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Written by Saiten

Reviewed by FrozenHeart

Arendelle Archive
* 1842 *
Annals of Frozen
Written by Saiten
Reviewed by FrozenHeart

July 10, 2021

Contact us:



All the videos, books, characters and pictures are owned by Disney. This book has
no commercial use. It’s just fan literature.

~ 1 ~

I still remember the evening after watching Frozen for the first time, when the
Arendelle castle slipped away from my sight, I had a mixed feeling and kept asking
myself, “is this the end?” I could hardly believe that because Frozen seems to be a
realistic world around me, but the only thing I could do that time was to watch the
movie again.
Now, after production for nearly eight years, there has been a large number of
events occurred within Arendelle, some of which are even closely linked. It was
when I finished reading Dangerous Secrets that this feeling grew stronger than ever,
and I realized the necessity to summarize all the correlations between events, so early
the year, I bantered with a friend, FrozenHeart, also a Frozen fan full of compassions
and resources, saying the main plot of Frozen series has spanned three generations
and almost five decades, which was half of the Cien años de soledad in form.
Fortunately, he had similar intentions and we began cooperating instantly.
Initially, my intention was to consider those important works only, while
FrozenHeart suggested referencing all the official documents. Thus, the annals took
more than half a year to accomplish. But the time is well worth it as the connections
between different events went far beyond my expectations. And I’m eager to share
my findings with Frozen fans all around the world.
For example, Arendelle and Arenfjord was actually named after the ancient
legendary Aren, who was said to free the sun in an endless night both in
Arendellian’s and Huldréfolk’s tales. Besides, Grand Pabbie was not the only troll
with known name.
For a long time, I’ve seen quite some people having difficulties choosing official
books to buy. Here, I recommend to firstly watch the three shorts: Frozen Fever,
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure and Once Upon A Snowman. Then, three books are essential
to gain a relative clear understanding of Frozen world: Forest of Shadows,
Dangerous Secrets and Unlocking Arendelle.
For those who desire to dig into Frozen world or write fanfictions while have no
time to go through all these books, I hope this chronicle can provide help.
In fact, the article is not simply a summarization of different books, but mainly
focus on the correlations between distinct events and how to organize them logically,
which is the quintessence of this work.
Once more, thanks for my friend, FrozenHeart, as he provided me with lots of
literature and whenever I got into troubles, he was willing for discussion. I cannot
expect to accomplish this work in such quality without his help.
This article is just a start since future publications may certainly contribute more
valuable information to the chronicle. If you find mistakes or have any ideas about
this chronicle, please contact us and we will highly appreciate all your comments and
opinions. Together, we can make a better chronicle for Arendelle!

~ 2 ~
Primary Events of Arendelle

>10000 BC

Ice age Legends & Myths

Early history
of Arendelle

● 1794 ● 13 BF Agnarr’s birth

● 1796 ● 11 BF Iduna’s birth

The reign of
King Runeard

● 1808 ● FT 1 The battle between Arendelle and Northuldra

King Runeard died in the battle
Iduna saved Agnarr
The reign of
Arendelle council

● 1815 ● FT 8 Agnarr’s coronation

Agnarr & Iduna got married

● 1818 ● FT 11 Elsa’s birth ; Kristoff’s birth

~ 3 ~
● 1821 ● FT 14 Anna’s birth

Early childhood
of Elsa & Anna

The reign of
● 1826 ● FT 19 The night before gates’ closing
King Agnarr
Anna & Elsa learned of the enchanted forest & Ahtohallan
Elsa struck Anna accidentally
Gates closed & Sisters separated

The period of
gates’ closing

● 1836 ● FT 29 The shipwreck

Agnarr & Iduna died in the dark sea

● 1839 ● FT 32 (Jun.) Elsa’s coronation

(Nov.) Trolls’ crystal ceremony
(Dec.) The first Christmas after gates’ opening

The reign of
● 1840 ● FT 33 Elsa organized a birthday party for Princess Anna
Queen Elsa

● 1842 ● FT 35 Arendelle was invaded by the Nattmara.

Anna & Elsa released the enchanted forest.
Anna’s coronation

The reign of
Queen Anna

~ 4 ~
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
Prehistory: Legends & Myths .................................................................................... 9
The Legend of Ahtohallan ......................................................................................................... 9
Ice Age ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Saga of Aren ............................................................................................................................. 10
Age of Monarchy ...................................................................................................................... 11
Early history of Arendelle ........................................................................................ 12
The reign of King Runeard....................................................................................... 13
The battle between Arendelle and Northuldra...................................................................... 13
The reign of Arendelle council ................................................................................. 15
The reign of King Agnarr ......................................................................................... 17
Agnarr’s coronation ................................................................................................................. 17
The marriage of Agnarr & Iduna........................................................................................... 17
Elsa’s birth ................................................................................................................................ 17
Kristoff’s birth.......................................................................................................................... 17
Anna’s birth .............................................................................................................................. 17
Early childhood of Anna & Elsa ............................................................................................. 18
The night before gates’ closing ............................................................................................... 19
Within the period of gates’ closing ......................................................................................... 20
The shipwreck .......................................................................................................................... 20
The reign of Queen Elsa ............................................................................................ 21
Elsa’s coronation ...................................................................................................................... 21
The crystal ceremony ............................................................................................................... 22
The first Christmas after gates’ opening ............................................................................... 23
Anna’s 19th birthday ................................................................................................................ 24
Annual Arendelle Ice-Carving Contest .................................................................................. 24
The sixth anniversary of Agnarr & Iduna’s death ............................................................... 24
# Other events between FT 32 and FT 35 (1839~1842) ........................................................ 25
The Blight.................................................................................................................................. 26
One day before the harvest festival ........................................................................................ 28
Spirits awakened & The release of enchanted forest ............................................................ 29
The reign of Queen Anna .......................................................................................... 31
Anna’s Coronation ................................................................................................................... 31
The unveiling ceremony of sculpture ..................................................................................... 31
Appendix Ⅰ Maps of Arendelle .............................................................................. 32
Appendix Ⅱ Caculation of Chronology ................................................................ 35
Appendix Ⅲ Lists of Third-class Literature ....................................................... 37

