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1 __________________________ Total score: 50

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 3 Complete the email with  score: 5
the questions. some of the words below.
visiting • play • having • on • cooks • playing •
visit • in • have • cook
David Walton
20th September
New message
Recipients: Mum and Dad CC CCO
Day 1
Subject: News from Thailand
Hi everyone! Here we are in
Kaeng Krachan National Park Hi, Mum and Dad!
in Thailand. The weather
is cool and nice. We are
I hope you’re all doing well at home. We’re
staying in a very comfortable
(1) a great time here. Sometimes
camping site and the views
we fish in the lake and Martin (2)
are simply amazing.
the fish for lunch or dinner! We go hiking or
rock climbing almost every day. Tomorrow
There is a lake just 400 metres away from our tent we are (3) a Buddhist temple
so we can go fishing and swimming. The mountains (4) the east of Thailand. Now we
are not far and there we can go rock climbing and are all in the tent because it’s raining. My
hiking. We are having a fabulous time here. We all friends are (5) games on their
have different roles every day. Martin cooks, I do the smartphones.
washing up and Meg shops for food. We take turns Please write back soon! I miss you all!
washing everybody’s clothes. Right now, Martin is
resting and Meg is in the nearby village. She is buying David
some chicken, potatoes and fizzy drinks. We are all
enjoying our holiday! Tomorrow is Saturday and we
are planning to get up early. We are leaving at about
7 am because we are meeting a group of young tourists
4 Steve is phoning his son score: 10
from Greece and Spain. We are all visiting a Buddhist
temple in an ancient city in the east of Thailand. Martin. Imagine you are
Steve and write the
More updates on our Thailand tour tomorrow evening!
Comments 39
Steve (1) ?
Martin No, dad. The weather isn’t good.
It’s raining again.
1. Where are David and his friends?
Steve (2) ?
2. What kind of outdoor activities can they do?
Martin No, I’m not cooking today. We’re
3. What does David do every day?
buying some food from a take-away
4. Is Martin cooking at the moment?
shop in the village. Tomorrow we’re
5. What are they doing tomorrow with some
going on an excursion early in the
other tourists?
Steve (3) ?
2 Listen and tick (✓) 
02 score: 10
Martin We’re leaving at 7 am.
the correct information.
Steve (4) ?
1. David is phoning his mum.
Martin Meg? She’s watching a comedy on
2. He is very happy because the weather
her iPad!
is always nice.
Steve (5) ?
3. When it rains, David and his friends
Martin Yes, she does. She likes comedies
go for a walk in the village.
a lot.
4. Meg is not feeling well.
5. David is probably phoning Meg’s
5 Write about 40 words score: 15
mum today.
about what you are doing
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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
2 __________________________ Total score: 50

1 Read the text and answer score: 10 4. R

ichard I / Saladin / some / gave / birds /
the questions. a / present / as .

5. people / the / the / in / village / at /

Amazing Gift-Giving Stories Mrs Baker / laughed .
Today, we have Christmas, birthday, baby shower,
wedding and anniversary gifts. But there are other
occasions on which people receive presents. score: 5
3 Match questions 1–5 with
During the Third Crusade, Richard I of England some of the answers a–i.
gave some birds to Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt, 1. Why did Richard I give Saladin
as a present. Once, a lady called Mrs Baker from some birds as a gift?
a small village in England sent a little cat in a
basket as a present to Queen Victoria before her 2. Was Richard Burton in love with
coronation day. The people in the village laughed Elizabeth Taylor?
at the lady. Surprisingly, a few days later a letter 3. Did Elizabeth Taylor wear a diamond
from the Queen arrived including two £5 notes. ring to the 1970 Oscars Ceremony?
In Hollywood, British actor Richard Burton bought a 4. Where did Mrs Baker live?
69-carat diamond in the shape of a pear for British- 5. How much did Katy Perry spend
American actress Elizabeth Taylor. She wore this on the two tickets to travel into space?
diamond in a necklace to the 1970 Oscars
Ceremony. Pop star Katy Perry once a. No, she didn’t.
surprised Russell Brand, at that time b. She spends quite a lot of money.
her husband, with two tickets for a c. No, she wasn’t.
trip into space to celebrate his 35th
birthday. Katy spent d. She lived in a small village in England.
US$200,000 on the e. Because it was a tradition of princes.
tickets and fourteen f. Yes, he was.
months later they g. US$200,000
divorced. h. Yes, she did.
i. She lives in a distant village in England.

