Iste Standards Technology Proficiency Assessment Tool

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ISTE standards are assessed throughout the school year.

ISTE Standards: Indicators Activity used to Assess Date presented Student met standard
Students Student
1.1 Empowered 1.1.c Students use Games on the
Learner technology to seek SmartBoard will be
Students leverage feedback that informs completed. The students
technology to take an and improves their will receive information
active role in choosing, practice and to indicating if they are
achieving, and demonstrate their correct or not.
demonstrating learning in a variety of
competency in their ways.
learning goals, informed
by the learning sciences.

1.2 Digital Citizen 1.2.b- Students engage Students created a class January 27, 2022
Students recognize the in positive , safe, legal, brochure to share with
rights, responsibilities and ethical behavior their parents about what
and opportunities of when using technology, they learned about
living, learning and including social penguins.
working in an interactions online or
interconnected digital when using networked +
world, and they act and devices.
model in ways that are
safe, legal and ethical.

1.3 Knowledge
1.3.a Students plan and
employ effective
Student was given the
opportunity to decide
December 2, 2021
Students critically research strategies to what he would research.
curate a variety of locate information and The student choose to
resources using digital other resources for their research the globe. After
tools to construct intellectual or creative researching the globe,
knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and
pursuits he researched how to
make a paper mache
make meaningful globe.
learning experiences for
themselves and others.

1.4 Innovative
1.4.b Students select
and use digital tools to
After researching
penguins, the student
January 27, 2022
Students use a variety of plan and manage a created a brochure to
technologies within a design process that share with their parent.
design process to considers design
identify and solve constraints and
problems by creating calculated risks.
new, useful or
imaginative solutions.

1.5 Computational
1.5.b Students collect
data, use digital tools to
During a math lesson,
the student will collect
Students develop and analyze them, and make data on “Which apple
employ strategies for data in various ways to do you prefer: Red,
understanding and facilitate problem- Green, or Yellow? The
solving problems in solving and decision- information gathered
ways that leverage the making. will be put into a graph
power of technological
methods to develop and
test solutions.

1.6 Creative
1.6.b Students create
original works after
The student will
research how to make a
December 8,2021
Students communicate researching and making paper mache globe. He
clearly and express it their own. will then, make his
themselves creatively version of a paper
for a variety of purposes mache globe for the
using the platforms, classroom.
tools, styles, formats
and digital media
appropriate to their

1.7 Global
1.7.c Students
While making a paper
mache globe, students
December 6, 2021
Students use digital constructively to project work together during
tools to broaden their teams, assuming various the research on what is
perspectives and enrich roles and needed to make the
their learning by responsibilities to work globe. The students then
collaborating with effectively toward a assign “jobs” for each
others and working common goal student to complete.
effectively in teams
locally and globally.

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