund,
costs £20.60. This means you would dividend income, according to the firms. It includes BP and Shell in its top top to tackle inflation.” which is yielding 4.3 per cent.
need to invest about £19,467 to get the wealth manager BestInvest. ten holdings, but also included is the Khalaf likes the City of London A £16,300 investment would
same income. Investing in a single sector also car- pharmaceutival giant AstraZeneca and Investment Trust, which yields 4.7 per achieve the £700 target income. Its top
Investing in just one or two energy ries significant risk. The share prices of British American Tobacco. The fund cent. This is an investment company holdings include US and UK govern-
firms is, of course, a highly risky strate- BP and Shell plunged at the start of the yields about 3.7 per cent. You would listed on the stock market that has in- ment bonds as well as those issued by
gy. To spread your risk, you could invest pandemic and both firms cut dividends need to invest about £19,000 to gener- creased dividends consecutively for 55 the Nationwide and Coventry building
in a basket of energy firms. Investing last year. Centrica, the owner of British ate £700 of dividend income. years. Its top holdings include National societies.

Follow us on twitter @timesmoney | @jimconey | @jessiehewitson | @davidbyers26 | @AlihussainST | @katedpalmer | @davidbrenchley | @imogent_ | @George_Nixon97
558 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


For God’s sake, Home

for you to speak to a person, the fewer
complaints that will be logged. And so
Economics you have a warped situation where
the good banks that encourage people
to raise problems look worse than the
Jessie bad ones that don’t.

chatbots, let Hewitson

One of the most hated broadband
providers of all — and that is saying
something — has had fewer
complaints lately. At first I thought
this was good, now I’m wondering if
it’s because people can’t get through

me talk to a
to complain.
Not being able to speak to a human
being is shaping up to be one of the
biggest stresses of the modern world.
The self-service checkouts that never
work — “it’s my bag that is in the

human being
checking area for the love of God,
how unexpected can that be?” — to
the card reader that means you don’t
have to speak to the bus driver, or
have a ticket office at your station.
It is assumed that technology is
progress. But we are a social species

was standing at the front of a would be with me in a few minutes. and want to speak to a person who
long queue of rush hour Some 45 minutes later, by now very can understand a problem and take
commuters waiting to get on to late, very cold and very cross, I was the time to do something about it.
a bus when I discovered that my no closer to finding out why my cards
bank card was not working. had stopped. If this was a battle, I was
I had placed it on the card reader
and received an angry beep (not the
nice “ping” you get when a
transaction is approved). I tried again,
When exactly did it become so
difficult to speak to a human being at
your bank, energy company or
bank branches closed a week,
same beep. And a third time. I took broadband firm? It feels as if first they on average, since 2015
my second bank card out of my bag. came for the local branch telephone
That didn’t work either. number —now a closely guarded I care about that more than the need
Cross though the bus driver looked, secret — and we said nothing. (Well, to go a bit faster in a queue.
he took pity on me and waved me to actually we said quite a lot, it’s just I finally got to work after someone
a seat. When I got off at the Tube that they ignored us). Then it was the appeared in the chat and actually
station I tried again with the card email address for our local branches, focused on what was happening. The
readers at the gates. Same problem. which enabled us to send a query issue was simple: I had a new card
My cards weren’t working, so there I to our local bank manager freely. and I needed to activate it. Silly
stood, stranded, unable to get to work. This probably went when they did mistake to make, but did I really have
I called Barclays. After ten minutes away with the poor old manager, to spend 45 minutes in the cold to
of extreme faffery, an automated and then the branch. find that out? I still don’t know why
voice told me that I had to use the Then you had a centralised the other card didn’t work. I did ask
chat function because I had phone system, which required you why, but my nameless (not
downloaded the phone app. So, to negotiate a gazillion push button v
very chatty) chat assistant was
thumbs frozen outside the tube, I menus before finally getting through l
long gone.
typed my problem into the “chat”. to a person, only to be transferred Meanwhile, one to two times a
It was more like an endurance test, from department to department, week companies approach Resolver
where the bank pushes you to the constantly having to restate your saying that they are thinking of
limit of your resolve. To see how long problem. withdrawing their email address from
you will hang on to speak to a real And now the human beings are their website. Removing contact
person, if indeed you can figure out being removed from the equation financial firms that chatbots are the it’s because the callers are giving up. details, using chatbots, forcing
when you finally are. altogether, and I’m scared that if we future. Why are financial companies doing customers to use phone systems
My first challenge: the chatbot. don’t do something about it, the A friend who develops chatbots this? The obvious reason is money, where they get to speak to someone
After typing “Can I speak to a human chatbots will take over completely. tells me that work has never been but there’s another one: banks, only after they’ve keyed in the
being” three times — God, modern I spoke to Resolver, an independent busier. The whole point of using broadband providers et al are keenly answers to a million questions (or
life is so bleak — I finally conquered resolution service. It dealt with them, from the point of view of the aware of the complaints figures that worse, shouted them in vain). All of
the robot and levelled up to a chat 320,000 complainants last year, half business, is that they weed out some are given to the Financial Conduct this is limiting communication. Life is
assistant. Any celebration was of them citing the inability to speak of the people who are trying to speak Authority and other regulators. busy enough, and customer service
short-lived, though, because they to a human being as a problem. to them. I’m betting that this isn’t If they manage to reduce these, systems frustrating enough, without
were barely present, appearing only Martyn James, the company’s because the bot has given them the customers view them as more making it all worse.
to profusely apologise to say they director, said he is regularly told by information that they need, rather trustworthy. The harder they make it Is it too late to make it stop?

Yes, buying a first home is tough. But it should be IN THE

a bank looks at your bank But at the same time, these buyers cent. The moment we moved in we
Comment statements it is going to take a dim could easily get interest-only were plunged into negative equity. TOMORROW
view of your spending habits. mortgages, which made paying the To save for the deposit my wife
Is buying a home today tougher bills a little easier. and I lived in a one-up, one down
James than ever before? That is If you go back to the 1980s, there property for six long years. The
impossible to say. Certainly buying was no choice in mortgages at all. only daylight came from two tiny
Coney in some parts of London is You could borrow only twice your windows. We went on two holidays
Money extraordinarily difficult.
House prices are at record highs
income. But then house prices were
about three times earnings rather
— one was our honeymoon, the
other was a camping trip in France.
editor and wage growth has lagged behind than the six times they are now. The house we bought was in a
for years. But according to How on earth do you compare part of London that we did not
Nationwide building society the these generations? You can’t. particularly want to live in, and was
Not every young person loves gap between earnings and house But one thing that is different a complete wreck.
eating brunch in posh cafés, has prices was wider before the global today is that young people are not We had to rely on friends and
three takeaway oat-milk lattes a financial crisis. Interest rates were unheard: they have social media — family to rewire it and install
day and goes on three foreign about three times higher then too. an echo chamber that perpetuates central heating before we moved in.
holidays a year. Many are You could, however, borrow seven the view that things today are We sold it in July after 13 years for special report
extraordinarily sensible and times your income, which you can’t worse than ever before. more than three times what we
diligent with their money. But
there are some who do. And, unless
now. But you can now stretch
repayments over 40 years and
What isn’t said is that banks and
the government (through the
I don’t think our tale is unusual.
Why do some
you are earning mega bucks, if
you want to buy a house you are
borrow until your seventies, which
eases the affordability problems.
Lifetime Isa) are doing more than
ever before to help first-time
It is part of being a first-time buyer.
If you want to own a home you
funds charge five
going to have to give up a little of
that luxury.
In the 1990s you had interest
rates of 15 per cent, which, for a
I’m sure I will be accused of
have to make compromises. The
sooner you want to own, the earlier
times more than
That is because buying your first
home is not easy. It never has been
short period, made it impossible
to buy a house.
being part of a privileged
generation of homeowners for
in your life you have to make the
sacrifices needed. Buying a house
and it never should be, because to Indeed, mortgages became so saying that. Yet I bought my first today, particularly if you live in plus
borrow lots of money you need to unaffordable that some home as the global financial crisis London, is difficult. But it always
show financial responsibility. Not homeowners just handed back unfolded. We borrowed five times has been, and it always should be. Confessions of the
only that but, like it or not, when their keys to the building society. our joint income at a rate of 5.75 per @jimconey
energy sinners
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 59


Five ways to stop the fraud frenzy

Government dithering should now be compulsory for all banks
offering current accounts.
is causing a boom in Disputed reimbursement claims
should be handled by an independent
online scams, David body, backed by the FCA, to ensure fair-
Byers, Ali Hussain and ness. Reimbursement levels for banks
should be published, along with data on
George Nixon report which banks receive stolen funds.
Banks complain that they cannot
easily recover stolen funds because of

f you wanted to report a scam to the speed with which they are moved
the police this week you would through the system.
have had to wait on the phone for They should be given greater powers
half an hour. to track money so that it can be re-
On Thursday Money was on turned to victims.
hold to Action Fraud for 28 minutes At the moment it is not against the
before getting through. No wonder vic- law to allow someone to make and re-
tims say that the government and ceive payments from your bank ac-
banks do not really care about stopping count. This means that fraudsters can
online fraud, which is booming. The dupe people into allowing their ac-
business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng counts to be used for fraudulent trans-
caused a row on Sunday by claiming actions and frequently no one is ever
that fraud was not a “crime that people convicted of a crime, particularly if the
experience in their day-to-day lives”. person who owns the account that
Fraud represented 42 per cent of all received the money argues they had no
crime, according to the England and idea that the payment was fraudulent.
Wales crime survey for the year to
September. If you include computer 0 Build confidence in the police
misuse (where someone has their com- Greater co-ordination is needed
puter hacked) it was 57 per cent. UK Fi- between the banks, police and the
nance, the banking trade body, said that private sector. The present system of
there were 2.8 million cases of bank reporting scams to Action Fraud is not
card fraud and 150,000 cases of online working. A central fraud reporting
bank transfer scamming in 2020. service is needed, but it requires better
Assistant Commissioner Pete O’Do- resources, and the ability to supply
herty, from City of London Police, information to the public about whe-
which runs Action Fraud, said call wait- ther their crime has been investigated.
ing times could be longer because it Information should be fed back to the
“deals with victims who are often emo- Credit Suisse offering a reference. She reported Lynne and John Holmes National Cyber Security Centre, a
tionally distressed or vulnerable. Our one-year fixed rate bond her suspicions to her branch of GCHQ, to ensure scams are
call handlers stay on the phone for as ‘We tried to paying 2.7 per cent. It was bank, Lloyds, and the
tried to trap scammers, but
Action Fraud took no action stopped swiftly. Local police forces
long as necessary.” completely risk-free and police through the should be given the power to investi-
Anger is growing at the way the gov- help police covered by the Financial reporting service, Action police and Action Fraud. gate scams reported by the public.
ernment has dithered over online Service Compensation Fraud. Lloyds confirmed “They know where
fraud. When it launched its strategy to
get tough on criminals in July it focused
catch the Scheme, the safety net for
savers, they said. Holmes,
it was a scam and that the
Credit Suisse bond did
Lynne’s money was sent
and presumably the
0 Improve Companies House
This registry service for anyone setting
on burglaries, stop-and-search and
making offenders pick up litter while
scammers’ 67, a retired interior
designer from West
not exist. Her money had
been transferred to a
account owner, so why
are the same people still
up a limited company provides a list of
directors, their personal details and

wearing high-vis vests. Of the 19,000 fter getting fed up Chiltington in West Barclays account which able to operate? The records of the firm’s accounts. The
words in its Beating Crime Plan, just 527 with earning Sussex, was sent official- now had only £105.80 in scammers continued to information is public, but it can be diffi-
were dedicated to tackling fraud. 0.01 per cent looking documents to fill it, which she got back. call daily, from the same cult to check the details of who is regis-
Despite two high-level reports, one interest on her savings, in. She was also taken Both banks launched an number. Surely they can tering companies and when. It should
by the Treasury select committee and Lynne Holmes looked through compliance and investigation. be stopped?” John said. be brought up to date and filings made
one commissioned by the home secre- online for better deals anti-money laundering When the scammers Lloyds said: “While digital to make it easier to monitor
tary to look at the police response to (Ali Hussain writes). She checks that made it all called back, Lynne’s customers are expected fraudulent companies.
fraud, nothing material has changed. found a website claiming seem authentic. husband, John, 71, a to take reasonable care
In 2019 an economic crime strategic to offer fixed rate bonds She transferred £10,000 former airline pilot, kept when making payments, 0 Tougher rules for crypto
board was set up to meet twice a year. paying significantly more on November 18 but stringing them along so we believe we could have Regulators should impose stricter
Members include the home secretary, than the banks. realised her mistake that he could get more acted more quickly when requirements on the firms that sell
police force chiefs, the attorney-gener- Within days someone when the caller told her details of the other bank Ms Holmes first called us crypto assets, such as bitcoin. At
al and the heads of the Bank of England called claiming to be to enter a name other accounts they used. All to report concerns. We present these businesses are note rgu-
and the Financial Conduct Authority from the investment bank than Credit Suisse as a this was passed on to the arranged a full refund.” lated but are supposed to apply for a li-
(FCA), the City regulator. cence from the FCA to show
Finally last year it started to discuss they have passed money-

drawing up a plan to tackle fraud. Bank on. So how do you solve the problem of numbers to deter scammers from buy- tary code of conduct that laundering checks, but a
chief executives, who have been ac- fraud? Here are our suggestions. ing them and have a reporting service meant victims of pay- recent Times investi-
cused of failing to make online fraud a that immediately gets them discon- ment scams would be gation found many
priority, regularly missed the board 0 Make internet and phone firms pay nected. Internet service providers reimbursed for their were still operating
meetings. Fraudsters can easily target people by should have to remove fraudulent web- losses so long as without it. They
Analysis of the annual reports of the sending out thousands of text messages sites immediately. A failure to do either they had not done should be immedi-
big banks shows that none of the chairs from unregistered mobile phone num- of these things should result in fines. anything wrong. of crime is fraud ately forced to cease
and chief executives of HSBC, Barclays, bers and by setting up fake websites. Companies found to be allowing But in reality fewer according to the trading. Formal
Santander or Lloyds mentioned fraud When one of these numbers or web- fraudsters to operate should be re- than half of victims England and Wales regulation is needed
as a major concern in their latest sites is reported it can take days for it to quired to refund victims. are reimbursed and at crime survey for all crypto assets
annual reports. Only Alison Rose at be taken down. some banks repay- and investment firms to
NatWest raised it as an issue that the Phone companies should be forced to 0 Build confidence in the banks ments levels are lower protect customers from
bank was working to improve its record demand registration of mobile phone In 2019 many banks agreed to a volun- than 10 per cent. The code scams.

Parenting sites were paid £66k to promote the child benefit system
M Revenue & Customs has paid too much you will have to pay some were the best way to spead information non-working parents who stopped efit but not all of it (and so have to claim
£66,000 to parenting blogs to back through what is known as the high about a complicated system. claiming the benefit because their part- it and pay some back) now have to fill in
carry adverts explaining the income charge. You start to lose entitlement to child ner earned too much but then missed self-assessment tax forms that they
child benefit system while fighting a Child benefit, which is worth £21.50 benefit if anyone in your household has out on the national insurance credits wouldn’t otherwise have had to.
legal case from parents who say they a week for the first child and £14 a week an income above £50,000. The amount they get automatically if they apply for HMRC lost a case at the upper tax
were never told how it worked. for other children, used to be a univer- you are entitled to is tapered down until child benefit. There is a way to register tribunal in June last year involving 399
The websites Emma’s Diary, Families sal benefit but the income threshold those who earn over £60,000 who get for child benefit, without actually families who had to pay back £2 million
UK and Working Mums were paid for was introduced in 2013. This caused nothing. You are not blocked from get- claiming it, and still get the national in- worth of child benefit and fines they
HMRC-sponsored articles that have widespread confusion, hence HMRC’s ting the benefit, but it is up to you to opt surance credits, but you have to do this were hit with for late repayment.
been up since March 2020. Under- publicity campaign, which included the out, or to pay back any extra through a through the HMRC website, and not HMRC is appealing against the verdict
standing Child Benefit on the Emma’s blogs and leaflets in goody bags that are self-assessment tax form. Many fami- many people know about this. but, if it loses, the bills of thousands of
Diary site, for example, explains how to given to new parents in hospitals. lies did not realise this. It is estimated that half a million fam- other parents could be reassessed.
claim the benefit and that if you earn Parents have questioned whether these The change has also caught out many ilies who are entitled to some child ben- David Byers
60 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Carlos, Derek, Chris and John:

These intrepid campaigners are on a mission to opening tills only at 11am and forced
customers to call for an appointment
the Bank of Spain, Pablo Hernandez de
Cos, phoned him to discuss the matter.
ensure that the bank revolution leaves no one on phone lines that were always busy.
Incensed by the way he was treated
On Tuesday he hopped on a train to
Madrid to deliver his petitions to Carlos
behind, say Charlie Devereux and George Nixon and seeing other pensioners in wheel- Cuerpo, the secretary-general of the
chairs queuing for hours outside their Spanish treasury.
bank branches, he decided to do some- The economy minister, Nadia Calvi-

arlos San Juan believes there region of Spain has become a crusader thing about it. He published a petition ño, said. “This has become a priority for
are good and bad sides to for the digitally marginalised as banks on, dubbing it “I am elderly, us from the moment we began to see
innovation. While he wel- pull down the shutters on their tills and not an idiot” and asking for banks to re- that this is a problem.”
comes technological change, push people online. store some of their in-person services. The campaign has elicited assur-
he worries that it is moving San Juan was concerned that the race And it has had a big impact. After two ances from banks that they will make
too fast. to move people to apps and the internet months his petition has more than changes to ensure the elderly will get
The 78-year-old from the Valencia was going too fast as banks began 600,000 signatures and the governor of human contact in their dealings
with the bank, though they have
not yet revealed what measures
they will take.
“I didn’t want to be party to
that phrase ‘it’s not my prob-
lem,’” San Juan said of his
decision to launch a campaign. “I
considered it not only my problem
but that fundamentally it was a prob-
lem for people who were worse affected
than me.”
Initially San Juan’s protests were dis-
“I was treated in a very patronising
way with a manner that’s humiliating
for an elderly person,’’ San Juan said.
“They suggested that when we came to
the bank that we should be accompa-
nied by a relative, that they would teach
us how to handle an app and that this
way [by not coming into a branch] we
would not get sick with Covid.”
As in the UK, Spain’s banking sector
has gone through seismic
changes after the financial
crisis and the pandemic.
The number of banks
has shrunk from 62 in
2009 to just ten today as
the stronger ones have
gobbled up the weak. John: branch
From 2009 to 2013,
24 per cent of Spain’s
bank branches were
The pandemic ac-
celerated the con-
solidation process.
CaixaBank ac-
quired Bankia in
March 2020 and
announced plans
to shed more than
6,000 jobs. In July
Unicaja and Liber-
bank merged to become
Spain’s fifth largest bank.
Banco Santander culled 3,500
positions, BBVA, which has
stated that it must evolve to
become more like big tech
companies if it is to survive,
let go of nearly 3,000, and
Sabadell, the owner of
TSB, dismissed nearly
2,000 people.
The cuts have
boosted profits. San-
tander made more
than €8.1 billion
(£6.8 billion) in 2021,
during which it en-
joyed its most prof-
itable quarter for 12
The UK has been
experiencing cuts
like these for years.
An average of 54
bank or building
Derek: veteran
society branches
have closed each
of the battle
month since Jan-
uary 2015. If you
include the bran-
ches earmarked
for closure, the
total will be 4,735
by the end of
Footfall in
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 61


Meet the banking superheroes

tried to slow down closures and keep Chris Holmes do not leave vulnerable people exclud- banking services, including cash.” An
open the last branches in towns. ed. He campaigns for more accessible amendment to the Financial Service
For years it was the only place that If forcing banks to be more inclusive environments for disabled people and Act, passed last April, which has let
kept records of which towns and vil- requires an Olympian effort, then per- in 2019 conducted an independent re- people get cashback from shops with-
lages had lost their banks. haps there is no better person for the job view for the government that made rec- out needing to buy anything, was pro-
In 2016 French retired, having suc- than Chris Holmes. Having gone blind ommendations on opening up public posed by Holmes.
ceeded in slowing the speed of branch overnight at the age of 14, he went on to appointments to disabled people. Writing for The Times last year he
closures, but giving up on his dream of become one of Britain’s most successful He is a vice-chairman of the all-party called for a review into how many
creating shared branches, where the Paralympic swimmers, winning nine parliamentary groups on fair business people have access to digital payments.
lovely old bank buildings could be put gold medals. He helped organise the banking and financial technology. Last “The future is digital but that future
to use as post offices or shops with a 2012 Paralympic Games in London and year he said: “It is clear that the future must be accessible,” he said, “not as a
banking counter. was made a Conservative peer in 2013. is digital, but there are a considerable ‘nice to have’, but an essential for every
Two years later French was back, Since then he has been trying to number of people that should be rightly citizen to be financially and digitally
driven by anger over the closure of the ensure advances in digital technology able and enabled to rely on traditional included.”
Harpenden branch of NatWest, the
bank that had employed him for 38
years until his retirement in 1995.
“I haven’t been able to put the cause
down since because so much has been
Chris: going wrong,” said French, who lives in
the Hertfordshire town. “It wasn’t
Olympian cheap running the campaign. I went to
America to look at the technology be-
effort hind shared bank branches.”
Shared banks are finally here. Hubs
run by the Post Office and staffed by
representatives of different banks each
day from Monday to Friday have been
introduced in Cambuslang, South Lan-
arkshire, and Rochford, Essex. Five
more will be launched this year.
“I think we’ve prised open a window
of opportunity but it needs a concerted
effort to keep it open,” French said.

John Bachtler
The man who gets most of the credit for
returning bank branches to Cambus-
lang is a softly spoken academic origi-
nally from Ruislip, London.
John Bachtler moved to the town
on the outskirts of Glasgow 40
years ago to work at the
University of Strathclyde.
He became involved in
campaigning for in-
vestment for

the town,
which he
ffelt “had
been starved
of it,” but the
closure of
the town’s
last three
banks within an
18-month period was
a setback.
branches was falling 10 per cent a year “When the
until the pandemic, when it was cut in banks closed it
half. Online banking app usage has w a slap in the
soared. fa for everything
While San Juan has become a we were trying to do,” Bachtler said.
hero in Spain for his campaign, the “We were going backwards because a
UK has its own heroes fighting to lot of businesses said they lost trade.”
save bank access for older and vul- Bachtler and the Cambuslang com-
nerable communities. munity council began lobbying and
eventually heard of a pilot for shared
Derek French bank branches in some communities.
“We talked about what these pilots
Derek French was supposed to could do for Cambuslang, and we were
have retired and given up fight- very clear that we needed a physical
ing the banks. space. We were quite cynical, wonder-
For 18 years the 82-year-old ing if they were listening to us, but, sur-
led the Campaign for Commu- prisingly, they actually were.”
nity Banking Services, made up It opened in April 2021 and proved
of business and consumer such a success that it has been extended
groups and think tanks, which until 2023.
62 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Pssst, wanna know the two Performance, % 250


funds all the experts love? Fidelity Global

Dividend 150

Some investments are

he “best-buy” lists of recom- it thinks are the best of the bunch. And For this reason, best-buy lists create a 100
mended funds published by each investment house chooses its possibility of litigation if a recommend-
widely recommended, investment platforms have range differently. ation turns out to be a bad one, as the

Source: FE fundinfo
their critics, but we are still Some argue that these lists are a investment platform Hargreaves Lans-
but they still may not following them when it helpful starting point for novice inves- down has found out. 50

be a great bet, writes comes to choosing where to put billions

of pounds of our money.
tors, while others say they are effective-
ly financial advice, but done without
The firm is being sued by RGL Man-
agement over its promotion of the
Every company that allows you to any proper consideration of what level Woodford Equity Income fund run by
David Brenchley invest directly has a list of the funds that of risk an investor is willing to take. the disgraced manager Neil Woodford. 0
Hargreaves had the fund on its best- 2012 14 16 18 20 22
buy lists and 130,000 small investors
poured money into it over its five-year
life, before it was shut down in 2019, Performance, % 300
trapping investors’ money. Commenta-
tors criticised Hargreaves for keeping Barings Europe
the fund on its list despite years of poor Select Trust 250
performance and concerns about the
way it was being run. Total losses for
investors could add up to more than
£1 billion. 200
The Woodford episode spurred the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA),
the City regulator, to dictate that any- 150
one operating a best-buy list “must con-
struct them impartially and manage
conflicts [of interest]”. 100

Source: FE fundinfo
It seems an obvious point, but for
years platforms were accused of favour-
ing funds if they offered that platform’s SPDR MSCII 50
customers lower fees. Europe Small
Hargreaves and AJ Bell explicitly Cap UCITS ETF
state on their websites that they do not 0
receive payment or commission in ex-
change for inclusion on their lists. 2012 14 16 18 20 22
In 2019 Hargreaves had to remove
funds run by Lindsell Train from its
best-buy list. Lindsell Train owns ital trusts. Add in the almost 3,000
about 14 per cent of Hargreaves exchange traded funds (a type of
Lansdown shares. tracker) and you have more
Interactive Investor has than 7,000 options — not
farmed out the compila- including shares in listed

tion of its Super 60 and companies from across
Ace 40 buy lists to the world.
Morningstar, a Best-buy lists
funds ratings from the five
agency. Inter- largest invest-
active’s chief ment
executive Rich- return on £1,000 platforms — Har-
ard Wilson said that invested in Barings greaves, Interactive
best-buy lists were Europe Select Trust Investor, AJ Bell,
important for private in- in January 2005 Tilney’s BestInvest and
vestors, but needed to Fidelity — reduce this
evolve. “We don’t want to complex universe down to a
mark our own homework,” he more manageable 274 funds,
said. trusts and ETFs.
Analysis by Money shows that no
0 Which funds are in? single fund is on the buy list of all five
There are more than 3,800 funds for in- platforms — but two make it on to four
vestors to choose from, as well as about lists, and neither are run by the so-
400 investment trusts and venture cap- called star fund managers Terry Smith,

Savers claim £10m lost to

ore than £9 million has been created by the Best group. The bonds
paid out in compensation to offered investment in multiple projects
pension savers who lost money around the world including car parks
after transferring their savings to the and office developments in the Middle
firm Greyfriars Asset Management. East, luxury hotels in Cape Verde and
The Financial Services Compensa- recycling centres in the UK.
tion Scheme (FSCS), which can pay up Greyfriars has been linked to a
to £85,000 to those who lose money number of misselling claims against
after investing in firms that fail, has had financial advisers who marketed the P6
523 claims in relation to Greyfriars, service, often to unsophisticated inves-
which appointed administrators in tors. Best International did not sell the
2018. The FSCS had paid out a total of bonds itself.
£9.1 million on 199 claims up to the end Greyfriars approved some of the
of last month. marketing literature used by financial
The latest liquidator’s report into advisers explaining how the bonds
Greyfriars in January showed a further worked, including statements that the
£1.14 million of claims had been lodged products were “asset backed”.
by 22 unsecured creditors to the firm. In October, Omar Hussein, a former
Greyfriars, which was part of the director and financial adviser at Con-
Cheshire-based consultancy Best Asset sumer Wealth, a pension-switching
Management Group, offered a pension firm, was banned from offering finan-
service called Portfolio Six, also known cial advice and fined £116,000 by the
as P6, which invested in a series of high- regulator, the Financial Conduct
risk unregulated bonds that were Authority (FCA), for providing “reck-
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 63

technology products maker Cisco and record of the fund’s management team.
Relx, an analytics firm. The fund has an Its analysts then look in more detail
ongoing charge of 0.93 per cent. at the quality of management, the firm’s
Tracy Zhao from Interactive Investor culture and the investment process. A
said that the fund had outperformed its proposed addition must be seconded by
peer group over five years, with less a senior member of the research team.
volatility. “The fund might be a good The team then debates the fund’s
choice for investors who seek income merits, with someone playing a “devil’s
from a global source,” she said. advocate”. The fund must gain at least a
two-vote majority to be added.
0 Barings Europe Select Trust The list is regularly reviewed and a
This fund invests in small and medium proposal for the removal of a fund
sized companies listed on stock needs a majority vote of one.
markets across Europe. Its largest hold- AJ Bell says that for active funds it
ings include the Dutch insurer ASR assesses the fund manager, team and
Nederland, the Swiss packaging com- wider organisation; the investment
pany SIG Combibloc and Euronext process; the portfolio and the fund’s
Brussels, the Brussels stock exchange. ability to meet its objectives; and the
Nick Williams took over the running cost of a fund and the value added by
of the fund in January 2005. Since then, the manager.
the fund has turned £1,000 into £8,188 For index-trackers, it researches the
— much more than the £5,301 return ability to successfully track its chosen
from its comparison index, the EMIX index, the cost of the fund or ETF, and
Smaller European Companies ex UK its size and liquidity, and compares it
index. Over ten years, the fund is ninth against its peer group. It only selects
out of 18 funds in the IA European passive funds that replicate their
Smaller Companies sector. chosen index by holding the shares of
Emma Wall from Hargreaves said all companies in it, as opposed to
that the fund had underperformed re- passives that use complex instruments
cently because its style has been out of known as derivatives.
favour. However, she said that Williams Interactive Investor’s list is put
was an experienced investor capable together by Morningstar’s Manager
of navigating ups and downs in Selection Services Group. It looks
markets. for liquid funds and compares
performance against their
0 And one they over- benchmark index.

looked: It then analyses a
Fundsmith Equity fund’s risk compared
The UK’s biggest with the returns it
fund, the £26 bil- has generated
lion Fund- versus its
smith Equity, peers, before
managed by Ter- Dividend yield on checking its
ry Smith, is on only the popular costs: the firm
two best-buy lists: Fidelity Global avoids investments
Interactive Investor’s Dividend fund with an initial charge
Super 60 and BestInvest’s and requires the fund to be
The Best Funds List. good value for money. Ana-
Hargreaves has said that lysts then assess the fund in
with a stream of dividend payments. Fundsmith has a lack of transpar- more detail, examining how the
The recommended funds Since it launched ten years ago it has ency because it gives data on its hold- fund management operates and the
performed worse than the Morgan ings on a six-monthly basis rather than management team’s experience.
Funds on four buy lists Fidelity Strategic Bond; Asia Pacific Leaders Stanley Capital International (MSCI) monthly. Fidelity doesn’t list as exhaustive a
Barings Europe Select; Fidelity Special Sustainability; TB Amati All Countries World Index (ACWI), the Ryan Hughes, who collates AJ Bell’s methodology on its website, but said
Fidelity Global Dividend Situations; iShares Core UK Smaller Companies; index the fund compares itself against. Favourite Funds list, said that the firm that it first looks at performance, con-
Funds on three lists FTSE 100 ETF; Jupiter Threadneedle UK Equity In fact, if you had invested £1,000 in has higher conviction in other manag- sistency and a range of other metrics. It
ASI Global Smaller Asian Income; Jupiter Income; TM CRUX Fidelity Global Dividend in January ers that have exposure to similar stocks. then digs deeper and conducts manag-
Companies; Artemis UK Special Situations; European Special 2012, you would have £3,150 today, Its choice of replacement is the Baillie er meetings to ensure that the invest-
Corporate Bond; Artemis Liontrust UK Growth; Situations; TR Property; according to FE fundinfo, a data provid- Gifford Global Alpha Growth fund, ment process and philosophy remains
US Smaller Companies; M&G Global Macro Bond; Vanguard FTSE250 ETF; er. If you had invested that £1,000 in the which it points out has almost identical on the right track.
Baillie Gifford Japanese; Ninety One UK Alpha; Vanguard FTSE SPDR MSCI ACWI exchange traded performance as Fundsmith since its list It then whittles its shortlist down to
BlackRock Continental Scottish Mortgage Trust; Developed Europe fund (ETF), you would have £44 more. was launched and lower fees. 50 funds, assessing them on their price
European Income; Stewart Investors; ex-UK ETF That said, Fidelity Global Dividend versus similar funds and any discount
offers a dividend yield of 2.7 per cent, 0 How are funds chosen? they are prepared to offer its customers.
compared with the ETF’s 1.85 per cent. Hargreaves says that its list “only BestInvest’s The Best Funds List is
Nick Train and James Anderson. The funds are on two lists, including Smith’s It has also performed better than most contains the funds that our in-depth the biggest, with 120 funds on it. The
funds are the £2.5 billion Fidelity Glob- Fundsmith Equity and Train’s LF Lind- of its peers: it is the third best perform- analysis indicates have the greatest firm has “ten commandments” listed
al Dividend, managed by Daniel Rob- sell Train UK Equity. ing fund out of 20 in the Investment performance potential”. on its site outlining the qualities a fund
erts, and the £1.4 billion Barings Europe Association’s (IA) Global Equity In- After screening for funds eligible to should possess. These include: not sim-
Select Trust, run by Nick Williams. 0 The special two: come sector over the past ten years. be held in Isas and self-invested pen- ply holding similar stocks to an index;
A further 21 funds, including the pop- Fidelity Global Dividend The largest holdings in the fund sion plans (Sipps), it assesses the liquid- having managers willing to invest their
ular Scottish Mortgage Investment This fund invests in large global compa- include the consumer goods firms ity, size and underlying holdings of a own money; having clear goals, a stable
Trust, are on three buy lists and 50 nies with the aim of providing investors Procter & Gamble and Unilever, the fund as well as checking the track team and a diverse portfolio.

collapsed firm Is your money among the £45bn in dog funds?

less and unsuitable” pension-switching he list that names and shames below the overall return for their sector identify weak funds because many had
advice. Hussein had advised 620 clients poorly performing funds has a for three years. made money “irrespective of the skill of
to move their retirement funds to the surprising entry on it. The wealth managers St James’s their managers”.
Greyfriars P6 service. The rundown of “dog funds” com- Place, abrdn (formerly Standard Life Just one fund investing in companies
These investments were illiquid and piled by the investment platform Aberdeen) and Jupiter Asset Manage- from emerging markets and one fund
likely to be unsuitable for the low-net- BestInvest includes the Fidelity Global ment each have six funds on the list. owning small UK firms were on the list,
worth, financially inexperienced inves- Dividend fund — an investment that, The biggest fund on the list is the while there were no funds investing in
tors who were the firm’s target market, somewhat awkwardly, is on Best- £3.9 billion JP Morgan US Equity In- small companies in North America,
the FCA said. Invest’s own list of recommended funds come fund. It was the 18th-biggest Europe or Japan.
The FSCS is assessing claims based that it offers investors. It is also on the underperformer, trailing its bench- Schroders said: “We are confident
on whether Greyfriars conducted suffi- best-buy lists of the platforms Har- mark by 32 per cent. that we will repay our clients’ commit-
cient due diligence over what its cus- greaves Lansdown, Interactive Inves- The 86 poor performers hold ment by navigating short-term challen-
tomers wanted to invest in. tor and Fidelity. £45.4 billion in assets, 54 per cent ges to deliver returns in the future.”
The FSCS payments are covered by a If you invested £100 three years ago higher than the £29.6 billion held by the St James’s Place said that it had
industry levy paid by all financial advis- in the fund, you would have made £44 dog funds that made it on to merged a number of its funds on the list,
ers but ultimately covered by savers profit. BestInvest’s August list. These funds and introduced new fund managers.
though higher advice charges. The levy The investment firm Schroders runs would have generated fees of £463 mil- The fund manager abrdn said that
this year is estimated to be a total of 11 funds, holding almost £10 billion of lion for their investment managers, “performance in some of these funds
£833 million, up from £700 million the investors’ cash, on the Spot a Dog list of based on their current size and continu- had showed signs of improvement”.
year before, due to a rise in complex 86 funds. Six of those funds are man- ing charges. BestInvest said: “We still maintain
pension misselling claims. aged by Schroders on behalf of the Jason Hollands, the managing di- our conviction that Fidelity Global
Best International was asked to com- firms HBOS and Scottish Widows. rector of BestInvest, said the fact that Dividend fund can deliver for investors
ment. Funds are put in the doghouse if they the stock markets had been booming Managers of the 86 ‘dog funds’ on the over the long term.”
Ali Hussain give investors a return at least 5 per cent has made it harder for investors to BestInvest list have had £463m in fees David Brenchley
64 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Wealthy families know

over decades, as well as the money of
its other investors. This is as much Building fortunes
about wealth protection as it is about
Performance (%)
making returns, allowing these 60
dynasties to pass down their riches AVI Global Trust
through the generations. iShares Core MSCI World ETF

how to invest. Copy them Today, Exor is a €17 billion

(£14.3 billion) fund which owns two
thirds of Juventus Football Club,
almost a quarter of the luxury fashion
retailer Christian Louboutin, below,

23 per cent of Ferrari, and 43 per cent

iovanni Agnelli helped to over the decades, but the Agnellis’ of the Economist Group, which is
Get rich slowly
owly found Fiat, the carmaker, finances are run far more behind the financial magazine. 0
in 1899. Some 70 years conservatively. They have one firm to And right now Exor, as well as
later, and long after its look after much of their wealth: Exor. other holding companies managing
David founder’s death, Fiat took Exor is one of many holding rich families’ wealth, look to me like a -20
a 50 per cent stake in Ferrari. companies that manage investments good way to dampen your exposure
Brenchley The high-octane exploits of drivers for wealthy families that can be to the rapidly growing technology
such as Niki Lauda and Michael invested in by ordinary investors like companies whose shares are falling. Source: FE fundinfo
Schumacher may have made Ferrari’s you and me. Its aim is to grow the Another example is the Stockholm- A J O J A J O J
name on the Formula One racetrack Agnellis’ money at a sustainable rate listed company Investor AB, which 2020 2021 2022
was set up in 1916 by the Wallenbergs,
a family of bankers. AB now has a them, however. This is likely to come
17 per cent stake in the industrials firm through AVI Global Trust, which
Atlas Copco, owns about a third of invests in investment trusts, holding
the carmaker Saab, 8 per cent of companies and single stocks.
telecoms provider Ericsson and a Exor and Investor AB account for
tenth of Nasdaq, the financial markets a tenth of AVI’s portfolio, with the
firm. hedge fund Pershing Square and the
While shares in these holding Romanian government-backed SC
companies have fallen this year, it Fondul Proprietatea other large
could be worse. Baillie Gifford is an holdings.
investment house that specialises in Its stock has fallen 8.7 per cent this
“growth” funds, meaning it invests in year, with the share price of 202p well
companies that have a high valuation below the value of the underlying
on the basis of expected assets that it holds, which
future profits, like Tesla, come to 218.7p a share and
for example. Baillie put it on a 7 per cent
Gifford’s flagship discount. That looks
fund, Scottish attractive. Shares
Mortgage, which are up 53 per cent
is heavily over five years.
invested in tech, At the
is down 18 per moment, other
cent this year inflation hedges
while Exor is are looking
down 10 per cent. questionable.
If, like me, Bitcoin seems to
you’re looking for be more correlated
investments to help with volatile
cushion your technology stocks
portfolio when high- rather than the store of
growth stocks falter, then value its evangelists believe
holding companies look more it to be. That’s probably because
interesting than alternatives such as the fickle buyers of bitcoin are also
cheap shares, bitcoin or gold. those that buy racy stocks such as the
Rob Burgeman from the wealth electric carmaker Rivian or the video
manager Brewin Dolphin said: “These games retailer GameStop.
vehicles offer exposure to some of the Value shares look a better bet but
most experienced long-term investors while Schroder Global Recovery has
around. One thing you can guarantee done well for me, Ninety One Global
with them is that they are unlikely to Special Situations has been a
correlate with the wider market. disappointment.
What they care about is long-term Ferraris might get your heart rate
capital preservation.” pounding, but I’ll settle for hitching
They do come with risks: Exor’s my wagon to more conservatively
shares fell 85 per cent in the dotcom managed companies and hope that
crash in the early 2000s, 80 per cent they can continue to deliver for their
in the credit crunch and more than families — and me.
halved during 2020’s Covid sell-off.
Shares are down 16.5 per cent since
early November, which could provide Online
a buying point, although you may Follow David Brenchley’s
want to wait to see if they fall more, investments as he
or drip-feed money in monthly. makes his changes
I’d prefer a less risky way to access

Get 0.5% interest at NS&I

S&I savers had a boost this week had raised only £2.1 billion from savers,
when the interest on two of its so it has room to raise more by increas-
most popular accounts went up ing rates.
to 0.5 per cent. Savings rates are creeping up across
The government-owned bank that the market after the Bank of England
holds £205 billion of our savings raised base rate went from 0.1 per cent to
the rates on its Direct Saver and 0.25 per cent in December and up again
Income Bonds from 0.35 per cent. to 0.5 per cent last week. The best rate
Savings in NS&I are 100 per cent you can get on an easy-access account
guaranteed because it is backed by the is 0.73 per cent, from Ford Money.
Treasury. Deposits of up to £85,000 in James Blower from the comparison
other banks and building societies are site Moneyfacts said he did not expect
protected by the Financial Services any more rate rises from NS&I until the
Compensation Scheme. The amount of new financial year, when the chancellor
cash NS&I can raise in a year is limited will announce its next fundraising
to between £3 billion and £9 billion target, expected to be £7.8 billion.
because it is not supposed to be compet- NS&I said: “NS&I prices products by
ing with commercial banks. Its specific balancing the needs of savers, taxpay-
target for this financial year is £6 billion, ers and the stability of the sector.”
and between April and December it George Nixon
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 65


Why does my bank hide its rates?

savers question whether it’s worth
Times Money switching to earn a few extra pounds
a year.
Mentor Before the pandemic the regulator
had been considering the introduc-
Troubleshooter tion of a basic savings rate. This
would allow banks to offer multiple
introductory rates for new custom-
Katherine ers, but after 12 months the loyal
savers would move to a single rate
Denham paid across all the bank’s easy-access
The idea was that banks would end
up competing by offering a higher
single rate to avoid losing their
customers after a year. However, the

ver the years I have been FCA abandoned these plans when
subjected to declining the pandemic began and interest
interest rates on my rates hit rock bottom.
hard-earned savings. In- For a full list of the top-paying
terest rates are thankful- savings accounts, go to our sister site
ly creeping up at last, albeit by frac- Times Money Mentor.
tions of a percentage point, but while
these increases are welcome, it seems
you have to beg the bank to get them. If you would like us to investigate
My query is quite simple: why are a consumer problem, write to
the banks not obliged to inform you Troubleshooter, Times Money,
1 London Bridge Street,
that a better interest rate is available, London SE1 9GF or
hidden in a “new issue”?
I have been told that it is up to the Please include a phone number
savers to keep an eye out for new
issues and ask the bank to upgrade
their account accordingly. This considering ways of improving the
denies loyal customers automatic cash savings market for years. It has
access to better interest rates and Money Mentor told banks to notify customers if the
discriminates in favour of new cus- Online rate on their account is going to fall,
tomers. And it is extremely under- All the best savings including giving notice when an
handed practice that when banks accounts compared by introductory bonus rate is about to
decrease their rates, they do not independent experts expire.
prompt customers to change their But why aren’t banks obliged to tell
account to a new issue. their customers that a better deal is
It seems quite obvious to anybody from 0.67 per cent in November, available?
that this poor practice has to be out- before the Bank of England’s first rate In 2015 the FCA conducted a trial
lawed and savers treated in a fair and rise from 0.1 per cent to 0.25 per cent in which 130,000 savers were given
more reasonable way when trusting in December. It was raised to 0.5 per information about comparable high-
their savings to a bank. cent ten days ago. paying products, or given the option
Ian Mitchell Some people are surprised that to return a pre-filled form to make it
Address supplied interest on savings accounts doesn’t simple to switch to a better rate. It
increase automatically when rates found that this led to only a small
Troubleshooter says rise — most banks won’t increase increase in the number of people
We are finally seeing interest rates them immediately, if at all, but switching, and so decided it wasn’t
increase from their record lows after mortgage rates, somehow, do seem to worth implementing new rules.
two base rate hikes in the space of six go up right away. It’s clear that savers’ inertia is a big
weeks. While this means that bor- Many banks have different issues part of the problem: if more people
rowing costs will rise, the silver lining of their savings product — to attract switched as soon as their savings
is that there has been a marginal new customers — and as you say, this account became uncompetitive the
increase in the interest on savings can make it hard for savers to know banks would be forced to offer better
accounts. when there is a better rate. deals to avoid losing customers.
The best easy-access savings ac- The City regulator, the Financial The other problem is that rates
count pays 0.71 per cent, an increase Conduct Authority (FCA), has been continue to be pitiful, making many

‘They say I owe £1,800. I really don’t’

In December I got an email from hold. Is this the sort of thing you debt collector. Together Energy
a debt collection agency that could help me with? said: “We have now updated the
said it had been appointed by Jon Hall gas supply correctly and created
Together Energy to collect £1,826 Address supplied a final bill which confirms the
from me, apparently related to zero balance. We are extremely
a final payment that wasn’t Troubleshooter says apologetic to Mr Hall for this
received when I moved out. Fortunately I was able to inconvenie
I left the address in April 2019 ou
get answers for you d
The debt collection
and had told my energy supplier before Together agenc has removed
OneSelect, later taken over by Energy joined you account details.
Together Energy, that I was the dozens of a
I asked Together
moving house. Before I moved suppliers that En
Energy to confirm
out I was told that I owed £74.31, have gone bust th there would
which I paid immediately, and in the energy b no impact on
Together confirmed that there crisis. You will yo credit file
was no further balance due. The be pleased to an
and it said there
company said I would be issued hear that you wo
wouldn’t be.
with a final bill, although I never don’t owe £1,826 Y said you
received it. because a manuall were glad I was able
I have had no contact from error meant that to resolve
to reso this quickly,
Together since April 2019. n’t
your account wasn’t but couldn
but couldn’t understand
The debt collector was unable closed correctly back in 2019. why Together En Energy didn’t try
to give me a breakdown of the Together Energy had closed the to contact you before involving
amount they claimed I owed, electricity but not the gas a debt collection agency.
but said it would ask Together account. This led to bills still I had asked if Together would
Energy to produce one. I have being generated for the gas give you compensation, but it
tried to call Together Energy, but supply, amounting to a huge sum went bust the next day. British
have been unable to make any of money over three years before Gas has been appointed to
progress and keep being put on your account was referred to a manage its 176,000 accounts.
66 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Money Unit trust

