Madam Elaine Ang: CLA SS: B1

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Submitted to


Lecturer, Faculty of Business , Multimedia University Melaka

We hereby declare that this assignment has been done by us with proper citation
and without plagiarism from some other sources.

Prepared and Submitted by:

Students of BAE 1044 (English for Business Communication) as listed below.

No. Name Student ID Signature

1 Nurul Anis Ashsiffa Binti Isha 1211303746
2 Muhmmad Danish Adam Bin Azaman 1191201250
3 Nurin Faqihah Binti Sukaini 1201101448
4 Cheng Yi Wen 1171201039
5 CHUA JIA JIN 1171203541
6 GAN LI ENG 1161204227

24th January 2021

Table of Content



TABLE OF LIST...............................................................................................................v

1.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1

1.2 Background.................................................................................................................1-2

1.3 Terms of References....................................................................................................2

1.4 Purpose.........................................................................................................................2

1.5 Scope...........................................................................................................................2

1.6 Methodology.................................................................................................................3

2.1 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................3

2.2 SurveyW........................................................................................................................3-12

2.3 Summary of Findings...................................................................................................13

3.1 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................14

3.2 Personal Information......................................................................................................14

3.3 Student perception..........................................................................................................14

3.4 Recommendation...........................................................................................................14

4.1 RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................15

4.2 Student...........................................................................................................................15

4.3 References......................................................................................................................15

APPENDIX A.......................................................................................................................16-17

APPENDIX B.......................................................................................................................18-21

The purpose of this report is to investigate the perception of MMU students on MySejahtera app
and to find out the experience when using it. Besides that, the result of this report is to provide
recommendations on how to improve MySejahtera app services.
The study was requested by Madam Elaine Ang, the lecturer of Business Communication
(BAE1044) in Multimedia University Melaka.
The method used to obtain the data was an online questionnaire survey that was randomly
distributed to 35 respondents (MMU students).
It was found that most the students of Multimedia University are familiar with the MySejahtera
app. The existence of MySejahtera app has greatly helped MMU students to always be aware of
Covid-19 pandemic and protect their health.
The following recommendations were made:
 Students in MMU should make use of the benefits of MySejahtera app service.
 Students in MMU are encouraged to always use MySejahtera app service to ensure
health safety.
 We recommended MySejahtera app should improve on data information services.
 We recommended MySejahtera app should increase QR code scanning speed for check
in place service.
 We recommended MySejahtera app should improve the app security system in order to
make user feel more secured

In conclusion, students have positive perceptions towards MySejahtera app services. If the
recommendations are accepted and implemented, MMU students will be more delighted to use
the MySejahtera app.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following people who have supported us to
carry out this study:
1. Madam Elaine Ang Hwee Chin, lecturer of Business communication in Multimedia
University (Malacca Campus) and our subject lecturer, for providing invaluable guidance
and advice along our preparation for this report.
2. Students in Multimedia University (Malacca Campus) who spent their precious time to
answer our online questionnaire survey.
3. Our fellow classmates who assisted us with problems to come with this report.
4. All others who had generously offered helping hands for us to complete this report.
List of table

Figure No. Title Page

1 Respondents, by Gender 3
2 Respondents, by Faculty 4
3 Age Group of the Respondents, in Years 4
4 Familiar MySejahrtera app function 5
5 Convenient to use MySejahtera app 6
6 Number of using MySejahrtera app 6
7 MySejahtera app is well developed? 7
8 Difficulty in using MySejahtera app 7
9 Scanning Speed 8
10 Secure of MySejahtera app 8
11 Bad intention that able track your daily movement wen 9
using MySejahtera app?
12 Malaysia Government done the right move that 9
introducing MySejahtera app?
13 Hotspot tracker accurate 10
14 Manage dependent useful 10
15 What is need to improve 11
16 User friendly and useful 12
17 Satisfied with MySejahtera app 12

1.1 Background

MySejahtera is a mobile application launched by the Malaysian Ministry of Health in

collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation to make it easier for the
government to monitor the outbreak in the country.

