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Marine Republic


1. Formulas & Tricks to Solve Questions

2. Time – Distance and Train related Questions
3. Time and Work
4. Ratios
5. Simple & Compound Interest
6. Averages
7. Profit, Loss and Percentage
8. Simple Equations
9. Probability and Permutations & Combinations
10. River & Stream related Questions
11. General Mathematical Reasoning
12. Odd one Out
13. Series Completion
14. Analogy
15. Assertion & Reason

Marine Republic
Concepts and Tricks to solve General Aptitude Questions

Time and Distance Formulae

1. Speed, Time and Distance

Speed = (Distance/Time)
Time = (Distance/Speed)
Distance = (Speed x Time).

2. km per hr to m per sec conversion x km/hr = (x*5/18) m/sec.

3. m/sec to km/hr conversion x m/sec = (x *18/5) km/hr.

Simple Interest Formulae

SI = Simple Interest; A = Amount; P = Principal; T = Time; R = Rate of interest

SI = (P * T * R) / 100
A = P + SI
P = (100 * A) / (100 + RT)
SI = ART / (100 + RT)
P = (100 * SI) / TR
T = (100 * SI) / PR
R = (100 * SI) / PT

Averages Formulae

1. Average
Average = (Sum of observations/Number of observations)
2. Average Speed
Suppose a man covers a certain distance at X kmph and an equal distance at Y kmph.
Then, the average speed during the whole journey is {2xy/(x+y)} kmph.

Compound Interest Formulae

Compound Interest basic terms

A = Amount
P = Principal
R = Rate of Interest
N = Number of Years

Marine Republic
1. Interest Compounded Yearly
Amount (A) = Principal (P) X ( 1 + Rate of Interest (R) / 100 )Number of Years (N)

2. Interest Compounded Half-Yearly

Amount (A) = Principal (P) X [ 1 + Rate of Interest (R) / 2 / 100 ]2 X Number of Years (N)
(or) Principal (P) = [ 1 + Rate of Interest (R) / 200 ] 2 X Number of Years (N)

3. Interest Compounded Quarterly

Amount (A) = Principal (P) X [ 1 + Rate of Interest (R) / 4 / 100 ]
(or) Principal (P) [ 1 + Rate of Interest (R) / 400 ] 4 X Number of Years (N)

Profit and Loss Formulae

1. Gain = (S.P.) - (C.P.)

2. Loss = (C.P.) - (S.P.)
3. Loss or gain is always reckoned on C.P.
4. Gain Percentage = Gain x 100/C.P
5. Loss Percentage = Loss x 100/C.P
6. Selling Price = (100 + Gain %)x C.P/100
7. Selling Price = (100 - Loss %)x C.P/100
8. Cost Price = 100x S.P/(100 + Gain %)
9. Cost Price = 100x S.P/(100 - Loss %)

Permutations and Combinations Formulae

1. Factorial Notation - Let n be a positive integer. Then, factorial n denoted n! is defined as:
n! = n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... 3.2.1.
2. Number of Permutations - Number of all permutations of n things, taken r at a time, is given
nPr = n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... (n - r + 1) = n!/(n - r)!
3. Then, the number of permutations of these n objects is = n!/(p1!).(p2)!.....(pr!)
4. Number of Combinations - The number of all combinations of n things, taken r at a time is:
nCr = n!/(r!)(n - r)! = n(n - 1)(n - 2) ... to r factors/r!

Probability Formulae

Marine Republic
1. Probability Range = 0 = P(A) = 1
2. Rule of Complementary Events = P(AC) + P(A) = 1
3. Rule of Addition = (A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB)
4. Disjoint Events
Events A and B are disjoint iff = P(AnB) = 0
5. Conditional Probability = P(A | B) = P(AnB) / P(B)
6. Bayes Formula = P(A | B) = P(B | A) · P(A) / P(B)
7. Independent Events
Events A and B are independent iff = P(AnB) = P(A) · P(B)
8.Cumulative Distribution Function = FX(x) = P(X = x)

Boats and Streams Formulae

1. Speed downstream = (u + v) km/hr.

2. Speed upstream = (u - v) km/hr.
3. Speed in still water = 1(a + b)/2 km/hr.
4. Rate of stream = 1(a - b)/2 km/hr.

Areas Formulae

1. Area of a rectangle = (Length x Breadth).

2. Length = Area/Breadth and Breadth = Area/Length
3. Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(Length + Breadth)
4. Area of a square = (side)2 = 1/2(diagonal)2.
5. Area of 4 walls of a room = 2 (Length + Breadth) x Height
6. Area of a triangle = 1/2x Base x Height.
7. Area of parallelogram = (Base x Height).
8. Area of a rhombus = 1/2x (Product of diagonals).
9. Area of a trapezium = 1/2x (sum of parallel sides) x distance between them.

Problems on LCM and HCF Formulae

1. H.C.F. = H.C.F. of Numerators/L.C.M. of Denominators

2. L.C.M. = L.C.M. of Numerators/H.C.F. of Denominators

Marine Republic
Time- Distance and Train Related Questions

Ques 1. Express a speed of 36 kmph in meters per second?

A. 10 mps
B. 12 mps
C. 14 mps
D. 17 mps

Answer: Option A
36 * 5/18 = 10 mps

Ques 2. Express 25 mps in kmph?

A. 15 kmph
B. 99 kmph
C. 90 kmph
D. None

Answer: Option C
25 * 18/5 = 90 kmph

Ques 3. The speed of a train is 90 kmph. What is the distance covered by it in 10

A. 15 kmph
B. 12 kmph
C. 10 kmph
D. 5 kmph

Answer: Option A
90 * 10/60 = 15 kmph

Ques 4. A car covers a distance of 624 km in 6 ½ hours. Find its speed?

A. 104 kmph
B. 140 kmph
C. 104 mph
D. 10.4 kmph

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
624/6 = 104 kmph

Ques 5. In what time will a railway train 60 m long moving at the rate of 36 kmph pass a
telegraph post on its way?
A. 9 sec
B. 8 sec
C. 7 sec
D. 6 sec

Answer: Option D
T = 60/36 * 18/5 = 6 sec

Ques 6. A train 240 m in length crosses a telegraph post in 16 seconds. The speed of the
train is?
A. 50 kmph
B. 52 kmph
C. 54 kmph
D. 56 kmph

Answer: Option C
S = 240/16 * 18/5 = 54 kmph

Ques 7. The speed of a car is 90 km in the first hour and 60 km in the second hour. What
is the average speed of the car?
A. 72 kmph
B. 75 kmph
C. 30 kmph
D. 80 kmph

Answer: Option B
S = (90 + 60)/2 = 75 kmph

Ques 8. Walking with 4/5 of my usual speed, I miss the bus by 5 minutes. What is my
usual time?
A. 35 min
B. 30 min
C. 25 min
D. 20 min

Marine Republic
Answer: Option D
Speed Ratio = 1:4/5 = 5:4Time Ratio = 4:51 -------- 5 4 --------- ? è 20

Ques 9. If a man walks to his office at ¾ of his usual rate, he reaches office 1/3 of an hour
late than usual. What is his usual time to reach office?
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hour
C. 3 hour
D. 4 hour

Answer: Option A
Speed Ratio = 1:3/4 = 4:3
Time Ratio = 3:4
1 -------- 1/3
3 --------- ? 1 hour

Ques 10. Two cars cover the same distance at the speed of 60 and 64 kmps respectively.
Find the distance traveled by them if the slower car takes 1 hour more than the faster
A. 906 km
B. 960 m
C. 960 km
D. 966 km

Answer: Option C
60(x + 1) = 64x
X = 15

60 * 16 = 960 km

Ques 11. A man leaves a point P at 6 a.m. and reaches the point Q at 10 a.m. another man
leaves the point give at 8 a.m. and reaches the point P at 12 noon. At what time do they
A. 8 a.m.
B. 8 p.m.
C. 9 a.m.
D. 9 p.m.

Marine Republic
Answer: Option C
9 a.m.

Ques 12. A thief goes away with a SANTRO car at a speed of 40 kmph. The theft has been
discovered after half an hour and the owner sets off in a bike at 50 kmph when will the
owner over take the thief from the start?
A. 2 hours
B. 2 hours 45 min
C. 2 hours 30 min
D. 2 hours 50 min

Answer: Option A
50 40

D = 20

RS = 50 – 40 = 10

T = 20/10 = 2 hours

Ques 13. If I walk at 3 kmph, I miss the train by 2 min, if however, I walk at 4 kmph. I reach
the station 2 min before the arrival of the train. How far do I walk to reach the station?
A. 4/5 km
B. 5/4 km
C. 6/5 km
D. 3/4 km

Answer: Option A
x/3 – x/4 = 4/60
x = 4/5 km

Ques 14. Two trains each 250 m in length are running on the same parallel lines in
opposite directions with the speed of 80 kmph and 70 kmph respectively. In what time
will they cross each other completely?
A. 10 sec
B. 11 sec
C. 12 sec

Marine Republic
D. 14 sec

Answer: Option C
D = 250 m + 250 m = 500 m
RS = 80 + 70 = 150 * 5/18 = 125/3

T = 500 * 3/125 = 12 sec

Ques 15. Two trains of equal length, running with the speeds of 60 and 40 kmph, take 50
seconds to cross each other while they are running in the same direction. What time will
they take to cross each other if they are running in opposite directions?
A. 10 sec
B. 9 sec
C. 8 sec
D. 7 sec

Answer: Option A
RS = 60 -40 = 20 * 5/18 = 100/18
T = 50

D = 50 * 100/18 = 2500/9

RS = 60 + 40 = 100 * 5/18

T = 2500/9 * 18/500 = 10 sec

Ques 16. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the
length of the train?
A. 120 metres
B. 180 metres
C. 324 metres
D. 150 metres

Answer: Option D

Ques 17. A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in
which the train is going, in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is:
A. 45 km/hr
B. 50 km/hr

Marine Republic
C. 54 km/hr
D. 55 km/hr

Answer: Option B

Ques 18. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per
A. 3.6
B. 7.2
C. 8.4
D. 10

Answer: Option B

Ques 19. An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To
cover the same distance in 1 hours, it must travel at a speed of:
A. 300 kmph
B. 360 kmph
C. 600 kmph
D. 720 kmph

Answer: Option D

Ques 20. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time
and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train
lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:
A. 100 kmph
B. 110 kmph
C. 120 kmph
D. 130 kmph

Answer: Option C

Ques 21. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its
average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by
30 minutes. The duration of the flight is:
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 4 hours

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
Ques 22. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform
in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. The
ratio of their speeds is:
A. 1 : 3
B. 3 : 2
C. 3 : 4
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Ques 23. A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the
platform in 20 seconds. If the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the
A. 120 m
B. 240 m
C. 300 m
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Ques 24. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at
46 km/hr and 36 km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The
length of each train is:
A. 50 m
B. 72 m
C. 80 m
D. 82 m

Answer: Option A

Ques 25. If a train, travelling at a speed of 90 kmph, crosses a pole in 5 sec, then the
length of train is?
A. 104 m
B. 125 m
C. 140 m
D. 152 m

Answer: Option B
D = 90 * 5/18 * 5 = 125 m

Marine Republic
Ques 26. Two trains travelling in the same direction at 40 and 22 kmph completely pass
off another in 1 minute. If the length of the first train is 125 m, what is the length of the
second train?
A. 125 m
B. 150 m
C. 175 m
D. 185 m

Answer: Option C
RS = 40 – 22 = 18 * 5/18 = 5 mps
T = 60 sec

D = 5 * 60 = 300 m

175 m

Ques 27. How many seconds will a train 100 meters long take to cross a bridge 150 meters
long if the speed of the train is 36 kmph?
A. 18
B. 22
C. 25
D. 28

Answer: Option C
D = 100 + 150 = 250
S = 36 * 5/18 = 10 mps

T = 250/10 = 25 sec

Ques 28. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a train is 45 kmph and including stoppages it is
36 kmph. Of how many minutes does the train stop per hour?
A. 10 min
B. 11 min
C. 12 min
D. 13 min

Answer: Option C

Marine Republic
T = 9/45 * 60 = 12

Ques 29. A motorcyclist goes from Bombay to Pune, a distance of 192 kms at an average
of 32 kmph speed. Another man starts from Bombay by car 2 ½ hours after the first, and
reaches Pune ½ hour earlier. What is the ratio of the speed of the motorcycle and the
A. 1:2
B. 1:3
C. 10:27
D. 5:4

Answer: Option A
T = 192/32 = 6 h

Time Ratio = 6:3 = 2:1

Speed Ratio = 1:2

Ques 30. A car after covering ½ of a journey of 100 km develops engine trouble and later
travels at ½ of its original speed. As a result, it arrives 2 hours late than its normal time.
What is the normal speed of the car is?
A. 50 kmph
B. 40 kmph
C. 30 kmph
D. 25 kmph

Answer: Option D
[50/x + 50/(x/2)] – 100/x = 2
x = 25

Ques 31. A train passes a man standing on the platform. If the train is 170 meters long and
its speed is 72 kmph, how much time it took in doing so?
A. 10 ½ sec
B. 9 ½ sec
C. 8 ¾ sec
D. 8 ½ sec

Marine Republic
Answer: Option D
D = 170
S = 72 * 5/18 = 20 mps

T = 170/20 = 8 ½ sec

Ques 32. A train 540 meters long is running with a speed of 54 kmph. The time taken by it
to cross a tunnel 180 meters long is?
A. 40 sec
B. 44 sec
C. 48 sec
D. 52 sec

Answer: Option C
D = 540 + 180 = 720
S = 54 * 5/18 = 15 mps

T = 720/15 = 48 sec

Ques 33. Two trains are moving at 50 kmph and 70 kmph in opposite directions. Their
lengths are 150 m and 100 m respectively. The time they will take to pass each other
completely is?
A. 3 sec
B. 4 ½ sec
C. 5 sec
D. 7 ½ sec

Answer: Option D
70 + 50 = 120 * 5/18 = 100/3 mps
D = 150 + 100 = 250 m
T = 250 * 3/100 = 15/2 = 7 ½ sec

Ques 34. Convert the 13/36 m/s into kilometers per hour?
A. 1.5
B. 1.2
C. 1.3
D. 1.4
E. None of these

Marine Republic
Answer: Option C
13/36 m/s = 13/36 * 18/5 = 13/10 = 1.3 kmph.

Ques 35. If a man can cover 12 metres in one second, how many kilometres can he cover
in 3 hours 45 minutes?

A. 168
B. 162
C. 150
D. 156
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
12 m/s = 12 * 18/5 kmph
3 hours 45 minutes = 3 3/4 hours = 15/4 hours
Distance = speed * time = 12 * 18/5 * 15/4 km = 162 km.

Ques 36. In a kilometer race, A beats B by 50 meters or 10 seconds. What time does A
take to complete the race?
A. 200 sec
B. 190 sec
C. 210 sec
D. 150 sec

Answer: Option B
Time taken by B run 1000 meters = (1000 * 10)/50 = 200 sec.
Time taken by A = 200 - 10 = 190 sec.

