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ry oy OQ Contents Preface 3 A letter to you 5 ‘Welcome to our progromme. © You are a brilliant messenger. © Flowing with Qigong Materials 1. Flowing with Qigong (35 mins) 9 (1). Rolling the spine and arching the lumbar — Energising the Gate-of-life 10 (IL). Lift Qi up to penetrate 16 IL. The schedule of our programme (23 «End Gong _® ANote to Dear Teachers 24 Il. Lesson one: Experiencing rolling the spine “725 Energy locations © Mingmen (Gate-of-life) 25 * Nervous system © Somatic nervous system 26 © Health benefits of Sacrum Exercise 27 «# Key points to the practice 28 © Correct posture - | 29 © Hunyuan Qi 30 » I was determined the hip replacements weren’t going to happen. Angela Edwards 31 IV. Lesson two: Flowing with Qigong (16mins) 32 © Lower Dantian (lower energy centre) 32 > Health benefits of Rolling the spine & arching the lumbar 3 > Key points to the practice» A Note to Dear Teachers 35 Recovery reaction _» Other therapies, Qigongs and Yoga 36 \V. Lesson three: Flowing with Qigong (25 mins) » Tianmen (Gate-of-cosmos) » Baihui__» Shangxing ® Key points to the practice Protective Qi-field ® Lift Qi up to penetrate * Sole reflexology © Qi-teaction _ © 1. Detoxification reaction: Purifying reaction © In the End Gong, tell yourself: “If I have any Qi Reaction, I know that it is only a temporary phenomenon in my healing process —purifying or unblocking, and it is a good sign due to my earnest practice. Congratulations! I will feel joyful from the depths of my heart, face Qi reaction calmly and keep on practising proudly, this is the best way to pass the challenge naturally.” Pain —Nature’s idea of Tough Love Extracted from Energy Medicine V1. Lesson four: Flowing with Qigong (35 mins) © Health benefits of arching Mingmen with serenity © Key points to the practice © Governing Channel & Bladder Meridian » Flowing with Qigong adjusting the functions of our body is two-way. © Scientific proof of the aura~ Kirlian photography © Smiling is the secret. © Qi-reaction © 2. Qi-attacking-illness reaction: Unblocking reaction © 3, Progress reaction Vil. Congratulations & your next step ® Congratulations © Daily practice e Your next step Appendix eBlue Sky Qigong Studio Song regular course & workshop materials '» 100-day Gong Sheet 40 a1 42 43 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 58 59 60 Preface Practising Qigong doesn’t rely on exercise equipment; we only need a little space and our heart Not only is Qigong a physical exercise, it also thoroughly nourishes our Qi (energy) . Spiritual relaxation, harmony and serenity brings complete rest to our mind. Amazing! Only the word “Amazing” can describe the nature of Qigong. Through practising Qigong consistently, people are physically and mentally healthy enough to not require too much medical care. The confidence of believing in good health and trusting the innate healing of our body has contributed to the collective sub-consciousness, which is resulting in complete health. The inner joy and peace emerging from the practise is a loving fountain to the world. In a word, Qigong is a self-healing and preventive medicine, it is a journey of self-discovery as well. It is in accordance with the Declaration of Alma-Ata 12/09/1978, made in Russia by the International Conference on Primary Health Care, WHO (World Health Organisation). Declaration of Alma-Ata “... The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity The people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care. 3 «+» Primary health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of Self-reliance and self-determination. s+ Primary health care ... relies, at local and referral levels, on health workers, including physicians, nurses, midwives, auxiliaries and community workers as applicable, as well as traditional practitioners as needed, suitably trained socially and technically to work as a health team and to respond to the expressed health needs of the community. ...” This great Declaration indicated, under the policy of the “fully relying on doctors and medicine”, that no matter how much we have spent on medical care, patients are increasing instead of decreasing. It eventually causes the economy of a community to be broken. Therefore, all government, all health and development workers (about one thousand people) involved in the Conference, urgently sought to change the policy, thus becoming liberated from the medical myth. Building more prisons (hospitals) does not reduce the number of the prisoners (patients). The following article comes from Reclaiming