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WHEREAS free, fair, safe and transparent elections are the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic
because without such integrity in our elections, we are nothing but slaves to those who can successfully
steal elections;

WHEREAS the American Constitutional Republic is a government of the people, by the people and for
the people, relying on the faith and trust of all citizens in our electoral process and “We the People of
Wisconsin” through the constitutional rule of law enacted by our duly elected representatives (and not by
appointed unelected officials) are sovereign.

WHEREAS the U.S. Constitution confers sole responsibility for the election laws of U.S. Senators and
House of Representatives members to be promulgated and enacted only by State Legislatures, thereby,
preventing any rule-making or legislating by any other group of people, such as the Wisconsin Election
Commission (WEC);

WHEREAS in 2020, the clear and plain language of multiple election laws in Wisconsin, beginning with
the Spring election and continuing through the November election, were intentionally violated by WEC
by illegally encouraging the use of Indefinitely Confined status to avoid voter ID requirements and the
use of over 500 absentee ballot drop boxes which were illegally placed (See Teigen v. WEC) around the
State of Wisconsin through the encouragement and guidelines of the Wisconsin Election Commission and
with the full knowledge and consent of Speaker Robin Vos and Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (See
letter dated 9/25/2020 at )

WHEREAS if the illegal absentee ballots that were counted as a result of being placed in these illegal
ballots drop boxes in the City of Milwaukee alone had not been counted, this change would have
produced an election win for President Donald J. Trump in the State of Wisconsin by 60,000 to 80,000

WHEREAS under Wisconsin Law any absentee ballots received outside of the express written processes
or procedures of the Absentee Voting Statutes may NOT be counted or certified (See Wis. Stat. 6.84 (2));

WHEREAS the “stealing” of the 2020 presidential election from President Donald J. Trump by many
actors working in concert, to achieve that goal, and again, in concert since the election, to cover up the
election law violations and fraud that occurred, resulted in Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes being certified
for the wrong candidate;

WHEREAS the Wisconsin Election Commission is a corrupt organization and the 2020 Wisconsin
election, as regulated and directed by the Wisconsin Elections Commission has been the most illegally
run, controversial and poorly managed elections in state history which has shaken the faith of the citizens
across the State of Wisconsin in the whole election process and in the whole State Legislature and its
members which were and are responsible for ensuring that all election laws are adhered to, and that they
provide for safe, secure, free and transparent elections in Wisconsin;

WHEREAS on January 13, 2022, Waukesha Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren ruled that the more
than 500 absentee ballot drop boxes placed around Wisconsin in 2020 are illegal under Wisconsin
election law. See Teigen v. WEC. Judge Bohren also ruled that the election “guidelines” sent out by
WEC on August 19, 2020 to all Wisconsin county clerks to purchase and place the illegal ballot drop
boxes were themselves illegal, because they were not enacted through the rulemaking process.

Iowa County Republican Party ・ PO Box 82 ・ Dodgeville, WI 53533 ・


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Iowa County, in caucus
assembled, demands the Wisconsin Legislature hold hearings and investigate irregularities and violations
of election law in the elections of 2020 and hold accountable the Wisconsin Election Commission and any
and all state legislators, agencies and/or officials that have caused such unprecedented turmoil and
lawlessness; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wisconsin Elections Commission be dissolved and the state
legislators resume their dutiful constitutional obligations to certify electors, never again delegating away
their lawful authority and duties; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wisconsin legislature pass laws to impose severe financial and
criminal penalties for those engaged in ballot harvesting and any other election law violations, as well as
for those who conspire to enable or to permit others to commit these illegal practices; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Wisconsin legislature enacts legislation to eliminate electronic

voting and return to paper balloting only;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that since the Wisconsin Legislature has previously determined that
voting is a fundamental right, but absentee voting is only a privilege, due to the high opportunity and
likelihood of voter fraud, then the Wisconsin legislature must substantially limit absentee voting and early
voting; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Iowa County stands against any
Republican led legislation such as SB209 (and associated bills) that would legalize absentee ballot drop
boxes in contravention to the existing statutory law which guards against election fraud; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Iowa County demand that Speaker Vos
resign his position as Speaker of the Assembly immediately, or that the assembly members in each district
be directed by their respective constituents, to call for a “vote of no confidence” against the Speaker of
the Assembly immediately in order to eject him from his current position as Assembly Speaker; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Assembly members who refuse to vote Speaker Vos out of his
position of power, either resign or face a primary for violating their oaths of office to uphold all the laws
of Wisconsin and the U.S. Constitution; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these actions should be taken as soon as possible to allow the faith
of the citizens of Wisconsin in the election process to begin to be restored and so free and fair elections
may once again occur in Wisconsin; and finally

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Iowa County demands the Wisconsin
Legislature, pursuant to its authority under Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution and the
confirmation of Constitutionality provided by the Constitutional Counsel Group, which acknowledged
that illegality took place in conducting of the 2020 general election, reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electoral
ballots fraudulently cast for Joseph R Biden and Kamala Harris.


Iowa County Republican Party ・ PO Box 82 ・ Dodgeville, WI 53533 ・

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