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Character Design Week 5 2021_04_25 23_47.rtf

Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: Jesus

Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: I think my
headphones died
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: uh oh
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: everyone sounds like
a transformer in a blender
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: it's baaad
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 6:44 PM: DDD:
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: lmaoooooo
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: XD
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: can u just play the
audio thru speakers?
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: Yeh, yeh
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: i didnt see it
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: but i heard it wasnt good
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: i heard mileena was
good so yay sisi stringer
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: Its dragonball evolution garbage
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: but the rest yeah nah
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 6:45 PM: Not seen MK yet, but SubZero my
hero <3
Javi (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: not dragonbal evolution garbage lmao
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: they said the fights
were ok and that was it, still gotta see
Black Left-Knee (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: man
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:46 PM: XD
colleen daly (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: hey Karon are you going to make a
review for it?
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: Lol Karon post your review in the
chat XD
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: lmaooooo i might
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: Kano was the best part
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:47 PM: Someones mic
Javi (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: avatar the last airbender movie bad ?
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: eeeeeeeeeeee
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: lol
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: i mean
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: why does he even
have a family
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: Cole sucked
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: bad is a scale
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:48 PM: and atla the live action
is on it
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: did anyone hear the Oscars made a
fucking Chadwick Boseman NFT?
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: 100%
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: The only things I liked about that
movie were Scorpion VS Sub-Zero fights, Kano's one liners and one
particular fatality. Everythig else was pretty much a dud for me
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: YES SEDONA
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: oh no
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: NOT GETTING INTO IT
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: That's fucking
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: XD
Javi (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: yeah i follow the guy who made the 3d
figure on twitter
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: the guy that made it
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: that was so bad it made
me sad
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: Why are we acting like the old
Mortal Kombat movies were good?
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: Bought the face, he didnt even
sculpt it
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:49 PM: the Chadwick NFT
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: he bought the model from
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: thats so scummy
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: HE DID.
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: REALLY?!
Michael James Caballes (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: LMAO i went from
watching the demon slayer movie to then watching the MK movie talk
about whiplash
Javi (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: ohh who he boguth ??
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: we love prospering off
of other peoples work
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: so someone else's art is fucking
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: Bruhhh
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: and the oscars did it
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: old mortal combat was a wild ride
Javi (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: bought**
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: That makes it even worse
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: from what my homie was saying
Chase Conley    (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: people have no shame
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: That's pretty sad man
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: and it went from "All proceeds go to
charity" to "Half the proceeds go to charity"
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: Thats digusting
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:50 PM: fuuuck
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: It would have still been bad if
he sculpted it himself
colleen daly (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: just why would you do that?
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: Shang Tsung was such a
disappointment for the new one
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: but thats just ew
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: The old Shang tsung was so
perfect, this one idk something felt off
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: No hope for humanity
Bob Su (to Everyone): 6:51 PM: nfters no rights
Javi (to Everyone): 6:52 PM:
Javi (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: this^^ ?
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: that actor plays great sneaky evil
ppl, not straight forward evil if that makes sense
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: "you'll be famous"
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:52 PM: OMG
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: DAMN
Javi (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: lets RIOT
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: thats crazy
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: it happens sadly
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: pain
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: machinehead
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: aye man, you still got paid so its a
win lmaoo
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 6:53 PM: hopefully not in exposure
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 6:54 PM: lmaoooo
Bob Su (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: nfts no rights
Ryan Mabanta (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: aren't nfts kinda bad for the
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:55 PM: VERY
colleen daly (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: thank you for saying that!
colleen daly (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: yes like why is this a thing
Sedona (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: because techbros
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: oh yes i just came in is chase
roasting nfts
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: NFT fucks up the environment too
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: big yikes
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 6:56 PM: NFTS are for losers
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: someone sold an nft of their nuts
so if that says anything
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: No Frekin Talent
Ryan Mabanta (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: wait, how does that work?
something like heavy carbon emissions from data mining or
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: yeah, they take up a lot of power. I
think i heard someone say that NFTs were the equivalent of leaving a car
running for 10 years just to produce a ticket that shows you own a piece
of art.
