Reflective Journal: Johasmin Gwynneth Cañete

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Day 4 February 13, 2020


This day we didn’t do something. I think we just sitted in the chairs and scrolling on
our phones, it is because of the event that will take place tomorrow.

As usual, in the morning, I’d do my morning routine before going to school. For my
first subject, we didn’t do much because Sir Dalit is busy with his laptop. I think he’s doing
his examination paper or something what the teacher could have done. While on my second
period, it was just like Sir Dalit, Sir Thom also in his laptop and doing something but he has
given us time for continuing our writing works and reflective journal. After that, Sir Thom
had gone for a while, and many of our classmates had gone out for lunch, but when Sir Thom
came back, he instantly remembered that he doesn’t dismissed the class yet, so he had given
us +5 on our examination.

At lunch, we ate at manong J again and after eating, we went to princes’ house
because she said that she needs to do something there, so we accompanied her and after that
we came back on our school.

As usual like earlier, we didn’t do anything because SSG officers were fixing
something downstairs. SSG family prepared something for Valentine’s Day and it is already
tomorrow. I hope it will turn out well and I hope it will be awesome.

I’m home at 4:30pm and my mom was surprised because I’m at home already (she is
used to see me going home late ).

Day 5 February 14, 2020

Nearly Terrible

This day, we’re assuming that Feb 14 was all about love so the SSG officers prepared
something for lovers or even singles. We prepared booths for them like marriage booth,
serenade booth, and message booth. We have so many booths in mind but we didn’t add it to
our official list.

I arrived at school at 8am in the morning and all I can say is I’m very late. I thought I
will be scolded by our president but good thing, they didn’t notice me. I go straight upstairs
and left my bag there and then came back downstairs because the booths were opening soon.

The booths were successful and fun. The crowd was noisy and fluttered. They’re there
to witness some of the couples that were getting married even if it is just for fun. Until the
crowd are going worse and worse. We didn’t expect them to be this wild, so wild. So what
happened next really shocked us. The teachers starts to scold us and the students, then saying
to go to our respective rooms because it’s noisy already. We understand them because they
were scolded too by Ma’am Paggao. As much as we wanted to continue it, we can’t because
we need to respect their decisions.

At last, our SSG President conducted a meeting and discuss how much money we
already gained. From the money we consumed, we compared it to each other. We gained
more than we consumed but it wasn’t enough. Maybe because there wasn’t enough time to
entertain couples.

Day 6 February 16, 2020


Even if it is Saturday, it felt like a normal day of a student. We have Saturday classes
and the subject was Practical Research. Me and my group mates had a report on this day. I
can say that our report wasn’t that good but I think we really did our best. After that class, we
planned to go to Reina Mercedes because it’s Kuya Kenneth’s Birthday, Angel’s Brother.
They celebrated his birthday there.

We ate so many foods like spaghetti, salad and other more. After we eat, we changed
our clothes to be ready to swim, it is like a swimming party but it’s not that elegant.

Hours came by, and it is time to go home. Before we go home, we took a bath and
changed our clothes to get dry. Tita Yolly, Angel’s Mother, prepared foods for us to bring
home. So we thanked her for her kindness. After that tiring, we were on the road and sound
tripping while we’re together. We enjoyed the party.

Day 7 February 16, 2020


This Day I haven’t done anything, I woke up at 7am but I slept again and woke up at
exactly 2:30 in the afternoon. I remembered, I didn’t sleep early yesterday, I’m still awake
until 2am in the midnight so it’s not a surprise when I’m so late in getting up.

When I woke up, I did my things and ate my breakfast and lunch then scrolling on my
phone, playing games and more until it’s already 4pm in the afternoon. I decided to take a
bath then eat again. I have nothing to do than to eat and eat and eat. After I took a bath, my
mom asked me to clean my room and arrange my clothes and put it in the cabinet, so I did
what she tells me.

At 7pm in the evening, I’m done doing everything and it’s time to rest but my
stomach keeps on telling me to eat my dinner, so I ate dinner before taking a rest.

I finished eating my dinner and I’m taking rest right now, meanwhile, papa asked me
if I want to go to Luna with him, and I said yes because I also missed my grandmother so

After we visited my grandmother, we came back to our store and then rest a little bit
and then slept.

“Be Careful When A Naked Person offers you a Shirt”

Be careful… a naked person might be offering you a shirt. I just learned something by
just reading what it is all about. Dr. Maya Angelou said that she didn’t trust people who fail
to love themselves, yet somehow manage to love others. The concept was really simple, you
can’t love someone without loving yourself first. Then she went on to share an African
proverb which is “Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt!” People can’t really
give something that they don’t have, even if they badly wanted to.

Don’t ask for a advice to a person that doesn’t know what he/she is doing or don’t try
to gain knowledge to someone who doesn’t know what he/she is teaching you. Be cautious on
what or who you deal with something important. Someone who has nothing to offer makes an
irresistible offer to you, remember, accepting the same shall makes you indepted to that
someone forever. Think twice before trusting the intentions of that person who is not in the
position to give, but freely offers what he/she does not have.

Nowadays, people are not that trustable. They came then left after they are done with
you. Don’t be close to those shallow persons because they will just broke your heart.

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