Unit trust and open-ended investment company prices

Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld
Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- %

ALLIANZ GLOBAL INVESTORS FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL UK Sml Cos Eqty Acc ‡@ 1688.66 … -14.42 … UK Irsh Sm Co Fd A Acc ‡@ 742.50 … +6.60 … M & G SECURITIES Hi Inc Bond A Ac ‡@ 252.20 … -2.50 4.03
Inv Serv: 020 7065 1400 Helpline: 0800 317 573 Private Clnts 0800 414161 Broker Dlgs 0800 414181 UK Sml Cos Gwth ‡@ 82.54 … -1.65 … UK Property A Acc @ 257.95 270.59 +0.17 … Enq: 0800 390 390 Dealing Line: 0800 328 3196 Hi Inc Bond A Inc ‡@ 79.00 … -0.77 4.11
Gilt Yield A ‡@ 206.01 … -0.62 1.05 Amer Spec Sits ‡@ 2176.00 … +35.00 … UK Property A Inc @ 103.61 108.68 +0.07 … Authorised Inv Funds Hi Res A Acc ‡@ 395.00 … +3.40 …
Strategic Bond Fund ‡@ 189.84 … -0.91 … American ‡@ 5420.00 … +22.00 … US Growth Fund A Acc ‡@ 1845.00 … +61.00 … Charifund Inc ‡ 1582.68 … +15.08 … Hi Res A Inc ‡@ 128.10 … +1.10 …
UK Corp Bond C ‡@ 104.79 … -0.77 … Euro Opps ‡@ 556.70 … -5.90 … Safety Plus A Acc ‡@ 40.49 … -0.14 …
UK Eqty C ‡@ 6317.26 … +49.77 3.28 European ‡@ 3130.00 … -17.00 0.29 Strat Inc A Acc ‡@ 214.60 … -3.10 …
UK Eqty Inc A ‡@ 349.61 … +4.48 3.47 Extra Income ‡@ 26.65 … -0.23 3.95 Sterling Class A Investment Funds 1 Strat Inc A Inc ‡@ 97.52 … -1.39 …
UK Gwth A ‡@ 8380.33 … +91.94 … Glob Spec Sits ‡@ 5711.00 … +42.00 … UK Gwth A Acc ‡@ 201.50 … +3.70 …
INVESTEC FUND MGRS Euro Smlr Cos Acc ‡ 525.29 … +6.31 … UK Sel Gwth A Acc ‡@ 2325.00 … +36.00 …
UK Index A Inc ‡@ 1423.81 … -10.08 … Global Focus ‡@ 2806.00 … +1.00 … Euro Smlr Cos Inc ‡ 462.50 … +5.55 …
UK Mid Cap A ‡@ 5359.93 … +48.03 0.06 International ‡@ 149.50 … +1.10 0.08 Broker Support and Dealing: 020 7597 1900
Japan ‡@ 528.20 … -1.60 …
OEIC Series i,ii,iii, & iv
Moneybldr Bal ‡@ 48.14 … -0.03 … OEIC Sterling Class A Investment Funds 2
Moneybldr Glob 327.60 327.60 -1.90 0.21 American A Acc ‡@ 646.76 … -5.69 …
Moneybldr Gwth ‡@ 76.12 … +0.20 … Asia A Acc ‡@ 290.80 … +2.10 … Extra Income Inc ‡ 750.52 … -0.14 … OEIC B Class
Asia ex Japan A Acc ‡@ 787.10 … -5.22 … Gilt & Fxd Int Inc ‡ 95.11 … -2.12 …
Moneybldr Inc ‡@ 35.31 … -0.40 … Capital Accumulator A Acc ‡@ 231.48 … +8.50 … Emerging Mkts ‡@ 283.20 … +0.70 … Tracker and Specialist Investment Funds
ARTEMIS FUND MGRS LTD Moneybldr UK Ind ‡@ 126.57 … +1.49 … Eur Dyn (ex-UK) A Acc ‡@ 287.40 … +3.60 … Gl Hi Yd Bd Inc ‡ 44.79 … -0.38 …
Cautious Managed A Acc ‡@ 407.46 … +1.02 … Index Linked Bd Inc ‡ 163.88 … -3.79 … UK Trkr B Acc ‡@ 409.50 … +7.50 …
0800 092 2051 Special Sits ‡@ 4515.00 … +47.00 … Euro Smllr Cos ‡@ 985.00 … -8.60 …
Cautious Managed A Inc ‡@ 261.77 … +0.65 … Index Trckr Inc ‡ 77.54 … +0.35 … UK Trkr B Inc ‡@ 191.50 … +3.50 …
Authorised Inv Funds Wealthbuilder 69.75 72.18 -0.11 … Europe A Acc ‡@ 1815.00 … +14.00 …
Diversified Growth A Acc ‡@ 133.35 … -0.34 … Short Dated Corp Bd Inc ‡ 25.62 … … 1.20
Capital R Acc ‡@ 2148.24 … +40.37 … Diversified Growth A Inc ‡@ 142.06 … -0.36 … Gbl Hi Yld Bd A Acc ‡@ 126.60 … -1.00 4.27
UK Select A Inc ‡ 3048.58 … +25.20 …
Euro Opps R Acc ‡@ 91.26 … +1.71 1.29 Diversified Income A Acc ‡@ 328.82 … -0.71 … Gbl Hi Yld Bd A Inc ‡@ 34.24 … -0.27 4.39
Euro Opps R Inc ‡@ 85.36 … +1.59 1.30 Diversified Income A Inc ‡@ 73.05 … -0.15 … Gl ex-UK Bd A Acc ‡@ 278.10 … -3.50 …
European Growth R Acc ‡@ 400.82 … +13.67 … HALIFAX INVESTMENT FUND MGRS LTD Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Acc ‡@ 121.02 … -0.91 … Gl ex-UK Bd A Inc ‡@ 213.00 … -2.60 …
Sterling Class A Investment Funds 3 UK and Income Investment Funds
Global Energy R Acc ‡@ 34.67 … +0.29 … 01296 386 386 Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Acc Gross ‡@ 125.82 … +0.06 … Glb Fins A Acc ‡@ 1077.00 … +12.00 1.03
Global Growth R Acc ‡@ 355.89 … +7.57 … Authorised Inv Funds Global A Acc ‡@ 2116.00 … +26.00 … Corp Bd A Inc ‡ 38.62 … -0.38 … Corp Bond B Acc ‡@ 370.70 … +0.40 …
Emerging Mkts Blended Debt A Inc ‡@ 74.87 … -0.56 …
Global Income R Acc ‡@ 161.86 … +1.56 … Share Class `C Japan A Acc ‡@ 577.00 … +7.50 … Dividend Inc ‡ 57.66 … +0.76 4.52 Corp Bond B Inc ‡@ 136.30 … +0.10 …
Emerging Mkts Equity A Acc ‡@ 173.79 … +4.42 …
Global Income R Inc ‡@ 106.27 … +1.02 … Multi-Man Tst A Acc ‡@ 1405.00 … +16.00 … Recovery A Inc ‡ 122.84 … +1.04 … UK Gwth B Acc ‡@ 205.60 … -0.60 …
Corporate Bond ‡ 37.87 … -0.48 … Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt A Acc ‡@ 183.33 … +0.63 …
Global Select R Acc ‡@ 159.49 … +1.37 … Multi-Man Tst A Inc ‡@ 1249.00 … +15.00 … Sml Cos Inc ‡ 425.41 … +2.35 … UK Sel Gwth B Acc ‡@ 2481.00 … +8.00 …
Ethical ‡@ 116.10 … +1.70 … Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt A Inc ‡@ 77.03 … +0.27 …
High Income R Inc ‡@ 70.59 … -0.95 … European ‡@ 109.50 … +1.00 … Emrg Mkts Local Curr Debt Gross I Acc ‡@ 220.49 … -1.26 … Nat Resources ‡@ 845.70 … +24.10 …
Income R Acc ‡@ 507.94 … +7.08 3.56 Far Eastern ‡ 122.00 … +3.00 … Enhanced Natural Resources A Acc ‡@ 134.24 … -4.54 … New Europe A ‡@ 235.20 … +1.20 2.11
Income R Inc ‡@ 231.97 … +3.23 3.66 Sterling Class A Investment Funds 4
Fund of Inv Tst ‡@ 145.80 … +1.60 0.20 Global Bond A Acc ‡@ 139.30 … +5.98 0.82 Portfolio ‡@ 330.50 … +0.70 …
Monthly Dist R Inc ‡@ 71.14 … -0.12 3.51 Intl Gwth ‡ 125.10 … +1.30 … Global Bond A Inc ‡@ 109.33 … +4.52 0.82 Stg Corp Bd A Acc ‡@ 98.07 … -1.15 … Episode Allocation A Inc ‡@ 143.27 … +1.42 …
Strategic Assets R Acc ‡ 78.00 … +0.96 … Japanese ‡ 69.74 … +0.43 … Stg Corp Bd A Inc ‡@ 55.61 … -0.65 … OEIC C Class
Global Bond I Gross Inc ‡@ 1167.00 … +46.14 1.25
Strategic Bond R M Acc ‡@ 102.58 … -0.67 … North Amer ‡ 145.90 … -0.80 … UK Act 350 A Acc ‡@ 199.00 … -1.30 … UK and Income Investment Funds
Global Dynamic A Acc ‡@ 206.69 … +3.98 …
Strategic Bond R M Inc ‡@ 55.75 … -0.37 … Smaller Cos ‡@ 120.50 … -0.10 … UK Dynamic Acc ‡@ 215.70 … +2.10 … MARKS & SPENCER UNIT TRUST LTD
Global Energy A Acc ‡@ 170.97 … -4.81 … UK Gth C Inc ‡@ 138.70 … +2.50 …
Strategic Bond R Q Acc ‡@ 102.39 … -0.68 … Special Sits ‡@ 49.75 … +0.58 1.41 UK Dynamic Inc ‡@ 156.40 … +1.50 … 0808 005 5555
Global Equity A Acc ‡@ 227.96 … +2.15 … UK Sel Gwth C Acc ‡@ 2598.00 … +8.00 …
Strategic Bond R Q Inc ‡@ 55.72 … -0.37 … UK Equity Inc ‡@ 90.92 … +0.62 3.76 UK Equity A Acc ‡@ 401.90 … -4.70 3.45 High Income 102.90 102.90 -1.10 …
Global Franchise A Acc ‡@ 308.42 … +1.72 …
UK Growth R Acc ‡@ 742.90 … +16.64 … UK FTSE 100 IT ‡@ 67.54 … +0.84 … UK Equity A Inc ‡@ 46.44 … -0.54 3.49 High Income Acc 276.20 276.20 -2.90 …
Global Free Enterprise A Acc ‡@ 1299.23 … +20.37 …
UK Smaller Cos R Acc ‡@ 1962.91 … -1.37 … UK FTSE All-S IT ‡@ 78.19 … +0.88 … UK 100 Comp Acc @ 440.90 440.90 +6.10 …
Global Gold A Acc ‡@ 174.23 … +1.74 … UK Eqy & Bd Inc Acc ‡@ 167.10 … +2.30 …
UK Special Sits R Acc ‡@ 725.48 … +17.35 … UK Growth ‡@ 83.76 … +0.47 … UK 100 Cos @ 225.60 225.60 +3.10 …
Global Special Situations A Acc ‡@ 302.84 … +8.59 … UK Eqy & Bd Inc Inc ‡@ 90.29 … +0.88 …
Global Special Situations A Inc ‡@ 234.24 … +6.64 … UK Higher Inc A Acc ‡@ 1132.00 … +12.00 … UK Select Pflo @ 341.60 341.60 +4.70 … STANDARD LIFE INVESTMENTS
Managed Growth A Acc ‡@ 284.24 … +0.84 … UK Higher Inc A Inc ‡@ 531.30 … +4.30 … UK Selection Port Acc @ 683.90 683.90 +9.20 … 0845 279 3003
Monthly High Income A Acc ‡@ 243.45 … +2.02 3.54 UK Sm Cos A Acc ‡@ 686.50 … +4.50 0.27 Worldwide Mgd Acc @ 982.10 982.10 +7.50 … Investment Funds (OEIC) - Retail Shares
HSBC GLOBAL ASSET MGMT (UK) LTD Monthly High Income A Inc ‡@ 63.17 … +0.42 5.01 UK Str Eq Inc A Acc ‡@ 210.00 … +3.30 … Wwide Mgd @ 582.20 582.20 +4.40 …
Enq: 0845 745 6123 Dlg: 0845 745 6126 Mon-Fri 8-6 AAA Inc CAT Acc ‡@ 96.66 … -0.93 …
AXA FRAMLINGTON UNIT MGMT LTD Multi-Asset Protector A Acc ‡@ 171.91 … -0.33 … UK Str Eq Inc A Inc ‡@ 108.70 … +1.70 …
HSBC Index Tracker Investment Funds (OEIC) AAA Inc CAT Inc ‡@ 55.09 … -0.53 …
Dling: 0845 602 1952 Priv Clients: 0845 777 5511 Strategic Bond A Acc ‡@ 244.54 … +0.50 1.96 US A Acc ‡@ 1036.00 … +14.00 …
Amer Ind Acc ‡@ 904.33 … +5.22 … Strategic Bond A Inc ‡@ 119.47 … +0.23 3.32 US Sm Cos A Acc ‡@ 960.70 … +49.00 …
Equity Inc ‡@ 572.40 … -2.10 4.43 Enquires: 0800 0961 962 Amer Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 217.30 … +3.00 …
Amer Ind Inc ‡@ 733.85 … +4.23 … Corp Bond Acc ‡@ 178.20 … -2.10 …
Gilt Acc @ 201.30 211.80 -1.50 1.08 The Morgan Stanley Funds (UK)
Euro Ind Acc ‡@ 1147.94 … +6.62 … Corp Bond Inc ‡@ 61.50 … -0.71 …
Gilt Inc @ 74.35 78.24 -1.00 1.09 Class A Shares
Euro Ind Inc ‡@ 752.05 … +4.34 … Euro Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 247.30 … +2.50 0.35
Health Acc ‡ 2724.00 … +94.00 … Equity
FTSE 100 Ind Acc ‡@ 265.37 … +3.63 … Glb Advtg CAT Acc ‡@ 157.90 … +1.10 …
Jap Smlr Co Ac @ 62.56 66.09 -0.93 0.30
FTSE 100 Ind Inc ‡@ 124.58 … +1.71 … Dev Opp Fund F Acc ‡ 907.46 … +43.20 … Glob Advtg Acc ‡@ 208.50 … +1.30 …
Managed Inc ‡@ 138.30 … -0.70 4.20
FTSE 250 Ind Acc ‡@ 316.83 … +1.67 1.50 Dev Opp Fund I Acc ‡ 904.67 … +43.04 … Glob Eq Uncstrd Acc ‡@ 160.80 … +3.10 …
Monthly Inc Inc ‡@ 259.40 … +0.90 3.85
FTSE 250 Ind Inc ‡@ 200.28 … +1.06 0.43 Glob Bal Inc F F Acc ‡@ 989.18 … +2.59 … Higher Inc Acc ‡@ 150.40 … -0.60 3.90
UK Growth Inc ‡@ 239.60 … -3.60 …
FTSE All-S Acc ‡@ 696.11 … +12.64 … Glob Bal Inc F F Inc ‡@ 967.27 … +2.54 … Higher Inc Inc ‡@ 49.01 … -0.18 3.98
UK Select Opps Inc ‡@ 2091.00 … -24.00 …
FTSE All-S Inc ‡@ 363.66 … +6.61 … Glob Bal Inc F I Acc ‡ 988.67 … +2.58 … Japan Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 127.40 … -0.30 …
UK Sml Cos Inc ‡@ 372.20 … -5.60 …
Jap Ind Acc ‡@ 139.90 … -1.33 … Glob Bal Inc F I Inc ‡ 966.75 … +2.53 … Managed Acc ‡@ 349.20 … +0.80 …
Jap Ind Inc ‡@ 111.57 … -1.06 … Glob Bal Sust F F Acc ‡@ 980.69 … -0.79 … Select Inc Acc ‡@ 95.86 … -0.14 2.29
Pac Ind Acc ‡@ 514.64 … +11.69 … Glob Bal Sust F F Inc ‡@ 976.94 … -0.79 … Select Inc Inc ‡@ 54.53 … -0.08 2.31
Pac Ind Inc ‡@ 332.50 … +7.55 … Glob Bal Sust F I Acc ‡ 980.09 … -0.80 … UK Eq Gth Acc ‡@ 356.90 … +4.50 …
Glob Bal Sust F I Inc ‡ 976.80 … -0.79 … UK Eq Hi Alpha ‡@ 220.50 … +2.80 …
AXA FUND MANAGERS LTD Glob Br Eq Inc Fund F Inc ‡@ 1325.24 … -11.52 … UK Eq Hi Inc Acc ‡@ 266.30 … +4.00 3.53
Admin & Enq 0117 989 0808 Glob Br Eq Inc Fund I Acc ‡@ 1761.19 … -15.39 … UK Eq Hi Inc Inc ‡@ 76.56 … +1.13 3.64
AXA Trusts HSBC Investment Funds (OEIC) - Retail Share Class Glob Br Eq Inc Fund I Inc ‡@ 1423.42 … -12.45 … UK Ethical Acc ‡@ 221.60 … -0.30 …
Glob Br Fund I Acc (PH) ‡@ 13251.75 … -116.25 … UK Opps Acc ‡@ 293.40 … -5.50 …
Gen Acc ‡@ 2101.00 … -53.00 … Balanced Acc ‡@ 250.22 … +1.49 …
Glob Br Fund I Acc (PH) ‡@ 1669.77 … -14.23 0.84 UK Opps Inc ‡@ 266.70 … -4.90 …
Gen Inc ‡@ 1079.00 … -32.00 … Balanced Inc ‡@ 151.95 … +3.09 …
Glob Br Fund I Inc (PH) ‡@ 3654.50 … -32.06 … UK Smlr Cos Acc ‡@ 1026.00 … -7.00 …
Corp Bd Acc ‡@ 301.20 … -3.15 …
Glob Br Fund I Inc (PH) ‡@ 1605.90 … -13.68 0.85
Corp Bd Inc ‡@ 120.58 … -1.26 …
Glob Ins Fund F Acc ‡ 674.72 … +11.77 …
Gilt & Fd Int Acc ‡@ 497.78 … +7.06 1.19
Glob Ins Fund F Inc ‡ 674.71 … +11.76 …
Gilt & Fd Int Inc ‡@ 74.17 … +1.05 1.58
Glob Ins Fund I Acc ‡ 673.44 … +11.72 …
Income Acc ‡@ 690.71 … +9.56 …
Glob Ins Fund I Inc ‡ 673.44 … +11.72 …
UK/Global Investment Companies Income Inc ‡@ 296.21 … +4.10 … SVS BROWN SHIPLEY FUNDS
Glob Sust Fund F Acc (PH) ‡ 1275.00 … -8.02 0.56
Euro Acc A ‡@ 234.70 … +0.10 1.18 Monthly Inc Acc ‡@ 313.41 … -1.33 3.21 Enquiries: 0141 222 1151
Glob Sust Fund F Inc ‡@ 1259.23 … -8.19 …
Extra Inc Inc B ‡@ 86.74 … -1.81 1.16 Monthly Inc Inc ‡@ 136.11 … +0.94 …
Glob Sust Fund I Acc ‡@ 1270.75 … -8.30 … Balanced A Acc ‡@ 148.48 … +0.33 …
Global Gwth Acc R ‡ 301.30 … +5.20 … UK Grth & Inc Ret B Acc ‡@ 141.94 … +1.82 …
Glob Sust Fund I Acc (PH) ‡@ 1276.67 … -8.01 0.38 Balanced A Inc ‡@ 134.07 … +0.30 …
Japan Acc A ‡@ 166.00 … -1.30 … UK Grth & Inc Ret B Inc ‡@65.42 … +0.84 …
Glob Sustain Fund F Acc ‡@ 1275.53 … -8.30 … Cautious A Acc ‡@ 121.14 … -0.20 …
Pac Gwth Acc A ‡@ 552.30 … +13.30 … UK Gth & Inc Acc ‡@ 141.94 … +1.82 …
Stg Corp Bond F F Acc ‡@ 134.20 … -1.55 … Cautious A Inc ‡@ 106.52 … -0.17 …
UK Gth & Inc Inc ‡@ 65.42 … +0.84 …
Stg Corp Bond F F Inc ‡@ 109.34 … -1.27 … Dynamic A Acc ‡@ 359.18 … +2.04 …
Stg Corp Bond F I Acc ‡@ 2858.41 … -33.17 … Dynamic A Inc ‡ 325.94 … +1.84 …
Stg Corp Bond F I Inc ‡@1537.34 … -17.85 … Growth A Acc ‡@ 370.41 … +1.62 …
Sust Fixed Inc Opps F F Acc ‡ 976.65 … -6.62 … Income A Acc ‡@ 268.69 … +0.28 …
HSBC Specialist Investment Funds (OEIC) Sust Fixed Inc Opps F F Inc ‡ 960.68 … -6.50 … Sterling Bond Acc ‡@ 242.37 … +1.39 3.52
CIS UNIT MANAGERS LTD American Index Retail Acc ‡@ 904.33 … +5.22 … Sust Fixed Inc Opps F I Acc ‡ 974.37 … -6.63 … Sterling Bond Inc ‡@ 97.00 … +0.54 3.61
08457 46 46 46 American Index Retail Inc ‡@ 733.85 … +4.23 … Sust Fixed Inc Opps F I Inc ‡ 960.41 … -6.54 …
European Gwth ‡@ 203.80 … +0.60 … Asian Gth Acc ‡@ 147.77 … -0.67 … US Adv F F Acc ‡@ 2051.08 … +201.70 …
Sus Leaders ‡@ 777.90 … -7.80 … Asian Gth Inc ‡@ 130.99 … -0.59 … US Adv F F Acc (PH) ‡@ 1315.55 … +128.57 …
UK Growth ‡@ 646.10 … +0.30 … Chinese Eq Acc ‡@ 513.81 … -13.85 0.40 US Adv F I Acc ‡@ 2188.95 … +215.15 …
UK Income ‡@ 222.00 … +1.50 … Chinese Eq Inc ‡@ 434.76 … -11.72 0.34 US Adv F I Acc (PH) ‡@ 1382.16 … +134.98 … THREADNEEDLE INVESTMENTS
Euro Gth Acc ‡@ 973.97 … -10.00 0.41 Client Serv: 0800 0683000
Euro Gth Inc ‡@ 817.05 … -8.39 0.44 Intermediary Serv: 0800 0684000
SANTANDER UNIT TST MGRS Institutional Shares (Class 2) (163500,000 min)
08457 413002
UK Oseas Earns ‡@ 125.73 … +1.69 …
Bal Pfolio Inc ‡@ 110.50 … … 2.41
CLOSE FUND MANAGEMENT LTD IGNIS ASSET MGMT Bal Port Gwth Acc ‡@ 241.80 … -0.30 …
0870 606 6402 Dlg: 0141 222 8282 Equity Inc Inc ‡@ 229.50 … -0.90 …
Beacon Inv ‡ 84.88 … +0.45 0.01 American Gth Inc @ 322.55 340.42 +1.71 … N&P UK Gwth Inc ‡@ 182.80 … +6.00 …
Balanced Growth @ 262.17 276.69 -1.59 1.52 Target Return A Acc ‡@ 102.03 … +0.39 0.82 JUPITER UT MGRS LTD Stkmkt 100 Tkr @ 252.30 252.30 +1.50 …
UK Growth Acc ‡@ 496.60 … -2.30 … Managed Funds
Balanced Growth Acc @ 393.13 414.92 -2.40 1.49 Target Return A Inc ‡@ 87.63 … -0.07 0.87 020 7581 3020
Corporate Bond ‡@ 99.69 … -1.17 4.77 UK Alpha A Acc ‡@ 2702.05 … +20.88 … UK Growth Inc ‡@ 274.10 … -1.30 … Def Eqty & Bd Acc @ 128.00 128.00 +1.40 0.74
European Growth @ 403.88 426.26 -1.19 2.18 UK Blue Chip A Acc ‡@ 770.11 … +5.67 … Absolute Return ‡@ 39.39 … -0.29 … Eqty & Bd Acc @ 179.90 179.90 +3.30 0.73
European Growth Acc @ 475.71 502.07 -1.47 2.24 Distribution and Growth ‡@ 102.14 … -0.31 … Mgd Income @ 77.80 77.80 +1.83 …
Dealing: 020 7426 6232 UK Smaller Companies A Acc ‡@ 6469.85 … -9.69 … SCOTTISH MUTUAL INV MNGRS LTD
Glob Gwth @ 331.53 349.90 +2.16 … Emg Euro Opps ‡@ 241.90 … +2.15 …
UK Smaller Companies A Inc ‡@ 5803.06 … -8.69 … 0141 248 6100
Winchester ‡ 3775.82 … +33.98 0.29 Higher Yield @ 83.98 88.64 +0.86 4.43 Euro Special Sits ‡@ 465.72 … -4.72 …
Higher Yield Acc @ 275.04 290.28 +2.83 … UK Special Situations A Acc ‡@ 1397.92 … +37.09 … European Inc 1777.00 1873.48 +12.14 0.78
European ‡@ 2869.98 … -25.34 …
Japan @ 49.06 51.78 -2.35 0.94 UK Special Situations A Inc ‡@ 511.42 … +13.57 … Financial Opps ‡@ 872.35 … +29.00 … Far Eastern Inc 584.69 617.09 +3.79 1.42
Managed @ 130.89 138.15 +0.95 0.66 Income Trust ‡@ 511.12 … +9.33 … Intl Growth Inc 380.56 400.59 -0.13 0.75 Retail Shares (Class 1)
Managed Trust @ 71.96 76.96 +1.59 … Merlin Bal (Acc) ‡@ 232.69 … +2.65 … Japanese Inc 41.85 41.85 +0.57 0.56 Stg Bd Ret Inc ‡@ 56.83 … -1.22 …
Mngd Pfolio Inc @ 95.54 100.84 +0.63 0.58 Merlin Gwth (Acc) ‡ 545.95 … +8.25 … Mutual European 2762.93 2908.99 -73.67 1.11
EDENTREE INV MGMT LTD Strat Bd Ret ‡@ 46.04 … -0.37 …
Pacific Grth @ 498.71 526.34 -0.26 1.34 Merlin Inc (Acc) ‡ 357.53 … +2.29 … Mutual Far Eastern 1026.15 1083.01 +7.39 …
0800 358 3010 UK Corp Bond ‡@ 62.09 … -0.64 …
Smaller Comp @ 756.24 798.14 -8.40 0.15 Mutual North Am 1983.00 2092.88 +19.24 0.24
Merlin Wwide (Inc) ‡ 389.51 … +6.81 … UK Corp Ret ‡@ 61.97 … -0.65 …
Amity European A ‡ 324.50 … +1.90 … Smaller Cos @ 628.94 663.79 -6.93 0.21 Mutual UK Eq 1392.31 1469.46 +14.14 …
For ISIS Asset Mgmt see F&C Fd Mgmt Ltd (OEICS) UK Growth ‡@ 249.75 … +1.35 … UK Eqty Inc Ret ‡@ 99.04 … +0.51 3.14
Amity International A ‡ 345.80 … -6.00 … UK Special Sits (Inc) ‡@ 203.93 … +3.84 … Nth American Inc 1227.65 1295.67 +29.21 … UK Gwth & Inc Ret ‡@ 94.78 … +0.49 …
Amity Sterling Bond A ‡ 98.54 … -1.86 … JANUS HENDERSON INVESTORS UK Equity Inc 593.02 625.88 +6.03 … UK Hi Yld Bd 1 ‡@ 40.47 … -0.39 3.55
Amity UK A Inc ‡ 245.70 … -4.40 … UK Inst Acc ‡@ 180.66 … +1.83 …
Higher Income A ‡ 135.10 … -0.80 … INSIGHT INVESTMENT FDS MANAGEMENT LTD Investors Serv: 0800 832 832 Dlng: 0845 946 4646
UK Mnthly Extra Inc ‡@ 82.92 … -0.09 …
UK Equity Growth A ‡ 324.20 … -10.70 … Client Servs: 0207 163 4000 SCOTTISH WIDOWS UNIT TRUST MGRS UK Mnthly Inc Ret ‡@ 71.10 … +0.29 …
Insight Investment Multi-Manager Funds All Stks Credit A Inc ‡@ 133.10 … -1.60 … 0845 300 2244 UK Retail ‡@ 137.71 … +1.98 …
Asian Div Inc U Trst Inc ‡ 88.82 … +2.67 … Authorised Inv Funds (OEICs)
Well Bldr Bal Acc ‡@ 96.05 … +0.24 … UK Sel Retail ‡@ 123.55 … -3.19 1.75
Well Bldr Gwth Acc ‡@ 93.79 … -0.32 … Cautious Man Fd A Acc ‡@ 299.50 … +1.50 … LEGAL & GENERAL (UT MGRS) LTD OEIC A Class UK Smaller Cos ‡@ 450.89 … +5.69 …
Cautious Man Fd A Inc ‡@ 152.00 … +0.70 … Managed Investment Funds
Enquiries: 0870 050 0955 Dealing: 0870 050 0956
China Opp Fund A Acc ‡@ 1487.00 … +7.00 … Bal Port A Acc ‡@ 237.60 … -0.10 0.01
F & C FUND MANAGEMENT LTD (OEICS) Caut Port A Acc ‡@ 207.10 … +0.30 …
Emg Mkts Opps Fd A Acc ‡@ 227.90 … +2.90 … Equity Acc @ 2616.00 2639.00 +17.00 2.12
Enqs: 0870 601 6183 Dealing: 0870 601 6083 Caut Port A Inc ‡@ 152.00 … +0.30 …
INVESCO FUND MGRS LTD Erpn Grth Fund A Acc ‡@ 283.50 … +3.40 … Equity Dist @ 893.80 902.00 +5.60 2.15
Share Class 1 - Retail Opps Port A Acc ‡@ 280.20 … -0.70 …
Dling: 0800 085 8571 Inv Serv: 0800 085 8677 Euro Ind Acc ‡@ 506.00 … +2.80 … For Resolution see Ignis
Corporate Bd ‡@ 56.74 … -0.56 … Erpn Sel Opps Fd A Acc ‡@ 2212.00 … +19.00 …
Brkr Serv: 0800 028 2121 Euro Ind Inc ‡@ 339.60 … +1.80 … Prog Port A Acc ‡ 266.60 … -0.50 … TU FUND MANAGERS LIMITED
Emerging Mkts ‡@ 133.40 … +0.70 … INVESCO Funds Fix Int Mnthly Inc Fd Acc ‡@ 33.28 … -0.37 …
Fixed Int Acc ‡@ 150.20 … -1.70 … British 867.30 867.30 -7.20 …
Euro Gwth & Inc 1 ‡@ 1181.00 … -6.00 … Global Equity Fund Acc ‡@ 4520.00 … +6.00 …
UK Str Inc N/Trl ‡@ 323.57 … -2.78 … Fixed Int Dist ‡@ 71.98 … -0.80 … European 210.70 219.40 +3.90 …
Extra Inc Bond ‡@ 47.74 … -0.36 … Global Equity Income A Inc ‡@ 65.97 … +0.60 … Overseas Growth Investment Funds
Glob Gwth Acc @ 243.90 243.90 +0.60 1.15
FTSE All-Shr Track ‡@ 433.80 … +4.90 … Global Tech A Acc ‡@ 3203.00 … +49.00 … Eur Sel Gth A Acc ‡@ 3496.00 … +42.00 …
Glob Health Acc ‡@ 100.00 … +0.81 …
Global Gwth SC1 ‡@ 314.10 … +1.00 … This list contains unit trusts and Oeics widely held
Instl UK Idx Opps A Acc ‡@ 112.95 … +0.79 … Glob Tech Acc ‡@ 98.61 … +1.32 …
High Inc Trst @ 12.08 12.73 -0.08 … by private investors. The weekly price change is
Max Inc Bond ‡@ 47.53 … -0.38 … INVESCO PERPETUAL Funds M-Asset Abs Ret A Acc ‡@ 159.40 … +0.60 … Gwth Tst Acc @ 106.00 106.50 -2.10 … based on a Friday-to-Thursday trading period.*
High Inc Acc ‡@ 136.50 … -1.20 4.94 Tracker and Specialist Investment Funds Yield expressed as CAR (Compound Annual
Multi Man Caut ‡@ 70.41 … +0.79 3.18 Childrens Acc ‡@ 481.75 … +2.90 … M-Man Active Fd A Acc ‡@ 268.20 … +1.80 …
Japan Ind Acc ‡@ 69.72 … +0.50 … UK Trkr A Acc ‡@ 371.30 … +6.80 … Return); † Ex dividend; ‡ Middle price; . . . No sig-
Multi Man Distr ‡@ 60.44 … +0.45 3.37 Corp Bond Acc ‡@ 216.83 … -1.71 … M-Man Inc Grth A Inc ‡@ 159.30 … +0.20 … nificant data. # Periodic charge deducted from cap-
North Amer ‡@ 818.30 … +6.00 … High Income Inc ‡@ 332.70 … +4.13 2.43 Pacific Ind Acc ‡@ 206.70 … +4.30 … UK Trkr A Inc ‡@ 192.60 … +3.50 …
M-Man Inc Grth Fd A Acc ‡@ 198.40 … +0.20 … ital; @ Exit charge
Pacific Gwth ‡@ 526.40 … +6.00 … Income & Grth Inc ‡@ 428.34 … +2.23 1.26 UK 100 Ind Acc @ 180.90 180.90 +7.60 …
Sterling Bond U Trst Acc ‡@ 234.60 … -2.80 …
Strategic Bd ‡@ 205.90 … -0.60 … Income Inc ‡@ 1307.87 … +13.22 … UK Active Opps Acc @ 249.90 252.90 +1.80 …
Sterling Bond U Trst Inc ‡@ 65.11 … -0.78 … UK and Income Investment Funds
Data as shown is
UK Equity ‡@ 3355.00 … +12.00 … Money Acc ‡@ 90.76 … +0.02 … UK Index Acc ‡@ 340.30 … +4.20 …
Strategic Bond A Inc ‡@ 124.00 … -1.50 … for information
UK Gwth & Inc Acc 1 ‡@ 658.50 … +2.90 … Monthly Inc Plus Inc ‡@ 103.85 … -0.65 … UK Index Dist ‡@ 169.40 … +2.10 … Corp Bond A Acc ‡@ 330.70 … -7.00 …
UK Gwth & Inc Dist ‡@ 234.70 … +1.00 … UK Aggressive Inc ‡@ 154.28 … +0.90 … UK Abs Ret Fd A Acc ‡@ 166.80 … +0.30 … US Ind Acc ‡@ 814.70 … +13.00 … Corp Bond A Inc ‡@ 125.40 … -2.60 …
purposes only. No offer is made by
UK Smaller Cos ‡@ 1166.00 … +2.00 … UK Growth Acc ‡@ 836.11 … +11.05 … UK Alpha Fund A Acc ‡@ 164.30 … +0.40 … Worldwide Acc ‡@ 358.90 … +1.50 … Envir Invtr A Acc ‡@ 379.40 … +2.80 … Morningstar or this publication
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 67


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SAGA via website Saga Cash Isa £1 0.60% B Santander 0800 100802 1.59% to 2.5.24 75% - To 2.5.24 Provider Contact Product name Term APR

Fixed-cash Isas Santander 0800 100802 1.94% to 2.5.24 90% - To 2.5.24 Barclaycard 0800 151 0900 Platinum All-Rounder Visa 0% 1st 24 mths 21.9%
Yorkshire BS 0345 120 0874 1.73% to 30.4.25 75% £495 To 30.4.25 Sainsbury's Bank 0808 540 5060 Dual Offer CC MC 0% 1st 24 mths 21.9%
Provider Contact Account Min AER
Nationwide BS 0800 302010 1.94% for 3 years 90% £999 1st 3 yrs Tesco Bank 0345 300 4278 Clubcard CC Purchases MC 0% 1st 23 mths 20.9%
United Trust Bank via post Isa Bond (7 yr) £15,000 1.77% F
MBNA Ltd 0345 606 2062 0% Tfr & Pur CC MC 0% 1st 23 mths 21.9%
UBL UK via website Fixed Isa (5 yr) £2,000 1.76% F Long-term fixed-rate mortgages
M&S Bank 0800 997 996 Shopping Plus Offer MC 0% 1st 23 mths 21.9%
Close Brothers Savings via website Fixed Isa (5 yr) £10,000 1.75% F Redmptn
United Trust Bank via post Isa Bond (5 yr) £15,000 1.75% F Provider Contact Initial Period Max Fee Charge
Rate LTV Until Cashback credit card
Secure Trust Bank via website Fixed Isa (10.3.27) £1,000 1.70% F
TSB 03459 758 758 1.59% to 31.5.27 60% £995 To 31.5.27
Lifetime cash Isas Santander 0800 100802 1.69% to 2.5.27 75% - To 2.5.27 Provider Contact Product name APR Cashback
Provider Contact Account Min AER HSBC 0808 256 6876 2.19% to 30.4.27 90% £999 To 30.4.27 American Express 0800 917 8047 Platinum Cashback 29.8% 0.75% - 1.25% standard
Moneybox via website Cash Lifetime Isa £1 0.85% B Halifax 0345 727 3747 1.68% to 31.5.32 60% £995 To 31.5.32 Intro 5%/3mth (max £125)
Halifax 0345 727 3747 1.77% to 31.5.32 75% £995 To 31.5.32 American Express 0800 917 8047 Plat Cashback Everyday 24.5% 0.50% - 1.00% standard
Beehive Money via website Homebuyer Lifetime Isa £10 0.80%
Intro 5%/3mth (max £100)
Beehive Money via website Retirement Lifetime Isa £10 0.80% Variable-rate mortgages Halifax 0345 944 4555 Cashback CC MC 19.9% Standard 0.25% - 0.50%
Paragon Bank via website Cash Lifetime Isa (3) £1 0.50% Redmptn on spend over £1 a year
Newcastle BS via website Cash Lifetime Isa (3) £1 0.50% Provider Contact Initial Period Max Fee Charge Lloyds Bank 0345 602 1997 Cashback CC MC 19.9% Standard 0.25% - 0.50%
Rate LTV Until on spend over £1 a year
Regular savings accounts first direct 0800 482448 2.44% term 75% £490 None Barclaycard 0800 151 0900 Rewards Visa 22.9% Standard 0.25% on
Provider Contact Account Min AER first direct 0800 482448 2.59% term 75% - None spend over £1 a year
first direct 0800 482448 2.89% term 80% £490 None Borrowing rates and products are subject to credit ratings. Terms apply to all cashback
NatWest via website Digital Regular Saver £0 3.04% V
Bank of China (UK) 0800 389 5566 2.99% term 80% £1,295 1st yr
Royal Bank of Scotland via website Digital Regular Saver £0 3.04% V
first direct 0800 482448 3.54% term 90% £490 None Current accounts
Nationwide BS via website Flex Regular Saver £0 2.50% V
Newcastle BS via branch Regular Saver (3) £0 2.00% F Buy-to-let Mortgages Credit interest
West Brom BS via branch Regular Saver (4) £10 2.00% F Redmptn Account
Provider Contact Initial Period Max Fee Charge Provider Contact Account name Fee AER
Pension annuities Rate LTV Until Halifax 0345 720 3040 Reward Current Account None £5 pm C
Principality BS 0330 333 4002 1.60% D to 30.4.24 75% - To 30.4.24 TSB 0345 975 8758 Spend & Save None £5 pm B
Single life Mansfield BS 01623 676345 2.29% D for 3 years 75% £1,499 1st 3 yrs Virgin Money 0800 678 3654 M Plus Account None 2.02%
Provider Contact Age 60 Age 65 Age 70 Leeds BS 0345 045 4049 1.41% F to 30.4.24 60% £999 To 30.4.24 Nationwide BS 0800 30 20 10 FlexDirect None 2% B
Canada Life 0345 300 3199 £2,146.32 £2,471.76 £2,853.72 Virgin Money 0330 057 1701 1.44% F to 1.6.25 75% £1,995 To 1.6.25 The Co-op Bank 0345 721 2212 Current Everyday Rewards None £1 pm C
Legal & General 0345 765 4465 £2,077.44 £2,412.00 £2,834.04 Virgin Money 0330 057 1701 1.73% F to 1.6.27 75% £1,995 To 1.6.27
Aviva 0800 015 5064 £1,899.76 £2,377.77 £2,701.16 The selections above are based on a combination of initial rate, fee and incentive available. Arranged overdrafts
Just 0345 302 2287 £1,975.68 £2,347.56 £2,680.08 Account 0% OD
National Savings & investments Provider Contact Account name Fee EAR Limit
Starling Bank via website Current Account None 15% £0
Notice or Min AER Interest
Joint life Term Paid first direct 0345 600 2424 1st Account None 39.9% £250
Provider Contact Male: Age 60 Age 65 Age 70 Accounts and bonds Virgin Money 0800 678 3654 M Plus Account None 19.9% £0
Female: Age 55 Age 60 Age 65
Green Bonds 3 Yr Bnd £100 0.65% Yearly Lloyds Bank 0800 015 4000 Club Lloyds £3pm 27.5% £50
Canada Life 0345 300 3199 £1,818.84 £2,013.72 £2,273.04
Direct Saver None £1 0.50% Yearly TSB 0345 975 8758 Spend & Save Plus £3pm 39.9% £100
Legal & General 0345 765 4465 £1,689.48 £1,946.52 £2,193.84 Current account interest rates paid up to a specified level, terms may apply to qualify for
Income Bonds None £500 0.50% Monthly rates shown. A = Provider operates under Islamic finance principles, rate shown is expected
Aviva 0800 015 5064 £1,530.71 £1,879.12 £2,029.45
profit rate. B =Introductory rate. C = Paid net of income tax. F = Fixed rate. D = Discounted
Just 0345 302 2287 £1,607.16 £1,828.80 £2,019.24 Tax free products variable rate. V = Variable rate. All savings rates are shown as AER variable unless otherwise
stated. Methods of opening and operating accounts will vary. All rates and terms are subject
Junior Isa Age 18 £1 1.50% Yearly to change without notice. No liability accepted for any loss arising from the use of, or reliance
Based on a pension pot of £50,000. Direct Isa None £1 0.35% Yearly upon, this information. Readers who are not financial professionals should seek expert advice.
Visit for full details
68 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Money Equity prices