Ques 37. A can give B 100 meters start and C 200 meters start in a kilometer race. How
much start can B give C in a kilometer race?
A. 111.12 m
B. 888.88 m
C. 777.52 m
D. 756.34 m

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
A runs 1000 m while B runs 900 m and C runs 800 m.
The number of meters that C runs when B runs 1000 m,
= (1000 * 800)/900 = 8000/9 = 888.88 m.
B can give C = 1000 - 888.88 = 111.12 m.

Ques 38. A can run a kilometer race in 4 1/2 min while B can run same race in 5 min. How
many meters start can A give B in a kilometer race, so that the race mat end in a dead
A. 150 m
B. 125 m
C. 130 m
D. 100 m

Answer: Option D
A can give B (5 min - 4 1/2 min) = 30 sec start.
The distance covered by B in 5 min = 1000 m.
Distance covered in 30 sec = (1000 * 30)/300 = 100 m.
A can give B 100m start.

Ques 39. In a race of 1000 m, A can beat by 100 m, in a race of 800m, B can beat C by
100m. By how many meters will A beat C in a race of 600 m?
A. 57.5 m
B. 127.5 m
C. 150.7 m
D. 98.6 m

Answer: Option B
When A runs 1000 m, B runs 900 m and when B runs 800 m, C runs 700 m.
When B runs 900 m, distance that C runs = (900 * 700)/800 = 6300/8 = 787.5 m.
In a race of 1000 m, A beats C by (1000 - 787.5) = 212.5 m to C.
In a race of 600 m, the number of meters by which A beats C = (600 * 212.5)/1000 =
127.5 m.

Ques 40. In a game of billiards, A can give B 20 points in 60 and he can give C 30 points in
60. How many points can B give C in a game of 100?
A. 50
B. 40

Marine Republic
C. 25
D. 15

Answer: Option C
A scores 60 while B score 40 and C scores 30.
The number of points that C scores when B scores 100 = (100 * 30)/40 = 25 * 3 = 75.
In a game of 100 points, B gives (100 - 75) = 25 points to C.

Ques 41. In a 300 m race A beats B by 22.5 m or 6 seconds. B's time over the course is:
A. 86 sec
B. 80 sec
C. 76 sec
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Ques 42. In a 100 m race, A can beat B by 25 m and B can beat C by 4 m. In the same race,
A can beat C by:
A. 21 m
B. 26 m
C. 28 m
D. 29 m

Answer: Option C

Ques 43. If in a game of 80, P can give 16 points to Q and R can give 20 points to P, then in
a game of 150, how many points can R give to Q?
A. 48
B. 60
C. 54
D. 90

Answer: Option B

Ques 44. If X can run 48m and Y 42m, then in a race of 1km, X beats Y by:
A. 140m
B. 125m
C. 100
D. 110m

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
Time & Work Related Questions

Ques 1. A and B complete a work in 6 days. A alone can do it in 10 days. If both together
can do the work in how many days?
A. 3.75 days
B. 4 days
C. 5 days
D. 6 days

Answer: Option A
1/6 + 1/10 = 8/30 = 4/15
15/4 = 3.75 days

Ques 2. A and B together can do a piece of work in 8 days. If A alone can do the same
work in 12 days, then B alone can do the same work in?
A. 20 days
B. 16 days
C. 24 days
D. 28 days

Answer: Option C
B = 1/8 – 1/2 = 1/24 => 24 days

Ques 3. A can do a piece of work in 4 days. B can do it in 5 days. With the assistance of C
they completed the work in 2 days. Find in how many days can C alone do it?
A. 10 days
B. 20 days
C. 5 days
D. 4 days

Answer: Option B
C = 1/2 - 1/4 - 1/5 = 1/20 => 20 days

Marine Republic
Ques 4. A and B can do a piece of work in 6 2/3 days and 5 days respectively. They work
together for 2 days and then A leaves. In how many days after that B will complete the
work alone.
A. 2 days
B. 1 ½ days
C. 3 days
D. 3 ½ days

Answer: Option B
3/20 * 2 + (2 + x)/5 = 1
x = 1 ½ days

Ques 5. A can do a piece of work in 30 days. He works at it for 5 days and then B finishes
it in 20 days. In what time can A and B together it?
A. 16 2/3 days
B. 13 1/3 days
C. 17 1/3 days
D. 16 1/2 days

Answer: Option B
5/30 + 20/x = 1
x = 24
1/30 + 1/24 = 3/40
40/3 = 13 1/3 days

Ques 6. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days and 16 days respectively. Both work
for 3 days and then A goes away. Find how long will B take to complete the remaining
A. 15 days
B. 12 days
C. 10 days
D. 9 days

Answer: Option D
3/12 + (3 + x)/16 = 1
x = 9 days

Marine Republic
Ques 7. A and B can do a piece of work in 3 days, B and C in 4 days, C and A in 6 days.
How long will C take to do it?

A. 18 days
B. 20 days
C. 24 days
D. 30 days

Answer: Option C
2c = ¼ + 1/6 – 1/3 = 1/12
c = 1/24 => 24 days

Ques 8. A can do a piece of work in 40 days; B can do the same in 30 days. A started
alone but left the work after 10 days, then B worked at it for 10 days. C finished the
remaining work in 10 days. C alone can do the whole work in?
A. 24 days
B. 30 days
C. 44 days
D. 17 1/2 days

Answer: Option A
10/40 + 10/30 + 10/x = 1
x = 24 days

Ques 9. A work which could be finished in 9 days was finished 3 days earlier after 10
more men joined. The number of men employed was?
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24

Answer: Option B
x ------- 9
(x + 10) ---- 6
x * 9 = (x + 10)6
x = 20

Marine Republic
Ques 10. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 24, 30 and 40 days respectively. They start
the work together but C leaves 4 days before the completion of the work. In how many
days is the work done?
A. 15 days
B. 14 days
C. 13 days
D. 11 days

Answer: Option D
x/24 + x/30 + x/40 = 1
x = 11 days

Ques 11. A is thrice as efficient as B and is, therefore, able to finish a piece of work 10 days
earlier than B. In how many days A and B will finish it together?
A. 3 1/2 days
B. 3 4/5 days
C. 3 days
D. 5 days

Answer: Option D
WC = 3:1
WT = 1:3
x 3x
1/x – 1/3x = 1/10
x = 20/3
3/20 + 1/20 = 1/5 5 days

Ques 12. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 7 days, 14 days and 28 days respectively.
How long will they taken, if all the three work together?
A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 5 days
D. 6 days

Answer: Option B
1/7 + 1/14 + 1/28 = 7/28 = 1/4 => 4 days

Marine Republic
Ques 13. After working for 6 days, Ashok finds that only 1/3 rd of the work has been done.
He employs Ravi who is 60% as efficient as Ashok. How many days more would Ravi take
to complete the work?
A. 19 days
B. 10 days
C. 20 days
D. 12 days

Answer: Option C
1/3 ---- 6
1 -------? A = 18
R = 1/18 * 60/100 = 1/30
1 ----- 1/30
2/3 ----? 20 days

Ques 14. A is twice as good a work man as B and together they finish the work in 14 days.
In how many days A alone can finish the work?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23

Answer: Option B
WC = 2:1
2x + x = 1/14 => x = 1/42
2x = 1/21
A can do the work in 21 days.

Ques 15. A, B and C can do a work in 6, 8 and 12 days respectively doing the work
together and get a payment of Rs.1800. What is B’s share?
A. Rs.600
B. Rs.450
C. Rs.300
D. Rs.500

Answer: Option A
WC = 1/6:1/8:1/12 4:3:2
3/9 * 1800 = 600

Marine Republic
Ques 16. 5 men and 12 boys finish a piece of work in 4 days, 7 men and 6 boys do it in 5
days. The ratio between the efficiencies of a man and boy is?
A. 1:2
B. 2:1
C. 2:3
D. 6:5

Answer: Option D
5M + 12B ----- 4 days
7M + 6B ------- 5 days
20M + 48B = 35M + 30B
18B = 15M 5M = 6B
M: B = 6:5

Ques 17. 9 men and 12 boys finish a job in 12 days, 12 men and 12 boys finish it in 10
days. 10 men and 10 boys shall finish it in how many days?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14

Answer: Option C
9M + 12B ----- 12 days
12M + 12B ------- 10 days
10M + 10B -------?
108M + 144B = 120M +120B
24B = 12M => 1M = 2B
18B + 12B = 30B ---- 12 days
20B + 10B = 30B -----? => 12 days

Ques 18. If 12 men do a work in 80 days, in how many days will 16 men do it?
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
B = 1/16 – 1/24 = 1/48 => 48 days

Ques 19. A and B can do a piece of work in 8 days. B and C can do it in 12 days and A and C
in 16 days. Working together they will complete the work in how many days?
A. 14.76 days
B. 12.2 days
C. 9.48 days
D. 7.38 days

Answer: Option D
A + B = 1/8
B + C = 1/12
C + A = 1/16
2(A + B +C) = 1/8 + 1/12 + 1/16 = 13/48
A + B +C = 13/96
96/13 = 7.38 days

Ques 20. Two men and three women working 7 hours a day finish a work in 5 days. Four
men and four women working 3 hours a day complete the work in 7 days. The number
of days in which only 7 men working 4 hours a day will finish the work is?
A. 5 days
B. 6 days
C. 7 days
D. 10 days

Answer: Option A
2M + 3W ----- 35 h
4M + 4W ------- 21 h
7M -------? d
70M + 105W = 84M +84M
21W = 14M => 2M = 3W
4 * 35 = 7 * x x = 20 hours
20/4 = 5 days

Ques 21. 3 men or 6 women can do a piece of work in 20 days. In how many days will 12
men and 8 women do the same work?
A. 7/2

Marine Republic
B. 15/4
C. 5
D. 4

Answer: Option B
3M = 6W ---- 20 days
12M + 8W -----?
24W + 8 W = 32W ---?
6W ---- 20 32 -----?
6 * 20 = 32 * x => x = 15/4 days

Ques 22. A is twice as good a workman as B and they took 7 days together to do the work
B alone can do it in.
A. 12 days
B. 18 days
C. 21 days
D. 27 days

Answer: Option C
WC = 2:1
2x + x = 1/7
x = 1/21 21 days

Ques 23. A does half as much work as B in three –fourth of the time if together they take
18 days to complete a work. How much time shall B take to do it?
A. 30days
B. 35 days
C. 40 days
D. None of these

Answer: Option A
B takes x days to do the work
Therefore, A takes (2 × 3/4x)i.e.., 3x/2 days to do it
Now , (A +B)’s 1 day’s work = 1/18
Therefore, 1/x + 2/3x = 1/18 or x =30.

Ques 24. 12 Men or 18 women can reap a field in 14 days. The number of days that 8 men
and 16 women will take to reap it?
A. 5

Marine Republic
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

Answer: Option D
12 men = 18 women or 1 man = 3/2 women
Therefore 8 men + 16 women = (8 × 3/2 + 16) women i.e.., 28 women
Now 18 women can reap the field in 14 days
Therefore, 28 women can reap it in = 9 days

Ques 25. 10 men can finish a piece of work in 10 days. Whereas it takes 12 women to
finish it in 10 days if 15 men and 6 women undertake to complete the work. How many
days will they take to complete it?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 11

Answer: Option C
10 men = 12 women or 1 man = 6/5 women
Therefore 15 men + 6 women = (15 x 6/5 +6)women i.e,, 24 women
Now 12 women can do the work in 10 days
Therefore, 24 women can do it in = 5 days

Ques 26. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how
many days can A do the work if he is assisted by B and C on every third day?
A. 12 days
B. 15 days
C. 16 days
D. 18 days

Answer: Option B

Ques 27. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B
undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days.
How much is to be paid to C?
A. Rs. 375
B. Rs. 400
C. Rs. 600
D. Rs. 800

Marine Republic
Answer: Option B

Ques 28. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women
can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

Answer: Option B

Ques 29. Twenty women can do a work in sixteen days. Sixteen men can complete the
same work in fifteen days. What is the ratio between the capacity of a man and a
A. 3 : 4
B. 4 : 3
C. 5 : 3
D. Data inadequate

Answer: Option B

Ques 30. 8 Children and 12 men complete a certain piece of work in 9 days. If each child
takes twice the time taken by man to finish the work. In how many days will 12 men
finish the same work?
A. 8
B. 15
C. 9
D. 12

Answer: Option D
2 children = 1 man
Therefore (8 children +12 men) = 16 men
Now less men more days 12: 16 : : 9 : x
Therefore, x = (144/12) = 12 days


Marine Republic
Ques 1. 1: 3 = 1 2/3: x. The value of x is?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 4 1/6
D. 5

Answer: Option D
x * 1 = 3 * 5/3

Ques 2. What number has a 5:1 ratio to the number 10?

A. 42
B. 50
C. 55
D. 62

Answer: Option B
5:1 = x: 10
x = 50

Ques 3. If a: b = 7: 5, b: c = 9: 11, find a: b: c?

A. 63: 14: 55
B. 63: 45: 55
C. 14: 14: 15
D. 7: 14: 15

Answer: Option B
a: b = 7: 5
b: c = 9: 11
a: b: c = 63: 45: 55

Ques 4. If a: b = 3:4, b:c = 7:9, c:d = 5:7, find a:d?

A. 5:12
B. 7:12
C. 3:11
D. 5:11

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
a/d = (3/4)*(7/9)*(5/7) => 5/12

Ques 5. The inverse ratio of 3: 2: 1 is?

A. 1:2:3
B. 2:3:1
C. 3:1:2
D. 2:3:6

Answer: Option D
1/3: 1/2: 1/1 = 2:3:6

Ques 6. The duplicate ratio of 3:4 is?

A. 4:3
B. 6:8
C. 9:16
D. 3:4

Answer: Option C
32: 42 = 9:16

Ques 7. The triplicate ratio of 1:2 is?

