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The article states that salinity in The Salton Sea in California is rising and provides three ideas to reduce

the amount of salt in the above mentioned lake. However, the professor claims that these solutions are
not realistic nor practical and refutes each of author's ideas.

First, the reading posits that salinity ratio in The Salton Sea can be declined by utilizing some special
desalitation facilities. However, the professor states that this solution would reduce the amount of salt
in the sea; But on the other hand, will cause some serious health related problems. According to the
professor, these facilities will evaporate water and extract solid materials, but it will pose health risks as
well. She claims that this solution will have some toxic chemical left overs which can cause serious
health problems when breathed in. Therefore, she doesn't think this solution is a good idea.

Second, the article claims that adding water from the ocean using pipeline or canals will dilute the salt
water level. However, the professor explains that although this solution will reduce the salt water in the
sea, it requires some pipelines which are expensive and government wouldn’t probably be able to
construct them. She states that the closest ocean is yet a hundred kilometers away; Therefore, the
professor mentions that this solution is too expensive to be a practical one.

Third, the reading states that the salinity in the lake can be controlled by constructing walls as
seperators. The professor refutes this solution by mentioning that it is unlikely to work very long.
According to the professor, frequent and sometimes intensive geological activities such as earthquake
happen in the lake by which the lake's topology change over years. She claims that it is very likely for the
walls to collapse due to these activities which will eventually let the water of different sections mix back
in. As a result, this solution is not a good one neither.

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