Dividend yields Please note dividend yields are 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
supplied by Morningstar. The yield is the sum of a High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

company’s trailing 12-month dividend payments 248K 183Y M&G 215K – 1Y 8.4 89.7 342 196 Billington Hldgsv 235 + 25 1.8 19.1 1450 1059 Savills 1369 – 1 1.2 17.6 66 43K Checkitv 45K – 1 … -5.5
divided by the last month’s ending share price 242K 143W Man 200 + V 3.8 12.2 305 252 Boot (Henry) 305 + 10 1.8 16.3 7K 5 Secure Propertyv 7N … … 19.1 678 458 Cohortv‡ 479 … 2.3 42.5
12 month high and low Please note the 12 month high 8K 7N Manx Finv 8N … … 6.5 112O 84W Breedon Groupv 88V – 2W … 21.0 1436K 875O Segro 1246K – 45 1.7 5.8 2710 1350 Dewhurstv‡ 1630 … 0.8 18.7
and low figures for shares supplied by Morningstar are 6V 1V Marechale Capv 3V … … 1.5 556W 459O Br Land 545V – 7V 2.7 74.6 63K 32W SIG 41K … … … 380 243 Dialight 342 + 2 … …

based on intra-day figures, not closing prices. 12770W 8284 Marsh McLn 11324X + 39X 1.6 28.8 152K 110 Caledonian Tstv 132K + 7 … 33.9
113 67N SigmaRocv 92 … … 29.5 2080K 1438K Electrolux 'B' 1467X – 4O 8.6 8.4
144 88O Sirius Real Estate 133O + 1V 2.4 10.4 1W K Feedbackv X … … -4.5
892K 680 Mattioli Woodsv 810 … 2.4 … 186N 156W Cap & Count Prop 169Y – 3W … -3.9
161K 122K Smart (J) 161K … 1.9 6.1
12 month Price 12 month Price 32K 18 Metal Tigerv 20 + N … 4.6 91N 54 Cap & Regnl 60K – 2O … -0.5 1550 996 Gooch Hsegov‡ 1025 – 32K 0.4 75.9
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E 61 34 Steppe Cementv 39K … 9.5 9.1
149Y 83 Metro Bank 104V + Y … -0.8 2100 1750 Cardiff Prop 2100 … 0.8 22.8 3935 2790 Goodwin 3175 – 75 3.2 17.5
191X 144Y Taylor Wimpey 152 – 1 2.7 11.0
1602V 1305X Nat Aust Bk 1574N + 8Y 3.0 15.6 43K 29K Carecapitalv 30 + K … -3.5 3216 2233 Halma 2359 – 70 0.7 34.1
O K Drumzv K … … -6.3
Automobiles & parts 152O 94O EFG-Hermes Hldg 147 – 5Y … 8.3 253W 171N NWG 253 – K 2.3 12.3 183 96K Clarke T 154 + 3 2.8 17.2
164 109 Town Centre 161 + 2K 2.1 …
1902 1256 Hill & Smith 1512 – 44 1.7 59.7
435 270 EPE Special Oppsv 305 … … 1.2 1900N 1352Y Travis Perkins 1438K – 21 … 20.6
398 276 Numisv‡ 276 – 4 4.3 5.6 262 203 CLS Hldgs 215 + 121K 41K Holders Techv 115 … 0.4 …
2201 1114K Aston Martin Lag 1158K – 35K … -3.8 K 3.5 13.5
890X 564N FBD 890X + 18O … 11.6 249 175Y Tritax Big Box REIT Plc233K – 5O 2.7 5.5
4N 2N Image Scanv 3 … … …
90 67K Fiskev 72K … … 15.0 576 409 Onesavings Bank 575K + 6K 2.5 9.2 571K 294 Countryside Prop 309 – 1K … 22.5
249 175Y Tritax Big Box REIT Plc233K – 5O 2.7 5.5
Banking & finance 83 44K Frenkel Toppingv 81 + 1 1.6 47.0 N … Origo Partnersv V … … -0.7 73W 16V Craven Housev 16V … … -0.3
124 100K TRITAX EUROBOX PLC 105V – K … …
1838 1260 IMI 1603 – 12 3.0 24.1
725 485 Georgia Capital 681 – 19 … 1.0 … … Inspirit Energyv … … … -5.1
741 566 PayPoint‡ 668 + 23 4.8 20.9 4002 3095 CRH 3779 – 33 2.2 27.4 507 330 Tyman 361K – 8K 1.1 13.9
331 226K abrdn 246 – 2X 5.9 3.7 955 791 Gresham Housev 905 … 0.6 36.3
8640 5740 Judges Scientificv 7560 – 70 0.7 47.4
3688 2850 Admiral 3054 + 18 3.8 13.6 325 244 H&T Groupv 301 + 4K 2.8 9.6 26 11 PCF Groupv 11 – N … -5.2 3802 3116 Derwent London 3233 – 59 2.3 70.1 1346K 842 Vistry Group 1054 – 17 1.9 11.1
88K 26K ADVFNv 67K – 2K … 11.3 65 45W Hansard Global 50 + 1X 8.9 13.8 85K 57K LPAv 75 + K … 17.6
759O 623W Phoenix Gp 670K – 2V 7.0 … 4K 3W Dolphin Capitalv 3Y … … -2.7 176O 122K Warehouse REITv 163 – 1O 3.8 3.8
470 321V AJ Bell 327V – 2 2.1 30.6
1772 1296K Hargreaves L 1347 – 15K 2.8 21.5 839V 395N Meggitt 748 – 1 … 99.7
23580 16369O Aon Corpn 21175W + 56K 0.6 71.5 381K 184 Provident 320 + 2 … -7.3 35K 28K First Propv 32O + N 1.3 … 971 700 Workspace Grp 772K – 20 2.3 …
43K 22N Appreciate Groupv 28Y – V 3.4 12.5 213Y 142K Helios Underv 165 + 2K 1.8 …
206K 141 Melrose 158O – 2N 0.5 …
1175 820 Arbuthnot Bkgv 930 … … 53.4 567V 359O HSBC 567V + 5K 2.8 13.6 1579N 1214 Prudential 1214 – 30 0.9 16.8 50 32K Fletcher Kingv 39 + 1 … … 750 565 Wynnstay Propsv 675 … 3.1 4.8
26K 11 Arden Partnersv 19K … … 4.8 952K 762 IG Group‡ 778 + 1K 5.5 7.7 412K 295K Morgan Advanced 320 – 1 1.7 21.1
3O Y Quantum Blockchain techv2X … … … 74V 37 Foxtons Group 39 … … …
23K 18 Argo Groupv 20 … … 9.2 1482 684 Impaxv‡ 1012 – 14 1.0 33.4
268K Ashmore Gp
1318Y Aus New Z
2379 1731 Intermed Cap 1842 – 15 3.0 10.5
168Y 130N Quilter PLC 142V – X 3.2 39.4 206V 120K Galliford Try 183K – 6N 0.6 20.1 Consumer goods 647 457K Mpacv 540 … … 25.9

240 145 MS Intlv 222 … 1.5 31.7

445K 348K Aviva 444W – 1 6.0 14.8 155W 79 IPF 122O – 2V 1.7 8.5 191 158 Randall & Quilterv 169K + O 2.2 … 801 527 Genuit Group 530 – 16 0.9 34.1
300K 223N Banco Santander 288Y – 1Y 0.8 10.4 174O 160W Intl Public Pntshp 164V – O 4.4 50.8 6V 4N Agriterrav 5Y … … -0.7 179 96 Northbrdg Indv 166 – 3K … …
2065 1542 Rathbone Grp 1818 – 8 3.9 22.7 900 696 Gleeson (MJ) 714 – 6 0.7 12.3
1670 951 Bank of Georgia 1580 + 22 … 4.8 457K 195O Investec 451X – 2V 2.8 11.3 2680 1730 Oxford Inst 2080 – 5 0.8 28.4
36 25 Aireav 30K … … 13.5
217 145Y Barclays 206 – 2K 1.4 5.6 2N 1V RiverFort Global Oppsv 1N … 1.5 3.8 1412 952K Grafton Gp Uts 1115 – 18 2.4 13.2
316 281 Investment Co 312 … 0.9 10.7
K … Blue Star Capitalv W … … 8.0 772 562 Anglo-Eastern 724 … 0.1 6.6 4280O 2361 Philips El nv 2514 + 6N 2.9 26.3
155V 92O IP Group 97O – X 1.0 3.6 … … Rockwood Realisation … … … … 335 259K Grainger‡ 295 – 2W 1.8 18.3
359 267 BP Marsh&Ptnrsv 335 + 4 0.7 9.2
365 214 Jarvis Securitiesv 297K … 4.4 20.5 420 206 Animalcarev 332 … 1.2 … 25K 5X PipeHawkv 22K … … 28.1
128K 17N Braveheart Invv 17N – N … 0.4 2950 2140 S & U 2800 – 10 3.2 13.2 734K 720 Gr Portland 720 – 21 1.7 …
406 292 Brewin Dolphin 318 – 5 4.5 17.3 306K 224V Jupiter Fund Mgmt 226W – 2V 7.5 9.8 2494 1727 AB Foods 1930 – 6K 0.3 31.9 108 66 Pressure Techv 72 – 1 … -0.7
569 360K Bridgepoint 380K + 4K … … 111W 75Y Just Group 89Y + 1N … -6.2 3K 2V Sancus Lending Grpv 2V … … -0.6 44N 20X Hammerson 37K – Y 1.0 -2.1
140V 86 Bakkavor Group 124 + 2K 3.2 13.6 6900 4256 Renishaw 4850 … 0.2 31.6
94 66 Cenkos Secsv 68K – K 5.1 13.9
725 490V Lancashire Hdgs 548 + 8K 2.0 22.2 56K 39K Schroder REIT 55N + K 4.5 5.8 191 113K Harworth Gp 179K – 2K 1.0 6.6
314 261 Chesnara 298 + 3 7.3 9.8 582 466 Barr (AG) 525 … … 18.6 34 14K Renoldv 27K + K … 9.8
307O 250K Legal & Gen 281 – 4K 6.2 8.3
76 46K City of Lon Gpv 64 … … -4.3 3871 3281 Schroders 3349 – 58 3.4 16.9 600 345 Heath (Samuel)v 600 … 1.1 12.4
50073N 496N Liberty Group 496N … … 26.3 7N 1X Bidstack Groupv 3O + V … -3.1 147W 87 Rolls-Royce 120Y – 1O … 2.6
560 480 City Lon Inv Gp 504 – 14 6.1 12.9
1685 1239 Close Bros 1275 – 15 4.5 9.5 2485 1220 Liontrust 1578 – 54 2.9 19.7 2735 2085 Schroders N/V 2100 – 50 5.4 10.6 497 359K Helical PLC 412 – 6 2.4 9.9
200 108 Brand Architektsv 108 … … -8.2 4 1K Ross Gp 2 … … -5.0
538 221K CMC Markets 228K + 3K 13.4 6.9 62 42 Livermore Invsv 46K – Y 7.5 2.9 1731K 1174 St James Place 1546K – 20K 3.2 40.9 1000 695 Highcroft Invs 1000 … 5.1 6.7 3368K 2485K Brit Amer Tob 3368K + 99K 6.2 12.4
752 405N Commerzbk 738Y – 15K … -4.0 376K 322W Rotork 322W – 10V 3.1 29.3
55V 37 Lloyds Bkg Gp 53Y + K 1.0 8.3
1213K 742V Deutsche Bk 1207 – 5N … 16.5 571W 410 Stand Chart 558 – 8 1.5 13.5 242W 185 Ibstock 194O – 3K 0.8 24.3 1006 806K Britvic 905 – 11 3.1 23.4
37O 30Y LMS Capital 34K … 2.6 15.0 217 158 SDI Groupv 177K – 5 … 29.2
327Y 264 Direct Line Ins 308K + 2V 7.1 11.6
59K 53 Downing ONE VCT‡ 58 … 4.3 7.8 9910 6502 Lond Stk Ex Gp 7038 – 140 1.0 64.9 21K 12K Starvestv 14 … … 0.8 314 243K James Halsteadv 269 – 3 6.0 14.0 2264 1715K Burberry Grp 1976 – K 2.1 17.0
181 98N Senior 152 + 1W … …
298 205O C&C Grp 227 – 1 … …
82K 65O Severfield 72 – W 4.0 12.8

Investment companies 20K 7O Capital Metalsv 8 + V … -2.1

16K 8W Six Hundredv 12O – K … 74.5
167K 124K Carr's Grp 149K – 5K 3.2 18.4
2047 1508O SKF B 1525X – 26K 3.6 11.4
12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-)
705 437K Character Grpv 630 + 5 1.4 11.2
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm 270 190 Slingsby (HC)v 230 … … 3.8
2025 1320 Churchill Chinav 1480 + 12K … …
1661 1355K Smiths 1547 – 10K 3.0 39.5
1477 1069 3I Group 1360 – 10K 3.2 10.9 203 174 Invesco BondInc 181 – 3 5.7 -1.7 2784 2238 Coca Cola HBC 2502 – 29 … 20.2
357 283 3i Infrastructure 340 – 2 3.5 19.5 176 154 IPST Bal 165K – K … -4.6 1405 725 Solid Statev‡ 1200 + 15 1.3 28.9
705 420 Colefaxv 705 … … 15.6
104K 91 Abrdn Div I&G 101K – 2 4.5 -14.3 250 206 IPST Gbl Eq 244 … 2.8 -3.2 598 350 Somero Enterv 500 – 5 4.3 12.5
1622O 1207 Aberforth Smlr 1430 + 2 2.1 -11.9 104Y 101 IPST Managed 102 … 0.9 -4.5 4148 3348 Cranswick 3756 + 4 1.8 19.8
1084Y 868 Alliance 996 – 8 1.5 -5.1 199Y 160 IPST UK Eq 196 – 1 3.3 -1.8 4083 3017 Spectris 3367 … 3.3 17.0
228K 174O Devro 219K – K 6.9 13.4
604 480 Asia Dragon Tr 495 – 4 1.2 -8.0 664 500 IP UKSmallerCos 570 – 10 1.1 -10.5 17135 10710 Spirax-Sarco – 480 0.9 43.8
260 180 Athelney Trust 235 … 3.5 -17.5 770 567 JPM American 740 – 5 0.9 -1.1 4103K 2812K Diageo 3717K – 22K 1.8 32.7
1118 195V AVI Global Trust 201O – 2V 1.4 -6.4 550 404O JPM Asia 443 + 4 4.3 -1.5 78 42K Surface Trsfmsv 52K – K … …
3 1N Distilv 1K … … 37.5
658 326K Baillie Gifford Ch Gr 347K – 7K 2.0 -0.7 875Y 423K JPM Chinese 453 – 5 4.9 …
2Y 1Y Tanfieldv 2N … … -6.2
171 116 Baillie Gifford Eu Gr 118O – 2V 0.2 -5.8 952 628 JPM Claverhs 740 – 8 2.8 -0.2 908 577K Evans (M.P.)v‡ 828 – 2 2.6 13.7
1136 815 Baillie Gifford Jpn Tr 879 + 17 0.6 -2.8 105 100 JPM Elect Mg C 102K … 0.3 -0.4 520 321 Thorpe FWv 453 + 3 1.2 33.5
102 70O Finsbury Foodv 88K … … 9.5
269V 167Y Baillie Gifford SN 180W – 1V … 0.2 1115N 930 JPM Elect Mg G 1055 … 1.5 -3.2
6Y 3V TP Groupv 3V – V … -4.7
257 195 Baillie Gifford UK Gr 202 – 4 1.1 -5.4 111 87 JPM Elect Mg I 108K – 1 4.3 -2.3 12220 7740 Games Workshop‡ 7990 – 125 2.9 21.5
150K 104 Bankers 116V – 1V 1.8 … 152Y 116W JPM Em Mkts 122V – 1K 1.0 -5.6 122K 53K Transense Techv 67 … … 69.7
1284N 828N Glanbia 1037W – 35X 2.2 20.9
3950 3200 BH Macro 3770 + 10 … 7.3 394V 300K JPM Eur IT Gth 363 – 2 1.3 -11.6
170O 117N Greencore 141 + 1 … 28.2 3370 1856 Ultra Electrncs 2898 – 20 3.3 21.2
1724 874O Biotech Growth 964 – 14 … 0.7 168 128N JPM Eur IT Inc 154N – 1O 3.7 -12.4
118 85 BlckRck Com Inc 117 + N 3.7 1.8 588 444 JPM Euro disc 474 – 5 1.2 -12.7 590 414 Vesuvius 444W – 2O 3.9 19.5
536 394 Headlam 440 + 5 0.4 25.8
140 112O BlckRck Fro Inv 131K … 3.6 -8.3 159K 137X JPM GEMI 147 … 3.2 -9.1
732 514 BlckRck Grt Euro 592 – 10 1.0 2.2 475 381N JPM GG&I 463 – 4 3.3 2.8 1240 1004 Hilton Food 1060 – 18 2.1 22.1 1615 964 Vitec 1290 – 5 0.3 38.8
200 158 BlckRck Inc & Gwth 188 – 2 3.5 -7.7 865 670 JPM Indian 797 – 8 … -16.8 59 37W Hornbyv 44 … … … 493K 269K Volexv 277 + 1 1.2 15.1
410 310 BlckRck Latin Am 381 + 5 5.1 -6.2 568W 375O JPM Jap Sml Co 393 – 3 5.1 -5.6
209 161 BlckRck Sustain Amer 201 – 4 3.8 -3.0 732 527 JPM Japan# 543 – 3 0.9 -2.7 1818K 1333 Imperial Brands 1818K + 28 7.6 6.0 2046 1600K Weir 1699 + 19 … 28.9
2230N 1637N BlckRck Smlr 1846 – 12 1.7 -6.1 1585V 1080 JPM Mid Cap 1200 – 20 2.2 -10.3 1Y X J Lewis Hfordv 1X … … 16.7 5700 4470 XP Power 4725 – 100 1.9 25.2
1046 758 BlckRck Throgmorton 831 – 12 1.2 1.5 110N 87N JPM Multi-asset G&I 106K + N 3.7 -2.3
699V 492 BlckRck Wld Min 689 – 1 3.9 -0.1 894 590 JPM Russian 674 – 26 4.6 -11.3 10897X 8446Y Kerry Gp 9085V + 56K 0.8 33.0 195 140 Zytronicv 140 – 2K … …
33 13 Blue Plan Int Fn# 15K – K 2.5 -24.6 478W 340 JPM Smllr Co 360 + 3 1.4 -10.4 94K 47N McBride 50W + O 2.1 6.4
341 284 BMO Cap&Inc 328 … 3.5 -1.7 375 227 Keystone IT 248 – 7 4.2 -3.0
118K 1V BMO Comm Prop 113V + O 3.3 -10.6 829 680 Law Debenture 822 – 6 3.5 3.1 407 219 Mulberry Groupv 300 … … 12.4 Health
175V 144V BMO Glbl Smaller 160O – O 1.0 -7.1 1450 134 Lowland 139K + K 4.1 -6.2 1640 1080 Nicholsv 1410 … 2.6 51.3
500 280 BMO Priv Eq Ord 480 … 3.1 -17.8 253V 198 Majedie 210 – 2 4.3 -19.7
96V 68V BMO Real Estate 90 – 1 3.0 -25.0 437 338 M Currie Port 359 – 6 1.1 0.6 341 209 Norcros 291 – 2 2.8 9.2 1750 1200 Abcamv 1255 – 29 … …
101 82 BMO UK HIT 92 … 5.5 -6.3 130 99 Marwyn Val In 116K + K 5.0 -35.2 334O 276V Origin Entsv 322O … 0.8 12.7 341 222K AdvancedMedicalv 278 – 6 0.6 43.7
108 85K BMO UK HIT B 91K … … -6.8 294K 232 Mercantile IT 242K – 3K 2.4 -9.3
37 28K STM Groupv 31 … 4.5 11.9 1028 751 Keller 826 – 15 6.8 11.3 72 46 Pittardsv 65K + 2 … 69.6 38K 18N Allergy Therapv 25N – N … 58.7
408 336 BMO UK HIT UNIT 366 … 3.0 -6.8 591 437N Merchants 585 – 2 4.7 1.4
1535 1170 Brown Advsr US Smlr1280 – 10 … -7.3 870 680 Mid Wynd 796 – 4 0.8 2.6 4282O 3553W Sun Life Can 4056N + 16V 3.1 11.3 9011N 4497V Kingspan Group 7305 – 110X 0.2 33.1 710 545 Portmeirionv 660 … … 28.1 114V 82 Allnce Pharmav 108K – 1K 1.4 32.2
1135 848 Brunner 1105 … 1.7 -6.7 1490 1088 Monks Inv Tst 1162 – 22 0.1 -4.0 4Y 1O Tavistock Invv 4O + 1V 1.0 0.8
4085 2118 Caledonia Inv 3680 – 5 1.3 -22.3 2170 159X Montanaro Eur Sml 176O – 1O 0.5 1.9 813V 607 Land Sec 794O – 6W 4.2 … 1 X Provexisv Y … … 0.4 139 75V Anglev 100K – 4 … …
1656 974 TBC Bank Group 1600 + 18 2.2 5.2
203 174 Invesco BondInc 181 – 3 5.7 -1.7 959K 818 Murray Income Trust 892 – 2 3.2 -6.4 105 99O LIFE SCIENCE REITv 102K … … … 274K 187W PZ Cussons 208 + 6 2.7 24.8 715 537K Anpariov 620 + 5 1.3 32.6
417 352K City of Lon IT 417 + 3 4.7 1.4 1240 1038 Murray Int 1204 + 2 4.4 -5.7 30N 7X Ternv 11K + N … …
122 97 Crystal Amber Fd 107K … 8.8 -19.6 98X 81X Nb Global Floating 88K … 4.8 -6.0 18K 8K Lon & Assoc 15K + K … -2.1 159 50 REA 145K + 1 … … … … Aqua Bounty … … … …
31O 20K Time Financev 25K – K … 13.7
523O 321N Dunedin Entp 507 … 3.2 -9.3 376 307N Pacific Assets 355 – 1 0.6 -4.3 4N 1K Real Gd Fdv 2O … … 0.2
262K 126O TP ICAP PLC 134 – 1K 5.2 19.8 285V 206V London Metric Prop 264W – 4W 3.3 5.6 9444 6794 AstraZeneca 8510 – 140 2.4 …
653K 541 Edinburgh IT 650 – 2 4.1 -7.2 3713 300 Pantheon Int 315K – 3K … -23.1
217V 160N Virgin Money UK‡ 216Y – 1V … 6.6 705 500 Tandemv 575 – 5 1.5 7.9
425 209K Edin Wwide 237K – 4K … -2.7 3125 2425 Pershing Sq 2745 – 35 0.7 -29.9 70K 43 Macau Prop Op 45X – K … … 46 23Y Circassia Groupv 40N – N … -8.4
130 52 Electra Pte Eq 55V + 1V … -89.3 51166 43840O Personal Assets 48900 – 200 1.1 1.2 815O 629W Tate & Lyle 756 + 65O 4.0 16.1
1500 1190 Volverev 1200 … … … 845 635K Marshalls 681K – 9K 0.6 28.8 262K 166O Convatec Group 181 + K 2.2 36.7
300 270 EP Global Opp 296 – 1 1.8 -9.1 2760Y 2015 Polar Cap Tech 2332 – 48 … -6.9
58K 45K WH Irelandv 45K … … 25.5 1315 880 Treatt‡ 1020 – 30 0.6 40.9
152 116Y European Assets 122 – 2 6.2 -1.6 203 150 Prem Glb & Inf 170K … 4.1 -13.3 239 191 McKay Secs 233 + 4 3.5 15.3 134 63 Creighton‡ 76 … 1.5 14.6
891 594 European Opp Tr 729 – 9 0.2 -11.6 137O 118O Renewables Inf 127K – K 6.0 13.0 36K 25K Walker Crips Grp 32K … 2.3 92.8 5O 4N Ukrproduct Gpv 4N – N … -2.8
162K 118 Michelmershv 124K + 2K 2.0 17.4 5405 3272 Dechra Pharma 3820 – 70 0.9 74.8
945K 549 F&C Investment Tr 883 – 7 1.3 -6.1 3635N 2075N RIT Cap Ptnr 2620 – 15 … -5.6
4399 2402Y Wells Fargo 4399 + 58 0.8 14.0 5097 4250 Unilever (NV) 4666 + 187K 2.3 26.3
510 415 Fidlty Asian Val 468 – 8 1.7 -6.5 578 253 Riverstone 564 – 6 … -29.8 2685 1438 Morgan Sindall 2235 + 10 2.7 13.9 2N 1V Deltex Medicalv 1N … … …
503 233K Fidelity China Sp 304K – 2 1.4 -2.6 551 467 Schroder TotRt 496 – 2 1.4 1.8 1431K 1071N Westpac 1201O + 8W 3.9 16.2 4360 3516K Unilever 3914K + 135K 3.7 22.1
950 759 Fdlty Emer Mkts 814 + 9 1.5 -11.4 686N 554 Schrd Asia Pac 579 + 2 1.5 -9.9 14750 10900 Mountview 13950 … 3.0 17.3 48W 19X e-Therapeuticsv 32K + 3X … …
31X 24K Worsley Investors Ltd 29 – V … 90.9
1210 700 Victoriav 950 – 10 … …
343 263K Fidlty Euro Val 319 – 1 2.0 -5.0 323 275 Schrod Inc Gwth 315 … 4.2 0.5 395 152 Eco Animal Hlthv 185 – 7K 0.5 22.4
35883X 28192 Zurich Fincl 35878O + 444O 4.4 15.3 106O 71O NewRiver REIT 93 … 3.2 -3.2
268W 154K Fidlty Jap Tru 190 – 1 … -4.1 231 193K Schrod Jap Gwth 216 … 1.8 -8.1
312 240K Fidlty Spec Val 307 – 3 2.2 1.6 809 592 Schrod UKMid 628 – 8 2.0 -12.0 290 190 Palace Capital 250 – 2 4.4 11.9 85 59W EKF Diagnosticsv 60 + 1 1.6 17.0
597O Fins Gwth & Inc
88V GCP Infrastructure

27K Schroder UK PP Tr
435 Scot American


Construction & 315 205 Panther Securitiesv 285 + 10 4.2 2.5 67K 13Y Futura Medicalv 29W – N … …

37K Gldn Prosp Prc Mtl
124K Greencoat UK Wind 141
40O –

N …
678 Scot IT
947N Scot Mtge
1082K –

property 3238 2351 Persimmon 2449 – 1 9.6 9.9 … … Ass Br Eng# 15 … … -0.2
6070 3490 Genus 3490 – 58 0.8 48.4

1707O 1190O GlaxoSmKline 1619W – 21K 4.9 19.0

248 193Y Hansa Investment 210 … 1.0 -33.5 235 183X Secs Tst Scot 223 + 2 2.5 -1.5 17K 4X Pires Investmentsv 7 – V … … 3582 916 Avon Rubber‡ 1151 + 7 2.5 …
238 192 Hansa Inv Co 'A' 210 + 1 0.7 -33.8 114K 101 Sequoia Eco 102W + W 6.2 1.3 277K 158 Alumascv 222K … 2.3 10.7 2V X Gunsyndv O … … 1.9
425 20 Plaza Cent 200 + 50 … -0.4 380V 228N Babcock 308 + 1W … -1.9
2870 1926 Hbrvest Glbl Pt Eq 2815 + 40 … -19.7 1279N 955 Temple Bar 1270 – 2 3.1 -3.0 22O 15 Aseana Props 15 – N … -7.5 2690 1965K Hikma Pharms 1965K – 39K 1.8 13.5
1687X 152 Hend Euro Foc 158K … 1.9 -8.4 216 169W Tplton Emg Mkt 178 … 1.9 -10.4 169K 134W Primary Hlth‡ 135 – 1K 3.3 12.7 608 465N BAE Sys 601O + 4O 6.2 10.9
79O 62V Assura Grp 63N – K 4.5 12.6
189K 148N Hend High Inc 180K – K 5.5 -0.6 Y N Tiger Royal and Invv N … … 52.7 2400 1950 Braime A N/Vv 2150 – 100 0.5 24.2 624 352 Hutchmed Chinav 387 – 11 … …
36K 26 Raven Property 27K – 1N … 2.5
1378 1066O Hend Smlr 1106 – 14 1.9 -8.6 526 339Y TR Property 482 – 1 2.9 … 2N 1W Aukett Swankev 2N … … -5.4
2600 1900 Braime Groupv 2020 – 100 0.5 22.7 380 182 Immunodiag Sysv 378 … 0.5 …
2670 1920 Herald 2040 – 10 … -14.9 83 68V Troy Inc&Gth 76W – V 1.8 -0.8 126 105K Raven Property Gr 109 … … …
322O 233O Balfour Beatty 249V – K 0.6 27.3
445 308 HgCapital Trust 430 – 9 1.2 5.3 286O 220 Utilico Ord 251 + 2 2.2 -32.8 600 345 Caffyns 600 … … 8.7 10 5 ImmuPharmav 6X … … -2.0
177K 158X HICL Infra 171 – 1V 5.3 10.1 229 190 Utilico Emerging Mkt 221 + 3 3.3 -11.4 794O 602W Barratt Devs 625K – 3W 1.2 9.7 42O 31N Real Estate Invsv 40 … 8.1 -8.6
12 5 Cap XX Ldv 5X … … … 261K 118O Indivior 223 + 2K … 15.0
286 235 Highbridge Tactical 258 + 3 … -4.8 144N 133 UtilFin RdZDP 2022 143K … … 1.9 3712 2770 Bellway 3025 + 23 2.8 9.5 718O 545 Redrow 617K + V 0.9 8.3
1300 954 ICG Ent Tr 1220 – 8 1.6 -24.6 783 574 Vietnam Ent Inv 759 – 5 … -16.5 420 344 Castings 353 + 2 4.3 17.0 150 96 Inspiration Healthv 98 … 0.6 15.1
5352W 4079 Berkeley 4125 + 8 0.2 10.7
584K 414K Impax Env Mkts 450K – 10K 0.8 6.0 324O 219K Witan 241K – 1 2.1 -5.2 1418 735K Safestore 1268 – 9 1.4 10.9
424K 328 Invesco Asia Tr 360 … 4.1 -10.1 3965 2965 Ww Health 3150 – 10 0.6 -4.3 1724 1053 Big Yellow Group 1447 – 27 2.3 5.5 13O 5V Chamberlinv 5W … … -0.4 111 45K IXICOv 47 … … 15.0
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 69

Equity prices Money

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

346W 275O Mediclinic Int 338 – 7K … 21.1 4V W Catenaev W … … -0.8 39 21K Edenville Energyv 21K … … -1.4 K V Tertiary Mineralsv N … … -6.5 862 510 Robert Walters 730 … 2.1 31.2 117K 68K Intercedev 77K … … 26.7

12K 3 N4 Pharmav 3N … … -3.1 1146 269 Daily Mail‡ 270 – 2K 8.9 10.3 9 3K Empyrean Energyv 6X – V … … 1V W Thor Miningv X … … -5.1 20 10 Roebuck Food Grpv 19 … … 2.9 337 140 Iomartv 167 + 5 4.2 18.3

86.92 73.01 Novartis CHF 79.77 – 0.38 3.8 19.7 130 80V RPS Group 109 + 2 … 35.9 81O 29N IQEv 36Y + Y … …
220 137K DCD Mediav 185 … … 9.2 27N 13W EnQuest 21K + K … -2.3 4413O 2862Y Total Eng SE 4345O + 2 5.3 14.4
99K 5Y Omega Diagsv 5Y – 1W … -2.2 217 118 K3 Business Tchv 173 … … -2.9
61 19V Ebiquityv 57K … … … 36K 15 Eurasia Miningv 20K – 1K … … K V Tower Resourcesv N … … -5.5 65 35K RTC Groupv 41K … … 10.8
15 9W Ovoca Biov 13O + K … -3.9 2717N 1762K LG Electronics‡ 1823 + 44 2.0 5.1
1108 890 Euromoney In Inv‡ 956 – 7 1.1 … 64Y 30W Tullow Oil 52Y + 1 … 5.3 696K 483W RWS Hldgsv‡ 490 – 5O 1.8 35.5
2 1 Europa Oil&Gasv 1X … … …
1634 771 Oxford Biomedica 771 – 37 … 34.6 O N Location Sciencesv N … … -1.7
3910 1694 Future 2910 + 4 … 50.0 N … UK Oil & Gasv … … … -0.4 490 310 Science Groupv 410 … 1.4 17.6
698V 444X Evraz 444X + 13 11.4 5.8 587K 333 Micro Focus Intl 454 – 12 2.4 -0.9
8W 5V Physiomicsv 5V … … …
535 155 URU Metalsv 175 … … 5.6 145O 119 Serco Gp 131 – X 1.0 5.5
1660 1180 GlobalDatav 1310 … 1.3 2.9 501 233V Ferrexpo 284V – 2O 5.0 2.2 90K 59 MTI Wirelessv 68 – K 2.7 22.2
9Y 3X Proteome Sciesv 4W … … 34.2
12 1N Vast Resv 1W … … -0.3 45W 28 Smiths News 35 + V 1.4 3.4
152 83V Hyve Group 115 + 1N … -2.5 1030K 622W Fresnillo 622W – 9V 2.9 10.3 29O 15 Nanoco Gp 18O – 1 … …
6801 5391 Reckitt Benck 5894 + 61 2.9 …
6V 2O Victoria Oil&Gasv 4N … … -2.0 4305 3318 Smurfit Kappa 4073 – 77 4.1 20.7
622 94 IG Design Grpv 113 + 1 7.6 16.5 … … G3 Exploration# 28 … … -2.6 88 59K Netcallv 71K … 0.3 …
171K 53K RUA Life Sciencesv 57K … … -5.5
18 4 W Resourcesv 4V … … -0.4 92O 49W Staffline Gpv 55 … … … 77 57K Northamberv 62K … 0.9 50.4
40K 11Y Immedia Grpv 20N … … -5.2
9V 1K Sareum Hldgsv 3K – V … … 43 14 Galantas Goldv 31K … … -5.3
19K 5N Westmount Engyv 7N … … … 602 326K SThree 473 – 6K 1.0 21.8 106K 27K Online Blockchainv 44K – K … …
1600 1197 Smith & Neph 1220 – 17K 2.2 26.7 613W 464W Informa 613W – 2W … …
11 4 GCM Resourcesv 7O … … -5.1
150 90 Synecticsv 92K … … -4.6 126K 90 Oxford Metricsv‡ 112K … 1.6 48.9
132K 102K ITV 123X + W … 13.7 330K 177O Wood Grp (J) 243Y + 6 … …
254K 146K Spire Hcare 242K + 2K … … 78W 44V Gem Diamonds 52 – N 3.4 3.7
29 17N Thruvision Groupv 25X … … -9.3 13K 6N Parityv 7N … … …
16K 6N Jaywingv 11 … … … 7X 3Y Woodboisv 4N … … 16.3
212K 98 Synairgenv 188 – 2K … -8.2
37 18K Getechv 27K … … -6.5 50 26 Pennant Intlv 35K … … …
110 88O Tribalv 93 + K 1.1 28.1
O W Tissue Regenixv W … … -5.5 8N 3 Live Company Gpv 4K + X … -0.9 7Y 3V Xtract Resourcesv 6X – V … …
420 268O Glencore 417O – 3N 1.0 36.0 117K 63K Vianetv 86K … … … 770 351 Playtech 642 + 1K … 6.7
43N 28K Totallyv‡ 34K … 1.4 54.7 V … Mediazestv … … … -2.7 7O 2 Zephyr Energyv 5 … … -6.5
1 W Global Petrolv X … … -0.9 1060 770 Vp 940 – 5 2.6 23.1 356 243 QinetiQ 268O – V 4.2 21.0
680 400 Tristelv‡ 455 … 1.4 71.9 75 41 Merit Grpv 46K … … … 49 15 Zoltav Resourcev 15 – 2K … -2.9
255 174 RM 177 – 3 1.6 12.7
91988W 808O Gold Fields 808O – 23O 2.7 10.5 6V 2O Westminsterv 3V … … -3.8
55N 17O ValiRxv 28N – N … … 82K 60 Miradav 68 … … -2.9 853O 558K Sage Gp 685W – 5V 2.5 26.2
8 6X Goldplatv 7N + N … 5.4
89K 54K Mission Groupv 61 … 2.5 65.5 Professional & 12 7Y Seeing Machinesv 8K … … …
Industrials 305W 187K Moneysupermarket 192V – 4Y 6.0 18.3
14K 8W Goldstone Resv 8W … … …
support services Retailing 215 91 Shearwater Grpv 94W – K … 58.4
24 12K Greatld Gldv 13K – X … …
6K 4N SimiGonv 5O … … -2.6
2029Y 1533W News Corp A 1700N – 4W 0.8 27.6 332W 90 AO World 98O – 5K … …
188 137 Accsys Techv 163 – 1K … … 153K 80O Griffin Miningv 88 + 1 … 9.7 3170 2250 4imprint Grp 2815 + 30 … … 182K 65V Smartspace S'warev 66 … … -6.9
1905O 1545V News Corp B 1724K – 10N 0.8 28.0 5918 2038 Asosv 2038 – 107 … 16.2
6115 4874K BASF 5758N + 10Y 4.9 11.4 242K 143 Gulf Keystone‡ 217 – 4K 3.8 13.5 610 480 Andrews Sykesv 496 – 14 4.7 15.8 2240 1427 Softcat 1581 – 22 1.4 32.8
1340 622 Next 15 Commsv 1190 – 10 0.5 … 644 520 B&M European 571W + 11V 3.0 13.2
4825X 3727 Bayer DM50 4536Y – 39W 3.7 -6.8 647V 310 Harbour Energy 367O – 1V … … 300V 228K Spirent Comms 240V … 1.8 24.9
6450 3872 Ashtead 4969 – 157 0.8 26.4
869W 571O Pearson 638O – 1V 3.0 17.3 77O 36O Brown (N)v 37Y – K … 11.1
505 190 Biome Techv 255 … … -6.2 48K 30 SRT Marinev 45K – 1N … …
48 15O Harland & Wolff Group Holdingsv16W – N … 1.3 74 26O Asimilar Groupv 32 + 1 … 1.9
78O 46K Photo-Me 76 + K 11.1 8.5 95K 31 Card Factory 58K – 1K … … 960N 725O Tele. Ericsson 927O + 1W 1.8 18.0
7K 3V Byotrolv 3V … … …
227O 100 Hochschild 101 – 1 4.5 11.6 2300 775 AssetCov 1505 … … 4.7
7N 5K Camb Gbl Timberv 6K – N … -7.3 5 3N Primorus Invv 3W … … 6.2 2770 1664 CVS Groupv 1830 + 4 … 67.5 92K 60 Touchstarv 82 – 1K … …
12V 5Y Horizonte Minrlsv 5Y … … … 53K 29K Avisenv 44K … … …
79O 56 Coats Grp 63X + K 1.4 15.2 136 67K Quarto 131 … … 7.2 300 211K DFS Furn 232 – 3 … 6.7 1100 640 Tracsisv 995 … … …
24Y 10Y Hummingbird Resv 14N … … … 148K 102K Begbies Traynorv 121W – 2K 2.4 …
10410 6082 Croda 7298 – 132 1.2 40.4 420 203 Reach 247 – 12 1.7 … 1551 1238 Dunelm 1309 – 8 0.9 20.8 27 14K Trakm8v 22K … … …
289K 144W Hunting 256K + 4K 1.7 -9.7 292 220 Blancco Techv 220 – 8K … … 165 72K Triad Grp 143K + 3K 1.3 15.7
1575 1075 Cropper (James)v 1400 – 25 … 42.6 3X 1N REACT Grpv 2 … … 51.8 813K 448O Frasers Group 712K – 20K … 31.6
28O 12O IGas Energyv 16W … … -0.8 2968 2150 Bunzl 2687 – 60 3.3 19.7 502 260 Wandiscov 318 – 17 … -5.8
161X 120N Elementis 133K – 2X … 92.2 2424 1692K Relx 2273 + 6 2.0 32.8 3416 2044 Greggs 2644 – 47 … 31.5
1W W Independ Resv W … … -0.4 52O 30Y Capita 31V – V … 2.0 1340 505 Water Intelv 880 – 5 … 48.4
42K 26 Hardidev 30K … … -6.9 800W 555O Rightmove 635 + V 0.7 35.9 435 261 Halfords 310 – 5V 1.6 10.3
51K 29 CEPSv 51K … … … 258K 127 Xaar 217K + 2K … …
3300 1761K Johnson Math 1779K – 25 3.9 22.4 237 188K Indus Gasv 237 + 9 … 24.5 975K 688W Howden Join 767O – 20V 1.1 17.9
16K 8K SpaceandPeoplev 13O – N … -2.4
136 89 Christie Groupv 115 … … 48.9 17N 9N Yourgenev 9N … … -6.4
2068 1719K Mondi 1909 – 41K 4.1 18.5 1V K Ironveldv Y … … … 933 688K Inchcape 861K – 5K 0.8 46.3
377K 310 STV Group 352 + 2 1.7 8.4
151 92K Zoo Digitalv 136K – 1 … …
169 80 Robinsonv 80 – 2K 10.6 … 1810 1403 Compass‡ 1806K – 14 … 90.3
640 239W ITM Powerv 261W + 1W … … 10 5W IQ-AI 5K – V … …
467 175 System1 Groupv 375 – 15 … 17.9
462N 358N Smith (DS) 379 – 7 3.1 21.5 567K 320 CPPGroupv 365 … 6.8 … 234 156V JD Sports 174X – 4V 0.1 21.1
21Y 12Y Jubilee Metalsv 17K + O … 9.8
604 401 Swire Pacific 464N – 1W 3.4 …
3246N 2330N 21st Cent Fox Inc A 3246N + 11O 1.0 14.6
93K 66 Croma Securityv 87K … 2.2 13.2 376W 263O Kingfisher 321W + 3Y 2.5 8.2
3043N 2250Y 21st Cent Fox Inc B 2953 + 8O 1.1 13.3 6K 2 Karel Diamd Resv 2N … … -3.1
28 14N Symph Environv 20K … … … 6614 5506 DCC 6416 – 70 2.4 21.2
2W X KEFI Gold and Copperv X … … -2.9 99X 33O Lookers 99X – 1N … 5.4
6V … Vela Techv … … … 7.6 315 189 AdEPT Technologyv 205 + 1 … …
564 337O Synthomer 337O – 8V 3.4 6.6 207 111 De La Rue 123K + 3K … 16.2 256Y 129W Marks Spencer 196X – 4 … … 205K 122O BT Group 198X + V … 19.2
247 162 Wilmington 247 + 7 0.8 … 488 382 Kenmare Res 426 + 1 1.7 12.5
2727V 1908N Takeda Pharm 2229W + 29V 5.3 11.1 940 511 Dignity 670 – 10 … 19.7 … … Morrison (W) … … … … 159V 96O Currys plc 103Y – O … 4.9
1217K 824W WPP 1214 – 10 1.9 30.8 82W 30 Lamprell 32N … … -2.7
13K 4 Velocysv 6 … … -7.6
3460 2318 Diploma 2694 – 78 1.5 48.1 19X 11K Mothercarev 18 – W … … 2335 1510 Gamma Commsv 1558 – 2 0.7 21.7
86 55 Zinc Mediav 86 + 1K … -1.3 37K 20N Landore Resv 26K – K … -6.0
2706 1961 Victrex‡ 2010 – 40 2.9 23.9
1262 610 Discoverie PLC 860 – 8 1.1 70.4 888 462K Naked Winesv 462K – 4K … … 189 146K Helios Towers 152V – 1K … …
600 432K Wynnstay Groupv 566 … 2.5 18.0 1N W Lansdowne O&Gv W … … …
68K 44K Driver Groupv 45K … 1.6 25.2 8426 7142 Next 7194 – 66 … 15.8 7975 3203 Just Eat T'away 3203 – 232 … -9.9
494 355 Zotefoams 373 – 6 1.6 22.4 Natural resources 29K 18 Leeds Groupv 18K … … …
127 78 DWF‡ 117 – 1 3.8 … 2661 1225 Ocado Gp 1293K – 28K … … X V Mobile Streamsv W … … -7.0
5Y 2X Lexington Goldv 3K … … -8.4 4Y 1K Mobile Tornadov 1K … … -9.1
1255 956K Electrocompnts 1036 – 29 2.4 26.2 23X 14 Pendragon 22W … … 7.0
Leisure 4K O ADM Energyv O … … -0.1 8 4O MC Miningv 4Y … … -0.8
357 251 Essentra 328K – 1 1.0 55.6 519 372 Pets at Home 399K – 5K 2.0 16.3
1612 1010 Telecom Plus 1500 – 4 3.8 38.4
5N V Advance Energyv N … … -0.2 142W 106Y Vodafone Gp 138Y + W 5.5 …
2K 1V Metals Explornv 1N … … 2.2
3667 2273 Experian 2925 – 110 1.2 37.5 456 246V Saga 315 – 5 … …
478 244V 888 Hldgs 270K + K 3.6 86.9 72W 31W AFC Energyv 34K – N … …
X N Nostra Terrav W … … -2.3
13305 8374 Ferguson 11025 – 200 2.9 18.1 340 221N Sainsbury J 280K – X 3.7 23.5
992 470 Accesso Techv 754 + 4 … … … … Afentra PLC … … … …
15 4K Nostrum O&G 5W – N … …
265 200 FIH Groupv 235 … … … 2016 1311 Smith WH 1660K – 33K … …
3440 380 Best of the Bestv 400 … 0.7 3.2 N V Alba Mineral Resv N … … -5.9
244W 192Y Oil Search 218Y – 5W 0.1 60.3 272 82K Gattacav 93K – 1K … 17.0 36 13Y Sosandarv 27K … … …
1865W 1182O Carnival 1583 – 2V … -2.6 123K 64N Air Partner 123 + K 1.9 36.1
1V K Alien Metalsv Y … … …
W … Oilexv V … … … 6O 4V Grafeniav 5N … … -3.8 3N 2N Stanley Gbbnsv 2N … … -2.3
127K 95 Celticv 103K + 1 … -7.7 310 194K Braemar Ship 257 … 1.9 8.5
122V 81K Alumina 107K – 1 3.8 33.0
1X N Oriole Resourcesv N … … -3.0 568 308 Hargeaves Servv 506 + 11 1.4 7.3 315 103 Studio Retail Group 115 – 2K … 2.4
122 27K Cineworld 41K + K … -0.5 4180 2460 Clarkson 3415 – 25 3.8 …
1 W Aminex Y … … -7.3
465V 301K Domino's Pizza 396O + 2W 3.6 19.8 2W O Ormonde Miningv Y … … -3.8 1212 741K Homeserve 765 – 14 3.4 68.9 212W 80N Ted Baker 90K – 1N … … 921Y 485Y easyJet 706 – 21W … -4.4
3Y 1N Amur Mins Corpv 3O + W … …
2377 1342 Entain 1698K + 18K … 63.3 38K 9Y Orosur Miningv 11O … … … 520 243 Impellam Grpv 502K … … 28.5 309X 219N Tesco 298V + 1V 3.3 22.7 36Y 11Y Esken Limited 12X – N … -0.5
1094710X 9482 Anglo Amer Plat 9482 + 476 2.4 7.0
16915 10030 Flutter Ent 11360 + 310 … … 23V 15V Pan African Resv 18O – K 3.5 6.7 88V 32 Ince Gv 32 … … 18.1 75K 59 Topps Tiles 61W + 1V … 11.1 105X 73 FirstGroup 105 – 1Y … 25.0
3579K 2470K Ang Am 3579K – 20 2.0 9.1 1270 289K Fisher (James) 404 – 5K 1.9 -4.1
47 28 Gaming Realmsv 28W – K … … 127 22X Pantheon Resv 127 + 8V … … 6198 4775 Intertek 5202 – 102 2.0 31.5
400 290 Heavitreev 290 … … …
160 105 Anglo Asian Mngv 108K … 5.3 9.4
60Y 33K Parkmead Grpv 39K + K … -3.1 383K 258O IWG 285 – 3 … -4.8 Technology 217O 125O Intl Cons Air 174X – 3X … -3.0