Javi (to Everyone): 6:57 PM: NFT is in infants stage and its causing so
many issues
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:58 PM: LOL
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 6:58 PM: Gave us time and I did't even utilize
Raquel Blacken (to Everyone): 6:58 PM: i tried to utilize it. but i am slow
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 7:01 PM: i saw a meme on twitter to do with
NFTs the other day. It was a reference of that "you wouldnt stear a car"
anti piracy ad you used to get on DVDs and the meme said "you wouldnt
screenshot an NFT" and i just /lost/ it- it was so funny.
Caleb (to Everyone): 7:01 PM: For anyone who's currently a student,
Storyboard Pro has a discount price for anyone who grabs it using a
student email. Makes it MUCH more affordable.
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:02 PM: Oooh thanks for the heads up!
justin loo (to Everyone): 7:02 PM: good looks
Caleb (to Everyone): 7:02 PM: I think the student price is $8-$12 per
month vs $40 ish
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 7:02 PM: its been 6 years since i
was a student
Sedona (to Everyone): 7:02 PM: "In the name of the moon, I will punish
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 7:03 PM: I havent used toonboom before. Im
assuming there are tutorials on yourube and such on how to use it?
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 7:03 PM: there are a bunch since
its become a bit more mainstream
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 7:04 PM: dope, thanks. Ill be sure to have a
look at those then
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 7:04 PM: I'm a student, so that really helps
for me
Caleb (to Everyone): 7:06 PM: For anyone who's not a student, there's
also a 3 week free trial
Caleb (to Everyone): 7:06 PM: not as good a deal, but everyone can
have the chance to at least give it a shot
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 7:09 PM: I tried the free trial for storyboard
pro and i love it!, I will try to use it more
Javi (to Everyone): 7:19 PM: idk why but i can see that last pose where
she pointing being some sort of transformation/ activation pose for the
brain gear
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:20 PM: Henshin! XD
Javi (to Everyone): 7:21 PM: lol exactly what came to mind
Raquel Blacken (to Everyone): 7:21 PM: lol
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 7:22 PM: insert your japanese
sound fx!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:22 PM: zawa zawa zawa 8D
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: ザワ ザワ ザワ !!!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: looool! My fav sfx from Kaiji~
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: never seen this before lol
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 7:23 PM: Same
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 7:24 PM: hehe
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:29 PM:
Javi (to Everyone): 7:29 PM: Rocketboi work is insane
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 7:29 PM: Pretty sure he's Cameroonian but
works out of South Africa
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:30 PM: I find I have to make another panel
in order to get the pencil tool to work
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:30 PM: It's so dumb XD
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 7:30 PM: that shit said nope, and
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 7:32 PM: OH shit i didnt know that!
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 7:40 PM: pain
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 7:40 PM: lmao
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:40 PM: know what that's like..
colleen daly (to Everyone): 7:40 PM: haha do you need mutliple
backups too? Like do the files ever corrupt?
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:41 PM: that's always my fear lol O.O
Jennifer Beltran    (to Everyone): 7:41 PM: that brought me Maya
colleen daly (to Everyone): 7:41 PM: ^this is why that question exists lol
so many times Maya bit me
Sybil_C (to Everyone): 7:41 PM: Speaking of, I just cracked open Blender
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 7:42 PM: Maya ptsd
Javi (to Everyone): 7:42 PM: happened to me senior of college for our
final project ....lost my whole project cause i didnt save in time and the
only file got corrupt
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:42 PM: DDDD:
Sybil_C (to Everyone): 7:42 PM: Holy MOTHER OF GOD
colleen daly (to Everyone): 7:43 PM: That makes me hurt. I'm sorry
Sybil_C (to Everyone): 7:43 PM: I would've re-evaluated my life decsions
right there
Javi (to Everyone): 7:43 PM: senior was a rough year man,my ipad had
broke too that year and i had so much work on it
Sybil_C (to Everyone): 7:43 PM: wow
Bob Su (to Everyone): 7:44 PM: this is making me remember that i need
to buy more cloud storage
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:50 PM: Turn on that autosave feature XD
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:50 PM: My files save every 5-10 minutes
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 7:50 PM: that looks so dope already
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 7:51 PM: Did Chase save already??