1. What did Mrs Baker send Queen Victoria

before her coronation? 4 Listen and complete  score:
03 10
2. What did she receive from the Queen? with only one word.
3. What present did Richard Burton buy for 1. The is not good. It’s raining hard.
Elizabeth Taylor? 2. David his umbrella on the bus.
4. When did she wear it? 3. The umbrella was a from his
5. Did Katy Perry spend a lot of money on the grandma.
two tickets to travel into space? 4. David took a number bus.
5. After school, he to McDonald’s
2 Order the words to make score: 10 with Peter.
1. b
ought / ex-husband / a / present / 5 Write about 45 words score: 15
expensive / very / her / Katy Perry . about what you did and
didn’t do last weekend.
2. gift / pear / of / the / Elizabeth Taylor’s /
shape / had / a .

3. the / very / she / liked / present / much .

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
3 __________________________ Total score: 60

1 Read the text and answer score: 10 took her backpack and shopping bags. Linda
the questions. (3) to the ground and broke her arm.
Luckily, a brave neighbour saw the thief and
New message
(4) him. Then four policemen arrived
Recipients: Fiona in a car and drove after the two men running.
Subject: My visit to Naples CC CCO In the (5) , they arrested the thief.
Hi Fiona,
3 Imagine you are a police  score: 10
How’s everything? Are you still planning to come officer. Complete the
to Italy and join us? My friend Linda and I would
like to see you here soon.
questions you would ask
Linda after the robbery.
Three days ago we visited Naples. We ate some
1. Did ?
yummy pizza in a trattoria in the city centre, but
we didn’t like the city very much. There was a 2. Were there ?
lot of traffic, the streets were dirty and there 3. Who was ?
were too many young people riding their Vespa 4. Were you ?
motorcycles all the time. In the evening, we saw 5. What did ?
two police cars going at full speed. There was
a robbery in a shop near the trattoria where
we had pizza at noon. I wanted to leave the city
centre immediately but you know how stubborn
Linda is. She wanted to stay to buy some
souvenirs. Fortunately, nothing happened to us
but I was angry with her for a couple of hours.
Yesterday, we visited the ruins of Pompeii. It
was once a Roman city but a strong earthquake
and a volcanic eruption destroyed it completely.
Tomorrow we are leaving early in the morning
to visit the blue grotto in Capri. score: 20
4 Write about 50 words
Well, I must stop now. Linda is calling me to go about a famous film
out for dinner. character. Use the
Please write back soon! questions as a guide.
Take care, • Who is he/she?
Nina • Why do you like him/her?
• What was he/she like in the film?
• Where did he/she live?
1. When did Linda and Nina visit Naples? • What did he/she do in the film?
2. What did they eat in the trattoria? • What happened to him/her at the end of
3. Was there a lot of traffic in Naples? the film?
4. What happened near the trattoria in
the evening? 5 Listen and complete  score:
04 10
5. What happened to Pompeii a long time ago? with only one word.
1. The police arrested the man the
2 Complete with only one  score: 10 bus station.
word. 2. The man stole the backpack and then
Linda was in the park yesterday afternoon it in an alley.
(1) something terrible happened to 3. The fire was in a supermarket.
her. There (2) three teenagers riding 4. The fire at about 8.
their motorbikes all around the area. Suddenly, 5. The wild dogs were in a in
one of them got off the bike, pushed Linda and Sommerset School.

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
4 __________________________ Total score: 50

1 Read the articles and score: 10 long video conference with Ronald. When their
answer the questions. conversation finished, the pizza was all burnt!

