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Unit One

1)Academic English is different from everyday

English .It is used for term papers , assignments ,
research papers , university examinations and many
other activities. It helps to write more effectively as
well as it helps to obtain better grades in university
2) The style and structure of academic English is
Formal . Complex, compound ,passive sentence
structures and hedging are used in academic English
to make the sentences more methodical. It generally
avoids using colloquial words, vague words,
contractions, multiword verbs such as put up with,
get down and many more.
3)I learnt new words and phrases such as “a
considerable number of”and “a significant number
4)I did practice academic writing from the passages of
our prescribed book by taking help from the chart of
informal and academic English words.
5)These activities benefitted me by enriching my
academic vocabulary. It also helps me to differentiate
between academic English and general English .
6)I was happy with the activities.
7) It has helped me gain confidence in academic
8)I improve my academic style by practicing more not
only from text book but also from articles and many
more online sources. I should read more critical
essays so that I can capture the formal words.
9) For increasing my range of academic vocabulary, I
should read newspapers and should follow authentic
news channels . Furthermore, I should maintain a
vocabulary exercise book.
10) By using subordinate clause,noun phrases
hedging , evidence and many more , I will be able to
write more complex sentences.
11) At my school, I was unaware of the process of
academic writing and its proper usages. Now, at tertiary
level of my education, I have changed my perception
about academic writing by learing daily from different
Unit 2
1) I have learnt the techniques of finding sources and
evaluating the sources . This enables me to
differentiate between false and authentic sources.
2)The most important matter I have learnt about
citing sources that it helps to avoid plagiarism.
Furthermore, I learnt about in text and out text
citation reporting speech. Common and
generalknowledge should not be citied
3) I have acquired new vocabulary such as
bibliography, sociolinguistics, repository and amny
4)I did learn differnt process of doing in text citation
and referencing.
5)The activities helped me to know which books,
articles and web portals are reliable. I also know
about copyright.
6)I was happy with the class due to the fact that it
helps me to quote from differnt authors both in
lanu8age and literaure copuses.
7)I feel more confident in using quotes now
8) Before learning the method of doing citation from
this unit, I used to write about a context
haphazardly without analyzing it . Now, I write
more criticially and give own interpretation
9) I need to do more work on the different format of
citations both in MLA and APA format to gain
clear conception about citation
10) While writing the questions answers of literature
courses , I will be able to quote from novels or
poems . I will also use paraphrasing from other
sources instead of dirctly quoting
1) I learnt that all sources are not pertinent. Books
and articles are more preferable sources than online
2)I should give specific evidence from difference
sources while incorporating ideas from different
sources in my writing. I will also focus on the
similiar and dissimilar views of differnt authors.
Then assemble their views in my writing to
suppoet my views.
3) In academic writing, paraphrasing is one of the
important skills .I sould rewrite the whole text
without changing its meaning by using variegated
synonyms . On the contrary, summarising is the
principle factorof the context . It ommits
supportanrt details and irrelvant details.
4) I have learned about notetaking and organizing
notes that I should only write down the key points
of the context
5)I do practise question papers . While our course
teacher taught us about citation , parapharse,
referening, I took notes of what my teacher said.
6)These activities help me to do pharadpae and
summarising properly.
7)I was happy with the activities. These activites
enable me to write summary or paraphase of a
context properly and how to use citation in them.
9)I used to take irrelevant details along with relevant
details. At present, I only write the key points
while reading the texts.
10) For improving my academic style, I should
practice more and should acquire the habit of
11) I should take note down from the sources to
change my writing style.
12) I should show my problems to my teacher while
writing summary and paraphrasing and consult with
him to do these in a better manner.

Unit 4
1) I learnt new words and phrases such as jeopardy,
dissenters, glottophagy, linguicide, language attrition
it has commonly been assumed that and many more
2) While incorporating ideas from different sources, I
have learnt how to support my views by using similar
evidence from different sources. I have also learnt
giving a counter argument if the essay is
3)The techniques or strategies of synthesis which I have
learnt were to use alphabetical order while referencing
and give transitional pharses such as however while
presenting arguments.
4) Our course teacher wrote an synthesizing essay from
activity nine of this unit. I followed carefully the
writing style of my teacher and wrote it in my exercise
book. I lerant how to do synthsizing properly without
haphazaldy giving ideas
7)Practising qusetions papers of previous years ,
practicing from literature questions and followinh the
MLA handbook to identify the mistakes I made while
8)I will use synthesizing in my literature courses to
enrich my critical analyctic power.
9)I will utilize synthesixzing for my exam answers to give
aujtors commnet as well as my own interpretaytiom.
10) To incorpoatree new vocabulary and sentence
structure in my writing, I will revise all the words and
phrases that I have leart in this unit. Then I will try to
uses thses words and phradses while synthesing from
difffeent souces.

Unit 5
1) The ways to understand a text are reading, critcally
reading and then highlighting the major points of the
context. Finally analyizing it carefully.
2) While reading the context, I note down the major
points and important quotes . That is how I can
remember what I study.
3)The two points to remember while synthesizing
primary and secondary sources are to focus on the
main topic and to evaluate the evidence from both
4) to take preparation for writing, will do brainstorm
and outlining,. After that, I will prepare thesis
statement. Then, I will collect the supporting details
from the given exerpts. Furthermore, I will
incorporate the quotations from primary and
secondary sources . By following these steps, I can
take preparation for writing.
5) I practiced writing explanatory and argumentative
synthesis essay on various topics from text book as
well as from the question papers of previous year.
6) The most important matter I have learnt from my
peers is the arrangement of the ideas. I have also
learnt different sentence structure from them
7)I was able to follow what the teacher was teaching.
9) I will learn writing synthgesis essay by practising
more from question papers specially from poms,
novels and many more.
10) Regarding the secondary text,I should focus on
what the author says about the primary text and I
should give impotance on what he/ she said about the
11) By incorporating new vocabulary

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