Jose, Keith Aldrinson Beed 1 - 2: A. Review

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Jose, Keith Aldrinson - BEED 1 - 2


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
I. Define the meaning of concentration of the solution in their understanding correctly
II. Identify the importance of concentration of the solution in our daily lives.
III. Solve percentage by mass and volume related problems


A. Topic: Concentration of Solutions: Percentage by Mass and Volume

B. Materials and References: Principles of General Chemistry by Patricia Ama te is p. 214-130

*Alcohol bottle, GSM bottle, iodine bottle, cartolina

C. Science Concepts:

Mass – is the quantity of matter in a physical body and a measure of the body’s inertia.

Volume – is the amount of 3D space a substance or object occupies it is a derived unit, depending on 3

D. Process Skills:
Defining, Differentiating. Problem Solving, Critical Thinking

E. Value Integration
Patience, Honesty, and cooperation during the teaching process

F. Teaching Strategies
Inquiry Approach, Discussion, Audio Visual Presentation

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Checking of Attendance

A. Review
Before we proceed to our lesson. Let’s have a Sir last meeting we have discussed solubility.
recap of what we have discussed in our last
Sir, we have also discussed factors that affect
Very good, what else? solubility.

Sir, solubility refers to the extent to which a

Okay, so what is solubility? solute is dissolved in a given solvent.

Sir, the factors that affect solubility are the

Very well said. And what are the factors that nature of solute and solvent, temperature, and
affect solubility? pressure.

B. Motivation
Class I have here ethyl alcohol, a betadine, and a Sir, they have a volumetric measurement.
Ginebra San Miguel containers. What can you
observe about their labels?

Yes, Aside from that, what else? Sir, they are examples of solutions.

Good, but I am asking what have you observed Sir, there is the percentage of solutions and
about their labels. Okay, what else? proofs indicated.
Sir, it means that the solution is concentrated.
You’ve got it!

C. Developmental Activities
Sir, the concentration of solution refers to the
So what is the concentration of the solution?
amount of solute in a given amount of solvent or

Sir, it must indicate the intensity of the solution

Very good!, What else?
needed. For example in muriatic acid, the
concentration there is indicated to know where
to use it. Because the higher concentration, the
very corrosive it is?
The amount concentration of solute in a given
amount of solvent can be expressed qualitatively.
Sir dilute and concentrated.
And what are they?

Exactly what is dilute?

Sir, dilute is a solution that contains a small
proportion of solute relative to the solvent.
You’re right!

A more accurate way of expressing the amount of

solute in a given amount of solvent in terms of
percentage, molarity, molality normality, parts
per million, and parts per billion. But for today
we will be dealing with the percentage of mass
and volume. wt/ wt%= [(mass of solute)]/([mass of solution)]x
What is the formula in solving for the percentage 100%
by mass/ weight?

That’s it! Where the weight of the solution is

equal to the weight of solution plus the weight of

For example, a solution that is labeled 5% NaCl

means that there are 5g of NaCl for every 95g of
solvent or 100g of solution.

Take note that 1g is equivalent or equal to 1 mL.

Okay let’s have a problem solving

What is the percentage by mass of a salt solution Given: wt. of solute= 11g
prepared by dissolving 11g of salt in 80g of the wt. of solution= 80g
solution? Formula:
wt/wt% = [(mass of solute)/(mass of solution)]x

Solution: % by wt= 11g x 100

= 0.1375x100
= 13.75 %

Substitute the given values in the formula, 11g

over 80g times 100, cancel the units of measure,
11 divided by 80 is 0.1375 multiplied to 100 is
Check. Very Good!

Can you follow the class?

Yes sir.

Let’s move on to percent by volume this is

generally used when the solute is a liquid or gas.

What is the formula for solving the percentage by

volume? v/v % = volume [(volume of solute)]/(volume of
solution)] x 100%
Very good! This is widely used in determining the
alcohol content of alcoholic drinks.
The amount of alcohol in alcoholic beverages is
expressed as….. what? Sir, proof number.
That’s right! And what is the formula used for
solving the proof number? Sir 2 (%by volume)
Let’s solve.

A solution is prepared by mixing 50 ml of C2H5OH

in 300 ml of distilled water. What is the percent
by volume concentration and the proof number Given: Vol, of solute= 50 ml
of the solution? Vol. of solution= 300 ml

Formula: v/v% =[(volume of solute)/(volume of

solution)] x100 %

Solution by % by vol. = 50 ml x 100

50ml + 300 ml
= 50ml x 100

Kindly explain your work. Proof No.=2 (14.28)

= 28.56

The volume of solute is 50 ml and notice that

only the volume of the solvent is the given not
the volume of the solution. So, what are we going
to do is to add the volume of the solute and the
volume of the solvent to come up with the
volume of the solution,50 ml plus 300 ml is equal
to 350ml. Substitute the given and computed
values in the formula, 50 ml over 350 ml times
100, cancel the unit of measure, 50 divided by
350 is 0.1428 multiplied by 100 is 14.28%. To get
the proof number of the solution, we have to
That’s correct! multiply by 2, so, the answer is 28.56 proofs.
Okay class, can you follow?

Very good. That’s the right thing to solve when

one of the values is unknown.

D. Application
Direction: Solve the following problem in your
1. What is the percentage by mass of a sugar
solution prepared by dissolving 40g of sugar in
120g of water?

2. A man drinks 500ml of 86 proof wine per week. 1. Given: wt. solute = 40g
What is his total alcohol intake per week? wt. of solvent= 120g

%by wt.= wt of solute x 100

wt. of solute + wt. of solvent

= 40g x 100
40g + 120g
= 40g x100
= 25%

2.Given proof= 86%

wt. of volume= 500ml
vol. of solute= (unknown)
%by volume = (unknown)

Proof =2(%by volume)
86 = 2(%by volume)
2 2

%by volume = 86
v/v% = vol. of solute x 100
Vol. of solute = 3 (500ml)
= 1500ml
Very good! All your answers are correct. = 15 ml

E. Generalization
Okay, class, who can summarize the gist of our
discussion today? Sir, we discussed the concentration of solutions
and computation of percentage by mass and
How to solve percentage by mass and volume in
a given solution? Sir, in solving for the percentage by mass, we
have to use the formula

% by wt. = wt of solute x 100

Wt. of solute + wt. of solvent
and to solve for the percentage by volume, we
have to use the formula

v/v %= {(volume)(volume of solution)}x 100%

Sir in solving the proof number of alcoholic

Very good! How about the proof number for beverages, we have to multiply the percentage
alcoholic beverages? by volume by 2.


IV. Evaluation

Direction: in 1 whole sheet of paper, answer the following.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. How many grams of NaCl are present in a
250g of a salt solution containing 9%

2. How many ml of pure alcohol can be

obtained from 300ml of an n80 proof
solution? 1. Given: wt. of solution = 250g
% solute in solution =9
Wt. of solute= (unknown)

%by weight = wt. of solute x 100

wt. of solution

9= wt. of solute x 100

wt. of solute = 9x 250g

= 22.5 g
2. Given: proof= 80
Vol. of solution= 300 ml
Vol. of solute= (unknown)
P= 2 (%by volume)
80 = 2(%by volume)
% by volume = 40
% by volume = vol of solute x 100
vol. of solution
40= vol. of solute x 100
300 ml
Vol. of solute = 40 (300ml)
=1200 ml
=120 ml

V. Assignment

Search for the definition of molarity, molality, and normality. Write in 1 whole sheet of paper.

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