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thesis statement

 This presentation will provide a brief overview and the significance of board in the
organizational activities.
 The presentation will examine the diversity of board member and how it adds value to the
 It will also analyze the significance of board committee for achieving the organizational
 Lastly, this presentation will analyze the importance of code of ethics for resolving the conflicts.

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Board Diversity:

 board with diverse professional and personal backgrounds can actually bring added
conflict resolution experience to help resolve disagreements that may arise.
 A company may be in a better position to tackle difficult issues if its board members
have varying viewpoints that allow for robust discussions
 A diverse board of directors can still be amicable and work in a
collegial setting.
 Differing outlooks do not have to result in discord.
 It can serve as an opportunity for expanding viewpoints and
collectively coming together in the decision-making process for
the company’s benefit. (Scruggs, 2019)
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 Board diversity matters but concentrating on only one form of diversity

isn’t enough.
 Boards had made progress on gender diversity but not on other forms of
social diversity — such as race, nationality, and age
 Social diversity (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, and age diversity) and
professional diversity are both important for increasing the diversity of
perspectives represented on the board.
 Some boards are ensuring that skills and expertise, along with
demographics, are front and center in their recruiting processes
(Eisenstein, 2019).
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 Many boards are also broadening the range of professional backgrounds

considered for board member positions,
 This allows them to attract more socially diverse directors who bring, as
they could bring more “diversity of thought”.
 With diversity at the forefront, companies would do well to take
an expansive and detailed look into their directors and diversity
plans and initiatives.
 Board diversity can open a path to more inclusive and collective
corporate governance,
 Board Diversity positively impact a company’s culture, and help
keep pace with an evolving market and consumer base.
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Example of Board Diversity:

Gender Diversity

 For example, the 2012 Credit Suisse Research Institute report, Gender

Diversity and Corporate Performance, found that during the six-year
period ending in 2011, companies with female representation had
better share price performance, higher return on equity, and better
average growth than did those with no women on their boards
(Hakovirta, 2020)
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Board Committee:

 A committee is created to provide counseling and advice for the board or to handle a
task on the board's agenda

 Committees appointed by the Board focus on specific areas and

take informed decisions within the framework of delegated
 Board Committees make specific recommendations to the Board on
matters in their areas or purview.
 All decisions and recommendations of the committees are placed
before the Board for information or for approval.
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 To enable better and more focused attention on the affairs of the
Corporation, the board delegates particular matters to the
committees of the board set up for the purpose.
 Committees review items in great detail before it is placed before
the Board for its consideration.
 These committees prepare the groundwork for decision making and
report at the subsequent board meeting (Price, 2019)

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The following are some of the important committees of the Board-

 Audit Committee
 Shareholders Grievance Committee
 Remuneration Committee
 Risk Committee
 Nomination Committee
 Corporate Governance Committee
 Corporate Compliance Committee
 Ethics Committee
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Example of Board Committee:

Ethics Committee:

he possible roles for an Ethics Committee are:

 Contribute to the continuing definition of the organization’s

ethics and compliance standards and procedures.
 Assume responsibility for overall compliance with those
standards and procedures.
 Monitor and audit compliance.
 Take the steps necessary to ensure that the organization
learns from its experiences that leads them to achieve board’s
objectives (Sahu & Sharma, 2017)
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Code of Conduct:
 A code has value as both an internal guideline and an external statement of
corporate values and commitments.
 A well-written code of conduct clarifies an organization's mission, values and
principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct.
 The code articulates the values the organization wishes to foster in leaders and
employees and, in doing so, defines desired behavior.
 A code encourages discussions of ethics and compliance, empowering employees to
handle ethical dilemmas they encounter in everyday work.
 It can also serve as a valuable reference, helping employees locate relevant documents,
services and other resources related to ethics within the organization. (HAYES, 2021)

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 A quality code of conduct can go a long way in improving a company's success.

 A well-developed code can help a company to: Prevent legal and regulatory
 By outlining code of conducts, members of firm have been told become aware of
what behavior is acceptable in a firm or not.
 This led members to avoid conflicts. (White, 2014)
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Methods to Manage Ethical Conflicts:

 Promote open communication at all levels

 Empower employees to talk it out first
 Encourage employees to alert supervisors as needed
 Remind employees about your code of conduct
 Honestly assess your needs and resources.

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 Establish a strong foundation.

 Build a culture of integrity — from the top down.
 Keep a “values focus” in moments big and small.
 Re-evaluate and revise as needed. (Andrews, 2020).

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