Performance Task 3 in Philippine Politics and Governance: "If I Were The President (Sona) "

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S.Y. 2021-2022


Performance Task 3
Philippine Politics and

Submitted to:
Ms. Hanna Fabro

Submitted by:
Dane Jethro Javar
Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning. “This Nation can be Great Again” this is the
great slogan of the late President Marcos when he assumed the presidency in 1965. And this is
also the slogan that I want to follow in my administration. But we cannot attain our future
greatness if we will not act and cooperate as one nation. There are so many problems confronting
our nation, not only in agricultural and health sectors and others but also in the life of every
people. During the campaign period I have proclaim so many promises and now that that I’m
president you will expect that all of this promises, will not turn into stones.

In my administration the highlights of our government are more infrastructure

developments, creating more jobs and employments, Agricultural programs, Poverty alleviation,
the fight against graft and corruption, the education sectors, strengthening our health care system,
fighting malnutrition, securing our sovereignty and many more concepts that will help us in
“Nation Building.”
I want to build this nation into a modern world. More infrastructures projects will be
one of the priorities during my term that will help to boost our economy and the problems of
traffic will be lessen and in the long run if these succeeds traffic will be eradicated, but it is not
to the extent that with so much infrastructure projects we have our dept will increase, no, we will
look into better opportunities for us to execute those projects. Next, Job and Employment will
also be our priority, encouraging more business to come that will generate more jobs and
eventually decrease our unemployment rate. I urge also congress to support my tax amnesty
programs and past it without haste. For the agricultural sector more assistance to our famers and
to our fishermen’s so that the production of agricultural products will be continuous to grow, and
as a result we can attain a self-sufficient country in terms of resources. Another result if this
happens is that we can have the opportunity to export our products to our neighboring states and
it will boost our economy. Poverty is one of the main problems confronting our nation, and
almost 30% percent of our population are on the poverty line so we must act as the government
to solve this issue of poverty. When we speak about poverty, graft and corruption is one of the
main reasons, aside from unemployment and others. In this fight against corruption my
administration will became more serious that why I urged the congress to please pass
immediately the “Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices Act” so that those government officials
who are abusing their power and stealing the people’s money will be penalize. And for the
education sector we will build more schools and make education accessible for all people most
especially those who are in the remote areas of our country. Also, I will refurnish the healthy
bread or the NutriBun and other healthy foods that will be given to the students of both public
and private schools so that the issue of malnutrition in our schools will be addressed and also
free schooling for aspiring students in collage and also in their desired course their education is
secured. One also of our important priority is our health care system we can see that our health
care system is very weak we have no enough hospitals and our health professionals are also
lacking, that’s why I urged our people most especially our health care workers to please join us
in serving our fellow citizens to make their lives more comfortable by giving them the right
health services. And also providing more medical assistance especially those on the poverty line
and those people on the remote areas. Malnutrition is one of our biggest challenges, and the data
shows that almost 35% of the children in our country has malnutrition, we can address this issue
by providing more programs like more feeding programs, assistance, and other strategies to fight
this issue of malnutrition in our country. And the most important is in securing our sovereignty
as a nation by putting up our forces to assert our sovereignty whenever or to whoever want to
destroy it. And all other sectors that is vital in our society will expect that the government will
have a very good plan for each sector.

Now, I urged the different government agencies or sectors to get ready for the change
that we will bring. This change will reflect on our work and hose said programs will be deployed
into its respective agencies for execution. And I hope that you will help me in serving our
people, in giving them the right service that they expect. Now, as I speak, I am in advance
thanking you for laying your hands and being our partners in helping me giving our people the
best quality and progressive life that they deserve.

In brief, truly that our nation faces so many challenges and problems. My fellow citizens
I urge you to join me in these noblest of causes and together we will progress as a nation, and
with our cooperation of every of our people we will attain a progressive life for our family and
the entire nation. “Sama-sama Tayong Aasenso at Mangangarap Muli!” and together "We can
make our nation greater than it could be. " Thank you and good morning to everyone.

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