Your Health — by John Robbins U.S.A 1996, ce of true healing, Infants die before Life expectancy Annual medical cost = j__one. : per person New York City, USA 10.8/1000____|_ 73 years USA dollar $3,000 ‘Shanghi, China 9.9/1000 | 75S years USAdollar $38 “Shanghai is an extremely overcrowded and polluted Third World city in a country with a per capita income of only $350, yet it generates a better health record because it channels what funds it has toward prevention and basic care, because its elders are respected and revered, and because only very recently have its people begun to fall prey to the high-fat, meat-based American Diet.” (In NZ, life expectancy was 78.2 (1990-2000); from 1991/92 to 1998/99, health expenditure rose by an average NZ $35 a year, from $1,290 to $1,530). Through the above Declaration, the time of “fully relying on doctors and medicine” has ended. The above article also echoed the Declaration. We should be ready to take charge of our own health. The wisdom of 5000-year-old Chinese Qigong can help us to transform our body, mind and spirit by ourselves, Recovery of our immunity and vitality is the real answer to good health Appreciate our marvellous universe: we can work in harmony with nature. Special thanks to all different kinds of energy workers. Together, we can improve the quality of all living beings. 4 A letter to you Dear Friends, Itis with great pleasure that we welcome you to this programme. You are special, have listened to your internal call and responded to your inner wisdom to join this Qigong programme. We believe that you have prepared well to embrace this loving energy and will experience a beautiful intemal journey. We hope you learn this programme thoroughly, practise it earnestly and enjoy it happily. Contents of this programme Our studio has specially designed this intensive workshop for those who would like to learn or try Qigong, or need Qigong practice, but don’t have much time. We hope we can pass on what we have learned and benefit the public. There are 4 subjects in this programme: 1. We hope to sow a seed of relaxation in your body and mind. We all know stress and tension can cause negative effects on our lives. Learning how to relax is the most important skill for modem people. 2. We are going to teach you “Rolling the spine & arching the lumbar”. ‘Thist can bring us the most magical health benefits and is the most popular method in our studio. In ancient China, Qigong practitioners called it “A cure to all diseases”. 3. We are going to teach you “Lifting Qi up to penetrate”. It absorbs the universal Hunyuan Qi to nourish us and recover our immune system, It is a method of purification. 4, Your inner healer is going to be gently awakened. You are moving towards a more positive and care-free life. For the best benefits for your body and mind, you should not be absent for any lesson, When you go home, please review and practise what we have leamed. Please use the original CD to accompany your practice daily. The loving Qi-field of the CD will help you easily enter the tranquil and relaxing state Thank you for supporting our Energy work To respect the copyright of our CDs & notes is to support our energy work. ‘Please do not copy our Blue Sky Qigong studio’s CDs and notes. * Please do not let any others copy your Blue Sky Qigong studio’s CDs and notes. Therefore, you can keep the message of our CDs and notes very pure, and perfectly enjoy the delicate Qi field of our materials. They can give you a wonderful energy lift. Please establish a routine It takes time to increase the strength of bones, extend elasticity of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and spinal discs, enhance the motion of joints and improve the functioning of inner organs, as well as cultivate the inner Qi (energy) of your body. So it i important for people who want to engage in Qigong to practise consistently. Generally speaking, after persevering in practising daily for 100 days, you have already transformed your body, mind and spirit. Lastly, I would like to thank all my teachers and friends for helping me prepare this workshop. I really appreciate that you have an open mind to give me this opportunity to share Qigong with you. You are going to contribute to the development of humanity's potential. When having accumulated abundant energy after your consistent practice, you can help lots of people. You will become a member of the super healthy, and good health is the best happiness and wealth to your family, oved ones, and community. When having benefited from Qigong, you can pass it on and help our