00000025-Supuesto 18 Carmenta

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18 – Design a didactic unit / lessons to implement the Carmenta methodology for 3 rd or 5th grade in the English

area. http://www.educa.jccm.es/es/centros/tecnologia-educacion/carmenta


9. ICT

This essay aims to present a didactic unit to implement the Carmenta methodology for 5 th grade in the English area in
primary education. For this purpose, I will firstly define the situation providing a rigorous answer from theoretical perspective.
secondly, I will establish the legal framework related to the situation. Thirdly, I will propose objectives, key competences,
contents, cross curricular topics, methodological principles, didactic resources, activities, the educative inclusion and the
evaluation. Finally, I will bring my essay to an end by highlighting the bibliography used to answer this essay and main


The Organic Law for Improving the Quality of Education 8/2013 December 9th regulates Spanish educational System and the
Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th establishes the curriculum for Primary Education Nationwide. Each Community adapts
those requirements and the Decree 54/2014 sets the Basic Curriculum for each academic year in the Community of Castilla La
As English teachers we must help Primary students become Communicatively Competent in the foreign language through the
four basic skills related to the foreign language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) following the guidelines of our current
legislations and the European council.


The Government of Castilla-La Mancha launches a digitization program of the classrooms. This programme consist on the use of
digital curricular materials in the classroom through Tablets instead of books. Families will have to buy their own tablet for the
student and the book licenses. Also, Castilla-La Mancha will offer grants so students will take the tablet and the books license for
free at the beginning of the scholar year.

The project consists of the use by students and teachers of tablets in which the digital licenses of the subjects that are going to
work in this format are installed. In our case, my school has chosen mathematics, language, natural sciences, social sciences and
English. Also, apart from the books’ licenses, the system is compatible with the use of digital material of own elaboration or
resources in the network.

Teachers will control of the individual work of each student in their tablets, such as the correction of their tasks, and the use of a
wide range of digital resources in explanations that will undoubtedly make learning more enjoyable.

Each classroom will also have an interactive digital monitor where they can work in groups, explain content or make corrections
of exercises for the whole class, develop lessons with video and multimedia integration, mathematical tools, creation of
interactive activities or collaboration tools.
After having introduced the legal framework and the situation providing a rigorous answer from theoretical perspective, I will
examine different elements that will be worked: objectives, competences; contents; cross-curricular topics, activities,
methodology, didactic resources, ICT, attention to diversity and finally the evaluation.

The Objectives are the core around which teaching, and learning process is organized. According to the Decree 54/2014, the
objective related to the foreign language area is the OBJECTIVE F: Acquire, in at least one foreign language, a basic
communicative competence which allows students to express and understand simple messages as well as to take part in daily
situations. I will also improve the Objective I: Gain initial practice in using information and communication technologies as a
learning tool. Develop critical skills towards the messages. To achieve this, the didactic objectives to be achieved in terms of
ability will be:
1) To understand the main idea and to identify specific information in oral and written texts.
2) To recognize and produce key vocabulary and structures with adequate and correct pronunciation
3) To ask for and give oral information and participate in communicative situations following a model.
4) To use Internet and ICT as a tool for information and for foreign language acquisition
5. To write texts following given models identifying the aim of the text.
6. To be respectful toward people from different culture.

The key competences are 7:
1. Linguistic Communication, the ability to use English language as a means of communication.
2 - Mathematical, Science and Technology. The ability to apply mathematical thinking, know and explain the natural world.
3. Digital, the effective use of information and communication technologies as a means of communication.
4. Learning to Learn. To be able to organize and manage our own learning process
5. Social and Civic. To be able to participate in social, civic and working life.
6 -Personal initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit. The ability to turn ideas into actions such as creativity and innovation
7. Cultural Awareness and Expression. The knowledge about our culture, tradition and cultural heritage.

