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= ueyloy = = luueyg « eleq « * — spaaig speaig * wnpay Ancol abueytes « » 4 4 ‘uequnoyy = Appa = WueIsoyg = paiq 1yoeN * — speeig jemiyeg eye = y6noioy, « yeued paweL speaig uigeieg = -1ed spaeigjysneiq = spaaig YIN Ney i I f joweg @S10H ye05 deoys ame ojeyng @VPNNd SHL 4O SGS3us MOOLSSAN ro NORTH } nae ‘Azad Kashmir ean Rawalpindi Nn, Gujranwala / } + i ns fee ene = NWEP ; Faisalabad o taroe < 2 i J 7 ; ) ? ih L ; acl Li ea { 4 ‘ Multa 7 Dera Ghazikhan J 7 a "ot India Sindh * DIVISION WISE PUNJAB MAP (PAKISTAN) POPULATION IN MILLION Livestock Species | Pakistan | Punjab Share (%) Buffalo 20.27 13.40 65 Cattle 20.42 9.38 46 Goats 41.17 15.30 37 Sheep 23.54 6.14 26 Poultry 64.26 24.95 39 Others( Camels, Horses, Donkeys, 4.84 2.38 49 Mules) _ Total _|_ 174.50 71.25 at Source: Livestock Census, 1996 ,Vol. 1 STOCK PATTERN Herd Size %age of Total Pakistan Punjab 1-2 43 47 3-4 __ 8 | 29 5-6 =" 13. 12 hove BS foal at Sea ete Source: Livestock Census ,1996 Vol.1 Note: Approx. 50.00 lac families in Punjab keep livestock for livelihood. 27 BUFFALO BREEDS BUFFALOES The Water Buffaloes in the Punjab province of Pakistan belong to the genus Bubalus bubalis. These animals thrive best in irrigated areas where they have an easy access to water and plenty of green fodder. They are commonly considered as semi-aquatic animals but if fed well and under good management, are capable of producing/reproducing satisfactorily in dry areas even with extremes of climates as well. The Pakistani buffaloes are considered to be triple purpose domestic animals (milk, meat and draught). According to Pakistan Livestock Census 1996, the total population of buffaloes is 20.3 million and their percent distribution among the provinces are as under:- The Punjab province bears mainly one breed of Buffalo called Nili Ravi, which constitutes 76.7 percent of total buffalo population in Pakistan. Average Productive and Reprodu @ Parameters of PARAMETERS _| Birth Weight (kg) Male 40 Female 39 Adult weight (kg) Male 750-910 Female 500 - 650 . | Age at maturity (Month) Male 30 Female 38 . | Milk Yield (Litres/305 days) | 2350 - 4000 Butter fat (%) 6-85 Calving Interval (Month) 15-18 NILLRAVI Home Tract The home tract of Nili Ravi breed is around the Sutle| ‘and Ravi Valley (Sandel Bar Areas) particularly Lahore, Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Okara and Sahiwal, Multan and paris of Bahawalnager districts of the Punjab. However due to their well recognized dairy qualities, these animals are now found all over the country. Charact These buffaloes are massive, somewhat wedge-shaped animals, They are mostly black but often have white markings on their forehead, face, muzzle and lower part of legs. The tail switch is often white, Some brown ani- mals are also seen. They possess medium well set head with small active walled eyes and curly horns The neck is long, thin in female and thick, powerful in males. The legs are comparatively short with good bones. They have large, strong and well developed ud- der. The tail is well set, broad at the base and tapering at ends that goes up to fet- lock or just below, it has a big tuft of hair which may touch the ground. The disquaif- cations include white marking extending above knee and hock, all black tail and extension of white face markings over neck and body. Average Body Measurements Male Female Height (cm) 135125 Length (cm) 165145 Chest Girth (cm) 222 220 wd. oS 1 OF EG S06) Tec A ied abe obwic Shu Fused tut Be by e)uie &L wpb tbe nbeber™ ee tht £ KO wierd Fie Gitte BS UTE bos SFA) Ser fir Eart -oilr wo fuk d big (SO) 2 62 Lutes Se NL uncle WIP silage Si ls abs webride AS es iEnepip oak 2 125135 EF) bes 145° 165 4S) SU 220 222 (40%) eau” CATTLE BREEDS