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 7:55 PM: damn thats still clean
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 7:55 PM: Dang, did a lot tho in such a
short amount of time
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 7:56 PM: i know its still early but I can
feel it.
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 7:56 PM: hell yeah
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 7:56 PM: facts. its like shes casting a gun
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 7:58 PM: i could imagine after she does
that machines just come out n fire rockets or something
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 7:58 PM: yup!
Sedona (to Everyone): 8:00 PM: For those with an ipad, you may like
RoughAnimator for some rough boarding too! It's not at the level of
Storyboard Pro with the sweet camera moves, but it's USEFUL.
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: Damn I love how easy it is to control the
camera in that program
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: I'm also not entirely sure if this is
possible, but I think you can use SBP on an iPad... It's just not good XD
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 8:01 PM: would be funny if she was just
doing this being over the top. like at the very end shes just pressing a
button with her off hand
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: cool
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: Sweet
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 8:02 PM: drawing this would take me like 4
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: ^
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: foxy chleopatra
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:03 PM: heckkk no, can't do this in a
week lol
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: it seems like a lot
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: but
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: Same! School has been keeping
me way behind, even though im only in the lecture
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: if u start with gestures
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: same here Alexis
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: its really fun once u get
into it
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: Hahaha saaaame. I'm not done
finishing all the 10 >.>
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: Anybody know a ipad friendly
alternative to Toon Boom?
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: roughanimator
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: work is kicking my ass this month
and i barely time to work on the hw, but im only doing lectures
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: @terrance
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:05 PM: i use roughanimator
when i cant get to my pc
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: i think its like five bucks
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: and its yours forever
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: u can also put it on
uhhhh pc and mac in addition to ipad
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: Thanks @amber
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: I use Flipaclip to animate on my
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:06 PM: np
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: cool thanks @Chris
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: I'll check both these out
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: its about seven
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: I like that one since the work flow is
closer to Procreate
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: its 8
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: maybe 10
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:07 PM: theres like inbetweens
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: I was able to do this with the
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: but he started w/a bit
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: ;p;
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:08 PM: SBP alos has an onion skin feature
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 8:09 PM: it's all that pencil mileage
Dan Cesarano (to Everyone): 8:09 PM: gesture drawing is great practice
for simplifying
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:09 PM: yeah
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: Nice.
Jennifer Beltran    (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: i should do that!
Javi (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: gesture drawings help you lot
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: Basic shapes, get the movement and
camera right, then go back in and add detail
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: gestures help a great deal
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: but also it's good too WARM UP
before you draw
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: Dude I'm just trying to be an
art human. Nevermind a God
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: lol
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: like i said about 10 sec gesture
Paul Rascher (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: warmup that artist mojo and the
drawing arm
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:10 PM: nah u right, we have no
life lol
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:10 PM:
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 8:11 PM:
Dan Cesarano (to Everyone): 8:11 PM: comics are hard
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: Bro comics is hard, but theres
considerably less compensation
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: Basically, drawing is hard
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: You can still do a one time
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: it's like $1K
Kelsey Norden (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: SBP was 1k
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: i feel like you gotta be an insane
artist to make decent pay in comics
Javi (to Everyone): 8:12 PM: truly @alexis
Kelsey Norden (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: 600-800 if you were a student
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: oh yeah sbp is money
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: tv paint is about
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: I went to a con as a 10 year old
and this artist named eric battle told me to do animation instead cause
comics is no money
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: hes right
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:13 PM: haha I still have cs6 toooo
Javi (to Everyone): 8:15 PM: im sorry window's pc are so bad
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: XD
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: Oh dang
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: hahaha danggggg
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: RIP this week
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: "this is all happening. I want 40
frames. U fools"
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: LOL
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: do one for each of the 10
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: thats a reasonalbe request
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: reasonable
Dani (Dagger6Art) (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: 10 frames each for the 10
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: Sorry what?
