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YEAR : 2020




-Definition of Industrial Chemistry 3

-Definition of Alloy 4
-Importance of Alloy 5

-Comparison of between an alloy and a pure metal 8
-Comparison between an alloy and a compound 11
-Comparison between an alloy and composite 11
-Uses of Alloy 12

-Definition of Glass 13
-Basic Properties of Glass 14
-Types of Glass and Its Uses 15

-Definition of Ceramics 16
-Types of Ceramics 18
-Basic Properties of Ceramics 20
-Uses of Ceramics 21

-Definition of Composite Materials 24
-Type of Composite Materials 25
-Uses of Composite Materials 27
-Comparison between composite materials and their original 29


Definition of Industrial Chemistry

Industrial chemistry is the manufacturing art concerned with the transformation

of matter into useful materials in useful amounts. Usually this transformation of

available materials into more desirable ones involves some kind of process

following a recipe. In turn the process may involve grinding, mixing together

various ingredients, dissolving, heating, allowing ingredients to interact

(chemically or biochemically react forming new compositions of matter), cooling,

evaporating or distilling, growing crystals, filtering, and other physical-chemical-

biological operations


Definition of Alloy

An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals mixed in a certain percentage.

Most pure metals are weak and soft. The properties of pure metals can be improved

by making them into alloys.For example, combining the metallic elements gold

and copper produces red gold, gold and silver becomes white gold, and silver

combined with copper produces sterling silver. Elemental iron, combined with

non-metallic carbon or silicon, produces alloys called steel or silicon steel. The

resulting mixture forms a substance with properties that often differ from those of

the pure metals, such as increased strength or hardness. Unlike other substances

that may contain metallic bases but do not behave as metals, such as aluminium

oxide (sapphire), beryllium aluminium silicate (emerald) or sodium chloride (salt),

an alloy will retain all the properties of a metal in the resulting material, such as

electrical conductivity, ductility, opaqueness, and luster. Alloys are used in a wide

variety of applications, from the steel alloys, used in everything from buildings to

automobiles to surgical tools, to exotic titanium-alloys used in the aerospace

industry, to beryllium-copper alloys for non-sparking tools. In some cases, a

combination of metals may reduce the overall cost of the material while preserving

important properties. In other cases, the combination of metals imparts

synergistic properties to the constituent metal elements such as corrosion

resistance or mechanical strength. Examples of alloys are steel, solder, brass,

pewter, duralumin, bronze and amalgams.

Importance of Alloy

Pure metals possess few important physical and metallic properties, such as

melting point, boiling point, density, specific gravity, high malleability, ductility,

and heat and electrical conductivity. These properties can be modified and

enhanced by alloying it with some other metal or nonmetal, according to the need.

Alloys are made to:

● Enhance the hardness of a metal: An alloy is harder than its components.

Pure metals are generally soft. The hardness of a metal can be enhanced by

alloying it with another metal or nonmetal.

● Lower the melting point: Pure metals have a high melting point. The melting

point lowers when pure metals are alloyed with other metals or nonmetals.

This makes the metals easily fusible. This property is utilized to make useful

alloys called solders.

● Enhance tensile strength: Alloy formation increases the tensile strength of

the parent metal.

● Enhance corrosion resistance: Alloys are more resistant to corrosion than

pure metals. Metals in pure form are chemically reactive and can be easily

corroded by the surrounding atmospheric gases and moisture. Alloying a

metal increases the inertness of the metal, which, in turn, increases

corrosion resistance.

● Modify color: The color of pure metal can be modified by alloying it with

other metals or nonmetals containing suitable color pigments.

● Provide better castability: One of the most essential requirements of getting

good castings is the expansion of the metal on solidification. Pure molten

metals undergo contraction on solidification. Metals need to be alloyed to

obtain good castings because alloys expand.


Comparison between an alloy and a pure metal

● Chemical Composition

By definition, pure metals consist of a single element. Samples of these metals

contain nothing but atoms of a single metallic substance. Alloys contain two or

more elements or alloys melted and blended together, so their chemical formulas

consist of more than one element. For example, the pure metal iron consists only

of iron atoms. Steel, an alloy of iron and carbon, contains mostly iron atoms with

isolated atoms of carbon that lend it strength. Adding the metals chromium or

molybdenum to the steel produces yet another alloy: stainless steel.

