L - Compren. de Tex. Básicos en Inglés

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INSTRUCCIÓN GENERAL: Responda los siguientes casos conforme a los conocimientos

metodológicos y prácticos, que a lo largo de la materia logró desarrollar y comprender;
los cuales lo aproximarán a diversos contextos disciplinares y profesionales actuales.

Case 1:


1. Read the text carefully:

Golden Rules of Negotiating

The art of negotiating escapes most of us, even good salespeople, because few take the time to
correctly understand the word and follow the golden rules of negotiating.
The first and biggest error is a misunderstanding of the word. When I ask people at my Closers
workshop what the word "negotiating" means, I get answers like, "how good a deal can I get"
and "how cheap can I buy." For many people, it's a process of painful tactics of stall and
overcome or a give and take mostly involving the surrender of price and terms. "Negotiate"
comes from the Latin  negotiatus, which is the past participle of negotiari, and means to carry on
business. This original meaning is critical to understand because the goal of negotiating is to
continue doing business by conferring with another to arrive at an agreement.

I. Always Start the Negotiations.

You must initiate the process because whoever controls the start of the negotiations tends to
control where they end. If you let the other party start negotiations, you will be constantly
giving up control, often without even realizing it. For instance, when you ask someone what his
project budget is, you are allowing him to start the negotiations. You will then spend your time
chasing his number rather than finding the best solution. When I sit down to work out an
agreement on the numbers involved in the decision, I will even interrupt to prevent the other
side from controlling the starting point. Sounds bizarre, but that is how important starting the
transaction is. I once had a client who wanted to offer his terms upfront. I politely said, "Excuse
me, I appreciate your willingness to tell me what you can do and would like just a moment to
share with you what I have put together for you. If it doesn't work, then please tell me." This
allowed me to control the starting point.

II. Always Negotiate in Writing.

I see so many professional salespeople make the mistake of discussing and working on the
terms of an agreement without ever committing their ideas to a written agreement. But the
purpose of negotiations is to arrive at a formal written agreement, not tell a story or spend time
talking. From the first moment I make a proposal, I refer to a document that is being created in
front of the client. It includes all the points of agreement and becomes real to the prospective
customer. Negotiating first and then having to create a document adds unnecessary time to a
transaction. But if you build your written agreement as you negotiate, you are prepared to ask
for a signature the moment the decision to buy is made.

III. Always Stay Cool.

The negotiation table can be loaded with agendas, egos and emotions. Great negotiators know
how to stay cool, providing leadership and solutions, while the rest of the room becomes
insanely invested in personal agendas and useless emotions. Crying, getting angry, name calling
and blowing off steam may make you feel good, but such behavior will not benefit you while
negotiating. When the rest of the room gets emotional, stay cool like Spock and use logic to
negotiate and close.
Golden Rules of Negotiating. Obtenido de: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225537

2. What is the main idea of the text?

3. Write at least 3 of the most important “General ideas” of the text:

4. Write at least 3 of the most important “Specific ideas” of the text:

5. In the previous text, find any words with prefixes and suffixes, and write them on the next
chart including their meaning in Spanish:

Words with PREFIXES Translation Words with SUFFIXES Translation

6. In the previous text, find Cognates and False Cognates, and write them on the next chart
including their meaning in Spanish:
COGNATES Translation FALSE COGNATES Translation

7. What is the “Text structure” or “Organizational Pattern” of the first paragraph (such as:
Chronological order, order of importance, compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequence,
etc.)? Give your answer and justify it with fundamentals.

8. No omita consultar los criterios con los que se evaluará la actividad:

Criterios de Evaluación

Criterio Valor

Identifica y redacta de manera apropiada la idea 2

principal del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas generales más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas específicas más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe correctamente los prefijos y sufijos que 1

se encuentren dentro del texto con su
correspondiente traducción.

Escribe correctamente los Cognados y Falsos 1

cognados que se encuentren dentro del texto con
su correspondiente traducción.

Identifica de manera correcta la “Estructura de 2

texto” o “Patrón organizacional” del primer
párrafo. De igual modo, justifica con
fundamentos teóricos su respuesta de manera

Total 10

9. Guarde el archivo en su computadora o en alguna unidad de memoria. Debe nombrar el

archivo como Exam_AbiertoP, más un guion bajo y las siglas de su nombre y apellidos, por
ejemplo: Exam_AbiertoP_MGTG.doc

10. Al terminar presione la casilla Añadir envío que aparece más abajo; en la sección Envío de

archivo presione Agregar; después en la pantalla Selector de archivos presione Subir un
archivo haga clic en Examinar, busque el archivo de la actividad en el directorio donde lo haya
guardado, selecciónelo y oprima Abrir. Presione Subir este archivo y Guardar cambios. Por
último, haga clic en Enviar tarea y Continuar. 

Case 2:


1. Read the following text carefully:

Coronavirus Impact on the Mexican Economy

The worldwide proliferation of coronavirus is wreaking havoc on our global economy, and Mexico
is no exception. The main issue is found in China, where efforts to curb the spread of the virus
caused a halt in its production processes. As a result, the rest of the world began to experience a
drop in manufacturing exports to China and higher production costs due to a shortage of Chinese
intermediate goods. Thus, leading international analysts have recently lowered growth
expectations for China as well as for the rest of the world.