A 30-year old farmer in La Pampa, Argentina, 3 Ronald is in a TV studio. score: 10

was resting under a tree near an Australian water Imagine you are the
tank when he saw some cows, pigs and chickens
running wildly across the fields. He immediately
reporter and complete
went to his farm and noticed that all his animals the interview.
were missing. The man became really worried. You (1) ?
At that moment, he noticed the presence of Ronald I feel really happy because, with the
an enormous puma. Looking closely, the man money I can help many people.
discovered that the puma was seriously injured.
You (2) ?
A local vet came to the area, doped the animal and
took it to surgery. The farmer’s friends helped him Ronald When I heard the news? I was
bring back all his animals to the farm. The puma is watching the news on my
better and is in the woods now. smartphone.
Ronald Lane, a 49-year-old baker from a village You (3) ?
near London, got a big surprise yesterday. He was Ronald I called my wife and then I sent a
watching the news on his smartphone when he voice message to my sister.
heard his name. The story began a month ago You (4) ?
when he and his wife found a £50 note in the
street just outside their shop. They decided to buy Ronald While I was buying the ticket, I was
a lottery ticket with that money and yesterday, thinking about my wife. It was our
Ronald heard in the news that he was the only wedding anniversary and I wanted
winner. He won £1.5 million. Ronald and his wife to buy her a new pair of shoes.
want to use 50% of the money to help the poor
You (5) ?
people in their village.
Ronald Yes, she was very happy when she
heard the good news.
1. What was the farmer doing when he saw
the animals running?
2. Why wasn’t the puma well?
4 Last weekend, Ronald and score: 15
his family went camping.
3. Who cured the puma?
Write about 50 words on
4. What was Ronald doing when he heard
what happened to them.
his name?
Use the ideas below.
5. What do Ronald and his wife want to do
with half the money they won? put up tent near a lake • the family baby/
happy/run • lunchtime/baby fall into the lake •
2 Complete with only one score: 10 Ronald and his son/rescue the baby
Ronald felt really excited. He sent a WhatsApp 5 Listen and choose 
05 score: 5
voice message to his sister and cousins. When the correct option.
they heard the news, they (1) all very 1. Mark is Ronald’s son / nephew.
surprised and happy. Ronald’s sister, Meg, 2. This morning Ronald and his wife visited
was (2) pizza for dinner when her a hospital in London / the local hospital.
smartphone bleeped. Ronald never sent her 3. The hospital needs medicines and beds /
messages at that time, so at first Meg a bed and a new computer.
(3) worried. What was the matter? 4. Ronald and his wife also went into the
(4) Ronald have a problem? Of local secondary school library / science
course not! He was informing his family and laboratory.
friends that he was a lottery winner! Meg put 5. Ronald was annoyed because there
the pizza (5) the oven and had a was only one computer / were no
computers in the school.

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Mid-course Student’s name and surname Date / /
test __________________________ Total score: 80

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 2. Monica found some boring information
the questions. about two queens of England.
Monica Parker is a secondary school student. Her
teacher assigned Monica a special project on Queens 3. Elizabeth I took the crown when her father
of England. She is presenting the project next week. died.
Yesterday, Monica was surfing the Web for some
information when she found something really 4. Elizabeth II got married in 1952.
We can find many interesting stories 5. There was a mega pop concert in 2012 to
about the queens of England but there celebrate the Queen’s 60th birthday.
are two which are very special. One of
these queens was Elizabeth I. She was
born in 1533 and became Queen
of England in 1558 at the age of 25. She 3 Read and circle the score: 10
was queen until her death 45 years correct answers.
later. He parents were King Henry VIII
Monica surfed the Web for a long time. The
and his second wife Anne Boleyn. When
her half-sister Mary Tudor died, she information about Queens of England was
took the crown. While Elizabeth I was (1) . She also found good pictures.
queen, she established Protestantism in She (2) her work when her
England, defeated the Spanish Armada smartphone bleeped. It was a chat message
in 1588, pacified her country and helped
from her friend Carla. She was (3)
many talented artists.
because Fluffy, her cat, was ill. Monica turned
Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21st April, her iPad off and went (4) Carla’s
1926, in London. Her father was King
house. When she arrived, Fluffy (5)
George VI and her mother was Elizabeth
Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip on her bed. It didn’t look good, so Monica had
Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh, in 1947 a videoconference call with Uncle Joe, who is
and became queen on 6th February a vet. He asked Carla some questions about
1952. In 2012, there was a mega pop Fluffy. He asked her, ‘(6) his food
concert in London to celebrate the
yesterday?’ ‘Did he drink any water?’ ‘What
queen’s 60 years on the throne. Some
of the singers who performed during (7) when you got up this morning?’
this event were Ed Sheeran, Robbie In the end, Uncle Joe said that it (8)
Williams and Kylie Minogue. Queen serious but the cat needed some medicine. So,
Elizabeth II is the longest-serving when he finished working, he (9) to
monarch in British history.
Carla’s house, gave Fluffy some pills and then
took Monica (10) home in his car.
1. What happened when Monica was surfing
the Web for some information on Queens
1. interested interesting annoyed
of England yesterday?
2. was finishing is finishing finishes
2. How long was Elizabeth I on the throne?
3. worry worrying worried
3. What did she do when she was queen?
4. with through to
4. When did Elizabeth II become queen?
5. sleeps was sleeping slept
5. What happened in London in 2012?
6. Did it eat It ate Was it eating
7. it was doing it did was it doing
2 Read the text again and  score: 10
8. not was was not not is
correct the wrong
9. drove drive drives
10. out of to back
1. Monica’s teacher gave her a test on
Queens of England.

