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MANESAR , HARYANA ARCHITECTURAL THESIS PROJECT 2020-2021 APPASAHEB BIRNALE COLLEGE GUIDE SACHIN KUMAWAT OF ARCHITECTURE,SANGLI AR.ASHIYA PATEL SEMISTER X r= ~< NX TSE ‘TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT isthe exciting fast growing trend in creating vibrant livable, sustainable communities. Also known as TOD t's the reation of compact, walkable, pedestrian oriented, mixed-use communities centred around high quality train ystems. This makes it possible to livea lower-stres life without complete dependence on car for mobility and survival AIM. © Te cesign a such vanet supparive amen for people raveling tough that node /staton or ving in that neighbourhood by. iterate compact high rise ‘med land use development modal interchange wir MRT and eachother. © Using ess ground coverage and provide maxirum public and commerial spaces ‘connecting MRT (Mass rap trans) NEED '» Scope of workin urban es increased, people are coming log from nearby area to \work thee or saying ose save there in, whic leads urbarizaion ~ Inmates o developing cites theres aways been pabion for ae, © TOD heb to minimised he area and create more spaces Ike commeril core, fies, publ spaces atone pace « Doweopment of publ transportation lead to the develoomert on naon which hep to development of sect. Ina get ren Sone sen “Transit oriented development s also @ major solution tothe serous and growing problems of cimate change and global energy securiy by creating dense, walkable communities that grealy reduce the need for driving and energy consumption. Ths ype of ling arrangement can reduce driving by upto 85%. Annual total C02 emissions, by wold region Se © The rural mgrants mainly work on low wages and the cy does not ofr sufcientffordable housing to ac- ‘commadate this population this situation result i the formaton of sure. Much ofthis growth has occured in spraw tke manner with lw density and large spatial footprints Ince, very few have the kixry of staying close to the place of work. fr those who have to travel org clstanoas to reach thar destination go through various challenges, especially who rly onthe public ans- port WHY DELHL-ALWAR CORRIDOR? + Monect wo sates th Oa * Garren, Mesa MT conect * Have longest ute © Aer Dah Gur mest desnsety pops Town Po xe Manesar is 2 town and mificipah corporation In the Gurydram distrietof the state of haryana, Indié. It is an industria “a v and is a part of the,fational capital (NCR) of Delhi Manesar is a rapidly developing Industria! town located in the neighbourhood of Gurgaon the stat latitude 28.372524, & longituds 76.919563, Lies on NH48 golden Quadrilateral Highway. DELHI-ALWAR RRTS ROUTE Delhi - SNB ~ Alwar RRTS is a 164 km under consti semi-high speed ral ine connecting Delhi - Gurgaon Dharuhera ~ Rewari ~ SNB (Shahjananpur ~ Neemran; Behrod) ~ Alwar through a series of tunnels and elovatet viaducts as part of Dein's new Regional Rapid Transit, System. MANESAR TEHSIL dinate - 28.37°N 76.91 140m 124.32 km = 7250 = 83.57 % POPULATION 2011 116606 (census 2011) Sex Ratio -779 0-6 Age Sex Ration Elevation Total area Density Literacy REASONS FOR GROWTH Rapid Industrialization Rapid Population , Spatial & Economic growt} E wino oirecTi4 70°C ag 40.6°C sox @ mx fast during cooler monte, Between the driest & wettest months, the difference in precipation, ie 178 mm. Blow from the southwest during the warmest month The variation in annual temperature is around 19.9°C of Haryana, between the penis = one HITEGTURE , SANGLI osama LEGEND: Residential Commercial Industria Public Semi-publie senile: eee Green Space: =] one, 2! PHYSICAL FEATURE ‘©The town is located at the foot of aravali hills which provides the town a natural bartier for growth in that direction ‘© On the