Final Project: Mechanical Design and Fabrication

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Final Project: Mechanical Design and


Mechanical Design and Fabrication is a company my friend Nate Dotts made to show

case his talents in mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Design and Fabrication is a for profit

company that helps inventors and people with project dreams bring them to life through the

power of mechanical engineering. I chose this company because Nate Dotts as stated earlier is a

good friend of mine and I wanted to see what I could do to help him.

During this semester I had to step out of my comfort zone to even start this project,

having a working relationship with a friend has brought on new insights and new problems to

troubleshoot. I have no experience in marketing or creating content to show case to journalist or

getting anything brought to the public eye, so it brought new challenges.

During this project my friend got busy with his personal life, so the project took a

different turn from Facebook business customer acquisition work to creating a media kit for him

to implement when he can move forward with his company.

Current Situation
What Stage in Development: Mechanical Design and Fabrication is currently an online

business that is implemented on Facebook.

Mechanical Design and Fabrication is a new business that operates through Nate Dotts

and his business usage of Facebook ads and analytics. He has served different customers

throughout the United States with his services he offers through his business model. His biggest

desire was to increase community interaction with his business and have people interact with his

post. The issue is as this project commences, ideas and strategies that were planned were

cancelled due to his current life situation.

With the project taken a huge turn during the semester I have created a media kit for Nate

Dotts to utilize for when he is wanting to pursue different forms of media outreach to advertise

his business further.

Business Setbacks/Opportunities
Mechanical Design and Fabrication is a new company with lots of room for growth and

development to their business model. Since they offer unique services for eastern Idaho, they can

capitalize in the future on its unique business model that serves this location. With many projects

completed for residents in this area word of mouth traffic gets him a new customer interaction

per week.


One of the biggest setbacks during this project and for the company Mechanical Design

and Fabrication is time. Since Nate Dotts is still a student and is about to welcome a new child

his priorities for business and for any sort of expansion have been halted indefinitely. Since he is

a busy man Mechanical design and Fabrication operates on a need to make money basis when he

feels he needs new clients.

Nate has expressed that the work he wanted done was something I couldn’t do for him

since he is not looking for anything to expand any form of work, I have created will be

implemented at a future time and he has made it clear that once he is able to invest more time

into it, we will be working together again.


As stated, before Nate has a unique company for this portion of eastern Idaho. Since he is

one of the few Mechanical Engineers that has a freelance company, he has been able to make

products that are patent pending at this time and can not be discussed further. Since he is an
expert in his field at such a young age, he has a lot of time on his hands to experiment and work

with people on creating their dream projects.

Campaign Strategy and Tactics

My Campaign strategy initially was to create social media post and market towards the

target audience in Facebook groups and other online forums for mechanical engineering and car


My strategy once my client left changed into media advisories and templates, I could

leave with my client to copy and paste or to fill in the blanks for custom messages for his future


Final Strategy and Tactics

Strategy: Develop content for Nate to use for future endeavors such as a media kit.

Tactics: Finish created work and guide for him to use it.

1. Create content such as email templates, 1 to copy and paste the other to fill out.

2. Create 2 newsletters one focused on a hypothetical event the other on his return to Indiana for

his business.

3. Create a future QA and Pitch email for him to send for when he opens in a new location.

4. Send him the Media kit for him to own and do what he pleases.

In the end I was only able to produce content for Nate to use in the future due to his

involvement in the project and what he wants for his business at this point.
Work Developed
As mentioned above I worked on a different project before I decided to shift into a media

kit for my client. For my first portion of the project, I started with surveying different

engineering and automotive groups to collect data.

Here is the survey

After collecting data, I was able to deduct that one the biggest problems in engineering

groups and automotive with getting data is that no one really cared to survey. It was posted

around 15 times in different groups. One response did indicate that the cost of engineer work is

pricy, so you must be able to make it affordable or market to those that already have the capital.

Shortly after doing surveying and data collection I my client was not interested in this

portion and his life got challenging so I started to start the media kit for him.

Email Template #1

Subject: Opening new location back in our hometown Gary Indiana [Share something about the
company that is interesting]
Opening: Hey Press, [use generic hey press, or for brownie points address them by first and last
name with proper title.] 
Content: [explain the news and why it’s newsworthy]
I have exciting news to share with you. Mechanical Design and Fabrication is opening a new
office location in Gary, Indiana! 
We are from Indiana and are wanting to strengthen our community by opening new jobs in the
area for engineers and other various positions. We have made the engineering process simple for
everyone to see their projects come to life! [Give an interesting reason why it is important and
how it benefits others to know] 

Signoff: [ insert Mechanical Design and Fabrication]

Nate Dotts

Email template 1 is the hypothetical template that I managed to train Nate on how to use

and has a copy of the template to implement whenever he is ready to make a media contact. With

the email templates I gave him a few links to different reporters in Indiana based on location.
Email Template #2

Subject: Mechanical Design and Fabrication Bringing Your Dream Projects to Life! 