A. 8:1
B. 1:8
C. 2:1
D. 1:2

Answer: Option B
13: 23 = 1:8

Ques 8. The greatest ratio out of 2:3, 5:4, 3:2 and 4:5 is?
A. 4:5
B. 3:2
C. 5:4
D. 2:3

Answer: Option B

Ques 9. The smallest ratio out of 1:1, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1 is?
A. 3:1

Marine Republic
B. 1:3
C. 2:1
D. 1:2

Answer: Option B

Ques 10. The proportion of copper and zinc in the brass is 13:7. How much zinc will there
be in 100 kg of brass?
A. 20 kg
B. 35 kg
C. 55 kg
D. 14 kg

Answer: Option B
7/20 * 100 = 35

Ques 11. The ratio of two numbers is 2:3 and the sum of their cubes is 945. The difference
of number is?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Answer: Option A
2x 3x
8x cube + 27x cube = 945
35x cube = 945
x cube = 27 => x = 3

Ques 12. The ratio of the number of ladies to gents at a party was 1:2 but when 2 ladies
and 2 gents left, the ratio became 1:3. How many people were at the party originally?
A. 36
B. 24
C. 12
D. 6

Answer: Option C
x, 2x
(x-2):(2x-2) = 1:3

Marine Republic
3x-6 = 2x-2
x+2x = 3x
=> 3*4 = 12

Ques 13. The first three terms of a proportion are 3, 9 and 12. The fourth term is?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 18
D. 36

Answer: Option D
(9*12)/3 = 36

Ques 14. 96 is divided into two parts in such a way that seventh part of first and ninth part
of second are equal. Find the smallest part?
A. 38
B. 40
C. 42
D. 48

Answer: Option C
x/7 = y/9 x:y = 7:9
7/16 * 96 = 42

Ques 15. A 70 cm long wire is to be cut into two pieces so that one piece will be 2/5th of
the other, how many centimeters will the shorter piece be?
A. 10cm
B. 20cm
C. 25cm
D. 30cm

Answer: Option B
1: 2/5 = 5: 2
2/7 * 70 = 20

Marine Republic
Ques 16. 1000 men have provisions for 15 days. If 200 more men join them, for how many
days will the provisions last now?
A. 10.5
B. 11.5
C. 12.5
D. 10.4

Answer: Option C
1000*15 = 1200*x
x = 12.5

Ques 17. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had
partnered for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of
their investments?
A. 5 : 7 : 8
B. 20 : 49 : 64
C. 38 : 28 : 21
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Ques 18. A garrison of 400 men had a provision for 31 days. After 28 days 280 persons re-
enforcement leave the garrison. Find the number of days for which the remaining ration
will be sufficient?
A. 3 days
B. 8 days
C. 10 days
D. 6 days

Answer: Option C
400 --- 31
400 --- 3
120 --- ?
400*3 = 120*x => x =10 days

Ques 19. An amount of money is to be divided between P, Q and R in the ratio of 3:7:12. If
the difference between the shares of P and Q is Rs.2400, what will be the difference
between Q and R's share?
A. Rs.2800

Marine Republic
B. Rs.3000
C. Rs.2400
D. Rs.3200

Answer: Option B
4 --- 2000
5 --- ? => 3000

Ques 20. A, B and C play a cricket match. The ratio of the runs scored by them in the
match is A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 2:5. If the total runs scored by all of them are 75, the runs
scored by B are?
A. 15
B. 18
C. 21
D. 24

Answer: Option B
A:B = 2:3
B:C = 2:5
A:B:C = 4:6:15
6/25 * 75 = 18

Ques 21. A share is divided among X, Y and Z in such a way that for each rupee X gets, Y
gets 45 paisa and Z gets 30 paisa. If the share of Y is RS. 27, what is the total amount?
A. Rs.90
B. Rs.105
C. Rs.96
D. Rs.120

Answer: Option B
x:y:z = 100:45:30
9 --- 27
35 --- ? => 105

Ques 22. Rs.160 contained in a box consists of one rupee, 50 paisa and 25 paisa coins in
the ratio 4:5:6. What is the number of 25 paisa coins?
A. 100

Marine Republic
B. 115
C. 120
D. 110

Answer: Option C
4x 5x 6x
100 50 25
400x + 350x + 150x = 16000
x = 20
6x = 120

Ques 23. A vessel contains 20 liters of a mixture of milk and water in the ratio 3:2. 10 liters
of the mixture are removed and replaced with an equal quantity of pure milk. If the
process is repeated once more, find the ratio of milk and water in the final mixture
A. 9:1
B. 4:7
C. 7:1
D. 2:5

Answer: Option A
Milk = 3/5 * 20 = 12 liters, water = 8 liters
If 10 liters of mixture are removed, amount of milk removed = 6 liters and amount of
water removed = 4 liters.
Remaining milk = 12 - 6 = 6 liters
Remaining water = 8 - 4 = 4 liters
10 liters of pure milk are added, therefore total milk = (6 + 10) = 16 liters.
The ratio of milk and water in the new mixture = 16:4 = 4:1
If the process is repeated one more time and 10 liters of the mixture are removed, then
amount of milk removed = 4/5 * 10 = 8 liters.
Amount of water removed = 2 liters.
Remaining milk = (16 - 8) = 8 liters.
Remaining water = (4 -2) = 2 liters.
The required ratio of milk and water in the final mixture obtained = (8 + 10):2 = 18:2 =

Ques 24. In what ratio should two varieties of sugar of Rs.18 per kg and Rs.24 kg be mixed
together to get a mixture whose cost is Rs.20 per kg?

Marine Republic
A. 1:3
B. 3:1
C. 1:2
D. 2:1

Answer: Option D

Ques 25. How many liters of oil at Rs.40 per liter should be mixed with 240 liters of a
second variety of oil at Rs.60 per liter so as to get a mixture whose cost is Rs.52 per
A. 120 liters
B. 180 liters
C. 110 liters
D. 160 liters

Answer: Option D

Ques 26. Two varieties of wheat - A and B costing Rs. 9 per kg and Rs. 15 per kg were
mixed in the ratio 3 : 7. If 5 kg of the mixture is sold at 25% profit, find the profit made?
A. Rs. 13.50
B. Rs. 14.50
C. Rs. 15.50
D. Rs. 16.50
E. None of these

Answer: Option D
Let the quantities of A and B mixed be 3x kg and 7x kg.
Cost of 3x kg of A = 9(3x) = Rs. 27x
Cost of 7x kg of B = 15(7x) = Rs. 105x
Cost of 10x kg of the mixture = 27x + 105x = Rs. 132x
Cost of 5 kg of the mixture = 132x/10x (5) = Rs. 66
Profit made in selling 5 kg of the mixture = 25/100 (cost of 5 kg of the mixture) = 25/100
* 66 = Rs. 16.50
Ques 27. The marks obtained by Vijay and Amith are in the ratio 4:5 and those obtained
by Amith and Abhishek in the ratio of 3:2. The marks obtained by Vijay and Abhishek are
in the ratio of?
A. 2:1
B. 5:3
C. 6:5
D. 5:6

Marine Republic
Answer: Option C

Simple & Compound Interests

Ques 1. Find the principle on a certain sum of money at 5% per annum for 2 2/5 years if
the amount being Rs.1120?
A. Rs.1000
B. Rs.1100
C. Rs.1050
D. Rs.1200

Answer: Option A
1120 = P [1 + (5*12/5)/100]
P= 1000

Ques 2. What sum of money will produce Rs.70 as simple interest in 4 years at 3 1/2
A. Rs.525
B. Rs.500
C. Rs.550
D. Rs.555

Answer: Option B
70 = (P*4*7/2)/100
P = 500

Marine Republic
Ques 3. At what rate percent on simple interest will Rs.750 amount to Rs.900 in 5 years?
A. 5%
B. 3 1/2%
C. 4%
D. 5 1/2 %

Answer: Option C
150 = (750*5*R)/100
R = 4%

Ques 4. What is the rate percent when the simple interest on Rs.800 amount to Rs.160 in
4 Years?
A. 5%
B. 6%
C. 4 1/2%
D. 3 1/2 %

Answer: Option A
160 = (180*4*R)/100
R = 5%

Ques 5. Find the simple interest on Rs.500 for 9 months at 6 paisa per month?
A. Rs.345
B. Rs.270
C. Rs.275
D. Rs.324

Answer: Option B
I = (500*9*6)/100 = 270

Ques 6. A certain sum amounts to Rs.1725 in 3 years and Rs.1875 in 5 years. Find the
rate % per annum?
A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 6%
D. 4%

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
3 --- 1725
5 --- 1875
2 --- 150
N = 1 I = 75 R = ?
P = 1725 - 225 = 1500
75 = (1500*1*R)/100
R = 5%

Ques 7. At what rate percent on simple interest will a sum of money double itself in 30
A. 3 1/3 %
B. 3 1/2%
C. 4 %
D. 4 1/2 %

Answer: Option A
P = (P*30*R)/100
R = 3 1/3%

Ques 8. A certain sum of money at simple interest amounted Rs.840 in 10 years at 3%

per annum, find the sum?
A. Rs.500
B. Rs.515
C. Rs.525
D. None

Answer: Option D
840 = P [1 + (10*3)/100]
P = 646

Ques 9. In what time a sum of money double itself at 3% per annum simple interest?
A. 29 years
B. 33 1/3 years
C. 23 1/3 years
D. 13 1/3 years

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
P = (P*3*R)/100
R = 33 1/3%

Ques 10. The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs.600 after 10 years. If the
principal is trebled after 5 years what will be the total interest at the end of the tenth
A. Rs.800
B. Rs.900
C. Rs.1200
D. Rs.1500

Answer: Option C
P --- 10 ---- 600
P --- 5 ----- 300
3P --- 5 ----- 900
=> 1200

Ques 11. Sonika deposited Rs.8000 which amounted to Rs.9200 after 3 years at simple
interest. Had the interest been 2% more. She would get how much?
A. Rs.9680
B. Rs.9860
C. Rs.9380
D. Rs.9800

Answer: Option A
(8000*3*2)/100 = 480

Ques 12. If Re.1 amounts to Rs.9 over a period of 20 years. What is the rate of simple
A. 26 2/3 %
B. 30 %
C. 27 1/2%
D. 40 %

Marine Republic
Answer: Option D
8 = (1*20*R)/100
R = 40%

Ques 13. 4000 was divided into two parts such a way that when first part was invested at
3% and the second at 5%, the whole annual interest from both the investments is
Rs.144, how much was put at 3%?
A. Rs.2500
B. Rs.2700
C. Rs.2800
D. Rs.5000

Answer: Option C
(x*3*1)/100 + [(4000 - x)*5*1]/100 = 144
3x/100 + 200 – 5x/100 = 144
2x/100 = 56 x = 2800

Ques 14. A certain sum of money doubles itself in 10 years in how much many years will it
trible itself at the same rate?
A. 20 years
B. 15 years
C. 30 years
D. 17 1/2 years

Answer: Option A
100 ---- 100 --- 10
100 --- 10
300 ---- 20 years

Ques 15. The simple interest on a sum of money is 4/9 of the principal and the number of
years is equal to the rate percent. Find the rate and the time?
A. 6 2/3 years; 6 2/3 %
B. 5 1/3 years; 5 1/3 %
C. 4 2/3 years; 4 2/3 %
D. None

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
4/9 P = (P*R*R)/100
R = 20/3 = 6 2/3%

Ques 16. In what time will Rs.4000 lent at 3% per annum on simple interest earn as much
interest as Rs.5000 will earn in 5 years at 4% per annum on simple interest?
A. 8 1/3 years
B. 9 years
C. 7 1/2 years
D. 7 1/3 years

Answer: Option A
(4000*3*R)/100 = (5000*5*4)/100
R = 8 1/3

Ques 17. In how many years will a sum of money doubles itself at 5% per annum on
simple interest?
A. 22 years
B. 20 years
C. 21 years
D. 29 years

Answer: Option B
P = (P*5*R)/100
R = 20%

Ques 18. A sum of money becomes triple itself in 5 years at simple interest. How many
years will it become six times at the same rate?
A. 12 1/2 years
B. 12 years
C. 11 1/2 years
D. 11 years

Answer: Option A
100 ---- 200 ---- 5
200 ---- 5
100 ---- 2 1/2

Marine Republic
600 ---- 12 ½ years

Ques 19. A sum of money becomes double itself in 8 years at simple interest. How many
times will it become 10 years at the same rate?
A. 2 ¼
B. 4 ¼
C. 5 ¼
D. None

Answer: Option A
P ---- 2P ---- 8 years
2 1/4 P ---- 10 years

Ques 20. A part of certain sum of money is invested at 9% per annum and the rest at 12%
per annum, if the interest earned in each case for the same period is equal, then ratio of
the sums invested is?
A. 2:3
B. 3:4
C. 4:3
D. None

Answer: Option C
= 4:3

Ques 21. The equal amounts of money are deposited in two banks each at 15% per annum
for 3.5 years and 5 years respectively. If the difference between their interests is Rs.144,
find the each sum?
A. Rs.3467
B. Rs.640
C. Rs.500
D. None

Answer: Option B
(P*5*15)/100 - (P*3.5*15)/100 = 144
75P/100 – 52.5P/100 = 144
22.5P = 144 * 100

Marine Republic
P = Rs.640

Ques 22. Find the compound interest and the amount on Rs.8000 at 5% per annum for 3
years when C.I is reckoned yearly?
A. Rs.1261
B. Rs.1440
C. Rs.1185
D. Rs.1346

Answer: Option A
A = 8000(21/20)3
= 9261
= 8000

Ques 23. If Rs.7500 are borrowed at C.I at the rate of 4% per annum, then after 2 years
the amount to be paid is?
A. Rs.8082
B. Rs.7800
C. Rs.8100
D. Rs.8112

Answer: Option D
A = 7500(26/25)2 = 8112

Ques 24. Rs.8000 become Rs.9261 in a certain interval of time at the rate of 5% per
annum of C.I. Find the time?
A. 4 years
B. 6 years
C. 2 years
D. 3 years

Answer: Option D
9261 = 8000(21/20)N
(21/20)3 = (21/20)N => N = 3

Marine Republic
Ques 25. At the end of three years what will be the compound interest at the rate of 10%
p.a. on an amount of Rs.20000?
A. Rs.6620
B. Rs.6500
C. Rs.6800
D. Rs.6400

Answer: Option A
A = 20000(11/10)3
= 26620
= 20000

Ques 26. The difference between compound and simple interest on a certain sum of
money for 3 years at 6 2/3% p.a is Rs.184. Find the sum?
A. Rs.12000
B. Rs.14200
C. Rs.17520
D. Rs.13500

Answer: Option D
P = (184*106) / [6 2/3 * 6 2/3 *(300*6 2/3)]
P = 13500

Ques 27. A sum of money is put out at compound interest for 2 years at 20%. It would
fetch Rs.482 more if the interest were payable half-yearly, then it were pay able yearly.
Find the sum.
A. Rs.4000
B. Rs.1000
C. Rs.1250
D. Rs.2000

Answer: Option D
P(11/10)4 - P(6/5)2 = 482
P = 2000

Marine Republic
Ques 28. Find the sum The difference between the compound and S.I. on a certain sum of
money for 2 years at 10% per annum is Rs.15of money?
A. 1500
B. 1800
C. 2100
D. 1950

Answer: Option A
P = 15(100/10)2 => P = 1500

Ques 29. What sum of money put at C.I amounts in 2 years to Rs.8820 and in 3 years to
A. Rs.8000
B. Rs.8400
C. Rs.7500
D. None

Answer: Option A
8820 ---- 441
100 ---- ? 5%
x *105/100 * 105/100 = 8820
x=8820/1.1025 => 8000

Ques 30. The difference between simple and compound interests compounded annually
on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Re. 1. The sum (in Rs.) is:
A. 625
B. 630
C. 640
D. 650

Answer: Option A

Ques 31. There is 60% increase in an amount in 6 years at simple interest. What will be
the compound interest of Rs. 12,000 after 3 years at the same rate?
A. Rs. 2160
B. Rs. 3120
C. Rs. 3972

Marine Republic
D. Rs. 6240
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

Ques 32. What amount does Kiran get if he invests Rs.8000 at 10% p.a. compound interest
for two years, compounding done annually?
A. Rs.9630
B. Rs.9680
C. Rs.9610
D. Rs.9650
E. None of these

Answer: Option E
A= P{1 + R/100}n
=> 8000{1 + 10/100}2 = Rs.9680

Ques 33. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years and to Rs. 854
in 4 years. The sum is:
A. Rs. 650
B. Rs. 690
C. Rs. 698
D. Rs. 700

Answer: Option C

Ques 34. Mr. Thomas invested an amount of Rs. 13,900 divided in two different schemes
A and B at the simple interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. respectively. If the total
amount of simple interest earned in 2 years be Rs. 3508, what was the amount invested
in Scheme B?
A. Rs. 6400
B. Rs. 6500
C. Rs. 7200
D. Rs. 7500
E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Ques 35. A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs. 4016.25 at the rate of 9 p.c.p.a. in 5
years. What is the sum?

