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Education is the backbone of a nation.

So it has great importance for everyone

because through which we can distinguish between human beings and animals.
Education teaches us the way of living in a society and for this, it is important for
everyone, not only for men but also for women. 

There was a time when women did not receive any education at all. They were
confined within the four walls of their houses. They were limited to only domestic
works. But now there has a great change. Now women have the same respect as

They are now taking part in every sphere of our life. In developing and developed
countries women are playing important role in offices, educational institutions,
hospitals even in agriculture. So education should not be categorized by male or

Female Education is equally important to male in every religion, every country.

Because women are the mothers of the future generation. They have to take care
of the children, maintain the house. If women are uneducated, ultimately the
future generations will be uneducated. 

Thus, Education is very important for women not only for men because Female
Education helps to balance the rate of literacy in any nation and ensure the
improvement of a nation. Parents should give the opportunity to girls for getting
an education and Govt. should take necessary action to ensure Female Education.

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