Joseph Coll Univ

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Opinion (Fall 2020)

Instructor: Coll, Joseph Enrollment: 34
Section: 0001 Responses Incl Declines: 10
Course Title: Public Opinion Declines: 0
Course ID: POLI:3204:0001

Category Summary
Course Median Dept. Median



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Category Number of Responses Response Rate Mean Dept. Mean Median Dept. Median STDEV

Ins tructor 30 29.4% 5.80 5.16 5.90 5.60 0.40

Cours e 30 29.4% 5.83 5.16 5.90 5.60 0.37

Course Median Dept. Median

Organization—The instructor used class time well

Clarity – The instructor communicated course materi…

Learning Focused – The instructor’s teaching method…

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Response Course Dept. Course Dept.

Question Responses Rate Mean Mean Median Median

Organization—The ins tructor us ed clas s time well 10 29% 5.90 5.26 5.90 5.60

Clarity – The ins tructor communicated cours e material clearly 10 29% 5.80 5.16 5.90 5.60

Learning Focus ed – The ins tructor’s teaching methods helped 10 29% 5.70 5.06 5.80 5.50
s tudents learn

Note: -1:N/A - Not Applicable; 1:Strongly Dis agree (1); 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:5; 6:Strongly Agree (6);

Course Median Dept. Median

Learning Materials—The assignments, readings, and…

Assessment— Assessments (such as quizzes, papers,…

Support—Help was available for students

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Response Course Dept. Course Dept.

Question Responses Rate Mean Mean Median Median

Learning Materials —The as s ignments , readings , and activities facilitated 10 29% 5.80 5.09 5.90 5.50
s tudent learning

As s es s ment— As s es s ments (s uch as quizzes , papers , and exams ) 10 29% 5.80 5.24 5.90 5.60
aligned with cours e objectives

Support—Help was available for s tudents 10 29% 5.90 5.17 5.90 5.60

Note: -1:N/A - Not Applicable; 1:Strongly Dis agree (1); 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:5; 6:Strongly Agree (6);
Public Opinion (Fall 2020)
Instructor: Coll, Joseph Enrollment: 34
Subject: POLI Responses Incl Declines: 10
Catalog & Section: 3204 0001 Declines: 0
Course ID: POLI:3204:0001

Overall (Open Ended) (24 comments)

Q: What aspects of the course were most useful for your learning?

1 Learning about how the general public thinks was great to learn about. Every chapter was presented clearly and very well structured. The
lectures were very organized and not all over the place like some of the other classes I have taken.

2 The quizzes were very useful in summarizing and helping me to learn the material.

3 Good lectures and weekly quizzes.

4 I thought the pre-quizzes were a great aspect because it introduced main topics and highlighted what we should take from the readings
and lecture.

5 Weekly pre-quizzes

6 In a pandemic, it was nice having the flexibility to not attend class in-person. I really enjoyed the weekly readings and class presentations.

7 Professor Coll was very helpful and flexible during these times. He communicated all the expectations very well and I could tell he cared
about his students.

8 The way this class was set up was really suited for great student learning. I really liked how it was split into two parts as it made learning
the material a lot easier.

9 The pre-quizzes helped a lot as well as class lectures and discussions

Q: When this class is taught again, what changes would you suggest?

1 Maybe cutting out the article section and spending those couple weeks going more in-depth on survey design.

2 Nothing much, adapting to online courses is hard and professor Coll did a great job.

3 N/A

4 I honestly can't think of anything

5 The article eval readings were kind of heavy

6 Not much, just try not to talk to quickly during lectures.

7 N/A

Q: What else would you like the instructor to know about your experience in this course?

1 For being a grad student, his instruction was impeccable. He was better at his job than some professors I have had that have been doing
it for 20 years. He sets up assignments so they are directly correlated with our lectures and readings, which makes actually learning and
taking in the information enjoyable. My advice would to be to teach the class the same exact way. If a new TA comes in for this class,
have Joe mentor and teach the new person how to teach this class. Overall, solid A instructor.