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4 Order the words to make  score: 10 6 What happened to Monica  score: 20
questions 1–5 and match last Saturday? Look at the
them with answers a–e. pictures and write about
1. month / Monica / an / have / last / did / 50 words.
accident ?

2. it / accident / was / a / serious ?

3. happened / her / what / to ?

4. go / hospital / did / to / she / the ?

5. now / does / feel / she / how ?

a. She’s OK, fortunately.

b. No, it wasn’t.
c. No, she didn’t. It wasn’t necessary.
d. Yes, she did.
e. She fell off her bike when she was going
to school.

5 Complete the story score: 10

with some of the
phrases below.
worked secretly • was boring • was the first •
when he arrived • he die • there was • 7 06 Listen and circle  score: 10
he died • was born • did a • how and • T (true), F (false) or NM
there were • born • and she • was interesting (not mentioned).
1. We don’t know what time
After collecting enough information for her
it is now. T / F / NM
school project, Monica (1) ... fantastic project
2. Monica’s mother is making
on two famous queens of England (2) ... got a
some tea at the moment. T / F / NM
very good mark. Her teacher was really happy!
3. Both her dad and mum are
Her parents gave her a present: an ebook
working in a supermarket. T / F / NM
on British history. At first, Monica thought it
4. Monica hasn’t got a dog. T / F / NM
(3) ... but then she discovered (4) ... a lot of
5. Monica is watching TV in
fascinating stories in it. For example, she read
the living room. T / F / NM
about Sir Frances Drake, a brave sea captain
6. Her pet is sleeping now. T / F / NM
who (5) ... in Devon in 1540. Drake (6) ... for
7. Monica’s dress is awful. T / F / NM
Elizabeth I. He went on a sea expedition against
8. Monica had a party last night. T / F / NM
the Spanish colonies in America. He (7) ...
9. When Monica arrived home, her
Englishman to navigate the Strait of Magellan.
parents were having breakfast. T / F / NM
(8) ... at the port of Cadiz in 1588, thirty Spanish
10. Monica said the coffee
ships were navigating in the area and he
was too strong. T / F / NM
destroyed all of them. When did (9) ...? Drake
died in 1596. And (10) ... where did he die? He
died of dysentery near Panama.

