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Good morning everyone, today im going to

share about my own experience dealing with

my stress. Basically this thing happen when the
spm’s trial was around the corner. My
preparation is just like the others, doing
revision and else but one thing that i realise at
that time was I am not taking serious about my
sleeptime. That morning, I was doing just fine
until the trial begins. Honestly, I am not doing
good for my first exam paper so its kind of
jeopardize my confidence but i tend to ignore it
until the second last paper which is biology. In
the middle of answering the question, my mind
went blank, where I am unable to remember
the things that i have studied before and a lot
of thought disturb my mind like what will
people said if I am not doing good for this trial.
In addition, i am afraid of the rumors that said
maybe kpm will take the spm’s trial result as
the final result for spm. It stress me out and I
am unable to do well for biology’s paper. The
next day, I take a break and was asking to
retake the final paper on Friday. On Friday , in
the middle of exam..i feel dizzy and seems like
the world was spinning so I cannot hold back
my tears so im crying when everyone doing the
exam. The teacher asked me to rest and take it
another day. So, some of my friends and
teacher came to comfort and advice me while I
was taking a break from answering the paper.
But some of them tend to compare my trials
with other people they think like it is normal to
feel that way. At that moment, i comfort myself
to not deal with those kind of word that can
affect my own feeling and mind. I feel that I
need to deal with my own thought so i didnt
need that kind of words because it was about
me. As a conclusion,, i learned that when we
said that nobody is perfect, it means that we
cannot questioned people why they cannot
give the things just like what we want.
Futhermore, please dont put the people’s
judgement as your first concern. The
comparison is nothing. When people asked you
to work hard to be like him/her, tells them that
i want to be the first to somebody, not the
second of somebody.After that, think about
yourself first. Dont push yourself too hard like
when you eager to be the best among the rest.
Just do what you want to do but dont just sit at
the comfort zone. Make an action but dont
weighing down if you cannot be the champion
because going ahead doesnt means that you
have to be no. 1. Just draw your journey on
your own pace. Make all of your sacrifies worth
just to impress yourself. Thats all from me. If
youre adoring somebody you must have a
feeling to go as the same level as him/her but
for me you will never reach it. Its wether you
can get lesser or greather that someone that
you idolize. So never feel down if you cannot
achieve what others gain because it will just
happen to one person from the million people
that exist in this world. Thank you.

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