CATTLE Cattle belong to the family Bovidae, European cattle are non humped and belong to the species Bos taurus, while the cattle found in the Punjab province of Pakistan are humped and belong to the species “Bos Indicus”. The total population of cattle in Pakistan is 20.4 million (Pakistan Livestock Census 1996) and their percent distribution among provinces are as under: PUNJAB ‘SINDH ‘| N.W.F.P | BALOCHISTAN 46% 27% 21% 6% The census shows that Punjab is the main cattle raising province of Pakistan. The different breeds of cattle found in the Punjab province are of following types/purposes: A Milch Breeds 1 Sahiwal 2. Cholistani B. Draught Breeds Heavy Draught 1. Dajal Medium Draught 1, 2 Dhanni Rojhan Average Comparative Productive/Reproductive Parameters Birth weight (kg): Of Different Breeds of Cattle. Milch Breed | Sahiwal_| Cholistani |" Dhanni_ | Dajal Draught Breeds Male 18 23 32 22 Female 17 22 30 21 Adult Weight (kg): Male 542 400 480 350 Female 335 300 350 250 ‘Age at Maturity (Months) Male 23 30 21 20 Female 28 32 26 26 Milk Yield / 305 days (I) 1500-1800 | 600-900] 1000 | 900 Butter Fat (%) Lactation Length (Days) 288 Dry Period (Days). 2 219 Calving Interval (Days) 507 ‘Average No. of Lactations — Jill Ad ven lve Lat Kit PB geen Sgt Sie Be ti Mati wilh ete bdr PE he PF wo FE tuted PLP ue OF Seah bof br Et SH aglateLak bos Fue 1. SAHIWAL heise LIP UK SMG abaevacet wt gowb 46 Catal AMSUILAS This breed wes developed in the area between the rivers (kr diz splot he Bld Sn dh Sle Ag Ravi and Sue orginely called "Gunj Bar" which meens 1/5 Ue «Bea bee Le) tbe A denuded a pan wih very scanty shady tees Th ee tract later become part of Districts Sahiwal, Okara, UMEGMUS (4 / Waal tat we bx 35 Multan Faisalabad and Toba Tek Singh in the Punjad a ht? FL tuiel Mutant Ler nctaristicn dL ba beso? tebe Oe Ales This is medium sized breed with fleshy body. Female LEL UE Auk Be deduraombs have a reddish dun colour whereas males have @ darker wt be SFE seats colour around the orbit, neck and hindquarters. The body ah 7 Ja wedge honed wi; fa soft loose skin: Gums’ have Ses Pus short heads and dropping ears alongwith small and thick horns. Polled and loose horns are also common in i ¥ onan females. Males have stumpy horns. Cows have black 1220137, UF) Ses muzzle, eye lids and tuft of tail with a voluminous dewlap wate and sheath, The hump in the male is massive, but in 135 162 AS) bd female it is normal. The bull have broad forehead, small ye tery te eyes like an elephant, biack muzzle, broad chest and 205 KS) Sus ed very loose sheath and dewlap The udder is large and strong with prominent milk veins. The teats are of good and uniform length and size. The tail is long and pointed almost touching the ground. The polled cows or cous with loose and drop- ping hos and prominent umbilicus are commonly considered as good mikers Average Body Measurements Male Female Height (om) 137122 Length (em) 162,138 Chest Girth (cm) 208 172 2. CHOLISTANI Home Tract The breed is found in sandy desert area of Cholistan parti- cularly districts Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar and Rehim Yar Khan Characteristics ‘These animals are considered to be anscestors of Sahi- wal breed. They are medium sized having white body with brown spots or brown body colour with white spots or tan, black splashed coat. The body is wedge shaped with fine thick loose skin, medium short head, medium sized ears, black muzzle, small and thick homs broad at the base, tapering blunt at the top, females often de- homed. Black eye lids with a voluminous dewlap and sheath massive hump in male but slight in female are the distinctive features of Cholistani animals. More over their hooves are black and well set, the tail is long with black tuft, the balanced