Orata Act 1.1

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Name: Jose, Keith Aldrinson - Code: E411

Yr. and Blck: BEED 1-2 Date: 11/26/2021


1. Dr. Orata expressed his worldview stated above in 1966. Do you think that it is still
relevant today during our time? Justify in 2-3 sentences only.

2. Post your answers in our discussion forum for those enrolled in Online Learning or write
speaces below for those who opted for Online Learning.

3.Be sure to comment on at least one response from your classmates, making sure that you
exercise tact and respect.

Yes I think it is still relevant because Dr. Orata could still reorganized the elementary
schools and opened the Urdaneta Community High School because he established a
legacy that will last forever by spreading innovation while building on a foundation of
greatness, the education provided will determine the quality of life of the people
because nowadays if we don’t have enough education they are not accepting people to
work on their establishments.


2. Choose one goal and one objective of the university.

Instill formation of knowledge abilities skills and attitudes necessary to make an individual a
responsible member of the society enhance the development of instruction to produce high
level professionals and harness the productive capacity of the country’s human resource
base toward international competitiveness.

To conduct systematic investigations geared toward the establishment and discovery of
novel facts solve present or existing problems provide new ideas or develop new theories
satisfy curiosity and have mastery of nature.

a. It relates to my course because goals are crucial to school success, and tracking goals
helps me learn important life skills such as planning, organization, and time management
while also building communication skills, self-awareness, and confidence.

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