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Peter Blake
Investing In Gold
This is the second in a series of six investment purposes, only levels Another factor that makes gold at-
articles discussing personal above .995 are acceptable. In buying tractive is its portability. An individual
financial management for gold bullion, the fineness is usually who is forced to leave a country can
physicians. Mr. Blake is a stamped on the gold, along with the take his gold with him, and conse-
chartered accountant in the weight and the refiner's name. quently, he maintains at least part of
Toronto area. Reprint requests to: Assay: This is a test performed to his wealth.
Penthouse 6, 701 King Street West, determine the gold's fineness; it may For these reasons, for most inves-
Toronto, ON. M5V 1M9. be required before gold that was not tors, gold represents a hedge against
bought from a recognized refiner can both inflation and economic or politi-
rrHE ORIGIN of its value is said to be sold. cal disaster.
1 lie with the Egyptians-its color is Gold producers: South Africa, pro-
that of the sun, which they worshipped ducing about 50% of the world's pro- Predicting Price Movements
as the source of all life. It is now uni- duction, is the largest; the Soviet Once the factors that make gold so
versally accepted as the standard of Union is second at about 30%; Canada attractive are understood, it is easier to
economic wealth. Its dense property is third, but only accounts for about understand which factors affect the
makes it easy to fit large amounts in five percent of global production. price of gold.
small spaces; it is malleable, doesn't Wars and/or high rates of inflation
rust, and will melt only at tempera- Why Invest In Gold? tend to decrease investor confidence in
tures exceeding 1064°C. Its rarity and other mediums and send the price of
allure have led many a man to abandon Many investment counsellors advise
their clients to invest a certain percent- gold upwards. As mentioned earlier, a
his senses at the promise of procuring poor wheat harvest in Russia or a need
it. What is it? It is, of course, gold. age of their portfolios in gold. The rea-
sons are many. Gold has been an ex- for the Soviets to obtain Western fi-
In this article, we'll discuss whether cellent hedge against inflation over the nancing can result in lower gold
gold is a good investment for the years. Because it is widely considered prices.
1 980s. to be the monetary standard, the real Many people have tried to predict
value of an ounce of gold is generally the price of gold based on other mone-
The Basics quite stable-all other things being tary indicators such as the stock mar-
Before beginning our discussion equal. In other words, an ounce of ket, oil prices, the federal deficit level,
about gold as an investment, it's im- gold today will buy just as much, and the U.S. dollar and other commodi-
portant to define some commonly used usually more, than an ounce of gold ties. Few correlations exist, and those
terms that pertain to gold. would have bought 20 years ago. that have existed for some time have
Karat: This is an American measure Compounding the advantages of the usually been proven false in the last
of the purity of gold; each karat repre- monetary standard feature are political decade. Gold is basically an indicator
sents 1/24 pure gold; hence, ten karat and economic factors. Gold's interna- of political and economic health. In
gold is 10/24 or 42% pure and 24 karat tional acceptability has meant that bad times prices move up; in good
gold is 100% pure. when investors lose faith in either their times they stabilize. There is really no
Troy ounce: This is a measure of the economic or political environment, other theory that has stood the test of
weight of gold, but it differs from the they hoard gold. As well, countries time.
standard avoirdupois ounce; there are that are heavy producers of gold, such Investment Vehicles
12 troy ounces in a troy pound; one as Russia and South Africa, must sell
troy ounce is the equivalent of about it in order to balance international Gold bullion
31.1 grams or 1.1 avoirdupois trade deficits. An example occurs Generally, the most inexpensive and
ounces. when the Russian wheat harvest is perhaps the most attractive way to in-
Fineness: An important characteris- poor-in order to obtain foreign vest in gold is to buy gold bullion. It is
tic of gold is its fineness, i.e., the pro- wheat, the Soviets must sell large available in sizes ranging from one
portion of pure gold in the gold alloy; amounts of gold, thus causing a price ounce wafers to the standard 400
the highest possible is .9999, and for decline. ounce bar. The price you pay depends
CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 30: JULY 1984 1475
on the weight and fineness, which, as The basic differences are that you will The major dealers offer certificates
mentioned earlier, are stamped on the pay a premium for the coin (as much but certificzates are by no means all
face of the wafer or bar. To illustrate, as ten percent more than the gold con- alike. Comnnissions charged vary from
if gold is selling at $400 per ounce and tent value), and sales tax is charged on 0.25% to th ree percent. Some dealers
you buy a two ounce wafer with a fine- coin purchases in all provinces except may require certified cheques; others

ness of .997, you would pay Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, may compllete the deal by phone.
