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--------- beginning of main

02-08 11:14:59.952 24736 24736 I

02-08 11:14:59.958 24736 24770 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:14:59.958 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManager: saveOpPackageName,
mOpPackageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82
02-08 11:14:59.959 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:14:59.959 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera
02-08 11:14:59.960 24736 24770 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
02-08 11:14:59.970 24736 24736 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24770 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24770 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
GcaGeneric-2 identical 1 line
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24770 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.971 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
02-08 11:14:59.972 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.972 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
02-08 11:14:59.972 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 6
02-08 11:14:59.973 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.975 24736 24770 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
GcaGeneric-2 identical 4 lines
02-08 11:14:59.975 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.975 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.977 24736 24770 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
GcaGeneric-2 identical 6 lines
02-08 11:14:59.978 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.979 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:14:59.986 24736 24770 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
GcaGeneric-2 identical 11 lines
02-08 11:14:59.986 24736 24770 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:00.003 24736 24736 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
notification took 10 ms
02-08 11:15:00.005 24736 24769 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg
02-08 11:15:00.006 24736 24769 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
02-08 11:15:00.007 24736 24769 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/ffmpeg
02-08 11:15:00.010 24736 24769 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3
for video/mpeg2
02-08 11:15:00.011 24736 24769 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3
for video/mpeg2
02-08 11:15:00.039 24736 24770 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
camera took 21 ms
02-08 11:15:00.042 24736 24770 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
02-08 11:15:00.042 24736 24770 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
02-08 11:15:00.045 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.048 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.053 24736 24769 W CAM_A : Build number (1641820162194) is not a
number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
02-08 11:15:00.054 24736 24772 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
--------- beginning of system
02-08 11:15:00.054 24736 24736 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: sInstance is
null, start a new sInstance
02-08 11:15:00.055 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.071 24736 24774 W usionlabs.lmc8: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-
max-o, reflection, denied)
02-08 11:15:00.071 24736 24774 W usionlabs.lmc8: Accessing hidden method
(greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
02-08 11:15:00.071 24736 24774 W usionlabs.lmc8: Accessing hidden method
Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
02-08 11:15:00.073 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.076 24736 24774 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
02-08 11:15:00.076 24736 24774 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
02-08 11:15:00.079 24736 24769 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
02-08 11:15:00.079 24736 24769 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
02-08 11:15:00.088 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.090 24736 24769 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.093 24736 24770 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.194 24736 24772 W usionlabs.lmc8: Verification of jgz.b(android.os.Parcel) took 116.851ms
(6572.44 bytecodes/s) (22800B approximate peak alloc)
02-08 11:15:00.211 24736 24776 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:00.215 24736 24782 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : getOptInOptions failed
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : A
required meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must
have the following declaration within the <application> element: <meta-data
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jck.a(Unknown Source:112)
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jcb.f(Unknown Source:0)
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jep.n(Unknown Source:94)
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jep.h(Unknown Source:52)
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jet.handleMessage(Unknown
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jms.b(Unknown Source:0)
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at jms.dispatchMessage(Unknown
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:00.229 24736 24772 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:00.230 24736 24779 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.255 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.256 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.274 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.276 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.284 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.285 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.287 24736 24791 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.287 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.287 24736 24791 I OplusCameraManagerGlobal: setClientInfo,
packageName: com.illusionlabs.lmc82, uid: 10332, pid: 24736
02-08 11:15:00.288 24736 24779 W CAM_DeviceErrorBroadcas: Tag
DeviceErrorBroadcaster is 3 chars longer than limit.
02-08 11:15:00.292 24736 24755 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.292 24736 24755 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.294 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.294 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
02-08 11:15:00.294 24736 24756 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.294 24736 24756 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
02-08 11:15:00.294 24736 24755 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.295 24736 24755 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
02-08 11:15:00.295 24736 24755 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-08 11:15:00.295 24736 24755 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 6
02-08 11:15:00.316 24736 24784 D OplusCamera2StatisticsManager: addInfo, eventMap:
{halLevel=3, cameraId=0, pkgName=com.illusionlabs.lmc82, connentTime=1644293700315,
02-08 11:15:00.463 24736 24736 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
02-08 11:15:00.463 24736 24736 I ProReC : setprogres0
02-08 11:15:00.466 24736 24736 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