● Malleability and Ductility

One reason that manufacturers combine pure metals to form alloys is to change the

physical properties of the metals. Pure metals may be too soft to hold up to regular

use, but alloying them makes them tougher. As a pure metal, gold bends and

stretches so easily that it would quickly pull out of shape if it were formed into a

ring and worn on the finger. Jewelry manufacturers alloy pure gold with silver,

copper or zinc to improve the metal's durability and rigidity. The gold contributes

its color and resistance to corrosion; the other metals contribute their strength.

The result is a 14-karat gold ring that withstands daily wear.

● Reactivity

In their natural elemental state, some pure metals react strongly with their

surroundings, oxidizing and corroding until they become unusable. Blending these

metals with less reactive metals changes their reactivity, extending the life of the

alloyed item. Stainless steel takes its name from the fact that it does not readily

rust or pit the way a pure iron tool would. Alloying metals is one means to make

them less reactive and more suited to the needs of the manufacturer.

● Mass

Light metals such as aluminum and titanium reduce the mass of pure metals with

which they alloy. These lighter alloys play a vital role in the aerospace industry, as

they allow manufacturers to design and build lighter craft. A lighter jet fighter can

hold more fuel, equipment and ordnance than a heavy one. Aluminum alloy wheels

lighten a vehicle's overall weight, contributing to better gas mileage and adding

speed on the racetrack.

● Thermal Tolerance and Melting Point

Alloying metals changes their thermal tolerance. As they consist of two or more

pure metals, alloys have no single melting point, but instead melt over a range of

temperatures. Their molecular structure can raise the overall melting range of the

metal above that of any of its component metals. Raising the melting range of a

metal has important implications for industrial and commercial use. The SR-71

Blackbird, one of the most technologically advanced reconnaissance aircraft of its

time, relied on its lightweight titanium alloy frame to withstand the thermal stress

of its supersonic flights.

Comparison between an alloy and a compound

• An alloy at least would contain a metal in it, but most of the compounds are from

a non-metallic origin.

• There’s a great variety of compounds than alloys.

• Alloys do not have chemical bonds between the elements whereas compounds do


• Alloys have completely different enhanced properties than individual elements,

but compounds carry traces of elemental characteristics.

• Alloys do not have strict proportions in elemental composition, but compounds

do have

Comparison between an alloy and composite

Alloy Composite

An Alloy is a mixture of one or more Composites are also a mixture of two or

metals with other elements more elements, but it does not contain

An alloy can either be a homogeneous A composite is always a heterogeneous

or a heterogeneous mixture mixture

Alloys are lustrous due to the presence Composites are not lustrous as they do
of metals in their composition not contain metals in their composition

Most alloys can conduct electricity Composites do not conduct electricity

except for polymeric composites

Alloys always contain a metal Composites do not contain metals

Uses Of Alloys

Definition of Glass

Glass is a non-crystalline amorphous solid that is often transparent and has

widespread practical, technological, and decorative usage in, for example, window

panes, tableware, and optoelectronics. Firstly the glass was manufactured in Egypt.

Ordinary glass is manufactured by the composition of various substances like

silica, bleaching powder, oxides of alkaline metals, calcium oxide (lime) etc. Firstly

the glass was manufactured in Egypt. Basically glass is the homogenous mixture of

the silicates of various alkaline metals of non-crystalline and transparent or less

transparent substances.Ordinary glass is manufactured by the composition of

various substances like silica, bleaching powder, oxides of alkaline metals, calcium

oxide (lime) etc. These constituents of the glass are transformed into fine micro

powder and after fusing these are melted into the furnaces at moderate

temperature and ordinary glass is prepared by a suitable cooling mechanism of the

molten or liquid glass. Thus ordinary glass is a non-crystalline substance of ultra

cooled liquid glass.

[A 218-meter-long glass bridge in Baojing Palace of Yingde,in south China's

Guangdong Province]

Basic Properties of Glass

Types of Glass and Its Uses

1. Soda Glasses : Sodium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate and Silica

-In making tube light, bottles, equipments of laboratory, daily useable domestic


2. Flint Glass : Potassium Carbonate

-In making of electric bulbs, lenses of camera and telescope etc.

3. Crooks Glass : Cerium Oxide and Silica

-In making lenses of goggles.

4. Potash Glass : Potassium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate and Silica

-In making glass container and laboratory equipments, glass utensils which are

heated up to very high temperature.

5. Pyrex Glass : Barium Silicate and Sodium Silicate

-In making laboratory equipments and pharmaceutical containers or vessels.

6. Crown Glass : Potassium Oxide, Barium Oxide and Silica

-In making lenses of eyes glass.

