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Presented by- Ipsita Chihnara
❖ What is assessment ?
Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, integrating and acting
upon data related to student learning and experience for the purpose of
developing a deep understanding of what the students know, understand, and
can do with their knowledge.
❖ Types of assessment-
1. Formal assessment or Summative assessment
2. Informal assessment of Formative assessment
❖ Importance of assessment-
1. To find out what the students know
2. To find out what the students can do and how well they can do it
3. To find out how students go about the task of doing their work
4. To find out how students feel about their work
Formative assessment Summative assessment

1. Used during teaching learning process to 1. Used after course completion ton assign the

monitor the teaching learning process. grades.

2. Developmental in nature 2. Terminal in nature

3. Aim is to improve student’s learning and 3. Purpose is to evaluate student’s

teacher’s teaching. achievement.

4. Test items are prepared for limited content 4. Test items are prepared from the whole

area. content area.

5. Provides feedback to the teacher to modify 5. Helps teacher to know the effectiveness of

the methods and prescribe remedial work. the whole instructional procedure.

6. It is a continuous and regular process. 6. It is not regular and continuous process.

7. Considers assessment as a process 7. Considers assessment as a product.

❖ Types of ways that teachers can use to assess student progress in mathematics class :-
1. Change weighting scale-
For calculation of final grades for report cards teachers use student assignments, tests, quizzes,
and exams collected over the semester. Each type of assessment holds a certain “weight” in
the overall grade. Teachers can adjust the importance or weight of an assessment activity.
2. Use Informal Observation-
Observing students throughout the school day can give important insight into their learning
needs and progress. This way teachers keep track of student strengths and needs that one
can’t provide on a written test.
3. Allow for self assessment-
Give students an opportunity to assess their own learning and reflect on the progress they are
making. This process also helps students stay motivated and interested in their own learning.
4. Provide Multiple test formats-
Students with written output issues can be given oral-response tests. Teachers can use multiple
choice, long answer, short answer, diagrams, charts, fill-in-the-blank, and other graphic
1. Help students develop higher-level thinking skills and apply what they know.
2. Allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular concept through
3. A student or group of students to engage in some mathematical task or investigation.
4. Observations of the students as they work, questioning of the processes they use to solve the
task, and examination of their final results are all standard activities that create useful data
about what the students know and are able to do.
5. Task must be rich and motivating enough.
▪ Monitoring student progress successfully requires good communication between the
students and the teacher.
▪ When monitoring student performance, the focus is on understanding what sense students
are making of the mathematics.
▪ Mathematics assessment focuses on what students know and can do and on what they
think about mathematics.
▪ It involves a broad range of tasks and problems and require the application of a number of
mathematical ideas.
Strategy: At the beginning of a new unit of study, Teacher has students list in their notebooks everything
they know and want to know about the general topic we will be studying.
Next, the children share aloud what they know and want to know, as teacher record their findings. As a
class, teacher then take an inventory of what the class know collectively.
Teacher then ask students who volunteered pieces of information to share their knowledge with the class
by elaborating on what they said. This process helps to build knowledge for those students who did not
know the particular pieces of information.
In addition, the children then clarify those items they want to know about.
Teacher includes their self-generated list of information and ideas they wish to explore in his unit plan.
This process of naming what we know and what we want to know better prepares us to learn any new
Throughout the unit, Teacher invites the students to return to their list of what they know and want to know in order to
add additional information about what they now know and to clarify what they still want to know.

This process helps teacher to make changes in the content he teaches and especially in the sequence of activities he

Evaluation of student achievement is an essential component of mathematics education. It is necessary to give

teachers feedback on the methods and approaches used and to assist in planning for new learning (formative
assessment), as well as to assess student readiness for new learning and to find out what they have learned (summative

Feedback in Mathematics-
▪ Feedback is important in mathematics learning but can have both negative and positive
▪ Feedback can provoke cognitive and motivational change.
▪ Feedback can change achievement, interest and self regulation.
▪ Giving feedback by comparing student work to their own previous work is more effective
than comparing students to one another.
▪ Giving grades only may be ineffective and even have negative effects
▪ Feedback is also provided to the teacher by the student. When teachers listen to students
and learn what they know, what they understand, where they are confused, where they have
misconceptions, and when they are disengaged, amazing learning occurs for both teacher
and student.

▪ Defining a goal providing focused feedback is important.

Steps involved in feedback-

1. Step-1 (Input): In this step the teacher teaches the students. The teacher uses appropriate method and
the teaching learning materials in order to make the content more easy. He studies the interest of the
learners simply through observation. The teacher, during teaching, should use simple language which
can meet every Learner.

2. Step-2 (Assessment): After imparting instruction the teacher assesses the learning progress of the
students. For assessment The teacher applies various procedures of assessment. But it is very important to
use objective type of test. The performance of the students is known from assessment. The students’
output is not satisfactory
Step-3 (Output): Is concluded that there lies some defects either with the students or the
teacher. Output of the students Should be made the students satisfactory.

Step-4 (Diagnosis) : The output provides the knowledge of result of the students. The students
are tested and the performance of the students diagnose their weak point of understanding.
The difficulty area is noticed.

Step-5 (Grouping): After knowing the area of difficulty of the students the teacher is able to
divide the students various groups depending on the performance of the students. Small
groups of students containing 5-6 numbers are formed.

Step-6 (Input): To various group of students the teacher teaches the students by using
modified method of teaching as well as the teaching method. This time the teacher uses
very simple language and the principle of simple to complex.

Step-7 (Output): In order to know the impact of input, the teacher a conducts various
techniques of assessment. The teacher's modified teaching procedure may bring some
changes in achieving the objectives.
Step-8 (Assessment) Once again the teacher conducts assessment in order to know
the impact of input and if the students performance is not satisfactory the teaching is
given by the teacher to the weak students if left.

Step-9 (Grouping) If there are some weak students known from the assessment the
teacher again divides the students into grouping. If all the students' performance is
satisfactory, the teacher jumps to the next chapter.

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