~ 5 ~

This section mainly elaborates writing methods and logics of the chronicle, such
as rules of various colors and symbols, which helps you have a better understanding
of the contents.
Based on two animated movies and various shorts and literature taken into
account, this article summarizes the chronicle centered on Arendelle, which begins
with prehistorical legends and myths and then in the main content, spans about half a
century from the reign of King Runeard (or more specifically, the completion of
Arendelle Castle) to Anna's coronation symbolizing a new age of unity between
Arendelle and Northuldra.
It has been nearly eight years since the premiere of Frozen, while fans have
always kept a high enthusiasm for it, bringing the works of Frozen series vast, among
which including even quite a few of official publications. The quality of these works
varies, making them distinct in canonity. Therefore, we first selected a total of
forty-four documents that can be adopted, and divided them into three tiers according
to the canonity of their contents:
The first-class literature is the four animated movies and shorts created directly
by filmmakers. Undoubtedly, their contents should be considered as being conclusive,
and they will be written in black in the text. For brevity, the source of each event in
the main text are indicated after certain events in abbreviated form. The names and
abbreviations of the first-class literature are listed in the following table: (Same for
the second- and third-class literature)

Name Abbreviation
Frozen F
Frozen Ⅱ FⅡ
Frozen Fever FF
Once Upon A Snowman OUAS

Second-class literature refers to those works that were reviewed or participated

by filmmakers, in the form of videos, novels, audio tracks, etc., but there are two
exceptions: one is Unlocking Arendelle, of which I haven’t found the evidence of
official review, whereas its contents are closely connected with both first- and
second-class literature; the other is Google Assistant Frozen Stories, which involves
the contents of Frozen, Frozen Ⅱ, Forest of Shadows, etc. These stories logically
contribute to Frozen series, especially the ancient history of Arendelle. Besides, these
tracks are dubbed by the original cast, so it’s reasonable to regard these two works as
the second tier. Second-class literature is written in orange in the text.

~ 6 ~
Name Abbreviation
The Art of Frozen AF
The Art of Frozen Ⅱ AF Ⅱ
Frozen II The Official Movie Special FⅡ OMS
Frozen Ⅱ Deluxe Junior Novelization FⅡ JN
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure OFA
Forest of Shadows FOS
Dangerous Secrets DS
Unlocking Arendelle UA
Myth A Frozen Tale MAFT
Google Assistant Frozen Stories GS

Third-class literature refers to those works that are produced officially but have
not been reviewed formally, and whose content and logic do not conflict with those
of the first- and second-class literature. Publications that do not meet any of the above
conditions, such as Conceal, don’t feel and Ralph Breaks the Internet, as we consider,
can only be counted as spinoffs of Frozen, so their contents should not be accepted.
Besides, documents that have the same contents as higher-level literature are not
included as well, like the Golden Book series. Third-class literature is written in blue
in the text. The lists of third-class literature are written in Appendix Ⅲ due to the
large number.
Moreover, some necessary conjectures are included and written in purple. ‘#’ is
used before some events to indicate that their canonity is rather low. You can ignore
them and all the events attached to them (see the following four paragraphs) safely to
not waste time on these trivial matters.
Next, the introduction of methods used for describing events. The article firstly
distinguishes different parts of chronology based on the reign of the king or queen of
Arendelle, as shown in the catalogue. Then, the different events were divided into
three tiers due to their relationship:
The first-tier events represent a collection of a series of specific events or a
period of time. Generally, multiple different events are attached to them. This tier of
events are marked by the arrow (➢).
Events of the second level usually represent specific cases. The events marked
with spades (♠) have a clear chronological order: the event written first occurs earliest,
and the next occurs after it, and so on. On the contrary, there is no clear sequence
among the events marked with diamonds (♦), or it is impossible to determine their
Moreover, there are some secondary cases that are logically attached to one case,
which is called third-tier events. These events are marked with hollow spades (♤) or
hollow diamonds (♢). The principle of their time sequence is the same as that of
spades and diamonds.
For cases marked by two symbols under one first-tier event, the cases marked by
adjacent symbols should be taken as a set, and then sort in order with other events
according to the above principles. For example, imagine there are four events with

~ 7 ~
the following form:
➢ A
It means that events B, C, D are attached to A, and that D happens later than B
and C, while the time sequence between B and C is uncertain.
Numerous locations are mentioned in the chronicle, so maps of Arendelle with
different scales are given in Appendix Ⅰ.
This article utilizes two sets of interrelated dating methods. One is the AD
chronology that we use daily, and the other is the FT chronology designed for Frozen.
I set the year of the battle of the dam as the first year of Frozen Timeline (FT 1). And
we know that Frozen happen in July, 1839, so the time of events can be calculated
with double timelines. Check the appendix Ⅱ for the exact method of calculation and
the reason it is introduced.
Proposed by FrozenHeart, I added the section "Primary Events of Arendelle"
before the catalogue, marking the historical periods and significant events of
Arendelle with double timelines for convenient referencing. They are mainly derived
from first-class literature, combined with a few necessary contents from other
literature. If you want to have an overall understanding of Arendelle's history or
analyze the approximate time of an event, this part will be a nice choice.
Wish you an enjoyable read!

~ 8 ~
>10000 BC

Prehistory: Legends & Myths

➢ The Legend of Ahtohallan①

♠ The origin of Ahtohallan & the four spirits (F Ⅱ)

♤ The fifth spirit was born. (MAFT)
(“From a magic as old as glaciers were born the spirits of air, of fire, of water
and of earth. When at peace, we find in them the best of nature. But when enraged,
the wind twists with furious gust. Fire burns all options to dust….” —from Agnarr’s
book: The Secrets of the Magic Makers [UA])
♤ The four spirits kept in balance and created harmony. (MAFT)

♤ Harmony Age (MAFT)

Ancient scroll found in the wreck in F Ⅱ, with Iduna’s handwriting “the end
of ice age; The river found but lost; Magic’s source, Elsa’s source”

① A Frozen fan named Michmh made some promising theories based on those patterns on the
scroll. In short, through association and logical analysis, he deciphered the scroll to show how
Ahtohallan and four spirits were created, and the deductions under the Ice Age are parts of his
analysis. These contents may be just conjectures, but I found them intriguing. If you are interested
in it and want to have an overall look, visit, while translation
may be required.

~ 9 ~
➢ Ice Age

♠ The end of ice age (F Ⅱ)

(*Northuldra began to live in this land.)

♦ The river found (F Ⅱ)

(*Northuldra found Ahtohallan.)

♦ The fifth spirit lost, then four spirits went dormant, leading to the harmony being
broken. (MAFT)
(*Ice melted, creating the dark sea & isolating Ahtohallan.)