7. Lead crystal glass : Potassium Carbonate, lead Oxide and Silica

-In making costly glass containers or vessels etc


Definition of Ceramics

A ceramic is any of the various hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant

materials made by shaping and then firing a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, at a

high temperature.Common examples are earthenware, porcelain, and brick.Glass,

tiles, pottery, porcelain, bricks, cement, diamond, and graphite—you can probably

see from this little list that "ceramics" is a very broad term, and one we're going to

have difficulty defining. What do all these very different materials have in


From a chemical viewpoint, we define ceramics in terms of what they're not. So

you'll find most science textbooks and dictionaries telling you ceramics are

nonmetallic and inorganic solids (ones that aren't metal or based on carbon

compounds); in other words, ceramics are what we're left with when we take away

metals and organic materials (including wood, plastics, rubber, and anything that

was once alive).

Some books also try to define ceramics as "refractory" materials, which is a

technical, materials science term that means capable of putting up with everyday

abuses like extremes of temperature, attacks from acids and alkalis, and general

wear-and-tear. It often seems easier to define materials in terms of their

properties (how they behave when we heat them, pass electricity through them, or

soak them in water, for example). But once we start doing that, things can get

confusing. For example, graphite (a form, or allotrope, of carbon) is considered a

ceramic because it's nonmetallic and inorganic, yet (unlike most ceramics) it's

soft, wears easily, and is a good conductor of electricity. So if you looked only at the

properties of graphite, you wouldn't consider it a ceramic at all. Diamond (another

form of carbon) is also a ceramic for the same reason; its properties couldn't be

more different from those of graphite, but they're similar to those of other

ceramics. (Like modern ceramics such as tungsten carbide, diamond has long been

used in cutting and drilling tools).

[Korea : Joseon White Porcelain]

Types of Ceramics

People first started making ceramics thousands of years ago (pottery, glass, and

brick are among the oldest human-invented materials), and we're still designing

brand new ceramic materials today—things like catalytic converters for today's

cars and high-temperature superconductors for tomorrow's computers. There's

quite a big difference between age-old, general-purpose ceramics like brick and

glass and modern, engineered ceramics that are sometimes designed for a single,

specific purpose, such as filtering soot from a truck's dirty diesel engine or making

a drill bit that lasts five times longer. That's partly why materials scientists like to

divide ceramics into two kinds: traditional, and advanced (or engineering)


● Traditional ceramics : Bricks, pottery, glass, porcelain, tiles, cement, and

concrete are our classic, time-tested ceramics. Although they all have

different uses, we can still think of them as general-purpose materials. Take

tiles, for example. We can put them inside our homes or outside; on the

walls, the floors, or the roof; and we can stick glass in our windows or poke

away at it on our smartphone screens—we can even drink champagne out of

it. Ceramics like this are ancient materials—ones our ancestors would

recognize—that have gradually found more and more uses as the centuries

have worn on.

● Advanced engineering ceramics : By contrast, advanced ceramics are ones

that have been engineered (mostly since the early 20th century) for highly

specific applications. For example, silicon nitrides and tungsten carbides are

designed for making exceptionally hard, high-performance cutting tools—

though they do have other uses as well. Most modern engineered ceramics

are metal oxides, carbides, and nitrides, which means they're compounds

made by combining atoms of a metal with oxygen, carbon, or nitrogen

atoms. So, for example, we have tungsten carbide, silicon carbide, and boron

nitride, which are hard, cutting-tool ceramics; aluminum oxide (alumina)

and silicon dioxide are used in making integrated circuits ("microchips");

and lithium-silicon oxide is used to make the heat-protective nose cones on

space rockets. High-temperature superconductors are made from crystals of

yttrium, barium, copper, and oxygen. Not all high-tech ceramic materials

are simple compounds. Some are composite materials, in which the ceramic

forms a kind of background material called the matrix, which is reinforced

with fibers of another material (often carbon fibers, or sometimes fibers of a

totally different ceramic). A material like this is known as a ceramic matrix

composite (CMC). Examples include silicon carbide fibers in a silicon carbide

matrix (SiC/SiC) with boron nitride at the interface between them—a

material used in cutting-edge gas-turbine jet engines.

Basic properties of Ceramics

As we've already seen, the most important general property of ceramics is that

they're refractory: they're rough-and-tumble materials that will put up with fair

amounts of abuse in the most ordinary and extraordinary situations. Just consider,

most of us tile our kitchens and bathrooms because ceramic tiles are hard,

waterproof, largely resistant to scratches, and keep on looking good for year upon

year; but engineers also put (very different!) ceramic tiles on space rockets to

protect them against heat when they whiz back to Earth.