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: Chase, the problem is I'm a
Dani (Dagger6Art) (to Everyone): 8:17 PM: work will increase
exponentially until morale improves
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: lmao animate all ur poses yeah
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: You dont need many drawings
to do that
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: XD
Ryan Mabanta (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: wait, what is this week's
Jennifer Beltran    (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: ohboi ohgod
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: Animating your character
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: lmao
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: buckle in, yall
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: he didn't say the exact
specifics yet tho
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: but key poses. We ain't
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 8:18 PM: RIP
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:19 PM: I'm praying for everyone!
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:19 PM: 2 of my poses are seated
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:19 PM: NOICE! Go from standing to sitting
Leo Dave (to Everyone): 8:19 PM: 3d can go z,y,x axis
Leo Dave (to Everyone): 8:20 PM: like a maya workspace
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:21 PM: Honestly most of the work is
gonna be me figuring out the ToonBoom interface and camera (points
finger gun to head)
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:21 PM: sounds kinda like Blender's greace pencil
tool, too
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:21 PM: Haha saaaame
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:22 PM: Monday: Draw sketcky key
poses Tues-Friday: Cursing ToonBoom
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:22 PM: Both CSP and PSD have animation
timeline tools, they're just not as good
Bob Su (to Everyone): 8:23 PM: there are plugins for photoshop that
make it smoother
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:23 PM: there's lots of people who still animate in
photoshop. Its just not good/efficient enough for studio production
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:24 PM: Yeah Photoshop is good for figuring
things out, but not necessarily animating, timing, and adding camera
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 8:24 PM: imma do mine in procreate. just
no camera movements
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:24 PM: Yup. Its like a digital skecthbook
in comparison to TBS
Jack (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: speaking of making things hard for
yourself, my first attempt at a little animation I did in paint tool SAI and
an online myspace gifmaker. granted it wasn’t anything as complex as
this 😂
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: XD
Javi (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: same Marco
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: my mileage is doo doo, i
fatigue very easily. gotta work on that
Bob Su (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: god i remember i used to draw and
group things in said and move them to gimp to animate them
Bob Su (to Everyone): 8:25 PM: death
Jack (to Everyone): 8:26 PM: builds character hahaha
Javi (to Everyone): 8:26 PM: i need to work up my mileage again
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 8:27 PM: Does anyone have any opinions on
Blender as an animation software? Ive been thinking about giving it a go
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:27 PM: did you have a revisionist on
that at least?
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:27 PM: sounds crazy
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:27 PM: Some people will draw their frames in
Photoshop and then move it into Affter Effects to do the camera work. A
lot easier than trying to do camera work in PSD
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 8:27 PM: I've heard good
things about blender so far - specially being able to animate 2d over 3d
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 8:28 PM: yeah, im aware you can also do all
sorts of camera stuff in a 3D space with 2D images
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 8:28 PM: Also, it's free, so...
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 8:30 PM: lmaoooo
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 8:31 PM: "NOPE"
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:31 PM: ooooh okok
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:31 PM: That sounds very doable
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:32 PM: inbetweening is hard work
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:33 PM: super tedious and super east to get
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:34 PM: it's also sooo rewarding when its right
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:34 PM: Action dictates camera move
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:37 PM: Danny Araya did this amazing Robin
animation all in CSP.