♦ The river lost (F Ⅱ)

➢ Saga of Aren

♦ Saga of Aren
♤ A great darkness swept over the land, leaving an endless night. (GS-E①)

♤ Aren succeeded to free the sun and was awarded by the sun with a shining
sword— the Revolute Blade. (GS-E & FOS-C4)
♤ Aren created Arenfjord with the Revolute Blade. (FOS-C4 & GS-E)

♤ When Arenfjord faced a great danger, Aren set out to face it and never came
back.② (FOS-C19)
♤ Aren died in dragon boat with the sword. (FOS-C22)

♦ # Shield maiden Brunhilda defeated giants in the time of giants. (GS-A)

① GS includes four narrators: Elsa, Anna, Krsitoff, and Olaf. Here it means that the narrator was
Elsa. Same for other narrators.
② This is what Huldréfolk’s legends recorded. In Arendellian’s story, the great danger was a
dragon under the sea, and Aren along with the Revolute Blade was swallowed by the dragon.

~ 10 ~
➢ Age of Monarchy①

♦ Wars between many small kingdoms. (GS-K)

♢ King Valdemar lost his kingdom for failing to do his duty. (GS-K)

♦ King Gormix conquered all the surrounding lands. (GS-O)

♦ King Gormix attempted to conquer nature spirits but failed in the end due to the
four powerful spirits: air, fire, water and earth. (GS-O)

(※ “I think the Spirits of Nature had been protecting Arendelle for longer than
we could know.” —Elsa)

① The events under this period seem to be just some trivial legends, but I found that they might
allude to some historical events: after the last ice age, the ancestors of Vikings began to settle in
Scandinavia, and had contacts with the local aborigine Sámi; in the 9th century, Norway was ruled
by many small kingdoms, and conflicts between the kingdoms continued; until 872, Harald Fairhair
won the Battle of Hafrsfjord, marking the unity of Norway. (reference Wikipedia)

~ 11 ~
Before 13 BF Before 1794

Early history of Arendelle

♠ Ships full of people arrived at Arenfjord and created homes near the water. (FⅡ

♠ Arendelle castle was built by King Runeard. (FOS-C8)

(Arendelle has been a valuable port for international trade, intriguing other
kingdoms in a way. [From Mari Mancusi① & UA])

♠ King Runeard got married with Queen Rita. (DS & UA)
(When they were married, the northern lights blazed overhead and was thought to
be a good omen for their reign. [BTS: EIR-C4])

(The Northuldra were made up of many groups.② They saw themselves as people
of the sun and had close connections with nature and spirits. [F Ⅱ & DS-C34])

① The author of DS, thanks for her answering our questions and discussing with us.
② In fact, Sámi was made up of many groups in ancient times.

~ 12 ~
13 BF ~ FT 1 1794 ~ 1808

The reign of King Runeard

➢ Early childhood of Agnarr & Iduna

♠ (13 BF, 1794) Agnarr’s birth (FⅡ MG & DS-C11)

♠ (11 BF, 1796) Iduna’s birth (DS-C34)

(Before 16 BF, 1801) Iduna’s family was lost probably because of the invaders,
and Iduna was adopted by another group of Northuldra. ① (DS-C34)

♠ Queen Rita made Sir JörgenBjörgen for Agnarr. (DS-C27)

(Sir JörgenBjörgen had always been a good listener for Elsa

during the period of gates’ closing. [OFA])

♠ Queen Rita left one night and disappeared forever.

(DS-C13) Sir JörgenBjörgen, from OFA

♠ Rita asked Grand Pabbie to remove her former memories. (DS-C23)

♠ King Runeard packed away everything about Rita after she left, and forbade
anyone to speak of her, while Sir JörgenBjörgen was saved by Gerda. (DS-C32)

♠ Agnarr asked Mattias to teach him fight, while Mattias taught him more about
life through playing chess. (GS-A)

➢ April, FT 1 (1808):

The battle between Arendelle and Northuldra

♠ The Dam was completed. (F Ⅱ)

♠ Iduna encountered Prince Agnarr. (DS-C1)

(The name Iduna means youth and beauty② and Agnarr symbols kindness and

① This event was mentioned in Iduna’s dreams in DS, so it may have discrepancy with the facts.
② In fact, Iduna (or Iðunn) is a goddess of youth in Norse mythology.

~ 13 ~
honor. [UA])

♠ King Runeard died in the battle. (F Ⅱ)

♠ Iduna saved Prince Agnarr. (F Ⅱ)

♠ The enchanted forest was covered by mists. (F Ⅱ)

~ 14 ~
FT 1 ~ FT 8 1808 ~ 1815

The reign of Arendelle council

➢ Soon after the battle, FT 1 (1808):

♠ Iduna & Agnarr arrived at Arendelle. (F Ⅱ)

♠ Lord Peterson helped Iduna and made her part of Arendelle. (DS-C3)

➢ May,FT 1 (1808):

♠ Peterson allowed Iduna to study in the castle with Agnarr. (DS-C5)

➢ Autumn, FT 1 (1808): The first adventure

♠ Iduna explored the mist by herself for the first time. (DS-C7)

♠ Agnarr promised to check the mist twice a year with Iduna, every spring and
autumn. (DS-C8)

➢ FT 4 (1811):

♠ Iduna began to design windmill with Johan as an apprentice. (DS-C9)

➢ FT 5 ~ 7 (1812 ~ 1814):
♠ Iduna learned about Huldréfolk in Creatures of Mists and Legends. (DS-C9 &

♠ Agnarr & Iduna found the secret room in the library of castle. (DS-C17 & FOS)

♠ Iduna painted on the ceiling while Agnarr read books or scrolls in secret room,
making its surface resemble a sky with the northern lights along with constellations,
such as Ulf the Wolf and Frigg the Fisherman. (DS-C17 & FOS-C3)

♠ The second adventure (DS-C21~23)

♤ Agnarr & Iduna left Arendelle castle for adventure through secret passageway.

~ 15 ~
♤ Agnarr & Iduna met Oaken.

♤ Agnarr & Iduna found trolls and learned about the truth of Queen Rita from
Grand Pabbie.

♠ Sorenson invented a foolproof test to uncover lies. (DS-C25)

♠ The council of Arendelle planned to make an alliance with kingdom Vassar and
accepted the marriage between Agnarr and Runa. (DS-C14~39)
♤ Arendelle was harassed repeatedly by strange man wearing masks depicting the
sun. (DS-C24)
♤ King Nicholas and Princess Runa arrived at Arendelle. (DS-C28)

♤ Iduna left Arendelle for trolls to remove her memories in a snowstorm and had
a dream about her newborn situation. (DS-C32~34)

(*The spirits helped Iduna when she was trapped in the snowstorm, and Iduna’s
dream also had connection with spirits.①)
♤ Iduna revealed the political intrigue conducted by King Nicholas with the help
of Runa. (DS-C38)
♤ Iduna proposed to Prince Agnarr in the way of Northuldra. (DS-C39)

① It’s unlikely that one could recall the scenes at birth so clearly and thoroughly in dreams, and
dreams with spirits are also mentioned in other literatures, such as the Epilogue of FOS and Anna
Elsa and The Secret River, both of which indicate that the spirits actually were not completely sunk
in sleep before F Ⅱ. In other words, it’s probable that four spirits were still “watching” the world.