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Illustrations by Gabriel San Martín
Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
5 __________________________ Total score: 50

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 3 Correct the mistakes.  score: 10
the questions. 1. The wakeboards are more expensive
the original Barcelona FC T-shirts.
There was a robbery in a sports shop in central
London yesterday evening. Three teens broke 2. A treadmill is not the most cheap piece of
into the shop and wanted to steal expensive
equipment in a sports shop.
sports clothes and equipment, and all the
money in the cash register. The owner of the
shop, Robert Miller, worked there all day and 3. How much trainers did the teens steal from
closed his shop at about 6 pm as usual. Then he the shop?
drove back home, but when he was watching
a series on TV with his wife, he got a call on 4. There weren’t some sports bags in Robert’s
his smartphone. It was Sam Baxter, who lives
next to the shop. He told Mr Miller the burglar
alarm in his shop was ringing, so Robert called
the police and went to the shop immediately. 5. How many money did the teens take from
The police arrived quickly and caught the three the cashier?
teens. They were putting the most expensive
things into bags. In fact, they were choosing
the best items. The police also found eight score:
4 07 Listen to Robert  5
wakeboards on the floor. The robbers did not
put them in their bags because they were too talking to a customer at
big. In the end, the police arrested the three his shop and circle T (true)
criminals and took them to the local police or F (false).
station where a detective questioned them. 1. The customer wants to buy a pair
They said they were planning to sell the clothes of shorts.  T/F
and equipment and use the money to have a
2. The shorts are more expensive in
holiday in Jamaica.
this shop than in other shops. T/F
3. The customer also likes a blue pair
1. What did the three teens want to take from
of Nike trainers. T/F
the sports shop?
4. The customer pays for both the
2. How did Mr Miller go back home?
trainers and the shorts. T/F
3. What was Robert doing when Sam phoned?
5. The trainers are expensive because
4. Why did Sam phone Robert?
they are the best and the newest
5. What were the robbers planning to do with
model. T/F
the clothes and equipment?

5 Write a short description  score: 20

2 Complete with only  score: 5
of your favourite trainers.
one word.
Use these prompts as
Yesterday evening, Robert was not feeling very
a guide.
well because of the robbery in his shop. He
• Say why you like them
only had (1) soup and fruit for dinner
• Say when you bought them and how much
and went to bed. He didn’t drink (2)
you paid for them.
water or tea, just a glass of milk. This morning,
• Describe what they are like.
he got up earlier (3) usual and drove
to his shop. He put everything in order and
mopped the shop floor, but there was a
problem. A lot (4) the clothes that
were on the floor were dirty, so Robert decided
to (5) them at a very low price, only
£5 each!

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6 __________________________ Total score: 50

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 3 Write the missing word  score: 5
the questions. in the correct place.
1. Mr Nelson is a bit older his wife.
David Nelson is a plumber and has a lot of work, 2. Peter is youngest member of the family.
so he usually gets up at 6.30 am. His wife, Kelly, 3. The newest iPhone model is most expensive
helps him out by keeping his diary and answering smartphone in the mobile phone shop.
emails, phone calls and messages. He does repairs
4. Peter told his dad, ‘I going to trade in my
in his neighbourhood from 8 am to 4 pm. In the
evenings, he is a volunteer firefighter and, of old phone for a more modern one.’
course, doesn’t get a salary for his work. He just 5. Peter’s neighbour, little Timmy, once said,
does it because he likes helping people. He always ‘I want to be a firefighter when I grow.’
goes back home late and doesn’t have much time
to hang around with friends.
4 Write about 60 words  score: 20
David and Kelly have got three children and their about your birthday
youngest son, Peter, is also a firefighter. He studies celebrations. Use these
engineering in the morning but he is also a famous prompts as a guide.
YouTuber. He makes good money with this job.
• Say where you usually celebrate your
Right now the fire brigade needs some important birthday and what you usually do on that
equipment, so the Nelsons are going to organize a
rock and pop concert next month to collect some
money. Peter is going to invite his friends to play • Say where you celebrated it and what you
their music and Mrs Nelson is going to make cakes did on your birthday last year.
and sandwiches to sell at the music event. With • Say where you are going to celebrate your
the money they get they are probably going to next birthday, what you are going to do and
buy new helmets and flame retardant jackets. who you are going to invite.