west side of the town there are far stretched farmlands, which provides a good economics support with its agricul ture ©The growth of city expand toward toward the north-east as gurugram city is located in that direction which provide Jo8 opportu nity due to its development ‘© Many small villages are scattered nearly with Tow density of population ROAD HIERARCHY & LANDMARKS. Primary Road ‘Secondary Road Tan Rod Savoy Suites BSidkoApiriment —TownPark _10.5B Pubic School BUILT OPEN NOISE MAP VEGITATION The Sky ine ofthe own sy Vacant iand I Y> ‘Ale Road have Vegetation on both the a nai | eee oe ‘round coverage than west 39 S00 ‘too (Prosopis julia) Hon Noto “work space pac lon th tans Commercial complex is pus pubic ‘spaco. pacing ton morocion Mako tat psc a nara his [Atpoote ground in J Canter Gardon hich connect the LEGEND —* Residential space n cones hey ‘ove al he spaces by we caaly Transit Line Mio Sess eee er eee Commer iscuerereneraay Sasori [seer ie Kon gourd ; Cont geen eae Ue Seoenne) Sol gel ce Premmren uies sete acs SITE PLAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT :- © This Transite oriented Development Spread over 39 acre of plot area along Delhi-Alwar RRTS line. er Ofice space is rectly connected tothe station Inner circle is connected with 6 m pedestrian way. ‘Hospital & athete ground is the requirment ofthe neighbourhood, Se I sin Esty Tre Dovecot Swim 18 rg yc road 2 me GPa ot pat. 372 Carter 608 ‘tn Amps, ak Oace0r Gens Suing pot ‘Pics san 250 bec mulepecaky Tetary Road which the eads Tou Datta Park ch conn Triary Road win Catal Garden Rood i Pedostia Vay whch Drecty Connect nih mete station Erirnce BIRO EVE VIEW FROM NORTH WESTSIDE EELLL LLL eee aCe ete ToL eT Eo Pe TeoMise tog co se ae) ECON ist isa once SITE PLAN OFFICE BUILDING | Secondary EnityfExt | nveom 09 M WIDE @ AREA caicuation ™ Site area ~; 28480 sqm FAR 235 Build up area Ground Cover Built Up used sKYWaLk DETAIL FLOOR PLAN :- LEGEND: Floor Zoning 12009 nt ound comrage 1120 at rg tenga RS nn apa of 560 soar ‘inte ror oe cc ah Gey eet be, ENTRANCE Bulan have total roe entrance Ge tom te nth & 78 fom fas @ ne dct fom sation Croup sal Hove one conval courtyard & wo courtyard in each bull which provide god gt a verlaton reughoutthe bulls round foo: hae dbl eich atria &erotanment zane {havo creen workspace feos on porter. it DETAIL FLOOR PLANS :- LEGEND From uth forte nt part & ram ith back art of bling get etac fom each ae From heey bath and as id Toners ‘open work spaces (Ohh he loo they ar connected wth he pan wok space ar MS pegola ve thm whch makes hal Space mare ho to ven for rfteshment Spaces Due io cortyars base panning amos every par of the bl the ay ‘Seaton shoing double hat erty & open wor space ‘SECTION bb’ ‘3D SECTION A. BCOLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE SL TIT ais st - ban aes DETAIL FLOOR PLANS :- ‘oor Design such a way ta a he sorvs ke Cece ie ‘So Bey gt adequate Nokia ih From Fit for bulking et detach fom sa & lan ke ‘erent erty, | Soler Facade Cladding ‘ocadng owen nt Bans Thi te nae 1396 ECS Paring. ca 418|80%) Motreyste-2512160%) Whee Basement 1 82 (Gar 195Nos.Motereye 650 Nos on each ‘Ground for + 3 level Posum ‘On Ground Bigco 140 (698) ‘BASEMENT ONE Weteticexegiemiccits4 Sromnnauiss sean COMMERCIAL COMPLEX sr ak “Tere sno speci etree the promces ae comersl buking thre Sr mutele aces toe bung fr pe. From sou sie thor sno ass. Rear S86 ory User parking & service Entry ofthe basements tom nore side Betton wast oe ing & have of rear, BIC me BASEMENT PLAN PARKING REQUIREMENT car-232(05%) he 1195 (45%) Bye -200 0%) 2 Ongowd os ‘Seating arountifou Month DETAIL FLOOR PLANS :- lial = FF FIRST & SECOND FLOOR PLAN fect Tatas DETAIL FLOOR PLANS :- SIXTH FLOOR PLAN

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