world become more healthy, peacefiul, affluent and creative. PS: English is my second language. I have tried hard to create a document that you will find easy to understand, and I would welcome any feedback you have on this. Warmest regards, SRE 6 Welcome to our progromme. On the journey of the self cultivation, “ye would like to remind you several things, by Hunyuan Studio in Taiwan @ Love: Love yourself as you love Creator“ One wisdom “God / Buddha / Nature / Universe /The Great Way Only when we give ourselves enough love, can we have more abundant love to share with others. Love practice because you know this is one of the most powerfull ways to fulfill your life. Respect: Respect yourself as you respect Creator“ One wisdom /God / Buddha / Nature / Universe /"The Great Way Qigong practitioners, teachers and all living beings. __If' we don’t respect, we insult the great wisdom of our body and mind. If our mind doesn’t remain composed, how can we leam? . because the divine nature is inside you, Respect practice, ® Practise earn ly, perfect the body and mind and improve the quality of all living beings. Be humble rather than haughty. Being haughty closes the door of leaming. Being humble makes people like to teach us, Being open reveals the universe to us in the right time, space and sequence. * Qigong practitioners should perceive delicately, practise with all our hearts, and stick to our practice. / When we practise step by step, the progress comes to us step by step too. ¢ Firstly we lean the theory. When our consciousness understands, then our body will really know how to practise. ® The light of healing is using our mind to manage Qi, opening and closing. The light of healing recovers our innate nature; all is perfect, whole and complete. » When you have made up your mind to learn the Great Way, holding on to the mission of passing the wisdom of the ancient sages, devote yourself to sculpturing your body and mind. This, attitude will help to sculpture the greater you, reverence, energy and beauty. You are a brilliant messenger. You are attracted to this programme, the likelihood is that your intuition feels that the joy of your <> life connects directly to the quantity and quality of your energy. In this programme, you will Jearn the wisdom of your body, mind and Qi, becoming more radiant to help more people. Flowing with Qigong Materials Flowing with Qigong book Awell-illustrated book $20 2 Mini Flowing with Qigong 72:45 Flowing with Qigong $25 @ Practice 16:00 > am > . by ® Music 9:54 cpr 4 a Hsu Ming-Fen @Flowing with Qigong & 7 & @ Practice 25:00 da we Sandy ang © Music 14:16 ‘Welcome & introduction 7:35 3 Flowing with Qigong 56:16 Flowing with Qigong 35:47 $25 «Ur, # Rolling the spine 25:16 a by © Lifting Qi up to penetrate 10:31 4 4 coz t mes Hsu Ming-Fen @Music 12:53 L£ ‘ , & Welcome & introduction 7:35 dag” L Sandy Jang 4 Self Energy Healing Art 48:08 — °Flowing with Qigong $25 £3 Two in One by © Practice 16:00 ate? >» Hsu Ming-Fen © Music 9:54 cos, he a & eLa Qi & Qi penetrating therapy _ Sandy ng 22:12 * yw “ou 5 Sharing Qigong Experiences 55:58 »Dr.Qi (acupuncturist): Chinese First. $10 er, Aid to relieve the symptoms of m by stroke co owsrends Susan, Karen, Fiona, Mabel, * " é Mary, . Conversation, Sang Me, o ¥ . paricpans Mairi, Natasha, Elizabeth ker 2004 Buy one book (1) and one Qigong practice CD (2 ~ 4) together, get $5 off, was $45, now we offer a very special price of $40 (I.) Rolling the spine and arching the lumbar VS BRE EAR 1. Preparatory session — forming a Qi-field: ® Place feet together, keeping the whole body upright, centred and well balanced. Look forward at eye level, softly focussing on one spot. Drawing the vision inward, gently close the eyes. ‘© With Baihui (# @) leading, letting your body swing tenderly and fuse your mind with the Qi around you. Feel it delicately. Your whole body is in harmony with Qi. Relaxing your head, the inner corners of the eyes and the area between the eyebrows, this relaxation is flowing along your eyebrows sideways, along your cheeks, to your gently smiling mouth. Your mouth and teeth are gently closed, with the tip of your tongue touching, the root of your front teeth and the surface of your tongue touching your palate. © Relax the neck, the whole chest, back and relax the Mingmen backwards. Relax the legs and spread the soles on the ground. Arms are relaxing. Your whole body, from top to toe, from inside to outside, is relaxed. © Think of the “Great Void”. Think of the practising area. Think of your body. ‘Think of the “Great Void”. Think of your body Ps 2. Rolling