2 x $400 x .997 = $797.60. Com- Quebec and Alberta. Some dealeDrs charge manufacturing
mission is usually not charged, but the The coins have a high fineness (the costs only i if delivery is taken; others
refiner does pass on his manufacturing Gold Maple Leaf is .9999) and usually charge in an y case. Some offer certifi-
costs in the form of bar charges. These weigh one ounce, so that their gold cates for as little as one ounce; others
per ounce charges are highest for the value is easily determined. Although require the iinvestor to buy a minimum
one ounce wafers and decline to zero they have no numismatic value, the of five or tern ounces. Hence, compari-
for the 400 ounce bar. Thus, if you're coins should be left in their original son shoppinjg is probably worthwhile.
buying ten ounces of gold, it is wrapping; any dents or scratches will Before bulying certificates it is wise
cheaper to buy one ten ounce bar than detract from their value. to note that Revenue Canada has indi-
ten one ounce wafers. However, Most coins have a face value which cated that iif a holder of a certificate
beware-by opting for the cheaper theoretically provides a lower limit to takes deliveiry of the gold, he will be
way you forfeit flexibility. For in- the coin's value. However, since the deemed to h ave disposed of the certifi-
stance, if you are holding ten one face value is usually less than ten per- cate at its faiir market value and to have
ounce wafers, you can sell any number cent of the gold value, this feature can purchased thie actual gold at that same
of them at any time-say four. You be virtually ignored. value. This , would trigger a capital
cannot sell four-tenths of a bar; you Numismatic coins are a quite dif- gain on the eextent the price of gold had
must sell the entire ten ounces. As ferent investment. Essentially they are increased siince the certificate's pur-
well, if you are buying gold because collectibles, and as such their value is chase. Therrefore, tax would be pay-
you believe it may one day be a form their age, rarity, intrinsic able, even though no cash was re-
of money used for bartering, ten beauty, condition and historical signi- ceived. Althiough this view has yet to
wafers would be of much more practi- ficance. Although gold prices do influ- be tested, anid may not have any back-
cal value than one bar. ence the price of these coins, some ing in law, iit might be best to buy cer-
Other advantages of buying bullion may be selling for five or ten times tificates onl: y if you do not intend to
include its liquidity, its international their gold value anyway, so the gold take possesssion of the underlying
acceptance, its portability, and the fact price is usually a minor factor. gold.
that there is no sales tax on bullion As with any other collectible, the in-
purchases except in the provinces of vestor must have a good deal of Gold stocks
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Sas- knowledge about what he's buying and Investing in gold stocks is much the
katchewan. who he's buying it from. Because this same as invl esting in other stocks. Im-
There are two main disadvantages type of investment is not liquid, you portant cornsiderations include the
when you buy bullion. First, there are will probably receive a lower price if company's cearnings record, the price
storage or safekeeping charges; sec- you try to unload a coin quickly. to earnings rratio, the current ratio (cur-
ond, you receive no cash inflows while Despite some disadvantages, many rent assets divided by current liabili-
you are holding the gold (i.e., gold numismatics will testify that collecting ties) manaEgement competence, divi-
bullion does not earn annual interest or coins can be an enjoyable and reward- dend payout history, etc.
dividends). ing pastime. But a word of caution for There ar basically two types of
If you do decide to invest in bullion, the uninitiated-those medallions of- goldrtocks e: shares in existing mines,
there are two more things you should fered by direct mail are not generally a gand shares i n future mines.