udder and teats are of uniform length and size. The Cows are raised as dairy animals but their male calves are a source of good quality beef Average Body Measurements Male Fomale Height (om) 132,117 Length (cm) 152,130 Chest Girth (em) 180148 beg-2 Pat eye at F tel? of Unset! ewe lik alr ut are Kioto dpody £0 ut Aer th nto L seus ela e Lre uke wt IL Abbe ute wbs br pthees De bardS ie BP FL Be yf bP? BEL NAS St eed it Sor Fal 2 eas PP de Gib se Gi Suzbbeec® £ SU ui ese ok / 7132S (4d) bus 130 152 28%) bu 41- DAJAL Home Tract ‘The breed originates from the Dajal areas in district Dera Ghazi Khan of the Punjab province Characteristics Dajal animals are considered as an offshoot of the Bhag- nari breed having simiar physical characteristics However, Dajal cattle are comparatively smallar in size and lighter in colour. These are massive with compact body and well buill structure. Body colour is white or light grey deepening to almost light black on the neck: shoulders and hump in mature males. Head is almost medium sized with short strong neck, black muzzle and eye lashes. Small dewlap, stumpy horns, small pointed ears, moderatel developed hump, straight back, tight sheath and black tuft of tail are prominent points of Dajal animals. Cows are low yielder of milk while males are good for draught work as Bhagnari Breed. Average Body Measurements Male Female Height (cm) 138125 Length(em 149197 Chest Girth (cm) 187 145 LL Pith hehe FP DELL Siler PP fi Sie oP but Lunteote dy MLE Poh atbe a use ee Lie 5 bkepape. eek EXPT: Lot LA bees aMed bine oof CML AML hat Sth KS ac dale Ose Flag Son te Speer? BSE UE BILE SMOASE See ILE fly HS bes ok 4 125 135 eed » Sigs! 137 145 (20) du 145167 (45) dutjealer 1. DHANNI Home Tract Attock, Chakwal, Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Mianwali and Sargodha Districts in the Province of Punjab are the home tract of this breed, Characteristics Dhanni cattle are medium sized with a compact body and varying body colour, predominately white coat with black spots (Chitta Burga), black coat with white spots (Kala Burga), White mottles with brown and black patches (Nugra), red coat with white spots (Ratta Bur- ga). Head & ears are small, broad forehead narrow between the thick and stumpy horns, The dewlap is ‘small, hump compact and back straight. Muzzle and eye lashes are black. They have a tight sheath, whiplike tail, ending in a white switch upto fetlock. The udder is tucked-up with black teats Average Body Measurements Male Female Height (cm) 132119 Length (cm) 162 137 Chest Girth (cm) 182 142 Wo-1 oe Loot patie MA Sidi fi we edye MU te! la LB werden kr LY Fs 6a) 2 rake cae ak UE Lee fob ade AOA 8) 3 a ga de held Prev Gated Se Pate Warder LE tudir ene AP Luft £ US gbithaen pc bef ac Lille? ee Pei sherk ae th Afb hE eee tk pra FF ca Asn mie i hbe ore We Foil Bei NOL 2 £UP LS preter Si5iK? FS bet a, 119 132 HE) bes 137 162 C20) be 142 182 (0) bufied Se 2- ROJHAN Home Tract The habitat of Rojhan cattie ie Suleman Range in the Southern part of Dera Ghazi Khan District (Rojhan, Umarkot Kachakadi & Somemiani} in Punjab and some parts of Dera Ismail Khan and Bannu districts in NWFP, Characteristics The small sized animals with a red and white spotted coat, tight thin skin, small head, slightly convexed fore- head, small and alert ears, small pointed horns, thick at the base tapering at the top curving up and out wards, short neck, proportionately large developed hump and extended small dewlap. Thin sheath and tail with white switch a litle below the hock. Cows have small tucked- up udder. Mik yield is very low. Male are very suitable for draught work in hily and sub-hilly areas. Average Body Measurements Male Female Height (em) 117105 Length (cm) 132,122 Chest Girth (cm) 162 150 Cue sbeenabit