~ 16 ~
FT 8 ~ FT 29 1815 ~ 1836

The reign of King Agnarr

➢ FT 8 (1815)

Agnarr’s coronation

➢ Six months after Iduna’s proposing, FT 8 (1815)

♠ Agnarr & Iduna got married. (DS-C41)

(Lord Peterson died sometime in the reign of King Agnarr. [From Mari Mancusi])

➢ Winter solstice, FT 11 (1818)

Elsa’s birth

♠ Elsa’s birth was accompanied by an unanticipated meteorological phenomenon

that blanketed the village in delicate crystals of ice. (AYWEA)

(The princess had a flaxen-haired beauty, weighing seven pounds. [AYWEA])

♠ Elsa shot ice from her finger when Iduna firstly presented her to the public.

➢ FT 11 (1818)

Kristoff’s birth (Frozen Final Shooting Draft)

➢ Summer solstice, FT 14 (1821)

Anna’s birth

♠ Agnarr & Iduna appeared on the balcony overlooking the courtyard to present
the days-old Anna to the public. (AYWEA)

~ 17 ~
(The adorable royal baby had a strawberry-blonde hair, green eyes and some said a
smattering of freckles. [AYWEA])

➢ FT 14 ~ FT 19 (1821 ~ 1826)

Early childhood of Anna & Elsa

♦ ※ Anna was taught how to start a fire by Agnarr during an expedition and kept
the flint ever since.① (GS-A)

♦ Iduna visited Sorenson seeking answers to Elsa’s magic, and helped to paint the
ceiling of his tower with northern lights and constellations, similar to that of the
secret room. (FOS-C14)

♦ (FT 18, 1825) On Agnarr and Iduna's marriage anniversary, 4-year-old Anna and
7-year-old Elsa ruined Iduna's gifts for Agnarr by accident but made amends for their
parents in a better way.②

♦ Anna & Elsa were brought to watch the northern lights for
the first time with Agnarr & Iduna. (JTTL-C5)

♦ Iduna used to play treasure hunt with Elsa & Anna.

(TT-Part 1)
Anna & Elsa watching the
♦ (FT 19, 1826) The annual royal trip (BTS: EIR) northern lights from NLAN

♤ (In summertime) The royal family arrived at Sommerhus, a quaint cottage

outside the Arendelle forest for a few weeks’ relaxation.
♤ Anna caught a white rabbit and considered it as the snow hare, a legendary
creature that could bring good luck to a person, hoping it would help Elsa.

♦ # The Baron and Baroness of Snoob came to visit Arendelle and were impressed
with ice and snow created by Elsa. (CT)

♦ # (FT 19, 1826) The royal family prepared a grand birthday party for Anna’s
fifth birthday. (TPB)

♦ Kristoff’s life experiences before Frozen

♢ Kristoff met Sven while escaping from wolves. (GS-K)

① It helps to explain why Anna could find a flint and start fire easily in the dark cave in F Ⅱ.
② From novel “A Perfect Night”, additional short story of DS written by Mari Mancusi.

~ 18 ~
♢ Kristoff bought his lute at Oaken's. (GS-K)

♢ # Kristoff helped Sven get his tongue off the ice, resulting in the growth of his
tongue. (JTTL-C13)
♢ # Bluda organized a wonderful birthday party for Kristoff
and probably celebrated it every year thereafter. (KBB)
♢ (One year at Bulda’s birthday night) Little Rock probably
saved Kristoff from being poisoned by toxic leaves in a sandwich,
though it wasn’t affirmed since the sandwich was never found.
(JTTL-C16) Little Rock drawn
by Anna in NLAN
(Trolls only celebrate their birthdays every hundred years. [AFW & KBB])

(Every year, Kristoff came and did something extra special for Bulda at her
birthday night. [JTTL-C16])
♢ Kristoff saved Little Rock and Pebble from being taken away by a man
through exchanging all his blocks of ice for them with the man. (GS-K)

♦ (A few months before the accident) Anna got a book from Rani, the daughter of a
dignitary from another country. (AFH-C1)

➢ FT 19 (1826)

The night before gates’ closing

♠ (In the evening) Elsa took a lesson with Erlingur after playing hide-and-seek
with Anna. (AFH-Prologue)

♠ Anna & Elsa learned of the enchanted forest & Ahtohallan. (F Ⅱ)

Agnarr told his daughters that the past has a way of returning.

♠ (Later that night) Elsa and Anna made a snowman together, naming it Olaf &
Elsa struck Anna accidentally. (F)

♠ Kristoff and Sven followed the royal family, who was anxiously heading to the
trolls’ valley. (F)

♠ Grand Pabbie replaced Anna’s memory & Kristoff and Sven were adopted by
Bulda and Cliff. (F & UA)

~ 19 ~
♠ (When returning Arendelle) Iduna made a necklace with herb for Elsa to remind
her fun times shared with Anna, which was lost later. (TT- Part 1)

♠ Anna had a nightmare about giant wolf, mountain and bitter cold, and woke up
finally. (FOS-Prologue)

♠ Iduna told a story of Frigg the Fisherman to calm Anna down. ①


♠ Gates closed & Sisters separated. (F)

➢ FT 19 ~ FT 29 (1826 ~ 1836)

Within the period of gates’ closing

♦ The council was dismissed once the gates were closed. (From Mari Mancusi)

♦ (Every Christmas) Anna would make Elsa a gift of Olaf to remind them of their
childhood. (OFA)

♦ (FT 22, 1829) Anna learned how to write letter and began to communicate with
Elsa who pretended to be Astrid through letters. (BTS: AFAF)

♦ # Iduna took Elsa to paint Arendelle araucaria araucana, which was the oldest
tree of all lands, having experienced various disasters, as said by Iduna. (TT- Part 3)

♦ Iduna told Anna that there is always a spring by showing her blooming crocuses
in the harsh winter. (TT- Part 3)

♠ FT 29 (1836)
Iduna researched all kinds of books and scrolls in the secret room to figure out
how to help Elsa. (DS-C46)

➢ FT 29 (1836)

The shipwreck

♠ Agnarr & Iduna were lost in the dark sea when heading to Ahtohallan. (F & F Ⅱ)

♠ Anna and the people of Arendelle attended the funeral of Agnarr and Iduna. (F)
(*Arendelle held memorial service every year since Agnarr & Iduna’s death.②)

① In AFH, when Anna woke up, her parents were not around her, which conflicts with FOS.
② I made this conjecture based on TT.