the Spine & Arching the Lumbar: Freely and slowly embrace Qi to form Heshi-hands (4+). Raise the hands, nterlacing them and turning the palms to face the sky. Rotate the wrists: one, two, three, four. Tur palms forwards with fingertips toward the sky. The first time of rolling down your spine —restfully hanging down and arching Mingmen: © Keeping the upper arms beside the ears, relax the head and tip it forwards, cervical vertebrae rolling down, thoracic vertebrae rolling down, and lumbar vertebrae rolling down. © Hang down there serenely and relax your mind, letting the upper arms hang naturally beside your ears and as relaxed as possible, letting hands hang down wherever it suits you. The back of your neck is loosened by the weight of your head, extended and prolonged. The tension of your back is released completely. Only letting the upper arms hang down there restfully, therefore the weight and relaxation of your back can go through your shoulders into you arms. @ Feel your hands are dropping restfully and softly. Let the weight and relaxation of your arms open the tension of your back muscles. Feel the weight of your head; let the weight and relaxation of your head open the Qi channel of your neck. © Keeping your legs as straight as possible, you may have to extend the muscles and tendons at the back of your knees; meanwhile you are relaxed too. Keep on releasing any remaining tension in your body. # Perceive the state of your relaxation serenely, relaxing— tranquil— Stay in this posture without any effort at all and relax yourself thoroughly, letting the weight of your head, arm, and back sofily extend your spine and back muscles. © Keep the upper arms beside your ears, lumbar vertebrae unrolling upwards, thoracic vertebrae unrolling, and cervical vertebrae unrolling, 2 © Elegantly and naturally swing forwards, backwards, left, and right. (2). The second time of rolling down your spine — C-shaped turn: » Keep the upper arms beside the ears. Tip the head forwards, tuck the chin in naturally, cervi vertebrae rolling down, thoracic vertebrae rolling down, and lumbar vertebrae rolling down. » Keep the back of your legs and knees as straight as possible; meanwhile you are relaxed too. Keeping the right leg straight and tum left, one, two, three. Return to the centre, relaxing and releasing any remaining tension in your body. © Keeping the left leg straight and turn right, one, two, three. Return to the center, allowing yourself to be relaxed completely. » Relax the knees and the back of your legs, keeping them straight » Prepare to do the unrolling. Your awareness and the Earth Q/ converge at your lumbar, slowly and softly lumbar vertebrae unrolling upwards, thoracic vertebrae unrolling, and cervical vertebrae unrolling upwards. © Swing gracefully and naturally. (3). The third time of rolling down your spine — forehead looking for your knees: © Raise the fingertips to stretch, pulling yourself up. © Slowly relax the head, cervical vertebrae rolling down, relaxing thoracic vertebrae, rolling down, relaxing lumbar vertebrae, rolling down. © Tranquilly hang down, Put your mind on Mingmen (4°F'4), focusing on Mingmen and relaxing Mingmen. The legs are straight. Stay relaxed. © Gather Qi backwards and place the hands on the back of your legs. Use your forehead to look for the knees, arch Mingmen, relaxing; two, arch Mingmen, relaxing; three, arch, relaxing, » Gather Qi forward. Prepare to do the unrolling. Unroll slowly, one by one now. > Swing naturally. (IL) Lift Qi up to penetrate eR KR using hands to lift up the Hunyuan Qi of the Great-Void, fy penetrate it from the crown, through Tianmen (Gate-of-cosmos) to the whole body. Qi penetrating downward Tum the palms to face each other. Reaching up high, gather the universal energy to penetrate the crown, Relax the shoulders and lower the elbows to penetrate the whole body, along the face, penetrating downwards, through the chest, turning the palms inwards, to the navel, and pointing deeply as if pointing to the Mingmen. Internally turn fingers downwards and direct Qi downwards. Return the hands to the sides. Relax the whole body. 16 (1). Lift Qi up from the front to penetrate: Insert the hands to the “Great Void” beyond the Earth, as if holding an immense bubble of precious Qi. Hands reaching to the front comers, lift Qi up, up, above the crown, to penetrate Baihui. Thoroughly feel this Qi penetrating. a Relax shoulders and lower elbows, penetrating downwards; the energy of your fingertips, permeating your head internally. At your chest level, tum the palms inwards, relaxing the inside of