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Data Types

● Integers (int) Immutable

● Floating Points (float) Immutable
● Booleans (bool) Immutable
● Strings (str) Immutable
● Lists Mutable
● Tuples ( constant list ) Immutable
● Dictionaries Mutable
Variables & Assignments
Variable represent labelled storage locations, whose values can be
manipulated during program run.

Roll_no = 41
Name = ‘Harsh’

**Python allows dynamic typing.

Mutable & Immutable Variables
Mutable Variables can change their value in place.

Immutable Variables never changes their values, they reference to a

value-object. When we change value the reference address changes.
Some Terms Indentation

Comment def India( ):
. print(“Atma Nirbhar. ”)
print(b+a) Expression

Function call India( ) Variable

Input & Output
Age = input( ‘Enter your age : ’) default input datatype is str.
print(‘My age is : ’ ,Age)
print(‘My’, ’name’, ’is’, ’Harsh’) My name is Harsh
print(‘My’, ’name’, ’is’, ’Harsh’ , sep=’!’) My!name!is!Harsh
Default separator is ‘space’
print(‘My’, ‘name’, ‘is’, ‘Harsh’ ,end=’-’) My name is Harsh-
Default end is ‘endline’
Type Casting (Very Important)
Conversion of one data type into another.

There are two types :

01. Implicit Type Casting :
A = 5.0
C = A+B

02. Explicit Type Casting :

A = 5.0
B = int(A)

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