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❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel

❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Plasteel Staff ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Force Adept ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Force Throw ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Battle Meditation ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Defensive Stance ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Art of Movement ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Snap Kick ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Dancing Weapon ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Way of the Sarlacc ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Vintage Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Quick As A Whip ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Smuggler's Luck ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Cheap Shot ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Roll With It ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Get Cocky ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Gunslinger ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Sidewinder ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Trick Shot ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Infantry Rifle ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Take Cover ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Adrenaline Rush ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Weapon Expert ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Suppressive Fire ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Trench Fighter ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Rebel Elite ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Superior Positioning ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Tactical Movement ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Holdout Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Military Efficiency ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Air of Command ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Mobile Tactician ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ For the Cause! ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Rallying Shout ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Hammer and Anvil ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Masterstroke ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Called Shot ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Vibro-Ax ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Wookiee Loyalty ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Ferocity ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Staggering Blow ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Rampage ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Vicious Strike ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Brutal Cleave ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Unstoppable ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Wookiee Fortitude ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Longblaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Supply Network ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Jeswandi Training ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Target Acquired ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Execute ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Expertise ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Decoy ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ No Escape ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Disengage ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Repeating Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Advance ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Shake It Off ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Crushing Blow ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Into the Fray ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Trophy Armor ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Vibrobayonet ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Final Stand ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Stay Down ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Modified Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Tool Kit ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Unstable Device ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Energy Shield ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Structural Weakness ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Gadgeteer ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Power Converter ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Adrenaline Injector ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Remote Distribution ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Military Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Combat Momentum ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Create Opening ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ K'tara Maneuver ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Student of Battle ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Improvised Cover ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Point Blank Shot ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Combat Mastery ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Master Operative ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Sidearm Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Bacta Injector ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Improper Procedure ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Field Surgeon ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Fuel Injection ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Adrenal Vapor ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Miracle Worker ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Bacta Radiator ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Combat Override ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ All-Weather Rifle ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Scouting Report ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Overwatch ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Spectrum Scanner ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Scout's Guidance ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Study of Enemies ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Coordinated Attack ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Mon Cala Special Forces ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Combat Spotter ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Heirloom Dagger ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Elusive Agent ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Covert Operative ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Blindside ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Falling Leaf ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Shrouded Lightsaber ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Force Illusion ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Embody the Force ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Fell Swoop ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors
❑ 434 "Deathhammer" ❑ Marksman Barrel
❑ A280 ❑ Overcharger
❑ Armored Gauntlets ❑ Personal Shields
❑ Balanced Hilt ❑ Plasma Cell
❑ BD-1 Vibro-Ax ❑ Portable Medkit
❑ Combat Coat ❑ Pulse Cannon
❑ Combat Coat ❑ R5 Astromech
❑ Combat Knife ❑ Reinforced Helmet
❑ Combat Visor ❑ Shadowsilk Cloak
❑ Concussion Grenades ❑ Shock Emitter
❑ Cybernetic Arm ❑ Slicing Tools
❑ DDC Defender ❑ Sniper Scope
XP: ❑ DH-17 ❑ Sporting Blaster
❑ Disruption Cell ❑ Spread Barrel
Credits: ❑ Disruptor Pistil ❑ Stun Baton
❑ DL-44 ❑ Survival Gear
❑ DLT-19 ❑ T-21
❑ DXR-6 ❑ Tactical Display
❑ E-11 ❑ Tatooine Hunting Rifle
❑ EE-3 Carbine ❑ Telescoping Sights
❑ Environment Hazard Suit ❑ Under-Barrel HH-4
Hero Cards Rewards ❑ Extended Haft ❑ Valken-38 Carbine
❑ Extra Ammunition ❑ Vibro Knucklers
❑ Diplomat’s Blaster ❑Adrenal Implant ❑Rebel Recon ❑ Force Pike ❑ Vibroblade
❑ Company of Heroes ❑Allied Operations ❑Shadow Suit ❑ Gaffi Stick ❑ Vibrogenerator
❑ Hidden Blade ❑ Vibroknife
❑ Sonic Bellow ❑Battle Vision ❑Shu Yen's Lightsaber
❑ High-Impact Guard ❑ Vibrosword
❑ Professional Aide ❑Counterparts ❑Systems Upgrade ❑ Laminate Armor ❑ Weighted Head
❑ Rebel Propaganda ❑Fearless Leader ❑Tech Goggles
❑ Double Agent ❑Heroic ❑The Ways of the Force
❑ Solidarity ❑Hunt Them Down ❑Veteran Prowess ❑ Alliance Smuggler ❑ Rebel Saboteurs
❑ Lead from the Front ❑Intimidation ❑Radiant Holocron ❑ Chewbacca ❑ Rebel Saboteurs (Elite)
❑ Waylay ❑Iron Hand ❑Cam Droid ❑ Echo Base Troopers ❑ Rebel Troopers
❑Legendary ❑Lobot's Favor ❑ Han Solo ❑ Rebel Troopers (Elite)
❑Life Debt ❑Under the Radar ❑ Lando Calrissian ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer
❑Peacemaker ❑Relief Effort ❑ Leia Organa ❑ Ugnaught Tinkerer (Elite)
❑Quickdraw Holster ❑ Luke Skywalker ❑ Wing Guard
❑ Obi-Wan Kenobi ❑ Wing Guard (Elite)
❑ R2-D2 & C-3PO ❑ Wookiee Warriors

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