ftir Ci AEST den FOU ata hee Lb yfecthdy tad ee Aipidnck Suture oui boy WSU fe rely Mittens bre F sks tb ab 7 105 117 122 132 150 162 SHEEP BREEDS 41. LOHI (PARKANNI OR LAMOCHER) Home Tract Lohi sheep are found in districts Faisalabad, Jhang, Toba Tek Singh, Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, Lahore and Sahiwal Characteristics A fairly large sized breed with well developed compact white body. Head and ears in majority of animals are dark brown or dark tan. Roman nose, long ears, pendu- lous with an appendage on their external side locally called “Parkan" hence the name of breed Parkanni Neck is strong particularly in males. Long and thin legs, covered with wool. Udder and teats are moderately de- veloped. Tail is thin and stumpy. Lohi sheep are mostly raised for mutton, wool and occasionally for milk Average Body Measurements Height (om) 65 Length (cm) 62 Chest Girth (em) 82 ‘Adult Weight Male (kg) 66 Female (ka) 50 Wool yield ger head/annum (kg)3 Fiore diameter ( 1 ) 39 10 GAS) wi Be AE Lu Ltt age ssl st wisi zf ge oF Bat -tdedut eb iP LE bib np ASF VS ute Fubink, Rak £86 unde Satin l LO eke fe SA totic nL weSng Soe Kaectn SY vk bath GP wh Uebs rete gtk toaseul & sewage “ FetuiPe Be ba CP ile at bo as ba e5 Lael deeds beh LLL Pootetfinitd Fg SF bes wage ntl 65 GDF 50 (1FH on 65 AE) bes 62 (HE) bY 82 (40%) Suede: 3 AS ctriebbie dos 39 WEY see Lof 2. KAJLI Home Tract The habitat of these sheep is District Sargodha, Khu- shab, and parts of Mianwali and Gujrat Characteristics Large leggy animals with a high set muscular body hav- ing white wooly coat on body, neck and legs, however muffle and lower one third of the ears are often black. A typical black circle around their eyes from which the breed's name derives are their distinguishing features, ajli sheep have typical Roman nose, broad chest, long and pendulous ears, big head and a short thin tail ‘These are raised for mutton and wool. Being attractive and beautiful animals, males are highly apprized on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. Average Body Measurements Height (cm) 85 Length (cm) 82 Chest Girth (cm) 105 Adult Weight Male (kg) 55 Fomale (kg) 45 ‘Wool yield per head/annum (kg) Fibre diameter ( 1} 7 Yo fob Lefer viol Cute abedtur z ler? SBE NE Aa tf IS brole gw S suk Souk bot 2 18 Kotler abu Boe _ bf Lotfi te Ch ee Stu tbloe werk SKuk btu nee Lid dig eb Os Bee het fowl de ute FU ns t wupbetifure Peis yd nih 55 (fhe 45 (AFD ot 85 HE) bys 82 FS) bE 105 (KE) us eee oe LD aetedig hos! 37 WL) See Las Bs of Lol ® Nel PrdilenaF mL wh Lf \iethone 2 Cpu LAPP SFBL LD Lute Fetmbls sae whet GP lat Lat Boake oe uth LAD ube due? Cpouds NLA ap ens pol SS Abas Sutera Ce? 3. THALLI en whtéet Jur wards b& Home Tract IF Nee aS MOF be tebe SU! The original home tract of Thalli sheep is the desert -ethys £2.) Powsemesl area of Thall, District Mianwali, Muzaffargarh, Multan, ao aig ages FSF ns Characteristics oxbl Medium sized breed with generally white body colour, 32 LD 4 however head is black or brown, Occasionally animals 27 fat with black and white spots are found. Two strains of 7 Od) bes ‘Thalli sheep are existing, one with small head and long 62 ee) bu ears, second with alerge head and short ears. The later gg sk Sila strain have comparatively larger bodies. The nose is 7 o sighty yon wth shot thn ta Legs are mater ong 18 (2s SOF stout but are biack spotted below the knees/hocks 37 WLY See Los Being sturdy animals they are raised for mutton, mikk 0.7 (A Meson and wool. Average Body Measurements Height (cm) 67 Length (cm) 62 Chest Girth (crn) 80 Adultweight Male (kg) 32 Female (kg) a Woo! yield per head/annum (ka) 18 Fibre diameter () 37 Milk yield/day (1) 70 12 4 fl Stns el Prete Pe -

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