Marine Republic
A. Rs. 4462.50
B. Rs. 8032.50
C. Rs. 8900
D. Rs. 8925
E. None of these

Answer: Option D

Ques 36. How much time will it take for an amount of Rs. 450 to yield Rs. 81 as interest at
4.5% per annum of simple interest?
A. 3.5 years
B. 4 years
C. 4.5 years
D. 5 years

Answer: Option B

Ques 37. Reena took a loan of Rs. 1200 with simple interest for as many years as the rate
of interest. If she paid Rs. 432 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the
rate of interest?
A. 3.6
B. 6
C. 18
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Answer: Option B

Ques 38. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same
rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years?
A. 1 : 3
B. 1 : 4
C. 2 : 3
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

Ques 39. The compound interest earned by Sunil on a certain amount at the end of two
years at the rate of 8% p.a. was Rs.2828.80. Find the total amount that Sunil got back at
the end of two years in the form of principal plus interest earned.

Marine Republic
A. Rs.18,828.80
B. Rs.19,828.80
C. Rs.18,028.80
D. Rs.17,828.80
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the sum be Rs.P
P{ [ 1 + 8/100]2 - 1 } = 2828.80
P(8/100)(2 + 8/100) = 2828.80 [a2 - b2 = (a - b) ( a + b)] P = 2828.80 / (0.08)(2.08) =
1360/0.08 = 17000 Principal + Interest = Rs. 19828.80


Ques 1. The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of first six is 10.5 and that of
the last six is 11.4 the sixth number is?
A. 11.0
B. 11.3
C. 11.4
D. 11.5

Answer: Option D
1 to 11 = 11 * 10.9 = 119.9
1 to 6 = 6 * 10.5 = 63
6 to 11 = 6 * 11.4 = 68.4
63 + 68.4 = 131.4 – 119.9 = 11.5

Ques 2. The average of first ten prime numbers which are odd is?
A. 12.9
B. 13.8
C. 17
D. 15.8

Answer: Option D
Sum of first 10 prime no. which are odd = 158
Average = 158/10 = 15.8

Marine Republic
Ques 3. The average of first 10 natural numbers is?
A. 5
B. 5.5
C. 6.5
D. 6

Answer: Option B
Sum of 10 natural no. = 110/2 = 55
Average = 55/10 = 5.5

Ques 4. The average of first 10 odd numbers is?

A. 11
B. 10
C. 17
D. 9

Answer: Option B
Sum of 10 odd no. = 100
Average = 100/10 = 10

Ques 5. The average age of three boys is 15 years and their ages are in proportion 3:5:7.
What is the age in years of the youngest boy?
A. 15
B. 9
C. 18
D. 21

Answer: Option B
3x + 5x + 7x = 45
x =3
3x = 9

Ques 6. The average of 1st 3 of 4 numbers is 16 and of the last 3 are 15. If the sum of the
first and the last number is 13. What is the last numbers?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 5
D. 2

Marine Republic
Answer: Option C
A + B + C = 48
B + C + D = 45
A + D = 13
A–D= 3
A + D = 13
2D = 10

Ques 7. The average of 9 observations was 9, that of the 1st of 5 being 10 and that of the
last 5 being 8. What was the 5th observation?
A. 9
B. 8
C. 7
D. 6

Answer: Option A
1 to 9 = 9 * 9 = 81
1 to 5 = 5 * 10 = 50
5 to 9 = 5 * 8 = 40
5th = 50 + 40 = 90 – 81 = 9

Ques 8. The average of 10 numbers is calculated as 15. It is discovered later on that while
calculating the average, one number namely 36 was wrongly read as 26. The correct
average is?
A. 12.4
B. 14
C. 16
D. 18.6

Answer: Option C
10 * 15 + 36 – 26 = 160/10 = 16

Ques 9. The average age of 8 men increases by 2 years when two women are included in
place of two men of ages 20 and 24 years. Find the average age of the women?
A. 36 years
B. 24 years
C. 30 years

Marine Republic
D. 18 years

Answer: Option C
20 + 24 + 8 * 2 = 60/2 = 30

Ques 10. The average salary of workers in an industry is Rs.200 the average salary of
technicians being Rs.400 and that of non-technicians being Rs.125. What is the total
number of workers?
A. 250
B. 275
C. 550
D. 400

Answer: Option C

Ques 11. A team of eight entered for a shooting competition. The best marks man scored
85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average scores for. The team would have been
84. How many points altogether did the team score?
A. 625
B. 665
C. 632
D. 656

Answer: Option B
8 * 84 = 672 – 7 = 665

Ques 12. The average of 13 numbers is 60. Average of the first 7 of them is 57 and that of
the last 7 is 61. Find the 8th number?
A. 46
B. 32
C. 68
D. 51

Answer: Option A
Sum of all the 13 numbers = 13 * 60 = 780
Sum of the first 7 of them = 7 * 57 = 399
Sum of the last 7 of them = 7 * 61 = 427
So, the 8th number = 427 + 399 - 780 = 46.

Marine Republic
Ques 13. A batsman makes a score of 64 runs in the 16th innings and thus increased his
average by 3. Find his average after the 16th inning?
A. 17
B. 29
C. 18
D. 19

Answer: Option D
Let the average after the 16th inning be P.
So, the average after the 15th inning will be (P-3) Hence, 15(P-30) + 64 = 16P => P = 19.

Ques 14. The average marks of a class of 30 students is 40 and that of another class of 50
students is 60. Find the average marks of all the students?
A. 50
B. 47.5
C. 59
D. 52.5

Answer: Option D
Sum of the marks for the class of 30 students = 30 * 40 = 1200
Sum of the marks for the class of 50 students = 50 * 60 = 3000
Sum of the marks for the class of 80 students =
1200 + 3000 = 4200
Average marks of all the students = 4200/80 = 52.5

Ques 15. A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5
consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an
average sale of Rs. 6500?
A. Rs. 4991
B. Rs. 5991
C. Rs. 6001
D. Rs. 6991

Answer: Option A

Ques 16. The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be
greater than zero?
A. 0
B. 1

Marine Republic
C. 10
D. 19

Answer: Option D

Ques 17. In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be
the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 runs?
A. 6.25
B. 6.5
C. 6.75
D. 7

Answer: Option A

Ques 18. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes
in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?
A. 76 kg
B. 76.5 kg
C. 85 kg
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

Ques 19. The average salary of a person for the months of January, February, March and
April is Rs.8000 and that for the months February, March, April and May is Rs.8500. If his
salary for the month of May is Rs.6500, find his salary for the month of January?
A. 3000
B. 2500
C. 4500
D. 5000

Answer: Option C
Sum of the salaries of the person for the months of January, February, March and April =
4 * 8000 = 32000 ----(1)
Sum of the salaries of the person for the months of February, March, April and May = 4 *
8500 = 34000 ----(2)
(2)-(1) i.e. May - Jan = 2000
Salary of May is Rs.6500
Salary of January = Rs.4500

Marine Republic
Profit, Loss & Percentage

Ques 1. A cycle is bought for Rs.900 and sold for Rs.1080, find the gain percent?
A. 16 2/3%
B. 20%
C. 18%
D. 25%

Answer: Option B
900 ---- 180
100 ---- ? 20%

Ques 2. An article is bought for Rs.675 and sold for Rs.900, find the gain percent?
A. 16 2/3%
B. 30%
C. 33 1/3%
D. 33 1/6%

Answer: Option C
675 ---- 225
100 ---- ? 33 1/3%

Ques 3. An article is bought for Rs.600 and sold for Rs.500, find the loss percent?
A. 16 4/3%
B. 100/3%
C. 16%
D. 16 2/3%

Answer: Option D
600 ---- 100
100 ---- ? => 16 2/3%

Ques 4. A watch was sold at a loss of 10%. If it was sold for Rs.140 more, there would
have been a gain of 4%. What is the cost price?

Marine Republic
A. Rs.1000
B. Rs.1140
C. Rs.860
D. Rs.760

Answer: Option A
14% ---- 140
100% ---- ? Rs.1000

Ques 5. The sale price sarees listed for Rs.400 after successive discount is 10% and 5% is?
A. Rs.357
B. Rs.340
C. Rs.342
D. Rs.338

Answer: Option C
400*(90/100)*(95/100) = 342

Ques 6. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the
profit is 25%, then the value of x is:
A. 15
B. 16
C. 18
D. 25

Answer: Option B

Ques 7. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but
the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is
the profit?
A. 30%
B. 70%
C. 100%
D. 250%

Marine Republic
Answer: Option B

Ques 8. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to
gain 20%?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Answer: Option C

Ques 9. Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more
than the other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by
them are:
A. 39, 30
B. 41, 32
C. 42, 33
D. 43, 34

Answer: Option C

Ques 10. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples.
Originally, he had:
A. 588 apples
B. 600 apples
C. 672 apples
D. 700 apples

Answer: Option D

Ques 11. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit?
A. 1
B. 14
C. 20
D. 21

Answer: Option C

Ques 12. The list price of an article is Rs.65. A customer pays Rs.56.16 for it. He was given
two successive discounts, one of them being 10%. The other discount is?
A. 3%
B. 4%

Marine Republic
C. 5%
D. 6%

Answer: Option B
65*(90/100)*((100-x)/100) = 56.16
x = 4%

Ques 13. A single discount equivalent to the discount series of 20%, 10% and 5% is?
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 31.6%
D. 33.5%

Answer: Option C
100*(80/100)*(90/100)*(95/100) = 68.4
100 - 68.4 = 31.6

Ques 14. What profit percent is made by selling an article at a certain price, if by selling at
2/3rd of that price, there would be a loss of 20%?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 13 1/30%
D. 12%

Answer: Option A
SP 2 = 2/3 SP 1
CP = 100
SP 2 = 80
2/3 SP 1 = 80
SP 1 = 120
100 --- 20 20%

Ques 15. A trader bought a car at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at a 40%
increase on the price he bought it. What percent of profit did he make on the original
A. 10%

Marine Republic
B. 11%
C. 12%
D. 15%

Answer: Option C
Original price = 100
CP = 80
S = 80*(140/100) = 112
100 - 112 = 12%

Ques 16. A man sells a horse for Rs.800 and loses something, if he had sold it for Rs.980,
his gain would have been double the former loss. Find the cost price of the horse?
A. Rs.900
B. Rs.875
C. Rs.850
D. Rs.860

Answer: Option D
CP = SP + 1CP = SP - g
800 + x = 980 - 2x
3x = 180 x = 60
CP = 800 + 60 = 860

Ques 17. If a man lost 4% by selling oranges at the rate of 12 a rupee at how many a rupee
must he sell them to gain 44%?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10

Answer: Option B
96% ---- 12
144% ---- ?
96/144 * 12 = 8

Marine Republic
Ques 18. By selling 150 mangoes, a fruit-seller gains the selling price of 30 mangoes. Find
the gain percent?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 18%
D. 30%

Answer: Option B
SP = CP + g
150 SP = 150 CP + 30 SP
120 SP = 150 CP
120 --- 30 CP
100 --- ? => 25%

Ques 19. A, B and C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture. It was
agreed that A would invest Rs. 6500 for 6 months, B, Rs. 8400 for 5 months and C, Rs.
10,000 for 3 months. A wants to be the working member for which, he was to receive
5% of the profits. The profit earned was Rs. 7400. Calculate the share of B in the profit.
A. Rs. 1900
B. Rs. 2660
C. Rs. 2800
D. Rs. 2840

Answer: Option B

Ques 20. A, B, C subscribe Rs. 50,000 for a business. A subscribes Rs. 4000 more than B
and B Rs. 5000 more than C. Out of a total profit of Rs. 35,000, A receives:
A. Rs. 8400
B. Rs. 11,900
C. Rs. 13,600
D. Rs. 14,700

Answer: Option D

Ques 21. A tradesman by means of his false balance defrauds to the extent of 20%? in
buying goods as well as by selling the goods. What percent does he gain on his outlay?
A. 20%
B. 45%
C. 44%
D. 48%

Marine Republic
Answer: Option C
g% = 20 + 20 + (20*20)/100
= 44%

Ques 22. A dishonest dealer professes to sell goods at the cost price but uses a weight of
800 grams per kg, what is his percent?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 30%
D. 15%

Answer: Option B
800 --- 200
100 --- ? => 25%

Ques 23. Ram professes to sell his goods at the cost price but he made use of 900 grms
instead of a kg, what is the gain percent?
A. 11%
B. 11 2/9%
C. 11 1/9%
D. 10%

Answer: Option C
900 --- 100
100 --- ? 11 1/9%

Ques 24. A man purchases 8 pens for Rs.9 and sells 9 pens for Rs.8, how much profit or
loss does he make?
A. 20.98% profit
B. 20.98% loss
C. 20.89% profit
D. 20.89% loss

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
81 ---- 17
100 ----- ? 20.98%loss

Ques 25. I bought two books; for Rs.480. I sold one at a loss of 15% and other at a gain of
19% and then I found each book was sold at the same price. Find the cost of the book
sold at a loss?
A. Rs.28
B. Rs.280
C. Rs.140
D. Rs.70

Answer: Option B
x*(85/100) = (480 - x)119/100
x = 280

Ques 26. A man buys an article and sells it at a profit of 20%. If he had bought it at 20%
less and sold it for Rs.75 less, he could have gained 25%. What is the cost price?
A. Rs.370
B. Rs.375
C. Rs.350
D. Rs.300

Answer: Option B
CP 1 = 100 SP 1 = 120
CP 2 = 80 SP 2 = 80 * (125/100) = 100
20 ----- 100
75 ----- ? => 375

Ques 27. A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 10%. If he had bought it for
20% less and sold it for Rs.75 less, he could have gained 25%. What is the cost price?
A. Rs.250

Marine Republic
B. Rs.225
C. Rs.275
D. Rs.200

Answer: Option A
CP 1 = 100 SP 1 = 90
CP 2 = 80 SP 2 = 80 * (140/100) = 112
22 ----- 100
55 ----- ? => Rs.250

Ques 28. If goods be purchased for Rs.840 and one-fourth be sold at a loss of 20% at what
gain percent should the remainder be sold so as to gain 20% on the whole transaction?
A. 30%
B. 33%
C. 33 1/3%
D. 35%

Answer: Option C
1/4 CP = 210 SP = 21*(80/100) = 168
SP = 840*(120/100) = 1008
1008 - 168 = 840
3/4 SP = 630
Gain = 210
630 --- 210
100 --- ? => 33 1/3%

Ques 29. Oranges are bought at 11 for a rupee and an equal number more at 9 a rupee. If
these are sold at 10 for a rupee, find the loss or gain percent?
A. 1% gain
B. 2% gain
C. 1% loss
D. 2% loss

Answer: Option C

Ques 30. A mixture of 150 liters of wine and water contains 20% water. How much more
water should be added so that water becomes 25% of the new mixture?
A. 7 liters

Marine Republic
B. 15 liters
C. 10 liters
D. 9 liters

Answer: Option C
Number of liters of water in150 liters of the mixture = 20% of 150 = 20/100 * 150 = 30
P liters of water added to the mixture to make water 25% of the new mixture.
Total amount of water becomes (30 + P) and total volume of mixture is (150 + P).
(30 + P) = 25/100 * (150 + P)
120 + 4P = 150 + P => P = 10 liters.