be aware of. First, it is best to buy only wise investment. If you wish to invest shartantt factors to consider when
from internationally recognized re- in numismatic coins, start by buying evaluating s] ,nares in an existing mining
finers; this will avoid assay charges from only the most reputable dealers. mnqnv
'JlalllY aree the FU1
ntlitical ennvironmennt

" a19 % M 1L1%,CL %-llV11V1lllll,1l;

when you wish to sell. Examples of Gold certificates within its mines (should be stable), the
acceptable refiners are the Royal A means of investing in gold that is expected reserves in its mines, and
Canadian Mint, Englehard Industries becoming more popular is the gold each mine's production costs. Produc-
and Johnson Matthey. Second, you bullion or gold coin certificate. This tion costs are usually looked at on a
should buy only from a reputable gives the purchaser at any time the per ounce basis because this makes
dealer. In Canada, the Bank of Nova right to demand the fair market value profitability easy to determine. For in-
Scotia, Guardian Trust and the Cana- of the amount of gold or gold coins stance, if the price of gold is $300 per
dian Imperial Bank of Commerce stated on the certificate, or if desired, ounce and the mine's production cost
would all be good choices. to take delivery of the actual gold or is $325 per ounce, these shares would
Gold coins coins. be a bad purchase unless dramatic gold
There are two types of gold coins- A certificate offers the stability and price increases were expected.
bullion coins and numismatic coins. security of a gold investment but does When buying shares in future mines
Bullion coins such as the popular not have the storage risks and costs as- (referred to as penny stocks), re-
South African Krugerrand or the Cana- sociated with bullion or coins. Sales member that you are buying highly
dian Gold Maple Leaf, are very similar tax is usually imposed only if delivery speculative investments. Chances are
to bullion for 'investnient purposes. is taken. fairly high that the mine will either
1476 CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 30: JULY 1984
Intermediate Prescribing Information
never be started or that, if started, no to buy or sell gold at a specified price
gold will be found. As such, the rules
for investors are:
in the future. Therefore, you are not
bound to buy or sell if the price has not
SIow Fe folic®
(dried ferrous sulfate and folic acid)
1. don't invest; moved in the direction you antici- hematinic-hematopoietic
Indications and Clinical Uses
2. if you must invest, invest in more pated. If the price does move in the ex- Prophylaxis of iron and folic acid deficiencies
than one stock, so that your chances of pected direction, then you exercise the and treatment of megaloblastic anemia, during
profit are higher; option; if the converse occurs, you pregnancy, puerperium and lactation.
3. try to avoid companies that are not simply let the option expire. You will Contraindications
Hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis and hemolytic
widely traded or that have already in- still lose money if you predict incor- anemia.
cuffed debt; rectly, but you won't lose more than Warnings
4. don't invest money you're not pre- your investment, as you could on a fu- Keep out of reach of children.
pared to lose. tures contract. The use of folic acid in the treatment of pernicious
As mentioned earlier, the price of (Addisonian) anemia, in which vitamin B12 is
Gold options and futures gold is largely dependent on political deficient, may return the peripheral blood picture
and economic factors, which are not to normal while neurological manifestations
If an investor can predict the price remain progressive.
of gold accurately, then options and/or always predictable. Thus, investing in May aggravate existing peptic ulcer, regional
options or futures contracts should enteritis and ulcerative colitis.
futures could be the investment of only be done by those quite familiar Iron, when given with tetracyclines, binds in
choice. These investments allow you equimolecular ratio thus lowering the absorption
to earn profits when gold prices are ris- with the gold market and those who of tetracyclines.
are willing to speculate. Adverse Reactions
ing or when gold prices are falling- Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,
you simply must predict which way dizziness, abdominal pain, skin rash, headache.
prices will go. Jewellery Symptoms and Treatment of Overdosage
Signs of toxicity from folic acid have not been
A futures contract is a contract to Many people consider their jewel- observed.