267 200 Heavitree Av 200 … … … 1925 1227 Antofagasta 1366K + 22 2.9 18.0 420O 352N Irish Cont Uts 360 – 15 … …
Y W Pathfinder Minsv W … … -3.9 180W 122W Johnson Srvcev 162 + 1V … …
145 90 Hermes Pacificv 145 … … … 8V 2N Arc Mineralsv 3X … … 2.6 156K 102 Access Intellv 111 … … … … … Jet2v 1408K – 12 … -7.5
4000 60K Petra Diamonds 89 + 1 … 0.3 137 82K Journeov 109 + 1K … 37.7
5N 3K Ariana Resv 3K … … 4.8 170 128K Aferian plcv 146K … 1.2 49.1 328V 213K Natl Express 284V + K … -6.1
5336 4399 Intercont Htls 5140 – 4 … …
3V 1X Petrel Resourcesv 1X … … -8.6 133 64N Kier Gp 96O … … 8.4
1135 825 Ocean Wilson 935 … 8.5 4.7
1W Y Minoan Gpv 1 … … -7.2 1 K Arkle Resourcesv O … … -2.5 213 115 Alfa Financial 172 + 3 0.5 24.2
8K 2K Petro Matadv 4N – N … … 1365 880 Latham (J)v 1240 … 1.7 6.7 606W 404 Royal Mail 442Y + 2N 2.2 5.0
337K 215 Mitch & Butlers 266V … … … 6N 3O Armadale Capv 4 … … … 29V 18 Allied Minds 18O – K … -1.7
1085 585 Lok'n Storev 1006 – 4 1.3 90.6 606W 404 ROYAL MAIL PLC 442Y + 2N 2.2 5.0
163O 82V Petrofac 117N + 1 … -3.0
504 203K On The Beach 299K – 12K … … 3 2 Asiamet Rsrcsv 2W … … … 725 506 Aptitude Software 528 + 17 1.0 40.0
2900 2220 Lon Securityv 2900 + 150 2.7 16.0 108 65K Stagecoach 98 – N … 13.8
1774 1274 PPHE Hotels 1418 – 22 … -6.3 4K 1V Petroneft Resv 3N … … -9.7
440 270 Atalaya Minev 440 + 7K … 6.1 626W 420 Avast 623W – K 1.8 30.7
490 235 LSL Prop Services 394 – 4 … 10.9 27K 19K Sutton Harbourv 24K + K … …
207 123 Rank Grp 164K – 3W … -7.4 27Y 14W Petropavlovsk 15 – X … 20.7 4220 2750 Aveva Gp 2799 – 79 1.3 …
… … Baron Oilv … … … … 470 306 Wincanton 399 + 21 2.5 10.8
145 82K Macfarlane 129 … 1.9 15.3
139K 73X Restaurant Gp 104V – 1 … 10.9 6N 3K Phoenix Globalv 5 + K … -1.2 235 175 Bangov 193 + K … …
17K 3X Beowulf Miningv 16 – O … … 5565 3729 Wizz Air Hldgs 4619 – 248 … …
385 305 Maintel Hldgsv 325 … … 15.2
36 25V Rotalav 28 … … 24.5 18V 7N Plexus Holdingsv 8 … … -1.9 122K 47N BATM Adv Coms 48K – 1K … 14.7
W … Bezant Resv V … … -3.7
40V 26 Sportechv 37 … … … N V Malvern Intlv V … … -1.5

346 214N SSP Group 297 – 6 … -3.0

2533K 1835V BHP Group 2533K – 61 … …
1729 1048K Polymetal Intl 1109K – 18K 8.4 6.5
224 150 Mears Group 215 – 3 … 49.6
41N 8O Berkeley Res 13O … … -2.0
772 512 Porvair 718 + 18 0.7 33.0 40 19N Blackbirdv 22 … … …
1X K Border & Sthn Petv 1 – V … -9.3
7Y 4O Tastyv 5N + V … -1.7 482 212 Menzies (John) 482 + 4 … …
6N 1W Prospex Energyv 4K + N … -6.0 1Y 1 CloudCoCo Groupv 1O … … -4.7 79 45W Centrica 79 … … 5.7
46Y 15Y Bougainville 46Y + 25O … …
305 35 Tintra PLCv 225 + 5 … -3.9 77N 52V Mitie Gp 64 + K … 32.0
46O 10K Proton Motor Power Sv 16 … … -2.9 3030 2086 Computacenter 2790 + 14 1.8 17.5 210 181 ContourGlobal 186O + 1 6.5 …
307X 190N TUI 286N – W … -1.5 7O 2O BowLevenv 3N … … -4.4
45 9K MobilityOnev 10N + O … 7.6
105 72K Concurrent Techv 91K – 2 2.7 21.7 640 358W Drax Group 640 – 2K 2.6 …
417V 257O BP 417V + 6K 3.7 17.3 6W 2N Providence Resv 2O … … 24.5
6K 1O Webis Holdingsv 3W … … 24.1 65 33K Newmark Secv 33K … … …
14Y 8Y Corerov 11 … … … 627K 517K Jersey Electricity 620 + 2K 2.5 16.3
31 16Y Cadence Minv 21 + N … 2.1 6N 1O Quadrise Fuels Intlv 1O … … -5.0
1404 811 Wetherspoon JD 909K – 16 … -6.1 10N 4K Norm Broadbentv 8 … … …
2830 1725 Cranewarev 1790 + 20 1.4 52.0 1104O 806W Natl Grid 1095O + 4O 4.4 25.5
3595 2713 Whitbread 3243 + 21 … … 5K 2O Cadogan Petrol 3 … … 41.6 60K 17O Rambler Met&Minv 30O – N … 0.9
66K 47 Northern Bearv 56K + 1 … 5.7 21N 10W OPG Powerv 10K … … 6.8
3Y 2 Crimson Tidev 2K … … 17.3
1675 1370 Young & Co - Av 1540 + 15 … … 1170 854 Caledonia Miningv 890 … 3.8 8.7 O … Reabold Resourcesv V … … -4.0 1827 1037 Pennon‡ 1050 + 3 3.1 76.0
230 187 NWF Grpv 197 – 1 3.5 12.3
27O 6N CyanConn Hldgsv 18O – W … …
982 774 Young & Co - N/Vv 840 + 24 … … 208K 125K Capricorn Energy 208K + 2 … … 1N W Red Rock Resv K … … -2.9 1 W Rurelecv K … … -0.4
680K 466O PageGroup 595K – 10K … 55.1
400 264 D4t4 Solutionsv 300K … 0.9 35.6
5 1O Caspian Sunrisev 4N + K … … 7142V 4650W Rio Tinto Ltd 6455N + 179N 5.1 7.7 2984 2168 Severn Trent 2875 + 4 3.5 …
117K 57 PCI-PALv 61 – 2 … -9.1 2W V DeepMatter Gpv N … … -0.8
Media 121K 80X Centamin 91N … 7.2 10.3 6658 4375K Rio Tinto 5726 – 81 5.8 6.8 16 9O Petardsv 10K … … 19.0 27K 19 Dillistone Groupv 24 … … -7.0
1682 1301K SSE‡ 1547 – 8 5.2 6.0
1130 859V Utd Utilities 1065K + 4 4.0 97.7
293 212 Cent Asia Metalsv 233 – 1K 5.9 10.3 45 33O San Leon Energyv# 40O + 3W … 15.2 24 13 PHSCv 23 … 4.3 41.8 146 91K Elecov 98K … 0.4 23.4
1X W 7digital Gpv W … … -3.5
30Y 18N Chaarat Goldv 19V + 1W … … 1O X Scirocco Energyv X … … … 8W 2O PowerHouse Egyv 3K … … -6.2 2N Y EQTECv Y … … …
78K 27 Aeorema Commsv 72K … … … uAIM company; # Price at suspension;
12 5 Chariot Oil & Gasv 8W … … … 91 54K Serabi Goldv 55 + K … 7.5 102 58 Record 77 … 2.9 21.1 1362 959 FDM Group 1000 … 4.6 36.2 † Ex dividend; ‡ Ex scrip; s Ex rights issue;
57 23K Altitude Groupv 33 + 6 … … t Ex all; § Ex capital distribution; * figures
11N 6K China Nonferr Goldv 7X – W … … 266K 111K Serica Energyv 259K + 4K 1.3 … 443 255K Redde Northgate 405K + 2K 3.8 10.1
193 73K Arcontech Grpv 96 … 2.6 12.3 12O 7O Filtronicv 12N – N … … or report awaited; . . . No significant data.
W V Clontarf Energyv V … … -4.7 17 6O Shanta Goldv 7X – N 1.3 4.8 872 502 Renew Hldgsv‡ 713 – 12 1.8 17.6 Companies in bold are constituents of the
454W 331O Ascential 338V – 4 … … 3280 1478 First Derivtsv 1480 – 20 … …
FTSE 100 Index. Investment Cos sector Nav
741O 543K Auto Trader 637 – 10O 0.7 31.4
52K 28 Condor Gldv 30K + 1N … … 2061K 1332 Shell PLC 2039 + 20K 2.7 46.6 840 397K Renewi 652 – 9 … 13.7 952K 609K GB Groupv 612 – 2 1.0 46.7 Dis or Prm supplied by Morningstar.

401 260 Bloomsbury Pub 394 + 4 2.2 16.2 2N 1 Corcelv 1W … … -1.3 3 1N Sound Energyv 1O … … -0.9 636V 464K Rentokil Itl 500W – 8K 1.0 36.1 183 152 GreshamTech 176 … 0.4 … Data as shown is
17N 7K Bonhill Groupv 9O … … … 8573K 58V DRD Gold 58V – 1Y 6.5 6.8 N V Sunrise Resourcesv V … … … 518 330 Restorev 475 – 3K … 84.8 268N 108 Ilikav 137 – 2 … … for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
51K 37 Catalyst Mediav 51K + K … -6.8 3O 1V ECR Mineralsv 1V … … -5.6 490 363 Ricardo 458 + 8 0.3 … 99K 63K Ingentav 98 … 1.5 57.3
Morningstar or this publication
70 2GM Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Money Markets
Wall Street Major indices Eurotop 100 FTSE volumes (000s)

Feb 11 wkly Feb 11 wkly Feb 11 wkly New York Close +/- 12mthhigh 12mthlow Yield P/E 3i 1,070 ITV 17,653
close +/- close +/- close +/- abrdn 4,580 JD Sports 14,894
Dow Jones 34738.06 (-503.53) RWE AG 37.67 +0.52 37.87 28.42 2.31 11.63
3M 159.54 -1.19 eBay 58.38 -0.91 NextEra Energy 74.96 -1.05 Admiral 543 Kingfisher 4,525
Nasdaq Composite 13791.15 (-394.49) Swatch Group AG 274.80 -0.20 333.90 237.10 1.26 27.79 2,867 Land Sec 6,996
Abbott Labs 125.49 -4.22 Ecolab 184.42 -3.06 Nike 140.18 -5.21
S&P 500 4418.64 (-85.44) AP Moller-Maersk A Dn Kr 22060.00 +60.00 22480.00 11290.00 1.55 4.89 Ang Am 3,126 Legal & Gen 24,163
AbbVie 142.01 +1.36 Edison Intl 60.25 -0.91 Norfolk Sthn 267.21 -3.21
Antofagasta 1,706 Lloyds Bkg Gp 170,511
Accenture 329.18 -18.32 Edwards Life 109.00 -3.18 Northern Trust 123.11 +1.53 Tokyo AP Moller-Maersk B Dn Kr 23430.00 +160.00 24070.00 12160.00 1.46 5.20 Ashtead 1,066 Lond Stk Ex Gp 1,169
Activision Blizzard 81.50 +2.25 Electronic Arts 134.10 -3.61 Northrop Grum 399.32 +29.57 ABB Ltd S SF 32.44 -0.49 35.30 25.79 2.44 34.40 AB Foods 986 M&G 4,228
Nikkei 225 27696.08 n/a
Adobe Sys 473.97 -39.57 Eli Lilly 235.74 -6.53 Nucor 118.41 +7.15 Air Liquide Fr ¤ 143.68 -4.32 157.40 124.25 1.96 25.65 AstraZeneca 4,138 Meggitt 811
Aflac 65.31 +0.62 Emerson Elec 94.74 -0.64 Nvidia 239.49 -3.70 Hong Kong Auto Trader 4,746 Melrose 8,244
Airbus Fr ¤ 118.50 +0.20 121.00 89.54 21.68
Agilent Tech 137.20 -3.92 Entergy 105.82 -5.08 Occidental Petr 42.98 +2.18 Hang Seng 24906.66 (-17.69) AVAST PLC 36,775 Mondi 814
Air Prods & Chm 244.39 -18.69 EOG Res 116.75 +3.05 ONEOK 64.51 +1.62 Allianz G ¤ 229.55 +0.30 232.50 182.52 4.28 10.78 AVEVA Grp 295 Natl Grid 3,782
Albemarle Corporation230.89 +14.87 Equifax 225.00 -9.07 Oracle 79.75 -2.36 Amsterdam Anglo American UK p 3579.50 -20.00 3625.00 2350.00 2.02 9.12 Aviva 5,983 NWG 20,020
Alexion Pharmas 182.50 Equinix 671.52 -30.63 O'Reilly 668.28 +21.85 Anheuser-Busch InBev B ¤ 55.86 -0.06 65.86 46.66 0.94 22.70 B&M European 2,454 Next 379
AEX Index 761.50 (+0.00)
Allergan 193.02 Equity Res 86.38 -3.74 Paccar 92.81 -1.72 BAE SYS 3,290 Ocado Gp 1,529
Arcelor Mittal 28.10 -0.97 30.88 18.08 0.92 3.00
Sydney Barclays 41,843 Pearson 2,541
Allstate 123.38 +1.26 Estee Lauder 300.77 -12.58 Parker-Hannifin 300.53 -2.44 ASML Holding Nl ¤ 569.50 -14.60 777.50 422.25 0.50 42.08 Barratt Devs 1,998 Pershing Square 96
Altria 50.37 +0.18 Evrsurce Engy 84.12 -3.62 Paychex 118.91 -1.00 AO 7515.80 (-79.70)
AstraZeneca UK p 8722.00 +72.00 9523.00 6499.80 2.44 103.37 Berkeley 166 Persimmon 756
Amazon 3065.87 -86.92 Exelon 42.13 -1.39 Paypal Hldngs 115.29 -10.79 BP 72,850 Phoenix Gp 994
Amer Elec Pwr 87.65 -1.52 Expedia 192.12 +6.81 PepsiCo 168.58 -3.91 Frankfurt Atlas Copco A Sw Kr 511.20 -14.80 631.00 471.20 1.49 33.52
Brit Amer Tob 5,844 Polymetal Intl 2,239
Amer Express 191.81 +5.96 Express Scripts 92.33 PerkinElmer 180.55 -2.40 DAX 15425.12 (-65.32) Atlas Copco B Sw Kr 449.80 -11.90 534.40 404.90 1.70 29.50 Br Land 1,356 Prudential 3,823
Amer Tower 236.90 -9.53 Extra Space Stor 196.92 -4.54 Pfizer 50.78 -2.22 AXA Fr ¤ 28.42 -0.19 29.09 18.88 5.15 11.96 BT Group 22,734 Reckitt Benck 1,404
Ameren Corp 85.72 -1.16 Exxon Mobil 80.21 -1.20 PG&E 11.26 -0.82 Singapore Bunzl 722 RELX PLC 3,060
Banco Santander Es ¤ 3.48 3.51 2.65 0.81 10.55
American Int 60.74 -0.25 Facebook 219.55 -17.54 Philip Morris Intl 107.96 +4.37 Straits 3428.95 (+0.95) Burberry Grp 1,028 Rentokil Itl 2,358
BBVA Es ¤ 5.97 -0.09 6.29 4.22 1.01 10.58
American Wtr W 149.46 -6.04 Fastenal 51.95 -3.04 Phillips66 93.20 +4.36 Coca Cola HBC 490 Rightmove 1,333
Brussels Barclays UK p 204.90 -3.75 217.63 111.83 1.46 5.64 Compass 2,383 Rio Tinto 4,051
Ameriprise 304.00 -4.10 Fedex 232.21 -11.90 Pioneer Ntrl Rscs 230.88 +3.03
AmerisrceBerg 140.24 +3.63 Fifth Third 48.54 +1.20 PNC Finl 207.36 -2.99 BEL20 4080.41 (+0.00) BASF G ¤ 68.69 +0.13 72.88 57.06 4.93 11.45 CRH 406 Rolls-Royce 21,989
Ametek 130.81 -3.68 FirstEnergy 41.56 +0.20 PPG Inds 149.90 -3.09 Bayer G ¤ 54.12 -0.47 57.73 43.91 3.78 Croda 238 Royal Mail 3,254
Paris DCC 89 Sage Gp 3,246
Amgen 228.20 +6.09 FIS 111.92 -1.84 PPL 28.66 -0.75 BHP Group UK p 2533.50 -61.00 2613.00 1774.56
CAC-40 7011.60 (+0.00) Dechra Pharma 287 Sainsbury J 3,901
Amphenol 75.18 -3.58 Fiserv 97.40 -7.48 Price T Rowe 144.25 -4.45 BMW G ¤ 95.30 +2.53 96.40 68.87 2.04 5.19 Diageo 4,165 Schroders 168
Anadarko Petrlm 72.77 Ford Motor 17.55 -0.41 1905.64 +20.64
Zurich BNP Paribas Fr ¤ 64.90 -1.66 68.07 44.69 4.20 9.49 Electrocompnts 814 Scot Mtge 1,837
Analog Devices 153.90 -7.13 Freeport-Mcm 42.80 +4.38 Procter & Gmbl 156.29 -5.24 1,773 SEGRO 2,078
SMI Index 12231.97 (-81.19) BP UK p 417.20 +6.50 419.15 254.75
Anthem 447.91 +1.65 Garmin 123.23 -1.53 Progressive Cp 106.20 -2.87 Evraz 61,192 Severn Trent 267
Aon Corp 283.42 -7.89 Gen Dynamics 213.76 +1.47 Prologis 146.31 -7.18 DJ Euro Stoxx 50 4155.23 (-41.84) British Am Tob UK p 3368.50 +99.50 3373.00 2478.00 6.28 12.49
Experian 1,089 8,391
Apple 168.64 -3.75 Gen Electric 96.83 -2.18 Prudential Finl 119.86 +1.52 BT Group UK p 198.70 +0.20 206.70 121.25 19.29 Ferguson 339 Smith & Neph 753
Applied Mats 132.49 -3.08 General Mills 68.06 +0.14 Public Serv Ent 65.95 -0.69 Centrica UK p 79.06 +0.02 80.00 45.21 5.73 Flutter Ent 304 Smith (DS) 3,089
FTSE 100 7661.02 (-11.38) Fresnillo 1,719 Smiths 519
Archer Daniels 76.47 +0.76 General Mtrs 48.83 -2.46 Public Storage 358.17 -4.68 Christian Dior Fr ¤ 649.00 -14.50 733.50 449.00 0.95 29.40
Arthur J. Gallagher155.65 -0.63 Gilead Sciences 62.07 -1.83 Qualcomm 164.64 -14.83 FTSE 250 22048.71 (-159.04) GlaxoSmKline 10,731 Smurfit Kappa 333
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain 61.96 -0.85 67.63 41.82 2.17 14.96 Glencore 40,855 Spirax-Sarco 115
AT&T 24.13 +0.05 Global Payments 146.70 +0.91 Realty Income 67.49 -0.70 FTSE 350 4314.19 (-10.45)
CS Group S SF 8.61 -0.02 13.50 8.23 2.78 286.82 Halma 411 SSE 2,207
Auto Data Proc 203.79 -2.46 Goldman Sachs 363.06 -4.54 Regeneron Pharm 638.41 +15.45 FTSE Eurotop 100 3519.73 (-14.31)
Daimler G ¤ 70.16 +0.23 76.80 48.69 1.99 6.29 Hargreaves L 461 St James Place 442
Autodesk 227.13 -14.11 Google Class A 2685.65 -180.21 Regions Financial 24.83 +0.58 FTSE All-Shares 4286.38 (-10.58) Hikma Pharms 303 Stand Chart 6,972
Autozone 1949.11 -69.59 Google Class C CS 2682.60 -177.72 Republic Serv 120.18 -6.28 Danone Fr ¤ 55.39 +0.51 65.30 51.42 7.47 17.62
FTSE Non Financials 5145.47 (-9.90) HSBC 23,854 Taylor Wimpey 11,347
AvalonBay 240.67 -6.63 Grainger (WW) 467.69 -19.99 Rockwell Auto 268.34 -12.34 Deutsche Bank G ¤ 14.40 -0.06 14.64 8.73 16.51 Imperial Brands 2,412 Tesco 22,687
techMARK 100 6407.51 (-13.90)
Baker Hughes 57.68 Halliburton 33.52 +1.58 Rockwell Collins 141.04 Deutsche Telekom G ¤ 17.77 +0.21 18.92 14.60 3.46 15.20 Informa 8,720 Unilever 9,765
Ball Corp 92.44 -1.24 Harris 189.13 -8.09 Roper Inds 437.83 -10.12 Bargains n/a
Diageo UK p 3717.50 -22.50 4364.10 2805.28 1.89 32.78 Intercont Htls 2,190 Utd Utilities 1,114
Bank NY Mellon 62.33 +0.52 Hartford Financial 71.54 +1.02 Ross Stores 94.27 +0.11 US$ 1.3602 (+0.0052) Intermediate Cap 383 Vodafone Gp 78,384
EON G ¤ 12.18 +0.05 12.54 8.27 3.96 7.87
Bank of America 47.92 -0.36 HCA Hldngs 237.57 -1.51 RylCaribbean 83.96 +8.38 Euro 1.1935 (+0.0064) Intl Cons Air 29,951 Whitbread 950
Bard (CR) 331.24 Hershey 205.19 +2.41 207.90 -11.33 EDF Fr ¤ 8.40 -0.21 13.25 8.00 2.56 5.16 Intertek 293 WPP 4,464
£:SDR 0.98 (+0.00)
Baxter Intl 85.91 -0.80 Hess 96.20 +0.57 Schlumberger 40.62 +2.11 Enel It ¤ 6.39 -0.04 8.77 6.27 5.74 29.70
Exchange Index 82.71 (+0.29)
BB&T 54.24
Becton Dickinsn 269.98
Home Depot
Honeywell Intl
350.29 -9.38
186.99 -4.51
Schwab (Charles) 89.11
Seagate Tech 108.71
Bank of England official close (4pm) Engie (FR) 14.54 -0.03 14.60 10.98 3.73 70.98 European money
ENI It ¤ 13.53 +0.23 13.80 8.63 5.08 32.99
Berkshire Hath 319.14 +4.15 Hormel Foods 47.92 +0.94 Sempra Energy 135.98 -0.29
115.05 Dec (2015 = 100)
317.70 Dec (Jan 1987 = 100) Fresenius Medical Care Ag & Co 73.67 -0.85 83.15 63.51 1.99 21.49 deposits %
Best Buy 100.57 +3.74 HP Ent 17.20 +0.36 Sherwin-Williams 273.10 -8.63
RPIX 290.10 Jun (Jan 1987 = 100) GlaxoSmKline UK p 1619.40 -21.60 1696.90 1190.80 4.94 19.02
Biogen Idec 214.59 -6.94 HP Inc 37.33 -0.27 Simon Prop 141.83 -3.35 Currency
Blackrock 772.49 -37.33 Humana 423.97 -5.88 SkyworksSol 133.13 -1.97 Morningstar Long Commodity 677.16 (+5.72) Glencre Xstrata 417.75 -3.30 428.40 263.10 1.04 36.07 1mth 3mth 6mth 12mth
Boeing 212.30 +5.85 Huntington 15.92 +0.09 Southern Co 66.79 -1.90 Heineken NV Nl ¤ 94.50 +0.38 103.80 80.84 0.76 47.08 Dollar
Morningstar Long/Short Commod 4703.45 (+27.75) 0.13 0.20 0.29 0.55
Boston Sci 43.11 +0.34 IBM 132.69 -4.46 S&P Global 387.66 -26.73 Henkel KGaA G ¤ 72.00 +1.60 86.50 65.25 2.60 19.42 Sterling
Bristol-Myrs Sq 66.88 +1.89 ICE Group 125.93 -3.83 Spectra Engy 158.28 +3.26 Henkel KGaA Pref G ¤ 75.62 +1.30 99.50 68.92 2.48 20.40 0.48 0.78 1.25 0.81
Broadcom Ord 573.42 -16.74 IFF 133.84 +6.74 Stan Blk & Dkr 162.85 -3.62 Commodities Hermes Intl SCA Fr ¤ 1202.00 -44.00 1678.00 872.80 0.39 55.37 Euro
Brown-Forman- B 67.19 +0.04 Illinois Tool 217.72 -11.20 Starbucks 93.73 -1.27 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.50
ICIS pricing (London 7.30pm) HSBC UK p 567.20 +5.50 567.20 329.55 2.86 13.66
Capital One Fin 156.00 +5.65 Illumina 330.90 -27.48 State Street 99.17 +0.28
53.32 -1.30
47.63 -0.38
Sthwest Airlines
Iberdrola Es ¤
Imperial Tobacco UK p
Crude Oils ($/barrel FOB)
Celgene 108.24 Intuit 535.81 -8.21 SunTrust Banks 70.13
Brent Physical 99.03 +3.19
Inditex Es ¤ 25.75 -0.48 32.85 24.80 0.86 27.11 metals
Centene 83.32 +2.75 Intuitive Surg 283.16 -2.57 Synchrony Fin 43.79 +1.29 ING Nl ¤ 13.41 -0.18 14.00 7.75 0.92 13.10
Cerner 91.97 +0.51 Johnsn & Johnsn 167.71 -3.92 Sysco 82.57 +3.81 BFOE(Mar) 94.56 +3.03 Because of a technical issue, the gold fix
BFOE(Apr) 92.75 +2.59 Intesa Sanpaolo It ¤ 2.85 -0.07 2.92 2.06 1.28 88.30
Chevron 138.81 +2.93 Johnson Controls 66.45 -1.02 Target 211.56 -2.48 prices are from Thursday.
WTI(Mar) 91.42 +2.86 Linde G ¤ 264.60 -7.90 306.00 201.80 1.39 44.05
Chipotle Mex Grill1561.48 +78.04 JP Morgan Chase 153.92 +1.36 TE Connectivity 143.45 -1.17 WTI(Apr) 89.70 +2.44 Bullion: Open $1826.88
Church & Dwight 97.90 -3.08 Kansas City 293.59 Texas Insts 164.40 -7.02 Lloyds Bkg Gp UK p 53.57 +0.17 54.50 36.27 1.06 8.30
L'Oreal Fr ¤ 363.95 -0.05 433.65 302.20 1.13 48.69
Close $1840.48-1840.93 High $1840.68
Cigna Corp 227.50 +6.13 Kellogg 63.85 +2.27 TheKraftHeinz 34.73 -0.02
Cintas 375.53 -6.28 KeyCorp 26.22 +0.05 Thermo Fisher 566.29 -28.13 Products ($/MT) LVMH Fr ¤ 685.00 -21.20 741.60 518.70 0.90 35.64 Low $1821.69
Cisco Systems 53.90 -1.25 Kimberly-Clark 132.33 -0.33 TJX 68.70 -0.48 Munich Re G ¤ 271.75 +0.95 282.25 215.25 3.70 16.35 AM $1832.30 PM $1835.35
Spot CIF NW Europe (prompt delivery)
Citigroup 67.15 +1.07 Kinder Morgan 17.54 +0.19 Tractor Supply Co 219.44 +2.51 Natl Grid UK p 1095.80 +4.80 1105.60 805.40 4.49 25.54 Krugerrand $1821.00-1920.00 (£1339.33-
Citizens Financial 54.47 +0.42 KLA-Tencor 369.23 -8.15 Transdigm Group 638.33 +18.70 Premium Unld 885.00 886.00 +19.00 1412.15)
Nestle S SF 119.70 +1.58 128.94 95.34
CME 241.03 -5.14 Kroger 46.27 +1.50 Travelers 171.76 -0.14 Gasoil EEC 805.25 807.25 +6.75
3.5 Fuel Oil 501.00 501.00 +6.00 Novartis S SF 79.77 -0.38 86.92 73.01 3.88 19.73 Platinum $1026.00 (£754.62)
Coca-Cola 60.29 -0.67 Lab Corp Amer 276.26 -1.22 TSYS 133.27
Cognizant Tech 87.34 +0.52 Lam Research 559.99 -19.08 Tyson Foods 97.99 +9.70 Naphtha 835.00 836.00 +4.00 Orange 10.92 +0.07 10.94 8.93 6.56 32.31 Silver $23.36 (£17.18)
Colgate-Palm 79.53 -1.59 Lennar 91.54 +1.24 Union Pacific 238.81 -3.58 Pernod Ricard NV Fr ¤ 191.70 +1.20 214.50 156.10 2.13 37.51 Palladium $2216.00 (£1629.86)
Comcast 47.62 -1.71 Lockheed Martin 396.19 +6.86 Untd Rentls 312.91 +0.62
ICE Futures
Philips Elect Nl ¤ 29.99 +0.08 50.98 27.94 2.90 26.38 Dollar rates
ConocoPhillips 93.52 +1.65 Lowes Cos 225.91 -3.16 UPS 213.49 -11.30 Prudential UK p 1213.50 -30.50 1598.50 1203.00 0.96 16.87
Consd Edison 84.26 -1.83 LyondellBasell 101.77 +1.55 US Bancorp 58.55 -1.15 Gas Oil Australia 1.3935-1.3936
Reckitt Benckiser UK p 6498.00 +6.00 8020.00 5782.00 2.69 Canada 1.2675-1.2676
Constellation Brs 235.94 -1.39 Marathon Petrol 81.19 +3.00 Utd Health 478.13 -5.04
Mar 843.25-842.75 Jun 782.75-782.25 Richemont S SF 133.15 -1.15 146.10 85.94 1.50 29.58 Denmark 6.5282-6.5287
Corning 41.87 -0.32 Marriott Intl 169.88 +7.14 Utd Tech 86.01 -18.63 Apr 817.75-817.50 Jul 780.00-768.75
Rio Tinto UK p 5732.91 -74.09 6876.26 4354.00 5.88 6.86 Euro 0.8775-0.8775
Costco Whole 509.67 -10.10 Marsh & McLenn 152.21 -1.04 Valero Energy 92.00 +5.30 May 798.75-798.00 Volume: 758992 Hong Kong 7.7992-7.7997
Crown Castle Int 168.88 -11.42 MartinMarietta 379.13 +7.08 VeriSign 214.23 -4.20 Roche Hldgs S SF 378.40 -7.00 427.80 302.00 2.37 23.62
Japan 115.91-115.92
CSX 33.37 -0.93 MasterCard 369.77 -12.43 Verisk Analyt CS 192.91 -4.84 Brent (9.00pm) Rolls-Royce UK p 120.90 -1.82 161.91 86.69 2.64 Malaysia 4.1820-4.1850
Cummins 222.17 -6.43 McCormick 100.75 -0.98 Verizon Comm 53.32 +0.01 Apr 95.00-94.97 July 90.04-89.71 Royal Bank Scot UK p 120.90 -0.45 265.00 100.34 4.96 5.90 Norway 8.8058-8.8078
CVS Caremark 104.24 -4.25 McDonald's 255.16 -4.90 Vertex Pharma 233.89 -8.07 May 93.06-93.04 Aug 88.97-86.00 Singapore 1.3439-1.3440
Shell 2039.00 +20.50 2049.50 16.51 2.71 46.60
Danaher 272.66 -14.97 McKesson 271.19 +5.63 VF Corp 60.74 -2.38 Jun 91.35-91.30 Volume: 2378916 Sweden 9.2661-9.2686
Sanofi-Aventis Fr ¤ 93.83 +0.97 95.16 74.92 3.49 19.91 Switzerland 0.9260-0.9261
Deere&Co 392.67 +23.18 Medtronic 102.99 +0.26 Visa 224.69 -3.70
Delta Air Lines 42.33 +2.48 Merck & Co 76.64 -1.92 Vulcan Mats 187.00 +2.96 LIFFE SAP G ¤ 107.50 -1.80 129.74 100.46 1.76 21.71
Devon Energy 54.11
Digital Realty Tr. 136.29
71.03 +2.04
71.33 -1.85
Walgreens Boots 48.70
Wal-Mart 135.33
-4.00 Cocoa
Schneider Electric Fr ¤
Siemens G ¤
Other Sterling
Discover Financial 124.14 +6.91 Micron 89.76 +8.59 Walt Disney 149.47 +7.45 Mar 1797-1791 May 1797-1796 Standard Chartered UK p 558.00 -8.00 573.60 406.20 1.59 13.58 Argentina peso 144.31-144.32
Dollar General 200.63 -1.73 Microsoft 295.04 -10.90 Waste Mgt 142.64 -2.39 May 1848-1844 Jul 1801-1783
Jul 1881-1845 Sep 1864-1851 Swatch Gp BR S SF 274.80 -0.20 333.90 237.10 1.26 27.79 Australia dollar 1.8945-1.8947
Dollar Tree 137.43 +3.94 Mondelez 66.70 -0.32 WEC Engy 91.21 -3.43
Sep 1864-1851 Swiss Re AG S SF 100.35 -0.35 102.20 77.26 5.90 25.31 Bahrain dinar 0.5091-0.5162
Dominion Res 79.08 -1.10 Monster Bvrge 82.80 -1.49 Wells Fargo 58.31 +1.98 Dec 1831-1825
Dover 160.21 -2.94 Moodys 332.29 -14.59 Weyerhaeuser 41.56 +1.07 Mar 1820-1811 Volume: 74646 Telefonica Es ¤ 4.42 +0.02 4.45 3.52 9.10 2.41 Brazil real 7.0469-7.0510
Dow Chemical 61.09 +0.49 Morgan Stanley 104.57 +0.46 Williams Cos 30.71 +0.13 Tenaris SA It ¤ 11.69 +0.12 11.73 6.96 1.81 16.31
Euro 1.1929-1.1930
D.R. Horton 84.24 +0.22 Motorola Sols 216.00 -19.57 Xcel Energy 66.96 -1.82 RobustaCoffee Tesco UK p 297.10 +0.10 314.03 2.74 3.36 22.76
Hong Kong dollar 10.603-10.605
Dr Pepper Snap 123.66 -0.02 M&T Bank Corp 182.30 +2.74 Xilinx 194.92 -14.10 May 2270-2267 Jan 2180-2095 TotalEnergies 39.69 +0.87 42.19 24.51 6.80 11.36
DTE Energy 116.16 -3.84 Nasdaq OMX 172.37 -6.25 Yum Brands 122.07 -3.20 Jul 2245-2242 Mar 2180-2141 India rupee 102.45-102.45
UBS AG S SF 19.61 -0.14 19.90 13.23 3.50 9.91
Duke Energy 99.75 -4.50 Netflix 391.31 -18.86 Zimmer 116.21 -6.62 Sep 2244-2153 Indonesia rupiah 19460-19460
Nov 2241-2152 Volume: 14459 Unilever NV Nl ¤ 46.66 +1.88 51.05 43.00 2.33 26.39
Eaton 150.66 -0.34 Newmont Mining 63.86 +2.93 Zoetis 198.87 -0.67
Vinci Fr ¤ 102.22 -0.54 103.74 82.94 2.04 25.46 Kuwait dinar KD 0.4099-0.4123
White Sugar (FOB) Vivendi Fr ¤ 11.76 -0.04 12.09 5.27 5.23 10.93 Malaysia ringgit 5.6750-5.6791
London Financial Futures Reuters Oct 478.30-475.40 Vodafone Group UK p 138.90 +0.46 142.74 106.30 5.57 New Zealand dollar 2.0348-2.0364
Dec 485.00-477.60 Volkswagen G ¤ 255.00 +0.20 357.40 179.70 1.93 7.00 Singapore dollar 1.8270-1.8274
Period Open High Low Sett Vol Open Int Mar 506.40-495.10 Mar 484.00-481.50
May 490.10-489.60 May 478.60-474.20 Volvo B Sw Kr 216.85 240.80 182.00 2.95 12.15 S Africa rand 20.490-20.502
Long Gilt Mar 22 120.02 120.40 119.75 119.95 222499 821115
Aug 483.60-477.00 Volume: 55254 Zurich Fin S SF 451.70 +5.60 454.00 352.80 4.44 15.35 U A E dirham 4.9862-4.9889
Jun 22 121.68 121.85 121.68 121.65 478 2290
3-Mth Sterling Mar 22 99.320 99.320 99.285 99.301 3457 269264
Jun 22 99.025 99.045 99.015 99.026 10377 232459
London Grain Futures
LIFFE Wheat (close £/t)
Money rates % Exchange rates
Sep 22 98.885 98.890 98.860 98.866 3885 301735
Mar 215.00 May 221.00 Jul unq Base Rates Clearing Banks 0.50 ECB Refi -0.50 US Fed Fd 0.00-0.25 Bid Change
Dec 22 98.820 98.825 98.790 98.806 7310 347378
Nov 201.25 Jan unq Volume: 615 Australia $ 1.896 +0.01
Mar 23 98.785 98.795 98.755 98.771 8310 229855 Halifax Mortgage Rate 3.59
Canada $ 1.726
3-Mth Euribor Mar 22 100.49 100.50 100.45 100.49 164853 345379
London Metal Exchange Denmark Kr 8.875 +0.04
Jun 22 100.34 100.38 100.29 100.35 245092 523206 Treasury Bills (Dis) Buy: 1 mth 0.370; 3 mth 0.690. Sell: 1 mth 0.250; 3 mth 0.470 Euro ¤ 1.193 +0.01
Sep 22 100.10 100.16 100.06 100.13 226128 515149 (Official) Hong Kong $ 10.608
Dec 22 99.830 99.895 99.800 99.865 151082 525873 Cash 3mth Dec 22 1 mth 2 mth 3 mth 6 mth 12 mth Hungary 421.732 +1.38
Mar 23 99.505 99.580 99.490 99.540 218037 437329 Indonesia 19522.397 -7.15
Interbank Rates 0.4802 0.0000 0.7836 1.2245973 0.0000 Israel Shk 4.402 +0.02
3-Mth Euroswiss Mar 22 100.73 100.73 100.73 100.73 677 31949 Copper Gde A ($/tonne)
Eurodollar Deps 0.11-0.17 0.31-0.38 0.47-0.54 0.78-0.86 1.35-1.39 Japan Yen 157.632 -0.26
Jun 22 100.71 100.72 100.70 100.71 925 29152 10039.0-10040.0 9995.0-10000.0 9605.0-9615.0
New Zealand $ 2.035 +0.01
Sep 22 100.68 100.68 100.67 100.68 710 31355 Norway Kr 11.967 +0.03
Dec 22 100.61 100.62 100.59 100.62 488 22748
Lead ($/tonne)
2288.0-2289.0 2278.0-2280.0 2168.0-2173.0
Sterling spot and forward rates Poland 5.399 +0.06
FTSE100 Mar 22 7561.0 7612.0 7530.0 7600.5 84178 593306 Russia 103.483 +1.93
Mkt Rates for Range Close 1 month 3 month S Africa Rd 20.550 +0.08
Jun 22 7500.0 7500.0 7500.0 7544.5 1 3080 Zinc Spec Hi Gde ($/tonne)
Copenhagen 8.8297-8.8781 8.8754-8.8767 74ds 300ds Sweden Kr 12.587 +0.03
FTSEurofirst 80 Mar 22 5769.0 3672.0-3673.0 3673.0-3674.0 3263.0-3268.0 Switzerland Fr 1.259
Euro 1.1937-1.1873 1.1930-1.1929 91pr 28pr
Jun 22 5752.0 Turkey Lira 18.327 -0.07
Alum Hi Gde ($/tonne) Montreal 1.7219-1.7272 1.7232-1.7234 3ds 11ds
USA $ 1.360
3199.5-3200.0 3179.0-3180.0 2817.0-2822.0 New York 1.3516-1.3608 1.3596-1.3596 3ds 8ds
© 2019 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. Rates supplied by Morningstar
Oslo 11.954-12.014 11.971-11.975 25pr 57pr
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the times | Saturday February 12 2022 71

Unit-linked insurance investments
Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld Weekly Yld
Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- % Sell Buy +/- %