your chest for Qi to penetrate, ‘Your hands are inside your body, soothing all organs, to the navel and press, think of the Mingmen as if your fingers are entering Mingmen. ‘Turn fingers and direct Qi downwards Feel the front of your legs are relaxing. Your mind goes through the sole-centre into the “Great Void” beyond the Earth. With fingers leading, move your arms to the sides (2). Lift Qi up from the sides to penetrate: Relax the fingers, slowly opening and closing the hands as if you are stirring the Hunyuan Qi (2.4) delicately. From the sides, fingers are along the infinity floating up, the further the better, to above the crown, the infinitely far away, gather Qi to penetrate the crown, feeling— and perceiving— Relax shoulders and lower elbows. As hands are moving, Qi is permeating the body, , along the ears, past the shoulders, around the armpits. Direct Qi downwards to penetrate the sides, to the waist, middle fingers press Dantian (+ W) as if they meet each other inside the body. The hands are inside the body, turning fingers downwards, along the sides of your legs, the deeper the better, to direct Qi downwards. Your mind goes through the sides of your legs, to the sole-centre into the “Great Void” beyond the Earth. Relax your whole body. (3). Lift Qi up from the back to penetrate: The fingers gently insert to the “Great Void” and form 45 degrees with your body. Visualise there are two hands in your back. Put your awareness at the back comers, thinking of the “Great Void” behind you. Lift Qi up. slowly, up, up to the “Great Voi Visualise stretching the arms and gathering Qi to penetrate your crown. 19 Relax shoulders and lower elbows to penetrate the back of your head, enter the inside of your neck, directing Qi downwards to the third thoracic vertebra The middle fingers touch each other and press Move the hands around the shoulders for Qi to penetrate, to the back, reaching up to catch Qi. Direct Qi into Mingmen and press, thinking of the navel, relaxing Dantian. Sending Qi downwards, through the back of the legs, knees and heels into the “Great Void” beyond the Earth. Return the hands to the sides. Your whole body is relaxed. 4. Ending sessi Embrace Hunyuan Qi around you, moving arms forward at the navel level and gathering Qi inward, drawing Qi to the navel, and absorbing Qi into Dantian. ¢ End Gong: Sitting in tranquility Sit in tranquility, make yourself comfortable and at ease. Keep your body centrally balanced and gently close your eyes. Relax your whole body and stay serene. Think our teachers and classmates surrounding us and think the dense Hunyuan Qi in our practising area. Think your body, absorb this clear, bright and beautiful Hunyuan Qi into your body, relaxing and tranquil. ‘Thank everyone in Gradually place hands upon the navel (female right hand, male left hand underneath), Stay serene and nourish Qi 21 IL The schedule of our programme g the spine 1:30 Lesson one: Experienceing roll | When waiting, please read "Preface", "A letter to you" and " Sing a song & introduce teachers, Blue Sky Qigong Studio's regular course, workshop, today's programme 12 mins | Practise: Heshi-hands, Left & right side stretch, Swing, Place palms upon navel 15 mins | Sitting in tranqulity ¢ listen the Welcome in the Flowing with Qigong CD | 8 mins ‘Lesson two: Flowing with Qigong (16 mins) —_ | Practise: Experiencing Rolling the spine twice with a CD | Theory: Lower Dantian, Health benefits of Rolling the spine, Key points 10 mins Practise: C-shaped arching 20 mins | Theory: Recovery reaction of the other therapies, Qigongs & Yoga 10 mins | practise:Flowing with Qigong (16 mins) withaCD 18 mins | L-shaped Sit: Watch the introducion of the "Dance of the Energy Essence" DVD 8 mins 2 Theory: Mingmen, Somatic nervous system, Health benefits of Sacrum exercise (Tiger), Correct posture, Keep the tongue touching the palate 15 mins | Practise: Sacrum exercise: The Tiger, Standing Tiger, Feet-together Tiger 20 mins | Expericencing Rolling the spine: hanging down 30secs to 1 mins 10 mins | Theory: Hunyuan Qi, Healing Story by Angela Edwards 10 mins jaring Qigong experiences" CD | Sitting in tranqulity or hanging down to relax Practice: Forehead looks for the knees Theory: Gate-of-cosmos, Key points, Sole reflexology | Practice: The 1" & 2"! Lifing Qi up to penetrate: from the front & from the sides 10 mins | Theory: Qi reaction — Detoxification (furifying) reactions 10 mins | | | Practice:Flowing with Qigong (25 mins) withaCD 30 mins Sitting in tranqulity: listen Natasha's experience in the "Sharing Qigong experiences" CD | S mins Lesson four: Flowing with Qigong (35 mins) _ | Practice: The 3" Lifing Qi up to penetrate: from the 4 comers Theory: Benefits, Key points, Governing Channel & Bladder Meridians, 2-way 8 mins Praetice: Arching Mingmen & contract the lower abdomen. 