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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

An artificial intelligence applications into Software

Defined Networking

Abdul Mohssen Jaber Abdul hossen, Department of Computer Science, College of Science,
University of Technology, Iraq
Mohamed Najem Abdual , Department of Computer Engineering,College of Engineering,
University of Technology, Iraq(
MohammadQassim, Department of Communication Engineering &mobile computing, College of
Engineering, University of Information Technology and Communication,

Background/objectives:The presented study will examine the applications regarding to An Aritifical
Intelligentin to Software Defined Network paradigm that is considered as part of past attempts for
giving the networks of computer the capability of being programmed depending on separation
between controlas well as the forwarding planes. With regard to the Software Defined Network
method, controller will be specifying the central brain regarding network that result in sophisticated
flexibility level as well as network intelligence.
Methods/ Statistical Analysis: A lot of Artifical intelligent-based approaches were utilized for
achieving improved load balance, network security as well as intelligent applications of thenetwork
in the method of Software Defined Network.
Results: The algorithm of ant colony have been of high importance to increase the maximum Quality
of Experience (QoE) by 24.10% in comparison to minimal path routing method. NN-based system of
preventing intrusions indicates good performance with the little false positive rate. Utilizing the
approach which is based on the reinforcement learning in the systems of the adaptive video streaming
in comparison to shortest path routing as well as the greedy-based method decrease the rate from the
loss of frame by 79% and 60%.
Applications/Improvements: The presented work is the initial attempt to apply AI in the concept of
the Software Defined Network. Furthermore, the hybrid intelligent approaches may be of high
importance to achieve improved behavior in the SDN-based networks.
Keywords:OpenFlow,Arartificial Intelligence(AI),Software Defined Networking (SDN).

1. Introduction:
Recently, traditional traffic of internet was altered to be extra complicated, particularly with the
presence of big data, the data centers now are requiring extra scalability as well as flexibility. Along
with the growth of the advanced network applications in addition to the presence regarding a lot of
types regarding devices even in one area, a lot of endpoint devices might be sharing and exchanging
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

various pattering related to the network traffic. This will be indicating that the present infrastructure
of network doesn’t have the ability for meeting such requirements and novel method required. Also,
due to the fact that there isn’t any central control way in network, network device’s configuration
isn’t consistent and will be consuming much time [1] .Furthermore, conventional networks are
dealing with the distributed management as well as the network processing that is related to network
decision making. Thus, this study will deal with a lot of nodes of networks which might be costly in
certain conditions such a Virtual Machine (VM) migration4 [1,2].Also to add a quality of Experience,
a quality of Services, in addition to policies of security for each one of the end pints in complex
network architectures will be showing another drawback into legacy network approach4 .[1,3]

As it has been stated earlier, the Software Defined Networks is promote innovations through
the introduction of the idea of the centralized programmable data plane control that can facilitate
developing a new network protocols then services [4]. The architecture of the SDN has been modelled
onto a basis of the concept of separation between the control and the data planes (as can be seen in
Fig. A).
The initial attempt has been the Network control point (NCP) [5][14]that has utilized the
concept of these paration for the enhancement of the control of the AT&T’s telephone network, while
the latest proposals, like SANE [6][15] and Ethane [7] have implemented an identical concept for the
Ethernet network[7] [1,6]. SDN applications are into the application plane of the architecture of
Software Defined Networks, in which the northbound application programming interface (API) has
provided commutation between the control planes and the application [2,8], allowing the
implementation of a group of the network services like the intrusion detection, traffic engineering,
quality of service (QoS), firewalls and monitoring applications [4,10].
The north-bound APIs allow the developers writing their custom applications with no needing
to have a detailed information about the functions of the controller or understanding the way by which
data plane operates. It should be mentioned that numerous controllers of the SDN, supplying their
particular Northbound Application Programming Interfaces[10,16]. The communications through the
control and the data planes are given with the use of a south-bound API, like the forwarding and
element of the control separation (ForCES) [17], open vSwitch database (OVSDB) [18], protocol
oblivious forwarding (POF) [19], Open State [20], Open Flow (OF) [21] in addition to the opflex [22],
enabling the exchange of the control messages with the forwarding elements (such as the Open-Flow-
enabled switches). As can be seen in Fig1, every one of the Open Flow- enabled switches can adopt
the flow-based decision making logic which is specified by the so-called Software Defined Network
controller, responsible for the preparation of the forwarding tables of every one of the switches [8].
The OF-enabled switch has a flow tables’pipe line, consisting of the flow entries, every one them has
3 parts: (a) the matching rules utilized to match the incoming packets (b) the counters, maintaining
the matched flow statistics (c) instructions or actions that may be reactively or proactively configured
for being managed upon match [6, 14].
About elements forwarding (in other words, the Open-Flow which an enabled switches) may
be implemented in software as well as hardware. Some of the software switches like the Open vSwitch
have a massive possibility to provide a solution for the data centres and the virtual networks [16].
However, other API types [10, 23] have been suggested for a particular in (for example, the
applications of the VOIP and the inter-domain routing, besidesa variety of the programming languages

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

of the Software Defined Networks, like a procera [24], Net Core[25] and Frenetic [26], providing
high-level Application Programming Interfaces which may be utilised into developing various
Software Defined Networking's applications into more flexible then functional manner.

