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PRESENT CONTINUOUS 9. My father ____________ the bushes in the garden while we ________________.
1. I am _______ a sandwich now. a. pruned / played
a. eats b. was pruning / were playing
b. eating c. prunes / played
c. not eat d. were pruning / was playing
d. eat 10. I _________ that some flowers __________.
2. I am busy right now. I _______ breakfast. a. was noticing / were bloomed
a. am have b. noticed / was blooming
b. have c. was noticing / were blooming
c. having d. noticed / were blooming
d. am having 11. I _________ a squirrel under a tree and it ____________ a nut in its mouth.
3. My daughter _________ studying English at Istanbul University. a. was seeing / was carrying
a. is b. see / carried
b. does c. saw / was carrying
c. do d. was seeing / carried
d. not 12. My father _______________ the squirrel because he ______________.
4. _____ you waiting for a bus? a. didn't notice / was working
a. Do b. noticed / works
b. Are c. notices / was working
c. Does d. has noticed / were working
d. Is 13. One of my friends __________ while he ___________ the biggest tree in our garden.
5. What _____________? It looks awful. a. was fell down / was climbing
a. do you drinking b. fell down / climbs
b. are you drink c. was falling down / climbed
c. are you drinking d. fell down / was climbing
d. does you drink 14. He _____________ under the tree because he ___________ his arm.
6. We ________ enjoying our holiday here so much. a. cried / was injuring
a. don't b. was crying / injured
b. are c. were crying / was injured
c. is d. cried / was injured
d. doesn't 15. My father ___________ an ambulance and ________ him while the ambulance ___________.
7. What _____ John ___________ at the moment? a. was calling / helped / come
a. does / do b. calls / was helping / came
b. is / do c. called / helped / was coming
c. are / doing d. called / helps / was coming
PAST CONTINUOUS 16. They ______________ when I arrive there at tomorrow night.
8. The girls __________ while the boys __________ around the garden. a. will be sleeping
a. were chatting / were running b. will sleeping
b. talked / ran c. slept
c. were talking / was running d. are going to sleep
d. were chatting / ran 17. David’s daughter is studying at secondary school now and she ______________ at university
when David is 55.
a. will studying
b. studies a. Did / go / has
c. has studied b. Has / gone / did
d. will be studying c. Has / been/ has
18. Next summer, when his wife and his children are on holiday, he ______________ English. d. Have / go / did
a. will learn 26. John: Where is your uncle now?
b. was learning Adam: He _____________ in Heligoland, small islands near Germany.
c. will be learning a. already went
d. will have learning b. has just arrived
19. Will you be _____________ there when I arrive? c. have been
a. waited d. will have been
b. waiting 27. John: __________ you ever ____________ anywhere with him?
c. wait Adam: Yes, last year, we _________ to China together.
d. have waited a. Did / visit / went
20. The spring is coming. Migratory birds ______________ after a month. b. Have / gone / gone
a. will be returning c. Has / gone / go
b. will be return d. Have / travelled / went
c. will returning 28. Adam: __________ you ever ____________ to abroad?
d. will have returning John: Yes, I ___________. I like travelling and trying new things.
21. I’ll be busy all day tomorrow. When you have fun with your friends I______________ entire a. Have / been / have
house. b. Did / go / did
a. will cleaned c. Are / gone / am
b. clean d. Were / been / was
c. have been cleaning 29. Adam: ______ you ever _________ any unusual things before?
d. will be cleaning John: Yes, I ___________. I _________ a camel in Egypt last year. It was very interesting.
22. She is studying hard. I think she ______________ in a few months. a. Have / tried / have / have ridden
a. is going to speaking b. Have / tried / have / rode
b. has been speaking c. Did / try / have / have ridden
c. will be speaking d. Do / try / do / rode
d. will have spoken 30. Adam: What was the most unusual thing __________________?
23. The engineers ______________ on another project when you come here. John: Eating snails. It sounds disgusting but I enjoyed it.
a. will working a. did you try
b. will be working b. you have ever tried
c. will be worked c. have you ever tried
d. will have worked d. were you trying


24. Adam: My uncle likes travelling a lot. He often visit different countries. He _____ already
_______ to 35 countries so far.
a. has / been
b. have / visited
c. hasn’t visited
d. hasn’t / been
25. John: _________ he ___________to Mexico yet?
Adam: Yes, he _________. He went there two years ago.

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