2 It was a very interesting course, I enjoyed the content a lot. thank you

3 This course taught me a lot and was more interesting than I originally thought it might be!

4 Great Professor! enjoyed this class

5 I enjoyed learning new, interesting information each week.

6 Really enjoyed this class! Thanks for helping me better understand public opinion and for providing informative lectures/discussions!

7 I really enjoyed this course and felt like I learned a lot. Thank you for such great semester!

8 Material is clear and reasonably easy to follow, small breakout rooms on zoom are definitely helpful to further discuss readings before
reviewing them as a whole class
Public Opinion (Fall 2021)
Instructor: Coll, Joseph Enrollment: 40
Section: 0001 Responses Incl Declines: 27
Course Title: Public Opinion Declines: 0
Course ID: POLI:3204:0001

Category Summary
Course Median Dept. Median



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Category Number of Responses Response Rate Mean Dept. Mean Median Dept. Median STDEV

Ins tructor 81 67.5% 5.74 5.15 5.90 5.50 0.62

Cours e 81 67.5% 5.84 5.16 5.90 5.50 0.48

Course Median Dept. Median

Organization—The instructor used class time well

Clarity – The instructor communicated course materi…

Learning Focused – The instructor’s teaching method…

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Response Course Dept. Course Dept.

Question Responses Rate Mean Mean Median Median

Organization—The ins tructor us ed clas s time well 27 67% 5.70 5.26 5.90 5.60

Clarity – The ins tructor communicated cours e material clearly 27 67% 5.78 5.14 5.90 5.50

Learning Focus ed – The ins tructor’s teaching methods helped 27 67% 5.74 5.06 5.90 5.50
s tudents learn

Note: -1:N/A - Not Applicable; 1:Strongly Dis agree (1); 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:5; 6:Strongly Agree (6);

Course Median Dept. Median

Learning Materials—The assignments, readings, and…

Assessment— Assessments (such as quizzes, papers,…

Support—Help was available for students

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Response Course Dept. Course Dept.

Question Responses Rate Mean Mean Median Median

Learning Materials —The as s ignments , readings , and activities facilitated 27 67% 5.70 5.05 5.90 5.40
s tudent learning

As s es s ment— As s es s ments (s uch as quizzes , papers , and exams ) 27 67% 5.89 5.20 5.90 5.60
aligned with cours e objectives

Support—Help was available for s tudents 27 67% 5.93 5.23 6.00 5.60

Note: -1:N/A - Not Applicable; 1:Strongly Dis agree (1); 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:5; 6:Strongly Agree (6);
Public Opinion (Fall 2021)
Instructor: Coll, Joseph Enrollment: 40
Subject: POLI Responses Incl Declines: 27
Catalog & Section: 3204 0001 Declines: 0
Course ID: POLI:3204:0001

Overall (Open Ended) (66 comments)

Q: What aspects of the course were most useful for your learning?

1 Joseph was a wonderful instructor. He was efficient with his class time and the readings matched up very well with the material he was
teaching. He is very passionate and knowledgeable about public opinion and survey design which made class very enjoyable.

2 pre to post quizzes to keep course content relevant and thoroughly understood, designing surveys/conducting research scenarios

3 Pre and Post quizzes helped with studying

4 You were super passionate about surveying which made this a much more interesting class than I thought it would be. I liked that you
gave us opportunity to influence the course materials in this last section even though hardly anyone responded. I also liked how easy it
has been to reach you, and that you are willing to answer questions.

5 The weekly pre and post quizzes. That really helped me study what I needed to know, and what seemed to be more vital in the course.

6 The most helpful aspect were the pre and post quizzes that we did each week. They helped me learn the information better because i
was able to focus on the important information from the pre quiz, and show that I retained the information for the post quiz.

