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English 102-804


Snart, Jason Allen. Hybrid Learning: The Perils and Promises of Blending Online and Face-to-

Face Instruction in Higher Education. Prager, 2010. ProQuest EBook Central,,

Accessed 25. Jan 2022.

Snart- Allen Jason interesting chapter. “Going Hybrid: The Bigger Pitcher” provides a

variety of details of the different teaching styles that are offered. Jason Allen Smart, an associate

professor in English of COD wrote a book called, Hybrid Learning: The Perils and Promise of

Blending Online and Face-To-Face Instruction in Higher Education, which tells the reader that

hybrid learning is the new way of teaching. The chapter talks about all the different types of

learning styles on and off. But then the online version of learning, and face to face combines into

one. It then dives into the hybrid format of learning, and discusses the significance it provides.

His credibility comes into question because he has an excellent background of education since he

is a professor at a college. Snart- Allen Jason examining this new way of learning that was

produced will show that hybrid learning is more efficient rather than other types of learning.

The author has made his argument clear in this chapter. With all the types of learning

styles there is a way for the reader to pull out that his argument is that hybrid learning is more

efficient than both ways of learning separately. Snart- Allen Jason argues that within all the types

of learning styles that hybrid learning overrides the other types of learning to be more efficient.

By examining different modes of teaching, the author argues that hybrid learning is the most

effective due to COVID-19. He uses evidence of his own, and peer reviewed thoughts of other

people to come up with his significance of the argument he provides. Snart- Allen Jason calls

attention to the fact that hybrid learning out of any learning style is being recognized to his

readers, to show that the other learning styles are not successful. It does fulfill the purpose,

because it implements that the other styles of learning than hybrid is less efficient. For example

Jason Allen Snart, writes, “Online courses can also increase the number of sections of any given

course being offered without stressing physical campus resources as would offering more of

those same courses in the traditional face-to-face mode”(30). This shows that hybrid learning is

more effective than traditional learning. Because the author provides the evidence clearly to

indicate that the other way of learning does not offer new sections. But hybrid learning has new

sections to select from producing it to be more sufficient to be productive.

Not only has the author made his argument very clear, but also the argument is very

relevant and serves a purpose. The source is credible because the author is an associate professor

at a community college and a doctor of philosophy. “Going Hybrid: The Bigger Picture” chapter

of Jason Allen Snart´s book has meaning. It shows it has purpose because the author really

emphasizes his argument, and his thoughts come together. The argument exists due to COVID-

19. The source is relevant because this topic has started ever since COVID had occurred. It is

still relevant today as a pandemic is in play. Jason Snart has mentioned that, “The development

of online courses certainly increases the variety of delivery modes available to students, if not the

actual variety of courses offered” (30). The author was just giving examples of how the online

courses were becoming more popular, and productive. But this comes to prove that even though

online courses were becoming productive, the hybrid learning style would increase in

productivity. Which shows that the new hybrid learning style being more popular and productive

makes it efficient. This evidence supports that the argument of the author is proven to have

purpose, and in current time.

Lastly, even though the chapter of the author's argument is relevant, and has purpose. But

it also is evident that his argument is proven true. The author Jason Allen Snart, who is an

Associate Professor at the community college of College of Dupage (COD) writes, ¨In fact, the

Web is more and more allowing for — and actively — inviting — user input and collaboration¨

(44). He is trying to say that when you have an online learning environment you tend to be more

productive, and it can be more inviting to become more collaborative to make the course more

interesting in a new type of learning style. This helps illustrate that being in a hybrid learning

class that the online portion is more effective, but the face to face is not so effective. When you

are online you become more engaged, and it is easier for students to grasp the material more to

be able to master the class.

Given this the author has made a very clear argument, and it is proven to say that hybrid learning

is more effective from the other learning style environments.

¨Going Hybrid: The Bigger Picture¨ from the book Hybrid Learning by Jason Allen Snart

has an understanding of the argument. In this chapter anyone can find his argument. His

argument is shown to be relevant and with purpose. The argument is evident that his argument is

credible because it is true that the argument he provides is true.

900 words

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