Fig.A.: a basic architecture of Software Defined Network


The OFcan be defined as one of the famous widely used southbound APIs into the SDN, which has
been constantly developed and standardized afterwards through an open networking foundation
(ONF) [6,26]. Open flow can supply a layer of abstraction which provides the abstraction of SDN
controller for the secure communication in an OF-enabled elements of forwarding [6,26]. The OF
became a standard de-facto to the southbound APIs which are utilized into the Software Defined
Networks [6,26] then as a result, into the main focus has been made on the OpenFlow-based SDNs.
The Open Flow-based devices of the forwarding were developed so as to co-exist together with the
traditional devices of the Ethernet [16]. However, the hybrid switches have shown new potentials
through the consisting of both OF, then the non- OF ports [26]. So it has been stated earlier, a group
of the control messages may be sent throughout the controller for preparing and updating a specific
flow tables of the switch. The usual Open Flow-enabled switch can handle new incoming packets
according to the flow table. Fig.B, illustrates the fields of the matching rules part in the open-flow
v1.0.0. A table-miss happens, the switch can remove a packet or forward that packet onto the
matching controller with the use of an OF protocol [6] in the case where the new packet doesn’t
match any flow table entry.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

Fig. B: a structure of Open Flow V1.0.0 matching rules

It should be mentioned that identity-based Ethane project’saccess control [7][26] has become the
first Open Flow switches’ specification. Following the first OF specification release in 2008,
numerous vendors like NEC, HP, Juniper, and Cisco have been capable of building at first Open
Flow-enabled hardware switches, where NOX [27] has been the only available controller at that time
period [28]. Lately,various of protocol versions were proposed for adding higher flexibility and
reliability abilities through the inclusion of several tables of the flow, improved matching/action
abilities, group tables, optical ports, synchronized tables, and meter tables [4, 29]. More details about
different OF specification versions have been stated in [30]. Moreover, there are numerous available
OF controllers, like the POX [31], Beacon [32], Open DayLight [33], Floodlight [34], after that Ryu
Software Defined Networking attempts for giving the networks improved level of programmability
could be categorized in to 3 stepes 5,6 :
 Active networks: (starting from the middle of the 90’s to the start of this century) resulting in
adding programmable network functions. In which the devices of the switching might be
performing procedures for the purpose of processing packets.
 The separation of the control and data plane (starting from the year 2001 to the year 2007)
resulting in novel skills such as controlling or predicting the behaviour of routing.
 Open Flow Application Programming Interface (starting from the year 2007 to the year 2010)
that has been initially utilized as southbound interfaces between control as well as the data
plane which handle L2-L4 network flows. Yet, for the purpose of handling the L5-L7 flows to
provide the capability of supporting Network Virtualization Function (NVF), the Open-Flow
protocol must be extended 7. Each one of the flow tables includes: (a) header fields, (b)
counters as well as (c) actions. The actions are going to be utilized in the case when matching
of packets occur and counters are going to be updated. In the case when matching packets not
occurred, then the PACKET-IN message will be transmitted to controller via secure channel
that will be encodedwith the use of TLS for the purpose of notifying controller about packet
8,9 as can be seen in the Fig1. OF 1.011 that has been the first version of Open-Flow has been
developed within the support of single an open flow table in 2008. An upcoming versions
regarding Open Flow such as OF1.112 supporting more improved features like a lot of flow
tables that consists of utilizing the instruction from "goto" as pointer which refer to other flow
table. OF 1.213 consists of Ipv6, extensible matching with the use of TLV structure and giving
switches the capability of communicating concurrently with the multiple controllers. With
regard to the OF1.314-meter tables will be added for the support of the quality of service. After
that in the OF 1.415TLV structures have been applied for supporting the optical ports in

