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Name: September 6, 2021

Course & Year:

Instructions. Research the following repositories of primary sources and give one important primary
source found in it.

Repositories Title of primary source found

1. ADMU Rizal Library 1. the revolt of the masses: the story of

Bonifacio and the katipunan.

2. Archivo General de Indias

3. Archivo General de la Nacion 2 .general archive of indies

4. Ayala Museum 3.mexico’s national archives

5. DLSU Library 4.filipina heritage library

6. Library of Congress 5.AEA-1RC-aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo

Information resource center

7. Lopez Memorial Museum 6. California- selected library of

Congress primary sources highligts

8. National Archives and Records Administration 7.philippine art and history museum

9. National Archives of the Philippines 8.national archive

10. National Historical Commission of the Phils. 9.information on Philippine history

11. National Library of the Philippines 10.philippines Filipino pambansang

komisyon pang kasaysayan ng pilipinas

11 .the museo- biblioteca de filipinas

Mastery Test

Directions: True or False. Write true if the statement is true. Otherwise, write false in the space
true1. Non written documents are not useful as primary sources in conducting historical research.

false2. Historical sources that were not written should not be used in writing history.

true3. Only primary sources can be used in history.

true4. External Critism is done by examining the physical characteristic of a source.

false5. Internal criticism is done by looking at a source quality of paper and type of ink, among others.

true6. Animal relics are examples of non-written source.

true7. The Code of Kalantiaw is not a legitimate source because it was written by one of the most
successful forgers Jose E. Marco.

true8. Pres. Marcos claimed that he was a decorated World War 2 soldier who led a guerilla unit called
“Ang Maharlika”

true9. Ambeth Ocampo is an author in the 21st century. He wrote some events in the 18th century. His
book is considered a primary source

true10. Only written sources are acceptable in identifying the primary sources.

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