The Decree 54/2014 grouped the Contents into two blocks:
Block I: Comprehension of oral and written texts. Such as understand simple oral instructions in class.; Identify key vocabulary
and structures; understand the aim of simple oral texts and find explicit information in oral texts
Block II: Production of oral and written texts. Such as correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation; produce key
vocabulary and basic structures; answer and interact in a basic and comprehensible way in short dialogues and presentations;
write texts following a previously worked on model and elaborate written texts following the instructions in a text, or a modelled
Different elements will be developed: vocabulary, syntax-discourse contents, sound patterns, stress, rhythm and intonation,
communicative functions, sociocultural aspects and cross curricular contents.

1st VOCABULARY: we are going to work the vocabulary established for 5 th level in the decree 54/2014.

2nd SYNTAX-DISCOURSE CONTENTS: We are going to work the grammar structures set for 5th Grade in the decree 54/2014.

3rd SOUND PATTERNS, STRESS, RHYTHM AND INTONATION that we are going to work are:
• Correct pronunciation of individual words and the alphabet (all levels)
• Use the correct rhythm and intonation in songs, chants, stories and riddles (all levels).
• Identify and internalize the use of individual phonemes (all levels).
• Correct pronunciation of long and short vowels. (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th level)
• Correct pronunciation of some clusters and diphthongs. (5th and 6th level)
• Correct pronunciation of some silent letters. (5th and 6th level)


Comprehension of texts to apply it to daily communicative situations with an adequate pronunciation, stress, rhythm and
intonation and interact in a basic and comprehensible way in a presentation following a model.

5th SOCIOCULTURAL ASPECTS: Students will learn about people from different countries, cultural customs and traditions of
English-speaking countries through songs, chants, stories and daily situations.


The cross-curricular topics we are going to work is information and communication technologies as a learning tool.

Following Piaget, children from six to eleven are in the concrete operational stage. They begin thinking logically about concrete
events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts. A person will learn a language through its use and
exposure to it, so students must be as much as possible in contact with the English language using meaningful activities. The
methodological principles I will be following as set by Piaget, Bruner, Ausubel, Vygotsky, Read, Harmer or Brewster.
They are: Using students’ level as the starting point, Encourage the development of the ability of “learning to learn”, Improve
students’ active participation exploiting the use of fun activities, Variety of activities, arrangements, materials or tasks, Skill
integration, increase social interaction and promote communication and Ensure the construction of meaningful learning

Apart from that, I will implement positive reinforcement, create opportunities for students to experience success in their
learning and social behavior, communication with families through regular meetings and e-mails, and finally promote
coordination with the other teachers.

The resources I am going to use are flashcards, worksheets, the interactive digital board, computers and web pages.
To improve students’ communication and to maximize the teaching and learning process, students will interact through different
arrangements. They are going to be in pairs and small groups.

9. ICT
Our students need Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools, both now and in the future, for their education and
their professional activities. For that reason, daily the Interactive Whiteboard and the classroom computer, together with the
resources that the internet connection provides, will be essential for carrying out many productive and appealing activities.
More specifically, at least once every unit there will be a session carried out in the computer room.

I will implement a Didactic Unit of 12 sessions of 45 minutes for 5 th grade following the Order 05/08/2014, which establishes
timetables and Evaluation in Primary Education in the Autonomous Community Castilla-La Mancha, which is modified by the
order 27/07/2015.