ABBEY LIFE CLERICAL MEDICAL INVESTMENT GROUP International 643.50 677.30 +10.30 … Oseas Equity Ord 1860.60 1958.50 +9.20 … Gilts & Fxd Int 608.00 640.00 -8.10 … Squirrel 28.57 30.07 -0.01 …
01202 292373 Narrow Plain,, Bristol BS2 0JH 0117 9290566 Japan 322.50 339.40 +7.40 … Property Init 292.80 308.20 +0.20 … Growth Fund 886.30 933.00 +1.80 … Stag 98.71 103.90 +0.12 …
80 Holdenhurst Road,, Bournemouth Life Funds North Amer 4138.70 4356.50 +48.00 … Property Ord 1045.90 1101.00 +1.50 … International Fd 1270.90 1337.80 +9.40 … Pensions
BH8 8AL Cash 294.88 310.40 … … Perpetual 468.00 492.60 -1.30 … North American 2226.80 2344.00 +16.80 …
Schroders 1479.10 1556.90 +14.40 … Opportunity Fd 867.40 913.00 +4.70 … Bear 119.30 125.60 -0.80 …
American Ser 4 3764.90 3963.10 +28.00 … Dist Acc S2 227.58 227.58 -1.95 … NPI Bull 122.70 129.20 +0.20 …
Custodian S4 603.90 635.70 -1.20 … Fidelity Bal 1220.08 1284.29 +2.61 … Select Mgd 147.80 155.60 -0.30 … 020 7477 5567 Safety Fund 660.00 694.80 -4.80 …
UK Eqty Inc 1540.30 1621.30 -39.50 … UK Equity 954.00 1004.20 +9.60 … Deposit 34.56 36.38 -0.01 …
Equity Ser 4 767.10 807.50 +3.70 … Gilt & Fixed Int 563.61 593.28 -9.35 … 55 Moorgate, London EC2 Gilt Edged 73.16 77.01 -1.55 …
Ethical S4 416.40 438.30 +1.90 … Non Eqty 429.74 452.36 -3.72 … UK Equity Gwth 2224.60 2341.60 +15.30 …
UK Fxd Int 624.60 657.40 -10.60 … Americas 2541.60 2675.40 +20.20 … Owl 141.70 149.20 +0.20 …
European S4 933.10 982.20 -3.20 … Nth American 2963.28 3119.24 -14.34 … Deposit 358.10 377.00 … … SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION
0131 556 9181 Squirrel 46.19 48.62 -0.01 …
Fixed Int Ser 4 947.70 997.60 -12.90 … Property 787.43 828.88 -1.20 … Far East 1684.80 1773.50 +20.10 … Stag 163.10 171.60 +0.30 …
High Inc Ser 4 2557.70 2692.30 +31.40 … UK Gwth 1331.70 1401.79 +7.63 … Pension Fixed Interest 1066.80 1123.00 -13.10 … 6 St Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YA
International S4 799.20 841.20 +4.20 … With Prof Bd S2 121.70 121.70 … … Aggressive Mgd 4 1003.20 1055.90 -3.70 … Cash 299.50 315.30 … … Pre 1982 Series
Indexed Gilt 954.00 1004.30 -18.60 …
Japan Ser 4 528.10 555.90 +4.00 … With Profits Flex 127.40 127.40 … … Balanced Mgd 3 3949.00 4156.80 +27.60 … Managed 1732.90 1824.20 +6.00 … Equity 927.10 975.90 +0.40 … 3-Way Fund 3073.90 3073.90 +5.20 …
Man Ser 4 2345.50 2468.90 +0.70 … With Profits Reg 393.40 414.20 +0.10 … Cautious Mgd 2 815.90 858.80 -3.90 … Overseas Equity 2340.50 2463.70 +16.00 … Fixed Interest 777.70 818.60 -12.80 …
Money Ser 4 526.10 553.70 … … Gresham
European 1309.80 1378.70 +29.30 … UK Equity 2429.10 2557.00 +29.90 … Index Linked 676.90 712.50 -16.00 …
Prop Fd Ser 4 1057.40 1113.00 … … Pension Funds Far Eastern 3013.30 3171.80 +95.40 … International 1063.90 1119.90 -2.60 … American & Genrl 4692.20 4939.20 +5.90 …
Protected Gth S4 213.80 225.00 … … Cash 334.40 352.00 … … Framlington 258.10 271.70 +0.80 … Managed 915.60 963.80 -2.50 … Capital Fund 2511.50 2643.60 +12.90 …
PEARL Equity Fund 2861.00 3011.60 +14.60 …
European 2057.28 2165.56 +36.45 … Green 996.70 1049.10 -7.20 … The Pearl Centre,, Lynch
y Wood,, Peterboroughg Property 647.00 681.10 … …
Fomerly Hill Samuel Life Assurance Ltd Gilt & Fixed Int 655.59 690.10 -13.86 … International 956.30 1006.60 +16.50 … Fixed Interest 747.80 787.10 -12.60 …
PE2 6FY 01733 470 470 Income 3350.70 3527.10 +49.30 …
Halifax 142.88 150.40 … … Japan 406.50 427.80 +5.40 … Formerly Prolific
Equity Fund 2887.80 3055.90 +12.90 … North Amer 12020.80 12653.40 +162.10 … Inv Equity 5782.00 6086.40 +59.80 … International Gth 3896.20 4101.30 +20.70 …
European Fund 4871.70 5155.30 -16.70 … Nth American 4526.74 4764.99 -27.49 … Adventurous Mg 878.60 924.90 -0.40 …
PP Bal Pens 1240.14 1305.41 +2.40 … Perpetual 566.20 595.90 -1.90 … Inv Managed 3921.80 4128.30 +13.30 … Japan & General 608.10 640.10 -0.50 …
Fixed Intl 1051.10 1112.30 -14.30 … Schroders 2846.70 2996.50 +33.90 … Inv Prop Ac Grs 852.90 897.80 -0.10 … Bal Gwth Mngd 2779.00 2925.30 -7.80 … Managed Bond 3405.00 3584.20 +5.70 …
Income Fund 3193.60 3379.40 -14.40 … PP Caut Pens 404.17 425.44 -1.49 … Cash Fund 542.40 571.00 … …
PP UK Gth Pens 1170.63 1232.24 +6.12 … Select Mgd 158.90 167.30 -0.30 … Inv Prop Dist 269.90 284.20 … … Money Fund 525.40 553.00 … …
International 2154.30 2279.70 +11.40 … UK Eqty Gwth 3971.00 4179.90 +33.90 … Ret Managed 4692.30 4939.30 +16.90 … Cautious Mngd 413.10 434.90 -3.30 … Property Fund 1340.40 1411.00 +0.70 …
Managed Series A 2209.70 2338.30 +0.20 … PP UK Prop Pens 843.65 888.05 -1.15 … Equity Fund 3725.70 3921.80 -10.10 …
With Profits Reg 701.50 738.50 +0.40 … UK Eqty Inc 2512.60 2644.80 -64.20 … Recovery Fund 2843.80 2993.40 +3.90 …
Managed Units 4019.70 4231.20 +0.50 … UK Fxd Int 1330.80 1400.80 -22.60 … Equity Inc Dist 159.70 168.20 +0.60 …
Money Series A 477.10 504.80 … … With Profits Spec 695.00 731.60 +0.50 … PHOENIX LIFE LTD European 788.10 829.60 -28.20 … WINTERTHUR LIFE UK LIMITED
Money Units 672.00 707.30 … … Edward Pavilion,, Liverpool
p L3 4SL 0151 239 3000 Extra Income Fd 1456.40 1533.10 -2.00 … 01256 470707
Property Series A 1454.60 1539.30 … … COUNTRYWIDE ASSURED LLOYDS TSB LIFE LTD For further fund p
prices p
please ring:
g 0800 731 2031 Far East 2253.00 2371.60 +41.90 … Winterthur Way, Basingstoke RG21 6SZ
Harbour House,, Portway,y, Preston,, Lancs 01634 834000 For further fund prices
p please
p ringg 0800 731 2031 Cash ‡ 285.70 … … …
Property Units 2675.90 2816.70 +0.30 … Fxd Interest Fund 1323.50 1393.20 -22.30 …
PR2 2PR Mountbatten Hse,, Chatham,, Kent Broker Life Funds Cash Inv Pens ‡ 532.70 … -0.10 …
Smaller Cos 3553.00 3759.80 -64.40 … High Income 3005.80 3164.00 +18.30 …
CA Funds 0800 262536 Life Funds Moneyhill Grth 510.43 537.29 +2.58 … International 1278.10 1345.40 -1.50 … Cash Pens ‡ 146.40 … -0.10 …
Deposit Life 220.10 231.60 -0.10 … Equity 1669.30 1757.10 +12.60 … Managed Dist 145.10 152.80 -0.90 … Equity ‡ 1403.90 … -0.30 …
Formerly Target Life Assurance Co Ltd Equity Inv Pens 9011.20 9485.40 -47.10 …
Deposit Pen 307.70 323.80 -0.10 … Managed 3780.40 3780.40 +14.40 … Lifestyle Bond Funds (Post 29/1/01) North American 3767.90 3966.30 +9.70 …
Deposit 355.90 374.60 … … Intl Life 967.00 1017.80 +8.60 … Income 3360.20 3537.10 +11.80 … Property Fund 975.60 1027.00 -0.10 … Equity Pens Cap 2373.80 2498.80 -14.10 …
Financial Ser 1 255.10 268.50 … … Intl Pen 1345.80 1416.60 +14.50 … Managed Inv 1973.10 2076.90 +7.30 … Cautious Mgd 262.80 262.80 … … Technology 7390.60 7779.60 +7.50 … Fxd Int ‡ 1003.90 … -7.20 …
Fixed Interest 703.20 740.30 -9.60 … Mgd Life 812.40 855.10 +1.20 … Deposit 150.00 150.00 … … UK Mid Cap 3759.40 3957.30 +3.40 … Fxd Int Inv Pens ‡ 2451.20 … -12.30 …
Managed 2187.80 2302.90 -0.90 … Mgd Pen 1218.60 1282.70 +2.30 … Equity 263.30 263.30 +3.60 … Fxd Int Pens Cap ‡ 677.60 … -3.30 …
Mngd Growth 802.90 845.10 +4.20 … Life Funds-Series Two-Current Series Equity Inc 289.50 289.50 +4.00 …
UK Eqty Life 814.30 857.10 +10.70 … Henderson Investment Bonds Idx Lk Inv Pens ‡ 1479.60 … … …
Property 861.40 906.70 … … UK Eqty Pen 1061.30 1117.10 +17.20 … American 3252.90 3424.10 -21.70 … European 349.20 349.20 +5.20 … Idx Lk Pens Cap ‡ 408.40 … -0.40 …
TSB Intl 1529.70 1610.20 +8.00 … Balanced 2543.80 2677.70 +1.00 … Eurotech 90.10 90.10 -0.20 … Deposit Fund 368.50 387.90 … … Key ‡ … … -4.30 …
CWA Series Funds 0870 600 0014 Cash 412.80 434.50 -0.10 … Far East 435.40 435.40 +4.40 … European Fund 1292.80 1360.90 -46.30 … Managed 1368.00 1440.00 -11.50 …
European Gth 882.20 928.60 +7.80 … Fixed Int 230.90 230.90 -3.00 … Far East Fund 2213.90 2330.50 +41.20 … Mngd Inv Pens 3733.00 3929.50 -37.90 …
Q Equity Fd 1737.20 1828.60 +0.30 … Fixed Interest 896.80 944.00 -16.00 … FTSE All Share Tkr 287.40 287.40 +2.70 … Fixed Interest 64.30 67.70 -1.10 …
08456 100010 Mngd Pens Cap 984.00 1035.80 -10.70 …
Glob Cash 362.50 381.60 … … German Growth 1629.80 1715.60 +11.30 … Income Dist I 119.90 119.90 +0.20 … Global Managed 1598.60 1682.80 -4.40 … Pacemaker ‡ … … -8.30 …
Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9SE Glob Eqty 3426.40 3606.70 +0.50 … Income 3112.20 3275.90 +10.90 … Income Dist II 119.80 119.80 +0.20 … North America 1678.30 1766.70 +4.40 …
American 2191.41 2306.75 +13.70 … Glob Fxd Int 1526.80 1607.20 -22.80 … Japan Growth 322.00 338.90 +3.40 … International 313.50 313.50 +3.70 … UK Equity Fd 941.10 990.70 +9.60 … ZURICH ASSURANCE LTD
Cash 276.54 291.09 -0.06 … Glob Mgd 2415.20 2542.30 -17.30 … Japan Grth 199.60 199.60 +2.50 … 0845 300 2332 UK Life Centre, Swindon SN1 1EL
Managed Inv 2140.70 2253.30 +8.10 …
Distribution 103.58 109.03 -0.49 … Glob Prop 896.20 943.40 +0.40 … Pacific Basin 1478.90 1556.70 +43.90 … Managed 284.00 284.00 +1.40 … SCOTTISH WIDOWS GROUP Equity 10768.80 11335.60 +111.30 …
Ethical 730.49 768.93 -4.35 … Managed Fd 3018.20 3177.10 -21.60 … Property 1807.20 1902.30 -2.20 … North America 465.40 465.40 +3.70 … PO Box 902, Edinburgh EH16 5BU Managed (1) 1136.40 1196.20 +5.80 …
European 1318.92 1388.34 +12.64 … Property Fd 736.70 775.50 +0.30 … Smllr Cos Recov 5351.30 5632.90 -63.90 … Pacific Grth 695.90 695.90 +5.80 … Managed (2) 863.50 908.90 +4.40 …
Fixed Interest 561.75 591.32 -8.02 … Property 368.60 368.60 +0.20 … Cash Fund 360.10 379.00 … … Managed (3) ‡ 666.00 … +3.50 …
Worldwide Gth 2030.50 2137.40 +10.90 … Equity Fund 2434.70 2562.90 +1.10 …
Global 387.33 407.71 +3.47 … FRIENDS PROVIDENT UK Leader 268.50 268.50 +2.30 … Mangd Gen 4 162.80 171.40 +0.80 …
International 1168.00 1229.47 +10.93 … 01722 413366 UK Smlr Cos 350.60 350.60 -4.20 … Fixed Interest Fd 1099.00 1156.80 -19.60 … Property 2108.70 2219.70 -1.30 …
Castle Street, Salisbury, Wilts SP1 3SH Pension Funds Indexed Stock Fd 878.40 924.60 -21.30 …
Japan 454.40 478.31 +2.74 … With Profits 150.83 150.83 +0.07 … Property (1) 443.70 467.10 -0.40 …
Mixed 1004.63 1057.50 +5.02 … American Pens 1982.90 2087.20 -15.20 … International Fd 2439.70 2568.20 +25.90 … Property (2) ‡ 477.40 … -0.20 …
Cash 321.70 338.70 -0.10 … Inv Cash 546.20 575.00 … …
Pacific 1698.50 1787.90 +51.27 … European 1577.60 1660.60 +3.40 … Cash Pen 310.30 326.60 … …
European Pen 1649.50 1736.30 +17.50 … Other Life & Pension Funds Inv Pol 1 5277.70 5277.70 +16.50 … Pension
Technology 5004.73 5268.14 +45.47 … Fixed Inter Life 765.00 805.30 -11.50 …
UK Equity 974.14 1025.41 +8.69 … Far East Pen 638.90 672.50 +22.80 … Pens Unit W Prof 235.12 247.49 +0.18 … Inv Pol 2 4481.30 4717.10 +13.80 … Managed (1) 1640.30 1726.60 +15.00 …
Index Linked 731.60 770.10 -7.00 … Inv Pol 3 3716.80 3912.40 +11.00 …
Managed 1208.70 1272.30 -3.70 … Fixed Int Pen 663.70 698.60 -15.00 … With Profits Bd 184.46 184.46 +0.11 … Equity Acc 30290.10 31884.30 +351.70 …
FTSE 100 381.60 401.70 +2.90 … Mixed Fund 2029.00 2135.80 +7.30 … Managed Acc 17510.60 18432.20 +109.20 …
ALBA LIFE North American 1232.10 1297.00 +1.60 … Property Fund 1090.40 1147.80 -1.60 …
Overseas Equity 1805.90 1900.90 +2.70 … Managed Pen 1056.20 1111.80 +5.00 … Pensions Solution Funds (Post 6/4/2001) Property (1) 815.10 858.00 +0.40 …
50 Bothwell St,, Glasgow
g G2 6HR Property Pen 1120.50 1179.50 -1.60 … Property (2) ‡ 856.10 … +0.60 …
0141 248 2000 Pacific Basin 600.30 631.90 +4.40 … Balanced Grth 299.50 299.50 … …
Property 742.90 782.00 -0.80 … UK Equity Pen 802.10 844.30 +0.50 … SKANDIA LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD Property Acc 9688.50 10198.40 +6.00 …
Formerly y Britannia Cash Deposit 159.10 159.10 … … 01703 334411 With Profs (5) ‡ 233.20 … +0.10 …
Life Stewardship 1742.30 1834.00 -0.30 … Equity 271.90 271.90 +4.60 …
UK Equity 1708.00 1797.90 +1.10 … LONDON LIFE Skandia House,, Portland Terrace With Profs (6) ‡ 204.90 … +0.10 …
European 1571.70 1654.40 +4.80 … Equity Inc 298.50 298.50 +4.60 … Southampton SO9 7BX
0117 984 7777 European 414.90 414.90 +7.20 … Share Class 1 - Retail
Far East 655.60 690.10 +5.10 … Formerly London & Manchester Assurance Spectrum, Bond Street, Bristol, BS1 3AL Balanced Acc 947.70 997.50 +4.90 …
Fixed Interest 907.90 955.70 -11.50 … Eurotech 173.80 173.80 +4.40 … Managed (2) ‡ 846.70 … +7.90 …
Deposit 506.00 506.00 … … Far East 540.10 540.10 +6.50 … Equity Acc 2227.30 2344.50 +15.20 …
International 1421.60 1496.50 +10.70 … Equity Ex Cap ‡ … … -0.20 …
Managed Fund
685.00 721.00
1529.00 1609.40

Equity Life ‡
Fixed Interest ‡


Deposit A
Deposit P

Fixed Int
FTSE All Share Tkr

Global Acc

… British funds
Money Market 399.50 420.50 … … Fxd Int Ex Cap ‡ … … -2.50 … Equity 4029.00 4029.00 +44.20 … Index Linked 393.70 393.70 -5.70 … Stock Price Wkly Int Yld Grs rd
Gtd Dep Ex Cap ‡ … … -0.10 … Equity A 897.30 944.60 +9.80 … International 382.90 382.90 +5.20 … STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE CO Outstanding(£) Stock (£) +/– % yld
North America 1401.20 1475.00 +10.60 … Standard Life House,, 30 Lothian Road,,
Equity P 3543.40 3543.40 +48.30 … Managed Grth 316.20 316.20 +1.90 …
Property 1083.90 1140.90 +0.70 … Guaranteed Deposit ‡
Inter Life ‡


… Fixed Int A 554.30 583.50 -6.80 … Pens Protector 329.60 329.60 -10.00 … Edinburgh EH1 2DH 0131 225 2552 Index-linked
UK Equity 2604.60 2741.70 +20.20 … 109.64 106.12 Tr IL 1Y% 22 106.41 – .11 1.81 –6.15
Intl Ex Cap ‡ … … +0.20 … Fixed Int P 2084.30 2084.30 -32.70 … Property 480.50 480.50 +0.30 … Cash 435.40 458.40 … …
Fixed Interest 1301.40 1301.40 -15.90 … UK Leader 291.10 291.10 +3.10 … 372.96 354.43 Tr IL 2K% 24 * 363.54 – .44 1.49 –2.83
Prop Ex Cap ‡ … … -0.30 … Equity 4615.50 4858.50 +57.30 … 111.98 107.79 Tr IL 0V% 24 107.79 – .23 … –3.42
Pensions Prop Life ‡ … … -0.80 … Index Stock A 744.30 783.50 -14.50 … Unitised W Prof 197.59 197.59 +0.15 … European 966.90 1017.80 +15.40 …
Index Stock P 1412.50 1412.50 -34.60 … 120.56 112.94 Tr IL 0V% 26 112.94 – .30 … –2.83
Equity 1834.00 1930.50 +16.40 … Far East 567.70 597.60 +7.80 … 135.63 125.50 Tr IL 1N% 27 125.50 – .43 1.09 –2.79
European 2000.80 2106.10 +7.40 … FP Life Assurance ex NM Indexed Stock 990.20 990.20 -19.30 … PRUDENTIAL INDIVIDUAL LIFE FUNDS Fixed Interest 1193.10 1255.90 -17.50 …
International 1445.20 1445.20 +10.20 … 130.64 120.49 Tr IL 0V% 28 120.49 – .44 … –2.74
Far Eastern 544.70 573.30 +5.20 … American 3317.00 3491.60 +4.10 … 0345 601601 Index Linked 905.60 953.30 -15.70 … 132.52 121.86 Tr IL 0V% 29 121.86 – .41 … –2.65
Fixed Interest 961.20 1011.80 -15.60 … International A 866.80 912.50 +6.10 … 55 King's Road, Reading, RG1 3AH International 2888.80 3040.90 +22.30 … 141.65 129.24 Tr IL 0V% 31 129.24 – .49 … –2.58
Deposit 540.00 568.40 -0.20 … International P 1921.10 1921.10 +15.60 …
International 1241.10 1306.50 +11.30 … European 3848.60 4051.20 +8.20 … Euro Fund 1683.90 1772.60 +40.30 … Managed 3176.40 3343.60 +15.10 … 402.06 366.57 Tr IL 4V% 30 * 376.64 –1.17 1.71 –2.50
Japan 349.00 367.40 +2.90 … Mixed 2436.80 2436.80 +9.70 … Nth American 1102.80 1160.90 +0.80 … 161.90 146.73 Tr IL 1N% 32 146.73 – .57 0.85 –2.50
Fixed Interest 1600.80 1685.00 -24.20 … Mixed A 768.80 809.30 +3.00 … N American Fd 1981.90 2086.20 -2.00 …
Managed 1090.90 1148.30 +1.90 … Income Acc 4120.30 4337.20 +52.40 … Strategic Fund 644.30 678.20 -11.00 … Property 940.50 990.10 +0.30 … 160.29 144.78 Tr IL 0O% 34 144.78 – .57 … –2.41
Money Market 471.20 496.00 … … Mixed P 2448.50 2448.50 +10.70 … 324.74 284.82 Tr IL 2% 35 * 298.13 –1.11 0.82 –2.31
Income Dist 748.40 787.80 +9.50 … Property 774.00 774.00 … …
North America 2073.30 2182.40 +18.00 … International 1797.40 1892.00 +2.60 … Pensions (Series 4) 161.43 143.91 Tr IL 0V% 36 144.33 – .53 … –2.37
Property 981.00 1032.60 +0.70 … Property A 332.50 350.00 … … Scottish Amicable Life Fds (First Series) 186.89 166.58 Tr IL 1V% 37 166.85 – .59 0.71 –2.35
Managed 2708.50 2851.10 -8.50 … Property P 593.90 593.90 … … Cash ‡ 133.30 … … …
Mixed 1776.00 1869.50 -17.90 … Cash Fund 530.80 558.80 -0.10 … 169.23 149.81 Tr IL 0V% 39 150.17 – .60 … –2.26
Equity ‡ 247.80 … +3.10 … 186.19 162.72 Tr IL 0X% 40 164.83 – .62 … –2.26
AXA SUN LIFE Property 2097.40 2207.80 -2.20 … Equity Fund 6611.40 6959.30 +45.50 … European ‡ 293.00 … +2.60 …
MERCHANT INVESTORS ASSURANCE CO LTD Fixed Interest 1472.20 1549.70 -18.00 … 180.53 153.83 Tr IL 0V% 41 158.19 – .59 … –2.24
PO Box 1810,, Bristol BS99 5SN Singapore & Mal 1362.60 1434.30 +16.80 … Far East ‡ 303.10 … +3.70 … 199.86 170.46 Tr IL 0X% 42 174.48 – .69 0.36 –2.19
Tokyo Fund 1134.40 1194.10 -4.70 … St Bartholomews House,, Lewins Mead Intl Fund 2787.30 2934.00 +45.40 …
AXA Assurance - 02476 235500 Bristol BS1 2NH Fixed Interest ‡ 260.30 … -5.30 … 188.86 158.61 Tr IL 0V% 44 163.50 – .59 … –2.11
Sun Life - 0117 989 3000 UK Equity 2368.10 2492.70 +1.40 … Managed Fund 3410.10 3589.50 +22.40 … Index Linked ‡ 361.30 … -6.00 … 196.96 163.05 Tr IL 0V% 46 169.24 – .61 … –2.07
AXA Equity
q y & Law - 02476 235400 Far East 797.70 839.70 +11.80 … Property Fund 1239.60 1304.90 +1.10 … International ‡ 363.90 … +2.20 … 229.64 190.09 Tr IL 0O% 47 196.67 – .75 0.39 –2.07
Life Assnce - AXA Equity & Law Series 6. 1% AMC Friends Prov (London & Manchester) Ass Ltd Fd Gilt Edged 1647.20 1733.90 -36.10 … Managed ‡ 294.40 … +0.80 … 209.00 169.38 Tr IL 0V% 48 177.39 – .67 … –2.06
Balced Ser 6 2699.30 2841.40 +18.00 … Capital Gth Acc ‡ … … +10.90 … Interest Fund 561.90 591.50 -0.10 … PRUDENTIAL LIFE FUNDS Nth American ‡ 422.90 … +0.50 … 232.71 187.79 Tr IL 0K% 50 197.06 – .73 … –2.04
Distribution Ser 6 104.10 109.60 +0.20 … Flexible Acc ‡ … … -5.70 … Intl Equity 2099.40 2209.90 +12.00 … 01786 448844 Property ‡ 296.20 … +0.10 … 231.36 183.97 Tr IL 0N% 52 193.58 – .77 … –2.00
Europe Ser 6 2007.40 2113.00 +21.50 … Flexible Cap ‡ … … -1.40 … Managed Fd 1297.30 1365.60 -2.30 … PO Box 14962,, Craigforth,
g , Stirling,
g, FK9 4ZD Stock Exchange ‡ 368.50 … +3.00 … 306.14 243.63 Tr IL 1N% 55 255.40 –1.00 0.54 –1.97
Higher Inc Ser 6 4963.70 5225.00 +31.50 … Inv Trust Acc ‡ … … -63.50 … North American 836.60 880.60 +9.50 … Others 248.27 192.25 Tr IL 0V% 56 203.45 – .88 … –1.94
Property Ser 6 1810.10 1905.40 +0.30 … Inv Trust Cap ‡ … … -12.50 … Property 1432.30 1507.70 +0.80 … 256.47 196.27 Tr IL 0V% 58 208.47 – .94 … –1.94
UK Equity 1118.10 1176.90 +14.20 … BonusBond 254.70 268.10 +0.50 … SUN LIFE OF CANADA
UK Equities Ser 6 4000.30 4210.90 +39.20 … Moneymaker Acc ‡ … … +3.00 … Basingview,
g , Basingstoke,
g , Hants RG21 2DZ 297.03 223.37 Tr IL 0W% 62 238.53 –1.15 … –1.91
Cap Gteed Bd 390.40 410.90 +1.20 … 309.47 224.55 Tr IL 0V% 65 243.08 –1.26 … –1.94
Prud Inher Bd (Cap) ‡ … … -0.10 … Dealing: 01256 841414
MGM ASSURANCE 335.00 240.40 Tr IL 0V% 68 261.78 –1.62 … –2.00
Life Funds - Sun Life (inc Birmingham Midshires)& AXA Assurance 1% AMC GUARDIAN Prud Inher Bd (Inc) ‡ … … +0.20 … Equity Account 7422.00 7422.00 +53.10 … 395.45 297.49 Tr IL 0V% 73 301.38 –1.98 … –2.07
01253 733151 MGM House,, Heene Road,, Worthing g
Cash Acc 469.70 494.40 -0.10 … Ballam Rd, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 4JZ BN11 2DY 01903 836000 Equity Fund Acc
Equity II
2813.50 2961.50
6599.90 6947.20

Longs (Over 15 years)
Deffrd Dist 743.00 782.10 +0.70 … Scottish Amicable Life Fds (First Series) 149.24 132.72 Tr 4N% 36 132.72 – .23 3.20 1.64
Deposit 433.70 456.50 -0.10 … Deposit 114.48 120.50 -0.08 … Fixed Int Fd Acc 923.30 971.80 -15.70 …
Distribution Fund 382.40 402.50 +0.50 … Deposit Acc 368.73 388.14 -0.01 … Cash 371.40 390.90 … … 113.52 100.92 Tr 1O% 37 100.92 – .17 … 1.68
Equity Life 4600.00 4842.10 +23.00 … Equity 2570.20 2705.50 +17.80 … Growth Acc 8810.00 8810.00 +63.10 … 164.31 145.53 Tr 4O% 38 145.53 – .25 3.26 1.64
Equity Acc 5850.20 6158.10 +57.40 … Fixed Interest 387.54 407.93 -3.32 …
European 690.40 726.70 +2.50 … Fixed Interest 1078.40 1135.20 -13.10 … Indx-Lnkd Scs Acc 846.60 891.10 -16.70 … 103.54 91.61 Tr 1V% 39 91.61 – .17 … 1.70
European 948.00 997.90 +10.10 … Fixed Interest Acc 1252.02 1317.92 -20.85 …
Fixed Interest 1900.30 2000.30 -29.20 … Index-Linked 821.20 864.40 -20.30 … Managed Account ‡ … … +25.50 … 157.29 139.51 Tr 4N% 39 139.51 – .25 3.05 1.65
Far Eastern Acc 2395.10 2521.10 +42.90 … Managed 483.36 508.80 -9.19 …
Index Linked 715.80 753.50 -9.90 … International 1986.50 2091.00 +32.50 … Managed IV 4124.70 4341.70 +22.40 … 159.85 141.51 Tr 4N% 40 141.51 – .26 … 1.67
Fixed Int Acc 1075.70 1132.30 -12.40 … Managed Acc 1589.67 1673.34 -9.56 …
Inter Life 2758.80 2904.00 +9.90 … Managed 2082.00 2191.60 +13.80 … Mngd Fund Acc 1789.00 1883.10 +10.00 … 106.42 92.45 Tr 1N% 41 92.45 – .21 … 1.70
Global Eqty Acc 2622.20 2760.20 +41.30 … Property 250.17 263.34 -0.42 …
Managed Life 2777.30 2923.50 +4.60 … Property 1223.20 1287.60 +1.10 … Money Fund Acc 338.20 356.00 … … 147.71 128.64 Tr 3N% 44 128.64 – .15 … 1.68
Japan Acc 382.20 402.30 +5.60 … Property Acc 933.48 982.61 +0.33 …
North American 1417.60 1492.20 +5.10 … Pens Equity 1855.40 1953.00 +16.00 … 169.96 149.47 Tr 4K% 42 149.47 – .29 3.01 1.67
Managed Acc 3307.80 3481.90 +22.00 …
Pacific 855.80 900.90 +3.00 … Pens Fixed Int 1186.70 1249.10 -20.20 … 154.93 134.48 Tr 3K% 45 134.48 – .15 … 1.68
North Amer Acc 3066.10 3227.50 +50.20 … The M & G Series
Prop Life 1055.20 1110.70 +1.80 … NAT WEST LIFE ASSCE LTD Pens Guarantee 1432.80 1508.20 +1.40 … 175.82 152.01 Tr 4N% 46 152.01 – .18 2.80 1.68
Pacific Acc 1822.80 1918.70 +37.10 …
PO Box 886, Trinity Quay, Bristol BS99 5LJ Amer Bond Acc 1351.10 1418.80 -21.40 … Pens Indx-Lnkd 1077.30 1134.00 -21.00 … 99.79 84.05 Tr 0Y% 46 84.05 – .12 … 1.69
Property Acc 1381.60 1454.30 +0.20 …
HALIFAX LIFE LTD Growth Mgd Pens 588.08 619.04 +2.00 … Deposit Bond Acc 522.90 549.10 … … Pens Intl 1382.30 1455.00 +27.70 … 114.76 96.69 Tr 1K% 47 96.69 – .08 … 1.66
PO Box 285,, York YO1 1YB 01904 611110 Equity Bond Acc 5266.40 5529.80 +36.20 … Pens Mngd Acct 4695.80 4942.90 +33.00 … 122.26 102.40 Tr 1O% 49 102.40 – .08 … 1.64
BARCLAYS LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD Life Funds Euro Smlr Cos 209.30 219.90 -21.90 … Pens Money 431.80 454.50 -0.10 … 185.65 158.12 Tr 4N% 49 158.12 – .15 2.69 1.64
0845 603 5000 NORWICH UNION LIFE INSURANCE Pens Property 1933.70 2035.40 +1.00 … 95.59 77.46 Tr 0X% 50 77.46 – .07 … 1.61
Balanced 101.32 106.65 +0.41 … SOCIETY - Ex NUAM Funds European Bd Acc 1999.10 2099.20 +31.90 …
Level 12, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP Extra Yld Bd Acc 4494.70 4719.50 +0.60 … Pers Pens Acct ‡ … … +71.20 … 220.50 175.21 Tr 0V% 51 184.88 – .74 … –2.01
Deposit 36.08 37.98 … … PO Box 140,, Norwich NR3 1PP 111.21 90.97 Tr 1N% 51 90.97 – .08 … 1.64
500 Accum 1449.34 1525.62 +7.25 … Foundation 105.52 111.07 +0.36 … Gbl Basics Bd Acc 1161.30 1219.40 +16.90 … Prop Fund Acc 1519.70 1599.60 +0.60 …
01603 622200 180.27 151.07 Tr 3O% 52 151.07 – .12 … 1.62
America Acc 2810.16 2958.06 +3.40 … Opportunity 120.29 126.62 +0.82 … Gilt Bond Acc 1173.70 1232.50 -14.30 … 120.44 98.01 Tr 1K% 53 98.01 – .10 … 1.58
Comb Inc Acc 2761.94 2907.31 +4.49 … Deposit Fund 604.27 636.08 -0.02 … High Yield Bond 499.60 524.70 +2.90 … TESCO PERSONAL FINANCIAL LIFE LTD
Eqity Fund 15800.37 16631.97 +104.08 … 124.61 100.79 Tr 1X% 54 100.79 – .10 … 1.59
Equity Acc 3877.72 4081.81 +19.06 … Pension Funds Index-Lnkd Gt Bd 375.60 394.40 -6.10 … 0845 845 5555 205.69 169.56 Tr 4N% 55 169.56 – .24 2.51 1.58
Far East Gwth 1298.12 1366.44 +36.35 … Fixed Int Fd 1941.41 2043.59 -21.73 … International Bd 5621.10 5902.20 +88.10 … PO Box 23042, Edinburgh EH3 8YG
Balanced S2 104.17 109.65 +0.49 … Higher Inc Plus 238.02 250.55 -2.78 … 132.79 105.36 Tr 1O% 57 105.36 – .17 … 1.55
Gilt 2 Init 263.21 277.06 -4.63 … Japan Bond Acc 447.60 470.10 +6.60 … Balanced Growth 300.50 300.50 +1.00 … 213.01 171.87 Tr 4% 60 171.87 – .25 … 1.51
Gilt Edged Acc 1024.88 1078.82 -17.34 … Deposit S2 41.68 43.87 … … Intl Fund 1291.68 1359.67 +6.47 … Japan Sm Cos Acc 235.80 247.70 -3.80 …
Foundation S2 105.85 111.42 +0.42 … Intl Growth 442.60 442.60 +6.80 … 96.16 71.01 Tr 0K% 61 71.01 – .13 … 1.47
Inter 2 Init 502.37 528.81 +3.89 … Managed Fund 6524.84 6868.25 +26.33 … Managed Bond Acc 3788.40 3978.00 +24.80 … 173.16 133.60 – .25 … 1.45
Opportunity S2 120.53 126.87 +0.96 … UK Growth 279.90 279.90 +1.60 … Tr 2K% 65 133.60
International Acc 1954.79 2057.67 +16.43 … Property Fd 2634.12 2772.76 +3.97 … Prop Bond Acc 1718.20 1804.20 +1.60 … 219.03 169.11 Tr 3K% 68 169.11 – .35 … 1.45
Japan Acc 449.69 473.36 -0.42 … Rec Bond Acc 3529.90 3706.50 +27.00 … 149.85 108.78 Tr 1X% 71 108.78 – .32 … 1.38
Managed 2 Init
Managed Acc
588.28 619.24
2281.37 2401.44

… Alban Gate,, 14th Flr,, 125 London Wall,, Lond
Formerly Commercial Union S East Asia Bd Acc 1300.20 1365.30 -20.40 …
01952 292929 Mediums (5-15 years)
EC2Y 5AS 020 7710 4567 Cash 307.80 324.00 -0.10 … Windsor House,, Telford,, Shropshire
p 101.87 99.23 Tr 0O% 23 99.23 – .08 … 1.29
Managed Alpha 1656.89 1744.10 +8.29 … Fxd Int 617.90 650.50 -7.00 … PRUDENTIAL PENSION FUNDS 105.80 101.36 Tr 2N% 23 101.36 – .10 … 1.36
Money Acc 429.73 452.35 -0.12 … Formerly GT Global Fund Mgmt Ltd
Index-Lnkd 778.70 819.70 -17.90 … Scottish Amicable Non Series A 1982 Series 100.23 97.54 Tr 0V% 24 97.54 – .08 … 1.40
Prop 2 Init 267.08 281.13 -0.02 … Plan Far East 554.30 583.40 … … Int Equity 1428.50 1503.70 +7.00 … 103.18 99.20 Tr 1% 24 99.20 – .10 … 1.37
Property Acc 1033.50 1087.89 +0.58 … Plan Wwide 924.50 973.20 -0.10 … 100% Safeguard 155.80 164.00 … … Cash Deposit 327.30 344.50 … …
Managed 1496.60 1575.40 +5.80 … 95% Safeguard 171.90 180.90 +1.80 … 109.74 103.36 Tr 2O% 24 103.36 – .13 … 1.41
UK Growth Acc 1224.07 1288.50 +6.04 … Far East Equity 1703.20 1792.80 +33.10 … 120.13 110.73 Tr 5% 25 110.73 – .14 4.52 1.40
Property 899.70 947.10 +1.20 … Fixed 795.50 837.40 -13.50 …
Univ Tech Acc 853.28 898.19 +7.17 … LEGAL & GENERAL INVESTMENT MGMT UK Equity 1926.50 2027.90 +12.40 … 102.44 97.60 Tr 0X% 25 97.60 – .11 … 1.37
0203 1243000 SAVE & PROSPER INSURANCE AND PENSIONS Index-Linked Fd 825.50 868.90 -19.60 … 108.81 102.11 Tr 2% 25 102.11 – .13 … 1.39
Var Ann (5) ‡ … … +1.20 … Managed 1522.20 1602.40 +2.50 …
One Coleman Street, EC2R 5AA Var Ann Acc (5) ‡ … … +29.80 … St James's House,, 27-43 Eastern Rd,, Romford 99.99 95.25 Tr 0V% 26 95.25 – .08 … 1.36
& AXA Assurance 1% AM RM1 3NH N Amer Equity 2357.90 2482.00 +2.80 …
B Soc Lnkd Init 136.20 143.40 … … 107.42 100.63 Tr 1K% 26 100.63 – .11 … 1.35
Equity 2 Init 993.83 1046.13 +4.22 … Brit Opps Int 221.20 232.80 -3.70 … Customer Helpline: 0845 3000144 Property 571.10 601.20 +0.30 … 106.62 99.39 Tr 1N% 27 99.39 – .08 … 1.37
Formerly General Accident Special Opp 2162.50 2276.30 +2.80 … 127.26 115.89 Tr 4N% 27 115.89 – .11 3.67 1.39
British Opp 798.80 840.90 +7.40 … Bal Inv Fund 361.60 380.60 +0.50 …
Building Soc Linked 283.40 298.30 … … American 1498.40 1577.20 +4.50 … UK Equity 1604.50 1689.00 +8.20 … 98.97 92.78 Tr 0V% 28 92.78 – .10 … 1.39
CANADA LIFE Deposit Fund (2) 640.40 674.10 -0.20 …
01707 651122 Cash 438.50 461.50 -0.10 … Cash Deposit 260.90 274.50 … … Gilt Fund 1645.40 1732.00 -26.10 … 110.10 101.50 Tr 1X% 28 101.50 – .13 … 1.39
2-6 High Street, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 5BA Cash Initial 119.10 125.40 -0.30 … Conv Life 431.60 454.20 … … Global Equity Fd 1611.90 1696.70 +14.20 … Formerly AEGON Life 143.73 129.73 Tr 6% 28 129.73 – .19 4.62 1.41
Equity 4887.10 5144.30 +9.80 … European 1098.50 1156.20 +5.80 … Property Fund (46) 323.80 340.80 … … 99.77 93.72 Tr 0K% 29 93.72 – .13 … 1.45
Cash 320.20 337.00 -0.10 … Balanced 2122.70 2246.30 +3.50 … 104.02 96.03 Tr 0Y% 29 96.03 – .12 … 1.42
Equity Initial 1073.10 1129.60 -14.50 … Fixed Int 518.90 546.10 -5.90 … Fixed Interest 737.80 780.70 -12.40 …
CLife Euro Mgd 1684.00 1772.00 -44.00 … Index-Linked 756.00 795.70 -17.40 … 98.97 91.10 Tr 0W% 30 91.10 – .12 … 1.47
CLife Intl Fd 1662.00 1749.00 -16.00 … Fixed Initial 463.80 488.20 +3.70 … SCOTTISH LIFE INVESTMENTS International 2415.40 2556.00 +12.80 … 141.07 127.11 Tr 4O% 30 127.11 – .19 3.74 1.46
Fixed Interest 1594.90 1678.80 -23.40 … International 893.60 940.50 +12.10 … Money 394.60 417.60 -0.10 …
Deposit Fund 514.50 541.50 … … Japan 412.10 433.70 -0.30 … 0131 225 2211 96.95 88.72 Tr 0N% 31 88.72 – .14 … 1.54
Equity 1174.00 1235.00 -17.00 … Index Linked Gilt 880.10 926.50 -11.40 … 19 St Andrews Square, Edinburgh EH2 1YE Property 1438.60 1522.30 +0.80 … 102.46 94.66 Tr 1% 32 94.66 – .16 … 1.58
Index Lkd 270.30 284.50 +0.60 … Japan Smllr Cos 421.50 443.60 -0.40 … UK Equity 2662.30 2817.30 +39.20 …
Equity Fund 3033.00 3192.00 +13.00 … Managed 756.40 796.10 +2.90 … American 1792.50 1886.90 +23.50 … 140.22 125.49 Tr 4N% 32 125.49 – .23 3.39 1.56
European 1849.00 1946.00 +26.00 … International 2412.30 2539.30 +33.80 … 101.40 92.57 Tr 0Y% 33 92.57 – .19 … 1.59
Intl Initial 537.00 565.30 -6.40 … Pacific Fund 1045.80 1100.70 +15.70 … Deposit 311.20 327.60 -0.20 …
Fixed Interest 1227.00 1291.00 -26.00 … European 2774.70 2920.80 +23.20 … Formerly Crown 149.22 132.49 Tr 4K% 34 132.49 – .24 3.40 1.63
Life Property 1554.20 1636.00 +7.10 … Property 653.30 687.60 +0.90 … 97.55 87.42 Tr 0X% 35 87.42 – .14 … 1.67
Gilt & Fxd Int 631.20 664.40 +5.30 … UK Equity 1103.00 1160.90 +7.20 … Fixed Interest 790.70 832.40 -9.50 … Life Equity Acc 4034.30 4246.70 +20.80 …
Gilt Edged Fd 1503.00 1582.00 -32.00 … Managed
Managed Initial
3198.30 3366.60
770.70 811.30

… Unitised Profit 397.80 418.80 +0.20 … Global Mgd 1457.10 1533.80 +17.40 … Life Fxd Int Acc 932.60 981.60 -15.70 … Shorts (under 5 years)
International 2600.00 2736.00 +20.00 … Index Linked 904.70 952.40 -9.00 … Life High Inc Acc 3260.30 3431.90 +52.10 … 117.13 108.58 Tr 3O% 21 115.83 – .08 … 1.24
Intl Mgd 3509.00 3693.00 +27.00 … Property Initial 349.80 368.20 -0.60 …
Managed 1352.10 1423.30 -6.60 … Life Intl Acc 2923.00 3076.90 +15.70 … 142.92 135.65 Tr 8% 21 141.44 – .10 5.66 1.19
Investment Fd 1466.00 1539.00 -25.00 … Formerly Provident Mutual 100.80 99.88 Tr 0K% 22 99.94 + .01 … 0.65
LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Pacific 1161.50 1222.70 +27.30 … Life Inv Tst Acc 3705.70 3900.70 +24.70 …
Japanese 381.40 401.40 +5.50 … Deposit Initial 89.60 94.30 … … Pen Worldwide 512.20 539.20 +7.90 … Life Managed Acc 2684.20 2825.50 +17.80 … 102.81 100.51 Tr 1O% 22 100.55 + … … 0.76
Managed 1291.00 1358.00 -9.00 … Barnett Way, y, Barnwood,, Gloucester GL4 3RZ Deposit Ord 320.80 337.70 … … 104.31 100.22 Tr 4% 22 100.22 – .03 3.99 0.27
01452 371371 For further prices
p 0800 7315139 Property 1042.20 1097.10 +3.30 … Life Money Acc 471.60 496.40 -0.10 …
Managed Fund 2747.00 2891.00 +6.00 … Equity Init 791.00 832.60 +4.70 … UK Equity 1771.00 1864.30 +6.60 … Life Property Acc 845.90 890.40 +0.40 … 100.23 98.92 Tr 0V% 23 98.92 – .05 … 1.27
ML Intl Fxd Int 697.00 733.60 -0.30 … Life Equity Ord 2875.00 3026.30 +18.70 … 100.26 96.59 Tr 0N% 25 96.59 – .09 … 1.43
Worldwide 444.30 467.70 +5.80 …
Money 531.00 558.90 -0.30 … Aggressive Mgd 4 719.00 756.80 -2.20 … Fixed Int Init 219.00 230.50 -2.60 … 100.41 95.26 Tr 0W% 26 95.26 – .09 … 1.43
Multiple Inv 3493.00 3676.00 +9.00 … Balanced Mgd 3 1733.80 1825.00 +10.20 … Fixed Int Ord 782.10 823.30 -8.80 … Life Funds
* maturities having an eight-month indexation lag.
North Amer 2330.00 2452.00 +12.00 … Cautious Mgd 2 490.90 516.70 -1.90 … I-Linked Gilt Init 289.50 304.70 -6.90 … SCOTTISH MUTUAL ASSURANCE Bear 68.89 72.51 -0.34 …
0141 248 6321 Data as shown is
Property 1020.00 1073.00 +2.00 … European 837.90 881.90 +15.70 … I-Linked Gilt Ord 949.60 999.60 -21.80 … Bull 77.92 82.02 +0.12 …
Property Fund 2012.00 2117.00 … … Far Eastern 1875.70 1974.40 +51.10 … Managed Initial 495.20 521.30 +1.70 … 301 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5HN Deposit 21.81 22.96 -0.01 … for information
UK Equity 4628.00 4871.00 +26.00 … Framlington 215.60 227.00 +0.40 … Managed Ord 1780.70 1874.50 +7.00 … Cash Fund 282.90 297.80 … … Gilt Edged 44.05 46.37 -0.75 … purposes only. No
UK Property 1428.00 1503.00 -1.00 … Green 624.70 657.50 -3.90 … Oseas Equity Init 488.80 514.60 +2.10 … European Fund 2102.80 2213.50 +6.30 … Owl 92.38 97.25 +0.20 … offer is made by Morningstar or this publication
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7 days
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the times | Saturday February 12 2022 77