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

switches as well as enhanced operations for saving time spent for communicating between
controller and switch in the conditions of flow table is full9 . Network system’s decoupling
will offer the capability of managing it via high abstraction level. Software Defined Network,
that is considered as current paradigm to the programmable networks, will be facilitating the
operations of network like routing or even add rules to devices of forwarding through single
central controller. Which indicates the objects of forwarding are going to be implementing
decisions provided via such controller. Comparison between the architecture of SDN as well
as the traditional architecture of network will be seen in the Figure 2. The major abstraction
concept specified into Software Defined Networkingare6:
1. Forwarding, 2. Distribution, and 3. Specification. Forwarding abstraction will enable
conducting actions of forwarding through controller whereas it will be hiding a low-level
handling with the devices of switching. The abstraction of the distribution consists of the
replacement of conventional distributed control planes through logically centralized plane. The
abstraction of the specification will allow developers writing the applications of network
through specifying the needed flow actions in addition to the configurations without managing
with a low-level or physical configurations. Logical centralized control plane has been
indicated in the Fig2 will be providing general view with regard to network that will open the
door for enhanced control of forwarding elements. It might be accomplished through
distributed or single controllers10 .Also, FlowVisor16 that is considered as proxy controller,
will offer logical de-centralization with regard to the network virtualization.A Short
comparison regarding platforms of controller will be provided in the Table1. The major
simulators and emulators of Software Defined Network like Mininet, Network Simulation3
and Estinetwill be compared and specified in the Table2.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

Table1 : A compassion platforms controller

Controller Language Created by OpenFlow


NOX Python, C++ Nicira 1.00, 1.30

POX Python (2.7) Nicira 1.00

Beacons Java Stanford 1.00


Maestro Java Rice university 1.00

Floodlight Java Big Switch 1.00


Floodlight—plus Java Big Switch 1.30


Ryu Python NTT Labs 1.00 - 1.4-

(ODL)OpenDaylight Java Linux 1.00, 1.30


Table 2: Comparison of SDN simulators and emulators

Simulator/ Open
Language Platform OpenFlow version
emulator source

OF 1.30 of reference user switch

and NOX from CPqD and
Mininet Yes Python BSD open
(Emulator) source

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

Pre OF 1.00 and version of OF-

NS-3 C++, GNU SID which supports the MPLS
(Simulator) Python GPLv2

(emulator/ No - - OF 1.30 and 1

The capability of programming forwarding plane of Software Defined Networking through Software
Defined Network controller might be saving the costs needed to add specialized devices like IDSs,
load balancers, as well as firewalls (IDS)25 . Also, SDN will be providing extra dynamic as well as
cost effective solutions for approaches utilized in WAN like path computation technologies, ranging
such solutions as the applications of Software Defined Network allow operators of network for
directly programming Path Computation Element (PCE) 26 .Thus, the controller will achieve
adaptive behavior in various environments like to be a VM manager into the private cloud27 .

3. Artificial Integent in Software Defined Network

Currently, AI and soft computing approaches are of high importance in the majority of recent systems
like intelligent transportation28 .This will provide a possibility for improving the performance
regarding to present computer networks. Integrating the concepts of the abstraction in the SDN
paradigm as well as the methods of AI could result in extra adaptive behavior regarding network
elements. Furthermore, it is going to provide novel approaches to deal with conventional issues of
network and software defined network associated ones. This section will be providing the current
attempts in such context.
3-1 A load Balance and Flow Routing
The function of the Load balance can be considered as necessity to minimize latency as well as to
maximize throughput in the computer networks which is supporting a lot of multiple routing methods.
Also, load balancing can be defined as defense approach against certain types regarding the network
attacks like DDoS 29,30 .
Abstraction in the SDN offer significant benefits that is general view and identifying the topology
related to the network. In31 Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) utilized to achieve real time
dynamic load balance as well as the latency reduced by 19.3% in comparison to the DLB as well as
the static Round Robin approaches. Input vector for NN consists of path information that are: a. Ratio
of Packet loss, b.the ratio of bandwidth utilization,c. Transmission hops, d. Transmission latency. A
study conducted by 32 suggested Back Propagation Neural Network based method for load balance
in the data centers. BPNN utilized in Open v-Switch internally in an approach which decrease the
consumed time to send routing decisions from controller to the Open v-Switch. Input vector includes:
a. Available bandwidth b.A Packet loss. And from 33, that suggest genetic algorithms in the SDN
based client-server approach. Fitness function has been specified through Formula (1):

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

𝒋=𝟏 𝑿[𝒋] 𝟐
√(∑𝒌𝒋=𝟏 𝑿[𝒋]𝟐 )−( 𝑲
𝑴𝒊𝒏 ∑𝒌
𝒋=𝟏 𝑿[𝒋]

3.2 Network Security

The mechanism of SDN will provide group of novel security issues and it loose as a major issue in
SDN. The possible threats consist of targeting controller through programming vulnerabilities, error
configurations in addition to the distributedDoS attack on secure channel37 as can be seen in the Fig3.
Furthermore, SDN has certain benefits over conventional networks in terms of security as can be seen
in the Table 3. Data mining and AI approaches that were utilized prior to solving routing issues as
well as enhancing the performance regarding packet filters in traditional network architectures40–42
seems to be of high importance in the SDN based networks following the addition of the programming
ability since the study 43 suggested system of information security management depending on
combination regarding system from a fuzzy inference and TRW-CB-44 and Rate Limiting45
algorithms into the environment of the software defined networks.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

Table 3: SDN security advantage

Security Use

Global Network Network-Wide Intrusion Detection

View — Detection of Switch’s Malicious Behavior

— Network Forensics.