In Mexico, both global financial institutions and private analysts have already lowered growth
expectations for this year. In fact, some analysts suggest that the national economy will not
grow or may even decline as a result of the harsh coronavirus impact. Said impact stems from
two sources, the first relating to the slowdown in U.S. industry due to the significant reduction in
exports to China. A large part of the industrial processes in the U.S. is closely linked to Mexican
manufacturing production, especially of intermediate goods. Throughout 2019, the export sector
(manufacturing in particular) was the only one seeing growth and yet the economy dropped (-
0.1% in the year). Please note that the U.S. economy grew at about 2% this year.

The second source is the reduction in imports of intermediate goods, which mainly come from
Asian countries. Mexico is a country that imports a large part of the supplies used in the
production of its exports. When there is a supply shock, it increases production costs and
decreases productivity. Swiftly replacing suppliers with companies located in North America, for
example, is not an easy task.

This scenario is already causing many countries to react with urgent measures to compensate
for the economic slowdown. The first measure involves economic incentives where most of the
world's central banks are lowering interest rates to encourage consumption and investment. The
Central Bank of Mexico will likely follow this cycle and lower its target interest rate by up to 75
percentage points. On the other hand, many countries are also preparing fiscal measures to
stimulate the economy. For instance, in the U.S., cheaper credits are being set up for SMEs as
well as the elimination of payroll taxes. Also, global financial institutions such as the World Bank,
among others, are developing rescue packages.

In Mexico, in addition to monetary policy, no fiscal measures have been advocated to encourage
the economy. The problem lies in the fact that, in addition to the severe situation caused by the
coronavirus outbreak, the recent drop in oil prices has put Pemex, the state-owned company,
against the wall. And this is in a setting where public finances are strained by extremely weak
tax collection. Due to the weak economy, both direct income tax (ISR) and indirect income (IVA)
tax collection declined in 2019. In addition, part of the counter-cyclical savings fund left by the
previous administration was used to pay for Pemex's debt. The state-owned company had a
92% increase in losses in 2019.

This year, the picture doesn't look good either. Reductions in growth expectations will lead to
lower tax revenues. If we also consider the drop in crude oil prices, then Pemex will likely be
affected as well. Although the federal government has hedge oil prices through a put option, it
does not cover 100% of the export platform.

Thus, it is imperative to develop a fiscal reform to shield public finances. Although the Ministry of
Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público) had recently suggested it, this idea was
dismissed by the President. Without a fiscal reform, there will be no resources left to meet the
increases in public spending and will force the government to keep on cutting expenses or to use
the remaining funds to compensate for the decline in revenues.

The government must immediately begin to develop fiscal measures to compensate for the
coming economic slowdown.

Coronavirus Impact on the Mexican Economy. Obtenido de: https://egade.tec.mx/en/egade-ideas/opinion/coronavirus-impact-mexican-economy

2. What is the main idea of the text?

3. Write at least 3 of the most important “General ideas” of the text:

4. Write at least 3 of the most important “Specific ideas” of the text:

5. In the previous text, find any words with prefixes and suffixes, and write them on the next
chart including their meaning in Spanish:

Words with PREFIXES Translation Words with SUFFIXES Translation

6. In the previous text, find Cognates and False Cognates, and write them on the next chart
including their meaning in Spanish:

COGNATES Translation FALSE COGNATES Translation

7. What is the “Text structure” or “Organizational Pattern” of the first paragraph (such as:
Chronological order, order of importance, compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequence,
etc.)? Give your answer and justify it with fundamentals.

8. No omita consultar los criterios con los que se evaluará la actividad:

Criterios de Evaluación

Criterio Valor

Identifica y redacta de manera apropiada la idea 2

principal del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas generales más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas específicas más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe correctamente los prefijos y sufijos que 1

se encuentren dentro del texto con su
correspondiente traducción.

Escribe correctamente los Cognados y Falsos 1

cognados que se encuentren dentro del texto con
su correspondiente traducción.

Identifica de manera correcta la “Estructura de 2

texto” o “Patrón organizacional” del primer
párrafo. De igual modo, justifica con
fundamentos teóricos su respuesta de manera

Total 10

9. Guarde el archivo en su computadora o en alguna unidad de memoria. Debe nombrar el

archivo como Exam_AbiertoP, más un guion bajo y las siglas de su nombre y apellidos, por
ejemplo: Exam_AbiertoP_MGTG.doc

10. Al terminar presione la casilla Añadir envío que aparece más abajo; en la sección Envío de

archivo presione Agregar; después en la pantalla Selector de archivos presione Subir un
archivo haga clic en Examinar, busque el archivo de la actividad en el directorio donde lo haya
guardado, selecciónelo y oprima Abrir. Presione Subir este archivo y Guardar cambios. Por
último, haga clic en Enviar tarea y Continuar. 



