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Ivan 老師 中級寫作 09

 表達因果關係的用字

 原因 + cause…/result in…/lead to…/end in… + 結果

 ____________________… (phr.)
 ____________________… (phr.)
 ____________________… (phr.)
 _______________ [tgYUnQuqTf] vt. =_______________ [antgYUngR] vt.
 ________ (vt.) =________ (vt.) =________ (vt.) =________ (vt.) =________ [anthP] vt.
e.g. ______________________________ 引發爭議
e.g. _____________________________________________ 帶來災難
e.g. _____________________________________________ 熟悉產生輕蔑。
e.g. ____________________________________________________________ 你的出現已經帶來厄運。
e.g. ____________________________________________________________ 導致 掉髮/睡眠失調

01. Why are there so many animals on the brink of extinction?
 __________________________________________________________________________ [人為方面]
 __________________________________________________________________________ [環境方面]

02. What causes people to get into debt?

 ______________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________

03. Too much homework may _____________________________________________________________

04. Too much pocket money may __________________________________________________________
05. Too much traffic on the road may _______________________________________________________

 結果 + come/result/arise/stem/derive from… + 原因
01. Obesity comes from __________________________________________________________________
02. Suspicion results from _________________________________________________________________
03. Inadequate sleep arises from ____________________________________________________________
04. Car accidents often stem from ___________________________________________________________
05. Inattention to class may derive from ______________________________________________________
Ivan 老師 中級寫作 09
The Causes and Effects of Malnutrition
There are many reasons why people throughout the world are malnourished.  If people do not
have money to buy food, then they will go hungry unless they can grow their own.  The effects of
malnutrition are numerous.  Without enough vitamins and minerals, bones can become brittle and
break easily.  All of these things and more are the causes and effects of malnutrition.

(A) People need food to give them energy, but they also need food that has nutritional value.
(B) In the underdeveloped world, the most common reason for malnutrition is poverty and a lack of food.
(C) Those who are malnourished can end up with a weakened immune system, so they easily get sick.
(D) However, if their crops fail, then they may not be able to get enough to eat for proper nutrition.

 表達因果關係的轉折詞
because, as, since, in that, now that, seeing that, considering that

because of…, due to…, owing to…, on account of…

介系詞 by virtue of…, thanks to…, by reason of… + 名詞或代名詞 (受格)
as a result of…, in consequence of…
01. All flights have been called off because the hurricane is imminent. (以 because of… 改寫)
→ All flights have been called off __________________________________________________________.
02. 因為醫學的進步,大部份的疾病都可以被預防。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
03. 愈來愈多人們穿上他們厚重的大衣,因為寒流即將到來。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

 表達結果的轉折詞
連接詞 so + adj./adv. + that-clause 如此…以致於….
such + N. + that-clause
hence, thus, therefore, consequently, accordingly
as a result,
01. Tom is so considerate that his children all like him. (以 such…that… 改寫)
→ ____________________________________________________________ that his children all like him.
02. 地震中斷了電話服務。因此,我們無法跟我們的父母親聯繫。
→ ___________________________________________________________________________________
03. Sunny had been sent to a nearby hospital, so she could not come to class. (以 ; therefore, 改寫)
→ Sunny had been sent to a nearby hospital___________________________________________________
Ivan 老師 中級寫作 09

讀書方法篇 中級寫作中翻英實際演練:
[預備用字]  pay ____________________ attention to… 不太注意…/非常注意…
 _______________ [tdqUXQk] adj. 貴重的(事物本身) 寶貴的(個人之觀點)
 _______________ [tj@psNQex] adj. 值錢的(以金錢為衡量依據) 有用的,重要的
01. 許多學生不太注意讀書的方法,以致於浪費許多他們寶貴的時間。 [so…that…句型運用]
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
02. 他們讀英文讀了好幾年,還是看不懂相當容易的文章。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
03. 只要他們的方法正確,英文閱讀能力是容易培養的。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
04. 不要讀太難的文章,也不要遇到一些生字就馬上查字典。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

 look up in the dictionary 在字典中查閱…

[運用] 如果你不知道某個單字的意思,你需要查字典。
→ If you do not know the meaning of a certain word, ___________________________________________

李太太篇 中級寫作中翻英實際演練:
01. 李太太要求附近的男孩不要在她家旁邊抽菸,但是他們從來都不聽。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
02. 每次她看見他們聚集在一起時,她就對那些男孩吼叫,要他們離開。
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
03. 昨天那些男孩不但抽菸而且還喝啤酒。 [not only…but also…句型運用]
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
 ________ [eq@f] n. [C] 屁孩,小搗蛋 (either derogatory or humorous)
 _______________________________________ 亂丟菸屁股
 _______________ [vq@ti`fa] vt. 在…亂畫(寫),亂畫(寫)…
→ Do not ~ ____________________________________________________________________________.
04. 李太太氣得說要報警。 [so…that…句型運用]
→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Ivan 老師 中級寫作 09

Nowadays more and more people suffer from insomnia because of the pressures of life. To survive in a

highly competitive society like ours, people often have a heavy workload. Quite a few people cannot go to

sleep because they are worried about being unable to finish their work on schedule. Business executives

may toss and turn all night because of some financial problems. Some students cannot get a wink of sleep

because they are concerned about examination results. In a word, a lot of people fall victim to insomnia

because of these and other concerns.

Whatever the cause, the best way to deal with insomnia is, of course, to go see a doctor, especially

when your case is a serious one. However, if it is a mild case, you can do something about it. For instance,

you may take a leisurely walk or drink a hot cup of milk before going to bed. Either way, it may help you

relax and get a sound sleep. Don’t just rely on sleeping pills. Your insomnia may get worse once you

become a habitual user.

01. suffer from… 罹患(某種疾病)
02. on schedule 按照時間表
03. toss and turn 翻來覆去睡不著
04. not get a wink of sleep 沒闔過一眼
05. fall victim to sth 成為某事物的受害者

01. 他的父親罹患肝病多年。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

02. 我們希望這個建設工程能如期完成。(the construction project)

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

03. 擔心兒子的病情使她翻來覆去睡不著。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

04. 在飛機上我沒有闔過一眼。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

05. 很多青少年成為毒品的受害者。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Ivan 老師 中級寫作 09

What Makes a Good Leader

A lot of people around the world want to be leaders. Yet, few people are born leaders. If you would like

to be a good leader, you need to have or develop some character traits. If you are lacking in them, your

people will question or even deny your leadership though you are actually their leader. What are those traits,

to be specific?

In the first place, you must show your abilities as a leader. Your people look up to you because you are

a more capable person. Second, exercise good judgment when you make decisions. Wrong decisions may

cause harm to the entire group. Third, convey your messages clearly. Your people may be at a loss if you are

not sure of yourself. Last but not least, demonstrate your courage when problems come up. If you chicken

out, you are a coward. And, beware, a coward can never be a good leader! Display the above traits, and you

are an excellent leader!

01. a born leader/actor/musician 天生的領袖/演員/音樂家
02. be lacking in sth 缺乏某物
03. look up to sb 尊敬/崇拜某人
04. be at a loss(+名詞子句或片語) 茫然(不知…)
05. chicken out 臨陣退卻

01. 莫札特是天生的音樂家。(Mozart)

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

02. 如果你缺乏資金,總是可以向銀行借。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

03. 因為喬治很有學問,我們都尊敬他。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

04. 當被問到該做什麼時,我茫然不知所措。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

05. 大衛本來準備要向瑪莉求婚,可是後來卻退卻了。

→ ____________________________________________________________________________________

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