Simple Equations

Ques 1. Solve the equation for x : 6x - 27 + 3x = 4 + 9 - x

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. -4
E. None of these

Answer: Option A
9 x + x = 13 + 27
10 x = 40 => x = 4

Ques 2. Solve the equation for x : 19(x + y) + 17 = 19(-x + y) - 21

A. -1
B. -2
C. -3
D. -4
E. None of these

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
19x + 19y + 17 = -19x + 19y - 21
38x = -38 => x = -1

Ques 3. The cost of 2 chairs and 3 tables is Rs.1300. The cost of 3 chairs and 2 tables is
Rs.1200. The cost of each table is more than that of each chair by?
A. Rs.70
B. Rs.75
C. Rs.50
D. Rs.60
E. None of these

Answer: Option E
2C + 3T = 1300 --- (1)
3C + 3T = 1200 --- (2)
Subtracting 2nd from 1st, we get
-C + T = 100 => T - C = 100

Ques 4. The denominator of a fraction is 1 less than twice the numerator. If the
numerator and denominator are both increased by 1, the fraction becomes 3/5. Find
the fraction?
A. 2/3
B. 3/5
C. 4/7
D. 5/9
E. None of these

Answer: Option D
Let the numerator and denominator of the fraction be 'n' and 'd' respectively.
d = 2n - 1
(n + 1)/(d + 1) = 3/5
5n + 5 = 3d + 3
5n + 5 = 3(2n - 1) + 3 => n = 5
d = 2n - 1 => d = 9
Hence the fraction is : 5/9.

Marine Republic
Ques 5. The cost of 10 kg of apples is equal to the cost of 24 kg of rice. The cost of 6 kg of
flour equals the cost of 2 kg of rice. The cost of each kg of flour is Rs.20.50. Find the total
cost of 4 kg of apples, 3 kg of rice and 5 kg of flour?
A. Rs.849.40
B. Rs.877.40
C. Rs.901.60
D. Rs.815.20
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the costs of each kg of apples and each kg of rice be Rs.a and Rs.r respectively.
10a = 24r and 6 * 20.50 = 2r
a = 12/5 r and r = 61.5
a = 147.6
Required total cost = 4 * 147.6 + 3 * 61.5 + 5 * 20.5
= 590.4 + 184.5 + 102.5 = Rs.877.40

Ques 6. The tens digit of a two-digit number is two more than its unit digit. The two-digit
number is 7 times the sum of the digits. Find the units digits?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the two-digit number be 10a + b
a = b + 2 --- (1)
10a + b = 7(a + b) => a = 2b
Substituting a = 2b in equation (1), we get
2b = b + 2 => b = 2
Hence the units digit is: 2.

Ques 7. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. The difference of the digits is 6.
Find the number?
A. 93
B. 39
C. 75

Marine Republic
D. 48
E. Either (a) or (b)

Answer: Option E
Let the two-digit number be 10a + b
a + b = 12 --- (1)
If a>b, a - b = 6
If b>a, b - a = 6
If a - b = 6, adding it to equation (1), we get
2a = 18 => a =9
so b = 12 - a = 3
Number would be 93.
if b - a = 6, adding it to the equation (1), we get
2b = 18 => b = 9
a = 12 - b = 3.
Number would be 39.
There fore, Number would be 39 or 93.

Ques 8. In a series of six consecutive even numbers, the sum of the second and sixth
numbers is 24. What is the fourth number?
A. 8
B. 12
C. 6
D. 14
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the numbers be x, x + 2, x + 4, x + 6, x + 8 and x + 10.
Given (x + 2) + (x + 10) = 24
=> 2x + 12 = 24 => x = 6
The fourth number = x + 6 = 6 + 6 = 12.

Ques 9. The sum of five consecutive even numbers of set x is 440. Find the sum of a
different set of five consecutive integers whose second least number is 121 less than
double the least number of set x?
A. 248
B. 240

Marine Republic
C. 228
D. 236
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the five consecutive even numbers be 2(x - 2), 2(x - 1), 2x, 2(x + 1) and 2(x + 2)
Their sum = 10x = 440
x = 44 => 2(x - 2) = 84
Second least number of the other set = 2(84) - 121 = 47
This set has its least number as 46.
Sum of the numbers of this set = 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 + 50
= 48 - 2 + 48 - 1 + 48 + 48 + 1 + 48 + 2 => 5(48) = 240

Ques 10. The sum of ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years.
What is the age of the youngest child?
A. 4 years
B. 8 years
C. 10 years
D. None of these

Answer: Option A

Ques 11. A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at the present at the time of
your birth". If the father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five years back was:
A. 14 years
B. 19 years
C. 33 years
D. 38 years

Answer: Option A

Ques 12. Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three
years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. What is Anand's
present age in years?
A. 24
B. 27
C. 40
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Marine Republic
Answer: Option A

Ques 13. Ayesha's father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36
years old when her brother four years younger to her was born. What is the difference
between the ages of her parents?
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years

Answer: Option C

Ques 14. A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will
be one-half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?
A. 32 years
B. 36 years
C. 40 years
D. 48 years

Answer: Option C

Ques 15. A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes
and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the
total number of notes that he has ?
A. 45
B. 60
C. 75
D. 90

Answer: Option D

Ques 16. There are two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B,
then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B
to A, then the number of students in A is double the number of students in B. The
number of students in room A is:
A. 20
B. 80
C. 100
D. 200

Answer: Option C

Marine Republic
Ques 17. The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of 4 tables. The price of 15 chairs and 2
tables together is Rs. 4000. The total price of 12 chairs and 3 tables is:
A. Rs. 3500
B. Rs. 3750
C. Rs. 3840
D. Rs. 3900

Answer: Option D

Ques 18. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a
day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

Answer: Option D

Ques 19. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of
270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce
in 4 minutes?
A. 648
B. 1800
C. 2700
D. 10800

Answer: Option B

Ques 20. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of a two-digit number is
less than the original number by 45. If the sum of the two digits of the number so
obtained is 13, then what is the original number?
A. 49
B. 94
C. 83
D. Either (a) or (b)
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
Let the number be in the form of 10a + b
Number formed by interchanging a and b = 10b + a.
a + b = 13 --- (1)

Marine Republic
10b + a = 10a + b - 45
45 = 9a - 9b => a - b = 5 --- (2)
Adding (1) and (2), we get
2a = 18 => a = 9 and b = 4
The number is: 94.

Probability and Permutation & Combination

Ques 1. A boy has nine trousers and 12 shirts. In how many different ways can he select a
trouser and a shirt?
A. 21
B. 12
C. 9
D. 108
E. 101

Answer: Option D
The boy can select one trouser in nine ways.
The boy can select one shirt in 12 ways.
The number of ways in which he can select one trouser and one shirt is 9 * 12 = 108

Ques 2. How many three letter words are formed using the letters of the word TIME?
A. 12
B. 20
C. 16
D. 24
E. 30

Answer: Option D
The number of letters in the given word is four.
The number of three letter words that can be formed using these four letters is ⁴P₃ = 4 *
3 * 2 = 24.

Marine Republic
Ques 3. Using all the letters of the word "THURSDAY", how many different words can be
A. 8
B. 8!
C. 7!
D. 7
E. 6!

Answer: Option B
Total number of letters = 8
Using these letters the number of 8 letters words formed is ⁸P₈ = 8!.

Ques 4. Using all the letters of the word "NOKIA", how many words can be formed,
which begin with N and end with A?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 24
D. 120
E. 12

Answer: Option B
There are five letters in the given word.
Consider 5 blanks ....
The first blank and last blank must be filled with N and A all the remaining three blanks
can be filled with the remaining 3 letters in 3! ways.
The number of words = 3! = 6.

Ques 5. The number of arrangements that can be made with the letters of the word
MEADOWS so that the vowels occupy the even places?
A. 720
B. 144
C. 120
D. 36
E. 204

Answer: Option B
The word MEADOWS has 7 letters of which 3 are vowels.

Marine Republic
As the vowels have to occupy even places, they can be arranged in the 3 even places in
3! i.e., 6 ways. While the consonants can be arranged among themselves in the
remaining 4 places in 4! i.e., 24 ways.
Hence the total ways are 24 * 6 = 144.

Ques 6. The number of permutations of the letters of the word 'MESMERISE' is_.
A. 9!/(2!)2 3!
B. 9!/(2!)3 3!
C. 9!/(2!)2 (3!)2
D. 5!/(2!)2 3!
E. 8!/(2!)2 (3!)2

Answer: Option A
n items of which p are alike of one kind, q alike of the other, r alike of another kind and
the remaining are distinct can be arranged in a row in n!/p!q!r! ways.
The letter pattern 'MESMERISE' consists of 10 letters of which there are 2M's, 3E's, 2S's
and 1I and 1R.
Number of arrangements = 9!/(2!)2 3!

Ques 7. A committee has 5 men and 6 women. What are the number of ways of selecting
2 men and 3 women from the given committee?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 250
D. 300
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
The number of ways to select two men and three women = ⁵C₂ * ⁶C₃
= (5 *4 )/(2 * 1) * (6 * 5 * 4)/(3 * 2)
= 200

Ques 8. What are the number of ways to select 3 men and 2 women such that one man
and one woman are always selected?
A. 100
B. 60
C. 30
D. 20

Marine Republic
E. None of these

Answer: Option C
The number of ways to select three men and two women such that one man and one
woman are always selected = Number of ways selecting two men and one woman from
men and five women
= ⁴C₂ * ⁵C₁ = (4 * 3)/(2 * 1) * 5
= 30 ways.

Ques 9. There are 18 stations between Hyderabad and Bangalore. How many second
class tickets have to be printed, so that a passenger can travel from any station to any
other station?
A. 200
B. 190
C. 95
D. 100
E. 380

Answer: Option E
The total number of stations = 20
From 20 stations we have to choose any two stations and the direction of travel (i.e.,
Hyderabad to Bangalore is different from Bangalore to Hyderabad) in ²⁰P₂ ways.
²⁰P₂ = 20 * 19 = 380.

Ques 10. A letter lock consists of three rings each marked with six different letters. The
number of distinct unsuccessful attempts to open the lock is at the most -.
A. 216
B. 243
C. 215
D. 729
E. 728

Answer: Option C
Since each ring consists of six different letters, the total number of attempts possible
with the three rings is = 6 * 6 * 6 = 216. Of these attempts, one of them is a successful
Maximum number of unsuccessful attempts = 216 - 1 = 215.

Marine Republic
Ques 11. The number of ways in which six boys and six girls can be seated in a row for a
photograph so that no two girls sit together is -.
A. (6!)2
B. 6! * ⁷P₆
C. 2(6!)
D. 6! * 7
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
We can initially arrange the six boys in 6! ways.
Having done this, now three are seven places and six girls to be arranged. This can be
done in ⁷P₆ ways.
Hence required number of ways = 6! * ⁷P₆

Ques 12. How many four digit numbers can be formed using the digits {1, 3, 4, 5,
7,9}(repetition of digits is not allowed)?
A. 360
B. 60
C. 300
D. 180
E. 240

Answer: Option A
The given digits are six.
The number of four digit numbers that can be formed using six digits is ⁶P₄ = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3
= 360.

Ques 13. In how many ways can six members be selected from a group of ten members?
A. ⁶C₄
B. ¹⁰C₄
C. ¹⁰C₅
D. ¹⁰P₄
E. ¹⁰P₅

Answer: Option B
Six members can be selected from ten members in
¹⁰C₆ = ¹⁰C₄ ways.

Marine Republic
Ques 14. The probability that a number selected at random from the first 50 natural
numbers is a composite number is -.
A. 21/25
B. 17/25
C. 4/25
D. 8/25
E. 9/25

Answer: Option B
The number of exhaustive events = ⁵⁰C₁ = 50.
We have 15 primes from 1 to 50.
Number of favourable cases are 34.
Required probability = 34/50 = 17/25.

Ques 15. A coin is tossed five times. What is the probability that there is at the least one
A. 31/32
B. 1/16
C. ½
D. 1/32
E. None of thes3e

Answer: Option A
Let P(T) be the probability of getting least one tail when the coin is tossed five times.
= There is not even a single tail.
i.e. all the outcomes are heads.
= 1/32 ; P(T) = 1 - 1/32 = 31/32

Ques 16. If a number is chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3, ...., 100}, then the
probability that the chosen number is a perfect cube is -.
A. 1/25
B. ½
C. 4/13
D. 1/10
E. 9/13

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
We have 1, 8, 27 and 64 as perfect cubes from 1 to 100.
Thus, the probability of picking a perfect cube is
4/100 = 1/25.

Ques 17. Out of first 20 natural numbers, one number is selected at random. The
probability that it is either an even number or a prime number is -.
A. ½
B. 16/19
C. 4/5
D. 17/20
E. 3/5

Answer: Option D
n(S) = 20
n(Even no) = 10 = n(E)
n(Prime no) = 8 = n(P)
P(EᴜP) = 10/20 + 8/20 - 1/20 = 17/20

Ques 18. If two dice are thrown together, the probability of getting an even number on
one die and an odd number on the other is -.
A. ¼
B. ½
C. ¾
D. 3/5
E. None of these

Answer: Option B
The number of exhaustive outcomes is 36.
Let E be the event of getting an even number on one die and an odd number on the
other. Let the event of getting either both even or both odd then = 18/36 = 1/2
P(E) = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2.