1. How does Kelly help her husband to 5 08Listen to a television  score: 5

organize his work activities as a plumber? interview with Mr Nelson
2. Why doesn’t David get a salary for his work and choose the correct
as a firefighter? answers.
3. What are the Nelsons going to do next 1. The name of the programme is ...
month? a. Heroes Today.
4. Why are they planning to do that? b. Local Heroes.
5. What are they going to do with the money? c. Local Heroes Help You.
2. David became a firefighter when ...
2 Complete the text with  score: 10 a. he was a little boy.
the correct form of the b. he was 21.
verbs in brackets. c. he was 19.
Peter (1) (want) to buy a more modern 3. Last year, there was a fire in ...
smartphone for his job as a YouTuber. He needs a. a church.
one with a better camera, so yesterday he b. the local hospital.
(2) (go) to a shop to trade in his c. the local coach station.
smartphone for a new one. There were more 4. When the firefighters are at the station,
than 50 models he could choose from. He they ...
was very confused and there (3) (be) a. play cards and wash the trucks.
a problem. When the shop assistant asked to b. play cards and drive the trucks.
have a look at Peter’s smartphone, he c. wash the truck and cars.
(4) (find) out that it was at home. So 5. Good firefighters are ...
tomorrow he is (5) (come) back to the a. generous, hard-working and friendly.
shop with his old smartphone in his hand. b. generous.
c. generous and hard-working.
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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
7 __________________________ Total score: 60

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10

the questions. should I (3) ? I have an important
match next Saturday.’ The doctor answered,
Roger Bauer is a ‘You can’t do anything. You should rest and
Chilean polo player. He relax.’ But of course, Roger couldn’t
is famous in his country (4) that. He is very responsible, so
and young girls love he (5) Patricio Valenzuela, another
him. He won three big
important polo player. He explained his problem
tournaments last year
and is planning to play to him and Patricio promised to take his place.
a very important one in
England this year. Last week was not an easy one for 3 Roger is on the phone  score: 10
Roger because he was ill in bed. On Monday morning, with Patricio. Write the
when he was practising at the polo court he began to questions to complete
feel ill. He had a headache and a bad cough, and in
the afternoon he got worse and had a temperature.
the conversation.
He couldn’t finish his practice and his coach said he Patricio (1) ?
should go back home and call a doctor. When Roger Roger I’m much better now. Thank you.
arrived home, his wife was making brownies for Patricio (2) ?
teatime, but he had a sore throat and couldn’t eat Roger  No, he didn’t. He said it was a
anything. He went directly to his bedroom to lie down. virus, so he didn’t prescribe any
His wife was very worried. She gave him an aspirin
and some hot lemon tea. Roger drank the tea, took the
aspirin and fell asleep while he was watching a film. Patricio (3) ?
When he woke up, he was not feeling well at all, so Roger  Yes, I stayed in bed for five days.
his wife decided to call the doctor but he was away Patricio (4) ?
in Europe. Then Roger phoned his father’s best friend, Roger  While you were playing the final
who is also a doctor. This man promised to visit Roger match? I was watching you on TV!
at about 9 pm. That evening, he just stayed in bed,
Patricio  (5) ?
drank a lot of water and waited for the doctor.
Roger  Now? I should start practising for
the next match little by little.
1. Why wasn’t last week easy for Roger?
2. When did he start feeling ill? 4 09Listen and complete  score: 10
3. What was the matter with him? the sentences.
4. What should he do according to his coach? 1. Roger’s father has got
5. Who did Roger phone and why? .
2. In emergencies, the two most important
2 Complete the text with  score: 10 problems are and .
the correct form of the 3. Rescue dogs
verbs below. people and help them.
4. In emergencies, we waste any
do (x2) • phone • have • stay
When the doctor arrived, Roger was resting and 5. Rescue dogs can work in all
his wife (1) dinner. The doctor .
examined Roger carefully and said, ‘You
shouldn’t go to the polo court again this week. 5 Write a WhatsApp score: 20
You should (2) at home and rest for message to a friend.
five or six days. I’m not going to prescribe you Imagine you are alone at home and
any pills because you only have a very bad cold. begin to feel ill. Tell your friend how
But you can take an aspirin if necessary, and you feel, describe the symptoms and
you must drink a lot of water.’ Roger was ask for advice. Write about 80 words.
worried anyways. He asked the doctor, ‘What

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Test Student’s name and surname Date / /
8 __________________________ Total score: 40