10 mins | ‘Theory: Qi reaction —Unblocking & Progress reactions 10 mins | Practice:Flowing with Qigong (35mins) witha CD | 37 mins Q&A: 10 mins Congratulations & your next step 5 mins | | Sitting in tranulity: Thanks 3 mins_| A Note to Dear Teachers The principle to teach "Rolling the Spine": Firstly we demonstate, then teach, practise, gently adjust students' movements. The principle to teach "Lifting Qi up to penetrate": ‘The first time, students open their eyes and follow our movements. The second time, they close their eyes to practise and feel Qi. We do not have to demonstrate firstly. If you teach these 4 lessons during 4 weeks, 2 hours for each lesson are recommended. In the beginning of each lessson, sitting in tranqulity or hanging down to relax for 10 mins is recommended. The Tiger can be practised in the second and third lessons too. Sitting in tranquility is arranged as the Ending Gong to absorb the dense surrounding Oi-ficld that we have formed together while practising; also everyone receives tranquile, positive and joyful messages for themselves and thank our teachers, classmates and ourselves. Il Lesson one: Experiencing rolling the spine Energy locations The locations of the energy centres/locations need not be very accurate, because they are Qi, energy, or light, not tangible. Therefore, they can exist with our organs, bones, spines and flesh. It is just like air and a towel. Air and cotton fibres can both exist inside a towel. ‘The nature of Qi is very free. It can penetrate physical objects, centralising and expanding. It can radiate around your body several metres, or even expanding further. Mingmen 4 F} ‘The Gate-of-Life or The Rear Energy Centre or The Renal/Reproductive Systems Energising Location Mingmen is at the same level as the navel at the back, between the 2“ and 3" lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae where Mingmen is located is one of the most important supports of our body, therefore Qigong practitioners pay special attention to this area. Nervous system: ® Central nervous system: Cranial nerves & Spinal nerves © Peripheral nervous system: © Somatic system: The sensory nerves keep the body in touch with the outside world. © Automonic system: The Sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system Somatic Nervous System Nerves (Posterior Body) Nerves (Anterior Body) Seine / \ Common parontat ‘ateral popinen \W ay \\ fi Back View of the Pelvis Sacroiliac joint Point where sacrum joins pelvis Ischium Lower bone that turns forward to meet pubis Pubis Cartilage Health benefits of Sacrum Exercise : @ Sacrum exercise trains our sacroiliac joints, making the joints “movable”. When sacroiliac joints are “movable”, it helps make our Dantian Qi abundant and lower limbs agile, and enhances the functions of relevant nerves and organs; e.g. releasing sciatica. @ All blood problems, e.g. abnormal hematopoies, anaemia, white blood problems... can be improved through this turning-up and tucking-in sacrum training. This sacrum exercise activates the Qi and blood around the lumbar. ~ Nerves of the Glutea! Region uptr ial— tna sens ie anal eee Super tal tte geal — 7 Wet crate u r ‘moras rat po) B ON C lnteroe clit ‘Nerve to quadratus femoris Common’) fibular + Sciatic Thiat Key points to the practice Sacrum exercis © Preparation of the Tiger: Place hands gently on the ground as wide as the shoulders with fingers pointing forward. Keep your arms straight and perpendicular to the ground. Tuck in your chin and keep the neck relaxed and straight. Your thighs are as wide as the shoulders and perpendicular to the ground. Your ankles and insteps are relaxed. ® Hollow lumbar — turn up sacrum: Hollow Mingmen and keep the lumbar concave. You may use a little strength to squeeze the Mingmen. © Tuck in sacrum — arch Mingmen: Focus on the inner tip of your sacrum, slowly tuck in the sacrum and arch Mingmen. Tighten the pelvie floor, arch Mingmen, and feel your lumbar is round. jt Ly fj | L 1 Slowly Rolling down & unrolling one vertebra by one vertebra: '® We focus on how relaxed we are in this posture rather than how low we can bend. When we are in the arching form, we can still be totally relaxed and be aware of releasing any remaining tension. > | © Please pracitse slowly, gently, smoothly and be as relaxed as possible. Try not to make jerky movements. Correct posture 