If we're summarizing their properties, we can say that ceramics have:

● High melting points (so they're heat resistant).

● Great hardness and strength.

● Considerable durability (they're long-lasting and hard-wearing).

● Low electrical and thermal conductivity (they're good insulators).

● Chemical inertness (they're unreactive with other chemicals).

● Most ceramics are also nonmagnetic materials, although ferrites (iron-

based ceramics) happen to make great magnets (because of their iron


Those are the useful points, but, thinking about traditional ceramics like glass or

porcelain, you'll also have noticed one major drawback: they can be fragile and

brittle, and they'll smash or shatter if you drop them (subject them to "mechanical

shock") or suddenly change their temperature ("thermal shock").

Uses Of Ceramics

From glass and brick to porcelain and cement, we've already seen that there are

countless different things that can be described as ceramics; not surprisingly, then,

there are literally hundreds of different applications for ceramic materials in

everything from aerospace to zoo-keeping.

Airplane jet engines, for example, are examples of machines called gas turbines,

which work by burning fuel mixtures at high temperatures to make a fiery exhaust

that powers a plane through the air. The need to cope with incredible temperatures

explains why engine components are often made from ceramics. It was for exactly

the same reason that 31,000 ceramic tiles were used on the now-retired Space

Shuttle to protect it from burning up on its way back to Earth from space.

Tragically, it was the failure of a ceramic tile that led to the demise of the Space

Shuttle Columbia as it struggled to return to Earth in February 2003. (The next

generation of reusable space planes is expected to use higher-performance tiles

made from ceramic-matrix composites.)If aerospace is an extraordinary use for

extraordinary ceramics, construction is one of the best known uses for ordinary,

everyday ceramics. Even in our modern age of plentiful plastics, brick, glass,

cement, concrete, porcelain, and tiles of all kinds are still the raw materials from

which most buildings are made. The tools used on construction sites are often

made with ceramics too. Whether you're cutting glass, drilling holes in tile,

grinding concrete, or sawing through brick, engineering ceramics like tungsten or

silicon carbide will help you knock more traditional ceramics into shape, generally

working better, for longer, than traditional tools made of steel.

Ceramics aren't always at the cutting edge; a lot of the time, we don't

notice them at all—especially when they're hiding inside electrical and

electronic equipment. Anything with an electric motor (that's every

chore-busting, electric-powered machine in your home) contains magnets,

and quite often they're made from ferrite ceramics. (You'll also find

ferrite magnets, or other kinds of ceramic transducers, in loudspeakers

and headphones.) While we use conducting metals like copper to carry

electricity from place to place, we have to use ceramics to insulate

high-voltage electricity in places like power plant generators and

transformers. Sometimes, ceramics insulate us from electricity and heat

at the same time: heating elements are often built into ceramic holders,

electric cooktops are made from high-performance ceramic glass, and

incandescent lamps have glass bulbs that protect us from heat and

electricity while protecting their filaments from the atmosphere. The

most advanced electrical use of ceramics is probably in high-temperature

superconductors (materials with virtually no electrical resistance).

While traditional superconductors have to be cooled down to near absolute

zero (−459.67°F or −273.15°C), these new ceramics become superconducting

in relatively warm conditions (still a chilly −292°F or −180°C!), which

makes them far more practical for use in things like floating "maglev"

trains and cutting-edge computers. "Animal, vegetable, or mineral?"—so

goes the famous guessing game; and there's a temptation to see mineral-

based ceramics as artificial, unnatural, and quite apart from the living,

breathing world we all inhabit. It's perhaps surprising, then, to find so

many applications for ceramics in the world of medicine. How about the

piezoelectric transducers that create ultrasonic waves used in pregnancy

scans? Or what about dentures (false teeth) made from porcelain or glass

eyes? Or bone implants made from silicon nitride, which are cleverly

designed to be porous so they promote natural bone growth? If you're

wondering what ceramics have to do with zoology (as I suggested up

above), you'll find plenty of dogs that—just like us humans—have had

ceramic implants in their bones and teeth.


Definition of Composite Materials

Two or more materials make up a composite material with significantly different

chemical or physical properties when they combine. As a result, it produces

material different characteristics from the individual components.

The individual components remain separate and distinct with the final structure,

differentiating the composites from the mixtures and the solid solutions as well.

