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2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

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27 July 2007, 13:04

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In this article we will analyze the table of symbols ASCII and the ways
it can be used. We will also deal with some new functions, the
principle of operation of which is based on the peculiarities of the
ASCII table, and then we will create a new library, which will include
these functions of MQL4 language. They are quite popular in other
programming languages, but they are not included into the list of built-
in functions. Besides, we will examine in details the basics of working
with strings. So, I think you will certainly learn something new about
this useful type of data.

What is ASCII ?
ASCII is the American coding standard for information interchange
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange). This standard is
based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes present a text in
computers, communication equipment and other devices, which work
with texts. ASCII was created in 1963, but published as a standard first
in 1967. The last amendments were made in 1986. More detailed
information about ASCII can be found here: Further we will see, how we can
display ASCII using MQL4 options, but first let us examine the basis of
working with strings.

Principles of Writing a Library

To write a library of this kind, let us understand some essential
moments. First let us see how we can go through all symbols, like the
procedures with data arrays. Alike code parts will be always repeated
in any function, intended for symbolwise processing. As an example,
let us write a simple script, which first shows a common string and
then a processed one, where each symbol is divided by a space.

//|                                          StringExpe 1/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles
//|         Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderass. All ri
//|                                               bande
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderas
#property link      ""

//| start                                              
int start()


   string s1 = "Just_a_string", s2, symbol = "s";

   int lenght = StringLen(s1);


   for(int x = 0; x < lenght; x++)


       symbol = StringSetChar(symbol, 0, StringGetChar(

       s2 = s2 + symbol + " ";






Let us analyze the value of each string.

string s1 = "Just_a_string", s2, symbol = "s";

Determine three variables of a string type:

s1 - initial string, which we want to process;

s2 - string that will contain the result;
symbol - string used for temporary storing of each symbol.

Note, that it is initialized by one symbol. If we do not do this, we will

get as a result a string without the first symbol. The matter is, the
standard MQL4 function StringGetChar() changes already created
symbols, that is why we need at least one symbol for regular

int lenght = StringLen(s1);

Determine the variable of integer type to store the string length. For
this purpose call the standard function for determination of the string
length StringLen(), which has a single parameter - the string, the
length of which we need to know.


Display MessageBox.

for(int x = 0; x < lenght; x++)

Determine the cycle, in which the simbolwise processing will take

place. Note that the counter is initialized by zero, because symbols in
the string are indexed from zero like in arrays. In the conditions of
cycle execution the comparison operator "less" is used, because the
last symbol's length position is 1. 2/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

symbol = StringSetChar(symbol, 0, StringGetChar(s1, x))

In this string two standard functions are used: StringSetChar() and

StringGetChar(). The first one allows replacing one of the symbols of
the string, the second one - getting the symbol code in the indicated
position. The function StringSetChar() has three parameters:

string, in which a symbol should be replaced;

position of the symbol, which should be replaced (remember
that strings are indexed from zero like in arrays);
code of the symbol, which will replace.

The function returns the result in the form of a changed string. One
more important function - StringGetChar. It has two parameters:

string with a symbol, the code of which should be recognized;

position of the symbol, the code of which should be recognize.

The function returns the symbol code. While the function

StringGetChar returns the symbol code, I located its calling in the
place of the parameter of the function StringSetChar. Therefore using
this function we remember the current symbol for further processing.
During the execution of the cycle, each symbol of the string s1 will be
assigned to the variable.

s2 = s2 + symbol + " ";

We can easily bind strings (concatenation) using addition operation (+).

Here at each cycle iteration we add to the resulting string a symbol
and a space.


Show the result. Note, that we read each symbol starting from the first
one, though it can be done vice versa. In this case we have a shorter
code and fewer variables. If in string processing it does not matter,
from which side to begin, use the following variant:

//|                                            StringEx
//|         Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderass. All ri
//|                                               bande
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderas
#property link      ""

//| start                                              
int start()


   string s1 = "Just_a_string", s2, symbol = "s";

   int lenght = StringLen(s1) - 1;


   while(lenght >= 0)


       symbol = StringSetChar(symbol, 0, StringGetChar(

       s2 = s2 + symbol + " ";


     } 3/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles




You see, now instead of the cycle 'for' we use 'while', which allows
omitting the counter x. For this purpose we use the variable length.
Further we will use one of the two templates for writing functions,
depending on the fact, whether the processing sequence matters or
not. In our case we get the string with the symbols in the reverse
order, i.e. here the processing sequence matters much.

Show All Symbols ASCII

Now let us try to show all ASCII symbols. Remember the functions
StringSetChar() and StringGetChar(), which accordingly insert into the
indicated position a symbol from ASCII upon the code and return the
code upon the symbol. StringSetChar() has the third parameter int
value. This is a code from the table of ASCII symbols. Let us write a
special script, to determine the code of each symbol:

//|                                            StringEx
//|         Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderass. All ri
//|                                               bande
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Antonio Banderas
#property link      ""

//| start                                              
int start()


   string s, symbol = "s";

   for(int x = 0; x < 256; x++)

      symbol = StringSetChar(symbol, 0, x);

      s = s + x + " = " + symbol + " \t";

      if(x % 10 == 0)

          s = s + " \n";





The script uses in-built MQL4 functions, and string constants of a new
string and tabulation for the visualization of the table. Now compile
and start it. You will see the table of ASCII symbols: 4/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

Look at it very attentively. You will see absolutely all symbols, which
can be needed, from numbers and letters to special symbols, some of
them can be new for you. First comes a code, and then after the sign
"=" comes the symbol itself. I marked some important sets of symbols: 5/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

Pay attention to the arrangement of letters. They are arranged in the

alphabetical order. This characteristic will later be used for writing
some functions, for example, for transferring letters from the string of
the upper case into the lower one and vice versa.