~ 20 ~
FT 32 ~ FT 35 1839 ~ 1842

The reign of Queen Elsa

➢ July, FT 32 (1839)

Elsa’s coronation

Day 1:
♦ Hans arrived at Arendelle with his horse Sitron① due to the advice of his brother
Lars, the only one who cared about him among his thirteen brothers. (F & FⅡ OMS &

♦ Many dignitaries came to Arendelle to celebrate Elsa’s coronation, including

Princess Rapunzel and Eugene from Corona & the Duke of Weselton. (F)

♠ Anna was knocked down by Hans, who mistook her for Elsa, and then Anna fell
in love with him at first sight. (F & AFH-C6)

♠ Queen Elsa brought an eternal winter to Arendelle and left for the northern
mountain. (F)

♠ Princess Anna left Hans in charge. (F)

♠ Hans began to gather all things that could be used to keep warm, such as horse
blanket and cloaks, with the help of Gerda, and he made a list of to-dos: setting up
cots; getting food from the pantry; providing toys for the young children to keep them
distracted. Then he went to the Great Hall to make it fit people as many as possible.

Day 2:
♠ Elsa created Olaf on the north mountain. (F & OUAS)

♠ (Evening) Olaf knew of what summer looked like and got a sausage as his nose
at Oaken’s (which was sent to a needy wolf later, however) just before Anna’s
arriving. (OUAS)

① The name was initially given by Jennifer Lee in Twitter. Besides, Sitron actually means Lemon
in Norwegian.

~ 21 ~
♦ Anna & Kristoff were hunted by hungry wolves attracted by Olaf. (F & OUAS)

♦ Hans had turned the Great Hall into a relief station, complete with warm clothes
and food to comfort both the townsfolk who couldn’t reach their homes and the many
foreign guests, with the help of Gerda and the other household staff. (AFH-C16)

Day 3:
(There had been chaos inside Arendelle.)

♦ Hans tried to make allies with dignitaries, including the representative from
Zaria① and the lord of Kongsberg. (AFH-C16)

♦ Hans got the information about Anna’s whereabouts at Oaken’s. (AFH-C20)

♦ Elsa blasted Anna in her heart involuntarily after hearing the situation of
Arendelle, and then banished her from the ice palace by creating Marshmallow. (F)

♠ Elsa was brought back and locked in tower by Hans. (F)

♠ (At night) Kristoff brought Anna to see Grand Pabbie to cure her, while Pabbie
pointed out that only an act of true can thaw a frozen heart. (F)

Day 4:

♠ Anna saved Elsa as well as herself. (F)

♠ Elsa brought summer back to Arendelle. (F)

♠ Kristoff was appointed as the Official

Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer. (F)

♠ Arendelle suspended trade with Weselton,

while Hans was repatriated to South Isles. (F)
Decree issued by Elsa, from UA

➢ 28th ~30th November, FT 32 (1839)

The crystal ceremony

(Trolls held the crystal ceremony every autumn under the bright Northern Lights,

① It should be noted that Zaria has been mentioned in many books, including FOS and many
picture books.

~ 22 ~
when only trolls with all level-three crystals were allowed to join, so young trolls had
to work hard to upgrade all of their level-one crystals. [JTTL-C2])

(“For trolls, this is the beginning of a lifelong responsibility to nurture both the
earth and sky. We trolls must do our part to make the crystals glow, and in turn, the
crystals help keep the Northern Lights alive.”① —Grand Pabbie [JTTL-C19])

♠ (3:00 p.m. at 28th) Anna and Elsa met Kristoff at courtyard to join in the troll’s
crystal ceremony, along with Olaf and Sven. (JTTL-C1)

♠ (evening at 28th) Anna bought a notebook at Oaken’s on the way to Troll Valley
and recorded the journey in it with Elsa & Kristoff. (JTTL-C1 & NLAN)

♠ (28th ~ 30th) The team helped Little Rock to gain tracking skills and make his
tracking crystal glow by tracing Grand Pabbie. (JTTL-C3~18 & OTT)

♠ (night at 30th) The team enjoyed the crystal ceremony as well as the glorious
northern lights. (JTTL-C19)

➢ Christmas Day, FT 32 (1839)

The first Christmas after gates’ opening

♠ Queen Elsa announced the beginning of holiday after the bell’s ring. (OFA)

♠ Olaf tried to find family traditions for Elsa & Anna but failed eventually. (OFA)

♠ Anna found a case of gloves and Sir JörgenBjörgen at the attic of castle. (OFA)

♠ Elsa & Anna found Olaf in the forest and celebrated the Christmas there with
people of Arendelle together. (OFA)

① It is further pointed out that the crystals contain energy of Northern Lights in UA.

~ 23 ~
➢ Summer solstice, FT 33 (1840)

Anna’s 19th birthday

(Days before) Elsa had prepared for Anna’s birthday party for days, finding a ball
of string and purchasing gifts and leaving the decoration to Kristoff and Sven. (EPP)

♠ Elsa carefully prepared a birthday party for Anna. (FF)

♠ Hans was hit by Elsa’s magic while laboring in a stable in Southern Isles. (FF)

♠ Olaf led all the little snowgies created by Elsa’s sneezing to the ice palace. (FF)

➢ Winter, FT 32 ~ FT 34 (1839 ~ 1841)

Annual Arendelle Ice-Carving Contest

(Elsa and Anna started a tradition in Arendelle— annual ice-carving contest to

encourage creative energy, and Elsa served as the judge. [UA])

(The rules: Carvers may either work alone or in teams of two. Each team will have
until the sunsets to finish their sculpture. Then Elsa will choose the winners. [UA &

♠ (One year) Kai and Olina won the contest by creating a replica of Arendelle
castle, while Anna & Olaf made a snowman and Kristoff & Sven made an icy
reindeer in the contest. (UA & ACC)

➢ FT 35 (1842)

The sixth anniversary of Agnarr & Iduna’s death

♠ Anna found a box with family photo and a note written rules of treasure hunt by
Iduna inside when putting things away. (TT- Part 1)

♠ Elsa agreed to seek treasure left by her mother at Anna’s suggestion. (TT- Part 1)

♠ Anna & Elsa succeeded in finding the treasure by communicating memories with
each other, which actually lay in the box: it was a note written by Iduna. (TT)

~ 24 ~
Parts of Iduna’s note in TT

➢ # Other events between FT 32 and FT 35 (1839~1842)①

♦ (Days before harvest festival, FT 32) Elsa took out fires in the village with her
powers. (GS-E)

♦ A new editor and reporter named Whyel wrote an article titled Arendelle’s
Unconventional Royal Family recording royal anecdotes such as living snowman and
talking reindeer. (GS-O)

♦ Adventure in Arendelle Castle (POA)

♤ Both Anna and Elsa desired to make a surprise for each other.