Ques 19. If four coins are tossed, the probability of getting two heads and two tails is -.
A. 3/8
B. 6/11
C. 2/5
D. 4/5
E. 5/11

Marine Republic
Answer: Option A
Since four coins are tossed, sample space = 24
Getting two heads and two tails can happen in six ways.
n(E) = six ways
p(E) = 6/24 = 3/8

Ques 20. If a card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of cards, the probability of drawing a
spade or a king is -.
A. 19/52
B. 17/52
C. 5/13
D. 4/13
E. 9/26

Answer: Option D
P(SᴜK) = P(S) + P(K) - P(S∩K), where S denotes spade and K denotes king.
P(SᴜK) = 13/52 + 4/52 - 1/52 = 4/13

Ques 21. If six persons sit in a row, then the probability that three particular persons are
always together is -.
A. 1/20
B. 3/10
C. 1/5
D. 4/5
E. 2/5

Answer: Option C
Six persons can be arranged in a row in 6! ways. Treat the three persons to sit together
as one unit then there four persons and they can be arranged in 4! ways. Again three
persons can be arranged among them selves in 3! ways. Favourable outcomes = 3!4!
Required probability = 3!4!/6! = 1/5

Ques 22. A bag contains 7 green and 8 white balls. If two balls are drawn simultaneously,
the probability that both are of the same colour is -.
A. 8/15
B. 2/5

Marine Republic
C. 3/5
D. 11/15
E. 7/15

Answer: Option E
Drawing two balls of same color from seven green balls can be done in ⁷C₂ ways.
Similarly from eight white balls two can be drawn in ⁸C₂ ways.
P = ⁷C₂/¹⁵C₂ + ⁸C₂/¹⁵C₂ = 7/15

Ques 23. A basket has 5 apples and 4 oranges. Three fruits are picked at random. The
probability that at least 2 apples are picked is -.
A. 25/42
B. 9/20
C. 10/23
D. 41/42
E. 1/42

Answer: Option A
Total fruits = 9
Since there must be at least two apples,
(⁵C₂ * ⁴C₁)/⁹C₃ + ⁵C₃/⁹C₃ = 25/42.

River and Current Related

Ques 1. A person can swim in still water at 4 km/h. If the speed of water 2 km/h, how
many hours will the man take to swim back against the current for 6km?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 4 (1/2)
D. Insufficient data

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
US = 4 - 2 = 2
T = 6/2 = 3

Ques 2. A boat goes 100 km downstream in 10 hours, and 75 m upstream in 15 hours.

The speed of the stream is?
A. 7 km/h
B. 5 km/h
C. 3 km/h
D. 2 (1/2) km/h

Answer: Option D
100 --- 10 DS = 10
? ---- 1
75 ---- 15 US = 5
? ----- 1 S = (10 - 5)/2
= 2 2 ½ kmph

Ques 3. A man can row his boat with the stream at 6 km/h and against the stream in 4
km/h. The man's rate is?
A. 1 kmph
B. 5 kmph
C. 8 kmph
D. 3 kmph

Answer: Option A
DS = 6
US = 4
S = (6 - 4)/2 = 1 kmph

Ques 4. A man can swim in still water at 4.5 km/h, but takes twice as long to swim
upstream than downstream. The speed of the stream is?
A. 3
B. 7.5
C. 2.25

Marine Republic
D. 1.5

Answer: Option D
M = 4.5
DS = 4.5 + x
US = 4.5 + x
4.5 + x = (4.5 - x)2
4.5 + x = 9 -2x
3x = 4.5
x = 1.5

Ques 5. A man can row upstream at 25 kmph and downstream at 35 kmph, and then find
the speed of the man in still water?
A. 60 kmph
B. 10 kmph
C. 30 kmph
D. 5 kmph

Answer: Option C
US = 25
DS = 35
M = (35 + 25)/2 = 30

Ques 6. A boat can move upstream at 25 kmph and downstream at 35 kmph, then the
speed of the current is?
A. 5 kmph
B. 10 kmph
C. 30 kmph
D. 15 kmph

Answer: Option A
US = 25
DS = 35
M = (35 - 25)/2 = 5

Marine Republic
Ques 7. A man swims downstream 30 km and upstream 18 km taking 3 hours each time,
what is the speed of the man in still water?
A. 2 kmph
B. 8 kmph
C. 16 kmph
D. 4 kmph

Answer: Option B
30 --- 3 DS = 10
? ---- 1
18 ---- 3 US = 6
? ---- 1 M=?
M = (10 + 6)/2 = 8

Ques 8. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 kmph. A boat goes 6 km and back to
the starting point in 2 hours, then find the speed of the boat in still water?
A. 10 kmph
B. 21 kmph
C. 8 kmph
D. 12 kmph

Answer: Option C
DS = x + 4
US = x - 4
6/(x + 4) + 6/(x - 4) = 2

Ques 9. A man whose speed is 4.5 kmph in still water rows to a certain upstream point
and back to the starting point in a river which flows at 1.5 kmph, find his average speed
for the total journey?
A. 8 kmph
B. 4 kmph
C. 2 kmph
D. 10 kmph

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
M = 45
S = 1.5
DS = 6
US = 3
AS = (2 * 6 * 3) /9 = 4

Ques 10. A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the
stream is 4 km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68 km downstream.
A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours

Answer: Option C

Ques 11. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5
km/hr. The man's speed against the current is:
A. 8.5 km/hr
B. 9 km/hr
C. 10 km/hr
D. 12.5 km/hr

Answer: Option C

Ques 12. A boat running upstream takes 8 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain distance,
while it takes 4 hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is the ratio
between the speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively?
A. 2 : 1
B. 3 : 2
C. 8 : 3
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Answer: Option C

Ques 13. A motorboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream
and comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes. The speed of the stream (in km/hr) is:
A. 4
B. 5

Marine Republic
C. 6
D. 10

Answer: Option B

Ques 14. The speed of a boat in still water is 60kmph and the speed of the current is
20kmph. Find the speed downstream and upstream?
A. 35, 25 kmph
B. 80, 40 kmph
C. 40, 60 kmph
D. 50, 55 kmph

Answer: Option B
Speed downstream = 60 + 20 = 80 kmph
Speed upstream = 60 - 20 = 40 kmph

Mathematical Reasoning

Ques 1. The area of a triangle is with base 4m and height 5m?

A. 20 sq m
B. 10 sq m
C. 5 sq m
D. 3 sq m

Answer: Option B
1/2 * 4 * 5 = 10 m2

Ques 2. The length of each side of an equilateral triangle having an area of 4√3 cm2 is?
A. 4/3 cm
B. 3/4 cm
C. 3 cm
D. 4 cm

Answer: Option D

Marine Republic
Ques 3. What is the area of a square field whose diagonal of length 20 m?
A. 300 sq m
B. 250 sq m
C. 200 sq m
D. 400 sq m

Answer: Option C
d2/2 = (20 * 20)/2 = 200

Ques 4. What is the perimeter of a square field whose diagonal is 8√2?

A. 64 m
B. 32 m
C. 30 m
D. 16 m

Answer: Option B

4a = 32 m

Ques 5. A man walked 20 m to cross a rectangular field diagonally. If the length of the
field is 16 cm. Find the breadth of the field is?
A. 11 m
B. 12 m
C. 13 m
D. 14 m

Answer: Option B

Ques 6. The side of a rhombus is 26 m and length of one of its diagonals is 20 m. The area
of the rhombus is?
A. 529 sq m
B. 240 sq m
C. 260 sq m
D. 480 sq m

Answer: Option D

Marine Republic
262 – 102 = 242
d 1 = 20 d 2 = 48
1/2 * 20 * 48 = 480

Ques 7. In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of
ground is:
A. 75 cu. M
B. 750 cu. M
C. 7500 cu. M
D. 75000 cu. m

Answer: Option B

Ques 8. A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the
ceiling is equal to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:
A. 720
B. 900
C. 1200
D. 1800

Answer: Option C

Ques 9. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the
thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the pipe is:
A. 3.6 kg
B. 3.696 kg
C. 36 kg
D. 36.9 kg

Answer: Option B

Ques 10. The perimeter of a rhombus is 68 cm and one of its diagonals is 16 cm. Find its
A. 260 cm2
B. 240 cm2
C. 280 cm2
D. 220 cm2

Answer: Option B

Marine Republic
4a = 68 a = 17
172 – 82 = 152
1/2 * 16 * 30 = 240

Ques 11. LCM of 455, 117, 338 is:

A. 10670
B. 106470
C. 104670
D. 107470

Answer: Option B

Ques 12. HCF of 3/16, 5/12, 7/8 is:

A. 2/47
B. 3/47
C. 1/48
D. 5/48

Answer: Option C
HCF of numerators = 1
LCM of denominators = 48
=> 1/48

Ques 13. The product of two digits number is 2160 and their HCF is 12. The numbers are:
A. 36,60)
B. (12,180)
C. (96,25)
D. (72,30)

Answer: Option A

Ques 14. The least number of four digits which is divisible by 4, 6, 8 and 10 is?
A. 1080
B. 1085
C. 1075
D. 1095

Answer: Option A

Marine Republic
LCM = 120
120) 1000 (8
1000 + 120 - 40 = 1080

Ques 15. Which one of the following is not a prime number?

A. 31
B. 61
C. 71
D. 91

Answer: Option D

Ques 16. The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the
smaller, we get 6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number ?
A. 240
B. 270
C. 295
D. 360

Answer: Option B

Ques 17. Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same
remainder in each case.
A. 4
B. 7
C. 9
D. 13

Answer: Option A

Ques 18. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12
seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together ?
A. 4
B. 10
C. 15
D. 16

Marine Republic
Answer: Option D

Ques 19. Let N be the greatest number that will divide 1305, 4665 and 6905, leaving the
same remainder in each case. Then sum of the digits in N is:
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

Answer: Option A

Ques 20. The greatest number of five digits which is divisible by 32, 36, 40, 42 and 48 is:
A. 90730
B. 90725
C. 90715
D. 90720

Answer: Option D
LCM = 10080
10080) 99999 (8
99999 - 9279 = 90720

Ques 21. Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angle of
elevation of the top of the lighthouse is observed from the ships are 30° and 45°
respectively. If the lighthouse is 100 m high, the distance between the two ships is:
A. 173 m
B. 200 m
C. 273 m
D. 300 m

Answer: Option C

Ques 22. The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 60º and the foot of the
ladder is 4.6 m away from the wall. The length of the ladder is:
A. 2.3 m
B. 4.6 m
C. 7.8 m

Marine Republic
D. 9.2 m

Answer: Option D

Ques 23. From a point P on a level ground, the angle of elevation of the top tower is 30º. If
the tower is 100 m high, the distance of point P from the foot of the tower is:
A. 149 m
B. 156 m
C. 173 m
D. 200 m

Answer: Option C

Ques 24. The angle of elevation of the sun, when the length of the shadow of a tree √3
times the height of the tree, is:
A. 30º
B. 5º
C. 60º
D. 90º

Answer: Option A

Ques 25. It was Sunday on Jan 1, 2006. What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2010?
A. Sunday
B. Saturday
C. Friday
D. Wednesday

Answer: Option C

Ques 26. Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be:

A. Wednesday
B. Saturday
C. Tuesday
D. Thursday

Answer: Option B

Ques 27. How many days are there in x weeks x days?

A. 7x2
B. 8x
C. 14x

Marine Republic
D. 7

Answer: Option B

Ques 28. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will
the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
A. 144º
B. 150º
C. 168º
D. 180º

Answer: Option D

Ques 29. The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time
is 4.20, is:
A. 0º
B. 10º
C. 5º
D. 20º

Answer: Option B

Ques 30. How many times are the hands of a clock at right angle in a day?
A. 22
B. 24
C. 44
D. 48

Answer: Option C

Odd one OUT

Ques 1. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Curd
B. Butter
C. Oil

Marine Republic
D. Cheese
E. Cream

Answer: Option C
Hint: Except Oil all others are milk product

Ques 2. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Rose
B. Lotus
C. Marigold
D. Tulip

Answer: Option B
Hint: Lotus grows in water.

Ques 3. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Book
B. Paper
C. Pencil
D. Pen
E. Sharpner

Answer: Option A
Hint: Except Book all others are stationery items

Ques 4. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Geometry
B. Algebra
C. Trigonometry
D. Mathematics
E. Arithmetic

Answer: Option D
Hint: All others are part of Mathematics.

Ques 5. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Copper
B. Tin

Marine Republic
C. Brass
D. Platinum
E. Zinc

Answer: Option C
Hint: Brass is the only alloy in the group

Ques 6. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Carrot
B. Potato
C. Tomato
D. Ginger
E. Beetroot

Answer: Option C
Hint: Except Tomato all others grow underground

Ques 7. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. lake
B. sea
C. river
D. pool
E. pond

Answer: Option B
Hint: Sea is of salt water. All others are not.

Ques 8. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. sun
B. moon
C. stars
D. mars
E. universe

Answer: Option E
Hint: All others are part of Universe

Marine Republic
Ques 9. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. hostel
B. hotel
C. inn
D. club
E. motel

Answer: Option D
Hint: You can’t stay in club

Ques 10. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. wheat
B. mustard
C. rice
D. gram
E. peanut

Answer: Option C
Hint: Rice is not a Rabi crop

Ques 11. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. pineapple
B. orange
C. malta
D. banana
E. lemon

Answer: Option D
Hint: All others are juicy except Banana

Ques 12. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Ear
B. Lung
C. Eye
D. Heart
E. Kidney

Answer: Option D

Marine Republic
Hint: Heart is not in pair

Ques 13. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Tailor
B. Carpenter
C. Blacksmith
D. Barber
E. Engineer

Answer: Option D
Hint: Barber does not require raw material to work

Ques 14. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Whale
B. Dolphin
C. Shark
D. Cod
E. Starfish

Answer: Option A
Hint: Whale is the only mammal

Ques 15. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Goat
B. Dog
C. Sheep
D. Cow
E. Camel

Answer: Option B
Hint: Dog milk cannot be consumed

Ques 16. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Inch
B. Foot
C. Yard
D. Quart

Marine Republic
E. Meter

Answer: Option D
Hint: Quart is not an unit of length

Ques 17. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. X-ray
B. telephone
C. radio
D. computer
E. television

Answer: Option A
Hint: X-ray is not a mode of communication

Ques 18. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Arc
B. Diagonal
C. Tangent
D. Radius
E. Diameter

Answer: Option B
Hint: Diagonal is not related to circle, but others are related.

Ques 19. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Biscuit
B. Chocolate
C. Cake
D. Bread
E. Pastry

Answer: Option B
Hint: Except chocolate all others are baked items

Ques 20. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Listen

Marine Republic
B. Swim
C. Walk
D. Climb
E. Run

Answer: Option A
Hint: Listen is not a physical activity

Ques 21. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Carrot
B. Guava
C. Tomato
D. Pears
E. Brinjal

Answer: Option E
Hint: Brinjal cannot be eaten directly without cooking

Ques 22. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 43
B. 53
C. 63
D. 73
E. 83

Answer: Option C
Hint: 63 is not a prime number

Ques 23. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 51
B. 144
C. 64
D. 121
E. 256

Answer: Option A
Hint: 51 is not a perfect square.

Marine Republic
Ques 24. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 15
B. 21
C. 24
D. 28
E. 30

Answer: Option D
Hint: 28 is not divisible by 3

Ques 25. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 9
E. 7

Answer: Option E
Hint: & is the only prime number

Ques 26. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 11
B. 13
C. 15
D. 17

Answer: Option C
Hint: 15 is not a prime number

Ques 27. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 15
D. 16

Answer: Option B
Hint: 11 is the only prime number

Marine Republic
Ques 28. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 37
B. 49
C. 132
D. 154

Answer: Option A
Hint: 37 is the only prime number

Ques 29. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 21
B. 69
C. 81
D. 83

Answer: Option C
Hint: 81 is the only perfect square

Ques 30. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. 27
B. 37
C. 47
D. 67
E. 17

Answer: Option A
37, 47, 67 and 17 are prime numbers but not 27.