Today A breezy day with showers or longer spells of rain, but staying drier in the southeast. Max 11C (52F), min -1C (30F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney
ney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Often unsettled and 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 27 7
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder breezy with showers and Slight 25
*=previous day **=data not available outbreaks of rain, as well Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* as some brighter periods 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
6 25
5 S 0.2 1.5
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Rain will spread northeastwards over
Aberporth 6 S 0.0 5.8
Britain and Ireland, turning heavy and At 17:00 on Friday there were two 8
Anglesey 8 PC 0.0 5.4 persistent at times, especially over flood alerts in Scotland and no flood 5
Aviemore 2 PC 0.6 0.5 high ground. Drier in northern Scotland alerts or warnings in England or

and southeastern England at times.
Barnstaple 8
Wales. Aberdeen
C F n February 3 something
Bedford Max 11C, min -2C 35 95
Belfast 5 S 0.4 3.3
For further information and updates
30 86
quite astonishing
in England visit flood-warning-
Birmingham 8 PC 0.0 **, for Wales 25 77 happened during a
Bournemouth 8 S 0.0 2.0 6 NORTH severe ice storm in
7 S 0.0 ** and 20 68
for Scotland SEA 15 59 north Texas — the
Bristol 7 S 0.0 2.2
Camborne 8 PC 0.0 3.0 6 10 50
intense cold made trees explode.
8 Edinburgh
Cardiff 7 S 0.0 4.0
33 Glasgow 5 41
“We listened to them all night.
Edinburgh 4 S 0.0 4.5 0 32
Eskdalemuir -0 S 0.4 1.6
6 32 -5 23 Sounds like gunshots going off,”
Glasgow 2 S 0.0 4.1
-10 14 Lauren Reber, in Princeton, Texas,
Hereford 8 PC 0.2 **
Herstmonceux 9 S 0.0 0.0 ATLANTIC
Londonderry -15 5 told the news station NBCDFW. “All
Ipswich 5 PC 0.0 0.5
Newcastle of a sudden you just hear a great
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 7 PC 0.0 5.5
Monday Belfast bang and they take out two or three
Isle of Wight 8 S 0.2 ** 5
Jersey 10 S 0.0 0.1 Any lingering rain will clear eastern 9 7 more trees with it.” It is thought that
areas to leave a breezy day with 8
Keswick 5 C 0.4 ** variable cloud, showers and bright or Yorkk the sap in the trees froze and
Kinloss 6 S 0.0 1.1 sunny intervals. Turning drier across created so much pressure that the
Leeds 4 C 0.2 ** Ireland before rain arrives overnight.
Lerwick 5 PC 1.1 ** Max 10C, min -3C Manchester Hull
trees eventually shattered.
Leuchars 5 S 0.0 6.1 ooo
Liverpool 6 In the novel Lorna Doone, the
Lincoln 6 PC 0.0 6.3 Galway IRISH 36
7 S 0.4 ** 6
author RD Blackmore wrote about
Liverpool SEA 6 Sheffield
London 9 S 0.0 1.1 Dublin
trees exploding on Exmoor during
Lyneham 6 S 0.0 2.6 an intensely cold winter. The novel
Manchester 6 S 0.4 4.4
Margate ** ** 0.0 0.0
7 10
Nottingham was based on the winter of 1683-84,
8 one of the coldest winters on record
Milford Haven 9 S 0.0 **
i h
Newcastle 7 S 0.0 ** 41 6 in England. The botanist John
Nottingham 6 S 0.0 3.9 Birmingham
Orkney 5 S 1.0 0.0 9
Cambridge Claudius Loudon wrote: “The trunks
Oxford 7 S 0.0 ** 11 of oak, ash, walnut, and other trees,
Swansea Oxford 7
Plymouth 8 PC 0.4 ** were miserably split and cleft, so
Portland 8 S 0.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 9 S 0.0 **
Tuesday Channel Islands CELTIC 7 that they might be seen through,
Shoreham 9 S 0.0 0.5 Outbreaks of rain in the west at first
SEA Bristol London and the cracks often attended with
will spread eastwards through the
Shrewsbury 7 S 0.2 6.1 8
Snowdonia 5 S 0.4 **
day, heavy and persistent at times,
dreadful noises like the explosion of
particularly over high ground, and 8 fire-arms.”
Southend 7 S 0.0 0.6 followed by bright spells and showers. Exeterr
South Uist 7 S 3.8 ** Max 11C, min -5C 23 Plymouth Brighton The diarist John Evelyn wrote of a
Stornoway 6 S 1.6 1.7
Tiree 7 S 0.8 1.1
great frost fair on the frozen
Whitehaven 2 S 0.4 1.8 8
6 Thames that winter, “the frost
Wick 4 S 0.2 ** 27 continuing more and more severe,
Yeovilton 8 PC 0.0 2.6
the Thames before London was still
9 General situation: Showers in Scotland Eng SE Eng, London,
Channel Is, Cen S Eng, leave a breezy day with variable cloud, planted with boothes in formal
The world and Ireland, rain in northwest England E Anglia, E Mids: Most places will be sunny spells and scattered blustery streetes”. Evelyn was also an expert
All readings local midday yesterday
and Wales, drier in the southeast. dry with bright or sunny intervals, showers. Moderate to strong south to on trees and recorded “the trees not
Alicante 14 PC Madeira 21 PC 10 SW Eng, Wales, W Mids, Cen N Eng, although cloud will thicken from southwesterly winds. Maximum
Amsterdam 6 PC Madrid 14 S
only splitting as if lightning-struck,
NW Eng, E Eng, NE Eng, Lake District, the west as the day progresses, 11C (52F), minimum 4C (39F).
Athens 15 S Malaga 16 PC
IoM: A wet start in the northwest then perhaps bringing a few spells of rain Scotland: Rather windy and unsettled but men and cattle perishing in
Auckland 24 DU Mallorca 16 PC
cloud and outbreaks of rain continuing to western areas by the end of the with scattered showers or longer divers places”.
Bahrain 22 S Malta 16 PC Wednesday
Bangkok 32 B Melbourne 20 PC Very mild and unsettled with rain
to spread eastwards through the day, afternoon. Becoming breezy with light spells of rain, as well as a few bright Thomas Barker, a Rutland squire
Barbados 29 PC Mexico City 20 B pushing eastwards, heavy at times, turning briefly sleety over high ground to moderate south to southwesterly or sunny intervals, especially in the and weather diarist, wrote of
perhaps wintry over Scotland and in the north. Moderate to strong south winds freshening later. Maximum afternoon. Moderate to strong south to
Barcelona 16 S Miami 26 PC
followed by showers in the west later. to southwesterly winds, near-gale 7C (45F), minimum 3C (37F). southwesterly winds, near-gale force
another severe winter in 1740:
Beijing 8 S Milan 13 S
Beirut 15 PC Mombasa 31 B
Some southern areas staying drier.
force at the coast. Maximum N Ireland, Republic of Ireland: Cloud over high ground. Maximum “Many walnut-trees were split from
Max 14C, min -1C
Belgrade 14 S Montreal 2 C 10C (50F), minimum 4C (39F). and rain clearing eastwards at first to 9C (48F), minimum -1C (30F). the collar to the root.” In the harsh
Berlin 6 SH Moscow 1 S winter of 1709 two thirds of the
Bermuda 22 C Mumbai 31 S 10
Bordeaux 9 PC Munich 4 PC Tides Noon today LOW 1008 walnut trees across northern Europe
Brussels 7 SH Nairobi 26 PC Tidal predictions. LOW were reckoned to have been killed
Heights in metres LOW 1016
Bucharest 10 S Naples 14 S
by hard frosts, which led to dire
Budapest 11 S New Orleans 16 S Today Ht Ht HIGH
Buenos Aires 28 S New York 12 PC 14 Aberdeen 10:51 3.4 23:22 3.4 1024 shortages of timber. Faced with
LOW 1016
Cairo 17 PC Nice 14 PC Avonmouth 03:33 9.6 16:16 9.8 shortages of their favourite wood,
23 M 17 S 1000 1000
Calcutta Nicosia
Belfast 08:14 2.9 21:01 2.8 1008
LOW English furniture-makers turned
Canberra 23 PC Oslo -1 S Cardiff 03:26 8.9 16:07 9.2 HIGH
Cape Town 25 S Paris 7 PC 02:09 4.3 14:51 4.2 984 instead to mahogany from the
Chicago -1 DU Perth 33 S
Dover 08:04 5.2 20:45 5.3
992 1032 British colonies in the Caribbean
Copenhagen 5 B Prague 5 PC 1000 and British Honduras. The new
Thursday Dublin 08:48 3.4 21:16 3.3
Corfu 15 PC Reykjavik -1 PC
Delhi 19 S Riga 3 C Bright and breezy with variable cloud, Falmouth 02:02 4.0 14:37 3.9
wood was an immediate success,
sunny spells and scattered showers, Greenock 08:59 2.8 22:14 2.7
Dubai 26 S Rio de Janeiro 25 C
wintry at times and most frequent in
LOW Cold front with its finer grain contributing to
6 B 25 S Harwich 08:23 3.1 21:04 3.2
Faro 18 S
Rome 14 PC
the northwest. Some longer spells of
Holyhead 07:47 4.5 20:14 4.5
HIGH LOW Warm front the slender elegance of late
rain possible in the west later. 1024
Florence 12 B San Francisco ** ** Max 11C, min -2C Hull 02:53 5.6 15:28 5.8 Occluded front Georgian and Regency furniture.
Frankfurt 6 SH Santiago 23 S Leith 11:52 4.4 --:-- -- Trough
Geneva 7 PC São Paulo 24 PC Liverpool 08:20 7.3 20:50 7.4
Gibraltar 16 PC Seoul 6 S 5 London Bridge 10:31 5.7 23:09 5.7
Synoptic situation Highs and lows Hours of darkness
Helsinki -2 PC Seychelles 29 PC Lowestoft 06:41 2.1 19:10 2.2 24hrs to 5pm yesterday Aberdeen 17:31-07:11
Hong Kong 20 PC Singapore 28 B Milford Haven 03:10 5.1 15:44 5.2 Low pressure to the northwest Belfast 17:54-07:19
Honolulu 26 PC St Petersburg 0 B of Scotland will push a frontal Warmest: Kew, 9.8C
9 Morecambe 08:33 7.2 21:02 7.3 Coldest: Braemar, Birmingham 17:44-06:57
Istanbul 9 S Stockholm 0 S system and associated rain Aberdeenshire, -8.1C
10 Newhaven 08:11 5.1 20:48 5.2 Cardiff 17:51-07:00
Jerusalem 16 PC Sydney 23 T eastwards across England Wettest: Fair Isle,
Newquay 02:06 5.2 14:39 5.3 Exeter 17:55-06:59
Johannesburg 25 S Tel Aviv 16 PC and Wales, but staying drier Shetland, 4.8mm
Oban 02:51 2.9 15:54 3.0 Sunniest: Leeming, 7.3hrs* Glasgow 17:44-07:16
Kuala Lumpur 30 PC Tenerife 25 PC in the southeast. Meanwhile,
11 Penzance 01:39 4.2 14:09 4.2 Liverpool 17:46-07:04
Kyiv 5 B Tokyo 7 PC scattered showers will affect
20 S 6 D Portsmouth 08:35 3.8 21:14 3.8 Sun and moon London 17:39-06:47
Lanzarote Vancouver Scotland and Ireland, merging For Greenwich Manchester 17:42-07:01
Las Palmas 23 S Venice 8 B Shoreham 07:59 4.7 20:47 4.8 Sun rises: 07.19
The Times weather Southampton 07:10 3.5 19:54 3.6
to longer spells of rain at times. Newcastle 17:36-07:02
Lima 21 S Vienna 8 B Sun sets: 17.09
Another low-pressure system Moon rises: 12.25 Norwich 17:31-06:45
Lisbon 19 PC Warsaw 3 R page is provided Swansea 03:08 6.9 15:43 7.1
to the southwest of Britain will Moon sets: 06.07 Sun Penzance 18:04-07:06
Los Angeles 27 S Washington 13 PC Tees 00:23 4.3 13:02 4.4
18 S 6 PC
by Weatherquest bring further rain tomorrow. Full moon: February 16 Sheffield 17:40-06:58
Luxor Zurich Weymouth 02:55 1.3 15:57 1.3
78 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times


Luc Montagnier
Understated French virologist who shared the Nobel prize for discovering HIV
As a mysterious deadly virus continued Pasteur Institute’s modest laboratories ed her work supporting Aids patients.
to spread, the two scientists who in a Paris side street claimed 1985 that The argument with Gallo reignited in
claimed to have discovered it waged a his US rival was receiving £40 million in the early 1990s when an official investi-
bitter war of intellectual property. funding compared with the Pasteur gation found that Gallo’s discovery of
Luc Montagnier, an unassuming Institute’s £1 million and that Gallo HTLV-III was based on the sample that
French virologist, ultimately won the needed quick results to justify it.“There Montagnier had sent him. Montagnier
battle for recognition over the American has been so much money poured into told a news conference in Paris in 1991:
scientist Robert Gallo when the French- the research that the authorities expect “I think at a certain moment there was
man received the Nobel prize for physi- something in return. It is difficult for a lie”. Gallo was censured for “minor
ology and medicine in 2008 for isolating them to admit that, with our small re- misconduct” by the US Office of Scien-
the human immunodeficiency virus sources, we are getting there first.” tific Integrity. The US National Insti-
that causes Aids. Montagnier’s legal claim against Gal- tutes of Health confirmed in its investi-
Montagnier was focused on cancer lo was settled out of court. Bad feeling gation that the Montagnier’s lab first
research when in 1982 he was asked by continued to simmer and in March 1987 identified the sample and awarded a
Willy Rozenbaum at the Bichat– President Reagan and the French prime higher percentage of blood screening
Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris to in- minister Jacques Chirac arranged royalties to him.
vestigate tissue from the lymph In later years both scientists sof-
node of a gravely ill Parisian fash- ttened their previous stances; Gallo
ion designer, Frederic Brugiere. A aadmitted that Montagnier was the
year before the first medical re- fi
first person to isolate the virus while
ports had emerged of an immuno- M
Montagnier cited Gallo’s vital role in
defiency syndrome that was given m
making the connection between the
the name “gay-related immune vvirus and Aids. In 2002 they agreed
deficiency” (GRID) because it ap- tto collaborate on developing a vac-
peared to infect a disproportion- ccine. It remains elusive.
ately large number of homosexual Such was their rapprochement
men. As patients’ immune systems tthat when Gallo was not mentioned
broke down, lumps would appear in the citation for Montagnier and
around the throat; they would die B
Barré-Sinoussi’s Nobel prize, Mon-
of a range of conditions including ttagnier said that Gallo deserved a
skin cancer and pneumonia. sshare in the award.
Working day and night for three Luc Antoine Montagnier was
weeks with his team, including Pro- b
born in Chabris, France, in 1932. His
fessor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, fa
father was a public sector account-
Montagnier used DNA sequencing aant and amateur scientist who de-
to isolate a retrovirus — a germ that li
lighted and inspired his fascinated
inhabits the host cell’s DNA and sson by conducting experiments
takes control. He named the new w
with nitroglycerine that “went
retrovirus lymphadenopathy-associat- at- Montagnier at the Past
Pasteur IInstitute
t in bang”. Luc attended the College de Châ-
ed virus (LAV). Montagnier and his Paris, where he isolated HIV, in 1987 tellerault and studied medicine and
team published their findings in Science science at the universities of Poitiers and
in May 1983. He did not identify LAV for Montagnier and Gallo to meet in a Paris before graduating in medicine at
with what was now becoming known as Frankfurt hotel room. Separated by a the Sorbonne in 1960. He worked as a re-
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome table and fast emptying bottle of co- searcher at the Centre Nationale de la
(Aids). However, he did apply to patent gnac, they agreed on a shared patent for Recherche Scientifique in Paris and
his blood screening test for the virus. a blood screening test. Eighty per cent of spent several years in Britain at the Virus
For the common good, Montagnier the royalties would fund a new Aids Research Unit of the Medical Research
sent samples of the virus to Gallo, rec- foundation. The remaining 20 per cent Council at Carshalton, south London,
ognised as one of the world’s leading would be shared between Gallo and and the Institute of Virology in Glasgow.
retrovirologists. Montagnier. The virus was renamed In 1961 he married Dorothea Acker-
In 1984 Gallo published an article in human immunodeficiency virus. man. She survives him along with their
Science in which he claimed to have The Frenchman’s share of the royal- son and two daughters.
identified a virus called HTLV-III, ties helped to fund an Aids research A decade later he began work at the
which causes Aids. The flamboyant Gal- centre at the Pasteur Institute, where Pasteur Institute where in the late 19th
lo basked in a blaze of publicity. At a he would work on formulating the ex- century Louis Pasteur had carried out
press conference in Washington, Mar- act genetic structure of the virus to aid groundbreaking work on vaccination.
garet Heckler, secretary of the US gov- In later years Montagnier was derid-

Wanda Young
ernment’s Department of Health and Eventually he agreed on ed for giving credence to theories such
Human Services, said: “Today we add a as DNA teleportation and homeopathy
new miracle to the long honour roll of a shared patent with his (which is not accepted by the medical
American medicine and science.” Gallo, establishment). He claimed that antibi-
founder of the Institute of Human Virol- bitter rival Robert Gallo otics could treat autism.
ogy at the University of Maryland He was dismissed in 2020 when he
School of Medicine, developed his own
blood screening test to identify the virus
the work of developing antibodies and
other treatments. Montagnier said that
suggested that the coronavirus might
have been deliberately created in a labo-
Frontwoman for the hit group the Marvelettes
and, with the support of the US govern-
ment, gained an exclusive patent in 1985.
HIV was not the only cause of Aids but
that the virus acted like an “arsonist
ratory in China and accidentally es-
caped. Then, earlier this year, mockery
whose life off stage was blighted by tragedies
Suspecting that Gallo had based his starting a fire”. Other bacteria and vi- turned to anger when he claimed that
research on Montagnier’s sample, the ruses “threw petrol on it”, he added. Covid-19 vaccines were counterproduc- When Wanda Young and four other time when the Carpenters recorded the
Pasteur Institute sued the US govern- Over the years Montagnier would tive because they could cause variants of teenage girls from Detroit recorded song in 1975.
ment for breach of intellectual proper- remain a leading HIV/Aids researcher the virus. Please Mr Postman in 1961 their group Young went on to enjoy further hits
ty. The scientific spat caught the and public campaigner. As early as Notwithstanding what some regard- did not even have a name. with the Marvelettes, singing lead on
public’s imagination. On one side was 1985 he was warning that the virus was ed as his later “quackery”, Montagnier After the session was over, Berry Too Many Fish in the Sea, Don’t Mess
the fiery, self-publicising American incubating in heterosexual men and was still venerated for research that the Gordy Jr, who had just started the With Bill and When You’re Young and in
with a reputation for bluntness. On the women. He publicly urged heterosexu- Nobel committee said was “vital for en- Motown label but as yet had no hits, Love, which gave the group its biggest
other was the short, understated als engaged in sexual activity with abling us to understand the biology of decided to release the song as a 45 rpm hit in the British charts in 1967.
Frenchman with precise mannerisms more than one partner not to have un- [HIV] and develop treatments that single under the name the Marvelettes. Despite being Motown’s first chart-
and a neatly trimmed moustache. Men- protected sex. In 1987 he warned that mean that, although there is still no The recording by Young and her toppers, the Marvelettes were soon
tion of Gallo was about the only thing the virus would pose a serious health cure, it is no longer a death sentence.” colleagues gave the fledgling label its eclipsed by the success of the label’s
known to break the composure of Mon- risk in Africa in years to come. A year first No 1 hit in the American charts. An other girl groups such as Martha
tagnier, who was rarely seen out of his later Diana, Princess of Wales, visited Luc Montagnier, virologist, was born on instant pop classic, Please Mr Postman Reeves and the Vandellas and Diana
white lab coat. his laboratory on a visit to Paris. Mon- August 18, 1932. He died on February 8, was covered by the Beatles two years Ross and the Supremes. Yet it could
Montagnier, who worked from the tagnier escorted the princess and laud- 2022, aged 89 later and was a No 1 hit for a second have been so different but for a
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 79

‘He says he isn’t a

romantic, but he is’
Marriages and engagements
Page 80

Shortly afterwards her marriage to

Bobby Rogers, a member of the
Miracles, another Motown group, broke
down and she lost custody of their two
Kurt Schulze
Her brother was injured in another
shooting incident and misfortune
Luftwaffe fighter pilot who nearly foiled the
continued to plague her. In 2015 her
fourth child, whom she had named Mir-
sinking of the Tirpitz by RAF Lancasters
acle and who had been brought up by an
aunt, was murdered in a shooting not far On November 12, 1944, Kurt Schulze in their spare time, and in September,
from where her sister had been killed. was within minutes of foiling the 1943 he emerged as a qualified pilot. A
She is survived by three children: successful raid by two RAF Lancaster year later he graduated to Me-109G
Meta Ventress, from an early relation- squadrons on the German battleship fighters, and was serving with the elite
ship, and Robert and Bobbae from her Tirpitz in northern Norway. Eismeerjager — Ice Ocean Fighters —
12-year marriage to Rogers. She never The Tirpitz, known to Winston inside the Arctic Circle.
remarried and the paternity of her Churchill as the Beast, was a deadly By 1944 Schulze was an experienced
fourth child was unknown. threat to supply convoys sent from Brit- fighter pilot with 60 missions. Serving
Wanda LaFaye Young was born in ain to the Soviet Union; it could sink an 50 miles west of the Soviet port of
August 1943 in Inkster, Michigan, a entire convoy in 15 minutes. Two of Murmansk, he had three victories to his
black suburb 20 miles west of Detroit Germany’s best fighter pilots, Heinrich name. As a reward he was given permis-
built for workers at the Ford plant at Ehrler and Franz Dörr, with some 320 sion to fly to Berlin to marry his fiancée,
nearby Dearborn, where her father “kills” between them, were deputed to and childhood sweetheart, Annerose
James was employed. Her mother, lead the air defence of the battleship. Helm, daughter of Major Alfred Helm.
Schulze was Ehrler’s adjutant. He was then posted to Dresden in time
Please Mr Postman was That morning the Tirpitz’s to see Allied bomber forces
commander was told of reduce the city to rubble.
covered by the Beatles enemy aircraft move- ove- When tthe war ended he
ments between Nor- or- was turned
tu over to the
and then the Carpenters way and neutral Swe-- Am
Americans and,
den, and claimed at alo
along with 700,000
Beatrice (née Dawson) had her work his subsequent ot
other German
cut out bringing up ten children. court martial that P
PoWs, he was sent
Wanda joined the group that was he had asked for to France to work
about to become the Marvelettes when fighter protection. a a labourer.
her high-school classmate Gladys Hor- Luftwaffe signals As soon as he
ton asked her to replace Georgia Dob- officers told the w
was released on
bins, whose father had forbidden her to same court that Ap
April 8, 1947, he
sing secular music. they had not received d wen back to Berlin
Before Dobbins left the group, which such a request. loo for Annerose,
to look
for a while went under the name the After other delays — a who hadh been in the
Casinyets (a contraction of “can’t sing JU-52 transport plane ne was capital th
through all the ter-
yet”), she had co-written Please Mr and first —
given permission to land rible months of Russian occu-
Postman. By the time the song was Schulze along with his fellow pilots was pation “I am never,
pation. never ever,
ev ever going to
recorded with Marvin Gaye playing in the air at 9.39am when he heard on talk about it, to anyone,” Annarose told
drums, it had been polished to a surefire the radio: “Flak over Tromso.” him. It was clear that she had been one
hit by Motown’s cadre of professional “When I arrived there, the Tirpitz of the two million German women
songwriters and Young had already had already capsized. We were too late.” raped by Red Army soldiers.
taken Dobbins place. Luftwaffe high command in Oslo They went on to have a son, Bernd,
Horton, who died in 2011, contributed wanted both top pilots as scapegoats, who became an estate agent, and
the lead vocals to that initial hit but, at 18, and Schulze could not persuade the two remained married for 60 years until she
Young was the oldest member of the aces to prepare their defence. died in 2004.
group and the only one to have left “Kiss my arse,” was Erhler’s final Like many German former service-
school. Her seniority meant comment to his general officer in Oslo. men, Schulze had struggled to find
she swiftly emerged as Schulze recalled: “This did not create a work in what he called “socialist Berlin”,
th Marvelettes’ main
the good atmosphere at the court martial.” so in 1953 he moved with his family to
voice and their front- Ehrler was sentenced to three years California, where an uncle of his lived,
woman. There were two in prison and demoted but in March and he was able to get a job as an estate
early departures from 1945, Hitler reinstated him, granted agent.
th group — Juanita
the him a “front probation”. On April 4, He also joined the OBPs — the Old
Cowart, who loathed Ehrler, flying an ME-262 jet fighter, Bold Pilots — to mingle and reminisce
touring, and Georgean- shot down two American B-17 bombers with other fighting pilots of all nations,
n Tillman, after she was
na and radioed to his base “I am out of ages and ranks. “Why do you keep
diagnosed with lupus — ammunition, auf Wiedersehen in Wal- going back to the war?”Annerose asked
leaving Young, Horton halla” and then rammed a third B-17. him on more than one occasion.
a Katherine Anderson
and Kurt Ernst Schulze was born in 1921, Through the OBP, Schulze became a
Young, second right, and the band’s greatest hit a a trio.
as an only child, in Kassel, in central great friend of one of the 617 Squadron
After a lengthy spell Germany, where his father was head of “Dambuster” pilots who carried out all
misjudgment by the group in early whose a
away from the music social services in the police force. When three of the squadron’s sorties against
1964, when Young and her band mates voice in
industry, Young he finished high school in March 1939 the Tirpitz. Tony Iveson, two years old-
turned down Where Did Our Love Go. was r
re-emerged in 1989, he wanted to be a Luftwaffe pilot but his er than Schulze, later became chairman
Offered first choice on the song heard. w
when she was among a hay fever meant be had to become a of the RAF Bomber Command Asso-
written by Motown’s crack team of The n
number of former wireless operator instead. ciation that, in 2012, finally got a me-
Holland-Dozier-Holland, the Marvel- Th
group’s final album, The Return Of The M t
Motown stars invited by the British In 1940 he took part in the Blitzkrieg morial built in London to those who
ettes decided it was not for them and in- Marvelettes, in 1970, was in effect a producer Ian Levine to record for his that swept through the Low Countries served in Bomber Command.
stead opted for the more obvious, four- Young solo album and despite its title newly established Motorcity label. and France. He was in Dunkirk two The men treasured the memories
to-the-floor dance beat of Too Many Fish the group had ceased to exist. Young arrived for the session in the days after the fighting stopped. “All they shared of that freezing, sunny
in the Sea, written by Norman Whitfield. Young left the business soon after Detroit studio that Levine had hired wonderful stuff, lying around on the morning in 1944 when they so nearly
“We picked that song because it had all when, to her disappointment, Gordy seemingly ill equipped for her come- beach,” he remembered. Later that became locked in combat.
the music and all the bongos,” Young’s abandoned Detroit and moved back. According to one person who was summer he was on the French coast, “I am so glad you didn’t find us that
fellow Marvelette Gladys Horton said. Motown lock, stock and snare drum to present she looked like “a decrepit next to the airfield at St Malo, and day,” Iveson told Schulze, “because the
“We were all together and said at the Los Angles. Thereafter her life de- mess” but Kim Weston, another “watched all those Me-110’s coming distance to get to Tirpitz at Tromso was
same time we didn’t want Where Did scended into a spiral of despair, addic- Motown hitmaker from the glory years, back from the Battle of Britain”. such that our Lancs had had to leave
Our Love Go.” tion and mental illness, brought on by a groomed and encouraged her and she In July 1941 he was sent to the eastern behind all their defensive armaments.
Up until that point all of the series of personal tragedies. On a trip rose above her problems to meet the front and won the “frozen medal” a year We would have been mincemeat.”
Supremes’ singles had failed to chart but home to see her family, she went shop- occasion, before once again returning later for surviving a winter there in
Where Did Our Love Go went to No 1. ping with her sister, who was wearing a to obscurity. summer clothing. He was then based in Kurt Schulze, German fighter pilot, was
Too Many Fish in the Sea stalled at No 25. distinctive wig left at her house by a the Netherlands, from where he flew born on July 30, 1921. He died on
The Marvelettes’ final Top 20 entry friend. Spotted by the wig owner’s jilted Wanda Young, Motown hitmaker, was 25 operations as a navigator. December 4, 2021, aged 100
came at the end of 1967 with My Baby boyfriend, in a case of mistaken ident- born on August 9, 1943. She died of Schulze was a popular and gregarious
Must Be a Magician, on which Young ity, her sister was shot in the head and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease man who did favours for his pilot
was the only member of the group died in Young’s arms. on December 15, 2021, aged 78 friends. They, in turn, taught him to fly Email:
80 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Readers’ Lives
Marriages and engagements New readers

‘He says he isn’t a romantic, but he is’


Catherine Prideaux, 38, an events

manager, and James Bibby, 40, an
assistant land agent, were married on
September 5, 2020, at St Mary’s James Alfred Humphries was born
church, in Gunthorpe, Norfolk. They on August 25, 2021, in Gloucester
celebrated again on December 3, 2021, Royal Hospital to Anna, 39, and
at a private members’ club in London Robert Humphries, 39
“I think he’ll be a
Catherine was expecting to wear her daredevil on the
wedding dress for a second time. ski slopes,” says
After a reduced wedding ceremony Anna about
for 30 guests because of the James, who
pandemic, she and James waited giggles when
more than a year to celebrate their pushed fast in his
wedding again with a larger crowd in buggy. “As a
December last year. Then she family we love
discovered that they were having a the outdoors,”
baby, which is due in April. she says, “and it looks like he will too.”
She discussed altering her bespoke He had great fun at the National
dress with the designer Sassi Holford Arboretum in Westonbirt, watching
but decided to go with a sparkly dress Anna try to catch their dog.
instead. James swapped his morning Anna, a lawyer for Vodafone, hopes
suit for a three-piece suit. that as James grows up she will be
Catherine and James met at a able to teach him about the
dinner party, of which neither has a importance of family, and looks
clear memory, in 2013. Her forward to watching him charge
housemate was a mutual friend and around with his brother, Daniel, and
shortly afterwards arranged for him “a whole gang” of cousins, who were
to move in. On the day that James all born last year.
arrived with his belongings, She and Robert, a police helicopter
Catherine and her friends pilot, have enjoyed dancing in the
were setting off for a kitchen with James to Elton John’s
hen party and he was Lockdown Sessions. They are about to
left looking after a take him to London for the first time
miniature and are excited to see his expressions
dachshund Catherine and James at their summer wedding in Norfolk and, left, at their celebration in London
Ca as he takes in the sights.
belonging to one
of them. b he secretly
but former Benedictine foundation dating and later returned there to teach Lucas Vince Anderson was born on
Within a few is
is.” back to 1091. The plan was for a diving. The newlyweds went to Skye September 9, 2021, at the Rosie
months, In 2018 they dinner and dance afterwards in a for their honeymoon and spent a few Hospital in Cambridge to Stephanie,
Catherine and m
moved again, this marquee in her parents’ garden. days in Edinburgh where they saw 32, and Matthew Anderson, 33
James were a tim
time to Lancashire, Then Covid-19 loomed and they pandas at the zoo.
couple. The whe
where James grew had to cut their guest list to 30. They They had planned to celebrate with Stephanie had a
following year theyy up an
and now works as moved the ceremony to St Mary’s, a a dinner-dance for 100 guests in good pregnancy
moved into a rented d an assistant
assi land smaller church in Gunthorpe, Norfolk last May but the virus until the end. “I
flat for just the two of manager. “She makes me cancelled the band and caterers, and intervened again. Then Catherine was 13 days
them in southwest London. a better perso
person,” he says. “She opted for a buffet in a smaller found out that she was pregnant and overdue,” she
“We are both quite house-proud,” is a very calming inf
influence on me. marquee in her parents’ garden. they decided on a December drinks says. She and
she says. They enjoy cooking and life She has tolerated me dragging her out Catherine was still able to attend party at a private members’ club in Matthew, who
at home. She is the organiser. He will of London and never once complained fittings for her bespoke dress, which London instead, 15 months after their were featured on
sometimes bemoan her social plans about it, or not openly to me.” was a gift from her maternal small wedding ceremony. They had The Times
but usually enjoys himself. By then the pressure from friends grandmother who died weeks after not seen many of their guests since weddings page in
In 2015 they moved to Bristol for and family to get married was their wedding. She was busy with their engagement. 2019, wanted their son’s name to
James’s work, which was initially a growing. Catherine’s three siblings and work in the run-up to the wedding but The dress code was “suits and include her maiden name, Vince. As
wrench for Catherine, who had James’s sister had married before had the support of family and friends, sparkles”. There was a jazz band, for his first name, “we had it down to
worked in London since she was 20. them. “James felt like he needed to who pitched in. canapés, pizza, cake and speeches. two and we weren’t sure which one
She set up her own company, give my father a break,” she says. Catherine’s father drove her to Guests stayed until the early hours. until he was born. Lucas was my
Orchard Point, managing corporate James chose a ring before a trip to St Mary’s but they had forgotten the “It was really nice to finally get to favourite.”
events. “We really enjoyed it,” she Bergen in Norway in December 2019. bouquet and had to dash home. There celebrate with everybody,” Catherine From the moment Lucas arrived he
says. In 2017 they moved to a village They had toured the Christmas were no hymns because of the Covid says. “James secretly always wanted a has been smiley and alert, preferring
in Shropshire, where James did an markets when he stopped by a lake to rules but they did have readings. “It small wedding.” to be held up so that he can see what’s
MA in rural estate and land propose. He claimed to be too old to was even more special because we had going on around him. He enjoys being
management at Harper Adams go down on one knee. Catherine was made it this far given everything that the centre of attention. “People say he
University. They enjoy being outdoors thrilled and within a few months they had gone on,” she says. looks like me when he smiles but
and have a lurcher, Bala. had everything booked for their A family friend made their wedding
If you would like to feature a there are parts of my husband as well.
“James is one of the most wedding in September 2020. cake, which was decorated with wedding or engagement or the He’s got the same shape eyes as my
thoughtful and kind people I’ve ever “I was getting very excited and so pandas (Catherine’s favourite animal), birth of a child on these pages, call mum,” says Stephanie.
met,” she says. “He is always were all my friends,” she says. The family dogs and a mini James in 020 7782 5583 or email: Lucas loves his swimming lessons
thinking of other people before ceremony for 120 guests was to take diving gear. He was born in the and music and “is the only person that
him. He claims he is not a romantic place at Binham Priory, in Norfolk, a Bahamas, where his father worked, appreciates his mum’s singing voice”.

The perfect gift ‘She has her father’s eyes

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Celebrate the arrival of PIPPA SUZANNE DRACOTT WAS BORN ON MAY 28, 2020,
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Call 020 7782 5583 or email
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 81

Readers’ Lives
Remembering loved ones

model maker
used for the In the 1980s Barry tookk hi
his cue
from New York and started to create
larger-scaled models of areas of

Olympic bid
London, such as London Bridge,
Broadgate and Canary Wharf. They
went down well with developers who
could show the context of their
proposed buildings and sell office
space off-plan. He was also one of the
first to invest in computer-aided
seafront. Barry took along another design and laser-cutting machines,
Barry McKeogh, 72 high-quality, intricately designed automating some of the more
model, which became the focal point mundane aspects of model making
It was in the aftermath of the 1990 of a large London stand and it caught and revolutionising the speed of
financial crisis that the model maker the attention of investors, developers, production.
Michael Finbar McKeogh, known as politicians and city thinkers. This time In the 1970s Barry met Joanna
Barry to his friends, rolled the dice it brought together the Square Mile Marbaix, a proofreader at Penguin
that would change his professional and Canary Wharf, areas that, while Books, and they raised four children:
life. When the property industry went in competition at home, presented a Amélie, who is the head teacher of a
into free fall, his model-making united front overseas to compete with junior school; Mary who works for a
business Pipers, which he bought in Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Dublin photographic hire business; and Nick
1977 and had grown to 50 employees, and Madrid and the like for and Patrick who, respectively, run the
was in danger of going bankrupt. international investment. events and exhibitions-based
Pipers had hitherto taken By the late 1990s London’s world company New London Architecture
commissions of individual buildings city status was enhanced by further and Pipers.
but Barry’s new “big idea” — one of global investment, as well as the Barry went on to chair the annual
several during the course of his creation of the Jubilee Line extension London Festival of Architecture,
career — was to make a larger-scale and National Lottery funding. The sponsored young architects on trips
model. He invested all his savings into demand for a central London model to Mipim to meet developers and
creating a 1:500 replica of the grew. The first, made of wood, was Barry McKeogh bought the Pipers business when he was 28 and produced backed the London Real Estate
City of London. Its point was built in 1997. large-scale models of London, top right, that developers could show to clients Forum, a London version of Mipim.
primarily to keep his team in work Barry’s later work was used to A popular figure and a bon viveur,
but it also showcased the way the support London’s Olympic and Killaloo, Co Clare, and his father accountancy at South Bank he had time for everyone and took an
City was changing since the big bang Paralympic Games bid. A model of Michael established Mullally’s, one of University in London. However, he optimistic view where others may
of 1986. His timing turned out to be the proposed Olympic Park was taken the largest suppliers of bread in fell for the capital, particularly its have had doubts. London never lost
spot on. by Sebastian Coe to the Athens Ireland. The family were comfortably pubs and clubs, and failed to return to its appeal and one of his favourite
Competition for inward investment Games in 2004 and an updated off and Barry’s mother, Afric (née Ireland. It remained a source of pastimes was to walk through the
between global cities was starting to version of the central London model O’Brien), spent much of her time as disquiet with his parents and the streets of the City of London where
take off and in 1992 the model was was created, extending into East ladies’ captain of the local golf club. family business died out with the he could view its changing skyline. He
used as the centrepiece at the London. An expanded version Barry went to St Finian’s College, death of his father. enjoyed the juxtaposition of the old,
Architecture Foundation’s City was created in 2015 to take in Mullingar, where, along with his older On graduating Barry took a starter such as St Paul’s Cathedral, alongside
Changes exhibition at the Royal development to the west such brother, he was expelled for being role in the finance department of Aer the new, including his favourite, the
Exchange. The exhibition showcased as Old Oak Common, Earls Court caught in an adjacent girls’ school. He Lingus but it was in a subsequent role, wedge-shaped “Cheesegrater” in
21 schemes representing the future of and Wembley. was sent to a Catholic boarding at the construction company Fergus Leadenhall Street.
the City and included proposals by The thrill of London, including its school to “teach him manners”, and and Haines, when he came across its
architects such as Richard Rogers, skyline, never palled for Barry, who excelled at Gaelic football and rugby clients John Piper in Kingston upon
Norman Foster (who had yet to build had been raised in Mullingar, Co union, captaining both teams. He was Thames. The architectural model-
in the City) and Michael Hopkins. Westmeath, and moved to England also the Irish teenage triple-jump making business was in trouble and,
If you would like to commemorate
At about the same time a real estate when he was in his late teens. champion. instantly hooked, Barry grabbed the the life of a relative, friend or
event, Le marché international des He was born in Cork in 1949, the Yet by the late 1960s he was ready chance to take on its debts, change colleague, call 020 7782 5583 to
professionnels de l’immobilier, or second of six children, and hailed for adventure. It was hoped that he the name to Pipers and move it up to discuss the content and cost, or
Mipim, had launched in Cannes in a from a profitable baking dynasty. His would follow his father into the Clerkenwell to be nearer the offices of email:
disused multi-storey car park on the grandfather owned a large bakery in baking trade, and he studied London’s architects. He was 28.

Rugby winger and flamboyant dresser who worked in set design

Middlesex Cup and the Middlesex did not go unnoticed by Arsenal, shop, where he knew every customer
Pat Kamara, 63 league. “He set the standards, Tottenham Hotspur and and which team they supported. In
enforced the discipline and did this Southampton, whose scouts came 1993 he spent a year at Ruskin
Usually with a grin spread wide with an enthusiasm that was calling. By the age of 18, he had College, University of Oxford,
across his face, the rugby winger Pat infectious,” the former Finchley club chosen rugby over football, playing studying English and Irish literature.
Kamara was recognisable on the pitch president Carl Elliott said. By the time for Finchley’s Colts from where he His final position was as a “diamond
for the grace and power with which Pat hung up his first-team boots in progressed to represent Middlesex at runner” in Hatton Garden but he was
he would weave through defenders 1990, the club had also competed in county level and gain selection for laid off after ten years because he was
before implementing his deft the national Pilkington Cup for the England’s under-19 side. finding difficulty in communicating
“sidestep” — a manoeuvre that never first time. With as good an eye for design as with the clients.
failed to trip up the opposition — to Patrick Kamara was born in 1957 in he had for a ball, Pat got into Chelsea In 2016 an MP friend took Pat on
plant the ball over the try line. Barnet, north London. His father, a College of Art and Design and on as his researcher and to help run the
At Saracens, a team who were government official from Sierra graduating moved into set design for Commons and Lords rugby club, but
struggling when he joined in 1980, Pat Leone whom he never knew, had the English National Opera. At within a year Pat was diagnosed with
established himself as a prolific try- accompanied Pat’s unmarried mother, parties and weddings he struck a primary progressive aphasia, a rare
scorer. On his first-class debut he Hilda, to Britain to deliver the baby. flamboyant note in red cords, tweed form of dementia that robs sufferers
managed a brace against London He then returned to west Africa to jacket, green gilet, purple shirt and tie of the ability to relate to people.
Welsh and had ten in the bag by avoid a scandal since Hilda came and Gucci loafers. “Style, folks,” In a lifetime spent encouraging
Christmas. A couple of years later he from a lower social background. he would announce, “style never others, Pat had gathered a large
moved to Wasps, part of an astute Pat Kamara joined Saracens in 1980 Within six weeks Hilda, unable to takes a holiday.” crowd of friends, and so frequent
recruitment drive by the club that at cope, handed Pat to Irish foster Pat’s intention was to devour as were the visitors in his final days —
the same time brought the England he was club captain in 1988, that his parents, Sidney and Edna Crook. much of life as he could. His career many of whom remembered him for
trio Nigel Melville, Huw Davies and can-do attitude and sheer chutzpah They lived in Barnet and had four included organising arts and film his beaming smile and infectious
Nick Stringer in at scrum half, fly half came to the fore and he guided the other adopted children. festivals, writing for the Edinburgh Sid James laugh — that his care
and full back. club to the double. Finchley was the In his mid-teens Pat started playing Fringe, painting and decorating and home manager had to ration the
Yet it was at Finchley RFC, where first junior club to win both the football for Barnet FC, a talent that working in a Baker Street sandwich number of callers.
82 Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

Register 6 020 7782 7553
Births, Marriages and Deaths
REMEMBER that the Sabbath Day Marriages HATSWELL Dorothy Ann (née Sayer)
Church is taking
action on racism
belongs to me. You have six days when you died peacefully on 4th February 2022,
can do your work. Exodus 20.8-9 (CEV) MR D. J. MENDEL aged 87. Greatly missed mother of Philip, Michael Jon died peacefully on 15th
AND DR W. H. E. SWEET Stephen and Anne, and grandmother to January 2022, aged 80. Beloved
The marriage took place on 4th January Kate, Andrew, Hannah, James, Beth, husband of Marcia, loved father of
2022 at the Pump House, Battersea Park, George and Lucy. Funeral at All Saints, Nicholas and Hayley and Grandfather
London SW11, between David James Crawley Down, at 1.30pm on 8th March. of Olivia and Archie. He will be greatly
Births Mendel and William Henry Etienne Sweet. Family flowers only. Donations to Kit missed by friends and family. justice report. It was
BLACKFORD on 11th January 2022 to
Edwina (née Reid) and Christopher, a son,
Wilson Trust. Credo presented by Lord Boateng
Angus George Theodore Hamilton, brother Deaths JUDGE Erika (née Leiter) died peacefully WEST Arani Sen who chairs the racial justice
to Margot and Hector. BOSWELL Christopher James on 29th on 8th February 2022, aged 96. John Stephen de la Warr died task force. He described the
January 2022 aged 56, suddenly at home. Much-loved wife of Robert (d 2002), peacefully on 21st January 2022, aged
DAVIS on 25th January 2022 to Rachel Dear son of the late Mr and Mrs James mother of Susan (d 2018) and grandmother 77, at Robertson Nursing Home, failure of the Church of
(née Ross) and Christopher, a daughter, Isla Boswell of Glasgow and Stewarton, brother of Basilio. Private funeral service. Godalming. Beloved husband of England to act meaningfully
Katherine, sister to Nathaniel and Edward. Christine, dearly loved father of
of Margaret and Jeanne, nephew of Alan
LAWSON Russell Edward Mackay died James and Tim.
on its 25 past reports on
and father of Christopher. The funeral will
GORDON-FINLAYSON on 1st February be held at 2pm on Monday 28th February February 1st 2022, aged 78. All enquiries to racial justice as “chilling, it is
CS Boswell on 01865 553737.
2022 to Alice (née Hutcheson) and Peter, a
son, Rupert Robert, brother to Edward.
at South Lanarkshire Crematorium. Funeral at St Nicholas’ Church,
Compton, Guildford, GU3 1EG, on
wounding, it is a scandal, and