♤ Anna & Elsa found secret passages and rooms within the castle unexpectedly.
(There were rumors about the castle being filled with twisty hallways and secret
rooms all inside the walls, and these hidden parts were haunted by ghosts.②)
♤ Finally, they realized the facts and decided to combine their ball and banquet
into one ultimate gala.

♦ Elsa helped Anna restore her memories about Elsa’s magic. (AE: MAM)

♦ Elsa and Anna made a royal tour to visit several nearby kingdoms: Zaria, Chatho,
and encountered the Duke of Weselton in Vakretta.③ (ATS)

♦ Anna, Elsa and Kristoff helped Bulda recharged his favorite crystal with the
power of northern lights and made it glow again. (BC)

① There is no clear time for these events, most of which are recorded in A&E series and picture
books both of the lowest canonity.
② Is the passage in FOS one of the passages described here? I doubt that, personally. Due to the
low canonity of POA, we shouldn’t take its contents too seriously.
③ The royal tour here is different from the grand tour in FOS.

~ 25 ~
♦ Elsa, Anna, Olaf and Sven played a series of games, including charades in a
sleepover. (ARS)

♦ Anna and Kristoff organized a quiet birthday party for Elsa since she loved quiet
evening. (ESP)

♦ Kristoff invited Marshmallow to join in his ice deliveries. (AIM)

♦ Elsa left Anna in charge of Arendelle for one day when she was absent and gave
Anna some tips for ruling. (AIC)

♦ Anna and Kristoff went to the Troll Valley to babysit the young trolls when
adults were leaving. (BTT)

♦ Anna and Elsa helped Kristoff join in the Ice Games held yearly by ice harvesters
and won the second place. (TIG)

(The following two events happened after FF.)

♦ Olaf went to the ice palace to play with the Marshmallow and little snowgies.

♦ Anna led the midsummer parade with Sven, which was an activity led by Elsa in
their childhood. (TSP)

♦ Anna’s list of things

(Anna made a list of things to do in Arendelle ever since Elsa became the queen,
including tasting desserts and visiting ice harvesters. [AE: AHTQ-C1~5])
♤ Elsa completed a new plumbing system with villagers, palace builders,
plumbers, and architects to provide more water for Arendelle. (AE: AHTQ-C9)
♤ Through the construction of plumbing system, people of Arendelle no longer
rely on Elsa’s magic power as they used to be. (AE: AHTQ-C10)

♦ Anna & Elsa helped Oaken improve his ice engine. (AE: TGIE)

➢ September, FT 35 (1842)

The Blight

(In five days, Elsa would set off on a grand tour, a tradition started by King
Runeard, visiting a series of counties in the world, such as Zaria, Royaume, Chatho,
Tikaani, Eldora, Torres, and Corona. [FOS-C1])

~ 26 ~
(Days before) Elsa made a proclamation that left Anna in charge when she is on
the grand tour and kept the paper in the royal ship. Besides, Elsa decorated the ship
with sunflowers— Anna’s favorite flowers, everywhere. (FOS-C24)

Day 1
(※ The Nattmara had seeped into Arendelle as a sickness— the Blight due to
Elsa’s stress and fear to be a bad queen.① [FOS-C25])

♠ (Morning) Anna invited Elsa to go on a trip out of the village with their horses,
Havski② and Fjøra, willing to persuade Elsa to take her along in the grand tour.

♠ Villagers began to be plagued by the Blight. (FOS-C2)

♠ Anna found the secret room in the library and found lots of books including
Secrets of the Magic Makers, the title written by Iduna. (FOS-C3)

Day 2
♠ Anna had a bad dream about Hans and the nightmare wolf. (FOS-C5)
(The Nattmara haunted Anna and caused her nightmare since Elsa was too stressed
to fall asleep. [FOS-C25])

♠ (Night) Anna met the nightmare wolf in the Great Hall. (FOS-C7)
(The Nattmara was strong enough to take on the shape of a wolf after absorbing
much fear from Elsa, moving through Arendelle and the castle.)

Day 3
♦ (Before dawn) Villagers who was asleep when the wolf ran through town has
been stuck in the nightmare. (FOS-C8&10)

♠ Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven left the castle through the Earth Giant’s
Passage, a secret passageway connecting Arendelle castle (the entrance was in the ice
room inside the kitchen) and the tumulus where ancient fallen leaders were laid,
found by Anna on the blueprints in the secret room. (FOS-C8~9)

♠ Anna, Elsa and Kristoff went to the Miner’s Mountain to find Sorenson.

① The Nattmara is the embodiment of deepest fear. It feed on fear and can take shape of anything,
according to Surenson in FOS-C14. In fact, Nattmara does exist in Scandinavian folklore. You can
visit to learn more.
② Iduna once encountered Havski in DS-C36. At that time, he was just a colt and his name means

~ 27 ~
(The Nattmara would grow when Elsa used her magic. [FOS-C15])

♠ The King of Huldrefólk helped the team to find out where the Revolute was.

Day 4
♠ Anna inferred that the Revolute Blade was buried with Aren in the tumulus, and
found it sucessfully in the mouth of dragon. (FOS-C20 & 22)

♠ Elsa trapped Anna with her magic and battled with the Nattmara with Revolute
alone, but failed and was taken over by Nattmara at last. (FOS-C23)

♠ Elsa sent oceans of black sand that covered Arendelle. (FOS-C23&25)

(*The black sand was the essence of Nattmara. It could possess any form of life.)