Covid-19, a disease virus that severely affects the respiratory system. It was originally
discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. In early
2020, the epidemic spread rapidly around the world, posing a major threat to people's health and
livelihoods. By December, more than 67.004 million confirmed cases had been reported in 191
countries and regions worldwide, of which more than 1.53 million had died, making it one of the
deadliest pandemics in history. It has therefore been described as the most crisis the world has
faced since the Second World War.[ CITATION Wik20 \l 2052 ]

The first confirmed case of Covid-19 in Malaysia was reported on 25 January 2020. The
infected person was an elderly Chinese man who had travelled from Singapore to Malaysia.
Subsequently, the first Malaysian was diagnosed on 3 February and the first indigenous case
emerged on 5 May 2020. However, the real outbreak of the disease in the country took place
during a preaching event attended by about 16,000 people at the Grand Castle Mosque in Kuala
Lumpur from 27 February to 1 March. The outbreak in Malaysia gradually spread throughout the
states and the government adopted Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18 March 2020 to
contain the spread of the epidemic until 3 May 2020. [ CITATION ASH20 \l 2052 ]

MySejahtera allows people to conduct a self-assessment of their health to check if they

have COVID-19 through specific assessment questions, and if they are unlucky enough to have
COVID-19, they can also use the MySejahtera app to find out how and where to seek treatment
or find a nearby hospital or clinic for treatment and screening. MySejahtera is also updated daily
with information on the number of confirmed cases in each state. In addition to this, the most
important function of MySejahtera is to allow people to scan QR codes wherever they go in
order to trace confirmed cases and their contacts. [ CITATION MyS20 \l 2052 ] It also enables
the people to stay aware of the epidemic around them. The app has been made available for use
on IOS or Android phones in April 2020.

1.2 Terms of Reference

To report on MMU student’s perception on MySejahtera application among as requested by

Madam Elaine Ang, lecturer of English for Business Communication (BAE1044) on 7 December
2020, and to make approciate recommendations. This study will be carried out by a group of six
members, who are Thong Gui Pei, Wang Ee Min, Lim Zhi Tong, Lee Xin Ying, Muhammad
Syawal Bin Ramdan and Tay Ying Cheng and the report will be prepared by all the members as

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

1. to investigate MMU student’s perception on MySejahtera app.
2. to suggest recommendations on MySejahtera app.

1.4 Scope

Since the pandemic, all students are required to attend classes online. Thus, many students are at
their respective hometown. Hence, we are doing this survey to find out the usage of MySejahtera
app at various location to test its effectiveness.

For this study, our target participants are 35 MMU students from Melaka campus which consists
from various faculties such as Faculty of Business (FOB), Faculty of Engineering and
Technology (FET), Faculty of Law (FOL), Faculty of Information and Science (FIST) and from
different gender. We distributed the surveys to different students from different faculties so that
we can get a variety of opinions from them.
1.5 Methodology

The instrument used in this report is a set of survey questionnaire. It has 3 sections: personal
information, student’s perception and recommendations. Most of the questions would be asked
with options given for respondents to choose. This questionnaire consists of 18 multiple choice
questions. We use a simple random method for this survey . The respondents are required to
answer the questionnaire via google form. Once the respondents have done the survey, the
tabulation of results will be done.

2.1 Survey
A questionnaire consists of 3 sections was distributed to 35 students from different faculties of
Multimedia University Melaka Campus during Week 6. All the questionnaires were completed
by the respondents. A copy of the questionnaire is attached with this report under Appendix A
and there is a tabulation of data obtained from the survey can be found in Appendix B.

2.1.1 General Information

Respondents from Female stand the largest number among male, which were 63% respectively.
Respondents from male were 37%. Figure 1 indicates the respondents by gender.


Male; 37.14%

Female; 62.86%
Female Male

Figure 1: Gender of the respondent

Out of 35 respondents, respondents from FOB stand the largest number among all other faculties
with 26 respondents each. Respondents from FOL accounted for 3 respondents and respondents
from FIST had a total of 5 respondents. Of all the other faculties, FET had the lowest number of
respondents with 1. Figure 2 shows the breakdown of respondents by faculty.