1 Read the text and answer  score: 10 2. What

the questions. tomorrow if it rains?
Richard Waverly was surfing the Web for some 3. Will you go on holiday next year if
information for a school project on music artists ?
when he found an article about a singer he 4. If I miss the bus to go to school, I
didn’t know. His name is Drake and this is part .
of the information he found: 5. Where will you go next weekend if
< >D

3 Complete with only score: 10

Drake was born on 24th October, 1986. His complete
name is Aubrey Drake Graham and he is a Canadian
one word.
rap and hip-hop singer and actor. He became famous in When Richard and his classmates finished the
2001 when he acted in the popular and long Canadian project, the teacher conducted a survey. She
TV drama series called Degrassi: The Next Generation. asked them about their favourite (1)
Drake grew up with music in his blood. His father Dennis of music, the instruments they can play and if
was a drummer and his uncle Larry played the bass. they want to play in a school band. Fifty per cent
He started his career as a hip-hop singer in 2006, and his
(2) the students answered that they
first hit single and video ‘Replacement Girl’ came out just
one year later. In 2008, Drake was once again successful like pop more than rock. Most of (3)
when his song ‘Best I Ever Had’ reached number 2 on can play the electric guitar but, in general, they
Billboard’s 100 singles chart. In 2010, Drake released his can’t play more than two instruments. All of
first studio album, Thank Me Later, which was number (4) students found playing the electric
one on both American and Canadian album charts. In guitar (5) exciting than playing the
May 2017, Drake was the artist who won 13 prizes at
trumpet or the cymbals. And last but not least,
the Billboard Music Awards, breaking Adele's record
for artist with the most wins in one year. sixty per cent want to play in a school band and
take music lessons.
Richard read the article but it didn’t have any
information about the singer’s future. Will he 4 10Listen to Richard  score: 10
record a new album? Will he go on a world and his mum and choose
tour? What countries will he visit? The article the correct option.
was not really complete, so Richard decided to 1. Richard will start learning to play the guitar ...
go on investigating and write about a band. a. next month.
He thought, ‘If I write about a pop band, my b. next Wednesday.
classmates will be more interested in my work c. next week.
and my teacher will be happier.’ 2. Most students have got electric guitars and
they’ll ...
1. Why did Richard find the article interesting
a. take them to school.
at first?
b. take them back home.
2. Was 2017 an important year for Drake?
c. sell them at school.
Justify your answer.
3. An electric guitar can cost ...
3. Were Drake’s dad and uncle an influence
a. about £700.
on him? Justify your answer.
b. £650.
4. Will Richard write about Drake in the end?
c. £750.
5. What will he write about?
4. Richard should buy a ... guitar online.
a. newer
2 Complete with your  score: 10
b. more expensive
own ideas.
c. second-hand
1. I think I won’t pass the French test if
5. Richard ... play the guitar in public.
a. won’t
b. shouldn’t
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End-of- Student’s name and surname Date / /
course Test __________________________ Total score: 80

1 Read the text and answer  score: 15 3. Why was Méliès important in the history of
the questions. cinema?
4. What was the Nickelodeon?
Some facts about the 5. How can we enjoy watching films at

film industry present?