7 The pre and post quizzes are so helpful. It's nice to have a primer of the material of the week, which helps to know what to pay attention
to that week. They are also a really great study tool

8 I liked the overall format (the pre- and post-quizzes every week). It was super helpful.

9 Professor Coll has been one of the best educators I have had at this university. The combination of fair and understanding grading,
availability and question response, and easy to understand and available information has created a class where students can and will
I would not be surprised if a lot of people do well in all of Coll's classes not because they are easy but because of the quality and effort in
his education.

10 Immediate feedback on post-quiz answers was really helpful for studying for exams and exams reflected post-quiz questions almost
entirely, so were very easy to study for.

11 The mock interviews were my favorite way to learn outside of lectures. I think the pre and post quizzes were also a great way to learn.
Having to use prior knowledge or context clues from the answer choices for the pre quizzes and then applying my learning to the post
quizzes and making the connection of why I got certain answers wrong in the pre-quiz was very beneficial. Otherwise, the lectures were
the most useful to my learning.

12 I loved the weekly quizzes, it made the tests very doable.

13 Joseph found tons of real world examples and tweaked the course when he thought we were having challenges. He tried to find things
that we had expressed interest in and include those specifics in our course.

14 the format of the pre and post quizzes was very useful in helping me learn the information. I also liked how we had a very good idea of
what was going to be taught in class that week following the pre quiz, and I liked how we also had a clear idea of what was going to be on

15 The pre/post quizzes and the detailed feedback Professor Coll provided.

16 I really liked having the pre and post quizzes because they weren't too hard and they helped with understanding the material.

17 I liked the pre and post quizzes each week. I thought the were good to get students prepared for classes and they were an excellent
resource to have when making the reflections of your answers for post quizzes.

Another thing I appreciated was the in class review days they were really helpful for preparing and the activity of making a question was
great as well

18 I think the quizzes were most useful for my learning. I liked how there was a post and pre quiz. The quizzes were the most useful study
tool when it came to exams.

19 The post and pre quizzes were by far the best way to learn the material.

20 I didnot have enough time and lean any effort on analyzing public opinion and structuring a survey design, but this class did help me get
through it.

21 I really enjoyed the pre-quizzes that we did each week. It really helped me focus on what this week would be about in class and to pay
attention to the important points of the week.
22 I learn well during lecture style

23 Doing group work and other class-like events where we could speak more with the professor.

Q: When this class is taught again, what changes would you suggest?

1 N/A

2 talk slower for note takers

3 In the second half do more interactive stuff like the mock interviews

4 I felt like it was very difficult to study for the exams because there was so much material covered that it is just impossible to study and
remember it all. I think having study guides would have helped me a lot, especially for the essay portions. The survey design section
was just not as interesting, and I wish it was shorter.

5 Maybe adding extra credit in someway, not really sure how, but that would give students an incentive to try harder and show up every

6 Talk a little slower maybe... sometimes it was hard to retain everything at like 10,000 words per minute. (jk sorry for roasting you) it
wasn't terrible.

7 slow down on the lectures! i think also that the lectures are so dense that the book becomes unnecessary.

8 Some of the essay questions/how they were graded were particularly hard. Maybe taking more time in class to go over what a good
essay looks like (I know we did briefly but not well enough to where I truly did well.

9 I really like the occasional exercises with the other students that helps me stay engaged and understanding the course material, such
as the mock interview or the question design.

10 I didn't use either of the books almost at all- not sure that it's totally necessary for students to pay for those or if certain chapters could
just be provided to future students.
I don't think I benefited from the pre-quizzes much, and the reflection question on the post-quiz worth 5 points was kind of frustrating to
answer because most of my pre-quiz answers were random guesses based on no prior knowledge.
Lastly, I enjoyed doing the survey design exercises in class, but spent about 30 minutes of each of those class periods doing nothing or
waiting in line to show you my group's survey design. It would have been nice to have been able to leave or if we were given something
to do in the meantime. also got hella loud and was hard to communicate with group members

11 N/A

12 Maybe the articles in the last three weeks, we instead do labs like when we surveyed people in the class!

13 nothing!!