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 8:38 PM: Looooove that animation! So
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:38 PM: I believe he's got some posts about
tips and tricks, so it is possible to animate in CSP
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:38 PM: It's probably just not as intuitive as
other animation programs
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 8:39 PM: flames
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:39 PM: I've tried CSP's animation tool and it can
get really complicated really fast because you gotta keep track of both
the frame youre drawing on and the layer
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:40 PM: and for someone who uses a LOT of
layers, I got lost a lot xD
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:41 PM: I did a 5 minute thesis. That was
2 semesters of work
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:41 PM: LOL XD
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 8:42 PM: watching something I boarded
feels nice. even if i dont like it.
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:43 PM: Action Notes is a pain XD
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 8:43 PM: I get like 4 1/2 weeks for 10 min
episodes. But it's not an action show so it's doable...most of the time, lol
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:46 PM: Show multiple styles in your
portfolio! Unless all you want to do is an anime style show, which is an
Javi (to Everyone): 8:48 PM: Cartoon Network now smh
colleen daly (to Everyone): 8:48 PM: does it have something to do with
jake the dog and fin the human?
colleen daly (to Everyone): 8:49 PM: haha just kidding
Ryan Mabanta (to Everyone): 8:49 PM: aren't they still packing their
daily schedule with ttg?
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 8:49 PM: That happened to me too! I had
done primarily action revisions, so DW was like are you sure you can
adhere to the style of the show??? Mind you the show was in fucking CG!
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:52 PM: Homework includes drawing faces on top
of our action poses, right?
Paul (to Everyone): 8:54 PM: any suggestions for websites to post our
art for portfolio?    other than DA or Twitter ?
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:55 PM: IF you want to subscribe you
get a free webpage for a Photoshop subscription
Javi (to Everyone): 8:55 PM: im currently doing that and building one
using webflow
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 8:55 PM: They keep updating templates
Kelsey Norden (to Everyone): 8:55 PM: get a squarespace and a
personal domain
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:55 PM: Art Station is alright, but I hear it's best to
make your own website
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:56 PM: I used to make mine, but I'm
thinking of switching to squarespace
Kelsey Norden (to Everyone): 8:56 PM: wix is also good
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 8:56 PM: i use squarespace for mine
Caleb (to Everyone): 8:56 PM: and I've been told to get a Vimeo for
posting animations
Javi (to Everyone): 8:57 PM: square space and webflow are the best to
have it look professional but i personally think webflow allows more
creativity to create your site how you want it to look
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 8:57 PM: i have 10$
a year it think
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 8:58 PM: o wow
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:01 PM: roughanimator has a low learning curve
at least. Far more intuitive than procreate
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:01 PM: affinity photo is great also
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: Light table
Paul (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: i have an iPad tablet iwonder if storyboard
pro is for it too
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: That brought back a muscle and
wallet memory
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: does toonboom happen to have an
onionskin feature in it?
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: yeah
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: i was waiting for
someone tosay it
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:02 PM: lol
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: he stole from chamba
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: damn
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: like a lot
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: of people
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: Who're we ripping
Raquel Blacken (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: oop
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: ayoooo
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: mcflyy
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: haha
Caleb (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: toon boom does have onion skinning, but
I think chase said you can't control the opacity
Jon Ventura (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: tell em chase!
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: bro said he glad this recording
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: SHEEESHHH
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: like since deviantart
days hes been tracing
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: lol
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: Woah!
Javi (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: he stolen from thechamba a while back
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: yup
Paul (to Everyone): 9:03 PM: wow
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:03 PM:
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: This guy????!
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: and chris brown be
takin shit left and right
Bob Su (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: damn,,, truth bombs in the class tonight
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: chris brown stole my work
before to promote his brand
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: yikes
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: but yeah sounds like
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:04 PM: never seen his stuff but wait it
does look traced lmfao
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: it just looks lined then polished
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: OOOhhhh Greg Land!!!
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: that's the one who traces over porn
stills yeah?
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: lol, what
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: yup
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:05 PM: went from "im glad this on the
recording" to "lets not get crazy"
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: That was the line
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: greg land? is this 2010 ?
