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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan (Individual) – Shapes

Teacher: Mrs. Beth Cannon

Date: 1/27/22
Subject area/course/grade level: Shapes/Math / PreK
Materials: Whiteboard
The Shape Up video.
Shape Manipulatives
Explore, visualize, and analyze shapes and shape attributes. [MAT3b]
Combine shapes to make new shapes. [MAT3bYP-2]
Students will:
 Identify 2-D shapes such as circle, square, rectangle, rhombus
 Draw different shapes on their iPad to create a picture.
Differentiation Strategies:
The student will point to the correct shape when asked rather than verbally answering the question. (ex. “Point to
the circle.”)
The teacher will use hand over hand instruction to help student draw on their iPad rather than making a picture out
of the shapes.

To capture the student’s attention, the teacher will invite the students to sit on the carpet in front of the
whiteboard. The teacher will tell the students that they will be talking about shapes and will make a picture out of
those shapes on their iPad. The teacher will then show the students The Shape Up Song video with Jack Hartman.
They will sing and dance as they learn and trace the shapes in the air. After the video, the teacher will show the
students shape manipulatives and describe each shapes attributes to the students.

Assessment: The teacher will use student responses to informally assess the students understanding of each shape.

The teacher will give the students shape manipulatives, so they have to opportunity to create pictures or other
shapes using more shapes. The teacher will walk around the classroom assisting the students with their shape
pictures when needed along with asking the questions about the shapes they are using and creating.

Assessment: While the students are creating their pictures using the manipulatives the teacher will walk around the
room observing the students and assessing them when necessary.

Approved January, 2013

The teacher will begin the lesson asking the students to join her on the carpet. The teacher will then tell the
students that they will be talking about shapes and making a picture out of shapes. The teacher will then play the
Jack Hartman video to the students. Once the video is over, the teacher will use shape manipulatives to discuss the
circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and rhombus and their characteristics. The teacher will then send the students to
their tables with shape attributes for them to use to create a model of their shape picture. While the students are
creating their shape picture, the teacher will walk around the room asking the students questions about the shapes
they used to create their pictures. The teacher will use the following guided questions:
 What is this shape?
 What shapes did you use to create your picture?
 How many shapes did you use to create your picture?
 What did you make?
Assessment: While the teacher asks the students the above questions, the teacher will make note of their response
so that the teacher knows who knows their shapes and who might need more time and instruction.
Once the students have created their picture out of their shape manipulatives, the students will use their iPad the
Joy Doodle app to draw the picture they created onto their iPad. Students that are not able to create a picture will
draw the shapes on the shapes they learned on their iPad.

Assessment The teacher will walk around the room observing and assisting the students as they transfer the picture
they created with their manipulatives onto their iPad.
Evaluation Tool for Shapes and Shape Pictures
Expectations: 1 – Approaching Standard 2 – Expectations Met 3 – Exceeding
Content knowledge: The student can only The student knows most The student can name all
name 1 or 2 shapes and of the shapes but is unable 5 the shapes along with
any characteristics. to describe their describing their
characteristics. characteristics.
Use of Technology: The student struggles with The student can use the The student can transfer
using the iPad and needs iPad but needs some their picture
assistance. assistance. independently using their
Creativity on the iPad: The student is unable to The student can draw The student successfully
create a picture. shapes on their iPad but is draws their picture onto
not able to create a their iPad using different
picture out of them. shapes.

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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