1. Read the following text carefully:

The golden rules for good business meeting etiquette

We’ve all experienced a ‘bad’ business meeting. They come in many shapes and forms. There
are those where attendees show up 15 minutes late, those with an unclear purpose, and again
there are those you don’t even feel you need.

If you’re a middle manager, you spend around 35% of your time in meetings. Upper
management uses a staggering 50%. Why is that? Could it be that we’re trying to multitask –
doing too many things at once – when in fact we’re not being productive at all? Or are we
scheduling meetings simply out of habit?

Whatever the reason, it’s a lot of time is spend trying to bounce ideas, solve problems, and in
the end get something done. All those meetings require a successful strategy. That’s why we’ve
put together a list of must-know rules on how to run an efficient business meeting, both for
meeting leaders and participants.

These tips aren’t universally applicable for all meetings. Some should only be reserved for the
most formal. Instead, we hope the reader will look at this as a miscellaneous collection – and
where the reader is free to pick and choose what could be relevant to their own environment.

Before a business meeting:

I. Do you really need this business meeting?

Not everything can or should be resolved in a meeting. Perhaps you don’t even need to schedule
it! That’s why the first and most important rule is to have a specific purpose before scheduling a

meeting. If you don’t have a purpose, don’t schedule a meeting. Can the matter be resolved via
email or quick chat instead? Then do so instead.

II. Only invite necessary people

Include only the people who are relevant to the discussion or have a say in the matter. Inviting
too many people who are not directly involved isn’t just wasting their time, it’s wasting everyone
else’s as well. Besides that, if you overcrowd the meeting room, you won’t get as much done.

During a business meeting

Business meeting attendees could be calling in from the same office or from anywhere else in
the world. It’s your job, as the organizer, to make sure everyone feels welcome. Use
technologies that improve the visual experience and team collaboration and work on your
presentation skills.

I. Don’t be late
Show up on time. There’s no excuse for being late for a business meeting, no matter what your
role in it is. If you are, a simple apology to the organizer and the rest of the attendees is always
appreciated, just don’t make a big fuss of it.

Even if you usually tend to arrive late for personal appointments, make an effort of always
arriving a little bit early for business meetings. Besides providing extra breathing room before an
important meeting, you’ll probably be perceived as more orderly since you don’t cause
unnecessary disruption.

We all have different personality types, and while being late for personal arrangements isn’t a
problem in your surroundings, arriving on time is generally perceived as mandatory in
professional settings.
After a business meeting
Business meetings are more often part of a larger project or strategy. Stop thinking of them as
events that have a definite beginning and end. Keep yourself and your files in order to make
sure you’re always ready to pick up where you left off.

I. Ask for – and give – feedback

All of us have likely tried a form of the feedback sandwich – with more or less luck. But besides
criticism disguised as a compliment, there are other, arguably better ways to deliver
constructive criticism. It’s imperative in a working environment to master the skill of giving
feedback, both positive and negative, and you’d be surprised at how many actually want it.

The 50 golden rules for good business meeting etiquette. Obtenido de: https://airtame.com/blog/good-business-meeting-etiquette/)

2. What is the main idea of the text?

3. Write at least 3 of the most important “General ideas” of the text:

4. Write at least 3 of the most important “Specific ideas” of the text:

5. In the previous text, find any words with prefixes and suffixes, and write them on the next
chart including their meaning in Spanish:

Words with PREFIXES Translation Words with SUFFIXES Translation

6. In the previous text, find Cognates and False Cognates, and write them on the next chart
including their meaning in Spanish:
COGNATES Translation FALSE COGNATES Translation

7. What is the “Text structure” or “Organizational Pattern” of the first paragraph (such as:
Chronological order, order of importance, compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequence,
etc.)? Give your answer and justify it with fundamentals.

8. No omita consultar los criterios con los que se evaluará la actividad:

Criterios de Evaluación

Criterio Valor

Identifica y redacta de manera apropiada la idea 2

principal del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas generales más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe al menos 3 ideas específicas más 2

importantes del texto.

Escribe correctamente los prefijos y sufijos que 1

se encuentren dentro del texto con su
correspondiente traducción.

Escribe correctamente los Cognados y Falsos 1

cognados que se encuentren dentro del texto con
su correspondiente traducción.

Identifica de manera correcta la “Estructura de 2

texto” o “Patrón organizacional” del primer
párrafo. De igual modo, justifica con
fundamentos teóricos su respuesta de manera


Total 10

9. Guarde el archivo en su computadora o en alguna unidad de memoria. Debe nombrar el

archivo como Exam_AbiertoP, más un guion bajo y las siglas de su nombre y apellidos, por
ejemplo: Exam_AbiertoP_MGTG.doc

10. Al terminar presione la casilla Añadir envío que aparece más abajo; en la sección Envío de

archivo presione Agregar; después en la pantalla Selector de archivos presione Subir un
archivo haga clic en Examinar, busque el archivo de la actividad en el directorio donde lo haya
guardado, selecciónelo y oprima Abrir. Presione Subir este archivo y Guardar cambios. Por
último, haga clic en Enviar tarea y Continuar. 


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