5 3

Figure 2: Faculty of respondents

Out of 35 respondents, the largest proportion is 18-20 years’ old which have 68.6%. Then only
31.4% respondents were in the 21-23 years old group. None of the respondent were in the 24-26
years old group and above. Figure 1 indicates the respondents by age.



Figure 3: Age group of the respondents

2.1.2 Student perception
For this survey question, respondents out of 30 thinks that they are familiar with MySejahtera
app function or not. From the data we know that MMU students think that they are very familiar
with this app (33 persons), and just 2 persons think that they are not familiar with this app.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of familiar with MySejahtera app.

Are respondents familiar with MySejahtera app function?

NO 2

YES 33

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Are respondents familiar with MySejahtera app function?

Figure 4: Are respondents familiar with MySejahtera app function?

Is MySejahtera app convenient to use? this

NoNtoattaat lal;ll0

Sometimes Sometimes;

Convenient Convenient; 25

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
survey question, these 35 respondents can choose more than one option. There were 25
respondents that choose about the My Sejahtera App is convenient to used and 10 respondents
choose the My Sejahtera App are sometimes convenient for use. None of the respondent choose
not at all the My Sejahtera App is convenient to use. Figure 5 indicates is My Sejahtera App
convenient to use.

Figure 5: Is My Sejahtera app convenient to use?

Out of 35 respondents, most respondents think that the who are use My Sejahtera App in 1-5
times/day (26 students). On the other hand, the respondents who obtained over 10 times/day
were the least among all (2 students). There were 7 respondents with how often you use My
Sejahtera app are Average. Figure 6 shows How often do you use My Sejahtera app.
How often do you use My Sejahtera app?
1-5 times/day6-10 times/day>10 times/ day




Figure 6: How often do you use My Sejahtera app?

Do you think the MySejahtera app is well developed?



Based on our survey, most of our respondents are 80% think that the My Sejahtera App is well
developed. There were only 20% of respondents were think not well developed of the My
Sejahtera. Figure 7 depicts the proportion of respondents with the My Sejahtera App is well
Figure 7: Do you think the My Sejahtera app is well developed?

Respondents out of 35 did you find any difficulty in using My Sejahtera App. From the data we
know that MMU students thinks that without any difficulty when in use My Sejahtera App (18
respondents), and 15 respondents who they face difficulties in using My Sejahtera App
sometimes, and 2 respondents who are faced difficulties in using My Sejahtera App. Figure 8
shows the distribution of did you find any difficulty in using My Sejahtera App.

Did you find any difficulty in using MySejahtera App?

Yes; 5.71%

Sometimes; 42.86%
No Sometimes
No; 51.43%

Figure 8: Did you find any difficulty in using My Sejahtera App?

In these 35 respondents, only 3 students think that the scanning speed or My Sejahtera App on
QR code is slow. In the other hand, 22 students think the scanning speed on QR code is normal
and acceptable. Besides that, 10 students think that the scanning speed on QR code are very fast.
Figure 9 shows the distribution of the scanning speed or My Sejahtera App on QR Code.

What do you think about the scanning speed or MySejahtera App on QR Code?


5 3

Slow Moderate Fast

Figure 9: What do you think about the scanning speed or My Sejahtera App on QR Code?

It shows that the security of MySejahtera app. Based on the survey, there are 23 out of 35
respondents (66.7%) think that MySejahtera app is secure but there have 12 which is 34.3%
respondents think that MySejahtera app is not secure. Figure 10 shows the distribution of the
security of the MySejahtera app.

Did you think MySejahtera app is secure?

No; 12;

Yes; 23;


Figure 10: The security of the MySejahtera app.

Based on this survey, 22 respondents accounting for 62.9% feel insecure and 13 respondents
accouting for 37.1% not feel insecure about someone with bad intention might be able to track
the daily movement while using MySejahtera app to check in at any place. Figure 11 depicts the
feeling about the people with bad intention might be able to track the daily movement while
using MySejahtera app.

