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The Philosophers David Hume and Sigmund Freud: Perspectives and Point of View

Opening Statement

Many philosophers manipulated such perceptions of the mind, for instance, David Hume
and Sigmund Freud. According to Martinich (2021), Hume recognized two kinds of perception:
“impressions” and “ideas.”He asserts that all knowledge comes from the human senses. However,
according to Whittemore (2021), Freud postulated that the self has three layers within us. He
claimed in his psychoanalytic theory that wishes fulfillment is the road to the unconscious. In this
case, these two philosophers have a contradictory concept of self-mind and notably discussed
their different points of view theoretically with credibility.

Martinich, 2021. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Feb. 2021,

epistemology. Accessed 6 February 2022.

Whittemore, 2021."Sigmund Freud's Layers of the Self.", 28 February 2015,

IIa: Review Related Literature

The problem of the self remains unsolved. According to Brittanica (2016), the mind is
merely a bundle of insights without deeper; unity or cohesion. In Vickers, 2018 study, he stated
that Hume's perception of self in empiricism is that knowledge originated in the sense of
experience, while rationalism's source foundation is the reason, the recognized two degrees of
force and liveliness such as impressions and ideas. Impressions are perceptions of mind directly
experiences, while ideas are the faint images of impressions. These assertions only mean that
each idea imitates from a simple impression as minds cannot reproduce impressions by forming
ideas that simulate impressions; we cannot form any ideas at all.

Britannica,2016. "bundle theory". Accessed

6 February 2022.

Henderson, 2018. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


IIb: Analysis

In the stated RRL above, David Hume's philosophical perspective formulated self-not
verified through observation. Whereas, self is a series of incoherent impressions obtained by
senses 'what you know is just mere objects' of what your senses experience. Besides, in his
assertions of rationalism's role of commitment to the denial of skepticism in some area of
knowledge, nonetheless, empiricism insisted that we have no source of knowledge in self. This
notion implies that no one constant impression endures our lives; the self is like a light bulb that
has a switch.
IIIa: Review Related Literature
On the other hand, Freud's perspectives theorized the self in psychoanalysis of the human
mind as conscious and unconscious. According to Tantry (2020), wish-fulfillment is the idea that
when cannot be fulfilled are carried out in dreams. Further, McLeod (2018) stated that the
unconscious mind acts as a repository, whereas Freud emphasized it governs behaviors to a
degree greater than people suspect. Indeed, the goal of psychoanalysis is to make the
unconscious conscious.

McLeod, 2018. Sigmund Freud’s Theories. Simply Psychology. https://www.simply

Tantry, 2020. Freud’s Dream Theory: Why You Dream What You Dream.

IIIb: Analysis

The citation RRL above stated that Freud's perspectives-theorized of dreams generated
and operated. According to Zhang (2018), Freud's theory proposes that dreams are the product of
our physical and mental state during sleeping. Besides, his psychoanalytic theory postulated the
structures of the mind as memories and impulses have a constant movement in each different
level of minds structures. Withal, the function of dreams is to fulfill unfulfilled wishes.

Zhang, 2018. Freud’s Dream Interpretation: A Different Perspective Based on the Self-

Organization Theory of Dreaming.

General Conclusion

This process of differentiation of its point of view between the two philosophers educates us
the self-knowledge regarding our mind. The differences of the philosophers indicated as follows:
Sigmund Freud pointed out that intelligence is responsible for conscious and unconscious
decisions' then David Hume's views pointed out that thoughts are those about relations of
ideas. Generally, both philosophers have instincts of how minds employ our actions and
knowledge, they may have contradictions but their point of view reflects the self-mind concept
regarding its works.

Closing Statement
In conclusion, Sigmund Freud examined the human being's unconscious and discovery of
self in a psychic state. Hence, Hume concludes that reasons can't be the source of our ideas of a
cause and its effect. Contrary to what the others say about David Hume' contemporaries and
inferences concern relations of ideas. Hume only moves to the remaining possibility. Both
philosophers educate us on oneself and others, using both theories combined.

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