27 (Body Wise 1995 USA — by Joseph Heller, Founder of Hellerwork) When we are well and properly’ aligned, gravity supports us as it supports a house that is standing up. When we fall out of alignment, gravity pulls us down like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. When the pelvis is held in an erect position, like the horizontal bowl, it is designed to be, the intestines can rest securely within it. As a result, the abdominal wall and the other muscles of the trunk ean relax (B). ‘The differences between normal adult spines (the left) and ideal adult spines (the right) are shown here. The position of the pelvis has a great deal to do with the state of tension or relaxation expressed in and by the intestines. To free the pelvis is to free at least four of the body’s systems: reproduction and elimination. major respiration, digestion, If your pelvis is tilted backwards so that you are spilling your intestines all the muscles are always working to hold these ie, your sloshing contents in, and you never have a chance to be relaxed. 28 4 Hunyuan Qi FRAO Its name: Qi (pronounced “chi”) is the integrality that hides behind the physical things that our five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch) can feel. It is difficult to name Qi. Therefore, people call it Tao (28), Taiji (448), Vital Qi (Yuan Qi) (44) or Hunyuan Qi (RAK). Different kinds of Qigong may call it different name. In Zhineng Qigong, we call it Hunyuan Qi, but to simplify, sometimes we just call it Qi. What is it? Qi is universal life energy. It has no shape, no colour, but a special and superfine substance, In the 20" century scientists said: Before the existence of time and space, there was only energy, unimaginable condensed energy crowded into a tiny space, even smaller than an atom. Then, suddenly the “Big Bang” occurred, and expanded in all directions, starting the universe. This primeval energy is still everywhere within our universe. Why do we need it? ‘When our Q/ is in harmony, we enhance and preserve not just our health but also our capacity for fulfillment, happiness and well-being. We all need to work at keeping our Qi in top condition, and to ensure that there are no blockages which are preventing it from travelling freely throughout the body. How can we take charge of it? Oris able to be managed by our minds. Qi goes to where we put our minds. Where your mind reaches, Qi follows, and the energy centralises. Characteristics of Hunyuan Qi: © All things in our universe are made up of Hunyuan Qi. Mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans; earth, water, fire, wind; sun, moon, stars; animals and plants are all made up of Hunyuan Qi. « It can condense to matter, and the matter can disperse. © This transformation follows the natural rule of processes in the universe. © Our mind can make Hunyuan Qi condense or disperse. In Zhieng Qigong, we train our inner Qi to be abundant without blockage, 29 and practise communication with natural Qi to enhace our vitality. I was determined the hip replacements weren’t going to happen. Angela Edwards Rangiora New Zealand Autumn 2005 ty amt Angela Edwards with Hollie, Taylor, Kaharne , Chesta and Gemma Hi, my name is Angela Edwards. I am 47 years young. I was bom with deep hip sockets, causing sciatic pain in both legs, constant pain in my back, and limited movement in my back, hips and legs, also I was told I would have to have hip replacements before I'm 50. 1 was determined that wasn’t going to happen. Over the years I’ve tried many exercises without success, so I decided to go along to the Blue Sky Qigong Studio, meet Sandy and try Qigong in August 2004, Afier the first class | fell in love with Qigong. In fact I became quite addicted doing one and a half to 2 hours a day. After about 4 weeks I had a Q/ reaction — vomiting and diarrhea with a good spirit, which lasted 2 weeks. Since then I have painless days and nights. J can run, jump and play which is an important part of my life as I train and walk dogs for other people. 