score: 10
2 Read the text again 
and correct the wrong
1. Muybridge used only two cameras to film a
horse in fast motion.
2. A Trip to the Moon is the name of the first
3. Bands often played after the films.
Are you a cinema fan? Do you prefer to watch a film 4. People only saw films in very big cities.
on Netflix rather than go to the cinema? What was 5. Today few people can watch films on a
the first film you saw? variety of digital gadgets.
The history of the film industry started in 1839
when the first photo camera was invented. But it 3 Choose the correct  score: 10
was not until 1872 that Edward Muybridge, one answer.
of the many people experimenting with cameras, The United Kingdom has an interesting film
could photograph live action spontaneously and
simultaneously. He used 24 cameras to film a
industry. The golden age of film (1) ... in
running horse in California. Then people in America 1936 and some decades later many British
and Europe invented new cameras but the first films actors (2) ... famous, such as Judy Dench,
were silent and black and white. There was usually Sean Connery and Kate Winslet. Some of the
a band playing while the people were watching (3) ... successful pictures in film history are
a film and sometimes there were special sound British, for example the Harry Potter saga
effects too. However, those films didn’t tell stories.
They were short documentaries about ordinary and
and James Bond films. In the 1920s, a (4) ...
daily events, such as people travelling by train or of people in different parts of the world saw
going out of a factory. But Georges Méliès, a French mostly American films. But in 1889, the (5) ...
magician interested in cinema, was the first director British film star was born: Charles Chaplin.
to make a film with a story: A Trip to the Moon. His parents (6) ... actors too. One day his father
Méliès’s ideas were copied and perfected in America, died and his mum became very ill. The family
where the cinema became an industry. The first
commercial exhibition of a film was in 1894. Then
needed money and Charles decided to act for
people travelled in vans showing a film in different the first time when he (7) ... twelve. In 1919, he
villages and the first successful permanent theatre travelled to the USA. He became famous and
showing only films was the Nickelodeon, which his silent films were very successful. People
opened in the city of Pittsburgh in 1905. Eventually, loved them. They were funny and simple.
more Nickelodeons opened and pictures became Chaplin (8) ... built his own studio in Hollywood.
longer. Filmmakers added sound to them and,
later on, even colour. Today, most of us can enjoy
But this great man was not only an actor. He
watching films not only in cinemas but also on our was (9) ... a writer and a music composer.
smartphones, tablets, notebooks and TVs. Unfortunately, he died on Christmas Day in
1977. (10) ... his films in the future? We don’t
know but today we all remember the great
1. What could Muybridge do in 1872?
Charles Chaplin for everything he created to
2. How many cameras did he use to film
make the world a better place.
a running horse?

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Photo credit 123RF
A B C 5 Complete the sentences  score: 10
1. were was is using the verbs below.
2. becomes become became
couldn't • will • shouldn't • could • won’t
3. most more more than
4. few little lot 1. You watch TV if you have a headache.
5. biggest big bigger 2. I can swim but when I was a boy I .
6. weren’t were was 3. Sue go to PE classes if it rains
7. had have was tomorrow.
8. then and then so 4. What series you watch if you have
9. in the end both also time next week?
10. People Will people People 5. Jack’s grandpa fly a plane when
will watch watch watch he was young.

6 Imagine you are on  score: 20

4 Imagine you are a reporter score: 10
holiday in Uruguay.
Complete the interview
Yesterday you watched
with a famous Hollywood
a film. Write an email to
film director. Use some of
your best friend. Use
the questions given.
these prompts as a guide.
You (1)
• Describe where you are and what the place
Director It was Love in Winter.
is like.
You (2)
• Say what film you saw and what it was about.
Director  Yes, of course. It was my first film,
• Say what you are planning to do tomorrow.
so I will never forget it. I really
enjoyed it! And it was the only
7 Listen to three film
11 score: 5
tragedy I directed.
reviews and circle the
You (3)
correct option.
Director  No, I don’t think so. I don’t like
1. The cat ran away is ideal for ...
tragedies. I love comedies and
a. children.
I am good at them.
b. families.
You  (4)
c. women.
Director  Soon. I think it will be ready in a
2. Mary Ashton is ...
couple of months.
a. an American pop star.
You (5)
b. an English model.
Director  I will probably watch the film many
c. an American model.
times to analyze why people don’t
3. I was waiting for you is ...
like it.
a. a romantic story.
a. Who was the main actor? b. a thriller.
b. What were you doing in Hollywood? c. an interesting comedy.
c. Will you direct another tragedy in the 4. A rose for Alice takes place in ...
future? a. a big city in the north of Scotland.
d. Is your new film going to cost a lot of b. a small village in the north of Scotland.
money? c. the capital city of Scotland.
e. What will you do if the film is not 5. In the next programme, you will hear ...
successful? a. some secrets of ten American actors.
f. What was your first film? b. top ten American actors talk about
g. Did Johnny Depp act in that film? their films.
h. When will we see your new film? c. some secrets of three American actors.
i. Did you like directing it?

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