The feeling about the people with bad intention might be able to track the daily movement while using MySejahtera app.

No; 13; 37.14%

Yes; 22; 62.86%

Figure 11: The feeling about the people with bad intention might be able to track the daily
movement while using MySejahtera app.

The large population of respondents agree (51.4%) and 14.3% of respondents strongly agree that
Malaysia gorvernment have done a right move in introducing MySejahtera app to assist in
tracking and breaking th Covid-19 infection chains. Only have one (2.9%) of respondent each
disagree and strongly disagree that Malaysia gorvernment have done a right move in introducing
MySejahtera app. However, there have 28.8% of respondents remain neutral. Figure 12 shows
the distribution about Malaysia government have a right introduce in MySejahtera app.

Malaysia government have a right introduce in MySejahtera app.

8 10
4 5
1 1
0 Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeDisagree
Malaysia government have a right introduce in MySejahtera app.
Figure 12: Malaysia government have a right introduce in MySejahtera app.
The accuracy of the hotspot tracker in MySejahtera app can be depicted in the figure below.
There are 20% of respondents feels accurate on the function of hotspot tracker in MySejahtera
app and 11.4% respondents feels not accurate on the function of hotspot tracker in MySejahtera
app. However, there are more than half (68.6%) respondents remain neutral. Figure 13 depicts
the accuracy of the hotspot tracker in MySejahtera app.

The accuracy of the hotspot tracker in MySejahtera app

4; 11.43%
7; 20.00%
Not accurate

24; 68.57%

Figure 13: The accuracy of the hotspot tracker in MySejahtera app

The figure below depicts the useful of “Manage Dependent” function in MySejahtera app. Based
on the survey, nearly three quarters (71.4%) of all 35 respondents think that the function
“Manage Dependent” is useful. On the contrary, 28.6% of respondents think that the function
“Manage Dependent” is not useful at all. Figure 14 shows that the useful of “Manage
Dependent” function in MySejahtera app.

Is the function "Manage Dependent" useful?

No; 10; 28.57%
Yes; 25; 71.43%

Figure 14: the useful of “Manage Dependent” function in MySejahtera app.

Out of 35 responses, have 48.6% of the respondents think that MySejahtera app need to improve
of their data information (17 respondents). On the other hand, 28.6% of the respondents think
that need to improve on accessibility (10 respondents) and 22.9% of the respondents think that
need to improve the scanning speed (8 respondents). From figure 15 shows that the distribution
of which aspect MySejahtera app needs improvement.

Improvement of MySejahtera app





10 17

4 8

0 0
Data InformationAccessibilityScanning Speed

Figure 15: which aspect MySejahtera app needs improvement.

Based on our survey, the majority of our respondents are 91.4%(32 respondents) think that
MySejahtera app is user friendly and useful. There were only 8.6% (3 respondents) of
respondents think that MySejahtera app are not user friendly and useful. From figure 16 depicts
the proportion of respondents with the MySejahtera app is user friendly and useful?
MySejahtera app are user friendly and useful




Figure 16: Do you think MySejahtera app is user friendly and useful?

Based on this survey question, there 35 respondents are think about that whether MySejahtera
app are satisfied or not. Besides that, there were 28 respondents think that MySejahtera app are
satisfied and 7 respondents are not sure whether there are satisfied or not. None of the respondent
are not dissatisfied with MySejahtera app.

MySejahtera app are satisfied or not

Yes 28


Not Sure 7

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 17: Are you satisfied with MySejahtera app