1ST SESSION: LISTENING: I will focus mainly on listening. Emergent skills like speaking, reading and writing can be incorporated.
Students’ previous knowledge will be assessed through pre-listening activities such as Flashcard Games: Showing, miming,
guessing and playing with the flashcards. Teacher will present the vocabulary and introduce sounds which will be worked during
the unit or the lesson. I will also assess their previous knowledge. Then we will work at a word level playing some games related
those sounds and paying attention to pronunciation. Some games are:
 Slow reveal: Cover the flashcard with something, e.g. another flashcard backwards, and slowly draws the covering card
back until a few students have shouted out what it is.
 Flashcard Pictionary: The teacher or a student could draw the picture from the card line by line on the whiteboard or
blackboard until a few students have shouted out what it is.
 Guess from clues: Students guessing what card the teacher, or a student is holding secretly from clues.
 What’s missing? Place different flashcards on the blackboard. The teacher asks one student to turn one or two cards
over. Then, the students try to name the cards. Gradually add more cards to the mix.
I’ll include a song based on TPR-techniques and games to revise the main vocabulary, grammar structures and phonetic patterns.
This will improve the internalization of grammar structures, main vocabulary and its pronunciation. While listening activities
students will do in their tablets will be: arrange picture cards, draw the vocabulary, sort out letters to find the hidden word.
They will work in pairs to improve Key Competences but mainly Linguistic competence as well Social and Civic one.
Finally, they will sing along the song in a contest because is a good way of paying attention to pronunciation as post listening

2ND SESSION: I will begin with aural skills listening and speaking to review students’ previous knowledge playing games with the
flashcards and singing the song again. Second, I will reinforce the vocabulary taught in the previous session following a model
through drills and games to work the emergent skills: reading and writing. The activities students will do in their tablets will
 Odd One Out: Put similar words into groups of the same category and the third one is related to another category.
 Spot the differences: it consists of changing some words which must be spotted by listening to the song, story or chant.
 Blanks: fill the gaps with the words previously worked in a song, chant or story. This activity could be worked in all levels of
primary education.

I will work aural skills listening and speaking at the beginning of the session to review students’ previous knowledge. Focusing on
reading, I will integrate the four skills. Students will begin with a pre-reading activity where they must guess the topic, characters
or the vocabulary from the title. Later they will arrange picture cards and check comprehension while they are reading the
story in their tablets. Then, for post-reading activities, activities are a true – false activity and answering questions in their

Dedicated to writing, while integrating the four skills. To start, I will use the title of the story, key words, main characters,
pictures or some other materials to speculate what the story may be about. This way, I will introduce the vocabulary, build up
the situational content and check students’ previous knowledge to find out what students know about the story.
Then, students will listen to and read the story, but they will arrange the story to find out the right order in their tablets. The
story will highlight the vocabulary and grammar structures which will be the centre of the lesson. After that, I will first ask them
for general comprehension. They will work in pairs and complete an activity where they must answer some questions to check if
they have a general idea about the story.
Then, students in their tablets will listen to and again read the story filling the gaps with the right information. Next, students
will complete a true / false activity and answer some questions about the text to check comprehension. Finally, students will
perform the story in groups, paying attention to pronunciation. They will work in pairs to improve Key Competences but mainly
Linguistic competence as well Social and Civic one.

The four skills will be equally worked in this lesson. To start, students will listen to song/chant/riddle to highlight the sounds
which will be the centre of the lesson. They will then repeat the sentences to work the right pronunciation of the phonemes.
Next, they will do a phonic activity in their tablets to distinguish sounds. Finally, students will listen to the story again and they
will fill the gaps in their tablets with the words from the previous phonic activity. This will last around 20 minutes.

After that, students will work on a CLIL activity where they will face a listening and reading activity, studying a cross curricular
topic and using the vocabulary and structures worked throughout the unit. First, they will listen to a text from the class board
and they will read the story in their owns tablets.
Using their tablets in pairs, they must join different pictures with different paragraphs. Second, they will use key words related
to the topic to fill up a written text. Third they will draw good behaviour and cross bad behaviour related to the CLIL topic we are
Finally, they will improve the rest of skills in an integrated way by working in pairs and talking about the importance of this topic.
The CLIL activity promotes different types of families and gender equality. Students will work in pairs to improve Key
Competences but mainly Linguistic competence as well Social and Civic ones.