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: lmao Josiah
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: Katsuhiro Otomo
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: Its been emotional
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: Sounds like another Butch
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:06 PM: Butch Hartman was just full on Lazy
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:07 PM: he said "dont hurt me
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:07 PM: lmfaoo
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:07 PM: HAHAHA
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:07 PM: the butch hartman traced for
his patreon
Amairani Palacios (she/her) :) (to Everyone): 9:07 PM: lmao not butch
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: Butch makes me cringe
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: nah bruh otamo mustve been
on his second life
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 9:08 PM:
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: *stares at my Domu
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: LOOOOOL
Javi (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: i heard Butch been tracingg
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:08 PM: lol
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:09 PM: the renma 1/2
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:09 PM: Mikasa
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:10 PM:
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:10 PM: can someone write his
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:10 PM: Kaela with the LINKS
Amairani Palacios (she/her) :) (to Everyone): 9:10 PM: i truly learn
something surprising every week lol
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:10 PM: XD I'm here for ya'll
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:11 PM: BUTCH THOUGHT HE WAS
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:11 PM: Kentaro Miura
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:11 PM: thanks
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:12 PM: 54
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:12 PM: 54
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:12 PM: OO:
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 9:12 PM:
Javi (to Everyone): 9:13 PM: we prolly never gonna have the finish for
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:13 PM: Oh the secondary action...
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:13 PM: I really need to catch up on
Berserk, havent read it in two years
Daniel Winters-González (to Everyone): 9:13 PM: I gotta drop gang, I'll
catch you lot tomorrow.
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 9:14 PM: i think ima try this lmaoo seeing
this got me hyped
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 9:14 PM: peace out bro
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:15 PM: Goodnight Daniel!!
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 9:15 PM: Procreate has pretty good
simple animation support for something like this
Terrance Smith (to Everyone): 9:15 PM:
Skeck (to Everyone): 9:17 PM: gtg guys, good luck everyone
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:17 PM: see ya!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:17 PM: Wait were we supposed to do
facial expressions at some point?
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:18 PM: I don't think so Kevin, unless it's the
Dreamworks expression
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:18 PM: hahahaha goootcha
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: I'll do a whole page of it from
all angles XD
Skeck (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: think i have the flu im kms
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: i did my homework in the
dreamworks expression
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: haha
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: LOL Yes Marco
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: Thanks Chase!
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: lmao
Jed Bursiek (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: so considerate
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: cheers chase
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:19 PM: marco tryna get kicked out
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: XDDD
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: "you tryna get me fired-
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: lol!
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: lol
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: i got some also
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 9:20 PM: 0_o
Ailís Duffy (to Everyone): 9:21 PM: so were coming back at half past
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:21 PM: East Coast Strong
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:21 PM: I think so, but depends when
this break starts lol
Javi (to Everyone): 9:21 PM: midwest babyyy
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: east coast!
Remington (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: East coast!
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: Jersey or bust
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: whose NY?
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: *stomp the yard voice* EAST
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: West Coast Strong!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: Bay Areaaaaa
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: Los Angeles
Brett Haas (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: eww Jersey ?!
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: Miami
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: jerseyyyy
Jules Diggy (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: Bring it on Brett
Javi (to Everyone): 9:22 PM: damn im the only one lol
Bob Su (to Everyone): 9:23 PM: bayyy area babeyyyyy
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:23 PM: woot woot!
Raphael Tanghal (to Everyone): 9:23 PM: Brooklyn!
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: Anyone from Canada in
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: hello canadian!
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: ;)
Jack (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: in Florida we had crab spiders
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: All the roaches in AZ are in Phoenix
Ruth Kim (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: i see your 6ft tall geckos and rats and
i raise you a 6ft tall chihuahua
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:24 PM: send a picture what is a crab spider
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: is that diff from a spider crab??
