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China made the world’s first artificial intelligence-

equipped judge, gives 97 percent of the decisions right

December 28, 2021

China has created a judge equipped with artificial intelligence, which is the first of
its kind
This AI-equipped judge gives 97 percent correct decisions after listening to verbal
It is produced by Shanghai Pudong People’s Procuratorate which is the busy
Prosecution Office

From supercomputers to robots, China has created a judge equipped with artificial
intelligence, which is the first of its kind in the world. This judge gives 97 percent correct
decisions after listening to verbal arguments. This judge is produced by Shanghai Pudong
People’s Procuratorate. It is the busiest prosecution office in China. He said that with the
help of this technology, the workload of prosecutors would be reduced.

The office claimed that in some cases, this AI-equipped judge can replace prosecutors
during the decision-making process. This machine can be used on a desktop computer.
This AI judge analyzes billions of data in his system. It has been built using thousands of
cases from around the world. These cases are from the year 2015 to 2020.
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Ability to Detect Credit Card Fraud and Theft
For now, this judge has the ability to catch dangerous drivers, credit card fraud and theft.
This judge may have been made but the people of China have not liked it. One prosecutor
said, “Technically, 97 per cent accuracy may be high, but there will always be a chance of
error. If a mistake is made, who will take the responsibility? Prosecutor, designer of
machine or algorithm.’

“With the help of AI, mistake can be detected but it cannot take the place of humans in
decision making,” the prosecutor said. China has achieved this feat in the field of AI at a
time when the British intelligence agency has warned that the threat from China and
Russia is increasing in this area. MI-6 said that our enemies intend to master AI,
quantum computing and synthetic biology and are spending a lot of money in it. That’s
because they know these technologies will give them an edge.


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