DUTHIE Sir Robin peacefully on 1st LEE Michael, born 1932, died February Friday 25th February at 11 am. ast week a young it has to be addressed”. It is
MUNDELL on 1st February 2022 to February at Inverclyde Royal Hospital, after 2nd 2022. Author, sociologist and Indian-Sri Lankan time for action, and action
Catherine (née Easton) and Oliver, a historian. His well-researched academic No flowers but, if wished, donations
daughter, Rose Elizabeth Dorah, sister to
a short illness. Beloved husband of Noel
much-loved Dad (and Dad-in-law) to David works were his life long passion. made payable to Macmillan Cancer curate, serving in a means change.
Isla Margaret. and Jan, Peter and Liz and Sue and Mark. Remembered with love Joy, Matthew Support c/o J Gorringe & Son, 55 Hare large west London As the archbishops have
adored (and adoring) Grampa to Gaynor, and Helen Ln, Godalming GU7 3EF. church, came to see made racial justice a priority,
Forthcoming Marriages Michael, Jack, Ria, Gordon and Harry and
me. He came because I was I am hopeful for a national
Great-Grampa to baby Remy. After a
MCCREATH Alistair William passed WHITE Colin died peacefully on 26th
MR H. A. ZANIN private committal, a service of January 2022 aged 89. Much-loved the first Indian priest he had church that is truly for all its
AND MS C. L. BALDWIN remembrance for a long and happy life away on 30th January 2022, aged 73.
The engagement is announced between will be held at Greenock United Reform Beloved husband of Julia, devoted
husband to Joy, father, grandfather and seen in the UK. I found this people. In my book Holy
great grandfather. A family ceremony will
Hernan, son of Dr Adriano Zanin and Church, George Square, Greenock at noon father of Isobel and James, proud
be held at the Memorial Woodlands truly disconcerting. After all, Spirit Radicals I elucidate
grandfather of Alexander and Thomas and
Graciela Galarza de Zanin of Formosa,
Argentina, and Claire, daughter of Dr
on Saturday 19 February to which
friend to many. Funeral in Worcestershire
Bristol. No flowers but donations Indians are visible in most how the first recorded
everyone is warmly invited. Family gratefully accepted by Parkinson’s UK,
Richard and Mrs Jean Baldwin of Hartfield, flowers only please and a retiral collection on 24th February 2022, followed by a
sectors of society so why are church, in Antioch, had a
East Sussex. will be in aid of Greenock Medical Aid memorial service in London later in the
year. Family flowers only but donations if
we not visible in the church? I very culturally diverse
Society. WHITE Neville Mervyn on 31st January cannot turn on my television leadership, as they set out to
MR J. L. S. DINEEN desired to the BBA in his memory. All
2022 died peacefully at home, aged 89.
enquiries to EJ Gumery & Son. Tel: 01905
Beloved husband of Sheila and father of without seeing a presenter of disseminate Jesus’s Great
Mark and Charles. He is greatly missed by colour. The church is far Commission, making
The engagement is announced between John, former district valuer and
us all. The cremation will be on Tuesday behind other sectors. disciples of all nations.
Julian, elder son of Mr and Mrs Barry valuation officer for Torbay, died on PELHAM Michael Alan died peacefully at 22nd February 2022 at Easthampstead
Dineen of Totland Bay, Isle of Wight, and 31st of January 2022.
Dearly loved husband of Rosemary,
home on 2nd February 2022, aged 95.
Park Crematorium. Should you wish to Visibility is important. In my own diocese of
Clementine, only daughter of Ms Jilly de la Former choral scholar of King’s College
Poer Beresford of Kingscote, loving and proud father of Phil and Cambridge. Greatly loved by his wife,
make a donation to a charity we care When I was vicar of a church London 40 per cent of those
about as a family, please visit
Gloucestershire. Chris, Grandpa John of Jessica and Lucy, his children Charles and Laura, and in Leeds the congregation recommended for ordained
Adam and Great-Grandpa John of his grandchildren Henry, George and Ava.
LT M. A.I . COSBY RN, Rocco. Private family funeral. Thanksgiving
nevillemervynwhite was transformed from being vocations are from ethnic
AND MISS R. E. M. BISHOP Service at Beaulieu Abbey to be largely white to a diverse mix minority heritage. This gives
The engagement is announced between FENNYMORE Peter, loving and beloved announced. WILSON Enid May (née Gale) on 29th of more than 18 nations. hope to the church. I only pray
Lt Maxwell Cosby RN, son of Capt Richard husband of Jacqueline and father of
Cosby LVO RN, of Wambrook, Somerset, Rupert, died at home in Godalming at the
January 2022, aged 102. Peacefully at Research has shown that that when they look for posts,
Hurstwood View care home. Widow of
and Mrs Catherine Cosby, of Switzerland, age of 72 after a short illness. Peter was PYE Nigel Lindsay died suddenly on Andrew; mother of Helen (Tarnoy), John, growth in cultural diversity is they will not encounter
and Rosanna, daughter of Mr and Mrs 28th January 2022, aged 76, while on
Charles Bishop, of Great Braxted, Essex.
brother to three sisters, Carol, Pauline and
holiday. Beloved husband of Hilary, dearly
Jane (Chandler, deceased) and Tony; a key factor in numerical unconscious bias because of
Janet, brother to John, who died in 2021, grandmother of 13 and great-grandmother
and a lifelong friend and bookselling loved father of Matthew and Alex and a of 29. Funeral at Wealden Crematorium at
growth in the Diocese of their country of origin,
MR N. HARRISON partner of Theo Zinn (1922-2015). Peter was devoted and loving grandpa to Olivia. 11am on 21st February. Family flowers only, London. By being visible, we accents, names and skin
AND MISS A. CRAWFORD not granted the time to read all the books Forever in our hearts. Funeral service will
The engagement is announced between he was expecting to get round to reading. take place in the West Chapel of the
but donations to the RNLI would be
become role models; our colour. The report highlights
Nicholas, older son of Mr Michael Harrison His extensive library leaves a memorial to Cambridge Crematorium on Wednesday experiences provide empathy that theological education
and Mrs Elizabeth Harrison of Leeds, and 23rd February at noon. No flowers please,
Anna, elder daughter of Mr Paul Crawford
his insatiable appetite for books. Service on
but donations, if desired, in memory of General Announcements and solidarity. We show other institutions are tackling racial
February 23rd in Surrey and online.
and Mrs Fiona Crawford of Cambridge. J Gorringe & Son Funeral Directors. 01483 Nigel, to the Arthur Rank Hospice PRODUCT-DEVELOPER SEEKING people of colour that church justice proactively, to prepare
416403 Or contact: ( SUPPORT Registered UK patent and leadership, lay and ordained, clergy for ministry in a rapidly
MR A. M. E. GEVARGIZ or 01483 319149.
AND DR G. D. HIGBEE RAMSDEN Ivor Basil peacefully at
trademark owner requires workshop with
adjoining field for prototype testing of
is attainable. changing, diverse nation.
The engagement is announced between GILES Christine Anna Johanna (née von home with his family on 3rd February, air-sport and leisure concept. Inventive From Lament to Action, the People of colour in the
Mr André Michael Edward Gevargiz of aged 92. Dearly loved by his late wife
Bedfordshire, England, and Dr Genna
Alten) on 3rd February 2022, aged 80.
Dearest wife of the late Roy, former head Carola, their children and grandchildren.
step (USP) to build on, also other potent archbishops’ anti-racism church often feel they are
revenue streams. Business and
Doreen Higbee of Ohio, USA. The marriage master of Highgate School. Mother to Family funeral. A thanksgiving service entertainment representation also sought task force report, published hidden figures, as in the film
will take place at Holy Name Cathedral in
Chicago, Illinois, on 26th August 2022. It
Caroline, Andrew (deceased) and Tim. will be held on Friday 25th March at St and hoping to pull in a team of scientific/art last year, highlights “an of the same name. After all,
Correspondence via WG Potter Funeral Mary’s Church Pembroke at 2.30pm. collaborators qua co-writer(s) and a film-
will be presided over by Father Andy Directors Tel: 01297 34283 or All enquiries to J Roberts & Son documentary crew. Willing to exchange
alarmingly retrograde trend” why are so few of us in senior
Matijevic and followed by a reception. 01646 683115. negotiable percentage(s) of future profit as the number of ethnic positions? A presumption of
for the right arrangement. If you would like minority diocesan bishops incompetence? In April the
to invest in this exciting venture please
email with a bit decreased to zero. When Archbishop of Canterbury
about yourself. Serious responses will be John Sentamu retired as conceded that the church had
acknowledged and those selected will Archbishop of York in June routinely “bullied,
receive further information. Thank you.
2020 there were no black or overlooked, undermined and
Acknowledgements Asian church representatives excluded” black clergy and
D. M. We would like to congratulate DM in the House of Lords or laity. He supports radical
on passing his CFA exams! We are very among the other diocesan proposals to name and
proud of all your achievements and are
excited to see what you will do next. From
bishops. Since then Guli address institutional racism.
a very proud Nonna, a handsome Gizmo, Francis-Dehqani has been Without a strategy to root
and all the family. appointed Bishop of out institutional racism, we
Chelmsford. She speaks cannot move forward.
Trustee Acts profoundly from her own From Lament to Action
experiences of persecution in rightly sets ambitious targets,
(DECEAsED) Iran. The Church of England such as 30 per cent of those
Late of 28 Westbrooke as the national church is by on senior leadership
Crescent Welling Kent DA16 1PU. default a prophetic voice to programmes to be people of
Died 08 May 2021. All claims under S27
Trustee Act 1925 to Joseph Venance the nation, challenging colour; similarly,
Anthony D'Souza Briar Bank injustice as did the Old representatives to the House
Stonehouse Road Sevenoaks Kent
TN14 7HN by 14 April 2022. Testament prophets. One sole of Bishops and co-opted
voice means there is still a members on to General
long way to go. Synod. This will make UK
Court Circular Two weeks ago two new minority ethnic voices heard.
bishops of colour were On the other hand, the task
consecrated at St Paul’s of one single racial justice
Cathedral — Lusa Nsenga- officer in each diocese will be
Ngoy as Bishop of Willesden rolling a stone uphill, unless
and Malayil Lukose Varghese the whole culture changes.
Muthalaly (known as Saju) as I am hopeful that this is not
Bishop of Loughborough. just another report but there
There was a real sense of must be much more
euphoria. What I noticed was intentionality, so that race is
Kensington Palace the very high number of not marginalised to the back
11th February, 2022
The Duke of Cambridge, President, clergy and lay people of of the drawer, pulled out
United for Wildlife, this morning colour celebrating with them occasionally to air, then the
witnessed the signing of the in solidarity. I hope this is a drawer slammed shut again.
Buckingham Palace Declaration by
Mr Paul Griffiths (Chief Executive turning point. Still, I observe
Officer, Dubai Airports) at Dubai that the visibility of senior The Rev Arani Sen is rector of
International Airport. clergy of colour is largely St Olave Hart Street in the City of
His Royal Highness this afternoon
arrived at Heathrow Airport, London, confined to London and London
from the United Arab Emirates. around, where much good
Ms Genevieve McCarthy and work is going on. Huge
Ms Edwina Iddles were in attendance.
swathes of the nation have no online
St James’s Palace representation. Church of England is warned on
11th February, 2022 On Tuesday the General racism: ‘We will hold your feet
The Earl of Wessex, Royal Honorary
Colonel, this morning held a Meeting Synod of the Church of to the fire’
for The London Regiment. England unveiled a racial
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 83

The Times Saturday Quiz Olav Bjortomt O Tempora! Crossword CCCXXXII by Balatro
A weekly crossword for the classically minded

1 The three official languages of

the Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation are English, French
20 1 2 3 4 5 6

Clues, which may
be straight or
mildly cryptic,
and what? always lead to
8 9
answers in Latin

2 Which container gives its name to a

list of things to do before you die?
10 11 12
February 1 was the first day of
3 the Chinese year of which feline
13 14
Allies, a statue in New Bond Street,
4 London, depicts Franklin D
Roosevelt and which prime minister? 16

17 18

Which colourless fruit brandy is

5 named after the French for
“water of life”? 19 20 21

Which Spanish archipelago

6 includes the islands of La Palma,
La Gomera and La Graciosa? 22

James Bond’s family motto

7 “Orbis non sufficit” is Latin for
which five-word phrase? Founded in Kansas in 1989, Which Gibraltar-born English
1 During the morning, in the
1 ____ ... aselli, ass’s ears
demonstrating Midas’s stubborn

“Barzini is dead. So is Phillip

13 which company produces
Vivosmart activity trackers and Fenix
19 golfer won the 1987 British
Women’s Open and 1997 US Women’s
forenoon (4,8)
8 Per virorum ora invenitur fama vel stupidity (vide Ovid
Met. 11.179) (5)
8 Tattaglia. Moe Greene. Stracci.
Cuneo” is a quote from which
GPS watches? Open?
sermo (5)
9 Crossroads, through which 8 flows
(vide Hor. Sat. 2.6.50) (7)
2 Hilly, montuosus, clivosus (9)
3 Wonderful to tell, eg Virgil’s
description of Cacus resisting
1972 film? In the book of Judges, which Which fish-eating crocodile 10 From the start Sallust gives us

Which American pop diva had

14 woman killed the Canaanite
army commander Sisera?
20 is pictured? humour (3)
11 Even here Martial’s poetry is
Hercules, (Aen. 8.252) (8,5)
4 ____ lineis, in straight lines — ruled,
9 1990s hit singles with Emotions,
Dreamlover, Without You and Fantasy? Which Scottish actor played Answers below right
celebrated, “dicitur et nostros
cantare ____ versus” (Epig. 11.3.5) (9)
maybe? (6)
5 “–––– –––– ––––, vivite laeti”; while
the fates allow, live happily

Which term, Italian for “noble

15 Lasar Opie in the 1968 TV play
The Year of the Sex Olympics?
13 Part of lex Sullae leads to exile (5)
14 Quadrupes tener mansuetus qui (Seneca, Hercules Furens 178)
10 floor”, is used for the main floor
of a Renaissance building? The phrase “l’art pour l’art” (art
Last week’s O Tempora! solution
Mariam ubique comitabatur (5)
16 Charioteers, agitatores, aurigae
— appearing to be Darius’s,
6 I bought, pro pecunia comparavi,
mercatus sum (3)

Which Flemish artist (c 1525-

16 for art’s sake) has been credited
to which French writer (1811-72)?
perhaps? (9)
17 Now, already (3)
7 Bleating — as 14 may be (6)
12 I obtain (dep.), reperio, deprehendo
11 1569) painted The Wedding
Dance, The Peasant Wedding and The Which author of the 1958 play
19 Abdo cum mistura; let me cover (1
sing. pres. subj.) (7)
13 Indeed, truly (lit. by Pollux!) vide
Plautus Aul. 730, quid agam ____
Peasant Dance? 17 The Party was born Norah
Patricia Morris in Pontypool in 1927?
21 Crooked (haud scelestus sed
curvatus) (5)
22 A chance occurrence, a freak,
nescio (6)
15 Charge (haud impetus sed
accusatio) (6)
Which Roman emperor
12 (d 117) was officially declared
by the Senate as optimus princeps 18 Which English driver won his
only Formula One world title
literally, a game of nature (see, used
in abl.+ gen., Pliny NH 14.42) (5,7)
18 I might be back with the harvest
20 At the centre of odium for a long
(“best ruler”)? in 1964? time! (3)

Times Crossword No 28,212 Suko No 3411

Times Crossword No 28,212
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 27 Gets all one can from fish drink
9 1 One gathers exercise stretches 29 Revolutionary yearning to get new
back (6) European state capital (8)
4 Hitch cables to rocks (8) 30 Both sides needing feet pruned on
10 11
10 Porcelain bottom of mug with my shrub (6)
area damaged (9)
11 Artist working in opera house Down
abroad (5)
12 13 14 12 Landlocked people being sensible 1 Carrier of some oak cask
keeping naval forces? (3,8) currently being returned (8)
14 Broadcast appearance (3) 2 Like his eagle, first Roman
15 Supporter of glass company plant emperor is this after October (5)
15 16 17 (7) 3 On the up, exist for a long time (3)
17 Young professional pup, one 5 Article in vicar’s home is jug for
working in yen and euro (6) beer supply (7)
18 6 Piano in broadcast Prom with a
19 Volume perhaps a couple of pints
over (6) forte designed to beat fiddles? (6-
19 20 21 21 Slowly filter into bar returning for 5)
a drinking session (5-2) 7 Isn’t able to tolerate changing key
22 23 A large, black religious garment for learner in singing piece (9)
(3) 8 Urge using tons for hours to Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
23 24 25 24 Fact fee fret funny further fruit? squeeze out under pressure (6) that the number in each circle is equal to
(11) 9 Criminal charge that is right for the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
26 I am back with friend in French weapon that is used to attack (6) and each colour total is correct.
city (5) 13 Choice of temperature in beer Solution MindGames in Saturday Review
supported by Esher’s last local (11)
26 27 28 16 Hint at introduction of absolutely Quiz answers 1 Arabic. 2 Bucket — as
1 stupid measure (9) in bucket list. 3 Tiger. 4 Winston
18 White wine is palest somehow Churchill. 5 Eau de vie. 6 Canary
bottled in southeast (8) Islands. 7 The world is not enough.
29 30 20 Turk’s short sentence that’s 8 The Godfather. 9 Mariah Carey.
overturned and finally annulled 10 Piano nobile. 11 Pieter Bruegel the
(7) Elder. 12 Trajan. 13 Garmin, formerly
A £20 Waterstones gift voucher will be awarded to the senders of the first five correct solutions 21 Only just see after pub (6) ProNav. 14 Jael. 15 Brian Cox.
opened on Thursday. Enter by post to: Times Crossword No 28,212, PO Box 2164, Colchester, Essex 22 Volunteers leading Royal Marines 16 Théophile Gautier. 17 Jane Arden.
CO2 8LJ, or by email to:, with “Crossword 28212” in the subject line. Open and Air Corps? This is on the way 18 John Surtees. 19 Alison Nicholas.
to 18+, UK & ROI residents only. Winners and solutions will appear on Monday week. 20 Gharial or gavial (Gavialis
25 Annoy a court, not very careful gangeticus).
Name/Address ................................................................................................................................................... about details (5)
............................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Bashful’s hot wearing Sleepy’s coat Quintagram answers 1 Heart 2 Patch
............................................................................................................................................................................... (3) 3 Prose 4 Emperor 5 Purple Rain.
saturday february 12 2022


Moment of truth
Scotland aim to win France face Ireland Randall gets chance
in Cardiff for first in a potential title to impress at scrum
time for 20 years decider in Paris half for England
2 1GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

It’s a tough call, but I expect

hat a match France term these days. What Ireland want is
versus Ireland HOW THEY LINE UP for the defence to bite in on those
promises to be. It forward runners so that the pass can
would be dangerous FRANCE IRELAND go to the fly half and open up space
to say that the M Jaminet 15 H Keenan and width to the attack.
winner of this game will definitely Perpignan Leinster The key is for the defence to make
win the Six Nations Championship D Penaud 14 A Conway good, sharp decisions. For instance, it
because we all know it is a Clermont Munster has been said that Wales’s Josh
tournament that throws up the
unexpected, and there will be another
three rounds after this one for
something like that to materialise. But
there is little doubt that these two are
G Fickou 13 G Ringrose
Racing 92 Leinster
Y Moefana 12 B Aki
Bordeaux Connacht
G Villière 11 M Hansen
Adams struggled at outside centre
against Ireland. He didn’t. It was the
decisions being made inside him that
were causing him problems, not his
own decision-making. It is crucial
the strongest teams in the Toulon Connacht that you line up on the outside
competition at the moment and the R Ntamack 10 J Carbery shoulder of the attacker, because then
winner today in Paris will be in pole Toulouse Munster you can push off and get to the player
position to lift the title and maybe A Dupont (c) 9 J Gibson-Park out of the back. If you line up on the
even take a grand slam. Toulouse Leinster inside shoulder, then that decoy
In many people’s eyes, Ireland were C Baille 1 A Porter runner will block you off.
more impressive than France last Toulouse Leinster These are small technical details
weekend, but we need to be careful J Marchand 2 R Kelleher that you simply have to get right,
about how we take that because, Toulouse Leinster alongside those key decisions. Wales
without being too disrespectful to U Atonio 3 T Furlong just did not get it right against
Italy, I’m pretty sure Ireland will not La Rochelle Leinster Ireland. The outside backs were often
be analysing how France played C Woki 4 T Beirne exposed because of the poor work by
against them too much. Instead, they Bordeaux Munster the forwards inside them. The French
will probably be poring over the P Willemse 5 J Ryan (c) forwards have a massive job on their
videos of their autumn matches Montpellier Leinster hands to get this right today.
against New Zealand and Argentina. F Cros 6 C Doris France will always produce X-factor
And we also need to be careful how Toulouse Leinster moments in attack, simply because of
we take that because Johnny Sexton A Jelonch 7 J van der Flier some exceptional offloading ability
is out of Ireland’s team this weekend allied to their huge physicality, but
and that is a huge blow.
Toulouse Leinster
G Alldritt 8 J Conan today it is their defence that will be so Romain
France got the job done against La Rochelle Leinster important. It was interesting that for
Italy, eventually scoring five tries, but
they were a little slow in getting REPLACEMENTS REPLACEMENTS
most of the first half against Wales,
Ireland used the pass out of the back
going, and that was probably to be
expected. They were the same in the
P Mauvaka
D Sheehan
to Sexton, but then in the second half
they started popping balls to the front
v Joey
autumn, only beating Argentina
29-20, then they dispatched Georgia
J-B Gros
D Bamba
C Healy
F Bealham
runners and it caused all sorts of
problems for the Welsh defence. It is
Lyons Connacht
41-15 before unleashing a superb R Taofifenua I Henderson why you have to practise reading On the surface, Romain Ntamack and
performance to thrash New Zealand Lyons Ulster those shapes in training and making Joey Carbery have a great deal in
40-25. A lot of their players, T Flament P O’Mahony those crucial split-second decisions. common. Both are young fly halves with
Toulouse Munster
particularly those at Toulouse, such D Cretin C Murray
Shaun will have been doing that all well-rounded games, identified as the
as Antoine Dupont, have not had a Lyons Munster week with France, I’m sure, although answer to their country’s play-making
lot of rugby, so the Italy match will M Lucu J Carty it will be interesting to see if Ireland problems. But where Ntamack has had a
have been ideal for them to blow Bordeaux Connacht run the same shapes and patterns decent bill of health and established
T Ramos R Henshaw
away the cobwebs. They will be ready. Toulouse Leinster with Joey Carbery, who is such an himself as one of the world’s leading
We also need to bear in mind that if exciting runner, in for Sexton at 10. fly halves, reviving France’s fortunes
any side in world rugby can produce Kick-off 4.45pm. Referee A Gardner The other aspect to consider is the in the process, Carbery has been
an emotional peak for a specific (Aus). Assistants B O’Keeffe (NZ), speed of the ruck ball that Ireland beset by injuries since his
weekend, then it is France. They C Evans (Wales). were able to create against Wales. It is Ireland debut in 2016.
usually have a couple of them a TMO B Whitehouse (Wales). because the Irish players are so That this is Carbery’s first
season and you suspect they will be efficient at clearing out rucks. Six Nations start is an
reserving such energies for this They were very good at this under indication of his disrupted
match. Shaun Edwards was always Joe Schmidt, when they made more career, not his talent,
very good at getting our Wales teams WHY DEFENDERS MUST carries per game (it was nearer 200 and his match-up with
up for matches against Ireland, so I STAY ON OUTSIDE carries then, but is more like 150 Ntamack is a fair
can imagine that he has been doing SHOULDER now), and it is still the same now, with fight. Both are natural
exactly the same this week. the Leinster influence very evident. runners who can pass
I was watching Ireland dismantle Run without ball Pass If you watch any Irish carry in well, kick adeptly and
Wales last weekend and putting today’s game, then I’m sure that there play flat to the line —
myself in Shaun’s shoes as the defence 1 will be a support runner within one whoever does so to
coach of France, and thinking about metre of him. You simply cannot greatest effect tonight is
how I could stop Ireland. INSIDE SHOULDER afford any separation and that was likely to decide the outcome of
They were superb. They were the option Wales’s problem last weekend. As the Six Nations.
perfect example of how to combine soon as an opposition player has his

physicality and skill at international hands on the ball, the damage has
level. Often you see teams playing Pa been done, because it then requires
with much more of one than the ss one or two other players to clear him
other — for instance, South Africa off the ball and there is an imbalance
are at the extreme end of the Tight defence sets up on inside shoulder
in the number of attacking players
physicality scale, and sides such as of forward decoy runners. When scrum against those defending. Shaun calls a “defensive try” because for specific games, so it will be
Scotland a few years ago and, on half moves ball in behind to fly half, Recently, I was on a Zoom call with the defence was the source of the try. fascinating to see what happens in
occasions, Australia were at the skill defenders are blocked from getting the Crusaders in New Zealand, He would certainly have enjoyed that. this battle of Ireland’s attack against
end of that spectrum, but Ireland wide by the decoys talking about the breakdown and I cannot wait to see what happens France’s defence.
were so impressive in mixing the two. sharing some ideas. We agreed that from a tactical point of view. Do How will it go? It will be tight.
I can see the drills Shaun will have 2 OUTSIDE SHOULDER there are three key things you are Ireland change up what they did Remember that Sexton drop-goal to
been doing in training. He will want trying to do when competing against Wales? Have they got win the match in Paris four years
to shut Ireland down in the first three defensively. Number one is to steal something else up their sleeves, ago? It could be that close again,
phases to force them to go into the air the ball. Number two is to try to steal especially with Carbery now there? although Sexton’s absence makes a

with kicks. The way to do that is to be players, meaning that you force the Will they play to their frontline massive difference. If I had to put my
totally dominant in the collisions, opposition to commit too many runners in the first half and then go money anywhere, simply because
something Wales just could not do. players, as Wales did. And number out of the back in the second half? France are at home, I would go with
Shaun will also have been drilling three is to steal time by slowing the Will Shaun encourage his players to them to reach one of those emotional
the French players to deal with Tight defence starts on outside ball down. be ridiculously aggressive at the peaks again. Ireland were magnificent
Ireland’s attacking formation of three shoulder of decoy runners and when France will surely be mindful of breakdowns in order to compete, or last weekend, but Wales made them
frontline runners, who are forwards, scrum half moves ball to fly half, they these points. One of their tries against will he be more interested in them look that good because of their lack of
with the fly half hiding behind them are able to bounce past decoys and drift Italy was created by a counter-ruck filling the frontline with 14 players? physicality. France will not do that.
for the pass out the back, as is the to cover wide attack from Gabin Villière. That is what You can change those sorts of things They will match them physically.
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 1GG 3

The Scrum

France to edge titanic clash

Cameron Woki Classy Carbery has
v Tadhg Beirne
Joe Schmidt’s reluctance to trust the lock-
cum-flanker Tadhg Beirne should have
chance to step out
of Sexton’s shadow
been a warning for the conservatism that
overtook his tenure in charge of Ireland.
Beirne — despite his excellence around
the park — never seemed to fit. But under
Andy Farrell, he has flourished. Cameron
Woki, another of those new archetypes informed the youngster that he had a
the No 6/No 5, has delicate hands and
great athleticism. Against the All Blacks in
Munster fly half has great future — as a full back.
Joe Schmidt, then the head coach,
November, he took the great Sam shone in cameo roles – needed a second No 10, however, and
Whitelock-Brodie Retallick partnership to so engineered it that Carbery moved
task. At the Stade de France tonight, he in Paris today he’s the to Munster, where he would be
guaranteed regular starts. Before he
faces another, in Beirne, who conquered
New Zealand; their fight, on the floor and leading man, writes left, Carbery managed to win a
in the air, will be vital. Peter O’Reilly double with Leinster and make four
appearances off the bench during
Ireland’s grand slam of 2018.

he line of contenders to Incidentally, the only game in which
succeed Johnny Sexton as he stayed on the bench was at the
Ireland’s first-choice fly Stade de France, where Sexton landed
half has lengthened over that famous last-ditch drop-goal.
recent years. After Paddy There were enough glimpses of
Jackson came Ian Madigan, and more Carbery’s immense potential, though.
recently there have been auditions by While Sexton was off the pitch at
Jack Carty, Billy Burns and the Byrne Twickenham in the slam-clinching
brothers, Ross and Harry. game, he electrified Ireland’s attack.
Then there is Joey Carbery, who The next season, at Murrayfield, he
wears the green No 10 jersey at the again came off the bench to create a
Stade de France this afternoon. That memorable try for Keith Earls
this is Carbery’s first Six Nations start, through his pace, vision and handling.
more than five years after he made The general expectation was that
his international debut, says as much Carbery would oust Sexton after the
about the 26-year-old’s misfortune World Cup in 2019. But he aggravated
with injury as it does about Sexton’s a pre-existing ankle problem in Japan
enduring excellence. and then suffered a wrist injury. All
In the list of contenders, Carbery told, he went 13 months without
always stood out as the most playing a game and when he did
naturally gifted player, the one with return, the old strut was missing.
the greatest star quality. Today should “Getting back into rugby has been a
reveal whether he can still fulfil his
considerable potential.
One of his advantages was to grow HEAD TO HEAD
up in Dargaville, New Zealand, where
the basic kick-pass-catch rugby skills Drawn 7
were ingrained early, as a fact of
everyday Kiwi life. After his family Ireland France
relocated to Co Kildare, Carbery won 35 58
a Leinster Schools Senior Cup medal
at Blackrock College, the famous
rugby nursery. As preparation for life
in Leinster’s academy, Blackrock was Played
the ideal finishing school. 100
He played at full back in that
Blackrock side, with Hugo Keenan on lot harder than getting over the
the wing. Leinster viewed him initially injury, to be honest, because you’re
as a scrum half. That versatility is one out for so long,” he said.
reason why he suits Andy Farrell’s Farrell kept faith in him, though,
new multi-skill, multi-option game. and in November Carbery kicked the
One highly respected judge three penalties that steered Ireland to
identified fly half as Carbery’s best a 29-20 victory over New Zealand.
position, however. In the summer of “Joey’s got proper balls,” Andrew
2016, Leinster invited Graham Henry, Conway, his team-mate, said.
a World Cup-winning coach with Carbery has surely had enough of
New Zealand, to spend a couple of living in Sexton’s shadow. That was
weeks with them in an advisory the fourth time he had replaced him
capacity. When Henry saw Carbery in in Tests against the All Blacks. Today
action, he turned to Leo Cullen, is his 29th international appearance
Leinster’s head coach, and said: “Well, but only his tenth start. Playmakers
there’s your next No 10.” do not exist to play back-up.
FIXTURES, RESULTS AND HOW THEY STAND The first time that I saw him play He could not be less feisty or
was in October of that year, against further from Sexton temperamentally.
P W D L F A B Pts Fixtures March 11 Castres in the Champions Cup at the When the media tried to elicit some
Today Wales v France 8pm, BBC RDS. The French side featured a sense of apprehension before this
France 1 1 0 0 37 10 1 5
19-year-old Antoine Dupont. If you’d huge test of character and skill, they
Ireland 1 1 0 0 29 7 1 5 Wales v Scotland 2.15pm, BBC March 12 been asked to pick the future World were largely disappointed. “I’m just
Scotland 1 1 0 0 20 17 0 4 France v Ireland 4.45pm, ITV Italy v Scotland 2.15pm, ITV Player of the Year that day, you’d have delighted to be back playing, to be
England 1 0 0 1 17 20 1 1 Tomorrow England v Ireland 4.45pm, ITV chosen the Leinster fly half, for the back out there injury free, to be going
Italy v England 3pm, ITV ease with which he skipped and into such a big game,” he said.
Wales 1 0 0 1 7 29 0 0 March 19 accelerated past attempted tackles. Farrell should also be delighted.
Italy 1 0 0 1 10 37 0 0 February 26 Wales v Italy 2.15pm, BBC A month later, in the week of his Sexton’s absence reduces Ireland’s
Scotland v France 2.15pm, BBC Ireland v Scotland 4.45pm, ITV 21st birthday, Carbery made his Test chances of winning today and
Results England v Wales 4.45pm, ITV France v England 8pm, ITV debut against New Zealand in therefore reduces their grand-slam
Ireland 29 Wales 7 Chicago, appearing off the bench with hopes. But the goal for this group is a
Scotland 20 England 17 February 27 Radio coverage on BBC Five Live and 20 minutes left and guiding Ireland to first World Cup semi-final and for
France 37 Italy 10 Ireland v Italy 3pm, ITV Sports Extra a historic win. It was around that that, Farrell needs more than one
time, only half in jest, that Sexton playmaker. Step forward, Joey boy.
4 2GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

Jones wants young

stars to blaze and
bench to mimic Ali
more dynamism and direction. Given
HOW THEY LINE UP licence, this young team certainly
ALEX have the potential to illuminate the
E Padovani 15 F Steward
Eternal City.
“We want to start fast and take the
Rugby Benetton Leicester Tigers game to them. We want to be
Correspondent F Mori 14 M Malins aggressive rather than play a pattern
Bordeaux Saracens style of rugby,” Jones said.

ddie Jones sounded more J Ignacio Brex 13 J Marchant “We feel that’s the way forward for
like Eddie Hearn as he Benetton Harlequins England and we want to take
named the England team M Zanon 12 H Slade opportunities. We didn’t against
to play Italy tomorrow, Benetton Exeter Chiefs Scotland and that was probably the
doing his best to promote M Ioane 11 J Nowell thing that disappointed me the most.
what should be a routine bout as a Benetton Exeter Chiefs “Joe is a good, strong runner. He
box-office spectacular. England, he P Garbisi 10 M Smith can hit the front line, which we
said, were on a revenge mission, Montpellier Harlequins missed last week. I haven’t seen Jack
desperate to atone for their defeat in S Varney 9 H Randall Nowell look this sharp since 2016.
Scotland last weekend with a brand of Gloucester Bristol Bears [Dombrandt and Smith] have
rugby that would “light up Rome” and D Fischetti 1 E Genge certainly got that understanding. Alex
spark out the Azzurri. Zebre Parma Leicester Tigers runs very good inside balls from
“We can only do that if we are G Lucchesi 2 J George Marcus. He’s got that understanding
really ruthless and if we have that Benetton Saracens of when to do it. They did it in
vision in our head of Muhammad P Ceccarelli 3 W Stuart training today and I’m sure that’s
Ali standing over Sonny Liston,” Brive Bath going to happen on Sunday.
Jones said, referring to that famous N Cannone 4 C Ewels “Dombrandt is not an orthodox
image from the 1965 rematch in Benetton Bath No 8 — he’s a free-running No 8. He
Lewiston, Maine. F Ruzza 5 N Isiekwe reminds me of Bobby Skinstad, as he
Ali won the fight with a first-round Benetton Saracens gets himself into good positions to
knockout, stunning Liston with his B Steyn 6 M Itoje attack. This is the sort of game that’s
“anchor punch” before towering over Benetton Saracens going to have a fair bit of space, so it’ll
his stricken opponent, urging him to M Lamaro (c) 7 T Curry (c) suit him. We think we’ll get a lot of Randall, of Bristol, will
fight on. That was the picture. Liston Benetton Sale Sharks kick returns. It is going to be our start at scrum half in
eventually climbed off the canvas but T Halafihi 8 A Dombrandt main source of possession so we need Rome while Nowell of
he had failed to beat the count and Benetton Harlequins to make sure we are really good And Exeter, inset, returns to
the referee waved off the fight. in the set piece we want to continue the England XV for the
Italy have been floored 33 times in REPLACEMENTS REPLACEMENTS our development of the maul and first time since 2019
E Faiva L Cowan-Dickie
a row in the Six Nations, so a Benetton Exeter Chiefs
scrum we started in Scotland.”
heavyweight contest this is not, but C Traoré J Marler This game gives England a chance

Randall ready to
Jones’s words were more than just a Benetton Harlequins to rediscover the zest that carried
sales pitch to attract new viewers, T Pasquali K Sinckler them through an undefeated autumn,
Benetton Bristol Bears
welcome though they would be. D Sisi O Chessum including a resounding win against
This was a message for his players Zebre Parma Leicester Tigers Australia and a victory over South
because England’s ringmaster needs a S Negri S Simmonds Africa, the world champions, that
Benetton Exeter Chiefs
reaction. The defeat by Scotland was G Pettinelli B Youngs
they pulled from the fire.
England’s fourth in their past six Benetton Leicester Tigers However, England have to expect Care is the fisherman — throwing out
games in the Guinness Six Nations
and the public mood, so buoyant
A Fusco
Zebre Parma
G Ford
Leicester Tigers
not to have things their own way.
Italy are always prised open in the
Bristol Bears’ livewire bait to defences, luring them towards
him and then whipping the ball on
during the autumn, has begun to sink.
L Marin
E Daly
Saracens end but can be a tough nut to crack. scrum half will finally the gainline to Dombrandt, the big
Jones conceded his back-line France eventually pulled clear to a catch of the day, on a short line, or
balance did not work at BT Kick-off 3pm, tomorrow. TV ITV 37-10 victory last weekend but led get chance to impress out the back to the No 10 Smith,
Murrayfield, where an array of ball- 11-10 just before the interval. In 2020, coming round into the open waters.
players were unable to out-
Referee D Murphy (Aus). Assistants
A Brace (Ire), C Evans (Wales). England were only 10-5 ahead at the
on big stage in Rome, Randall has the instinct and the
manoeuvre Scotland’s impressive
defence. England danced around a lot
TMO B MacNeice (Ire). interval. England will need patience.
“It is not a festival game,” Jones
says Will Kelleher tap-and-go tempo game to do that
himself. Asked if he has studied the
without ever landing a punch to floor said. In six previous meetings under Quins way, he said: “My natural

Scotland, slipping into a pattern of between Dombrandt and Smith. Jones, England have scored 65 per f England are to really “light game has that kind of thing. I
possession without penetration. It was peculiar against Scotland cent of their tries in the second half. If up Rome” — Eddie Jones’s w
want to play with tempo and
Jones has sought to address that by that Dombrandt came on when Smith England are planning a one-two buzz-phrase of the week — I’ll look to do that at the
making six changes for England’s was withdrawn, for the Harlequins combination on the Azzurri, it is the then Harry Randall should be weekend. The No 9-No 10
return to Rome and a promise that pair operate on the same wavelength, bench who are being lined up to leave their firecracker scrum half. partnership is one of
the most inexperienced starting XV the No 8 reading lines and angles off Italy on the canvas. Supporters and pundits the most important
he has fielded in a Six Nations game his fly half as if they have been England have more caps among alike have been eager to on the field so it’s
will be given freedom to play to playing together since they were boys. their replacements (409) than in their see the pocket rocket, 5ft always good to
their strengths. The one missing element from the starting XV (347), with Joe Marler, 8in No 9 dovetail with connect with
As part of the back-line reshuffle, Harlequins model is the presence on Luke Cowan-Dickie, Kyle Sinckler, the born-to-run Marcus, train
Joe Marchant switches to outside Smith’s shoulder of a granite inside Sam Simmonds, Ben Youngs, George talents of Alex with him and
centre, Jack Nowell is back on the centre who fixes defenders or offers a Ford and Elliot Daly primed for a role Dombrandt and sit down
wing for the first time since 2019 and bailout option if the pressure floods in the last half-hour. Ollie Chessum, Marcus Smith in an with him off
Harry Randall starts at scrum half. through. Without Manu Tuilagi, the 6ft 7in flanker, will become the English back line. the field as
With Alex Dombrandt at No 8, England have no André Esterhuizen. latest back-rower to make his debut. Tomorrow w
well, just to
Marcus Smith retained at fly half and Marchant and Nowell will be “If you look at our squad we’re afternoon in Rome, gget those
Marchant at outside centre, the tasked with denting the Italian line. probably missing seven frontline Randall gets his co
connections right.
heartbeat of this England attacking Up front that responsibility will fall to players. We’ve got a very young and chance to prove that he “We want to
unit is from Harlequins, a team Maro Itoje— who has been named at inexperienced team starting, about can be the Danny Care start fast and get
founded on a concrete set piece but blind-side flanker, with Charlie Ewels half the number of caps you need figure in the outside p
points on the board
who thrive on playing heads-up coming into the second row — Ellis in your side to win a World Cup,” division. eearly. But it doesn’t
rugby. This line-up has a better Genge and Jamie George. Jones said. “The quality of our bench At Harlequins, the
balance. Randall can link it all In a stroke, England have outlined is testament to the strength of the relationship between Youngs must wait to
together, assuming the Danny Care a determination to rule the lineout, squad. The finishing eight will have Care, Smith, Dombrandt win a record-equalling
role as the intuitive, opportunistic, build on their impressive mauling the opportunity to be Muhammad Ali and Joe Marchant 114th men’s England
running scrum half operating game at Murrayfield and carry with standing over Sonny Liston.” borders on the telepathic. cap from the bench
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 2GG 5

The Scrum

Isiekwe back in
6ft 6in 6ft 6in

favour four years

after false start
an immensely powerful athlete, he
Saracens lock returns a established himself in Saracens’
starting line-up, but his career then
better player after first hit another bump in the road when
his club were relegated from the
Ruzza Isiekwe go at Test rugby lasted Gallagher Premiership for their
violations of salary cap rules.
6ft 2in 6ft 2in
only 36 minutes, writes While more experienced players
John Westerby such as Owen Farrell, Maro Itoje and
the Vunipola brothers, Billy and
Mako, stayed and played their part in

hen a coach thrusts a gaining promotion from the Greene
promising young King IPA Championship, Isiekwe
player into the realised that he needed to keep
crucible of playing Premiership rugby. Like Max
international rugby, Malins and Ben Earl, who went to
Braam Steyn Jamie George he has to be absolutely sure that his Bristol Bears, Isiekwe moved on a
46 62 charge is ready for what awaits him: one-season loan, in his case
the speed and ferocity of the game, relocating to Northampton Saints for
232 caps XV EXPERIENCE 347 caps the magnitude of the occasion, the the 2020-21 campaign.
fierce glare of public scrutiny. “With the situation we were in, the
AVERAGE WEIGHT Before the first Test against South best thing was for him to go on loan,”
BACKS Africa in Johannesburg in 2018, Eddie Shaw said. “His appetite to make the
14st 12lb 14st 1lb Jones thought that Nick Isiekwe was most out of that experience meant
ready to start an international match that he was always going to come
for the first time, against the back a better player.”
Springboks at Ellis Park. Rather than a setback, the change
Isiekwe had just turned 20 and had of scenery and the need to prove
made two previous appearances from himself to a new set of team-mates
the bench for England, against and coaches enabled him to make
Argentina and Samoa. another significant step forward.
Thirty-six minutes of helter-skelter “His attitude was exemplary, he
rugby at altitude was enough to make came in and didn’t bring any of
Jones realise he was wrong, and he Sarries with him, he was just
pulled Isiekwe from the fray before committed wholeheartedly in terms
FORWARDS half-time. Jones’s subsequent of Northampton,” Phil Dowson, the
17st 6lb 18st 11lb selections revealed that the England Northampton forwards coach, said.
head coach had misjudged Isiekwe’s “With loan deals, you sometimes
readiness for the international arena worry about that. But his desire to
HEAVIEST PLAYER by almost four years. The defeat by play week in, week out, regardless of
Pietro Ceccarelli Will Stuart Scotland at Murrayfield last week was how many knocks, bumps, bruises he
18st 13lb 20 st 11lb the Saracens lock’s first international had, says a lot about his character.
appearance since that sobering “The way we play, we gave him

up tempo of England attack

experience in Johannesburg. opportunity with ball in hand to try
But the way he returned to his club different things. He’s a phenomenal
after such a potentially wounding athlete, his jump and speed, for such a
experience in 2018, going on to help big man. He’s an absolute freak.”
Saracens to the Premiership and This season, back at Saracens, he
Champions Cup double the next has picked up where he left off. He
always come that easily.” Jones was “We’re going to have a little ups incident while swimming with the season, convinced those around him was not included in England’s
frustrated with England’s attacking and downs. But I’m really pleased at England squad last autumn. that he would make it back into original Six Nations squad,
execution last Saturday in Scotland the way the players have absorbed the He injured a hip flexor, so had to the international arena eventually. but he was called up when
— the head coach reckoned they lessons from Scotland and got watch as Sale Sharks’ 20-year-old “Everybody takes the hits, it’s Jonny Hill was ruled out
left 15 points out on the on with preparations for Raffi Quirke flourished as Youngs’ how you respond to it,” Joe Shaw, by injury and trained his
Murrayfield turf — and, Italy. Harry is a livewire back-up. “It was very frustrating,” the Saracens head coach, said. “For way into the starting line-
having dropped Elliot half back, he’s very good Randall, who plays for Bristol Bears, a young lad, to be that mature, up against Scotland, where
Daly to the bench,
brought in Randall for
Ben Youngs and Jack
Nowell to the wing,
TV Italy v England
in broken play. He’s got
a good solid pass on
him. And his kicking
game is improving.
said. “Fortunately I have got an
opportunity this week.”
Randall looks up to Youngs — who
will have to wait to win his 114th cap
that he was going to look at
himself, do what he could to
get better, it’s no surprise that
he’s now put in the
he packed down in the second row
alongside Itoje. In Rome
tomorrow, Itoje shifts to the back
row, and Isiekwe will be
moving Marchant to Rome, tomorrow 3pm “We see that certain off the bench, equalling Jason performances he has. partnered by Charlie Ewels.
outside centre, he TV ITV styles of play fit each Leonard’s English men’s Test “He’s been at the club since “He’s really worked hard on his
wants to see a change. Radio BBC 5 Live other and [ Smith and appearance record — and wants to he was 14. To come game this year, worked hard to
Jones knows that he Sports Extra Dombrandt] certainly show he can control a game like the through and achieve become a dominant
cannot just copy the have got that senior pro. “Ben has been a massive what he achieved lineout leader,” Shaw
Harlequins way, but needs to understanding. help to myself and the areas of my at such a young said. “He’s on
tap into their elixir. “We want to “Alex runs very good inside game I’ve been working on,” Randall, age makes us collisions both sides
be aggressive,” he said. “We balls from Marcus. He’s got 24, said. “It’s been awesome to have proud.” of the ball, he’s a
want to take opportunities that understanding of someone with that kind of experience It took really solid
as they come, rather when to do it.” to sit down, go through my game and Isiekwe time, character at the
than play a pattern
style of rugby. We’ve
really tried to create a
‘New England’ style of
Per cent tackle evasion by
Randall has had a
stop-start England
career so far. He was
called into the Six
see how he can help me in specific
areas. It’s always been an ongoing
work-on of mine to be able to control
games and that’s what’s been massive
inevitably, to
Jones that he
was ready to
highest level now.
“When it
comes to
defence, he’s
rugby, which is about Harry Randall in the Nations squad last for me working with Ben. return to sharp and if he
getting in position Premiership, the best of any year, ending Welsh “I definitely need to develop that international hits you, you
quickly — if there is scrum half to have faced hopes the Amman side of my game, but there’s many rugby. Equally k
know about it.
opportunity, let’s go to more than 30 tackles Valley-raised scrum half areas to the game and hopefully I can comfortable in the He’s a good footballer
that opportunity. would play for them. show a few of those.” second row or at for such a big man, he’s
“And let’s not wait for that to However, he injured an ankle England fans will hope that Randall blind-side flanker, and got soft touches, and
be built up by a pattern. It’s a little bit and missed the chance of his first cap. has his licence to thrill in Rome. at 6ft 6in and 18st 12lb the thing that’s scary is
different from what some of them That came in the summer, 6 Italy claimed their first Under-20 he’s only going to get
play at their club level so it takes alongside Smith, in the 43-29 victory Six Nations win over England last A loan spell at better.
some adjustment and it will continue against the United States at night, with a 6-0 victory in Treviso. Northampton “I think he’s realised
to take some adjustment. It’s not Twickenham, but then Randall was Nicolo Teneggi kicked a penalty in helped Isiekwe to this year just what he’s
going to be a linear progression. whacked by a paddleboard in a freak each half for the home team. develop his game capable of doing.”
6 1GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

Your guide to a mouthwa

How fly half can cut open Welsh centre channel How to disrupt French defence
A Finn Russell A
Age 29
Alex Cuthbert (W14), defending in the No 10 channel, has to With Joey Carbery (10) looping in behind
choose between hitting one of Scotland's forwards early or Position Fly half his centres, Jamison Gibson-Park (9)
holding off in case Finn Russell (S10) moves the ball in behind to Scotland caps 60 pas
passes to Bundee Aki (12), who is
one of the backs Club Racing 92 sup
supported by Garry Ringrose (13),
B Height 5ft 11in
leaving Ireland with four options
If Cuthbert commits to tackling one of the forwards, Weight 13st 7lb
Russell has space and time to move the ball in behind
to Sione Tuipulotu (S12) or fizz a wide pass to
Darcy Graham (S14). As the defence shifts
inwards, Owen Watkin (W13) is left
with more space to cover
in the outside centre

van der
Merwe Forwards readydy to 9
11 make the forwardrd
d ru
run Jamison
onto Russell’s pa
pass Gibson-Park
14 12
0 Alex Cuthbert Bundee Aki
Finn Owen
Russell Watkin 13
10 Ringrose

Joey Carbery
1 13
Stuart 11
McInally 8 Mack Ha
S t
12 Fagerson

14 B
Darcy First,
F st Aki can
ca come
c in on a short, hard line,
Graham the
e tthreat
eat of wwhich fixes France. Second, Aki
ca pass
can pas in n behind
be to Carbery. Third, Aki can
hit Ringrose
ose wwith a short pass, with the No 13
ng. Four,
carrying. ur, Ringrose can move the ball to
Key Ca
bery. When
Carbery. Whe executed well, the number of
Key Pass options
tions ope
open ccreates uncertainty in the
Possible pass French
Fre h defende
defenders, and if one of them jumps
Possible pass
ou of the
out t line,
line there
t is space to exploit

Russell can expose weak link Watkin Ireland have speed to h

genuine live option, you force Darcy Graham or Duhan van example. The scrum half
Owen Watkin, the outside der Merwe. SHANE Jamison Gibson-Park can set
centre, to make a decision
between biting on one of those
runners or keeping tabs on the
Victory for Scotland against
Finn has done it to me a
hundred times in training
down the years: you think
65 Tests
up with Bundee Aki coming in
close, supported by Garry
Ringrose, with Carbery looping
Former Scotland ball out the back. Wales at Cardiff in the Six you’re lining someone up for a for Ireland behind them. That leaves
captain Nations (2002)
The very best outside big shot, but then he sees it a Ireland with four options.
centres in the world, guys such mile off and puts the ball out The first is for Aki to carry,
as the South African the back. which is a powerful threat in
Lukhanyo Am, can manage
both at the same time and are 4 An alternative is for the
outside forward runner to take
itself, which will hold up the
tight defenders. Second, Aki