6th & 7th SESSION

The four skills will be equally worked in this lesson through corners. I will arrange the students in six groups with four students in
each one. So, first, I will explain to my students what to do in each corner. The average time in each corner would be around 10
minutes, so students will have time to work in 3 corners per day (three on the sixth session and another three on the seventh
session). The students will have to change from one corner to another after hearing the time bomb and use their tablets in each
corner. This provide an immediate feedback and record their answer in the platform Google Classroom, so I will check their
answer and mistakes. The corners are:
1 - Based on listening. With headphones, the students will listen to a story and they must fill the gaps while they are listening.
Then, they will answer different questions and games about the listening in their tablets.
2 – Based on speaking. The four students will be working with the teacher and they must answer different questions using
playing a board game related to the main vocabulary and grammar structures with a good pronunciation. The main aim is to
revise the contents of the Unit through questions. With this activity, I will assess their productions and students will assess
themselves through a self-evaluation.
3 - Based on reading. Using their tablets students will read a story which is not in the right order. Then, they will have to
sequence the facts of the story first talking and working in group. This is a very complete activity as the four skills are developed
in it. After that, they must decide the title of the story between 3 different. Then, they will answer different questions about the
reading such as true/false activity and a multiple-choice activity in their tablets having an immediate feedback.
4 – Based on writing, students must write a text in their tablet following a model.
5 – Kahoot: Students practice the language in a controlled way working two different activities in their tablets:
Quiz (test type test): a multiple-choice test at word level and a sentence level.
Jumble (puzzle): it is a puzzle in which the students must respond and arrange the answer, story or text in the right order.
6– ICT Games. In it, students will play games in the British Council web and ESL games plus using their tablets in pairs.
Activities will be: Listen and point, arrange words, matching games, spelling games, Hangman. Crosswords and Listen and match
halves of sentences.
8TH SESSION: CONTEST: Students will take part in a contest in groups where the students practise grammar, vocabulary, and
pronunciation freely. With this kind of activity, I will assess their speaking and students will assess their production and
knowledge. The activities are: listen and write the vocabulary; spelling game; back spelling; definition game; hangman and a
bingo game among others. Students will work in small groups to improve Key Competences but mainly Linguistic competence as
well digital and Social and Civic ones.
9TH SESSION: REVISION: Before the exam I will include a session where the four skills will be equally worked in this lesson and
we will revise the contents developed in this unit, doing different listening, reading and writing activities to check students’
knowledge and prepare them for the exam. They will do the tasks in pairs using their tablets. Before to do these activities, we
will check them orally. This activity will last 30 minutes.
Finally, students will work individually to assess their production through a self-evaluation task in their tablets.

10TH SESSION: EXAM: Is dedicated to assessing listening, reading and writing skills by doing a test to check students’ knowledge.
Students will work individually in his or her tablet.

11th SESSION: GROUP WORK: PROJECT: In this session, the four skills will be equally worked in this lesson. I will explain the
project they will do in the last session. They are going to look for the information in their tablets such as: photos or maps on
the internet related to the topic. Using the app Canva students will create a poster about the topic chosen. They will create the
poster in this app with the photos and information chosen on the internet. During this activity, they will be able to practise
grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation freely while completing a real task. Students will work in small groups to improve Key
Competences but mainly Linguistic competence as well digital and Social and Civic ones.

12th SESSION: GROUP WORK: PROJECT: in this session, the four skills will be equally worked in this lesson. Students will
present the project to the class and the different groups will assess the presentations through co-evaluation. I will assess their
production and knowledge. Students will work in small groups to improve Key Competences but mainly Linguistic competence as
well Social and Civic ones


The Decree 54/2014 in its article 13 points out the importance of catering for diversity to promote the learning to all students
who require a different educative attention. The Decree 85/2018, November 20th, establishes the students’ educative inclusion
in Castilla-La Mancha Community.
Related to the students, in a class we usually have a mixed ability group. We would find a group of students which presents a
faster process of acquisition and their attention ability is high and a main group of students which need attention to follow the
course of the class and time to overcome difficulties. Due to the implementation of Carmenta Project, students will work with
Tablets. These devices will provide an immediate feedback, so this will encourage students. I will implement if it is necessary
reinforcement and extension activities with different levels of difficulty. These activities will allow for reaching out to both
students who have difficulties and students who make faster progress.