14 Please slow down, even when you asked if you should slow down you did that fast.

15 Make the pre quiz do the night before class not Sunday. I had not done readings until the night before so often didn’t fair well on pre

16 In some of the class activities, it felt like there was a lot of downtime. I know the one where we created a was a little confusing and took
a longer time than expected.

17 I would ask if he talked a lot slower. There were many times where he was talking way to fast and I was in able to catch up in notes not
getting down what he was saying about the slides.

18 For the final 2 weeks the direction of the course was a bit vague. It could be even better if there is an activitiy or a quiz we can do online
during the final 3 weeks before the exam.

19 Sometimes it felt like preparing for the essay portion of the exams was a bit daunting, simply due to the fact that each exam covered a
wide range of topics and potential areas to ask questions over. I would recommend giving students a question bank of a few potential
questions that may be on the exam to prepare with.

20 Asking for a group study and getting a class consensus before each exam

21 Less context, try to make it more digestible, for someone like me who doesn't necessarily care that much about survey making, you
have to be able to make this stuff more like a conversation because trucking through chapter after chapter can become brutal, and
that's not your fault that's the topic's fault, so try to find ways to make it more engaging.

Q: What else would you like the instructor to know about your experience in this course?

1 I really enjoyed this class and having Joseph as a great instructor made it even better!

2 some of the readings could be kind of repetitive and could just be covered in lecture alone

3 It was a good class

4 You sometimes went through lectures too fast to follow, and I know you said to speak up when that happened, but I personally really
struggle to do that.

5 I really liked this course. All of the lectures were helpful, along with the assignments. I never felt like I struggled, the only part that I would
want to change is maybe the pace of how fast we went through lecture slides in class.

6 I really enjoyed how this class was structured. I also enjoyed that you allotted for days off when we finished chapters of the lecture on a
Tuesday and you gave us Thursday off because there wasn't a need.

7 this has been my favorite class i have taken at Iowa. Lectures are so engaging, the material is fascinating, and I can tell that Joseph
cares a lot about the subject and that we are understanding it. cannot emphasize how much i enjoyed it, would take it again if i could!!

8 I liked the class a lot.

9 Honestly great job. It has been one of the most difficult semesters of my life and your understanding and course quality has made it a
little easier.

Thank you.

10 Thanks for being a great instructor! The attendance policy was really nice and I appreciate how much you care about the students.

11 This was a great course and an even better teacher!

12 Overall great class and I would take another class with him again!

13 I've never met someone more passionate about survey design and everything that goes in to it. Even though my passion is not survey
design, Joseph made the course fun and interesting. He understood our limitations and made sure the material was easy to
understand, with lots of real world material. This was one of my favorite classes I've take in the PoliSci department.

14 I really liked this class, I like the format that it was delivered in with the pre/post quizzes and then lectures during the week. I also like
how we spent some class time doing activities like the mock interviewing, that was actually really fun! I also liked how you were very
available outside of class and let me do the pre-quizzes when I forgot to take them before they were due.

15 Please just slow down.

16 You did a good job listening to students and choosing relevant content for the class

I really enjoyed the class and wish you the best of luck next year

17 Overall, I had a really good experience in this course. I really enjoyed the class and the content. You were one of the best instructors I've
had at the university.

18 I really enjoyed this class.

19 I really enjoyed being in Joseph's class and I felt like he would do anything he could to facilitate my learning in his class.

20 N/A

21 Overall was good, got dull sometimes, so spice it up a little from time to time and do something fun, even if it's something small, every
class should have some sort of fun engagement.

22 Joseph made expectations clear for assignments and exams, which is the most important thing for me when taking classes. He also is a
great instructor overall and provided us with ample information to not only learn the material but explore further if we so choose.

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