To: Nate Eaton

Mechanical Design and Fabrication is an eastern Idaho company started in Rexburg, Idaho with

the focus of bringing peoples dream products to life through the power of mechanical

engineering. Founded by local Rexburg student Nate Dotts, wanting to help others get their

products and designs patented and brought into reality. We are anxiously waiting to give people

free consultations and estimates to make those dreams come true!

[Insert infographic]

Thanks for consideration,

Nate Dotts

Email template #2 is one where he could send now with company infographics and his

work I was not allowed to use since he signed the NDA and requested, I did not share his

company kit. However, even with the restrictions he has he has considered reaching out to

Eastern Idaho News with this template with the pitch I wrote for him as well with newsletter #1

which will be featured below this.

News Release #1

Mechanical Design and Fabrication News Release

For Immediate Release
[Insert current date here] Media: Contact: Nate Dotts

Building Your Dream Project

REXBURG-IDAHO – Mechanical Design and Fabrication brings the innovative thinker

to the hard worker class projects into life. Through the power of mechanical engineering,

Mechanical Design and Fabrication can help you create that first beta test to getting you a

polished product ready to get patent tested.

Through programs like CAD and heavy machinery there is no product too big or small

that can’t be handled by our professionals. The power of mechanical engineering is backed by

innovation and creativity and by apply the principles of advanced mathematics we test those

ideas and can help improve those ideas for longevity and safety if necessary.

Being in eastern Idaho there is a great need for industrial farming equipment, automotive

fabrication, and many other large equipment needs where mechanical engineering can help solve

many different problems. While in some eastern Idaho come get a free in person consultation!

Mechanical Design and Fabrication was founded by Nate Dotts local Brigham Young
University – Idaho student. Founded during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic to help others bring
their projects into life.
News Release #2

Mechanical Design and Fabrication News Release

For Immediate Release
[Insert current date here] Media: Contact: Nate Dotts

Moving Back to Our Roots

REXBURG-IDAHO – Mechanical Design and Fabrication has been in eastern Idaho area

for the past three years and we are saddened to be leaving the area. Having had our doors open

for the past three years we have come to love the eastern Idaho and serving the community here.

Even though we are closing our doors in our Rexburg location our website will continue to serve the eastern Idaho by offering

different discounts and offering cheaper services in CAD design with code:<3EIdaho

During this move Mechanical Design and Fabrication will be keeping all employees and

will be moving to remote work and will continue operating for local Idaho customers in ghost


Mechanical Design and Fabrication was founded by Nate Dotts local Brigham Young
University – Idaho student. Founded during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic to help others bring
their projects into life.
Q&A Mechanical Design and Fabrication

Opening Remarks:

Good afternoon, we are glad to see you all here and even more grateful for you all to be

involved with us through our journey in eastern Idaho. We want to address our move from

eastern Idaho to our roots in Indiana.

Key Messages:

 Mechanical Design and Fabrication will be moving to Indiana and be closing our main

office location in Rexburg

 The decision was made due to founder Nate Dotts wanted to return to his roots and move

to his hometown

 None of the Engineers in the company are losing their job.


1. How are you keeping your full staff?

Mechanical Design and Fabrication will be moving to an online format where our

specialist will continue to design in CAD and will be operating in ghost garages.

2. Is there a chance that the Rexburg location will reopen?

At this time there are no current plans to reopen with the implementation of ghost garages

3. How will this affect Eastern Idaho?

With code:<3EIdaho everyone with an eastern Idaho ID will receive various discounts

and goods done at a cheaper price for the next 3 years.

Measurement and Evaluation
Since most of this project is about future events due to my meetings with Nate

Dotts none of it is currently in use at this moment. However, even though none of it has

been implemented yet he has been trained with how to implement the many different

projects medias I have created for him.

During meeting and staying in contact I have also written out a Business social

media guide for him to refer to when creating social media post. Since he has not had the

time to start it everything will continued to be monitored in his Facebook Business

Analytics program and recorded when he does his first social media post on various

engineer boards.

From his Facebook Business Analytic program, we will be able to tell from his

customer acquisition and his different web traffic to his store if anything changes based

on what he has put out previously. Even though this project became a nightmare due to

the lack of information and time he had for me we are still friends, and I will continue to

help him increase his SEO and his different forms of media that he can implement.

Since this project hasn’t been implemented yet I will continue to work with him to

help get his business going when he is ready to move forward. We meet once a month to

get lunch already and will continue to do so. Mechanical Design and Fabrication provides

a great need to the world that need a helping hand in getting projects started.
Final Thoughts
Mechanical Design and Fabrication and working with my friend Nate Dotts has

given me a lot to think about for my future career. One of the biggest challenges I had

during this semester is Nate getting busy and having to go back home and it ended up

derailing my previous plan.

This semester has been difficult on me but has proven a lot of things that I hold

dear in my heart. My older brother passed away in the middle of the semester and has

been a big challenge. My project getting derailed on top of other group projects from

other courses has caused me to stretch myself in ways I never thought I could bare.

Even though my work is far from perfect the amount of phone calls, texts,

writing, and revisions has helped me home in on skills I never thought I could thrive in.

Since Mechanical Design and Fabrication is located in Rexburg, I will continue to help it

grow here in town as much as I can.

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