2.2 Summary of Findings
Below is the summary of the major findings of the survey:
 There were more females than males in the survey done. There were 62.9% females
compared to 37.1% male.
 The majority respondents of the survey are FOB students which is 26 students.
 Student ranging from 18-23 years old had participated the survey.
 There are 33 respondents are familiar with MySejahtera app function.
 There are three-quarters (71.4%) of the respondents said that MySejahtera app is
convenient to use.
 Most of the respondents (26 students) are using MySejahtera app 1-5 times per day.
 There are 80% (28 respondents) think that MySejahtera app is well develop.
 Half (51.4%) of the respondents did not find any difficulty in using MySejahtera app, and
less than half (42.9%) of the respondents sometimes will find out some difficulty in using
MySejahtera app.
 There are three-quarters of the respondents think that scanning speed on MySejahtera app
is moderate.
 There are 23 respondents think that MySejahtera app is secure.
 Three quarters (62.9%) of the respondents feel bad intention that able to track their daily
movement while using MySejahtera app to check in at any place.
 There are 18 respondents think that Malaysia government have done the right move in
introducing MySejahtera to assist in tracking and breaking Covid-19 infection chains.
 24 respondents think that hotspot tracker in MySejahtera is accurate
 Most of the respondents think that manage dependent are useful.
 17 respondents said that data information in MySejahtera app need to improve.
 Most of the respondent (32 respondents) think that MySejahtera app is user friendly and
 There are 80% (28respondents) satisfied with MySejahtera app.
From the findings, there are several conclusions that could be made:

3.1 Personal Information

• Among the 35 respondents, 62.9% are male and 37.1% are female.
• For the percentage of respondents from each faculty, most of it which is 74.3% was from
FOB, 14.3% from FIST, 8.6% from FOL and 2.8% from FET.
• The age range from 18-20 is 68.6%, 21-23 is 31.4% and 24 years old and above was
sadly 0%.

3.2 Student’s Perception

• A majority of 94.3% respondents were familiar with MySejahtera app function.
• Among 71.4% of the respondents think that MySejahtera app is convenient to use.
• More than 70% of the respondents use MySejahtera app at least 1-5 times a day.
• Majority of the respondents agreed that MySejahtera app is well developed.
• Sadly, there are 42.9% of the respondents found difficulty in using MySejahtera app
• 62.9% of the respondents felt that scanning speed of MySejahtera app is just on a
moderate level and can have some improvement on it. However, there are still 28.6% of
them think that the scanning speed is consider fast.
• More than 65% of the respondents think MySejahtera app is secure.
• There are many people still have concern on someone with bad attention migh be able to
track their daily movement trough MySejahtera app while they check in into any places.
A percentage of 62.9% still feel insecure while using MySejahtera app.
• Majority of the respondents agree on introducing MySejahtera app to assist in tracking
and breaking the Covid19 infection chains.
• Only 20% of the respondents think that MySejahtera app hotspot tracker is accurate.
• More than 70% of the respondents think that the function “manage dependent” is useful.

3.3 Recommendation
• 48.6% of the respondents suggest MySejahtera app on improving data information aspect
while the other 28.6% and 22.9% suggested to improve accessibility and scanning speed
• Fortunately, a majority of more than 90% respondents agree that MySejahtera app is user
• Most of the respondents are still considered satisfied with MySejahtera app while a
minority of 20% did not have opinion on it.

From the conclusions above, there are some recommendations by the respondents which can be
suggested in order to improve MySejahtera app.
4.1 Student
 Improve MySejahtera app scanning speed
 Improve the accessibility by enable all users to access MySejahtera app even when there
is no mobile data connection.
 Improve the accuracy of information in MySejahtera app and update it more frequent.
 Prove the privacy or personal information of all user is protected.

4.2 References
MySejahtera. (2020). Retrieved from

TANG, A. (2020, 3 16). The Star. Retrieved from Malaysia announces movement control order after
spike in Covid-19 cases :
announces- restricted-movement-measure-after-spike-in-covid-19-cases

Wikipedia. (2020). Retrieved from COVID-19 pandemic: 19_pandemic

Survey on MySejahtera Application
Dear Participant,

We are carrying out a survey about MySejahtera application users among Multimedia
University (MMU) students and we would like to know about your views and opinion.
Your responses will be useful to improve MySejahtera services. We wish to thank you for
your time and contribution in giving us your feedback and views about the application.