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: You gotta look it up Colleen cuz I
can't XD
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: Nightmare feul
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: fuel
Jack (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: https://nnpest-qnewmedia.netdna-
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: dead pigeotos
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: omg nowwww I don't like
some of these crab spiders
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: *nooo
Jack (to Everyone): 9:25 PM: they’re tiny but they like to build their
webs across the sidewalk
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: omg is it a super metal spider?
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: how big are these suckers
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: geese have teeth
Jack (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: like the size of a quarter
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: NOPE
Javi (to Everyone): 9:26 PM: indiana got deers,racoons and agressive
squirels and geese
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:27 PM: i live in Australia
Louis-Étienne Vallée (to Everyone): 9:27 PM: haha
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:27 PM: XD
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:28 PM: yikes
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 9:28 PM: If you can see the biceps on a
mesquitoe you need a glock
Javi (to Everyone): 9:29 PM: i kid yall not one of my old football
teammates wrestled gators in florida, he showed us videos and pics of
him doing it
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:29 PM: What!
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:29 PM: Small ones
Javi (to Everyone): 9:30 PM: he did it out of boredom too
Sybil Cubilette (to Everyone): 9:30 PM: sounds about right
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:30 PM: my uncle wrangled them for money
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:30 PM: like sold them for their meat and skin
Ryan Mabanta (to Everyone): 9:30 PM: crocodiles are worse. those
things can lift small trucks with their bites
Javi (to Everyone): 9:31 PM: yeah lol he's from the country part of
indiana here so he hunts for fun
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:31 PM: hahaha yaaa
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:31 PM: crazyyyy
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:31 PM:
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:31 PM: lmfao
Sedona (to Everyone): 9:32 PM:
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: black and    white
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: im done
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: IM DONE
Ruth Kim (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: i remember those damn nyc squirrels
Ruth Kim (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: loool
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: loooooool
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: "a SKUNK"
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: Im actually going to New York this
summer, so i'll visit jersey sometime then
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: i mean the rats in nyc
move that way too
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:32 PM: and see the squirrel supremacy
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:33 PM:
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:33 PM: w e w
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:34 PM: yo chimpanzees are visciousss
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 9:34 PM: lol wtffff
Alexis Lopez (to Everyone): 9:34 PM: I gotta go, catch ya guys later!
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:34 PM: Bye Alexis!
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:35 PM: see you
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 9:35 PM: that sounds like a scifi channel
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:35 PM: LETS GO VIN
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:35 PM: Roaler Warrior!!!
colleen daly (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: wow I can spell
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: yasss
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: its fine
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: XD
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: It's all good
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:36 PM: we understood
Vin Rosa (to Everyone): 9:43 PM: Roaler is now cannon
Vin Rosa (to Everyone): 9:46 PM: I'm out Night all!
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 9:46 PM: peace Vin
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 9:48 PM: Bye Vin
Easton Andrykowski (to Everyone): 9:50 PM: i gotta run a little early
tonight, but great work everyone! Thanks Chase. Stoked to see what you
all do for next week - peace
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 9:55 PM: lolll
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 9:58 PM: question mark kick
Karon Clerk (to Everyone): 10:03 PM: Iight yall im out, peaceeee
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 10:03 PM: peace
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 10:04 PM: later Karon
colleen daly (to Everyone): 10:04 PM: good night
Chris Gage (to Everyone): 10:05 PM: I'm out! Later everyone!
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:08 PM: how much for a print
Kaela Lash (to Everyone): 10:09 PM: Lol I'm gonna turn in for the night!