sell or buy a specified amount of gold lery to be an investment in gold, but Ingestion by infants and young children of doses
at a given future date. Let's assume unfortunately, this is not a sound of ferrous sulfate in excess of 2 gm may cause
death and ingestion of 1 gm could be considered
that you expect the price of gold to theory. toxic. Iron poisoning is rare in adults.
fall. You would enter into a futures To begin with, most jewellery is Symptoms: Occur in four phases. (1) abdominal
contract to sell, say, 100 ounces of less than 24 karat gold; thus, it would pain, nausea, and vomiting, about 30 to 60
minutes after ingestion. Irritability, pallor, and
gold three months from today. The be unacceptable for investment pur- drowsiness appear, along with frequent black
price would be similar to the current poses. As well, the price of jewellery or blody diarrhea. Symptoms of acidosis and
trading price. Three months later when is usually more than its equivalent gold cardiovascular collapse may become prominent;
coma and death ensue within 4 to 6 hours in about
the price of gold has fallen, you buy value. Sales tax costs are high, and 20% of children taking large doses of iron. (2) a
gold at the lower price and sell it at most jewellery could hardly be called a period of improvement, with subsidence of the
your higher contract price. readily negotiable commodity or even initial symptoms spontaneously or in response to
treatment, lasting 8 to 16 hours. (3) progressive
Similarly, if you expect the price of remotely a liquid investment. cardiovascular collapse, convulsions, coma, and
gold to rise, you would enter into a fu- Therefore, if you wish to invest in a high mortality about 24 hours after ingestion.
tures contract to buy gold at a later gold, jewellery is not among your via- (4) gastrointestinal obstruction from scarring of the
stomach or small intestine may occur weeks or
date. ble alternatives. months after the initial episode of iron intoxication.
An added enticement to the futures Treatment: give milk immediately and induce
contract is that brokerage houses re- vomiting. Feed with eggs and milk until it is
quire as little cash as five percent of Condusion possible-to perform gastric lavage. Within the first
hour, administer gastric lavage with a 19% solution
the value of the contract, with the rest Gold has always been and will of sodium bicarbonate, to convert the iron to a less
being borrowed on margin. Thus, one likely continue to be a wise invest- soluble form. Remove iron from the lower bowel
ment. The 1980s have provided us by an enema. Give an iron-chelating agent eg.
can purchase a large amount of gold DESFERAL. Combat peripheral vascular collapse
with a small amount of cash and, with a wide variety of investment vehi- including early replacement of body fluids and
hopefully, earn a large profit on a rela- cles for it. In addition to the ones de- electrolytes. Use oxygen and vasopressor sub-
stances to help combat shock. Use barbiturates
tively small investment. scribed, there are gold funds, managed or paraldehyde to control convulsions.
The risk, of course, is that the price gold accounts and bullion accounts. Dosage and Administration
will move in the opposite direction to As well, investment sizes suit virtually Prophylaxis: 1 tablet daily.
that which you've chosen. If this every pocketbook-from $500 to Treatment of megalblastic anemia: During
pregnancy, puerperium and lactation; and in
occurs, you are still responsible to buy $200,000. muitiple pregnancy: 2 tablets daily in a single dose.
or sell the gold as stated in the con- In times like these, when economic Tablets to be swallowed whole.
tract. Thus, you run the risk of losing a and political upheaval is becoming the Availability
norm rather than the exception, there Film-coated tablets each containing 160 mg dried
fair amount of money rather quickly. ferrous sulfate (equivalent to 50 mg elemental
The difference between an option is very little to be relied on. However, iron) and 400 micrograms folic acid in a specially
and a futures contract is the level of history has proven that those who have formulated slow-release base. The tablets have a
relied on gold have seldom been pale yellow colour with CIBA on one side and
risk. An option is similar to a futures identification code TP on the other and are supplied
contract, but it only gives you the right wrong. in push-through foil packs of 30 and 120 tablets.
Product Monograph supplied on request.

Mississauga. Ontario
L5N 2W5


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