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B1.It may result from mixing seawater (salt water) with fresh water together.

A.Freshwater B.Brackish water C.Seawater D.All of the above

D2.What is the scientific name of Milkfish?

A.Oreochromis niloticus B.Scylla serrata C.Dendrobranchiata D.Chanos chanos

C3.Refers to the number of animals that are kept on a given unit of area.
A.Pond Stocking B.Stock sampling C.Stocking density D.All of the above

B4.It is totally enclosed on all, or all but the top, sides by mesh or netting.
A.Pen B.Cage C.Both Pen and Cage D.None of the above

C5.It is the agricultural practice of producing or growing a single crop, plant, or livestock species,
variety, or breed in a field or farming system at a time.
A.Polyculture B.Aquaculture C.Monoculture D.Agriculture

B6.Can be made from almost any type of seafood but is generally manufactured from wild-caught,
small marine fish that contain a high percentage of bones and oil, and usually deemed not suitable for
direct human consumption.
A.Soybean meal B.Fish Meal C.Camote Leaf Meal D.Kangkong Leaf Meal

C7.The saltiness or amount of salt dissolved in a body of water, called saline water. A.Alkalinity
B.Acidity C.Salinity D.None of the above

A8.A place for artificial breeding, hatching, and rearing through the early life stages of animals.
A.Hatchery B.Pens C.Cages D.All of the above

A9. Milkfish is a ________ fish.

A. heterosexual B. flying C. male D. female

B10. A male milkfish can reach a maximum size of ______.

A. 140cm B. 180cm C. 120cm D. 160cm

D11. What disease have this syndrome? Loss of appetite; lethargic swimming; excess mucus
production; lumpy body surface.

A. Cryptobia infestation B. Anchor worm disease C. Trichodinosis D Caligus Infestation.

D12. Milkfish can be?

 A. smoked B.dried C.marinated D. All of the above

D13. What is the color of Milkfish?

A. Blue B. Red C. Green D. Silver

B.14. Milfish farming started about?

A. 1 year ago B. 4-6 centuries C. 3 years ago D. 10 years ago

A15. Milkfish are normally harvested at sizes of _____ cm

A. 20-40cm B. 10-20cm C. 40-50 D. 50-60

A16. Selective harvest of uniformly grown milkfish from grow-out facilities.

A. Partial harvest B. Total harvest C. Forced harvest D. Harvesting

B17. Complete harvest in one crop period from grow-out facilities.

A. Partial harvest B. Total harvest C. Forced harvest D. Harvesting

C18. Emergency harvesting, regardless of fish size or grow-out stage, which is carried out during 'fish
kills' due to oxygen depletions that are attributed to algal blooms, red tide occurrence, pollution or
other environmental causes.

A. Partial harvest B. Total harvest C. Forced harvest D. Harvesting

D19. In some countries (e.g. the Philippines) fishing for _____ milkfish is officially banned in order to
protect the natural broodstocks.

A. Male B. Female C. Baby D. Adult

B.20. There are two known post-harvest processing techniques for milkfish.
A. Old and New B. Traditional and Non Traditional C. Fast and Slow D. None of the above

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