All Agreed Campaign - 'Spot The Difference' (America's Floyds Killings)

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‘All Agreed’ Campaign: Spot the difference; (America’s Floyds


‘going ‘glocal’ for a wider spectrum of the society, means…

…we recently ran a poll before this episode to ascertain how widespread
our mission is, and we received welcoming responses in total. Thank you
all for an unprecedented demonstration of support.

Our campaign on this episode is only a snapshot of reflection of another

devastating incident happening to black race in America. So this may not
be as big an issue as it would appear-when we would have to conduct an
in-depth research to find out the real picture. But this episode still contains
the ethical and edutainment factual context we are known for in solidarity
with gruesome killing of Floyd

The America Conflicts: In the United States, life was taken of a black lad
George Floyd on May 25, 2020, Floyd who was very tired while the white
cop knelt on his neck, finishing off the time the lad died. He summoned the
will to continue to live and refuses to surrender life in the face of all he
suffered; the man literally had nothing left to breathe and gave up the
ghost. The mayhem causes a sad development that resulted in civil unrest
across different states of the super rich developed nation.

We all looked at it intently and rather sadly. ‘I’ve never met anyone with
such a hardened soul as this cop’. The message of the campaign identified
that nearly all of us had stood in such a position where our victims had
cried or were crying when faced with symbol of suffering. The excuses that
I haven’t claim life would not abstain us from being labeled as such. We all
understand that and we are sorry if it embarrassed by having to stumble on
such a fact.

Our campaign organization is aimed to overcome all the obstacles facing

migrants, providing a national view as opposed to any individual person.
The issue is that many challenges claiming to be institutional are not and
also contain lack of localized culture towards the creator’s host nation by us
Africans. The challenges we will call ‘misbalance of culture’.
The driving factors behind this impulse throughout history is linked to the
scramble for benefiting from someone’s tragedy make us vulnerable to
such humiliation in western world. We feel comforted from guilt of lack of
share sense of humanity overseas. We undermined the cultural heritage of
our origin.  Most of us who have known how mutually supported
environment can help to avert such a gruesome attacks will understand.
Does it work? To an extent, it might Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
et al can all potentially stay the same around the world with language
adaptations, and so on. But converting an Africa culture to Western culture
does not result in Africa or sub Africa culture system. A significant ethical
manner is required in a growing socially civilized world. It means multiple
variants of a perceived different solution to deal with the local element of
discrimination in diasporas is weakened by allowing the western politics to
change our culture. We imbibed selfish, greed and overzealous approach
that has significant negative impact on our children in future.

Perhaps we are bold enough to say for both theoretical and practical
reasons that mostly our women in their western quicks and veil of
ignorance are misapplying the western policy of women empowerment.
Thereby, enjoying the characteristics manners of domineering style over
their husband, psychological construct, emotional torture, calling of police
and evicting him out of the family house, whichever. It is surprising to see
most of our women abandoning their warmer living-room and taken over
and littered the streets of America and Britain calling for justice over the
shocking death of the black American (Floyd).

We are not taking sides, ours are educated humanists and conscious moral
agents too, and as tips to our readers: ‘the exercise of a right is unlawful if
its purpose can only be to cause damage to another’. Is there any exercise
of rights in any actions whatsoever that alienates a child from his/her parent
because of greater material comfort of either of the parents? There will
never be any justification that a single parent also raised good children,
peradventure even if such children becomes President of a Nation he or
she has suffered some detriments. Everyone need a partner to stand right
by their side to build a promising future for the next generation!

The emergence of the Pandemic is known to God, the owner of the

universe and it is as a result of nothing but our sins. The bottom line is that
all that is happening in western-world and the world at large has our
individual contributions and the point is we should seek reflection through
the mirror before peeping through the window to point our accusing fingers.

For better clarity we will help to simplify it all, we all have a role to play in
all that is happening in the universe and this can be best demonstrated by
showing of Love, Moral & Ethical value, any challenges facing any migrant
is facing all of us but the unfortunate thing is that the ability to see real-time
or near-time future is limited to certain people. Taking to the above will help
to reduce the common volatility of discrimination, abuses, hatred and death
we are experiencing in diaspora.

‘All Agreed’ Campaign team journal.

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