W hat Ireland did really able to react off the pass of the Matches unbeaten away from the pass, thus committing can pass out the back to

well last weekend — fly half, but I’m not convinced home for Scotland (v Italy Watkin, then he gives the ball ne area Ireland have Carbery. Third, Ringrose can
and what Scotland Watkin — who has not started Wales*, England and France) to Tuipulotu looping around. improved hugely in is run a short line off Aki.
will strive to replicate today — a Test since Wales’s victory Either way, the Wales defence the speed with which Fourth, Ringrose can look
was to isolate Wales’s outside over Scotland last year — is at is compromised and Scotland they are able to get back into wider and pop the ball back to
centre through quick ruck ball.
Scotland set up to play
multi-option rugby, so there is
that level.
Russell is a No 10 who is
perfectly adept at using his
The last time Wales lost their
are ready to pounce.
What Scotland have at the
moment is absolute confidence
their shape in attack. It is quite
sophisticated to be able to do it
quickly and I expect them to
Carbery. The aim of keeping
these options open is to create
a dogleg in the French defence,
always scope for the fly half, forward options, or he can opening two Six Nations in their system. use their big units as first if a defender jumps out of the
Finn Russell, to go out the throw one of those big flat matches (v Ireland and With all the chopping and receivers with Joey Carbery line — or an overlap out wide,
back as well as hitting one of passes to the inside centre Scotland) changing that Wales are doing looping around to expose if a defender is sucked in by a
his forward runners. When Sione Tuipulotu, or even *in Llanelli with their team, there have to France out wide. short runner.
every player in the picture is a straight to the wings to either be some weak links. Let’s use a set piece as an If Carbery receives the ball
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 1GG 7

The Scrum

atering weekend of action

Two kicks to unlock England
arry Ringrose
Age 27 Malins
P iti
Position C t
14 Freddie
Ireland caps 38 Steward
Club Leinste
Leinster 11 15
Height 6ft 3in Monty
Weight 14stt



Paolo Garbisi 14


The first cross-field kick from Jack Nowell (E11), the left wing, is pulled across
Hugo Keenan
Paolo Garbisi (I10) draws in to cover, leaving a large gap on England's left
the right wing, Max Malins flank. If Garbisi identifies this space, he must be
(E14), and the full back, quick and kick from the very next phase, with
Freddie Steward (E15), who Federico Mori (I14) chasing. Against Scotland,
covers across to England's Luke Cowan-Dickie was covering the left wing
w Conw
Andrew nway
Conway Key right. If Malins and Steward and was caught out, but Eddie Jones should
Pass are tied up by the carry of have identified this and could station a second
Kick Monty Ioane (I11), that row, such as Maro Itoje (E4), to field Garbisi's
creates space on the left second cross-kick

hurt French defence Garbisi must sway English pendulum

out the back, he can either run something that Italy should (it did not look pre-planned
through a dogleg or pass to look to replicate in Rome. because you can see him
Per cent win rate for Ireland
Mack Hansen, who has come
off his blind-side wing, with
Hugo Keenan, the full back,
England’s back three work in
a pendulum, with the idea that
there are two full backs alive at
Matches unbeaten for
frantically waving his arms to
receive the ball quickly that
second time).
against France in the Six and Andrew Conway, the wing, Two-times one time. Against Scotland, England against Italy in the Italy, and their fly half Paolo
Nations, their lowest against on the overlap. Lions captain Russell’s first kick to England’s Six Nations. England are the Garbisi, will have been looking
any side in the championship It should be emphasised that right sucked in both the right only side that Italy have not at pulling England across the
Ireland will also use this wing Max Malins and full back beaten in the championship field in this way. Although, as
12 template in open play, with the
likes of Tadhg Furlong
Freddie Steward, who both
missed tackles.
we saw with Russell,
succeeding with this tactic is
Assists by Antoine Dupont in stepping in at first receiver. That meant the left wing Joe
37 about identifying and reacting

the Six Nations, the most of And it is only a shell, which uke Cowan-Dickie was Marchant had to cover further to space.
any France player. He requires players to read and made to look a bit out of across the field than usual, Tries scored by England Equally, Eddie Jones will
surpassed Frédéric Michalak play what is in front of them. place when giving away leaving England with just one against Italy since Eddie have spotted an error in the
in round one Nevertheless, it is both the penalty try that cost full back, who simply did not Jones took over in 2016 system — because Cowan-
adaptable — because of the England the Calcutta Cup last have enough time to get back Dickie is a skilful player, but
Carries by Ireland against
number of options — and an
effective means of getting
really wide via only two passes.
weekend. But it was as much
the quick-thinking excellence
of Finn Russell, exploiting
to his position on the wing
before Russell kicked
immediately the second time.
Matches without a victory in
clearly defending high balls on
the wing is not a super-
strength. England could shore
Wales in round one, the most Plus, even if the Carbery loop England’s defensive system on If Scotland had played one the Six Nations for Italy, the up that flaw by stationing a
of any side. France (124 v isn’t on, the first receivers are the hoof with two consecutive phase it would have given him longest losing run by any side lock out there, who is used to
Italy) were second powerful enough to beat the cross-kicks as it was Cowan- that time, but Russell was in the Five or Six Nations taking kick-offs above his head,
gainline on their own. Dickie’s error, and it is brilliantly alert to the situation rather than a hooker.
8 2GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

‘I had time to grab a ball, then YOUR GUIDE TO ITALY

Matteo Minozzi, the Wasps and Italy

full back who is missing the Six
Nations after suffering a head injury,

fled Mugabe’s men – aged 8’

gives you the lowdown on his side’s
coach and key players:

Age 60, head coach
November was the first time I had
TULLIO PUGLIA/FEDERUGBY/GETTY IMAGES the opportunity to work with Kieran.
He seems like a really good coach.
Negri insists
After his family were that Italy are
He used to work with Canada, so he
has experience of a team that is
forced out of Zimbabwe, going in the
right direction,
similar to Italy and knows how to
put young players in and bring them
Italy’s struggles won’t despite their
defeat in Paris
up to international level in two to
faze Sebastian Negri, he three seasons. That is when Kieran
must be judged.
tells Mark Palmer MICHELE LAMARO
23, flanker

here have been plenty of I played with Michele when he won
tough days at the coalface his first cap in France, in November
for Sebastian Negri, the 2020, and also when he was captain
flanker who came into the for the first time, against New
Italy team right in the Zealand in November. At 23 he is
thick of their 33-match Six Nations young to be captain, especially
losing streak. Things are unlikely to when Sergio Parisse was our leader
get much easier tomorrow when for such a long time. He does not
England arrive at the Stadio talk a lot, but leads by example. He
Olimpico, but however empty the made 21 tackles against France,
game can sometimes make Negri feel, which shows how hard he works. I
he will never want for perspective. think he’ll be captain for a long time.
Now 27, the Benetton blind side was
only 8 when Robert Mugabe’s PAOLO GARBISI
henchmen arrived in the Negri 21, fly half
family’s pocket of rural Zimbabwe, We have a lot of good young players
intent on reclaiming land from white coming through but Paolo is on
farmers. Negri, his parents, brothers another level. He is only 21 but he
and sisters had to flee in the night, doesn’t seem to feel the pressure.
speeding away from their farm with Playing international rugby when I
the headlights off in a bid to avoid was younger, whenever I made a
detection. He had time only to “grab mistake I was angry. But he seems
the essentials”: a rugby ball and a very strong, he has a great
cricket bat. The next day, Negri’s mentality for a No 10. His kicking
mum, Diana, returned to try to and passing are really good, his
recover some valuables and was held footwork is fast. But his mentality is
hostage by these vengeful war the most impressive thing.
veterans for upwards of 12 hours.
“Thankfully the authorities and the
Italian embassy got involved and she field. Everyone has ups and downs, summer of 2016 during Conor people why we deserve to be in the that to happen.’ I gave him my jersey,
was released,” he recalls. “It was a but you have to try to be positive and O’Shea’s first tour in charge. Six Nations. People on the outside we had a good chat. Jack is a great
traumatic time for us all, but looking grateful for the little things.” The 6ft 4in Negri — on the bench will always have opinions, but we’re guy, we still keep in touch now. He
back on it, we were also lucky. A lot of The family were taken in by Negri’s against England tomorrow — now focused on getting respect back. knew I didn’t mean that. It is never
Zimbabweans lost a lot more than we paternal grandfather, Tommaso, who has 37 caps, which have brought half- “There is a lot of positivity in the my intention to hurt anyone.”
did — they lost their lives. years earlier had moved from his a-dozen wins: against Canada (twice), group. We’ve got a young team and Negri is closely linked to another
“The one big memory I have is native Milan to Zimbabwe to find the United States, Japan, Georgia and everyone is reaching in the same Zimbabwean-born back row, Dave
driving away from the farm, looking work. Janusz, Tommaso’s son, made Russia. He does not shy away from direction. We know that England are Denton, who won 42 caps for
out the back window and thinking, sure that junior was always well the awfulness of the run in which the going to be disappointed with how Scotland before being forced to retire
‘This won’t be a problem: we’ll be back aware of his Italian heritage, while Azzurri have been defeated in every things went against Scotland, so we’re because of the effects of multiple
in a couple of days, back to normal life’. from both these men and Diana, he Six Nations fixture since 2015, and expecting a tough, physical game. concussions. Diana is Denton’s
But I never saw home again. discovered something about the knows that external expectations are They’re going to want to put things godmother, while Denton’s own
“It’s always going to live with you power of the human spirit. minimal once more. The big aim for right themselves, so we expect an mother, Joy, has the same role for one
but I try to take everything in a “When you lose everything, you’ve Italy, is to avoid the humiliations of aggressive, physical team that really of Negri’s brothers. Despite the four-
positive way. I look up to my mum got to have family to support you, and the 2021 edition, when they shipped want to bounce back.” year age gap, the pair spent a lot of
and dad who sacrificed everything for the whole Italian side were there for an average of almost 50 points. In last year’s England fixture, Negri time together growing up.
us kids. I look at them and how they us.,” Negri says. “For me, it is so, so Judged in that context, last weekend’s was at the heart of the breakdown “He was a terrible golfer with a
bounced back from losing everything, special to play for Italy and represent 37-10 defeat by France in Paris was a incident in which Jack Willis suffered horrible slice,” Negri says. “Seriously,
the way they took on life and said, those people and everyone who step in the right direction. a serious knee injury from which he is he was such a competitive character, I
‘Yes something really bad has helped us. All I’ve ever wanted to do “Defensively for large parts of it we yet to fully recover. The episode knew he would go on to achieve good
happened, but that’s life sometimes. is make them proud.” were really good,” Negri says. “We brought renewed calls for the things. One of my best moments was
It’s how you bounce back and get on Negri finished his schooling in didn’t get our game going and didn’t “crocodile roll” to be banned, and playing against David [in Rome in
your two feet. If we can stay together South Africa before enrolling at play in the right areas of the field, so while Negri was quick to apologise to 2018]. Growing up, David was
as a family, everything will be fine.’ Hartpury College in Gloucestershire that’s something we have to work on. his fellow flanker on social media, the representing Scotland but also all of
“That’s the lesson I learnt. I was to study for a sports business But in general I thought there were a trolls still had a field day. us youngsters in Zimbabwe. He was a
very young, but the unity within our management degree. He captained lot of positives. Still, you look at the “Straight after the game, I went into massive role model of mine. As much
family and close friends was amazing. the rugby team to the BUCS Super scoreboard and we’ve lost by 27 the medical room at Twickenham to as we look at the negatives about
That’s something I try to carry League and Championship double, points, so there’s also massive speak to Jack,” he recalls. “I said, ‘I’m what happened, I have some great
forward in my own life and on the having made his full Italy debut in the disappointment. We want to show so, so sorry, I never meant for any of memories of growing up.”

Nadolo brace helps Tigers seal the double over Northampton

Alex Mitchell gave Saints an early London Irish staged a brilliant Africa last summer and was not
Gallagher Premiership lead before Nadolo’s double and a HOW THEY STAND second-half comeback to beat Bristol considered for Wales’s Guinness Six
Round-up Julian Montoya try put Leicester in Bears 49-32 at Ashton Gate. Nations squad. But the 86-cap
Nemani Nadolo scored two tries as charge. A Courtnall Skosan try put P W D L F A B Pts To complete a miserable night for forward, who will join Cardiff next
Leicester 15 13 0 2 448 263 9 61
the Gallagher Premiership leaders the Saints back in it but the Tigers led Saracens 14 9 1 4 480 254 11 49 the home side, the wing Siva Naulago season, could still be summoned by
Leicester Tigers completed the double 22-10 at the interval. Gloucester 14 9 1 4 377 319 9 47 was sent off in the 59th minute for a Pivac if his return to domestic action
over Northampton Saints with a Bryce Hegarty and Karl Wilkins Harlequins 14 8 0 6 353 314 11 43 head-high challenge. goes well.
Northampton 14 8 0 6 403 352 8 40
35-20 win at Welford Road. exchanged tries in the second half London Irish 15 6 3 6 386 384 10 40 The Wales No 8 Taulupe Faletau Faletau starts at blind-side flanker
Nadolo repeated his feat from the and Chris Ashton was shown a yellow Wasps 14 7 0 7 354 354 9 37 will begin his comeback from a long- against Wasps in Coventry, and the
Exeter 14 7 0 7 300 267 8 36
Tigers’ 55-26 victory in the reverse card on his Leicester debut but the Sale 14 6 1 7 307 297 6 34 term injury in Bath’s Premiership Bath head coach, Neal Hatley, said:
fixture, while Freddie Burns home side claimed the win to go nine Bristol 14 5 0 9 313 388 7 27 game away to Wasps today. The 31- “It is fantastic to have Taulupe back in
orchestrated the home side superbly points clear at the top. Newcastle 14 5 1 8 225 349 2 24 year-old has been sidelined since our starting line-up. He brings a
Worcester 14 3 1 10 271 490 7 21
from fly half and ended with a The Australia international scrum Bath 14 2 0 12 227 413 4 14 suffering an ankle injury during the wealth of experience and his presence
personal haul of 15 points. half Nick Phipps scored two tries as British & Irish Lions tour to South will have a huge impact on our team.”
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 1GG 9

The Scrum

The rise and rise of the 7

Cross-kicks in the first round
of matches last weekend —
in 2016 there were only 12
across the tournament

sscori opportunities in
his side’s best scoring has helped to open up
Modern fly half is inu
nut spotting Henry
the 30th minute, FIRST ROUND CROSS-KICKS fresh opportunities, Full backs such
Slade free in acres of space on the 1. Scot v Eng
particularly from the as Edoardo
finding precision to right, but overhitting his cross-kick. Daly crossfield
gather for a try
5. Scot v Eng
middle third of the pitch.h. Padovani, of Italy,
Paolo Garbisi, the Italy fly half, “The kick-pass is about ut can benefit from
unlock defences like a proved that he is adept at the skill, by
grubber. Collected
by Scotland
Russell kicks to van
der Merwe
trying to exploit the space a good cross-kick
finding Tommaso Menoncello, his between the two defensive sive
master archer, writes wing, just inside the touchline with a
2. Scot v Eng Smith
puts his kick too
6. Scot v Eng lines,” Phil Dowson, thee
Russell then kicks
John Westerby perfectly delivered punt to score the
first try of the game against France
high over the head
of Slade
in the other
Northampton Saints
assistant coach, said. “The he
direction and
last Sunday. The mastery of this 3. Fra v Ita Over the Cowan-Dickie front line of defence hass

mong the armoury of weapon, and the tactical awareness of top by Ntamack. knocks on. become so structured and nd
attacking weapons at the when and where on the pitch to use Gathered by Italy Penalty try kfield
organised, and the backfield
disposal of the game’s it, is a crucial part of the modern fly 4. Fra v Ita 7. Fra v Ita coverage, depending on n field
playmakers,ers, the ccross-
ross half’s skill set. Ntamack kicks into Garbisi picks out position, will be thinkingg
kick is Kicking across the field is nothing the corner but Menoncello, for about the 50:22. Along with
becoming one off the new, of course. Like so many things, Penaud can’t quite Italy’s only try he
the technical skills of the
most potent of all. ll. the contestable crossfield kick was loping
No 10s and No 12s, developing
In recent seasons, s, appropriated from rugby league, and 7 the ability to put the ball ll on a
the term “kick- in the 2003 World Cup final Lote precise point, that can get you
pass” has been Tuqiri rose above Jason Robinson — 2 on the front foot in thatt space
added to rugby’s two former rugby league 1 6 4
between those defensivee lines.
lexicon, such is orward, but
You can’t pass the ball forward,
the precision tha at
that you can kick it forward,, and that’s was either very good
modern kickers have have
hav 3 the next best thing.” coaching from Scotland, poor
ployment of
brought to the deployment ortunities
These increased opportunities awareness by England, or a
certain types of cross-kick,
cross-kick which 5 have meant fly halves devote more bit of both,” Dave Walder, the
have emerged as a respon response to the and more time to honing ng their kick- Newcastle Falcons head
ever increasingg aggressioession and
aggression players — to score the itely practise
passing skill. “You definitely coach, said. “From the initial
organisation of defence
defences. only try agagainst it a lot more nowadays,”” Gopperth scrum, you’d be expecting
ster archer
Like a master archer, Finn Russell England for an
Engla lat-trajectory
said. “We practise our flat-trajectory either yyour blind-side flanker
unpicked England’s
ngland’s d defence at Australia team
Aust kicks, standing 20 metres es apart, [Alex Dombrandt] or your y
Murrayfield d last week
wee by reaching coached by
coa trying to hit each other in the chest. scrum half [Ben Youngs] to
uick succe
twice in quick succession into his Eddie Jones.
Ed The key to the technique ue is getting drop back and look after the
quiver, sending
ending arr
arrow-like cross field
crossfield More recently,
M your chest over the ball.. If you drop side where the scrum was held.
cing acros
kicks arcing across the pitch. His first the aerial
th hat brings your
the ball nice and low, that England didn’t. Youngs
was from m right to left, where he found abilities of
ab chest over the ball that little bit more, travelled all the way across, so
Duhan n van der Merwe, then he drew wings have
w and that helps to keep the he ball flight the No 6 would have been
back his bow and an taking aim in the become
be g the
low. You don’t want to give better to look after that wide
osite direc
opposite direction, found Luke almost as
al [opposition] winger any recovery defence, not Cowan-Dickie.
wan-Dicki badly exposed on the
Cowan-Dickie important as
im time, to spin round and make the Marchant could have
ht, and Scotland
right, Sc were awarded the their ability to
th catch, so that trajectoryy is important.” stayed over that side, but
game-changing penalty try. beat a man.
be The first of Russell’s masterful one- that would have left a
In sharp p contrast, on a day when But the two against England was as a smartly gap in the middle of the
England had h plentiful possession, but kick-pass, a
ki judged kick-pass. From a S l d
Scotland b kfi ld and
backfield, dR ll will
Russell ill pick
i k out
strugglgled to find a way around a
struggled lower-
low scrum on the right, Van der Merwe those gaps all day long.”
warming Scotland defence,
swarming trajectory kick
traj stood out on the left touchline, but A team’s cross-kicking game will
Marcus Smith fluffed one of acro
across field, in Max Malins, his opposite number, was also be tailored to the strengths of
behind the defending 15 metres infield, leaving their wings. Those sides whose wings
onrus space outside him. Russell sent his are particularly strong in the air will
defence, has grown kick diagonally over Malins’s head for be more likely to send contestable
to be a much bigger Van der Merwe to run on to. Malins crossfield kicks, particularly in the
part of tthe game in spun to recover, but Van der Merwe final third of the pitch, where the
recent se seasons. The was past him in an instant, then backfield defence will not be quite so
yin and yyang of brushed off Freddie Steward too, deep. “If your No 10 gets his kick
defence an and attack has leaving England scrambling to right, those kicks can be almost
led to defen
defending teams reorganise in the backfield. impossible to defend,” Walder said.
seeking to movemo up ever Then came Russell’s follow-up, “As an attacker, the catch is your best
quicker and to cramp the from the ruck on the left, where prize, but slapping it back towards
space of the attac
attacking team, Malins had been tackled inside the your own side is also really effective,
jamming in from the outside, England 22. Because Joe Marchant, because you generally have more
rather than pushing th the attackers the right wing, had been required to support around the ball than the
out towards the touchlin
touchline. Spaces come across and cover for Steward, defender. The defender has to try to
between each link in the defensive England were short of numbers on catch it, which is a hard skill to

chain have invariably bee been shrinking, the opposite side. Darcy Graham, the perform above your head. That’s why
making the midfield area areas more Scotland right wing, stayed close to Russell was putting that second kick
congested, but leaving space sp in wider the touchline and the three widest on top of Cowan-Dickie, rather than
channels. England defenders were Will Stuart, in behind him.”
“Defences have becombecome more and Joe Marler and Cowan-Dickie. This Russell will be attempting to pull
more aggressive in recen recent seasons, time Russell’s kick was of a higher apart the Wales defence today in the
and sometimes a really aggressive
a trajectory, a contestable cross-kick, Principality Stadium as he did against
Tries set up in the defence can tighten up an and get a bit knowing that Graham had the England. In Rome tomorrow, Garbisi
Six Nations last season by narrow,” Jimmy Goppert
Gopperth, the Wasps beating of Cowan-Dickie in the air. and Smith will go toe to toe. With
cross-field kicks Garbisi proved fly half, said. “The quicke
quickest way to get Clearly, the England hooker erred Harlequins, Smith has established
he is adept at the the ball to the space is a ccrossfield by batting the ball into touch, himself as one of the best kick-passers
skill by creating kick-pass, with flat trajec
trajectory, that resulting in his yellow card and a in the Gallagher Premiership, but he
a try in Italy’s gives the defence no time to recover.” penalty try, but that England’s entire was wide of the mark at Murrayfield
defeat by France The search for space is the coach’s front row had been left in such wide and will be reminding himself to keep
holy grail and the introdu
introduction of the positions showed how his chest over the ball when his
50:22 kicks this season — another comprehensively Russell had team-mates appear in space in the
item borrowed from rugb rugby league — unravelled the English defence. “It Stadio Olimpico.
10 2GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

Loss of icons gives Pivac

Graham surges
past England’s
Maro Itoje in
20-17 victory
at Murrayfield

a grim glimpse of future

swiftly, this is heading towards a very
HOW THEY LINE UP grisly peek into a future without the
STEVE likes of Alun Wyn Jones, Ken Owens,
L Williams 15 S Hogg (c)
D Lake
R Sutherland
Justin Tipuric and George North
from a golden generation.
Ospreys Worcester
Scarlets Exeter G Thomas G Turner In one sentence this week, Pivac
A Cuthbert 14 D Graham Ospreys Glasgow neatly encapsulated his problems.
Ospreys Edinburgh D Lewis Z Fagerson “We all know what we haven’t got, it’s

Cardiff Glasgow
t was not much of a spectacle, O Watkin 13 C Harris S Davies M Bradbury a matter of what we have got,” he
low on quality despite the Ospreys Gloucester Cardiff Edinburgh said. He was talking about the
fluctuating scoreline that ended N Tompkins 12 S Tuipulotu A Wainwright R Darge absence of a big No 6 and thus his
Dragons Glasgow
27-22 in Scotland’s favour. Saracens Glasgow G Davies B White
selection of two open-side flankers
“Second-division stuff,” was L Rees-Zammit 11 D van der Merwe Scarlets London Irish again here (and the debutant, Jac
how Paul Rees described it in The Gloucester Worcester C Sheedy B Kinghorn Morgan, looks as promising a player
Guardian. D Biggar (c) 10 F Russell Bristol Edinburgh as Taine Basham, in fairness), but he
J Davies C Redpath
It was the last of Rob Howley’s 59 Northampton Racing 92 Scarlets Bath could have been talking about any
Tests for Wales. The Scottish fly half, T Williams 9 A Price number of positions — apart from
some chap called Gregor Townsend, Cardiff Glasgow Kick-off Today, 2.15pm. TV BBC One. open-side, where Wales are blessed.
who just happens to be Scotland’s W Jones 1 P Schoeman Referee Nic Berry (Aus). Up front, Wales just do not seem to
head coach now, still had another 16 Scarlets Edinburgh Assistants Wayne Barnes, Chris be producing players that tick all the
Tests to go in his playing career. It R Elias 2 S McInally Busby (RFU). TMO Brett Cronan (RA). boxes. The front five, unchanged from
was the New Zealander Steve Scarlets Edinburgh the Ireland match, is a particular
Hansen’s first match in permanent T Francis 3 WP Nel worry. As our own Sam Warburton
charge of Wales as head coach after Ospreys Edinburgh HEAD TO HEAD has pointed out, the very best teams
his compatriot, Graham Henry, had W Rowlands 4 J Gray all now have front fives that carry and
departed earlier in the Six Nations. Dragons Exeter Drawn 3 pass. Wales don’t. Last weekend,
This was 2002, the last time A Beard 5 G Gilchrist Ireland’s front five made 22 passes
Scotland won in Cardiff. It is some Ospreys Edinburgh Scotland Wales and carried 110 metres, Wales’s made
hex that the Scots carry with them to T Basham 6 S Skinner 50 74 six passes and carried only 27 metres.
the Welsh capital today, one not Dragons Exeter Wales could select better players in
dispelled by a victory behind closed J Morgan 7 H Watson the loose, such as Rhys Carré, Dillon
doors in Llanelli in 2020 in a Ospreys Edinburgh Lewis and Seb Davies, but then they
rearranged Six Nations match. R Moriarty 8 M Fagerson Played would probably struggle at the
Scotland won again in 2003 at Dragons Glasgow 127 scrummage, which was a rare positive
Murrayfield (when Wales ended up in Dublin. It is a dilemma for Pivac.
bottom of the table), but, in the 20 Scotland will not be as physical as
Tests against Wales since, they have Wales somehow snatched a 25-24 win round of matches is highly unlikely. Ireland, but they will be physical
prevailed only three times. Wales against all the odds. Right now, there is the desperate enough. A Welshman, their defence
have won the Six Nations title on six So, should we expect anything need for this Welsh team to prove coach Steve Tandy, has toughened
occasions in that period, while different today? Well, Scotland did that the 29-7 defeat by Ireland was them up considerably. This will be
Scotland have never finished higher not play particularly smoothly last not a true reflection of their abilities. some test for the Wales pack.
than third. While Wales have clearly weekend against England, and yet still As the head coach, Wayne Pivac, It is 50 years since Gareth Edwards
graced the first division, Scotland won. Wales were abject in Dublin and says: “The players are very critical of scored his famous kick-and-chase try
have all too often been scrapping to rightly got hammered. themselves, they were very in this fixture. “Can he score?” asked
get out of the second tier. These are two teams in very disappointed after the game and the commentator Bill McLaren. “It
Warren Gatland never lost a Test to different places right now, but the they’re desperate to go out there and would be a miracle if he could.” Wales
Scotland. The only time during his only place that matters today is the show we are a much better team than do not need a miracle today, but they
tenure that Wales did not prevail was Principality Stadium, where there will the display we put on last week. do require something very special. Do
in 2017 when Howley was interim
head coach while Gatland was
preparing for the British & Irish Lions
tour to New Zealand. There were very
be a full house for a first Six Nations
match since Covid struck. The roof
will be open (with rain forecast)
because of the virus and the bars shut
“We’re at home, we are in front of
75,000 people, we owe it to ourselves
and our public to put on a better
display, it’s as simple as that.”
not bet against it, however. This
fixture usually produces some magic.
6 One of the balls for today’s Doddie
Weir Cup clash will be delivered by a
Defenders beaten by Darcy
good reasons why Gatland generally for the second half — a consequence Wales finished fifth in their first group of cyclists led by the former Graham against England, the
ignored Scottish players on his first of recent poor behaviour — but this year under Pivac, 2020, trying to play Scotland back-rower, Rob most of any player in round
two Lions tours in full charge. will be emotional. an ambitious style. Last year in taking Wainwright, who are cycling 500 one of the Six Nations
Even Gatland’s last match in It is no exaggeration to say that this the title they reverted to more of a miles from Murrayfield to the
Cardiff against Scotland in 2018 is Wales’s most important match of Gatland game plan. Now they seem Principality Stadium in aid of Weir’s
ended in a 34-7 thrashing, after the the tournament. Forget all that stuff to be floundering, searching for an motor neurone disease charity. To
Scots arrived highly fancied to about “as long as we beat the English”. identity. Injuries have played their donate, go to
triumph. Last year at Murrayfield Victory at Twickenham in the third part but, unless matters are rectified fundraising/DoddieGog500

Ice baths, dreams and ‘tickling’ – how Wales prepare Shades of

Paul ‘Bobby’ Stridgeon
veins constrict when cold and dilate
when hot, so the quick switch creates
Six Nations match day
players eat anything spicy to save
them having heartburn on the pitch.
Shane in style
Head of physical performance for Wales Rugby

Everyone has a role in the Wales

a pump motion that gets rid of lactic
acid in the muscles and aids recovery.
Poached eggs or omelette, baked
beans, lean ham and maybe some
wholemeal bread.
After the match
A finger buffet
of Scotland’s
camp. Mine is to make sure the team
are in the best condition possible for a
game — physically and mentally.
Dinner together
The boys have the afternoon to relax,
then we eat dinner together at 6pm.
Pre-match pump
The pre-match routine begins 3½
It doesn’t really matter what they eat
at this point, so they might have
finger-food such as chicken goujons,
pocket rocket
We encourage lots of lean protein and hours before kick-off. The team start muffins or cheesecake.

The day before a game vegetables. Players can choose to do a with an optional warm-up that we he Scottish wing grabbing the
Tickling the dragon two-minute cryotherapy session, call a priming session, explosive No more beer headlines over the past 18
The team will travel to the stadium to standing in a -140C chamber, and exercises which can enhance their We save the beers for the end of the months has been the towering
go through the captain’s run. It’s about a third of the team do this. It’s performance. Maybe half the players tournament, but many refuse them. “Jock Bok” Duhan van der Merwe,
about making sure everyone knows incredibly tough but it helps recovery. do it. Rugby players are so professional but a man of a very different stature
the game plan and lasts only 25 nowadays, nothing like 15 years ago. was at the centre of Scotland’s
minutes. I call it “tickling the dragon” Sleep time No spicy food Calcutta Cup victory over England
because it gets the blood flowing. We encourage them to sleep for eight The pre-match meal is the heaviest Recovery and home time last weekend (Angus Oliver writes).
hours a night. Players have a choice carb meal of the week. They have the Players have another contrast bath Darcy Graham, all 5ft 9in and
Contrast baths of pillows, quality mattresses and we choice of spaghetti bolognese, sea after the match, unless they have 75kg of him, was everywhere. He
Each player will spend two minutes in make sure they can adjust the bass, plain chicken, vegetables and inflammation, in which case they will beat more defenders than the
an ice bath then jump into a hot bath temperature in their room. They take sweet potatoes. They can also have have an ice bath. They leave about English team combined, set up Ben
for two minutes, and repeat five times supplements to help them sleep — pancakes with honey or some rice two hours after full-time.
— finishing with a cold bath. Our leading to great dreams apparently. pudding for dessert. We don’t let the Interview by Jessica Hayden
the times | Saturday February 12 2022 1GG 11

The Scrum

Stars are aligned for

Hogg to banish his
Principality hoodoo
an “if not now then when” feel about
Scotland. They have the momentum
ALASDAIR of last week’s win over England, while
REID Wales were mostly wretched against
Ireland. There is a balanced look to
Scottish Rugby their hugely experienced team, while
Wales look dishevelled. Jamie
Ritchie’s absence apart, they are

tuart Hogg’s bucket list is almost injury free, while Wales have
ever-diminishing. Last year been ravaged.
alone he ticked off beating They have never had it this good.
England at Twickenham, Their stars could scarcely be better
beating France in Paris, aligned if Townsend had ascended his
starting a Lions Test and establishing celestial stepladder and fixed them in
a new Scottish try record. The most the firmament himself. They are
glaring omission now is victory in riding a wave of good fortune,
Cardiff. assailed by serendipity.
Plenty of other Scots fall into the Many Scots tend to view sunshine
same category, but the Welsh capital as a portent of worse weather to
has special resonance for Hogg. Like come, but there are solid grounds for
anyone raised in Hawick, he was confidence. But grounds for caution
raised on tales of epic trips on the too. Hogg is aware of the danger of
Wales weekend, when the town’s taking an eye off the ball and the
junior clubs and camp followers need to get the little things right.
would pile into buses and head south. “It is very much process-driven,” he
More pertinently, it was also the place said. “If we start looking too far ahead
where he won his first cap. we are going to slip up. If we look at
That was exactly ten years ago the final outcomes we’re not going to
today, when the 19-year-old Hogg focus on the 80 minutes beforehand.
took over from Max Evans and “We need to stay involved in every
seemed to have marked his debut moment of the game, win all the
with a late try but the score was small battles and make sure we grow
disallowed. Maybe he should have in confidence as the game goes on.
realised then that the Principality We’ve got boys who now have a huge
Stadium was not to be his happiest amount of experience and have
hunting ground. played here before. They know how
In 2014, he was red-carded for a tough it is to play at the Principality,
reckless challenge on Dan Biggar. In but there is belief in our squad.”
2016 he was carted off injured after The Cardiff weather forecast is for
only 28 minutes. In 2018 he was swept rain, growing in intensity in the build-
up in the collective malaise of Gregor up to the 2.15pm kick-off. The roof
Townsend’s first Six Nations match as will be open as a Covid measure. If it
coach as Scotland were hammered does rain then Scotland will need to
34-7. On the eve of his 90th be tidier in several areas than they
appearance for his country, it remains were against England. And if they
the only Six Nations venue where he want to keep their penalty count in
has never scored a try. single figures — they coughed up 13
He ought to hate the place, but he last weekend — then they will want
feels exactly the opposite. In fact, he to see a lot more of the ball than they
is perversely grateful for what it did did a week ago.
for his own development. It will not have gone unnoticed that
Hogg said: “I’ve told the boys that if Wales lost four of their own lineouts
they’ve not been fortunate enough to against Ireland. The changes they
play there yet then they’re going to have made have certainly not
get their eyes opened. It’s just one hell strengthened their resources in that
of an atmosphere. It’s a special place. area. By contrast, the addition of Sam
“In 2014 it was just a bit of a brain Skinner in place of Ritchie has
fart, a huge amount of built-up probably increased Scotland’s options.
emotion and executing in the wrong The combination of bad weather and
way that led to a red card. I’ve grown a suspect Wales lineout suggests
up a lot since then. That was a long Scotland will aim to exert pressure
White’s debut try after a blistering player — he does the hard work as on your wing you end up running time ago and it was probably the with their kicking game.
break, was perfectly positioned to well. An aspect of his game that gets one-on-one against another wing best thing that ever happened Hogg has form as far as the kicking
pressurise Luke Cowan-Dickie into missed is his work around the who is often quick as well. When to me. It was horrible at the bit is concerned, but he admitted he is
conceding a penalty try, and made a breakdown. He’ll throw himself into you go looking for work, you’re time, but that weekend was the a bit sketchy on what comes
crucial turnover at the death. everything like a 16-stone wing and trying to spot mismatches against making of the man.” next. “I have absolutely no
It has not always been easy for a has made some crucial turnovers for front-five players. That’s why Darcy As Hogg has matured, so idea what goes on at the
wing of such slight physique, but the Edinburgh, so it was no surprise to made the line break past Maro Itoje too has the team he leads. A lineout,” he said. “To me
24-year-old has become famed for see him involved in the last and Nick Isiekwe [for White’s try] — side that used to suffer a fit it looks like
his lightning footwork. He arrives at breakdown against England.” he’d timed the moment to come off of the vapours when they somebody jumps
the Principality Stadium today as Graham was part of the Scotland his wing.” strayed more than a few and somebody
one of Scotland’s most potent sevens set-up before earning his XVs Graham, who has ten tries in 23 yards from their chucks it. That’s
attacking outlets — drawing debut in 2018, a factor Blair believes caps, has recaptured his best form Murrayfield comfort zone, about the height
comparisons with the Welsh great was key to his development. after a tough period. Last year his Scotland, remarkably, have of my learning.
Shane Williams. “Sevens teaches you a lot about younger brother, Clark, was involved now won their past four “But I think it’s a great
“They’re similar-style pocket finding space and using space in in a car accident. He spent 4½ away games in the opportunity for the boys. To
rockets aren’t they?” Mike Blair, the attack — it allows you to work on months in hospital with a serious championship. Granted, gain momentum, gain
former Scotland scrum half and now your footwork and acceleration at brain injury, but in what Graham three of them were in front-foot ball, it all starts
Graham’s head coach at Edinburgh, high speed,” Blair says. “Whereas describes as “an absolute miracle”, is empty grounds and the up front and those boys
says. “That stature of player, they’re someone like Louis Rees-Zammit is now recovering. other one was against Italy, will have worked
slippery and hard to get your hands more of a gliding sprinter, Darcy is Blair says Graham is a pleasure to but it is still a significant incredibly hard
around. With the laws around the better in traffic where he’s got two work with. “When my nephew had advance. through the week to
high tackle now it’s really difficult to or three quick steps in a row. an operation on his thumb, Darcy Going into today’s game with make sure our set
tackle a small man legally, especially “What he’s got really good at over sent a video message and promised the intention of ending their 20- piece is spot-on and
someone with good footwork and the past couple of seasons is how he him his boots after the Six Nations. year losing streak in Cardiff, there is there will be
acceleration. He’s not only a flash gets his hands on the ball. If you stay He’s a good man.” opportunities to
Hogg made his Scotland debut steal their ball
against Wales ten years ago today as well.”
12 1GG Saturday February 12 2022 | the times

The Scrum

‘I’ve got 100 caps – I can’t be that bad’ PAUL ELLIS/AFP/GETTY

Dan Biggar, who will FIVE GAMES 3 didn’t want to be there. I just wanted to
focus on the game. The atmosphere
bring up a milestone in THAT DEFINED was crazy, with a light show and
everything. We had a penalty early
Cardiff today, is fuelled MY CAREER doors, 15 metres in from the left, and I
by fire of his critics, he 1) 34-13 WIN v CANADA, NOVEMBER
hate those ones as you should get it. I
didn’t hit it that well, it crept in, but it
tells Will Kelleher 14, 2008 Millennium Stadium
Autumn international
gave me a boost. I hit everything else,
it was the best I kicked, and I took my
best haul of 23 points in the game. It

ypically, Dan Biggar will be I always get nervous, even when I’m on was a watershed moment for the
in battle-mode today as he the bench now, as you’re waiting for world to see my goal-kicking talents.
plays in his 100th the call, but I didn’t get a chance to in The “Biggarena” thing came from that
international. With him on this game as James Hook went down day — me fidgeting before kicks came
the pitch come Saturday when I was warming up behind the from the nerves. I didn’t know I was
afternoon, there is no other setting. posts 18 minutes in. It was tracksuit off, doing it, but watching it back it was
Talk to him during the week and thrown into it. It was a scrappy old excessive. It was a display full of
the Wales fly half is one of the most game and it never quite clicked — as it character from us, clawing it back to
mild-mannered, easy-going and usually doesn’t in those Tier 2 games. win 28-25. Kicking it into the crowd at
decent men out there. His wife, Alex, It was 10-6 at half-time and I’d had two the end was special. We drove back
bakes him cakes to bring into the conversions on each touchline and just late to Cardiff and Paul Stridgeon, our
Welsh camp for the “Covid café”. missed both of them. Then I had a strength and conditioning man, was at
But then comes the transformation. penalty just after half-time right in the M4 toll bridge at 1am trying to lift
On Saturdays Biggar’s veins pop, his front of the posts, which was a nice the barrier up, as it were broken. He’d
heart pumps, his bark gets louder and moment to get my first points for had a couple [of drinks] I think!
his teeth are gnashed — it is as if he’s Wales. We did okay as it turned out but
the Incredible Hulk; you won’t like at the end of the game I threw an
him on game-day. interception to Ryan Smith, their 4
To do that 99 times — 96 for Wales centre. I remember Shaun Edwards
and on three occasions for the British came up to me in the hotel after and
& Irish Lions in Tests — you must be said: “The more you go to the line the
wired up differently. Biggar is self- less likely the ball wide is on.” I
aware enough to realise that this is remember that to this day. I thought,
his process. He needs to stick two as a 19-year-old, he’d give me a
fingers up to the world. bollocking! It was actually a nice touch.
“There’s no doubt that on a match The cap and jersey — the away yellow
day it’s hard to fight back the one — I still have.
competitiveness,” the 32-year-old
says, before his 100th international 2) 42-9 DEFEAT v NEW ZEALAND
appearance, against Scotland in the JUNE 19, 2010 Hamilton Summer tour 5 22-17 WIN v SOUTH AFRICA, JULY
Six Nations today. 24, 2021 Cape Town Lions 1st Test
“Come a Saturday afternoon I This was the first game in which I wore
know I have to be like that. There’s the red No 10 Welsh jersey — as all my That was huge. A real moment to tick
been times where I’ve really tried to other starts were in yellow. Stephen off — becoming a Test Lion. Even
be placid, calm, not let anything affect Jones played the first Test and I played though I went on tour four years
me if there’s a learning error or the second. Dan Carter was in the All before in 2017, I didn’t make the Test
whatever, but I’ve found that I haven’t Blacks team, which was a real thrill. If team as I was up against Owen Farrell
really been able to get myself to I’m honest it was a bit of a step up for and Johnny Sexton. My form wasn’t as
where I want to be. me, and I was fully aware of what Ireland who were on for a grand slam. good as I would have liked, whereas in
“There’s a line you have to keep on, international rugby was that day. 1 If we had any chance at the title we 2021 I felt my form was as good as it
but I need to be closer to the top of it Going from Canada, USA and Samoa to had to beat them. It was a roll-your- could be. I felt I was there for that — to
than the bottom. New Zealand was a big shock. After the sleeves up job. I knocked the best play, not just to go on the tour. It was
“I don’t create battles but I know I game I swapped shirts with Carter — drop-goal over I’ve ever hit from 40 disappointing not to have the full
need an edge to get the best out of me I’ve never been more nervous going metres — I could have hit it from ten experience [because of Covid], but I
and deliver.” into a dressing-room. They had Carter, further out — and then we defended looked down at the jersey and it had
Some of this is created to suit his Richie McCaw, Mils Muliaina, all these 40 phases one time and 38 phases the embroidered “1st Test Lions Series”
narrative, but guys. I got Carter’s shirt, another. The atmosphere was unreal. It on it. To win, to kick a penalty to put us
mostly it is real. didn’t wash it as I was wasn’t the prettiest but we got the job in front, was so pleasing. It was
Biggar often, worried it would get done. The shift we put in for each something I always wanted.
particularly pinched in the other made it my most enjoyable
when with laundry. I took a game for Wales.
Wales, makes a stinking home jersey to 3 23-16 WIN v IRELAND, MARCH 14, 5
point of my mum to frame. I have 2015 Principality Stadium Six Nations 4 28-25 WIN v ENGLAND, SEPTEMBER
mentioning his it on the wall of my house 26, 2015 Twickenham World Cup
up-and-down 2 next to an Australia and When people ask, “What’s your
relationship South Africa one. The favourite game?” I think this is it. It I was really nervous before that game.
with the boys always ask: “What epitomised everything I am as a player. We stayed in Weybridge in Surrey, and
country’s did Carter do with your We had lost on the opening weekend the WRU had put on a family bus to
supporters, jersey?” I always say: to England at home on a Friday night call in on us for a coffee as it was an
media and public. “He must have washed — threw it away in the second half — 8pm kick-off. I remember going down
The reality is that his car with it!” I’m not and went up to Scotland, beat them, as a token effort, just to see my wife,
he is incredibly well sure mine is on his wall. beat France in Paris, and then came to mum and sister, and was so nervous I
respected: saluted as a
Test giant in a dominant
Welsh era, someone who talking today with naysayers were wrong? Has he always picked. It’s a long time to stick around care what people say or think — as
has worked hard to 90-odd caps, and thought that he would make it to a and keep fit, playing well enough to long as I’ve got the respect of the
improve his game, and has Wales captain, it century of caps? get selected. coaches and team-mates, that’s all
won Wales more Tests than would have “It’s a bit of both,” Biggar, who “There’s definitely a vindication. I that matters. I’m so proud and
he has lost them. Millions will felt a million joined Northampton Saints never doubted myself, but it privileged to do it.”
doff their cap to him as he miles away,” from Ospreys in 2017, says. “I certainly hasn’t been a It is apposite that when picking his
strides out as the nation’s he explains. hate doing interviews and straightforward curve. five favourite Tests for this piece,
skipper in Cardiff today. “I’m really proud I didn’t take an saying, ‘Oh yeah I always “It’s like anything — if Biggar selects a roll-your-sleeves-up
But Biggar remembers. He forces
himself to, in some ways. He recalls
being unloved as a youngster,
unwanted by many, criticised for not
easy option, say, ‘It is what it is, it’s
going to be a difficult relationship,
you’re not going to be loved by
everyone, cruise through your career;
“There’s definitely a
vindication from my
point of view. That’s This
will be Biggar’s ninth
you play well, you get
praise; you play badly,
you get criticism. It’s
very much how things
win against Ireland from 2015. Of
course he did.
Wales will need more of that today.
After last week’s harrowing defeat by
being the next incarnation of Phil then if you get the odd cap, success, fine. I almost prefer it game against Scotland — work. Since moving to Ireland, they have been written off for
Bennett or Barry John, overlooked for then brilliant.’ when people pile he’s won six of the eight he England, improving as a not only the Six Nations title but
caps and praise. “It’s in my character that I’m a pressure on you. That’s has played previously player, bettering myself, from any chance of recording a
Between 2008 and 2012 he played battler. I’m proud I didn’t do that, I in my character. I like to has helped. notable win in the tournament.
for Wales eight times — it is the stuck with it. I don’t think I could respond to it. “The perception is that I’ve You sense that as captain of the
unhappy memory of that period that have squeezed too much more out of “I can’t have been shit for 13 years, improved, which maybe helps as well. ship, that will only add fuel to the fire
drives him on still today. “It was it to date.” So how does he view this put it that way! If I was rubbish for It gives you more leeway. of their fly half. Biggar the battler has
tough going and if you said I’d be landmark? Is it proof that his * 13 years I wouldn’t have kept getting “I think I’ve relaxed and don’t really plenty of fight left in him.

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