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Prepared by: ENGR. JONAYKA A.

If you have ever read
a news article online where
it included the phrase "In a
recent study..." you got a
small glimpse of a
parallel world. Out in
this world, scholars and
scientists are putting the
scientific method to good
Think about where
you get your information
on a daily basis. It's
probably the internet, tv,
social media, and from
your friends and family.
Before diving into a
research project, scholars
(including your professors)
often have to write
research proposals.
Research proposals
are required when applying
for grant money from
different organizations, so
scholars need to make a good
argument that proves their
project deserves to be
funded. Sometimes there is
fierce competition for limited
funds. Even a good research
project (because, let's be
honest, some are bad) needs
a good research proposal to
help it be completed.
A research proposal
is a great way to introduce
you to research without
making you write a long
research paper. It is
preparing you for future
classes where you might
have to write a paper
whether you research the
same topic or not.
Research proposals
force you to think about
why the topic matters, not
just to yourself, but to a
wider audience. You get to
learn about the scholarly
conversation already going
on and how you might be
able to contribute to it with
your own research.
The first thing you
need to do is figure out
what you want to research.
This is probably going to
be the hardest part.
You'll be spending some
time on this project and you
don't want to get bored by
it. There are a few places to look
when you are stuck on finding
an interesting research topic.
 Your professor probably left
some suggestions for you in
the syllabus or on the
handout for the assignment.
 If you want to come up with
something on your own, there
are a few questions to ask
 Are there any examples
from class that have
stuck with you? Or from
another one of your
 Have you read anything
in the news, seen
something on tv or on
social media that
seemed like something
you wanted to research?
 There is such a thing as
being too broad and too
specific about a topic. If
you are finding too many
sources and are getting
overwhelmed by the
options, you need to
narrow it down. If you
are not finding anything
about it, it is too specific
and you need to take a
step back.
 If you are having an
emotional (anger,
happiness) response to a
particular topic, ask
yourself why. You can still
research the topic, but be
conscious of your strong
reactions and/or opinion.
You might be inadvertently
only looking at the side of
the issue with which you
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Background or Literature Review
 Methods and Materials
 Data and Results Discussion
 Conclusion
 Acknowledgements
 References

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