1 also lost my need to drink tea or coffee since then. I've also discovered when I do the Rolling of the Spine” with all the dogs around; they seem to want to lie down around me, even the cat, (Animals are very sensitive to Qi and they enjoy the Qi-field very much. If we practise Qigong in a wild area, animals may be attracted by the loving Qi-field around us, approach us and sit or lie down quietly around us. _Afier the practice, they will leave naturally. — explained by Sandy) I still practise Qigong everyday and at night before I go to sleep. I love it. The peace and tranquility I get when practising is amazing. As it will be for you, 30 IV Lesson two: Flowing with Qigong (16 mins) Lower energy centre Lower Dantian FAS ‘This is the energy storage centre. When it is full of Qi, the Qi can flow well through all of our body, we feel a sense of balance, comfort and equanimity, and we are full of true abundance. When it is full of Qi, we will be very healthy, have strong stamina and a rich spirit. This is the foundation of our energy; it especially nourishes our bones, marrow, teeth and encephalon (brain). ‘Therefore, if we would like to have a healthy body, we have to train our lower energy centre first If we draw a line from navel to Mingmen, and separate the line into 3 portions. Our lower energy centre is about on the two thirds of thi and about around the 2" and 3 lumbar vertebrae. <———— 3 portions ———» ALB ©) ry 2 portions 1 portion Navel Mingmen Oo is our Lower Dantian, Lower Energy Centre or Ocean-of-Qi Different kinds of Qigong, their energy centres are different. It depends on their different theories, static forms and dynamic forms (movements). “Dan” means the es ence of energy, while “Jien” means field or area. It is a sphere within us that stores our Qi to balance our body — like the sun in our solar system, the parent in a family, the capital of a country. Hence, it is intangible. There are upper, middle and lower Dantian inside our body. 31 Health benefits of Rolling the spine & arching the lumbar © It improves the flexibility and strength of the vertebrae, muscles and ligaments of the spine, so it can heal sore lumbar and aching back, as well as herniated discs, etc. © As the physiological curve of the spine is corrected by this form, the gravity can support our aligned vertebrae well. A good posture makes us feel good. © Increasing the density of the bones, it can heal and prevent osteoporosis. © It enhances the digestive system and tones the nervous system, e.g. sciatica. © It can adjust both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. It has helped many practitioners who suffered from high blood pressure to turn to normal blood pressure. But they have to do it very slowly and as relaxed as possible at the beginning. # It enriches our Dantian, the energy centre, the ocean of Qi, the power house or the core of our body, and improves our well-being. Lg) ——— 1. Supraspinous ligament HR 3. 92 ——— 2. Interspinous ligament } 3. Costotransverse ligament 8823 — 4. Posterior longitudinal igament Bee [Nucleus patois ~ 5° | anulus fibrosus 30%? —— 5. anterior longitudinal tigament FROM THE FRONT FROM ABOVE Prevents & heals osteoporosis. Rolling & unrolling one vertebra at a time is an important method in the martial art to training Qi _. into bones. It can increase the bone density and rapidly make bone marrow abundant. Persistent practice prevents & heals osteoporosis. Nervous System Sympathetic ganglion Ganglion Rolling the spine & arching lumbar is "A cure to all diseases". In ancient China, “Rolling the spine” was called “A cure to all diseases” by Qigong practitioners. Why? Even though we don’t talk about Qi (energy), from an anatomical view, we can see the important relationship between our spines and internal organs. C-shaped arching lumbar massages ganglion chains, activating Qi into internal organs, especially nourishing the kidneys. Key points to the practice 1. When rotating the wrists, stretch the left and right arm alternately. Fully stretching the arms prevents internal organs from dropping and slims the inside of the upper arms. 2. When hanging down serenely, keep your legs straight, relax your back and the back of your neck and hang down naturally 3. C-shaped arching: Keep your hips stationary, turn your whole spine sideway, your spine is a C-shape, and feel that you are Banana-gliding in order to massages ganglion chains, activating Qi into internal organs. S Interanlise Qi (femal right hand, male left hand underneath). A Note to Dear Teachers When turning left, a teacher stands at the right side of a student and uses teacher’s left hip to keep the student’s right hip relatively stationary. When the student turn the upper body lefi, the teacher’s left hand slightly presses the student's left waist to help it concave inward and - Picture by Claire Picture by Camille the teacher’s right hand slightly co touches the student’s right shoulder or right temple to help the C-shaped arching. Qi-reaction — Recovery reaction A When we practise Zhineng Oigong (#8 # #34), the energy vibration of our bodies changes from

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