Ques 31. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. 36
B. 49
C. 64
D. 81
E. 100

Answer: Option B
36 = 62, 49 = 72, 64 = 82, 81 = 92 and 100 = 102.

Marine Republic
36, 64, 81 and 100 are squares of composite numbers, but not 49.

Ques 32. Find odd one out : 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21

A. 21
B. 17
C. 14
D. 3

Answer: Option C

Ques 33. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
A. Inch
B. Ounce
C. Centimeter
D. yard

Answer: Option B

Ques 34. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
A. Tyre
B. steering wheel
C. engine
D. car

Answer: Option D

Ques 35. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
A. Leopard
B. Cougar
C. Elephant
D. lion

Answer: Option C

Ques 36. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
A. Cornea
B. Retina
C. Pupil
D. vision

Marine Republic
Answer: Option D

Ques 37. Find odd one out : 396, 462, 572, 427, 671, 264
A. 396
B. 427
C. 671
D. 264

Answer: Option B

Ques 38. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. 4422
B. 2442
C. 4242
D. 2244
E. 4224

Answer: Option C
Except 4242, all other numbers are divisible by 11.

Ques 39. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. 508
B. 328
C. 608
D. 148
E. 706

Answer: Option C
The sum of the digits in 508, 328, 706 and 148 is 13, but not in 608.

Ques 40. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?

Answer: Option D
Cat, Dog, Tiger and Lion are carnivores, while Elephant is a herbivore.

Marine Republic
Ques 41. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. Baseball
B. Boxing
C. Chess
D. Wrestling
E. Squash

Answer: Option A
Boxing, Chess, Wrestling and Squash are individual events, while Baseball is a team

Ques 42. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. Ganga
B. Hirakud
C. Yamuna
D. Sutlej
E. Krishna

Answer: Option B
Ganga, Yamuna, Sutlej and Krishna are rivers, Hirakud is a dam.

Ques 43. Find the one which does not belong to that group ?
A. 30
B. 630
C. 10
D. 520
E. 130

Answer: Option B
30 = 33 + 3, 630 = 54 + 5, 10 = 23 + 2, 520 = 83 + 8 and 130 = 53 + 5.
30, 10, 130 and 520 can be expressed as n3 + n but not 630.

Series Completion

Marine Republic
Ques 1. Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ... What number should come next?
A. 7
B. 10
C. 12
D. 13

Answer: Option B

Hint: Alternate numbers are in sequence

Ques 2. Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ... What number should come next?
A. 22
B. 24
C. 25
D. 26

Answer: Option C

Hint: Alternate numbers are in sequence

Ques 3. Complete the series: 5, 7, 12, 19, ……., 39.

A. 29
B. 28
C. 26
D. 24

Answer: Option B

Ques 4. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ……

A. 35
B. 36
C. 48
D. 49

Answer: Option B

Hint: Square of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Ques 5. 20, 19, 17, ……., 10, 5

A. 12

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B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

Answer: Option C

Hint: Pattern is -1, -2, -3,…..Therefore 17-3 = 14

Ques 6. 1, 6, 13, 22, 33, ……

A. 44
B. 45
C. 46
D. 47

Answer: Option C

Hint: Pattern is +5, +7, +9, +11, ….Therefore 33+13=46

Ques 7. 3, 9, 27, 81, …..

A. 324
B. 243
C. 210
D. 162

Answer: Option B

Hint: Every term is multiplied by 3. Therefore 81*3=243

Ques 8. 1, 9, 17, 33, 49, 73, ……

A. 97
B. 98
C. 99
D. 100

Answer: Option A

Hint: Pattern is +8, +8, +16, +16, +24, +24…….Therefore 73+24=97

Ques 9. 2, 5, 9, ……, 20, 27

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A. 14
B. 16
C. 18
D. 24

Answer: Option A

Hint: Pattern is +3, +4, +5, +6,…… Therefore 9+5=14

Ques 10. 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, …….

A. 92
B. 115
C. 127
D. 131

Answer: Option C

Hint: Pattern is (previous number*2+1=Next number), Therefore( 63*2)+1=127

Ques 11. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ……..

A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15

Answer: Option C

Hint: Sum of last two terms=Next term. Therefore 5+8=13

Ques 12. 0.5, 1.5, 4.5, 13.5, ……

A. 45.5
B. 39.5
C. 30.5
D. 40.5

Answer: Option D

Hint: Next term = previous term * 3. Therefore 13.5 * 3= 40.5

Marine Republic
Ques 13. 66, 36, 18, ……
A. 3
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9

Answer: Option C

Hint: Next number = product of digits in last number. Therefore 1*8=8

Ques 14. 1, 2, 6, 24, ……

A. 60
B. 95
C. 120
D. 150

Answer: Option C

Hint: Pattern is next term = Last term *2, *3, * 4….. Therefore 24*5=120

Ques 15. 4, 10, ……., 82, 244, 730

A. 24
B. 28
C. 77
D. 218

Answer: Option B

Hint: Next number = (Previous number*3) – 2. Therefore 10*3-2=28

Ques 16. 5, 16, 49, 104, …..

A. 115
B. 148
C. 170
D. 181

Answer: Option D

Hint: Pattern is Next term =Previous term + (11*1), +(11*3), +(11*5)….Therefore


Marine Republic
Ques 17. 840, 168, 42, 14, 7, …..
A. 1
B. 7
C. 9
D. 12

Answer: Option B

Hint: Previous term=Next term*5, *4, *3, *2……Therefore 7=1*7

Ques 18. Look at this series: 544, 509, 474, 439, ... What number should come next?
A. 404
B. 414
C. 420
D. 445

Answer: Option A

Hint: Next number is 35 less than the previous number

Directions to Solve

In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern. Fill the
blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.

Ques 19. SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL


Answer: Option C

Hint: First letters are in sequence. S, T, U, V, W

Ques 20. B2CD, _____, BCD4, B5CD, BC6D

A. B2C2D

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C. B2C3

Answer: Option B

Hint: Number is increasing by 1 and shifting 1 letter after. so after B2, C3 should come.

Ques 21. FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____


Answer: Option A

Hint: First letters are in sequence. FGHIJ. Second letter is A. Last letter is next to first letter.

Ques 22. ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA


Answer: Option D

Hint: First letters are skipping 1 letter. Third letter is also skipping by 1 letter.

Ques 23. QPO, SRQ, UTS, WVU, …….


Answer: Option C

Hint: Letters are in reverse order. The first letter of each term and the last letter of the next term
are same.

Ques 24. DEF, HIJ, MNO, …..

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Answer: Option A

Hint: First letter starts with a gap of 1 letter, 2 letter, 3 letter etc.

Ques 25. LXF, MTJ, NPN, OLR, ……


Answer: Option A

Hint: First letters are one step forward. Second letter is 4 steps back. Third letter is 4 steps

Ques 26. AB, BA, ABC, CBA, ABCD, …….


Answer: Option D

Hint: Every next term is the reverse of previous term.


Marine Republic
Ques 1. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to
A. Winter
B. Bear
C. Dream
D. sleep

Answer: Option D

Ques 2. Window is to pane as book is to

A. Novel
B. Glass
C. Cover
D. page

Answer: Option D

Ques 3. Yard is to inch as quart is to

A. Gallon
B. Ounce
C. Milk
D. liquid

Answer: Option B

Directions to Solve

Each question has an underlined word followed by four answer choices. You will choose the
word that is a necessary part of the underlined word.

Ques 4. harvest
A. autumn
B. stockpile
C. tractor
D. crop

Answer: Option D

Ques 5. desert
A. cactus
B. arid
C. oasis
D. flat

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Answer: Option B

Ques 6. book
A. fiction
B. pages
C. pictures
D. learning

Answer: Option B

Ques 7. language
A. tongue
B. slang
C. writing
D. words

Answer: Option D

Ques 8. school
A. student
B. report card
C. test
D. learning

Answer: Option A

Ques 9. Newspaper: Press :: Cloth: ?

A. Tailor
B. Textile
C. Factory
D. Mill

Answer: Option D

Ques 10. Melt: Liquid :: Freeze: ?

A. Ice
B. Condense
C. Solid
D. Crystal

Answer: Option C

Ques 11. Clock: Time :: Thermometer: ?

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A. Heat
B. Radiation
C. Energy
D. Temperature

Answer: Option D

Ques 12. Flower: Bud :: Plant: ?

A. Seed
B. Taste
C. Flower
D. Twig

Answer: Option A

Ques 13. Car: Garage :: Aero plane: ?

A. Port
B. Depot
C. Hangar
D. Harbour

Answer: Option C

Ques 14. Oxygen: Burn :: Carbon dioxide: ?

A. Isolate
B. Foam
C. Extinguish
D. Explode

Answer: Option C

Ques 15. Cobbler: Leather:: Carpenter: ?

A. Furniture
B. wood
C. hammer
D. chair

Answer: Option B

Ques 16. Court: Justice:: School: ?

A. teacher
B. student

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C. ignorance
D. education

Answer: Option D

Ques 17. Skeleton: Body :: Grammar: ?

A. Language
B. Sentence
C. Meaning
D. Education

Answer: Option A

Ques 18. Atom: Matter :: Particle: ?

A. Proton
B. Electron
C. Molecule
D. Dust

Answer: Option D

Ques 19. Professor: Lecture :: Doctor: ?

A. Hospital
B. Disease
C. Medicine
D. Patient

Answer: Option C

Ques 20. Ship: Sea :: Camel: ?

A. Forest
B. Land
C. Mountain
D. Desert

Answer: Option D

Ques 21. Girl: Beautiful :: Boy: ?

A. Smart
B. Heroic
C. Courageous
D. Handsome

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Answer: Option D

Ques 22. Earth: Sun :: Moon: ?

A. Orbit
B. Sky
C. Star
D. Earth

Answer: Option D

Ques 23. Good: Bad :: Virtue: ?

A. Blame
B. Sin
C. Despair
D. Vice

Answer: Option D

Ques 24. Mountain: Valley :: Genius: ?

A. Brain
B. Idiot
C. Think
D. Intelligence

Answer: Option B

Ques 25. Eye: Wink :: Heart: ?

A. move
B. throb
C. pump
D. quiver

Answer: Option B

Ques 26. Circle: Circumference :: Square: ?

A. Volume
B. Area
C. Diagonal
D. Perimeter

Answer: Option D

Ques 27. Car: Petrol :: Television: ?

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A. Electricity
B. Transmission
C. Entertainment
D. Antenna

Answer: Option A

Ques 28. Doctor is related to Patient in the same way as Lawyer is related to……?
A. Customer
B. Accused
C. Magistrate
D. Client

Answer: Option D

Ques 29. Bread is related to Bakery in the same way as Brick is related to……?
A. Mint
B. Kiln
C. Furnace
D. Mine

Answer: Option C

Ques 30. Life is related to Death in the same way as Hope is related to……?
A. Sad
B. Despair
C. Pain
D. Cry

Answer: Option B

Ques 31. Maths is related to Numbers in the same way as History is related to……?
A. People
B. Events
C. Dates
D. Wars

Answer: Option B

Ques 32. Mirror is related to Reflection in the same way as Water is related to……?
A. Conduction
B. Dispersion

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C. Immersion
D. Refraction

Answer: Option D

Ques 33. Wood is related to Charcoal in the same way as Coal is related to……?
A. Fire
B. Smoke
C. Coke
D. Ash

Answer: Option C

Ques 34. Appreciation is related to Reward in the same way as Disgrace is related to……?
A. Crime
B. Guilt
C. Allegation
D. Punishment

Answer: Option D

Ques 35. Book is related to Magazine in the same way as Newspaper is related to……?
A. Journal
B. News
C. Article
D. Headline

Answer: Option A

Ques 36. Mouse is related to Cat in the same way as Fly is related to……?
A. Animal
B. Horse
C. Spider
D. Rat

Answer: Option C

Ques 37. Kilogram is related to Quintal in the same way as Paisa is related to……?
A. Rupee
B. Coin
C. Wealth
D. Money

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Answer: Option A

Ques 38. Which one of the following is same Dozen, Score, Decade?
A. Century
B. Number
C. Measurement
D. Counting

Answer: Option A

Ques 39. Which one the following is same as Flood, Fire, Cyclone?
A. Damage
B. Earthquake
C. Rain
D. Accident

Answer: Option B

Ques 40. Which of the following is same as Kathak, Bihu, Garbha?

A. Kathkkali
B. Pongal
C. Bhangra
D. Bharatnatyam

Answer: Option C

Ques 41. Which of the following is the same as Steel, Bronze, Brass?
A. Calcite
B. Magnesium
C. Methane
D. Zinc

Answer: Option D

Ques 42. Which of the following is the same as wrestling, Karate, Boxing?
A. Swimming
B. polo
C. Pole vault
D. Judo

Answer: Option D

Ques 43. 21: 3 :: 574: ?

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A. 23
B. 82
C. 97
D. 113

Answer: Option B

Ques 44. 25: 37 :: 49: ?

A. 41
B. 56
C. 60
D. 65

Answer: Option D

Ques 45. CAT:DDY :: BIG: ?


Answer: Option A

Ques 46. LOGIC: BHFNK :: CLERK: ?


Answer: Option D

Ques 47. PALE: LEAP :: POSH: ?


Answer: Option C



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Answer: Option C



Answer: Option D

Ques 50. DWH: WDS :: FUL: ?


Answer: Option A



Answer: Option B

Hint: All letters are written as one step forward.



Answer: Option A

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Hint: All letters are written as one step backward.



Answer: Option A

Hint: Letters are first written in reverse order and then moved one step backward.



Answer: Option D

Hint: All letters are moved one step forward. and then first letters is shifted to end.



Answer: Option A

Hint: Letters are written in reverse order. Then except first and last letter all others are moved
one step forward.

Assertion & Reason

Marine Republic
Ques 1. An Informal Gathering occurs when a group of people get together in a casual,
relaxed manner. Which situation below is the best example of an Informal Gathering?
A. The book club meets on the first Thursday evening of every month.
B. After finding out about his promotion, Jeremy and a few coworkers decide to go out
for a quick drink after work.
C. Mary sends out 25 invitations for the bridal shower she is giving for her sister.
D. Whenever she eats at the Mexican restaurant, Clara seems to run into Peter.

Answer: Option B

Ques 2. People speculate when they consider a situation and assume something to be
true based on inconclusive evidence. Which situation below is the best example of
Speculation ?
A. Francine decides that it would be appropriate to wear jeans to her new office on
Friday after reading about "Casual Fridays" in her employee handbook.
B. Mary spends thirty minutes sitting in traffic and wishes that she took the train
instead of driving.
C. After consulting several guidebooks and her travel agent, Jennifer feels confident
that the hotel she has chosen is first-rate.
D. When Emily opens the door in tears, Theo guesses that she's had a death in her

Answer: Option D

Ques 3. A Guarantee is a promise or assurance that attests to the quality of a product

that is either (1) given in writing by the manufacturer or (2) given verbally by the person
selling the product. Which situation below is the best example of a Guarantee?
A. Melissa purchases a DVD player with the highest consumer ratings in its category.
B. The salesperson advises Curt to be sure that he buys an air conditioner with a
C. The local auto body shop specializes in refurbishing and selling used cars.
D. Lori buys a used digital camera from her coworker who says that she will refund
Lori's money if the camera's performance is not of the highest quality.