Day 5
♠ (One hour before sunrise) Anna woke up and read the paper left by Elsa, thus
knowing the reason why Elsa had not invited her on the grand tour. (FOS-C24)

♠ Anna helped Elsa defeat the Nattmara with truelove with the understanding of
“Fear is the shadow of love”. (FOS-C25)

♠ Elsa kept single grain of black sand in her dress. (FOS-C26)

(Villagers who had fallen under the Nattmara’s enchantment had no memory about
the danger, others like Kristoff could only recollect parts of it, except SoYun, Wael,
Tuva, Olaf, Anna and Elsa. [FOS-C26])

➢ October, FT 35 (1842)

One day before the harvest festival

(Days before) Anna had placed Secrets of the Magic

Makers in the center of the worktable alongside
Agnarr’s sketchbook. (FOS-C26)

♦ The dignitaries of many counties, including Corona,

came to visit Arendelle due to Elsa’s proposal since the
grand tour was cancelled. (FOS-C26)

♦ Anna reinstituted family game night, the charades

that used to play with Agnarr and Iduna. (FOS-C26) Rules of Charades,
written by Anna in UA

~ 28 ~
➢ October, FT 35 (1842)

Spirits awakened & The release of enchanted forest

Day 1
♦ (Morning) Elsa heard a mysterious voice ringing and stopping abruptly just when
Kai asked her to rejoin the meeting with visiting dignitaries, and inside Kristoff was
performing daring tricks with Sven after sharing with the dignitaries some facts about
how reindeers could help them cultivate better crops and make traveling throughout
Arendelle easier. (F Ⅱ & FⅡ JN-C2)
(Elsa was the only one who could hear the voice.)
(After hearing the voice, Elsa felt her magic became more active and needed a
place to release the extra energy. [FⅡ JN-C2])

♠ (Afternoon & Evening) People of Arendelle celebrated the harvest festival with
their queen and princess together. (F Ⅱ)

♠ (Night) Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf played Charades in the castle library,
in which Elsa was disturbed by the voice once more. (F Ⅱ)

♦ (In the meantime) Anna had a dream about Bruni, Nokk and spirits, then she
woke up. (FOS-Epilogue)

(*The four spirits— air, fire, water, earth— were awakened.)

♠ Elsa and Anna helped people get out of Arendelle to the top of the cliffs safely,
while Kristoff grabbed Olaf, Sven and lots of children. (F Ⅱ& FⅡ JN-C10)

Day 2
♠ (Before dawn) Trolls arrived at the cliff to help Arendelle. (F Ⅱ)

♠ (Morning) The team arrived at the entrance of enchanted forest following the
voice, and got through the mist successfully with Elsa’s magic. (F Ⅱ)

♠ Elsa and Anna knew that it was Iduna who saved Agnarr in the battle and that
Iduna was actually Northuldra thanks to her scarf, thus building trust with Northuldra.
(F Ⅱ)

♠ (Night) Elsa knew about the fifth spirit serving as a bridge from Honeymaren,
while Anna talked with Mattias (“take it one step at a time and just do the next
right thing”) & Kristoff decided to follow Ryder for a marriage proposal. (F Ⅱ)

~ 29 ~
Day 3
♠ Anna & Elsa found the shipwreck following the wind spirit and knew the true
destination and purpose of their parents: getting to Ahtohallan to help Elsa. (F Ⅱ)

♦ Elsa bonded with the water spirit and got across the dark sea successfully with
Nokk. (F Ⅱ)

(*Elsa finally found her place in the world and willingly accepted the role of fifth

♠ Elsa dived down deep into Ahtohallan and found the truth of the past, sending
messages to Anna before being completely frozen. (F Ⅱ)

♠ Anna understood how to set things right after knowing the truth of the past. (F Ⅱ)

Day 4
♠ The dam crashed & Anna was saved by Mattias and Kristoff. (F Ⅱ)

(*The wrong had been righted, and thus the mist was dissipated & Elsa was

♠ Elsa saved Arendelle by soothing the flood with her matured magic. (F Ⅱ)
(※ When the flood is about to overtake Arendelle, Elsa stops it with her magic.
But Elsa and her magic have matured, so rather than just erecting a barrier that then
dissolves the danger, she uses her magic to soothe the water. It's the first time she
uses the unity symbol, which is her signature snowflake but comprised of the
elements, a combination of the two. Elsa is the center that brings it all together in
harmony. It's a climactic moment, but she uses her magic in a way that has a calming
effect after the mayhem. [AF Ⅱ-P134])

♠ Elsa chose to stay in Northuldra and take up the position of the fifth spirit.
Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf returned Arendelle with Mattias and the soldiers.
(F Ⅱ)

~ 30 ~
FT 35 ~ 1842 ~

The reign of Queen Anna

➢ FT 35 (1842)

Anna’s Coronation①

➢ November, FT 35 (1842)②

The unveiling ceremony of sculpture

♠ Anna unveiled the bronze sculpture of Iduna and Agnarr in the center of platform,
which symbolized the harmony between Arendelle and Northuldra. (F Ⅱ)
(“Our lands and people, now connected by love.” —Anna)

♠ Anna sent a note to Elsa with Gale’s help to say everything is well and remind
her to join the charades at Friday night. (F Ⅱ)


① No official documents or records ever give any information of this event up till now.
② It was said “as the last autumn leaves fell from the trees” in FⅡ JN, so the celebration probably
took place in November.

~ 31 ~
Appendix Ⅰ

Maps of Arendelle
This section summarizes several official maps of Arendelle at different scales.
The following two pictures taken from AF Ⅱ (Page 18, 19) depict the overall
view of Arendelle kingdom. The second picture is the vertical view of part of the
village next to the castle and the names of some streets and places are also given.

The next two sketch maps illustrate the landscape of Arenfjord from two
different angles, which can be found on page 27 and page 30 in AF.

~ 32 ~
The map below is from FOS, which provides us with clear landform and names
of places around Arendelle.