Finally, I would like to describe the continuous evaluation process, which is the best method at primary level. The evaluation
depends on What, Who, When and How

Depending on what to assess, they are the Assessment Criteria and the Learning Standards which are the specifications of those
assessment criteria, defining the learning results and setting what a student must know, understand and be able to do at the end
of a unit. They are observable, measurable, and they set the degree of success to be achieved. The Learning standards are:



IN1.1.1 Get the gist and distinguish changes in topics in TV programmes or any other audio-visual material within their area of
interest (e.g. where young or known characters are interviewed on everyday subjects, what they like to do in their free time) or
in reporting on leisure activities (theater, cinema, sporting event, etc.). B


IN2.2.1 Participate in face-to-face conversations or by technical means (telephone, Edmodo) where social contact is established
(to thank, greetings, farewells, apologize, introduce oneself, contact someone, congratulate someone) personal information is
exchanged and about everyday issues, feelings are expressed, offered something to someone, something is borrowed, arrange a
meeting with friends or instructions are given (e.g. to get a place using a map or plane). B


Depending on When assess:
1. An initial evaluation at the beginning of the lesson to check students’ previous knowledge.
2. Formative evaluation to check how things are going to identify potential problems.
3. Summative evaluation shows students’ level of attainment at the end of a lesson or unit.

Depending on Who assess:

1. Hetero evaluation: this kind of evaluation measure the whole group and it is done by the teacher.
2. Co-evaluation: Students are involved in the evaluation among students.
3. Self-evaluation: is the kind of evaluation in which each individual involved in the educational process makes their own
judgments and draws their own conclusions about the teaching and learning process.

Depending on How, my techniques and instruments are direct observation, questionnaires to find out their preferences, a
classroom diary to collect information related to the teaching and learning process, interviews with families and students and
tests at the end of every unit.


To sum up, I have set a didactic unit a didactic unit to implement the Carmenta methodology for 5th grade in the English
area in primary education. For this purpose, I have defined the situation providing a rigorous answer from theoretical
perspective; I have established the legal framework related to the situation; I have given objectives, key competences, contents,
cross curricular topics, methodological principles, didactic resources, activities, the educative inclusion, the evaluation and
finally I have presented the bibliography used to answer this essay and my main conclusions.
The main goal of teaching English in Primary Education is the development of our students’ Communicative Competence,
through the four basic skills related to the foreign language (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
But as teachers, we have to improve our students’ capacity or ability to carry out tasks or face situations, called Competence.
Working on these capacities we encourage the full development of students’ personality and facilitate their integration as
citizens in a world where international communication is increasing. Grammar has a vital role in the learning and teaching
process since students must be understood and decode messages properly in communicative situations. That is why learning a
foreign language in Primary Education is a necessity in our society.


 Spanish Constitution, 1978. Article 27 which deals with the right for education.
 Organic Law for Improving the Quality of Education 8/2013 December 9th which regulates Spanish educational System.
 Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th. It establishes the Basic Curriculum for Primary Education Nationwide.
 Decree 54/2014, July 10th which establishes the Curriculum in the Community of Castilla la Mancha.
 Decree 85/2018, November 20th, establishes the educative students’ diversity answers in Community of Castilla la Mancha.

Bibliography used to develop the topic is:

 Brewster, J., Ellis, G. and Girard, D. The Primary English Teacher’s guide, Penguin books, London, 1992.
 Brumfit, C., Moon, J. & Tongue, R.: Teaching English to Children, from Practice to principle. Collins ELT, London, 1991.
 Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. CUP. Cambridge, 1987.
 Nunan, D.; Designing of tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press (1989)

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