Answer: Option D

Marine Republic
Ques 4. The Pacific yew is an evergreen tree that grows in the Pacific Northwest. The
Pacific yew has a fleshy, poisonous fruit. Recently, taxol, a substance found in the bark
of the Pacific yew, was discovered to be a promising new anticancer drug.
A. Taxol is poisonous when taken by healthy people.
B. Taxol has cured people from various diseases.
C. People should not eat the fruit of the Pacific yew.
D. The Pacific yew was considered worthless until taxol was discovered.

Answer: Option C

Ques 5. Erin is twelve years old. For three years, she has been asking her parents for a
dog. Her parents have told her that they believe a dog would not be happy in an
apartment, but they have given her permission to have a bird. Erin has not yet decided
what kind of bird she would like to have.
A. Erin's parents like birds better than they like dogs.
B. Erin does not like birds.
C. Erin and her parents live in an apartment.
D. Erin and her parents would like to move.

Answer: Option C

Ques 6. When they heard news of the hurricane, Maya and Julian decided to change
their vacation plans. Instead of traveling to the island beach resort, they booked a room
at a fancy new spa in the mountains. Their plans were a bit more expensive, but they'd
heard wonderful things about the spa and they were relieved to find availability on such
short notice.
A. Maya and Julian take beach vacations every year.
B. The spa is overpriced.
C. It is usually necessary to book at least six months in advance at the spa.
D. Maya and Julian decided to change their vacation plans because of the hurricane.

Answer: Option D

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, two statements numbered I and II are given. There may be
cause and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the
effect of the same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes
without having any relationship. Read both the statements in each question and mark your
answer as

Marine Republic
(A) If statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect;

(B) If statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect;

(C) If both the statements I and II are independent causes;

(D) If both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes; and

(E) If both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.


Ques 7. The prices of petrol and diesel in the domestic market have remained unchanged
for the past few months.

The crude oil prices in the international market have gone up substantially in the last
few months.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Answer: Option D


Ques 8. The government has recently fixed the fees for professional courses offered by
the unaided institutions which are much lower than the fees charged last year.

The parents of the aspiring students launched a severe agitation last year protesting
against the high fees charged by the unaided institutions.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Answer: Option B


Marine Republic
Ques 9. The Reserve Bank of India has recently put restrictions on few small banks in the

The small banks in the private and co-operative sector in India are not in a position to
withstand the competitions of the bigger in the public sector.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Answer: Option B


Ques 10. All the schools in the area had to be kept closed for most part of the week.

Many parents have withdrawn their children from the local schools.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Answer: Option D


Ques 11. India has surpassed the value of tea exports this year over all the earlier years
due to an increase in demand for quality tea in the European market.

There is an increase in demand of coffee in the domestic market during the last two

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes
E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Answer: Option C

Marine Republic
Directions to Solve

In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and
II. You have to take the given two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. Read the conclusion and then decide which of the given conclusions
logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

Give answer:

(A) If only conclusion I follows

(B) If only conclusion II follows

(C) If either I or II follows

(D) If neither I nor II follows and

(E) If both I and II follow.

Ques 12. Statements: No women teacher can play. Some women teachers are athletes.


Male athletes can play.

Some athletes can play.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option D

Ques 13. Statements: All bags are cakes. All lamps are cakes.


Some lamps are bags.

No lamp is bag.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

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C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option C

Ques 14. Statements: All mangoes are golden in colour. No golden-coloured things are


All mangoes are cheap.

Golden-coloured mangoes are not cheap.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option B

Ques 15. Statements: Some kings are queens. All queens are beautiful.


All kings are beautiful.

All queens are kings.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option D

Ques 16. Statements: Some doctors are fools. Some fools are rich.


Some doctors are rich

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Some rich are doctors.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

Answer: Option D

Directions to Solve

Each question presents a situation and asks you to make a judgment regarding that particular
circumstance. Choose an answer based on given information.

Ques 17. Eileen is planning a special birthday dinner for her husband's 35th birthday. She
wants the evening to be memorable, but her husband is a simple man who would rather
be in jeans at a baseball game than in a suit at a fancy restaurant. Which restaurant
below should Eileen choose?
A. Alfredo's offers fine Italian cuisine and an elegant Tuscan decor. Patrons will feel as
though they've spent the evening in a luxurious Italian villa.
B. Pancho's Mexican Buffet is an all-you-can-eat family style smorgasbord with the best
tacos in town.
C. The Parisian Bistro is a four-star French restaurant where guests are treated like royalty.
Chef Dilbert Olay is famous for his beef bourguignon.
D. Marty's serves delicious, hearty meals in a charming setting reminiscent of a baseball
clubhouse in honor of the owner,Marty Lester, a former major league baseball all-star.

Answer: Option D

Ques 18. The film director wants an actress for the lead role of Lucy who perfectly fits the
description that appears in the original screenplay. He is not willing to consider
actresses who do not resemble the character as she is described in the screenplay, no
matter how talented they are. The screenplay describes Lucy as an average-sized, forty
something redhead, with deep brown eyes, very fair skin, and a brilliant smile. The
casting agent has four actresses in mind.

Actress #1 is a stunning red-haired beauty who is 5'9" and in her mid-twenties. Her eyes are
brown and she has an olive complexion.

Actress #2 has red hair, big brown eyes, and a fair complexion. She is in her mid-forties and is

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Actress #3 is 5'4" and of medium build. She has red hair, brown eyes, and is in her early forties.

Actress #4 is a blue-eyed redhead in her early thirties. She's of very slight build and stands at 5'.

A. 1, 2
B. 2, 3
C. 1, 4
D. 2, 4

Answer: Option B

Ques 19. The school principal has received complaints from parents about bullying in the
school yard during recess. He wants to investigate and end this situation as soon as
possible, so he has asked the recess aides to watch closely. Which situation should the
recess aides report to the principal?

A. A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading a book and not interacting with her peers.
B. Four girls are surrounding another girl and seem to have possession of her backpack.
C. Two boys are playing a one-on-one game of basketball and are arguing over the last
basket scored.
D. Three boys are huddled over a handheld video game, which isn't supposed to be on
school grounds.

Answer: Option B

Ques 20. Mrs. Carson took a taxi to meet her three friends for lunch. They were waiting
for her outside the restaurant when she pulled up in the car. She was so excited to see
her friends that she left her tote bag in the taxi. As the taxi pulled away, she and her
friends took notice of the license plate number so they would be able to identify the car
when they called the taxi company.

#1: The four women seem to agree that the plate starts out with the letter J.

#2: Three of them agree that the plate ends with 12L.

#3: Three of them think that the second letter is X, and a different three think that the third
letter is K.

The four license plate numbers below represent what each of the four women thinks she saw.
Which one is most likely the license plate number of the taxi?

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A. JXK 12L
B. JYK 12L
C. JXK 12I
D. JXX 12L

Answer: Option A

Ques 21. Zachary has invited his three buddies over to watch the basketball game on his
wide-screen television. They are all hungry, but no one wants to leave to get food. Just
as they are arguing about who should make the food run, a commercial comes on for a
local pizze-ria that delivers. The phone number flashes on the screen briefly and they all
try to remember it. By the time Zachary grabs a pen and paper, each of them recollects
a different number.

#1: All of the men agree that the first three numbers are 995.

#2: Three of them agree that the fourth number is 9.

#3: Three agree that the fifth number is 2.

#4: Three agree that the sixth number is 6; three others agree that the seventh number is also

Which of the numbers is most likely the telephone number of the pizzeria?

A. 995-9266
B. 995-9336
C. 995-9268
D. 995-8266

Answer: Option A

Directions to Solve

Each problem consists of three statements. Based on the first two statements, the third
statement may be true, false, or uncertain.

Ques 22. Tanya is older than Eric.

Cliff is older than Tanya.

Eric is older than Cliff.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

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A. True
B. False
C. uncertain

Answer: Option B

Ques 23. Blueberries cost more than strawberries.

Blueberries cost less than raspberries.

Raspberries cost more than strawberries and blueberries.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. True
B. False
C. uncertain

Answer: Option A

Ques 24. All the trees in the park are flowering trees.

Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods.

All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. True
B. False
C. uncertain

Answer: Option A

Ques 25. Mara runs faster than Gail.

Lily runs faster than Mara.

Gail runs faster than Lily.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. True
B. False
C. uncertain

Marine Republic
Answer: Option B

Ques 26. Apartments in the Riverdale Manor cost less than apartments in The Gaslight

Apartments in the Livingston Gate cost more than apartments in the The Gaslight Commons.

Of the three apartment buildings, the Livingston Gate costs the most.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. True
B. False
C. uncertain

Answer: Option A

Directions to Solve

Read the paragraph carefully and determine the main point the author is trying to make. What
conclusion can be drawn from the argument? Each paragraph is followed by five statements.
One statement supports the author's argument better than the others do.

Ques 27. One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the
United States want an anthology that includes the complete works of William
Shakespeare. And what accounts for this renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars
point out, his psychological insights into both male and female characters are amazing
even today.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. Shakespeare's characters are more interesting than fictional characters today.

B. people even today are interested in Shakespeare's work because of the characters.
C. academic scholars are putting together an anthology of Shakespeare's work.
D. New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of Shakespeare.
E. Shakespeare was a psychiatrist as well as a playwright.

Answer: Option B

Ques 28. One of the warmest winters on record has put consumers in the mood to spend
money. Spending is likely to be the strongest in thirteen years. During the month of
February, sales of existing single-family homes hit an annual record rate of 4.75 million.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

Marine Republic
A. consumer spending will be higher thirteen years from now than it is today.
B. more people buy houses in the month of February than in any other month.
C. during the winter months, the prices of single-family homes are the lowest.
D. there were about 4 million homes for sale during the month of February.
E. warm winter weather is likely to affect the rate of home sales.

Answer: Option E

Ques 29. Generation Xers are those people born roughly between 1965 and 1981. As
employees, Generation Xers tend to be more challenged when they can carry out tasks
independently. This makes Generation Xers the most entrepreneurial generation in

This paragraph best supports the statement that Generation Xers

A. work harder than people from other generations.

B. have a tendency to be self-directed workers
C. have an interest in making history
D. tend to work in jobs that require risk-taking behavior.
E. like to challenge their bosses work attitudes.

Answer: Option B

Ques 30. If you're a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your
neighborhood can be your health club. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get a
good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

A. fitness walking is a better form of exercise than weight lifting.

B. a membership in a health club is a poor investment.
C. walking outdoors provides a better workout than walking indoors.
D. fitness walking is a convenient and valuable form of exercise.
E. poorly designed athletic shoes can cause major foot injuries.

Answer: Option D

Ques 31. In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-
fat ice cream. But that isn't the case today. An increasing health consciousness
combined with a much bigger selection of tasty low-fat foods in all categories has made
low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store owners.

This paragraph best supports the statement that

Marine Republic
A. low-fat ice cream produces more revenue than other low-fat foods.
B. ice cream store owners would be better off carrying only low-fat ice cream.
C. ice cream store owners no longer think that low-fat ice cream is an unpopular item.
D. low-fat ice cream is more popular than other kinds of ice cream.
E. consumers are fickle and it is impossible to please them

Answer: Option C

Directions to Solve

Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read
each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.

Ques 32. The attainment of individual and organisational goals is mutually interdependent
and linked by a common denominator - employee work motivation. Organisational
members are motivated to satisfy their personal goals, and they contribute their efforts
to the attainment of organisational objectives as means of achieving these personal

The passage best supports the statement that motivation -

A. encourages an individual to give priority to personal goals over organisational goals.

B. is crucial for the survival of an individual and organisation.
C. is the product of an individual's physical and mental energy.
D. is the external force which induces an individual to contribute his efforts.
E. makes organisation and society inseparable.

Answer: Option A

Ques 33. Due to enormous profits involved in smuggling, hundreds of persons have been
attracted towards this anti-national activity. Some of them became millionaires
overnight. India has a vast coastline both on the Eastern and Western Coast. It has been
a heaven for smugglers who have been carrying on their activities with great impunity.
There is no doubt, that from time to time certain seizures were made by the
enforcement authorities, during raids and ambush but even allowing these losses the
smugglers made huge profits.

The passage best supports the statement that

Marine Republic
A. smuggling hampers the economic development of a nation.
B. smuggling ought to be curbed.
C. authorities are taking strict measures to curb smuggling.
D. smuggling is fast increasing in our country owing to the quick profit it entails.

Answer: Option D

Ques 34. Though the waste of time or the expenditure on fashions is very large, yet
fashions have come to stay. They will not go, come what may. However, what is now
required is that strong efforts should be made to displace the excessive craze for fashion
from the minds of these youngsters.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. fashion is the need of the day.

B. the excessive craze for fashion is detrimental to one's personality.
C. the hoard for fashion should be done away with so as not to let down the constructive
D. work and other activities should be valued more than the outward appearance.

Answer: Option C

Ques 35. One of the important humanitarian by-products of technology is the greater
dignity and value that it imparts to human labour. In a highly industrialized society,
there is no essential difference between Brahmin and Dalit, Muslim and Hindu; they are
equally useful and hence equally valuable for in the industrial society individual
productivity fixes the size of the pay cheque and this fixes social status.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. technology decides individual's social status.

B. castes and religions are man-made.
C. human labour has dignity and value.
D. all individuals, irrespective of caste and creed, are born equal.
E. industrial society is a great leveller of men.

Answer: Option C

Marine Republic
Ques 36. The future of women in India is quite bright and let us hope that they will justify
their abilities by rising to the occasion. Napoleon was right when he declared that by
educating the women we can educate the whole nation. Because a country can never
rise without the contribution of 50% of their population.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. India is striving hard for the emancipation of women.

B. all women should be well educated.
C. a nation can progress only when women are given equal rights and opportunities as
D. women ought to be imparted full freedom to prove their worth and contribute to the
progress of the nation.

Answer: Option D

Ques 37. Answer the questions based on the following information:

Four sisters- Suvarna, Tara, Uma and Vibha are playing a game such that the loser doubles the
money of each of the other players from her share. They played four games and each sister lost
one game in alphabetical order. At the end of fourth game, each sister has Rs. 32.

How many rupees did Suvarns start with?

A. Rs. 60
B. Rs. 34
C. Rs. 66
D. Rs. 28

Answer: Option C

Ques 38. Answer the questions based on the following information:

A, B, C and D are to be seated in a row. But C and D cannot be together. Also B cannot be at the
third place.

Which of the following must be false?

A. A is at the first place

B. A is at the second place
C. A is at the third place
D. A is at the fouth place

Marine Republic
Answer: Option A

Marine Republic

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