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The Swaggerista Anti-Drug Campaign Helps Youth Against Illegal Drugs


This program was started by the Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drug Group to offer parents and other

adult caregivers with the materials they need to raise drug-free children. Many families and

civilizations have been ruined as a result of illicit drugs that have been expanding nonstop.

Governments have attempted to combat illegal drugs, but people continue to sell, buy, and use


And so, the mission of this campaign is to raise awareness about the serious harm that illicit

substances pose to society in general, as well as to youth in particular. Our neighborhood is at

risk because of these hazardous narcotics. We can't secure our children's safety with these. It's

possible that assisting one another in solving this difficulty is the answer. Individuals, non-profit

groups, the commercial sector, and Member States are encouraged to participate in as many

global awareness-raising events as possible. We need to cut down on the use of drug

paraphernalia and other illegal drugs.

Our goal is to eliminate drug misuse and create a drug-free environment. We need to create a

safer environment to protect the youth from engaging in such terrible acts of folly as a result of

illicit drugs. We have to make a livelihood in a world where the use of illegal drugs is prohibited

and no one will ever be a victim of it again. It puts one's mental and physical health at jeopardy,

and the worst part is that it has the potential to take one's life. There's a reason it's illegal, and we

need to stop it from putting our society, families, and young in risk.

People frequently find themselves in a difficult circumstance in which they are faced with a

significant burden issue. Everyone, however, has the right to live in a more secure and

comfortable environment. As a result, the Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drugs Group propose a

Project that is educational and awareness campaign aimed at drug-addicted teenagers, children

who have been forced to use drugs, and kids whose research and outreach activities have had a

positive impact on their lives.

The goal of the Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drugs Campaign is to gather support and motivate

individuals, non-profit organizations, the commercial sector, and Member States to participate in

as many awareness-raising events as possible around the world in order to reduce drug abuse by

spreading awareness and educating everyone in society, particularly youth.

Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drug Group is willing to put forth the effort to do action that is

praiseworthy in numerous aspects because of the belief that this campaign has flexible goals that

will not only help reduce drug usage but also help halt criminal activity by drug users. It will

undoubtedly put everyone at ease, especially in the midst of a pandemic, because everyone is on

the correct track to join as one to combat drug usage. In addition, Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drugs

Campaign is ought to highlight the beauty of the youth organization, which will serve as a silver

lining for a brighter future.


According to, the government's campaign against illegal narcotics resulted in the

deaths of 6, 215 suspects on October 31, 2021 in the Philippines, while many drug suspects have

been apprehended through lawful anti-drug operations since 2016. Millions of people have been
affected by illegal drugs around the world, and many of children have been victims as a result of

these narcotics. Societies and families have been destroyed, and the victims' mental and physical

health has been harmed. Only rehabilitation may be able to help them.

This program was created by the Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drug Group to assist and safeguard

youth from illegal substances. We must raise public awareness about the grave dangers that

illegal substances pose to society and its children. Individuals, non-profit organizations,

businesses, and member states are encouraged to engage in as many worldwide awareness-

raising events as possible, as helping one another may be one of the answers to this problem.

Eliminating drugs may be the only way to raise our children in a drug-free atmosphere; there's a

reason it's called an illicit drug, and it's unlawful to use it. Many people have died as a result of

this illegal medicine, and the majority of the deaths are young people caught in the middle of the

government's drug war.

Rehabilitation isn't the only solution to this problem; in fact, it won't help them at all. The

problem, not the consequence, must be addressed; without medications, everyone will be safe.

Allowing the youth to become involved in this dilemma would just lead to additional regrets and

guilt. We can, however, influence our society and our youth through this Swaggerista Youth

Anti-Drug Campaign. We can assist them in their struggle against illegal drugs and raise them to

be a better and more responsible individual. We can now live in a drug-free neighborhood as a

result of this.

We'll require between 400 to 700 pesos. Because some of the members that participating in this

campaign are using load. Therefore, the balance will go to the projects fund, which will be

utilized to continue the Swaggerista Youth Anti-Drug Campaign for the benefit of the



Eisen Lunar

Shane Abigail Abido

Darlyn Abella

Jeffrey Libuna

Beth Johannan Cabrera Abello

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