And now let us deal with new functions and in the end create a library
based on them.

StringUpperCase and StringLowerCase

These are two very popular functions for transferring a string into the
upper or lower case. Their implementation is based on the fact that all
codes of the upper case letters symbols are shifted by 32 from the
letters of the lower case. It is seen from the table. In practice, if we
try to find the codes of symbols 'A', 'Z', 'a', 'z', for example using this

string s = "AZaz";

MessageBox("A = " + StringGetChar(s, 0));

MessageBox("Z = " + StringGetChar(s, 1));

MessageBox("a = " + StringGetChar(s, 2));

MessageBox("z = " + StringGetChar(s, 3));

the results will be the following: A= 65, Z= 90, a= 97, z= 122

accordingly. So we should take into account this peculiarity. Let us
view the source code of the function:

//| StringUpperCase                                    
string StringUpperCase(string str)


   string s = str;

   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;

   while(lenght >= 0)


       symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);

       if((symbol > 96 && symbol < 123) || (symbol > 22

           s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol - 32);


           if(symbol > -33 && symbol < 0)

               s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 22





//| StringLowerCase                                    
string StringLowerCase(string str)


   string s = str;

   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;

   while(lenght >= 0)


       symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);

       if((symbol > 64 && symbol < 91) || (symbol > 191
           s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 32);


           if(symbol > -65 && symbol < -32) 6/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles
               s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 28




While the sequence of processing does not matter, use the cycle while.
It is very easy to use the function, the only parameter is the string,
which should be transferred into the proper case:


  string s2 = "lower_register_string";


  MessageBox(StringLowerCase(s1)); // upper_register_st
  MessageBox(StringUpperCase(s2)); // LOWER_REGISTER_ST

In MQL4 the comparison of strings is performed on the level of
operators using "==". Interesting is the fact that comparison is case-
dependant, i.e. strings "STRING" and "string" are different:

if("STRING" == "string") // FALSE




If we need to compare two string without ignoring case, use the

function StringCompare(). It returns bool type values like the operator
of comparison. The implementation is easy. It compares strings that
are beforehand transferred into lower case:

//| StringCompare                                      
bool StringCompare(string s1, string s2)

    return(StringLowerCase(s1) == StringLowerCase(s2));

Example of use:

if(StringCompare("STRING", "string")) // TRUE




This function checks the contents of the string. If the string contains
only numbers, it returns true, otherwise - false. The implementation is
quite easy and is based on the fact, that the symbols of numbers are in
one raw and have codes from 48 to 58. 7/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

//| StringIsDigit                                      
bool StringIsDigit(string str)


   bool result = true;

   string s = str;

   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;

   while(lenght > 0)


       symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);

       if(!(symbol > 47 && symbol < 58))

           result = false;






Example of use:

if(StringIsDigit("1234567890")) // TRUE




  if(StringIsDigit("1234notdigit")) // FALSE




This function, like the previous one, allows determining whether the
string contains only letters. Its implementation is analogous:

//| StringIsAlpha                                      
bool StringIsAlpha(string str)


   bool result = false;

   string s = str;

   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;

   while(lenght > 0)


       symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);

       if((symbol > 96  && symbol < 123) || (symbol > 6

          (symbol > 191 && symbol < 256) || (symbol > -

           result = true;





  } 8/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

Example of use:

if(StringIsAlpha("thereAreSomeLetters")) // TRUE




  if(StringIsAlpha("thereAreSomeDigits12345")) // FALSE



Creating a Library
Now let us gather all these functions into one library. For this purpose
in MetaEditor 4 click 'File -> New -> Library -> Next'. In the field name
write stringProcess and click OK. Then insert the code of the above
described functions and save. Then create a file with the functions
prototypes, clicking 'File -> New -> Include(*. MQH) -> OK'. In the field
name write stringProcess, -> OK. Now insert the prototypes of all new
functions, and indicate the directive for import:

//|                                                stri
//|                               Antonio Banderass Cop
//|                                               bande
#property copyright "Antonio Banderass Copyright © 2007
#property link      ""


#import "stringProcess.ex4"

//| prototypes                                         
string StringUpperCase(string str);

string StringLowerCase(string str);

bool StringCompare(string s1, string s2);

bool StringIsDigit(string str);

bool StringIsAlpha(string str);

Using the Library stringProcess

To use the library, include the header file with the prototypes of
functions, after that you can call necessary functions. Here is the
example of using in a script:

//|                                     stringProcessLi
//|                               Antonio Banderass Cop
//|                                               bande
#property copyright "Antonio Banderass Copyright © 2007
#property link      ""

#include <stringProcess.mqh>

//+---------------------------------------------------- 9/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles
//| script program start function                      
int start()


   if(StringIsDigit("1234567890")) // TRUE




   if(StringIsDigit("1234notdigit")) // FALSE





So, you have learned about the table of ASCII symbols and how you can
use the peculiarities of its construction for the design of new
functions. You have written new functions, which are very popular in
other programming languages, but which MQ4L does not include. Based
on them you have created a small library for string processing. I think
this library will be used not during trading, but at the receipt of
results. For example, if you are developing your own system of reports
for your Expert Advisor, then some of the functions will be useful for
you. Besides you will find many areas of use, which I may not know.
Good luck and profits to you!

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MQL4 Language for Newbies. Technical Indicators and
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MQL4 Language for Newbies. Difficult Questions in
Simple Phrases.
MQL4 Language for Newbies. Introduction 10/11
2/12/22, 8:42 PM Strings: Table of ASCII Symbols and Its Use - MQL4 Articles

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