The last map as shown on the right is the most comprehensive and accurate
world map of Frozen that I’ve ever seen.
We compared it with Iduna’s travelling map in F Ⅱ and the world map in FF
carefully, and found that it is exactly the combination of them, with the accurate
location of every place including southern isles. All three maps are listed below for
However, this picture is from the Internet with unknown source. In the case of
this being a fan edit, please contact us and we are happy to show gratitude to the artist
and it would be within the artist’s right to call for withdraw of this picture if he/she so

~ 33 ~
Map in F Ⅱ

Map in FF

Ultimate map of Frozen world with unknown resource

~ 34 ~
Appendix Ⅱ

Calculation of Chronology
The time of Frozen was confirmed in a video in 2019 by the cast of Frozen as
July, 1839. Watch the video at
The information was given around 4’10’’.
As mentioned in the introduction, I set the year of the battle of the dam as FT 1,
mainly as little about events before that year was known, and most of them were
legends, while after the battle, events that we knew of became relatively clear and
In F Ⅱ, we know that it had been 34 years and five months since the battle, so F
Ⅱ happened in FT 35. Moreover, there is 3 years between F and F Ⅱ, thus the date of
Frozen being FT 32. Then, it’s easy to get the year of FT 1 as 1808, thus two sets of
chronology being connected.
Prehistory: the last ice age began at about 18 thousand years and ended around
10000 BC. The legend of Ahtohallan may be far earlier than that. In FOS, it was said
that Aren probably lived before the last ice age, but we cannot get the exact time.
Considering the history of Norway, the age of monarchy may begin at the ninth
century and the Arendelle castle was built no more than 1794, the year when Agnarr
was born.
Agnarr’s birth: on the 34th page of FⅡ MG, it says Agnarr was 14 when King
Runeard died (FT 1), so we can figure out that he was born in BF 13, 1794. We can
also get Agnarr’s birth year from DS-C9~11, “It had been four years since the mist
came down.”
Iduna’s birth: in DS-C34, “I (Iduna) am twelve. Agnarr is fourteen.”, so Iduna is
two years younger than Agnarr.
The reign of Arendelle council: this period mainly references DS. In chapter 8, it
is said Agnarr and Iduna would come back in six months in spring, so the first
adventure took place in Autunm in FT 1. Then, in chapter 9, it has been their eighth
biannual trek, and Iduna began to study windmill with Johan about a year ago, which
is FT 4. In chapter 41, we know that Agnarr and Iduna got married six months after
Iduna’s proposal, when Agnarr had been crowned king in FT 8, 1815. Therefore, the
main events in DS took place from FT 5 to FT 8.
It should be noted that the time in Chapter One of DS is problematic. From
“Primary Events of Arendelle”, it’s easy to figure out that the period between the
time Agnarr encountered Iduna and the shipwreck should be 28 years, not 26 years.
Despite the mistake in time, DS is still an excellent novel and one of my favorite
books of Frozen series.
Elsa’s & Anna’s birth: Elsa was twenty-one in F, and three years older than
Anna. It’s easy to figure out their years of birth.
Kristoff’s birth: on the 1st and 2nd page of Frozen Final Shooting Draft by
Jennifer Lee, we knew Kristoff was at the same age as Elsa. However, on the 26th
page of FⅡ MG, it was said Kristoff was twenty-three years old in F Ⅱ, which is

~ 35 ~
conflicting. We chose to believe the former document and special thanks to iffy, who
pointed out this problem in Discord.
The night before gates’ closing: also from Frozen Final Shooting Draft, page 2,
we knew that Elsa was 8 and Anna was 5 at the night. So, it was FT 19, 1826.
The shipwreck: from F, we know that Agnarr and Iduna died
three years before Elsa’s coronation, which was FT 32, 1839.
However, there’s a serious contradiction here since the map
found in the shipwreck in F Ⅱ was marked ‘1840’, which means
the time of shipwreck shouldn’t be earlier than 1840s. Given that
both of two resources should be taken as first-class documents,
we couldn’t find a proper explanation for this problem. Feel free 1840 in Roman numerals
to contact us if you have any opinions on it.
The crystal ceremony: in JTTL-C2, it is said that there were three days left of
Autumn. According to the usual meteorological season in the northern hemisphere,
the time should be 28th to 30th in November. Besides, since trolls held crystal
ceremony every year and it was the first time of their participation, it probably took
place in the first year of Queen Elsa’s reign, FT 32.
The first Christmas after gates’ opening: obviously, it took place on the
Christmas Day, FT 32 (1839).
Anna’s 19th birthday: it’s also obvious in FF.
True Treasure: TT-Part 1 pointed out that the story began at the sixth
anniversary of Agnarr & Iduna’s death, which is FT 35, 1842.
The Blight: from FOS, we know that the Blight invaded Arendelle about one
month before F Ⅱ. Since F Ⅱ took place three years after F and most people accept
the conjecture that F Ⅱ was in October. Therefore, the blight probably occurred in
September, FT 35.
In fact, more details about Huldrefólk used to be included in the drafts of this
book, but we removed those contents due to practical issues. They may be added in
the second edition.
Anna’s Coronation: no official documents or records ever give any information
of this event up till now.
The unveiling ceremony of sculpture: it was said “as the last autumn leaves fell
from the trees” in FⅡ JN, so Anna’s coronation probably took place in November.

~ 36 ~
Appendix Ⅲ

Lists of Third-class Literature

This chronicle drew reference from a total of 30 third-class literature. Though
they are all included in the third tier, their canonity varies. I did not distinguish them
in the text as it would increase the difficulty of reading, and the text has been pretty
colorful. Here, I further divide them into three tiers:
For the six books listed below, although there is no clear evidence of
filmmaker’s review, some parts of their content can be found in the second-class
literature, and they provide a reasonable supplement to Frozen world, so it would also
make some sense even if they are regarded as second-class literature.

Name Abbreviation
A Frozen World AFW
Frozen The Essential Guide FTEG
Frozen Ⅱ The Magical Guide FⅡ MG
Journey To The Lights JTTL
Northern Lights Adventure Notebook NLAN
A Cool Contest ACC

The content of the following five works is relatively independent, but there is
almost no conflict with logic of the main plot and characterizations of Frozen, and
can be treated as extensions.

Name Abbreviation
A Frozen Heart AFH
True Treasure TT
Before the Story: Elsa’s Icy Rescue BTS: EIR
Before the Story: Anna Finds A Friend BTS: AFAF
Elsa’s Perfect Plan EPP

The last literature including novels and picture books have completely
independent contents from the major plot of Frozen, and may conflict with the logic
of main plot and characterizations, though not fatal. Obviously, these works have the
lowest canonity. They are marked with ‘#’ in the text.

Name Abbreviation
Phantoms of Arendelle POA
Childhood Times CT
The Perfect Birthday TPB

~ 37 ~
Across the Sea ATS
Bulda’s Crystal BC
A Royal Sleepover NLAN
Kristoff’s Birthday Bash ACC
Elsa’s Surprise Birthday ESB
An Icy Monster AIM
Anna In Charge AIC
Little Brothers LB
The Midsummer Parade TMP
Babysitting the Troll Tots BTT
The Ice Games TIG
On the Trail OTT
A Year with Elsa and Anna AYWEA
Anna & Elsa: Memory and Magic AE: MAM
Anna & Elsa: All Hail the Queen AE: AHTQ
Anna & Elsa: The Great Ice Engine AE: TGIE

~ 38 ~

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