02-08 11:15:00.466 24736 24736 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
02-08 11:15:00.467 24736 24736 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
02-08 11:15:00.471 24736 24736 D TestOverScroll: getScaledOverscrollDistance: b
02-08 11:15:00.503 24736 24779 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
02-08 11:15:00.536 24736 24769 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.563 24736 24736 D ColorViewRootUtil: initSwipState,
isDisplayCompatApp false
02-08 11:15:00.563 24736 24736 D ColorViewRootUtil: mScreenHeight 2400,
mScreenWidth 1080
02-08 11:15:00.564 24736 24736 D WindowManager: Add to mViews:
DecorView@77c33c8[CameraLauncher],pkg= com.illusionlabs.lmc82
02-08 11:15:00.565 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.610 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
3142bdd, I7afe4835b7
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.6 AArch64
02-08 11:15:00.621 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
02-08 11:15:00.627 24736 24759 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
02-08 11:15:00.632 24736 24759 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:00.634 24736 24759 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
RenderThread identical 31 lines
02-08 11:15:00.634 24736 24759 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:00.634 24736 24759 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:00.635 24736 24759 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
RenderThread identical 32 lines
02-08 11:15:00.635 24736 24759 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:00.664 24736 24772 V SensorManager: RegisterListener Rotation Vector
Non-wakeup type:11 delay:200000us by gti
02-08 11:15:00.665 24736 24772 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:00.675 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.677 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.696 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.710 24736 24736 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
02-08 11:15:00.795 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.819 24736 24736 D TestOverScroll: getScaledOverscrollDistance: b
02-08 11:15:00.832 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.853 24736 24736 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
identical 2 lines
02-08 11:15:00.853 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.895 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.895 24736 24736 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
identical 2 lines
02-08 11:15:00.896 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:00.896 24736 24776 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:00.898 24736 24736 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
02-08 11:15:00.939 24736 24736 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
02-08 11:15:00.939 24736 24736 I ProReC : setprogres0
02-08 11:15:00.939 24736 24736 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
02-08 11:15:00.939 24736 24736 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
02-08 11:15:00.939 24736 24736 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
02-08 11:15:00.960 24736 24804 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface (null) was not valid.
02-08 11:15:00.970 24736 24804 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-12. The surface (null) was not valid.
02-08 11:15:00.984 24736 24736 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
02-08 11:15:00.986 24736 24804 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xc5a28b2 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
02-08 11:15:00.986 24736 24804 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-13. The surface is not yet available.
02-08 11:15:00.987 24736 24736 I OplusFeatureCache: Milliseconds spent on init(): 2
02-08 11:15:00.988 24736 24736 E ScreenmodeClient: display mode not support
02-08 11:15:01.267 24736 24801 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
02-08 11:15:01.268 24736 24769 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.268 24736 24769 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.274 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.275 24736 24736 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.275 24736 24774 V SensorManager: RegisterListener icm4x6xx
Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by
02-08 11:15:01.275 24736 24774 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
--------- beginning of crash
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: CallbackHndlr
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.illusionlabs.lmc82,
PID: 24736
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown metadata value: 16
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at fmd.c(Unknown Source:120)
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at gas.c(Unknown Source:23)
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at Source:6)
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24801 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-08 11:15:01.278 24736 24772 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.281 24736 24758 I usionlabs.lmc8: Waiting for a blocking GC
02-08 11:15:01.281 24736 24858 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
02-08 11:15:01.296 24736 24867 E libEGL : Invalid file path for libcolorx-
02-08 11:15:01.297 24736 24758 I usionlabs.lmc8: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on RunEmptyCheckpoint for 16.813ms
02-08 11:15:01.299 24736 24857 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.301 24736 24857 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.303 24736 24857 I chatty : uid=10332(com.illusionlabs.lmc82)
MicrovideoQShar identical 1 line
02-08 11:15:01.303 24736 24857 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.314 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.326 24736 24774 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.334 24736 24801 E PhenotypeClientHelper: is an unsupported authority. Only
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : Uncaught exception in background thread
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
unknown metadata value: 16
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at fmd.c(Unknown Source:120)
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at gas.c(Unknown Source:23)
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at Source:6)
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.335 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24772 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : Uncaught exception in background thread
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
unknown metadata value: 16
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at fmd.c(Unknown Source:120)
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at gas.c(Unknown Source:23)
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at khg.c(Unknown Source:15)
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at Source:6)
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.338 24736 24801 E CAM_A : at
02-08 11:15:01.344 24736 24736 E CAM_A : Could not find SilentFeedbackService,
not sending crash info.
02-08 11:15:01.373 24736 24774 E Parcel : Reading a NULL string not supported
02-08 11:15:01.375 24736 24736 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 24736 SIG: 9

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