It prefers new material for many reasons. Some usual examples consist of

materials which are that are lighter, stronger or less expensive while comparing it

with traditional materials.

More recently, researchers are now actively including actuation, sensing,

computation and last but not the least communications in the composites. These

are the robotic materials.

Types Of Composite Materials

Composite materials are usually classified by the type of reinforcement they use.

This reinforcement is embedded into a matrix that holds it together. The

reinforcement is used to strengthen the composite. For example, in a mud brick,

the matrix is the mud and the reinforcement is the straw. Common composite

types include random-fiber or short-fiber reinforcement, continuous-fiber or

long-fiber reinforcement, particulate reinforcement, flake reinforcement, and

filler reinforcement.

Mud Building Bricks

Mud building bricks are examples of a composite material invented by ancient

humans. A brick formed only with mud is sturdy and resistant to compression, but

it has little flexibility, and it can break if bent. Straw has excellent tensile strength,

meaning that it resists stretching. By combining both straw with mud, ancient

humans were able to create composite bricks that could remain flexible while

supporting weight and resisting compression.

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete

Concrete is a composite material made of cement, sand, stones and water. A

chemical reaction that occurs when you combine these materials makes concrete

stronger than any one of its components. Concrete is commonly used in building

and road construction. When you add reinforced steel rods to the concrete, you

create another composite with greater strength and flexibility called reinforced



Fiberglass is made of tiny glass shards held together by resin and other

components. In the automotive industry, fiberglass is important for making body

kits. The body shell for a car is made up of different layers of fiberglass, such as a

gel-coat layer, tissue layer, matting and cloth. The final product is a complete,

waterproof, lightweight and strong body kit. Fiberglass can also be a less expensive

alternative to other materials.

Natural Composites

Composites can be easily found in nature. Wood is an example of a composite

because cellulose fibers are held together by a substance called lignin. These fibers

can be found in cotton and thread, but it’s the bonding power of lignin in wood that

makes it much tougher. Certain types of large rocks can also be regarded as natural

composites when they are composed of a variety of smaller rocks and minerals.

Uses of Composite Materials


Thermoset composites are being specified for wings, fuselages, bulkheads, and

other applications in commercial, civilian and military aerospace applications.


Thermoset composite are being used in frames, equipment panels, handles and

trims in appliances, power tools, business equipment and many other applications.

Thermoset composites for the appliance industry are used in washers, dryers,

refrigerators, freezers, ranges, ovens, dishwashers for components that include

control panels, handles, knobs, vent trims, side trims, motor housings, kick plates

and many others.


Composites are now being used in vehicle and equipment applications, including,

panels, frames, interior components and other parts.

Civil Infrastructure

Some composite infrastructure applications include buildings, roads, bridges and



Thermoset composites are replacing many traditional materials for home and

offices architectural components including fixtures, doors, wall panels, roofing,

window frames, moulding, vanity sinks, shower stalls and even swimming pools.

Corrosive Environments

Composites are ideal for applications in corrosive environments, such as chemical

processing plants, pulp and paper converting, oil and gas refineries and water

treatment facilities. Common applications include fans, grating, tanks, ducts,

hoods, pumps and cabinets.


With strong dielectric properties including arc and track resistance, Thermoset

components include substation equipment, microwave antennas, standoffs and

pole line hardware and printed wiring boards. Applications and components

include switchgear, motor controls, standoff insulators, control system

components, circuit breakers, arc chutes, arc shields, terminal blocks, terminal

boards, metering devices, bus supports and lighting components.


With their corrosion resistance and light-weighting attributes, Marine composite

applications include boat hulls, bulkheads and other components for military,

commercial and recreational boats and ships.

Comparison between composite materials and their original components

[Reinforced Concrete]


Chemical Industries are the prime factors to convert the raw materials into desired

products that we use in our day-to-day life. This has brought a tremendous change

in the way the things operate. It is very important for us to understand the

importance of the chemical industry which has touched all our facets of life like

Agriculture, Environment, Food, Hygiene, Décor, and Transportation …etc. It has

also significantly used in re-cycling industries to curb the usage of virgin products.

Re-cycling helps a lot in utilizing the waste materials, and gives one more life-

cycle for the products.

Chemicals play a major role in our food. The preservatives, taste enhancers and

flavours helps the food to be palatable and increase the shelf life. Food Industry

thrives for the reason, that the preservatives not only help them to maintain the

quality of the food, but also helps them to import food to different parts of the

world. Due to these advancements, we are able to enjoy fruits, canned food

products, and ready-to-eat food products across the world.


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