Instructions: Please read and tick (  ) in the box provided for each of the statements below.
Section A: Personal Information

1. Gender:

Male Female
2. Faculty:


3. Age:
18.20 21-23 24-26 >26

Section B: Student Perception

4. Are you familiar with MySejahtera app function?

Yes No
5. Is MySejahtera app convenient to use?

Not at all Sometimes Convenient

6. How often do you use My Sejahtera app?

1-5 times/day 6-10 times/day >10 times/day

7. Do you think the MySejahtera app is well developed?

Yes No

8. Did you find any difficulty in using MySejahtera App?

Yes No Sometimes

9. What do you think about the scanning speed or MySejahtera App on QR Code?

Slow Moderate Fast

10.Did you think MySejahtera app is secure?

Yes No

11. Will you feel insecure about someone with bad intention might be able to track your daily
movement while you are using MySejahtera app to check in at any places?

Yes No

12. Malaysia Government has done a right move in introducing MySejahtera app to assist in
tracking and breaking the Covid19 infection chains.

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

13. Do you think hotspot tracker of MySejahtera is accurate?

Accurate Neutral Not Accurate

14. Is the function “manage dependent” useful?

Yes No
Section C: Recommendations

15. In your opinion, which aspect of MySejahtera app needs improvement?

Scanning Speed Accessibility Data Information

16. Did you think MysSejahtera app is user friendly and useful?

Yes No

17.Are you satisfied with MySejahtera app?

Yes No Not Sure

Appendix B
Tabulation of data from MMU student’s perception on MySejahtera app.
Table 1: Gender
Male Female Total
NO. 13 22 35
% 37.1 62.9 100

Table 2: Faculty
NO. 26 3 1 5 35
% 74.3 8.6 2.9 14.3 100

Table 3: Age
18-20 21-23 24-26 >26 Total
NO. 24 11 0 0 35
% 68.6 31.4 0 0 100

Table 4: Are you familiar with MySejahtera app function?

Yes No Total
NO. 33 2 35

% 94.3 5.7 100

Table 5: Is MySejahtera app convenient to use?

Convenient Sometimes Not at all Total
NO. 24 10 0 35
% 71.4 28.6 0 100

Table 6: How often do you use My Sejahtera app?

1-5 6-10 times/day > 10 Total
times/day times/day
NO. 26 7 2 35
% 74.3 20 5.7 100

Table 7: Do you think the MySejahtera app is well developed?

Yes No Total
NO. 28 7 35

% 80 20 100

Table 8: Did you find any difficulty in using MySejahtera App?

Yes No Sometime Total
NO. 2 18 15 35
% 5.7 51.4 42.9 100

Table 9: What do you think about the scanning speed or MySejahtera App on QR Code?
Fast Moderate Slow Total
NO. 10 22 3 35
% 28.6 62.9 8.6 100

Table 10: Did you think MySejahtera app is secure?

Yes No Total
NO. 23 12 35
% 65.7 34.3 100

Table 11: Will you feel insecure about someone with bad intention might be able to track your
daily movement while you are using MySejahtera app to check in at any places?
Yes No Total
NO. 22 13 35
% 62.9 37.1 100
Table 12: Malaysia Government have done a right move in introducing MySejahtera app to
assist in tracking and breaking the Covid19 infection chains.
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total
Disagree Agree
NO. 1 1 10 18 5 35
% 2.9 2.9 28.6 51.4 14.3 100

Table 13: Do you think hotspot tracker MySejahtera is accurate?

Accurate Neutral Not Accurate Total
NO. 7 24 4 35
% 20 68.6 11.4 100

Table 14: Is the function “manage dependent” useful?

Yes No Total
NO. 25 10 35
% 71.4 28.6 100

Table 15: In your opinion, which aspect of MySejahtera app needs improvement?
Scanning Speed Accessibility Data Information Total
NO. 8 10 17 35
% 22.9 28.6 48.6 100
Table 16: Did you think MysSejahtera app is user friendly and useful?
Yes No Total
NO. 32 3 35
% 91.4 8.6 100

Table 17: Are you satisfied with MySejahtera app?

Yes No Not Sure Total
NO. 28 0 7 35
% 80 0 20 100

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