Self-Hearing Mechanisms — Reactive Packet Dropping.

— Reactive Packet Redirection.

Increased Control Capabilities — Access Control.

The algorithm of TRW-CB that identify SYN Flooding, resulted from host depending on the
approach that benign host is going to acquired high effective connection probability in comparison to
malicious one46 . Input with regard to module of fuzzy logic acquired through the indicated
algorithms and attack degree acquired as output. Decision making system has been conducted as a
software defined network controller application within a short-term module of learning so as can be
seen into the Fig4. The suggested system showed enhanced results in comparison to non fuzzy logic
method. Through benefiting from global view, SDN concept BPNN based collaborative intrusion
prevention system conducted in47. Every one of the Open vSwitchs has been responsible to collect
data for performing inputs for a lot of ANNs. The system has been trained offline through MATLAB.
Due to the fact that it’s collaborative system, Open v-Switches required communication with one
another. Regrettably, with regard to the SDN paradigm, Open v Switches have no ability of talking
to one another. Thus, table of neural forwarding in every one of the Open Vswitchs was achieved,
also the controller could help to build such tables. Figure 5 displays template related to neural message
as well as results of experimentations indicate that the network grows in the rate of the detection
regarding distributed DoS attack will increase and the false positive rate will be decreased. While a
study by 48 provided Self-Organized Maps (SOM) method to detect DDOS attacks. SOM can be
considered as variant regarding ANNs depending onto unsupervised learning. SOM could be applied
as classification approach 49 in the case when dealing within unlabeled input vector. Training in the
SOM is on the basis of set of required features from the flow entries related toOpen v-Switches. The
loop of the detection includes 3 phases: 1. Flow collection that request flow entry from every Open
v-Switch. 2. The extraction of thefeaturesthat take output of flow collection module as well as
extracting the major significant features which from possible DDoS attack. Such features consist of:
Average of Bytes per flow (ABf), Average of Packets per flow (APf), Percentage of Pair-flows (PPf),
Average Duration per flow (ADf), Growth of Different Ports (GDP), and Growth of Single-flows
(GSf) and (c) SOM classification that has been applied as classification approach. Such stages
conducted as modules of application levels in the SDN controller. The suggested method put to

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

comparison with various approaches implemented on recognized KDD-99 dataset showed low over-
head 48,50

3.3 Applications of the Intelligent Network

Integration of the AI with the SDN will help to build more advanced network applications. A study
conducted by 51 suggested method from a rein-forcement learning for the adaptive video streaming
in the concept of the software defined network. Controller will be representing in a periodical manner
the decision maker which is determining the time to select new path and the time where the server
will demand changing video’s quality. Markov decision process utilized to model the actions which
are related to decision making. Q-learning approach utilized in a condition of unknown rewards to
move between current and the next state. The percentage regarding packet loss as well as the number
regarding quality changes represent the major important parameters for defining reward. Q-values
have been updated through the function which is defined in Eq3 and kept in the Q-table in which γ
and η is representing factor of discount as well as learning factor.

Q̅ (St, at) = Q̅ (St, at) + n (rt+1 + y max at Q̅ (St+1, a t+1) – Q (St, at)) (3)

And softmax function displayed in the Equation (4) representing probability regarding choosing
action in state s time t.

𝑃(𝐴|𝑠) = 𝑄(𝑠,𝑏) (4)
∑𝑏𝜖𝐴 exp[ ]

In which T representing random move which is applied in the simulated annealing approach for
escaping from the issue of the local optima. The controller could be changing the existing a path then
adaptively extracting/adding which chosed layers onto a basis of provide bandwidth for increasing
QoE regarding service of the video streaming. The indicated method put to comparison with shortest

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

path routing and greedy-based methods showed decrease in the rate of the frame loss by 80% and
4. Conclusion
The presented work will be providing summaryregarding integration between AI approaches and
SDN paradigm, also it defined the major architecture of SDN and the important role regarding Open-
Flow protocol in it. After that it provided a summary of the current work contributions for providing
more advanced behavior of network in SDN method. NNs were utilized in various applications like
network security and load balancing. Using the approaches of AI in SDN security aware systems
indicated decrease in false positive detection rate. Furthermore, the results related to adaptive video
streaming system indicated decrease in frame loss rate. Therefore, the studies in this filed are rapidly
growing, also the hybrid intelligent method might bring additional enhancements to the area which is
related to the SDN-based networks.
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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5s, (2020), pp. 1133-1146

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