Ya'll have a goodnight and "ll talk to you later!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: see yaaaaa
Sedona (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: woah
Sedona (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: i love all of these
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: barber guide
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: these r great
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: this is awesome
colleen daly (to Everyone): 10:11 PM: goodnight everyone awesome
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 10:16 PM: he was hired
Amber J. (Daggerstar) (to Everyone): 10:16 PM: vita ayala is writing the
Javi (to Everyone): 10:16 PM: same
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:16 PM: thats so fire
Sedona (to Everyone): 10:16 PM: oh goodness i'm so excited
Jack (to Everyone): 10:17 PM: name of the artist? I wanna look him up
Javi (to Everyone): 10:18 PM: Nikolas Draper Ivey
Sedona (to Everyone): 10:18 PM: i love how everyone hates their old
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:18 PM:
Javi (to Everyone): 10:18 PM: been following him since them Deviantart
days lol
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:18 PM: niks insta
Jack (to Everyone): 10:19 PM: turns out I’m already following him hell
yeah. just didn’t catch the name. thank you so much!!
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:24 PM: man is so beautiful
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:26 PM: Man these are so clean! So
Javi (to Everyone): 10:27 PM: these are dope
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:32 PM: Woaaa love your faces!
They're all so solid O:
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: solid
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: the ultimate compliment "I
have no notes"
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: these r so good
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: S grade level completion
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: feeling like a fighting game character
Javi (to Everyone): 10:33 PM: yall killing it
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:34 PM: Great job keepin those scars
consistent! I see you had to redraw it for all the faces lol
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:35 PM: Yeoooo
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 10:35 PM: dope
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 10:35 PM: wowwww
Jack (to Everyone): 10:35 PM: 🤩🤩
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: this is amazing
Javi (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: oh wooow
Omandi Moore (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: insane
Javi (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: we coming like that now
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: raisin the bar here AJ!
Josiah Colquitt (to Everyone): 10:36 PM: bro CN calling rn
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 10:43 PM: its really easy
Jack (to Everyone): 10:43 PM: I use the magic selection to select the
area outside my lines, then invert it, then modify>expand by 5 pixels.fill it
with white and hide it behind the colors
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:50 PM: Great faces! Really see the
character here
justin loo (to Everyone): 10:50 PM: thanks!
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 10:57 PM: Make sure you're breaking it
down instead of just tracing. So trace/breakdown, then try to draw it
without the ref
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:58 PM: i trace all the time when im trying to
Bob Su (to Everyone): 10:58 PM: not publically post for art but learning?
its really makes you learn
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:02 PM: Ya use tracing to build your
visual library and toolset; take what you like and leave what you don't
Bob Su (to Everyone): 11:12 PM: not today it seems
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:21 PM: Reminds me of some of Ami
Thompson's stuff
Janessa Lynn (to Everyone): 11:23 PM: Ooo I'll loook her up
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:24 PM: She has amazing work~ She
did a lotta work on Raya that you can see on her IG
Bob Su (to Everyone): 11:25 PM: she was the art director on it
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:26 PM: Haha I knew she had some
high position on it, but forgot what. Such good work
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:28 PM: doesn't seem like it
Janessa Lynn (to Everyone): 11:29 PM: Wow her work is amazing thanks
for sharing
Owner (to Everyone): 11:29 PM: XD
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 11:32 PM: Yeah bro he ended
Bob Su (to Everyone): 11:32 PM: the timing could have been perfect!
Yuri Padovani (to Everyone): 11:37 PM:
Errol Petgrave III (to Everyone): 11:43 PM:
Marco Bernard (to Everyone): 11:44 PM: super dope
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:45 PM: wao this is a great resource!
Def post it in the discord~
Janessa Lynn (to Everyone): 11:45 PM: wow
Javi (to Everyone): 11:45 PM: i came across for pdfs of
artbooks and some manga
Kevin DiPasupil (to Everyone): 11:46 PM: OOO:
Gonen Yilpet (to Everyone): 11:46 PM: is a
similar website but mostly western animation
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 11:47 PM: thanks Chase, class was
great tonight!
Janessa Lynn (to Everyone): 11:47 PM: Thank you!
Robbie Robertson (to Everyone): 11:47 PM: good night everyone
Yuri Padovani (to Everyone): 11:47 PM: bye!

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