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A Christmas Carol

 A Christmas Carol' is the story of a single man's spiritual journey in the

festive season. Dickens tries to "raise the Ghost of an idea" by basing the
novel on his own experiences as a working-class individual in the Victorian
era. Dickens raises moral issues still relevant today, such as the immense
variation in quality of life between classes. The topics raised will linger in
the readers' minds, in order for them to understand the social and spiritual
consequences of their actions. Dickens' aim was to raise awareness of a
social and economic plight. He chooses to convey this fundamental
message through the simple story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a "squeezing,
wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner". This book
uses Scrooge as a metaphor to show the wealthy Victorian public the plight
of those living in extreme poverty, and that it is never too late to adjust our

Main Characters of A Christmas Carol Story

 Ebenezer Scrooge
The miserly owner of a London counting-house, a nineteenth century term for an accountant's
office. The three spirits of Christmas visit the stodgy bean-counter in hopes of reversing
Scrooge's greedy, cold-hearted approach to life.

 Jacob Marley
In the living world, Ebenezer Scrooge's equally greedy partner. Marley died seven years before
the narrative opens. He appears to Scrooge as a ghost condemned to wander the world bound
in heavy chains. Marley hopes to save his old partner from suffering a similar fate.

 Bob Cratchit
1. Humble
2. Hardworking
3. Family man

Bob Cratchit is Scrooge's clerk and works in unpleasant conditions without complaint. He obeys
Scrooge's rules and is timid about asking to go home to his family early on Christmas Eve.

 Fred (Scrooge Nephew)

1. Cheerful
2. Generous
3. Kind-hearted
We learn about Fred's positive nature from this story. Everything he says focuses on the
positive aspects of Christmas. He shows his care for his uncle by pledging to continue visiting Scrooge
regardless. His concern is revealed by his persistence and pity.

 The Ghost of Christmas Past

1. Young and old
2. Commanding
3. Streaming with light

The Ghost of Christmas Past is the first spirit to visit Scrooge after the ghost of Marley. It arrives
as the clock chimes one. The ghost is surreal and strange. It flickers like a candle and seems to
reflect the fact that Scrooge's past behavior can be redeemed.

 The Ghost of Christmas Present

1. Jolly
2. Welcoming
3. Prophetic

The Ghost of Christmas Present is a huge and vibrant character who appears as the bell, once
again, strikes one. It appears in Scrooge's room, surrounded by a feast. The generous nature of
this ghost is reflected in the abundant vision of food.

Scrooge is more humble in the presence of this second spirit and is willing to learn any lessons
the ghost will show. It shows Scrooge visions of the world on Christmas Day, including heart-
warming scenes of celebration at the homes of Bob Cratchit and Scrooge's nephew, Fred.

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

1. Silent
2. Dark
3. Ominous

The final Ghost is frightening and eerie. It doesn't say a word to Scrooge, but glides along and
points out scenes to him.

The spirit first shows Scrooge a funeral scene, with businessmen wondering about the money
that the dead man has left. The Ghost then takes him through dark alleyways to a scene of
three people picking through the belongings of the deceased. Scrooge recognizes that his own
death could be met this way.
Next the Ghost takes him to the Cratchit household where Scrooge is upset to realize that Tiny
Tim has died.

Finally, the Ghost shows him a tombstone engraved with the name: Ebenezer Scrooge.
Clutching at the spirit's robes, Scrooge pledges to change his ways if he can avoid this solitary
death. The Ghost disappears and leaves Scrooge clutching at his bed curtains.

 Tiny Tim
1. Kind
2. Disabled
3. Thoughtful
Tiny Tim is one of Bob Cratchit's sons. He walks with a crutch and has 'his limbs
supported by an iron frame'. Despite his physical difficulties, he is a positive and
generous child. He thinks of others and is well-loved by his family.

Moral of the Story

The moral message of the story is that all human beings have the
opportunity to behave in kinder ways towards each other.
A Tale of Two Cities
the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris
and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he had never met. The story is
set against the conditions that led up to the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

Main Characters of A Christmas Carol Story

 Doctor Alexandre Manette

Lucie’s father and a brilliant physician, Doctor Manette spent
eighteen years as a prisoner in the Bastille. At the start of the
novel, Manette does nothing but make shoes, a hobby that he
adopted to distract himself from the tortures of prison. As he
overcomes his past as a prisoner, however, he proves to be a kind,
loving father who prizes his daughter’s happiness above all things.

 Lucie Manette
A young French woman who grew up in England, Lucie was raised as a ward of Tellson’s Bank
because her parents were assumed dead. Dickens depicts Lucie as an archetype of compassion.
Her love has the power to bind her family together—the text often refers to her as the “golden
thread.” Furthermore, her love has the power to transform those around her. It enables her
father to be “recalled to life,” and it sparks Sydney Carton’s development from a “jackal” into a

 Charles Darnay
A French aristocrat by birth, Darnay chooses to live in England because he cannot bear
to be associated with the cruel injustices of the French social system. Darnay displays
great virtue in his rejection of the snobbish and cruel values of his uncle, the Marquis
Evrémonde. He exhibits an admirable honesty in his decision to reveal to Doctor
Manette his true identity as a member of the infamous Evrémonde family. So, too, does
he prove his courage in his decision to return to Paris at great personal risk to save the
imprisoned Gabelle.
Sydney Carton
An insolent, indifferent, and alcoholic attorney who works with Stryver. Carton has no
real prospects in life and doesn’t seem to be in pursuit of any. He does, however, love
Lucie, and his feelings for her eventually transform him into a man of profound merit. At
first the polar opposite of Darnay, in the end Carton morally surpasses the man to
whom he bears a striking physical resemblance.

Mr. Jarvis Lorry

An elderly businessman who works for Tellson’s Bank, Mr. Lorry is a very business-
oriented bachelor with a strong moral sense and a good, honest heart. He proves
trustworthy and loyal, and Doctor Manette and Lucie come to value him as a personal

Monsieur Defarge

A wine shop owner and revolutionary in the poor Saint Antoine section of Paris,
Monsieur Defarge formerly worked as a servant for Doctor Manette. Defarge proves an
intelligent and committed revolutionary, a natural leader. Although he remains
dedicated to bringing about a better society at any cost, he does demonstrate a
kindness toward Manette. His wife, Madame Defarge, views this consideration for
Manette as a weakness.

Madame Defarge

A cruel revolutionary whose hatred of the aristocracy fuels her tireless crusade,
Madame Defarge spends a good deal of the novel knitting a register of everyone who
must die for the revolutionary cause. Unlike her husband, she proves unrelentingly
blood-thirsty, and her lust for vengeance knows no bounds.

Miss Pross

The servant who raised Lucie, Miss Pross is brusque, tough, and fiercely loyal to her
mistress. Because she personifies order and loyalty, she provides the perfect foil to
Madame Defarge, who epitomizes the violent chaos of the revolution.
A Cristmas Carol is a story of an individual. It is a story of an Unhappy man, how his past
reshaped his character. How he became happy when he realised the way of life, he was
leading is not the right way. The character of his assistant was created to show how a
man can be happy with limited resources. The story tells us how to live our life with
proper happiness.
On the other hand, The story of the tale. Of the two cities is based on social political
structure of a society and how that can affect individual life. The story shows hunger,
depression, frustration of people. But it also shows the love and affection on personal
level. It also shows, how little happiness can make a difference even when there is total
frustration at everywhere.

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